August 2006 Issue 131 AAS NEWSLETTER A Publication for the members of the American Astronomical Society PRESIDENT’S COLUMN J. Craig Wheeler,
[email protected] 3 Hawaii Topical When I first contemplated accepting the nomination to run for President of theAAS, I thought, well, at least I will have the solid hand of Bob Milkey as Executive Officer to lead me through the thickets.Then Sessions Deadline I realized that not only was Bob intent on retiring, but our stalwart Senior Editor of the Astrophysical Journal, Rob Kennicutt, was decamping to Cambridge. The upshot is that we were scheduled to replace the 5 three top leadership positions in the AAS simultaneously. It is a distinct mark of the health of our Society Council Actions that this transition has gone very smoothly. Kevin Marvel is the new Executive Officer. Kevin has some bold ideas of where to lead the Society and the luxury to contemplate them thanks to the 6 solid foundation left by Bob Milkey. Ethan Vishniac is the new Senior Editor and while Rob Kennicutt’s Chambliss Awards shoes are large ones to fill, it is hard for me to think of a better replacement. Ethan is a superb scientist, Announcement full of common sense and sensitivity, and has a keen view of the potentials and perils facing scientific publishing. 7 There is a long interval between that call from the nominating committee and the time when one receives Preliminary Slate the gavel of office. The call is in November, the election in December, the vote tallied in January, formal assumption of the position of President-Elect in June and then a year in that office; 19 months.That is 7 why, I presume, in the Washington DC meeting, President Bob Kirshner properly protested he WAS still Prize Nomination the President.