2. 425-257-8220 City of Everett Water Pollution Control Facility web: www.ci.everett.wa.us/pw email: [email protected] 425-257-8800 Everett WA 98201 3200 Cedar Street City of Everett PublicWorks Department If youhavequestions, pleasecontact usat: Contact Us 3. 1. water quality and minimizetreatment cost. Here are three easythings youcando toprotect ■ Reduce your water consumption. ■ Keep trash outofKeep thesystem. trash We Need Your Help ■ Keep hazardous waste outof thesystem. have totreat. water youuse, the lesswastewaterwe protects the environment since the less Conserving watersavesmoney and garbage. cotton swabsand grease inthe Put hair, feminine hygiene products, information. 425-388-6050 for disposallocations and Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Station at Contact the Snohomish County Household explode, corrode oristoxic. waste isany material thatcancatchfire, thinners and engine oil.Hazardous pesticides, herbicides, solvents, paint the drain. Hazardous wasteincludes Never puthazardous wastedown

Fold issent tothe treatment plant. customers toremove these pollutants before the and grease. Citystaffworkwithindustrial or inthe caseof food services, most fats to remove metals, acids orother chemicals, This wastewaterrequires industrial pretreatment secondary treatment cannot remove. wastewater contains pollutants thatprimary and wastewater. However, some industrial 425-257-8220. product availabilityormore information at stabilization projects. Contact us for Biosolids are alsousedinsoilrevegetation and apples, pasture grasses, trees and other crops. Washington, biosolids are usedtogrow wheat, the abilityof soiltoretain water. Here in since they are rich innutrients and increase Biosolids are usedasasoilamendment of uses. biosolids product approved for the widest range to produce ClassABiosolids, the highest quality treated further, withcomposting for example, on farm and forest lands. Biosolids may be are then dredged and dewatered for usemainly for uptotwoyearsinthe aeration ponds. They dead thatdigest and stabilize treatment process. They are settledsolids and Biosolids are treated organic by-products of the M Biosolids Pretreatment Industrial designed totreat residential and commercial unicipal treatment plants like the EWPCFare

Fold almost 100million gallons onrainy days. influent volume tothe plant canincrease to gallons of wastewaterperday, although the The plant treats anaverage of 20million parts of Mukilteo, SilverLake and Alderwood. 133,000 peopleincluding allof Everett and in North Everett. The EWPCFservesmore than Facility (EWPCF),islocatedonSmithIsland plant, calledthe Everett Water Pollution Control The Cityof Everett’s wastewatertreatment Service Area Bay Gardner Port Revised June 2009

Fold Brought toyou by theCity of Everett. Everett Water Pollution Control Facility Wastewater Wastewater Treated? How is How is while it takes several weeks inthe pond system. plant canclean wastewater inamatter of hours, than the original pond system.The mechanical process takes up much lessspaceand ismuch faster a process calledTrickling FilterSolids Contact. This Wastewater istreated inthe mechanical plant using the treatment process isdifferent ineachsystem. The twosystems perform identical functions, but treatment: apond systemand amechanical plant. The EWPCFhastwoparallel systems for secondary Everett’s Plant Secondary Treatment at stop for wastewaterentering the plant. facility calledthe headworks, which isthe first steps. Most of these stepstake placeata Control Facility(EWPCF)includes the following Primary treatment atthe Everett Water Pollution Everett’s Plant Primary Treatment at M primary treatment and secondary treatment. up the process. The process hastwomain steps: Treatment 4. Biofilters: These filterscontain wood 3. 2. 1. process asnature, buttreatment plants speed odern wastewatertreatment usesthe same

wastewater. to reduce the odor released from the chips and compostand filterthe air fat are skimmed off the top of the water. particles settleouthere and grease and Primary SedimentationTank: Small is sent toalandfill. settles outinthe gritcollector tankand Grit Collectors: Large sand and gravel trash, sticks and leaves. Bar Screens: Large barscreens remove

Fold 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Pond S

Snohomish River. called , isdischarged tothe Snohomish River: Treated wastewater, not released into the Snohomish River. then dechlorinated sothatchlorine is causing microorganisms. The wateris is added tokillany remaining disease Chlorine ContactChannel: more biological treatment. Polishing Pond: Thispond provides even further biological activityand settling. Oxidation Pond: Thispond allowsfor and recycled into biosolids. solids and are dredged everytwoyears bottom of the ponds along withsettled eventually die. They settletothe in the ponds consume pollutants and Aeration Ponds: Microorganisms living ystem

Fold 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Mechanical PlantS Headworks

the towerinto the aeration tank. As they grow and get full,they washoutof wastewater trickles down thisplastic media. microorganisms consume pollutants asthe provide surface area and airflow. These grow onplastic media designed to Biological :Microorganisms before discharge toPort Gardner Bay. cooling wateratthe KimberlyClarkCorp. effluent may alsobe reused as non-contact water outfall onPort Gardner Bay. Treated series of underground pipestoadeep- called effluent, isdischarged througha Port Gardner Bay:Treated wastewater, into the bay. dechlorinated sochlorine isnot released causing microorganisms. The wateristhen added todisinfectany remaining disease Chlorine ContactChannel: is aeration ponds. microorganisms are sent backtothe back tothe aeration tank.Some of the Most of the microorganisms are recycled to settlethe bottomof these tanks. allows the microorganisms and solids Secondary : Slowmoving water microorganisms asactivepossible. Blowers injectoxygen tohelp keep the feeding onpollutants inthistank. Aeration Tank: Microorganisms continue Snohomish River Snohomish Biofilter 5 Gardner Bay Outfall toPort Biofilter 4 Contact Channel South Chlorine 2 Tank Aeration ystem Biofilter Tanks Sedimentation Primary 3 Clarifiers Secondary 1 Pond Aeration Filters Trickling

Fold runoff. Wastewater is99percent waterand 1 Sewer Area and a Separated Sewer Area. The Cityof Everett isdivided into aCombined Not alldrains leadtothe treatment plant. sewer pipesthatleadtothe treatment plant. a network of more than300milesof underground or flushed down the drain. The wastewaterenters percent solid and dissolvedmaterials thatare poured W a pipe, called in the same combined are stormwater and wastewater Combined Combined In the to localstreams without treatment. goes inastorm drainandisdischargeddirectly Stormwater plant. treatment routed tothe sewer andis sanitary goes ina wastewater Sewer Area, Separated In the sewer, and flowtothe treatment plant. Sewer Area, Come From? Wastewater Where Does combined homes, businesses, industry and stormwater astewater comes from many sources including

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