Rotary Foundation Matching Grants project #78667 Fight Youth Poverty- two -Herzegovina, April 2013 - December 2014

Goal of the project is to improve the initial vocational education of the youth at 12 secondary colleges for tourism in Bosnia-Herzegovina: schools from , Bihac, , Citluk, , Jablanica, Jajce, , , , Pale, , Teslic, and .

The project is linked with the Austrian educational project TOUR.REG (implemented in Bos- nia-Herzegovina by KulturKontakt Austria from 2007-2012) and the Rotary Foundation Matching Grants project #76732 “Fight Youth Poverty”, 2013-2014.

The project will follow up the results from the TOUR.REG project and be aimed at the imple- mentation of quality criteria for practical teaching and learning at the chosen schools, specifi- cally:  Promote the development of related practical key qualifications of teachers and stu- dents in school environment through four three-day practical trainings for teaching staff (topics good regional cooking, service, care of customers) and further promotion of quality criteria for non-school practical teaching and learning.  Improve the cooperation between schools and companies from the field of tourism by supporting relevant projects focused on regional development of tourism through a set of measures focused around school projects (1 teachers’ training in project work, 1 school project per school in cooperation with companies)  Editing the pedagogical game “More fun - less risk”.

The planned measures further contribute to the development of key qualifications as creativi- ty, flexibility and entrepreneurship, thus preparing the youth for their future business and pri- vate life in a free market economy characterized by rapid changes in society, technology and a multitude of intercultural influences.

The project will be carried out by a cooperation of the Rotary Clubs Kitzbühel, Banja Luka, Bergamo, Lignano-Sabbiadoro and Wolfratshausen-Isartal with KulturKontakt Austria and Initiative for Training Entrepreneurship, Vienna, and will be financially supported by the Rota- ry Foundation, Rotary International and sponsors. It will be implemented in Bosnia- Herzegovina by KulturKontakt Austria, k-education project office Sarajevo.

The project partners will invest EURO 83.000,-- to ameliorate students’ education in the field of tourism.

The project partners are convinced to be with the right help at the right time at the right place and to realize their ideas with sustainable effect.
