T~~Jvlizoram 9:!.~~~~(":;':~ ~X1'ra ORDINARY,:,,;>;,', Published by Authc:N·.T~B~,.,: .' . ~.,'.-.; ~,""",.'U''''''''''':''- ,.\" Bean
-", , ~',. ,,-- .. --, '.,. T~~JVlizoram 9:!.~~~~(":;':~ ~X1'RA ORDINARY,:,,;>;,', Published by AuthC:n·.t~b~,.,: .' ._~.,'.-.; ~,""",.'U''''''''''':''- ,.\" BEaN. NO. N.1.-313 (MZl lb. 2/. poJ' ~ , :. :'.• , - -.i:~,......,.,.,.,.=-.........,- NOTIFICATiON""""'" No. C. 31'(jj6/5/91-EXC. the 11th MA)'.2004; On (he'itj>ity6hh'e'edstlng'terJii of the Distri9\ l'n:>hibition Committee COl!1!lit'ite~ Vill\'.90Yle,.meJlt,.Notification No, C'JIOj61~J9'7-:!1XC. dt. 18.8.2000. and, '. ~~~~, .,5!t', , ecl'P..,!~conferred by .secllv!l~9:Qflli. Mizorarn Liquor Total i:'l,\blbillb"N: ," Im_,read w,th sub"ruTelf rn {3) ana (4) of the Miz6"ilii l;iqbclf' 1'O'taI' pf\il'\;llf6ii'Riiles. 1996 and sub-rule (2) of Rule 16 of the. Mizoram Liquor TGtaU'fOh.ibitilltli(AQ!end!"cut) RuIes, .I997, the Governor of Mizoram tS pleased to cOlistillite"ifeS!l' District Prohibition QunlAittees at the District ,level for.AiZllwl Pi.stri~l! !i,unlei Dis t~ic!, Champhai Outdct. S~hhip Distriljt ilP~,J~'/».iI&ili 1Ji~{1~~:rek' ' ,,:e11 con aisting 'o~ th~Jo~\lI)Vmg officials alldM.tL"'IlI\.'eilin,~~p'ls 6'~~,.,I~lj'lcr;con corned WIth Imjj(~late effect for a petlli,,·6!:': :Y'e4t.Oli .\lIii~ b~ ex tended for any'IOilger period a.,d~jilt"·'.I!~~i(iif ,I'iY':.~'.q,': ~l\'r:'~ _ .'. _,~. __ ., _ " •• , _,',,' '-'_"~ _oJ l .. ",~, 1. DISTRICT PROHIBITION COMMITTEE FOR AlZAWL omlUCT 1. COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL 'dliSiliNA'tWN I. Deput¥ Coo1missioner. Aizawf' .. '<:;llilj~ii~.· 2. Addld>epl>ty Commissieaer .. ,".y.ee-Qaiamn - 3. Superinteddent otEXc!st ' , l..~.~:s-ec#taty ,..
;,', Published by Authc:N·.T~B~,.,: .' . ~.,'.-.; ~,""",.'U''''''''''':''- ,.\" Bean" class="panel-rg color-a">[Show full text]