Áãäíöç Êàíéç Golden Rhyton

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Áãäíöç Êàíéç Golden Rhyton Telo_ZlatenRiton.qxd 05.9.2009 ª. 14:12 Page 1 ïVII ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ Ë ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌÓ ÍËÌÓ áãÄíÖç êàíéç èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚, çÓ‚ÓÚÂÎ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ 18–25 ÒÂÔÚÂÏ‚Ë, 2009 àÄ ç‡ˆËÓ̇ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏÓ‚ ˆÂÌÚ˙ é·˘Ë̇ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ Å˙΄‡Ò͇ ̇ˆËÓ̇Î̇ ÚÂ΂ËÁËfl ë˙˛Á ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËÚ ÙËÎÏÓ‚Ë ‰ÂÈˆË 17th Bulgarian Documentary and Animation Film Festival GOLDEN RHYTON Plovdiv, Novotel Plovdiv September 18–25, 2009 EA National Film Center Plovdiv Municipality Bulgarian National Television Union of Bulgarian Filmmakers Telo_ZlatenRiton.qxd 05.9.2009 ª. 14:12 Page 2 ïVII ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ 17th Bulgarian Documentary Ë ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌÓ ÍËÌÓ áãÄíÖç GOLDEN and Animation Film Festival êàíéç RHYTON ëÍ˙ÔË ÔËflÚÂÎË, Dear Friends. ꇉ‚‡Ï ÒÂ, ˜Â ïVII îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ Ë I am glad that the 17th Golden Rhyton Bulgarian Documentary and Animation ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌÓ ÍËÌÓ ◊á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ” ˘Â Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚Ë ÚÓÎÍÓ‚‡ ·Ó„‡Ú‡, Film Festival is supposed to present such an eventful, diverse and ambitious ‡ÁÌÓÓ·‡Á̇ Ë ‡Ï·ËˆËÓÁ̇ ÔÓ„‡Ï‡ – 85 ÙËÎχ, ÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌË ÔÂÁ programme: 85 works made over the last couple of years. ÔÓÒΉÌËÚ ‰‚ „Ó‰ËÌË. Some of them have already won well-deserved prizes, while others are to be çflÍÓË ÓÚ ÎÂÌÚËÚ ‚˜ ÔÓÎÛ˜Ëı‡ Á‡ÒÎÛÊÂÌË Ì‡„‡‰Ë ̇ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌË screened for the first time in Plovdiv. Along with the renowned filmmakers, ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎË, ‰Û„Ë ˘Â Ò ÒÂ˘Ì‡Ú Ò ÔÛ·ÎË͇ Á‡ Ô˙‚Ë Ô˙Ú ‚ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚. unknown authors with unexpected creative decisions take part in the Festival. I ç‡Â‰ Ò ‰Ó·Â ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌËÚ ËÏÂ̇, ‚˙‚ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î‡ Û˜‡ÒÚ‚‡Ú Ë ÌÓ‚Ë believe that the audiences will judge the films on their merits, while the jury will ‡‚ÚÓË Ò ÌÂÓ˜‡Í‚‡ÌË ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌË Â¯ÂÌËfl. ì·Â‰ÂÌ Ò˙Ï, ˜Â ÔÛ·ÎË͇ڇ have to make a difficult, but challenging choice. ˘Â ÓˆÂÌË ÔÓ ‰ÓÒÚÓÈÌÒÚ‚Ó ÙËÎÏËÚÂ, ‡ ÊÛËÚÓ ˘Â ·˙‰Â ËÁÔ‡‚ÂÌÓ Ô‰ May we wish these works to become part of the world cinema, being indicative ÚÛ‰ÂÌ Ë Ô‰ËÁ‚Ë͇ÚÂÎÂÌ ËÁ·Ó. of the skills of Bulgarian filmmakers, rather than remain within the borders of çÂ͇ ÒË ÔÓÊ·ÂÏ ÚÂÁË ÙËÎÏË ‰‡ Ì ÓÒÚ‡Ì‡Ú Ò‡ÏÓ ‚ „‡ÌˈËÚ ̇ Bulgaria alone. 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It is a particle of the intelligence, which is decade, will to a great extent reveal the changing European face of our film inherent to the Salon and adds uniqueness to our city. This is the home of the industry. A new Bulgarian animation could be an important part of it, which Golden Rhyton. could well prove to be a mighty new wave. Bulgarian animation films do not rest I wish success to the filmmakers, whose works are to be screened, constructive on the laurels of one of the biggest animation schools of the 20th c., rather they and interesting work to the jury and to the viewers, memorable moments with the readily open up unexpected new horizons for our film industry as a whole. Not “silver screen”! only new names and technologies, but mostly, new methods, new expressive- Good luck to Golden Rhyton ’09! ness and new perspective underlie the animation in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian cin- ema is really changing and it needs to be given more support, to build more self-confidence and respect for the national public to make really happen what Slavcho Atanasov generations of filmmakers have dreamt of: the Bulgarian movie miracle. Mayor of Plovdiv Watch and enjoy! Alexander Donev Executive Director National Film Center Executive Agency 3 Telo_ZlatenRiton.qxd 05.9.2009 ª. 14:12 Page 4 ïVII ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ XVII Bulgarian Documentary and Ë ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌÓ ÍËÌÓ áãÄíÖç GOLDEN Animation Film Festival Üìêà êàíéç RHYTON JURY ГЕОРГИ СТОЕВ – ДЖЕКИ защитава GEORGI STOEV–JACKY graduated in магистърска степен по биология Biology in Dresden, Germany. He в Дрезден, Германия през 1966 г. worked as an assistant cameraman, Бил е асистент-оператор, асис- assistant director and director тент-режисьор и режисьор в (1967–88) at Vreme Studio, Spectar Студия �Време“, Студия Studio, BNT and Boyana Film Studio. �Спектър“, БНТ и СИФ �Бояна“ In the period 1969–96 he directed (1967–1988). От 1969 до 1996 г. over 50 popular-science and docu- създава над 50 научнопопулярни и mentary films, as well as the fiction документални филма, както и иг- films Our Shoshcanini and The Председател ралните �Нашият Шошканини“, Misfortunes of Spas and Nelly and Chairman �Патилата на Спас и Нели“, нове- the novelettes The Divorce in the Past лите �Разводът преди“, �Разводът and The Divorce Nowadays. As of сега“. От 1996 г. е режисьор на 1996, he is a free-lance director. He свободна практика. Носител на has won many national and interna- национални и международни награ- tional awards, with The Golden ди, сред които и �Златен ритон“ Rhyton for In a Matter of Days in за филма �Броени дни“ (1977). 1977 among others. ЛЮБОМИР ЙОТОВ завършва LUBOMIR YOTOV graduated in Анимационна режисура в НАТФИЗ Animation Directing at the the през 1988 г. в класа на Доньо National Academy for Theatre and Донев. Занимава се с илюстрация Film Arts, Sofia in 1988, in the class- и живопис, с карикатура и шарж, es of Donio Donev.
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