Food Service Employee. Texas Tech. Univ., Lubbock. School Of
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 037 530 VT 009 961 TITLE Food Service Employee. INSTITUTION Texas Tech. Univ., Lubbock. School of Home Economics. SPANS AGENCY Texas Education Agency, Austin, Dept. of Vocational and Adult Education, PUB DATE Sep 69 NOTE 401p. AVAILABLE FROM Home Economics Instructional Materials Center, P.O. Box 4067, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409(0 10.00, student edition $6.50) EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$1.50 HC-$20.15 DESCRIPTORS Cooperative Education, *Curriculum Guides, *Food Service, *Food Service Workers, Foods Instruction, Grade 11, Grade 12, Instructional Materials, Job Analysis, *Occupational Home Economics, Occupational Information, *Study Guides, Task Analysis ABSTRACT This course of study i.or the food service employee is one of a series available for use by teacher- coordinators and students in Grade 11 and 12 home economics cooperative education programs. Based on job analysis interviews with food service personnel, it was prepared by teachers and Instructional Materials Center staff, field-tested, and revised prior to publication. Designed for use by teachers in course planning or for independent study by students, the course outline relates tasks to general objectives and competencies needed to perform effectively on the job. The content contains four main sections: Instructional Materials for Students, Answer Sheets for Instructional Materials Study Questions, Unit Tests, and Answer Keys for Unit Tests. Unit topics are: (1) What is a Food Service Employee? (2)Sanitation,(3) Safety Precautions, (4) Commercial Kitchen Equipment, (5) Techniques of Food Preparation, (6) Food Production,(7) Fundamentals of Bus Service,(8) Table Service Techniques, and (9) Procedures for Receiving and Storing Foods. Units provide information, questions, assignments, and student exercises. (A W) FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEE Materials Prepared by Home Economics Instructional Materials Center Texas Tech University Issued by Texas Tech University Texas Education Agency School of Home Economics in Department of Vocational Department of cooperation and Adult Education Home Economics Education with Division of Homemaking Education Lubbock, Texas Austin, Texas September, 1969 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION &WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION AS RECEIVED rILOM THE THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING 11. OFFICE Of EDUCATION STATED DO $01 NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL POSITION 01 POLICY. 01 MEMORANDUM TO: The ERIC Clearinghouse on Vocational afid Technical Education The Ohio State University 980 Kinnear Road Columbus, Ohio43212 Director,Homemaking Education FROM: (Person) Elizabeth F. Smith (Agency) Texas Education A enc (Address).....JaPtilaLa5111141112.12.1;11L..Iiiki illinwille14 1.=1101mmo DATE: November 25, 1969 ..1.1.01011101011111.1.0M110,000.1~00 .1110, R: (Author,Title, Publisher,Date)Home Economics Instructional Materials Center, Food Service Em loee, (Revised), Se etember 1969 oymmilNO, ..~MMII... VI.=1..11..MArmroftwell"*. auaTt.b23aoy.Iaam,12cELcE Instructional Material. Provide information below which is not included in the publication. Mark N/A in each blank for which informationis not available or not applicable. Mark P when information is included in the publication, See reverse side for further instructions, (1) Source of Available Copies: Agency Home Economics Instructional Materials Center (ONLY AddredifiTTUR067"exas Tech Universit LubbockTexas 79409 Limitation on Available Copies Price Unitjalherls Edition $10. 00 St dent $L50 (2) Means Used to Develop Material: Development Group'Advisorcommittee exerien ed te he Level of Group State Method of Design, Testing, and TrialDes_i r tested in 24 schools revised and rinted. ( ) Utilization of Material: Appropriate School Setting High scbool Type of Program Home economicscoo erative education, Occupational Foc,us Occu ational cluster Geographic Adaptability United States Uses of Material Course planninT teacher Inde Users of Material Teachers andstudents 0) Requirementsfor Using' Material: Teacher Competency Home Economics teacher Student Selection Criteria EtriTarorenior in g sc00 maeor emae enrolled in home economicsiTUUT7g7675Ent rorams Time Al otmen aries wit individua student-- anned for two seesters when supplemented with job orientation information. Supplemental Media-- Necessary Desirable (Check Which) DescribeudiaLaf_gapired books and pamphlets is included in the Course t n Source address COURSE OF STUDY FOR FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEE This Course of Study is one of a series available to assist teacher- coordinators in promoting and/or teaching home economics cooperative education programs. It was used experimentally in twenty-four schools in Texas during 1968. This publication represents a revision based on the information gained from both teacher-coordinators and students in these twenty-four schools through a variety of evaluation instruments.Other Courses of Study in the series are: Child Care Aide Clothing Assistant Dietitian Aide Home Furnishings Aide Housekeeping Management Assistant A Course of Study consists of (1) an overview and job description, (2) a job analysis, (3) a course outline, (4) instructional materials for student use, (5) unit tests, and (6) a list of references required for use with the instructional materials. The Course of Study for Food Service Employee is based on the job analysis included in this set of materials. The job analysis was developed from interviews with employers and/or employees in food service operations. The proposed course outline for teacher use (which grew out of the job analysis) served as a guide for writing the instructional materials for student use. During the process of developing the course outline, advisory committee meetings were held to review and edit the working materials. Experienced home economics cooperative education teacher-coordinators and subject matter specialists aided inwriting the student materials. The job analysis may be used in interviews with employers and/or employees to survey the tasks performed by entry level employees in this occupation in a particular community. Results of the interviews could then be used as a basis for writing the training plans for each student. The proposed course outline relates the tasks to the general objectives and competencies needed by students to perform effectively on the job. The competencies listed as "abilities" are to be gained primarily from on-the-job training while those listed as "understandings" are to be gained from classroom experiences. The student instructional materials included as Section A in this Course of Study have been written to provide part of the classroom instruction and are designed to give students an increasedi understanding of the tasks they perform on the job. This section is also bound separately for student use. Since students in a given class are employedin a variety of occupations, the instructional materials have beendeveloped in such a manner that they may be used forindividual study with a minimum of assistancefrom the teacher-coordinator. The materials are designed so students maybegin with any unit. It is not necessary for them to gothrough the units in a particular order. They may wish to begin with the unitsmost closely related to their jobs and then goback and study the rest of the infor- mation. Each topic of the instructionalmaterials begins with the task to which the topic is related and a statement ofbehavioral objectives. For some topics, information sheets are providedand for other topics reading assignments in related texts and pamphlets aremade. Study questions and/or assignments follow the information sheetfor each topic. The study questions provide an opportunity for the studentto check his understanding of the information presented. The teacher-coordinator may wish to check the answers to the questions, or she may suggestthat the student check his own work and then turnthe work in to her. Answers to study questions are included inSection B of the Course of Study, but they are not in the separatelybound student copy of instructional materials. The special assignments, included with sometopics, are also repeated on the answer sheets to remind theteacher-coordinator to check the student's progress in completing them. Unit tests are provided in Section C and answerkeys in Section D of the teacher's copy of the Course of Study. These sections are not included in the separately bound student copy of instructionalmaterials. Reference materials which are essential for use withthe Course of Study are listed on page E-1, Copies of the books and pamphlets listed must be secured and made available for student use. An effort has been made to select references which will adequately cover thematerials and provide up-to-date information related to the job. The sources listed in the complete bibliographyfollowing the Course Units were used in developing theentire Course of Study. These materials are not required references for student use. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This Course of Study for Food Service Employees, prepared by the Home Economics Instructional Materials Center at Texas Tech University, is the result of the combined efforts and ideas of many people, namely: Mrs. Thelma Mayes, Amarillo, Texas, and Mrs. Minerva Ritchie, Brownsville, Texas, Home Economics Cooperative Education Teacher- Coordinators, who spent one month at the Center helping with the writing of the Food Service Employee instructional materials. Mrs. Ruth Franklin,