Estalished 1878 Vol. LXV No. 57 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1941 Ten Cents -P. A. ALUMNUS ON SHIP COLLEY, HEINER, WATERS ANDOVER STICKMEN MEET SEIZED BY NAZI RAIDER WIN ROBINSON DEBATE _________-BEFORE LARGE AUDIENCE FAVORED EXON IAN TEAM SAILED AS AMBULANCE Penetration Of United States NtcsHCE MO TN A I__DIUIE TO D G!AULLEI Into South Americ a-NoieHEKLIPRA TM L ~UflUJ~~~~~~~~~iJEJ ~~~ DE~~~Debate Subject Prprdress for Seniors forINAD VRS EF S. S. S. Zamzam Sunk In Atlantic; DR US RSDSbaccalaureate services: PasengrsCrew Reotd Dark suits (black, blue, or ox- Andover Offensive Depends Passengers,Reporte ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ford),dark ties, white shirts, On Eccles, Waters, Boone Safe In Unknown Land Spengler, Chavchavadze, Foster -black shoes, no hats. -- .And Macomber CARGO DESTROYED ~~~~~~~~~LoseClose Debate__ CARGODESTROYED ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ___Proper dress for Seniors for SE ONU UC SFL The ort-fithnnua deatefor -gradkia-tion--exeess __EAON___CES Liner Carrying Ambulances,Thfot-itanuldbtBleas letewie Other War Equipment the H-. S. Robinson prize took place Bluetswhite lune tsehit Captain Naugle And Biglow~ last MAonday evening in the Bul- whitesitwtefanl shoes, no hats.,__roesExpected To Star Charles McCarthy, P. A. '33, the finch Debating R~oomn. Dr. Fuess I ____ objet o-f a P ifLIi rvo infe-?view lpresided; and three members of thle No6ot--of-town excuses will be This afternoon the varsity l- several weeks -ago who sailed on the C. A. MCCARTHY, P. A. '33 fclyD.CaeDrLitnd granted on Memorial Day, crosse team, coached by Mr. James, 8,299 ton Egyptian steamer Zam- Mr. Gierasch, acted as the judges. -travels to Exeter, N. H., for the an- cam, seems to be safe with the otherTh prostnwaRelvd passengers and rew, in German GA L R H WN htthe bnieStaimites staegy of LIBRARY DISPLAYS clash. The Andover team, led by hands. The ship is reported by Ger- HAYES EXHIBITION an iiaypntaion ofe ScoutJ NG EPITU Captain Jay Naugle and Manager many to have been sunk and the aniiareerainoouhJN LEPC passengersGerman occu-taken to ~America." The affirmative side con- Dick Sheffield, will be underdog, be- pasengtersittaken to Gaiera occu "'VariationsonRubens Theme' sisted of Allen F. Colley of Gaines- Illustrations To Kipling's ceord Howevers noin egamis eer and Mr. Ruxton~ Illustrate Complexities of ville, Ga., Gordon G. Heimer, 3d, of ,~Jungle Book Shown taken foera n hnve Andover American press Lexington, Va., and Robert B. ByDrod n xtrme,-ic th daei president of the British-Americani Painters' Problemis \VatersSyracuse, of N. Y. Theo ds ntExover ite gunc hs gne off Ambulance Corps, had-come to the aesoSyaueN.Y Th conclusion that as the ship was four Tw er gMr. Bartlett negative was upheld by William Now on exhibition in the Oliver Many times before in thle history of weeks overdue at Cape Town, it H~ayes made an exhibition for the Frederick Spengler of Menasha, Wdll Holmes Library is a strik- the two schools a much higher fa- must have been snk. The fate of New England Prep Schools which Wisc., David Chavchavadze of New lee o filutainst u-vored team has gone down to defeat the 18 Ameicanswasi doub and the Addison Gallery is now showing York, and Pell Williamn Foster, 3d, Ing oletoofiusrinsoRd and this year is no exception. titehad beernse hati they', ad along wvith prints from Uruguay. Mr. of Englewood, N. yard K-ipling's Junglc Book by Eeea las a odr either drowned or been taken pris- Hayes' exhibition, entitled "Varia- Allen Colley, as the first speaker Mlaurice and Edward Detmold, pre-' ful team, having lost only to Deer- oner.Itno appers tht thelat- tions n a Theme by Rubens." is one frteaimtvshwdgai- sen ted to Phillips Academy-by ilwief~Fl~xanpd--- ter case. arrma se ad- wvhich tries to help people lok at cl) h agru oiini hc Howard Eric of the class of 11. tem suc asHrad n at ter crisin the SouthAermn atlanic paintings by telling them about some the U. S. finds itself today. \'ith A\ majority of these colorful pic- mouth Freshmen. Last Saturday in werusignattaced Sother neuatal of the points of view artists have. England in imminent danger of los- tures portray scenes from Kipling's their windup for the Andover clash, Egytisa taship wtheit neutral 'The 'ex-hibition centers around ing Africa, entirely or in part, and story of the white boy, Mougli, and thybaWocseAadm125 Egypianshipwit itsneuralpainting owned and lent by the Bos- with thie recent French-German his life with the wolf pack. Those However, Andover took this same pasengrsand sank the ship. The '\uem.o ie rssown ho have read this story will re- temiocap1-.E tr'of Gemn li htalpassengers ton Muemo.ie rssoig treaty, merica is indeed in narrow mme h aiirnmso emit ap1-.Eee' f ~ L-straits.:-We---must -act- at once to mebrte fmla ae f fensive is built around two men. hicl ng ndoer'~--NIIc~artly,--lle-%Idona-ad-CilA-~Lby saints A(17 fore- in number). - Babo, "the sleepy brown bear who These are M-orris, playing in home,- incldins afeyeovedt Geman oc- bor teilts (17 ina numer)gna aifor- ombat any invasion of the Western teaches the wolf cubs the-law of the an Wisn t tatck The cupied territory, while the ship and wngodtls tha the ignal paintas Hemisphere. This invasion will - ge"Bgertebakpn n isna s tak hs its valuable mercenary cargo des- in ~h~ hsi oy vs probably come via Dakar, in Africa, ju-ngl. Bahea h lc a- two account for a great deal of the tined for Africa was sent to the adfoacetichrhnAt-amid Sott Ainerica. At present, the thr hr an h rae Ir Exeter scores, with Aubrey, also, blottomn of the sea. The ship car- werp, and a photograph of the orig- Germans have begun to build a rail- Kaa, t powerful python whom rignth Y1costely ried 20 (lesert ambulances. 2 trucks, inal in place in the church is showvn. road across lFrench Equitorial wlf monkey people fear, the one rining , the coiternt ha a kitchen, and an X-riay trailer for There are seven cellutex Jpanels. Africa which will end at Dakar. monfkepeople atslves the in-ou played eight games and has won sericewitth Fre Fenc Foces each with an oil study with one par- wvh-era large base is contemplated maboneysol themoldvais. Ehen only one of these. That was the led by General de Gaulle in Africa. tilar point to irake. One shows We must at once penetrate into laiai fteCl ar.Ec 68psigwihwsgvnt The amulancedriver, who that by treatment of color, the artist SuhAeiat tpti hett one of these jungle friends and 168psngwih as ivnt The mbuancedrierswhois able to emphasize whatever lie pti hett -',uhAeiatenemies of Mowgli is portrayed in Worcester. ane Comrsosaie onrh 21s- Wants. In the first panel, the sub- our safety, and we must establish a this fascinating exhibition. Several The season opened as the Boston frnorNwp r, an d arive a1t (Continued on Page 4) strong base in Brazil. (otne nPz )Lcos lb aeu ffre fromYork, New and_____arrived___at William Spengler, speaking for (otne nPr college stars, shellacked the Andover Penmbuco Brzl nArl1t.the negative, pointed out the folly ofbos14.Nxwaadeattth Sth Africa onue Cand Towny BLUE NINE DEJAD.LOCKS& penetration into South America. ANDOVERK TR C TEAM hands of the Tech Freshmen;- 12-3, fouthrieeks atewarst dand only ITNJR OLG Touchy andi arrogant as many South PRPSHO ITR but this was not hard to take, since four weesdid afterwrds ILTON JR COLLEGE American nations are, they would PRPSH O ITR the Tech attack had been led by Al Rux-ton, president of the B. A A. vehlemently, resist any attempts to___ Heckel and Gene Schnell, former C., reveal to the press the fate of Gae cle f n Svnh uupter sovereignty. All the noCp.FseSurDceAndover players. The team's third the American mercy volunteers. In Gm aldOf I eet sr hlC-at ihr tat ikn a telegram to the member of the Inning Due To Sudden benefits we have derived from the W. Fisher, Read Pace loss was to a far superior Dartmouth undergaduate body who inter- Downpour Of Rain Good Neighbor policy would be lost Blue Victory Freshman team. 10-1. Then, the undergraduate ~~~~~~~~~ifwe should undertake this inter- L EYnext week the team came to life to viewed McCarthy before his sail- HIITING IMPROVED fering step. TEAM LACKS KESE wallop Worcester 16-8- -as Ted ingfote hilis luniBulei) (Continued on Page 3) '- P. A. Scores All But 4 Points (Continued on Page 2)- (Continued on Page 3)Duden, Hudson Sihine At Plate; In Field Events Howe, Vose Hurl For Blue BLUE TENNIS TEAM LEADS CONCERT GIVEN CLUB TRACK TEAMS The Blue baseball nine foughit it (In Saturday Andover was re- BY MUSICAL.~CLUBS STAGEMEETSLAST out o an 11-1-deadlockwith Til-4-3 AS RAIN HALTS PLAY turned the victor in the New Eng -__ ton' junior College in an abbrevi- land P reparatorv School meet, with Romans, Greeks, And Saxons ated game of seven innings. It was Strobut, Peck, And Drake Win a total of 42 points, 10 1-2 points Solo By Coffin Marks Climax - Are Leading Lae - -- a wild game with plenty of excite- Singles Against halo ou ners opnetInScefdEeig -inent. Starting for Andover was Choate 1Excter. M~oses Brown., St. John's, All the other clubs out at the big Bill Howve, 'who allowed eighti and W\orcester Academy follo-wed Last 5tra nBalyHl track p eemther t en--be singuns o eigh hits EllyVose n Saturday afternoon the Anl, in that order. An\idov'er's victory wvas was given a joint evening of music ergi eo t e ulsin upohvelsn theihrerus lasigt in andym etwh (lover tennis team was leading scored almost completely 'in the with the Beaver Country Day allibut one mheeGandh have se some e ifficulty, gpermitting th Choate 4-3 when the rain stopped field events, only fotir points result- S~chlool glee club -and orchestra -Liid olybut on t ndsix ets hscoe rso ifcltr ermitins.hee the match.
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