exactly who are men here waiting for... 135 upvotes | 10 July, 2020 | by the_purring_jew

...to start the campaign for "mandatory" paternity testing and paper abortions? where is the lobbying group and the non-profit? why arent you all banding together to propose legislation? or at least some of you? who are you waiting on to do it?

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Smoogs2 • 68 points • 10 July, 2020 01:30 PM* I'm not sure it's a matter of waiting for anything? It's just a philosophical framework being used to debate. There is no requirement to do anything if you say... wish humans colonize Mars. That being said.... https://mensrights.com/mandatory-dna-testing/ You also don't have to wait for anything? Here is one of the lobbying groups for mandatory paternity testing from a member of the board of directors of the national organization & Families.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 01:53 PM* [deleted]

rhyth7 • 18 points • 10 July, 2020 04:58 PM People have rallied for less. They're rallying about masks right now.

Smoogs2 • 12 points • 10 July, 2020 01:58 PM It doesn't make very much sense to me? It's like asking "what are you waiting for by wanting humans to colonize Mars?" Firstly, you can want humans to go to Mars without doing shit besides shitposting online about the benefits of human space exploration as a philosophical concept and secondly, there are already entities that exist who are pursuing the idea.

yasee • 11 points • 10 July, 2020 04:35 PM I don't really agree with the tone of the OP but this

rally outside of hospitals and court houses

is what activists do. well, it's one of the things they do to raise awareness, show solidarity and bring media attention/pressure to bear on an issue they care about. it's not making yourself a target "for no damn reason" it's putting yourself out there for a cause

softhandsam • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 07:38 PM Men are busy working

yasee • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 07:46 PM of course they are

softhandsam • 0 points • 10 July, 2020 08:53 PM Yes unlike women we can't just shirk days of work in a row

yasee • 6 points • 10 July, 2020 10:09 PM of course not, I understand you're very responsible

softhandsam • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 03:34 AM I could skip the extra hours I do on the weekends

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 2 of 65 yasee • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 04:43 AM only if you really want to

softhandsam • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 05:24 AM But I like the money and it shouldn't be up to me

the_purring_jew[S] • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 09:03 PM I dont want you to do anything at all

Matt_Door • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 07:38 PM Naw, shit test. “Real men” don’t beg the government for rights or for help, they don’t wring their hands about internet feminists, they just take what they want. I wouldn’t take any of this seriously.

the_purring_jew[S] • 13 points • 10 July, 2020 09:03 PM Right all those coal miners fighting for unions weren't "real men"

Matt_Door • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 09:55 PM They physically fought though, there were gun battles against the army. They weren’t begging pretty please, please give us some rights. They made the streets red with blood. That’s taking their rights, not passively begging for them, and kicking dust when the government says fuck off.

the_purring_jew[S] • 8 points • 10 July, 2020 10:10 PM men literally lobby the governemnt through groups for all kinds of things all the time

Matt_Door • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 10:51 PM As I said under automod, most guys will just opt not to play the game if they don’t see reward for the effort. They’ll avoid commitment and responsibility, or once divorced wont marry again or limit their future children. Oh sure, NEETs are a weird corner of the internet, but there’s a whole middle section of dudes achieving just enough to get by. It’s the smarter, more achievable path. You know and I know that these Paul Elam looking dudes are going to get laughed out of the room, they bring no proposition to the table, and politics is a quid pro quo game. But I don’t think it’s really about that, and I think it’s you shit testing the male ppd population. And most of these guys failed miserably. Afraid of internet feminists? They barely have control over their own basket case lives, they can’t “ruin” yours. On top of that, a should look after his own children, and most men, including me, believe that. I don’t want some loser’s burden shifted on to the state, ie me, the tax payer.

the_purring_jew[S] • 5 points • 11 July, 2020 12:12 AM

On top of that, a man should look after his own children, and most men, including me, believe that. I don’t want some loser’s burden shifted on to the state, ie me, the tax payer

ok men here are agitating for exactly that, you are supporting my poitn that theres no male support for male financial abortion

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 3 of 65 Matt_Door • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 12:40 PM I never claimed to be pro financial abortion. I’m not. Better methods for contesting paternity should exist, the real should pay, and there should a burden of proof, not the alleged fathers burden to prove he is not the father when the couple is not married.

the_purring_jew[S] • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 01:21 PM ok well thats already how it is without an acknowledgment of paternity theres no burden on the man to "prove hes not the father". he is afforded a paternity test. theres no presumption of paternity for never marrieds. how much "better" could the procedure be? men are the presumptive fathers of their legal wives issue, they have a short window to contest usually a year or two. the state says you cant act like the de facto father for years and then contest, this is normal in all fields of law (laches and estoppel etc).

skystar86 • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 11:01 PM Uh have you ever seen union strikes?

Workaholiconew • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 08:19 PM I find it funny how it happens Ideologues: "Well if you don't like us taking away your rights/goods, why don't you vote, lobby, work against it?" Everybody else: "You know what? you are correct." Result: The opposing parties/lobbies gains elections, money and work on a massive scale. No wonder Bolsonaro, Trump and the like are in power. Everyone is deeply tired about the modern ideologues.

Pontifex_Lucious-II • 15 points • 10 July, 2020 06:37 PM For some reason men don’t give a fuck about other men’s problems unless it happens to them. If a dude knocks a girl up and is now on the hook the first response isn’t “damn that’s so unfair, there should be a movement to talk about men’s perspectives”, it’s more like “haha fuck that idiot”.

gigababejfl • 13 points • 11 July, 2020 06:53 AM

For some reason men don’t give a fuck about other men’s problems unless it happens to them.

There is a reason. Men are selfish. They are the selfish gender. Its fine they have many good points too but this is why men complaining about women on Reddit is peak retardation. From porn to dating to life. It all starts and ends with men. This is male nature. MGTOW has every potential to be a societal change in a positive way for men but they just don't care. "Going my own way by sponsoring sex workers. That will show women I cant be controlled with beauty" Lol wut

Pontifex_Lucious-II • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 08:39 PM www.TheRedArchive.com Page 4 of 65 I don’t think MGTOW could ever be a positive movement for men. It seems to just be inevitable a lot of guys are going to end up in that role because of current social and intersexual dynamics. Similar to the herbivore culture in Japan. highoncatnipbrownies • 11 points • 10 July, 2020 02:12 PM I'm a woman and I would vote for in hospital DNA testing at birth. It's too easy to fill in a name on a birth certificate. I wish we could magically require two Yes's from the parents before conception but my magic wand isn't that strong.

Sid_Insidious • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 01:40 AM I wish we could magically require two Yes's from the parents before conception but my magic wand isn't that strong. Think of nearly ZERO unwanted children being born, or children born to single mothers who are really conceiving a paycheck. A socialist system that pays women to have children is going to be problematic...

gigababejfl • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 06:55 AM I would vote for this too and continue laughing at red pillers acting like they really give a fuck about paternity If an alien landed you would think there was no such thing as testing for DNA the way they act Are you kidding? Pay for a super luxurious spa afternoon while you draw every dna sample imaginable from me. Test me, early, than run me my shit for life.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 01:02 PM* [deleted]

cast-away-ramadi06 • 30 points • 10 July, 2020 02:16 PM* The SPLC has literally called the MRM a hate movement and that has significantly implications to our careers which we require to support our families and ourselves. This is why I donate to the National Coalition for Men. Folks should take a look at what happened with Karen DeCrow when she tried to voice her opinion. I just goes to show you how strong toxic femininity is in the mainstream feminist movement. Edit: Here is a good article on it from the Atlantic. This goes to show you the toxicity that is second wave feminism (and after).

woxmintari • 9 points • 10 July, 2020 07:26 PM No one talks about toxic femininity and it's a huge problem.

gigababejfl • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 06:18 AM

No one talks about toxic femininity and it's a huge problem.

No one? Guess the bitches that make up the are "no one" bc all i see is bitch made men trying to equivocate porn addictions and male violence to pretty white chicks in their early twenties touching high school boys and acting like that's a rampant issue. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 5 of 65 woxmintari • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 10:27 AM Well yes, in the manosphere toxic femininity is obviously talked about. I'm saying in the wider society nobody seems to want to address toxic femininity or the crisis of femininity.

the_purring_jew[S] • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 02:29 PM what happened to her? she was no longer appreciated by NOW?

cast-away-ramadi06 • 16 points • 10 July, 2020 02:34 PM* She was forced out of NOW because she has the 'gaul' to say that men's rights also matter. Edit: Here is a good article on it from the Atlantic. This goes to show you the toxicity that is second wave feminism (and after).

the_purring_jew[S] • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 02:37 PM oh no, forced out of NOW. the horror

Cleanit_up_Jannies • 8 points • 10 July, 2020 11:19 PM

why dont you engage in politics for change a woman actually does it OH NO THE HORROR SHE GOT POLITICALLY BLACKLISTED AND PUBLICLY TRASHED BOO HOO GET FUCKED

When you kill your own argument but are too blind to see it

the_purring_jew[S] • 7 points • 11 July, 2020 12:12 AM so how did all the other people who ever fought for rights do it? lol dude youre all mentally ill

Cleanit_up_Jannies • 6 points • 11 July, 2020 02:07 AM

how did others do it?

Moving the goalposts

TheBookOfSeil • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 01:48 AM Women mostly yapped in the streets and refused to eat, but nobody could ruin their reputation at the time because most of them didn't have one anyway. Same with the blacks. Men aren't quite hated to that extent yet, but we're getting there.

the_purring_jew[S] • 12 points • 11 July, 2020 01:57 AM yes no women in the edwardian or victorian era had "Their reputations ruined" literally what you morons know about history could fit on a penny

ThetaOmega • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 03:59 AM Funny you have to go all the way back to the victorian era to prove your point, instead of a more modern one.

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 6 of 65 TheBookOfSeil • 0 points • 11 July, 2020 02:22 AM Well sorry we're not as old as you are. What kind of reputations did women have that were capable of being ruined in the eighteen and nineteen hundreds that would've left them alone in the streets?

ihavesprivilige • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 05:06 AM Well clearly somebody told them to obey in an advertisement in between their favorite pornos. That they watched right before they came to reddit to cry about how nobody is fighting for us waaaah

BurdensomeCount • 9 points • 10 July, 2020 02:49 PM Minor thing, but indicative of a huge problem. For example an electrical system failure on an aircraft isn't immediately threatening anyone on board's health, and planes are able to function fine without it. However it is a big indication of a bigger issue elsewhere and it is very very prudent to make an emergency landing immediately in case whatever caused the electrical failure also ends up causing worse things. Similarly people getting deplatformed from minor things for reasonable opinions doesn't necessarily mean things are going bad elsewhere, however it is certainly indicative of it.

cast-away-ramadi06 • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 03:00 PM Yeah, this should be obvious.

Siam-Guy • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 03:07 PM There is no bad or good. Just morals.

ThetaOmega • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 03:58 AM Yet Feminists keep saying over and over again that feminism helps men too. Taking into account Karen, it seems like feminist just might be full of shit!

Grave_Heresy • 64 points • 10 July, 2020 01:31 PM Exactly! Have you seen how hard people are opposing r/mensrights ?? They literally made another subreddit called r/antimensrights that is dedicated to trying to get the mens rights sub banned. You know it's bad when they don't even want you to have a space to talk about this.

Dora_Bowl • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 02:36 PM I suspect you mean r/AgainstMensRights, as the subreddit you linked was banned. They are not against Men having rights on r/AgainstMensRights, but they are against the Men's Rights Movement. This context you are leaving out is important, as you can be a socialist without supporting National Socialism and support democracy without The Democratic People's Republic of North Korea.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 09:34 PM* [deleted]

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 7 of 65 Dora_Bowl • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 09:36 PM You can read the subreddit and tell me where you find that then.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 09:51 PM* [deleted]

spacechicken1990 • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 04:45 AM Nah we only dispuse them because instead of looking at systemic issues and fixing them they're blaming women for everything. -"men die more in wars" well women were only allowed to serve in combat since 2013 in america. -"male suicide rates are so high" because in a capitalist society your seen as an expendable cog, it's also stigmatized for men to show vulnerability (not from women from other men) -"men who are raped arent taken seriously" because again it goes against what society has pushed on men to be super strong and manly, again not from women but society as a whole. Feminists are actually the ones who changed laws and made it posible for victims to be heard (no not the meetoo movement you all hate for no reason) And most importantly lots of MRAS are advocating for hebephilia, so yeah most arent going to jump into bed with that lot.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 02:45 PM* [removed]

Nyanu • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 05:46 AM I recommend r/leftwingmaleadvocates it's small and it's not perfect but I think it's the best place to talk about male issues imo.

Dora_Bowl • 0 points • 10 July, 2020 02:51 PM I would recommend men who are really concerned about issues such as financial abortion, circumcision, family court bias etc.(the issues Men's Rights Activists are mostly "concerned" with) create their own space for it and/or work with the feminists who are also oppose this.

DevilishRogue • 23 points • 10 July, 2020 03:56 PM They did, it is called /r/MensRights and the people that are really concerned about those issues are MRAs.

ihavesprivilige • 0 points • 11 July, 2020 05:08 AM No those are just weak cucks. Just be the change you want. Stop doing whatever you are told to do my God

DraconianDebate • 14 points • 10 July, 2020 04:20 PM

work with the feminists

Why would anyone work with the people who have caused these issues in the first place? Feminists by definition do not care about men, or they would be egalitarians instead. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 8 of 65 Dora_Bowl • 8 points • 10 July, 2020 04:30 PM How did feminists cause circumcision, problems with family court in the capacity of custody(I think there might be an argument for other areas in family court) and financial Abortion?

Grave_Heresy • 19 points • 10 July, 2020 03:30 PM Men tried this and consistently get opposed by feminists such as yourself. r/AgainstMensRights ??? Wow.

Dora_Bowl • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 03:31 PM I assume that was the subreddit you wanted to bring up. Instead of relying on your visceral reaction you can just read it though. Have a good day.

Grave_Heresy • 18 points • 10 July, 2020 03:42 PM* It's a subreddit that does nothing but point out the egregious mishaps of mens rights but gives no credence to the legitimate grievances that are voiced. This is because they don't believe that men have legitimate grievances. They are run by RadFems who analyze everything through the lense of their ideology and oppose any outside arguments. This ideology goes as follows: Everything bad that happens in society benefits men and hurts women. Even if men are the victims they reframe the discussion around female victimhood. If you only oppose efforts to improve things then you are by default against improving things. That is what feminists like you do. The best that you have to offer a man is to recognize the ways in which other men may victimize them. But you will NEVER acknowledge female toxicity except to attribute it to patriarchy a system that always benefits men and hurts women. Therefore, even when a woman hurts a man it benefits him. This line of reasoning is so twisted that RadFems argue that the things that hurt men are male privilege... So yeah that subreddit is poison as are the majority of RadFem run subreddits. EDIT: Where are the subreddits that oppose toxic feminist subs like r/nametheproblem or r/GenderCritical (Recently banned I think)??? They won't do it because they are not against sexism they are against mens rights.

IfThenPill • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 12:48 AM

r/GenderCritical (Recently banned I think)???

I never thought I would see gender critical banned before TRP.

Grave_Heresy • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 03:02 AM

I never thought I would see gender critical banned before TRP.

Haha good one...

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 07:20 PM*

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 9 of 65 [deleted]

ThetaOmega • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 04:01 AM THEY FUCKING DID! And they get endless shit for it! It's called The Men's Right Movement. they can't even hold a conference without people pulling fire alarms to get the building evacuated.

mrcs84usn • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 07:14 PM You mean like "A Voice For Men", or to a lesser extent, "The Good Men's Project?" They are definitely out there, but since they go against the feminine-primary narrative, they struggle to gain traction.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 07:21 PM* [deleted]

mrcs84usn • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 12:00 AM Agreed. I tried to follow that page for like a week, but that was back when I was hugely into Return Of Kings, lolz.

LeJacquelope • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 04:58 AM r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates

[deleted] 13 July, 2020 07:04 AM [removed]

Mrs_Drgree[M] • 1 point • 13 July, 2020 11:27 AM Do not downvote, it is against the rules of our sub.

spacechicken1990 • 0 points • 11 July, 2020 04:47 AM

issues such as financial abortion, circumcision, family court bias etc.(the issues Men's Rights Activists are mostly "concerned" with) create their own space for it and/or work with the feminists who are also oppose this.

The feminists arent opposing this! Exept maybe some dumb american cunts who are so radicalised they cant tell their arse from their elbow. Now if youd all stop bothering on about cherry picked feminists maybe we could work together to fix these issues.

AryaBarzan • 1 point • 13 July, 2020 07:16 AM You clearly aren't very well read up on the actions of modern feminism if you think feminism isn't opposing financial abortion or family court bias. Feminists literally created the current legislature that creates family court bias in the West and STRONGLY oppose any sort of legal movement towards "financial abortion". I can't think of a single feminist that is even supportive of financial abortion. Male circumcision is the only issue where there is overlap and empathy from feminists. However, most feminists are much more concerned with what occurs to a tiny portion of www.TheRedArchive.com Page 10 of 65 girls in famine stricken, corrupt countries thousands of miles away than baby boys in their own neighborhood hospitals on a daily basis from my experience.

spacechicken1990 • 1 point • 13 July, 2020 07:30 AM

Feminists literally created the current legislature that creates family court bia

The family court is biased but its usually for gd reasons, such as the mother bring able to give out custody to a child who's father is abusive. But it's not feminists fault women are still viewed as the defacto parents.

West and STRONGLY oppose any sort of legal movement towards "financial abortion"

Haven't seen this. Source?

can't think of a single feminist that is even supportive of financial abortion.

Talking to one.

what occurs to a tiny portion of girls in famine stricken,

Because this is arguably far more severe (dont get me wrong I'm just as against circumcision as you) Why cany we fight for both? Why is women being against FGM take away from MGM? Arguably it opens the conversation up to these kinds discussions.

AryaBarzan • 1 point • 13 July, 2020 08:08 AM

The family court is biased but its usually for gd reasons, such as the mother bring able to give out custody to a child who's father is abusive.

It has little to do with this since both parents can be abusive. The larger reasoning is due to old beliefs (that you're espousing in the very statement above) that women tend to be less abusive than men. This is a common narrative that feminists actively push in our society (one of those supposed 'archaic', 'patriarchical' beliefs that feminists have no desire to get rid of and actively support for some strange reason) so it is arguably feminists fault that women are viewed more positively in these court proceedings.

Haven't seen this. Source?

I really don't even know what to say here. If you do a simple search on reddit's feminist forums alone, you'll see a virtual unanimous disdain for it amongst all of the feminist groups. One quick search on /r/AskFeminists yields this result literally having feminists (on the largest question feminists subreddit) explain why they are completely against the concept. This doesn't even include the radfems. Maybe you are a fairly lone supportive of it as a feminist, but you'd be just another case of NAFALT and are an outlier. I'd recommend you do your research about your movement before promoting it to others that have.

Because this is arguably far more severe (dont get me wrong I'm just as against circumcision as you)

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 11 of 65 Somewhat, there is a lot of misconception about female circumcision in the West. There are different forms of female circumcision, one of which is analogous to its male variant (clitoral hood removal). The feminist "FGM" that is always espoused (infibulation) is the most severe form that really only occurs in one country. Feminists also overplay the severity by saying that "women cannot get orgasms" and it's some horrible practice that pushed by men to punish women. In reality, it's the women pushing it on their daughters (just like there are many men pushing circumcision on their sons in the West). The practitioners of FGM also do it for virtually the same reasons: culture, belief of cleanliness, etc. However, feminists keep purporting one is "completely different" because it occurs to girls and one is a virtual non-issue (comparable to piercing girls ears). Although the very worst (and rarest) form of this procedure is worst than conventional male circumcision, certainly does not discount how incredibly comparable the two procedures are.

Why cany we fight for both?

How exactly are you going to "fight" for an already banned procedure by all of the civilized world? You think Sudanese tribesman gives two shits about your feminist tweets or reddit posts regarding female circumcision and their cultural practices? You're wasting time and preaching to the choir when you "fight" female circumcision in the West. Everybody is already on board and nobody is supportive of it.

Why is women being against FGM take away from MGM?

sigh I never said women being against FGM 'takes away from MGM'. I said that feminists show their true colors when they claim to 'care about the genders', then proceed to direct all of their attention to what occurs to a very tiny population of girls in nations that have far greater problems that circumcision to begin with than to what occurs to the boys daily in their own backyards. Either way, I do heavily commemorate you for being against MGM and I'm aware that MGM isn't feminists fault necessarily.

spacechicken1990 • 1 point • 13 July, 2020 08:43 AM

that women tend to be less abusive than men. This is a common narrative that feminists actively push in our society

Because more women face life threatening abuse than men, the number are more even when its non life threatening. And they are wrong, in fact some studies show women to abuse children more (makes sense since their the defacto parent most of the time)

so it is arguably feminists fault that women are viewed more positively in these court proceedings.

This is due to societies view as a whole of women as the caregivers, sometimes it benefits the narratives rad fems are pushing so they dont oppose it. But I think a more equal look at the situation would bennefit men & women, it's not always a gd thing to be viewed as the ultimate caregiver.

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 12 of 65 One quick search on /r/AskFeminists yields this result literally having feminists (on the largest question feminists subreddit) explain why they are completely against the concept.

Ah I was permabanned at the start of my reddit days so I dont tend to look on there, I stay away from any ideological subs they tend to be extreme and totalitarian.

some horrible practice that pushed by men to punish women. In reality, it's the women pushing it on their daughters (just like there are many men pushing circumcision on their sons in the West). The practitioners of FGM also do it for virtually the same reasons: culture, belief of cleanliness, etc. However, feminists keep purporting one is "completely different" because it occurs to girls and one is a virtual non-issue (comparable to piercing girls ears). Although the very worst (and rarest) form of this procedure is worst than conventional male circumcision, certainly does not discount how incredibly comparable the two procedures are.

Your right, but it's only pushed by the mothers so their daughters will fit into a male dominated society. If not they wont get a husband, it's mostly done to make sure the woman's sole purpose is childbirth not pleasure and to ensure virginity. And it has happened in civilised countries like the uk. Of course everyone in the west realised it's an awful thing and is against it, most if the campaigns are fir people in those 3rd world shit holes. This is why I'm a feminist, I want equal rights for women in real patriarchal societies. Here in the west we are equal under the law there are just still some prejudices that need to change. But this is happening naturally anyways and benefits both genders.

and I'm aware that MGM isn't feminists fault necessarily.

It's not feminists fault at all, its religions fault.

woxmintari • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 07:28 PM Dora this is a great example of how men are marginalised in society. We try and speak up about the inequality and sexism we face and the debate is always oh women were oppressed 50 years ago so shut up, your a man and you dont matter.

[deleted] 11 July, 2020 04:39 AM* [removed]

[deleted] 11 July, 2020 10:32 AM [removed]

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[deleted] 11 July, 2020 10:39 AM [removed] www.TheRedArchive.com Page 13 of 65 [deleted] 11 July, 2020 10:41 AM [removed]

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[deleted] 11 July, 2020 10:44 AM* [removed]

wtknight[M] • 1 point • 12 July, 2020 12:19 AM Be civil.

DevilishRogue • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 03:55 PM

They are not against Men having rights on r/AgainstMensRights, but they are against the Men's Rights Movement.

That is the same thing. Either you realise it or you don't.

CatchPhraze • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 07:35 PM Are you opposed to women having rights because you don't like feminists?

DevilishRogue • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 08:01 PM Whilst feminism ostensibly claims to be an equalities movement it has fought against equality on areas as diverse as recognising male victims of and providing adequate funding for them through to preserving lifelong following . Fighting feminism is not fighting women's rights, it is fighting inequality. Fighting men's rights is fighting men's rights. This is objectively so as verifiable by switching the genders in each movement's respective causes.

spacechicken1990 • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 05:35 AM

against equality on areas as diverse as recognising male victims of domestic violence

Source? Feminist organised abuse shelters for women who have been victims of domestic abuse and while the number is only slightly less for men mras have not campaigned for domestic abuse center, similar with rape relief centres. They are not oppressing men just omiting them as a male presence in these areas would likely be damaging to victims. Men should 100% have shelter aswell as they are also victims of intimate partner abuse and I'll happily as a feminist speak up on these issues. Dont make us the enemy we want the same thing.

Fighting feminism

Why are you under the impression more equality for women = less equality for men? Why would you want to strip women of their rights? Just seems kinda backwards and doesn't lead to a place where we can stand together. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 14 of 65 DevilishRogue • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 07:49 AM


If you don't know this then you don't even know what feminism is.

They are not oppressing men just omiting them as a male presence in these areas would likely be damaging to victims.

Nope, they've campaigned against even recognition of male victims, let alone funding for them.

Dont make us the enemy we want the same thing.

We don't want the same thing. You want resources to go to women's needs, MRA's want resources to be prioritised according to need.

Why are you under the impression more equality for women = less equality for men?

Why are you under the impression that that is true? It isn't. Feminism does not seek more equality for women it seeks advocacy for women.

Why would you want to strip women of their rights?

What rights do you (wrongly) believe MRA's want to strip women of?

Just seems kinda backwards and doesn't lead to a place where we can stand together.

There isn't a place where you and they can stand together as you want fundamentally different things, you wanting women's interests prioritised and they wanting equality. You can't have both.

spacechicken1990 • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 08:35 AM

There isn't a place where you and they can stand together as you want fundamentally different things, you wanting women's interests prioritised and they wanting equality.

The womens issues being prioritised are to create equality in areas its severely lacking. Why do you assume women dont care about mens rights?

If you don't know this then you don't even know what feminism is.

Ok great no source for your unfounded claims.

Nope, they've campaigned against even recognition of male victims, let alone funding for them.

Who? Honestly when did this happen please point it out to me and I'll believe you.

We don't want the same thing. You want resources to go to women's needs, MRA's want resources to be prioritised according to need.

Again why arent both possible? www.TheRedArchive.com Page 15 of 65 DevilishRogue • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 09:55 AM

The womens issues being prioritised are to create equality in areas its severely lacking.

This is a faulty assumption. And because of this feminism results in things becoming increasingly less equal.

Why do you assume women dont care about mens rights?

No one cares about men's rights. It isn't taken seriously as an issue at all because the issues men face are socially invisible which is why feminists mistakenly think that they are making things more equal by advocating for women.

Ok great no source for your unfounded claims.

These are so widely known as to not need sourcing but a quick Google search will reveal that it isn't just these issues it is far more wide reaching.

Who? Honestly when did this happen please point it out to me and I'll believe you.

Seriously, how can you not know this? Usually I don't entertain sea-lioning but you are clearly so uninformed I'll give you this one.

Again why arent both possible?

Because they are opposites. Feminism makes things less equal by removing female disadvantage whilst ignoring male disadvantage (and, indeed, attempting to entrench it).

Grave_Heresy • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 03:28 PM Sort of how people aren't against women having rights but oppose the feminist movement? Yeah...sure.

Dora_Bowl • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 03:29 PM You can read the subreddit sidebar in r/AgainstMensRights and find me posts in there advocating for getting rid of them if you want.

Grave_Heresy • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 03:50 PM The lies and cherry picking on this sub is worse than Stalinist propaganda. Stop making excuses for this nonsense.

ihavesprivilige • 0 points • 11 July, 2020 05:07 AM Oh my God what will we do without men's rights forum around to tell us what to do? Oh noz!! Who is going to tell us all what to do?!

Grave_Heresy • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 02:05 PM The White Knight Consensus.

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 16 of 65 Terror-Error • 8 points • 10 July, 2020 03:01 PM If you were rich and famous you really think that would change a damn thing? Just look at Johnny Depp.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 06:37 PM* [deleted]

CatchPhraze • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 07:37 PM That didn't happen. He's still famous, beloved and she's the leaper. This is proof that people do care about male victims.

ThetaOmega • 5 points • 11 July, 2020 04:05 AM Only after he was bashed for years, and he had to have hard, undeniable, fucking evidence that he was the one being abused. Heard, she didn;t have to have SHIT. Just her accusation was enough to get everyone to back her side without question. Fuck off with this.

Workaholiconew • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 08:17 PM Tell me then, when was his last big work since 2019?

[deleted] • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 08:39 PM Hollywood is shut down right now.

Workaholiconew • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 08:48 PM I said 2019.

[deleted] • 0 points • 10 July, 2020 08:58 PM You said "since 2019".

Workaholiconew • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 09:15 PM yes. the pandemic started in 2020. and depp is pretty famous actor. yet he has been for a long while withoout a job right? his only hopeis self production and investment with his money, I suppose.

[deleted] • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 09:36 PM No. The public is on his side. He will be working again when everyone else is working.

Workaholiconew • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 08:15 PM And he will also never be able to work ever again. I mean, he is rich and do not need to work ever again... but not everyone is as fucking rich as FUCKING JOHNNY DEPP.

the_purring_jew[S] • 40 points • 10 July, 2020 01:19 PM* so literally now after centuries of revolutions, labor movements, the civil rights movement, men are wholly unable to start a lobbying group because feminists will make tweets about them and oppose them?

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 17 of 65 why do you think there literally zero political interest among men for either of these propositions men in the atmosphere deem so important

when civil rights was important to men they braved being attacked by dogs to get their rights, when unions wanted labor rights they had actual WARS lol like the Blair mountain war and braved being shot for their demands, and you're telling me men today cant make a non profit to push for men not to be financially responsible for out of wedlock kids?

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 01:27 PM* [deleted]

CatchPhraze • 10 points • 10 July, 2020 07:39 PM The builders of society need women to do it for them? Sounds familiar.

ThetaOmega • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 04:10 AM Fight with does not equal do it for them. And you want to know why? Because society worships women, and will, without question, protect and defend women without a second thought. It is social suicide to say anything that might paint women in less than flattering light. The Men's right movement, which focuses on men's issues, is vilified by feminists because they dare say "Society sees men as disposable. False accusations do happen to men a lot more than feminists want you to think"

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 01:22 PM [deleted]

BurdensomeCount • 10 points • 10 July, 2020 02:51 PM I wish mean tweets were the main issue, the mean tweets also come with (no longer that) implicit threats to your job and livelihood, a far more dangerous issue.

whichbladeN • 6 points • 10 July, 2020 04:50 PM

implicit threats to your job and livelihood

Just like and cuckholdry right?

badgersonice • 10 points • 10 July, 2020 04:45 PM

implicit threats to your job and livelihood, a far more dangerous issue

... and yet unions somehow managed to organize in spite of explicit threats of the exact same thing that were much, much more serious. Hmm.

BurdensomeCount • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 05:04 PM Fair enough. I agree about this, it is just a huge coordination problem. The first people who come out will get steamrollered (just as with unions) but their sacrifice will help everyone after them. The thing is that nobody wants to be the one getting steamrollered (justifiably).

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 18 of 65 carlsberg24 • 23 points • 10 July, 2020 01:31 PM

so literally now after centuries of revolutions, labor movements, the civil rights movement, men are wholly unable to start a lobbying group because feminists will make tweets about them and oppose them?

Do you think losing your livelihood and being publically smeared is a small thing? Don't think for a second that the person to promote DNA paternity testing would be treated fairly either. They would be labelled a sexist, misogynist pig, and probably a child molester too. Try to untangle that web of lies when you have thousands of malevolent liars going against you. One thing you are right about though. Men have been bending over backwards to accommodate women for far too long. As a result, women have been taught that they need not be accountable for their actions and that fraudulently blaming men for things they didn't do is completely fair game. It's a sick and twisted situation that cannot be changed in one day.

Nodoxxintoxin • 10 points • 10 July, 2020 05:08 PM* Alice Paul was arrested 7 times and jailed three times. Emmeline Pankhurst was beaten and pelted with rotten eggs. Even today, women in Saudi Arabia are jailed for fighting for the right to drive. There are allegations of torture which have been corroborated by Amnesty International. Susan B Anthony was arrested for trying to vote. Does that sound like “being treated fairly” Atlas is right about what blacks went through. John Lewis was beaten and his skull was fractured. “They would be labelled a sexist, misogynist pig, and probably a child molester too” . Oh, the horror! Are things so unfair and intolerable that you would risk jail and beatings?

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 05:34 PM [removed]

Mrs_Drgree[M] • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 05:52 PM Don't make things personal.

Nodoxxintoxin • -3 points • 10 July, 2020 05:39 PM No I don’t, not in the least.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 06:45 PM* [deleted]

Nodoxxintoxin • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 08:10 PM*

incomparable comparisons

You are correct. That was kind of my point. Not every battle and fight for fairness and equality is comparable at all. I think there are many areas where I can get on board with some MRA issues, particularly surrounding unfair custody of children and unfair incarceration. I would vote for men’s rights in a heartbeat. But the hyperbole of “we have no power” is beyond retarded. Have you looked at the Senate lately? Yes, getting the right to vote is bigger issue than having to support your own kid because you didn’t wear a condom. Getting lynched is a bigger issue than the financial loss you had because you didn’t get a prenup.

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 19 of 65 Little old me holding up my sign on men being allowed to financially abort children is going to get me shot and nobody would care

Bullshit. Pure, utter bullshit. No one is going to shoot you for holding a sign. It’s just as big a crock of shit as me saying all men are rapists and no one cares. It’s exactly the type of rhetoric that makes me want to tell the MRA movement I hope their dick can touch their asshole because they can go fuck themselves. Edit: https://images.app.goo.gl/x9RQEbDyvHHScQSNA This guy lived to see another day. I don’t see blood pouring out of his ear

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 08:18 PM* [deleted]

Nodoxxintoxin • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 08:29 PM Bullshit. If it’s REALLY that important to you, then stop being a fucking pussy and fight. Acting like you will suffer the same consequences as John Lewis is beyond the pale. Medger Evers and Martin Luther King’s lives were over, not metaphorically “over”. Ohhh My life will be over! This is EXACTLY why no one takes you seriously. You act as if these issues are the fucking end of the world and yet at the same time they are not worth risking “bullshit rumors”

carlsberg24 • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 06:43 PM

Yes, getting the right to vote is bigger issue than having to support your own kid because you didn’t wear a condom. Getting lynched is a bigger issue than the financial loss you had because you didn’t get a prenup.

Except that everyone has the right to vote, at least in the West, and no one is getting lynched.

Terror-Error • 8 points • 10 July, 2020 02:59 PM Mean tweets aka false rape allegations resulting in men being fired, labelled rapists and publically outcast? Ffs if Johnny Depp and justin Bieber are not safe from a few keyboard warriors that also possess tits then how are we?

the_purring_jew[S] • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 03:46 PM if CELEBRITIES arent safe from gossip? i mean what planet are you mental cases on, celebrities live and die on public good will, they dont produce tractors.

Terror-Error • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 04:39 PM Is this supposed to be a response? Try next time.

Workaholiconew • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 02:45 PM You erroneously assume most men (or even most people) are ideologues like some idiots out there willing to kill or die for a stupid cause. No. Most men (and I hope, most people) are at least realist enough to not do that. We will not sacrifice our lives, livelyhoods or meager resources in such endeavors if we have www.TheRedArchive.com Page 20 of 65 alternatives, we know somethings are not right, but simply put, we have limited resources and will not waste them into such ideas, we can just vote right when the time is right. Some of us, even make better use of ideologies by blending in and trashing their efforts from within. You know? like those companies who show cooperation with "social justice" but are eager to act against it if needed be. It is better to explore the system than to fight it. Not everyone is an ideologue.

woxmintari • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 07:31 PM Ooh a rad fem.

the_purring_jew[S] • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 07:49 PM i couldnt be farther from a radfem, i reject feminism entirely

woxmintari • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 07:52 PM You reject feminism? Why? From reading some of your comments I put you in the rad fem category.

the_purring_jew[S] • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 07:57 PM thats because you all think feminism means "some woman talking" and none of you know what feminism is. i reject the analysis of patriarchy and "oppression" and dont care for any collectivism.

woxmintari • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 07:59 PM Ok explain what feminism is.

the_purring_jew[S] • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 08:51 PM A set of beliefs based in the idea that there is a systematic oppression of women in a patriarchy that needs to be corrected

woxmintari • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 08:53 PM Ok And so your saying that no patriarchy exists now and that women are no longer oppressed?

the_purring_jew[S] • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 09:06 PM I reject the entire analysis of both "oppression" and patriarchy.

philomexa • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 08:08 PM lol oh wow, Atlas as a radfem, you couldn't be further off the mark. wew lad.

woxmintari • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 08:13 PM She said she is not even a feminist so obviously I am wrong.

loke2dabrain • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 04:55 AM You sure about that? I'd say she's a terf if I ever seen one. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 21 of 65 RedPill_is_a_cult • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 04:38 PM maybe theres something to that 'low t modern man' stuff after all? Sounds like some people don't want to put their money where their mouth is

Coloring_Fractals • 8 points • 10 July, 2020 03:05 PM So, you aren’t up for the hunger strike in prison, throwing yourself in front of the kings horse kind of life?

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 03:09 PM* [deleted]

Coloring_Fractals • 6 points • 10 July, 2020 03:10 PM There’s no comfortable way to upend society.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 03:13 PM* [deleted]

Coloring_Fractals • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 03:20 PM You guys really want everyone to finally be sorry they didn’t appreciate you enough when they had the chance. Not that Im putting you down for it

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 03:31 PM* [deleted]

Coloring_Fractals • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 06:24 PM Feeling provoked has so many variables though. Including how our own thinking contributes to our feelings.

LeJacquelope • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 04:56 AM MRAs have already won thirteen statewide battles against . We're working on it. It takes time.

DebatePony • 17 points • 10 July, 2020 01:30 PM Whatever happened to "Men built society"? If men built society, maybe they should put in more of an effort to make it the way they want/would benefit them and not worry about some women making mean tweets/posts on social media.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 01:37 PM* [deleted]

Dora_Bowl • 14 points • 10 July, 2020 02:31 PM

Men built society in the sense that they made it comfortable to live in

What does this even mean?

men do not have as much power as people believe right now

When you consider most of the powerful people in the world are men, this is false.

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 22 of 65 [deleted] 10 July, 2020 02:42 PM* [deleted]

Dora_Bowl • 16 points • 10 July, 2020 02:45 PM

What do you think? Men did (and pretty much still do) all of the heavy lifting to allow for a comfortable society.

This is just false, women do a lot of essential work for keeping "society" running and always have.

The average woman has more power than the average man in what she can say and do

Who do you think grants this to women?

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 02:52 PM* [deleted]

Dora_Bowl • 9 points • 10 July, 2020 03:01 PM

Women mostly work in the office whilst men mostly work in the field

This is just untrue and has been for most of human existence, but I would rather move away from this pivoting.

yes other men are in this equation but women are the biggest counter to anything a man wants to say because their voices are protected by feminism

Guess who usually has control over the work places, social media etc. where people get fired or cancelled, there is your answer.

ThetaOmega • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 04:19 AM Office work has only very, VERY recently become a thing in human existence. The fuck are you talking about?

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 03:05 PM* [deleted]

Dora_Bowl • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 03:07 PM He might even get elected to be the president.

rhyth7 • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 05:06 PM Plenty of women work in fields and factories, they're just brown so we don't care about them.

TheJim66 • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 02:40 PM The most powerful men cater to themselves first and to women secondly. Men as a whole don't even enter into the equation.

DebatePony • 9 points • 10 July, 2020 04:11 PM That is honestly just so silly. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 23 of 65 Do you think that the suffragettes were just "given" rights and that they didn't have to face huge social, political, and physical push back? Why are men so incapable of facing the same issues?

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 04:28 PM* [deleted]

DebatePony • 9 points • 10 July, 2020 04:37 PM Women voting (or owning property/businesses, or gaining custody of children after divorce) are only considered "basic human rights" because women fought for them. If you don't want to fight for rights you view as important you don't get to complain about no one else fighting for them.

QUICK to come into practice because fighting against it made no sense.

You know that it took over 100 years for women gain the right to vote right? Do you know that my grandmother had to fight in order to maintain control of her husband's company (which she started with him) after he died? You know my mom was denied a loan at 3 different banks to get a mortgage because she was unwed? Gaining rights isn't old hat for women, we are still fighting. If you don't do the same, you get no pity.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 04:45 PM* [deleted]

DebatePony • 9 points • 10 July, 2020 04:47 PM If women waited for only other women of influence to fight for their rights, women still wouldn't be able to vote. But sure, do nothing and complain about the lack of change.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 04:50 PM* [deleted]

DebatePony • 9 points • 10 July, 2020 04:52 PM Sorry, I'm having difficulty reading "coward."

Zippo-Cat • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 09:34 AM

Do you think that the suffragettes were just "given" rights and that they didn't have to face huge social, political, and physical push back?

Yes, I actually do think so. Care to prove otherwise?

DebatePony • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 12:59 PM I think if you ever took a US History class you would be educated enough to know that you www.TheRedArchive.com Page 24 of 65 are silly to think so.

Zippo-Cat • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 02:08 PM I think if you ever took a US History class you would be educated enough to know that you are silly to think so.

ThetaOmega • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 04:17 AM Because women will get him fired, get his name plastered all over the internet, so he can no longer associate with people irl, or get another job. Women have the social marketplace locked down. They have weaponized their in group bias in a way men could never do effectively.

DebatePony • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 01:00 PM The meanz wimmenz keeping the poor men down huh?

ThetaOmega • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 03:43 PM The women absolutely use the boot of the State, or the boot of the mob, to fuck over good, honest men. Absolutely.

duce3612 • 8 points • 10 July, 2020 01:33 PM Who gives af lol. Stop being a fucking noodle if thats something you believe is right then say it... scared of feminist mobs on the internet...they want you to be scared

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 01:50 PM* [deleted]

duce3612 • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 01:56 PM I understand your pov, however if we let this trend of uber feminist cancelling people for being logical and reasonable, then we are only letting the beast get his fill. Personally idgaf about being cancelled cuz I have done nothing cancellable. If i get cancelled for speaking what i believe is true then hopefully that will be a step on the ladder to prove to reasonable people that this shit is wacko and needs to stop. Its already becoming clear that cancel culture is fucked. Personally i wouldnt advocate for paterbity tests for every pregnancy, however if i ever get a woman pregnant damn sure i will advocate for myself and get one.

Workaholiconew • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 02:02 PM If you had influence, you were rich and/or you were famous, you most assuredly wouldn't. The fact that you have very little of those conparatively and is able to hide beging anonymity, which make you able to not be attacked on your day to day. If you had any power or money, every single ideologue on the planet would want you down. And they have multiple of people with more resources than you. You would have a lot more to lose.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 02:12 PM* [deleted]

Workaholiconew • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 02:51 PM www.TheRedArchive.com Page 25 of 65 They both paid, pay and will continue to pay a hefty price for that. It is certainly not something a realistic person would do if they can.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 03:06 PM* [deleted]

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 03:07 PM* [deleted]

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 03:29 PM* [deleted]

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 03:35 PM* [deleted]

[deleted] • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 04:08 PM It doesn’t benefit chad

Peacheslikeyou • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 03:00 PM

women prove must the relation of their child's father

Most men aren't super paranoid and worried about paternity, why is this even necessary?

DevilishRogue • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 04:00 PM Because both the father and the child have a right to know if they've been lied to by the mother about their paternity. Otherwise why not just randomly assigning children born that day to each mother that gave birth?

rhyth7 • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 05:10 PM Who pays for the paternity test? If the govt and employers won't pay for birth control then it's unlikely they'll pay for paternity. It's paid by who wants it and if men want it they certainly can pay for it.

DevilishRogue • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 06:26 PM

Who pays for the paternity test?

Who pays for health insurance?

rhyth7 • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 07:36 PM So the man will pay for his mandatory paternity test

DevilishRogue • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 07:47 PM Through his health insurance, sure.

rhyth7 • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 08:01 PM Why would it be through health insurance?

DevilishRogue • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 08:04 PM www.TheRedArchive.com Page 26 of 65 Because that is what it is for.

Beneneb • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 04:20 PM There's nothing currently stopping men from getting a paternity test if they want to. Can you explain why it should be maid mandatory?

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 04:40 PM* [deleted]

whichbladeN • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 04:54 PM

As far as I know, they are allowed to deny paternity tests.

In France, yes. But not in the US. In fact if a man goes to court over paternity they do the test! The reason men want mandatory tests is because they know how damaging it would be to you relationship to suggest your wife cheated on you. So they want someone else to say it.

Beneneb • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 05:11 PM How can a woman deny a paternity test? If she claims you are the father, you can dispute that and get a test done. If you are legally recognized as the father, you can just take the kid to get the test done. I agree that any man should be able to get a paternity test for a kid that is supposedly his, but it doesn't need to be mandatory.

DevilishRogue • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 06:30 PM

There's nothing currently stopping men from getting a paternity test if they want to.

In France it is illegal.

Can you explain why it should be maid mandatory?

It should be made mandatory to prevent large scale paternity fraud.

Beneneb • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 07:15 PM

In France it is illegal.

Ok, well I don't know the law in every country, but it certainly shouldn't be illegal. I still don't think it should be mandatory though, I don't see it as being a major issue. I think it's pretty rare that a man finds out he's not the father of his child.

DevilishRogue • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 08:02 PM

I think it's pretty rare that a man finds out he's not the father of his child.

About a third of men who check find they are not the father, this is about 8% of the total IIRC. Whichever way you cut it that is millions of people affected.

Beneneb • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 08:05 PM So you're telling me that almost 1/10 children is born out of an affair? Where does that stat come from? www.TheRedArchive.com Page 27 of 65 DevilishRogue • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 08:10 PM No, 8% of men check and a third of that find they are not the father.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 08:15 PM* [deleted]

Beneneb • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 08:34 PM Ok, thats more realistic. Where does that number come from though? I tried looking it up, but all I found was an article about a genetic study that showed that only in 1% of birth was this the case.

akihonj • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 02:26 PM Fuck that I am rich and I would dare do it. I wouldn't dare put my head above that parapet,no thanks I'd rather walk away.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 03:09 PM* [deleted]

akihonj • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 03:50 PM Ok so you're taking it then that I was born rich. Where do I start then, how about five years ago walking into my home and watching my wife climb off my best mate. Going to a divorce lawyer and being told I'm going to lose everything, she didn't lie, I actually did lose everything. How about zero help, either for my physical health which crumbled because of numerous abuse allegations, nothing of which was proven or even proof asked for, I had the proof and gave it to the court, she was abusive to me not the other way around, guess who they ignored because men cannot ever be victims of abuse. How about my own family turning their backs on me and rejecting me when they believed the lies even though they knew what I was going through they still chose to believe her over, even now they me to say how wrong they were. I still have no family. How about losing access and any contact with my own children, my eldest sending emails to tell me how he needs to miss school to look after my daughter who is now only 6 because my ex-wife is sleeping with some new stranger. How about being so deep in despair that I went to a bridge and planned how I was going to walk off it. How about the only help I was able to afford and even get, was through a subreddit, not going to mention it How about being that low, that when the court threatened to put me in jail for not paying child support I just laughed at the judge because I was already paying so much I couldn't afford to eat, and saying to the judge that jailing me would actually be a holiday, that I'd actually get to eat and sleep in a bed not the back seat of my car or a sofa. I got to where I am now because I sold a lot of code, code that most of you rely on each day, for banking, posting on forums, chatting with friends etc, I sold it off along with the original code, licencing and intellectual property rights. Yes it brought in a lot of money and it has made me wealthy. For that I don't have any shame nor apologize. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 28 of 65 Would I ever get married again, never, would I ever trust another woman, never. I have been so damaged by my experiences that I cannot date or have a relationship for longer than 6 months, yes I've had therapy, if you want to call it that, it didn't help. So you think that you can judge me go ahead, you can get to the back of the line, but when you do let's see you walk a mile in my shoes and see if you don't understand me afterwards.

[deleted] • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 04:12 PM I’m sorry to hear about that and hope you can get back on track and with your family. A lot of us are programmers though and there is always steady good paying work. Did you lose your job in the divorce? How were you not able to eat?

akihonj • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 04:31 PM So I lost my job due to the mental illness caused by the divorce and legal process, I couldn't afford to eat because of the costs of going through the divorce, because if my earnings I had to pay for mine and her lawyer fees, when she knew that I started getting two to three solicitors letters a day at about £90 a time you can imagine how much it was costing me.. That along with her lawyer sending letters to remind me if I didn't pay when they were demanding they'd refer it to a debt collector. So you can imagine what a number was being done to me. I found another one soon enough, after touching base with the other sub, they helped me get through things and fight my corner, get my lawyer working for me, the damage had already been done but at least when it was over it was over. Solicitor = British for lower lawyer. The UK has solicitors to handle law and barristers for higher profile crime and law cases. The us has paralegals but lawyers handle court cases etc. In the UK a solicitor is like a lawyer without the wig. A bit confusing I know but it's an old system.

[deleted] • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 04:57 PM Lol I know how it works in the UK

akihonj • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 05:01 PM Cool lots don't so I thought it's best to add for context, you know what it's like. The number of times I've repeated this story and had the inevitable, oh that never happened, shit like that just happens in films etc. What I think it is, it's because most men just can't imagine that ever happening to them, the thought alone of it actually happening is terrifying, what they fail to understand is that since the legal aid system was stopped for divorce cases of alleged violent abuse has increased over 400% and isn't investigated by British police because it's a divorce, the allegation is all that's needed in most cases to secure legal aid. For those earning over, I think, £25k per year they don't qualify, and if the higher earner often has to pay their own and the spouse fees.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 02:47 PM* [deleted]

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 29 of 65 akihonj • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 03:38 PM £215m is far too much to lose. I'd rather keep my comfort and watch society fail.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 03:40 PM* [deleted]

akihonj • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 03:52 PM Maybe but would you want to take that risk, I certainly don't.

AfterRaise • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 01:19 PM You are absolutely right man.

spacechicken1990 • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 04:36 AM*

Which of you guys would like to be the ones to get your lives ruined by feminists for proposing that women prove must the relation of their child's father and for proposing that men be allowed to withdraw from child support?

Imagine the pushback women faced a hundred years ago In a far less progressive society for campaigning for their rights.

As of now, a regular guy like me is going to end up under fire with no support for going against feminist ideals.

You dont know and you wont even try, and fyi the things you guys want do not go against feminist ideals. You have a twisted view of feminism, if you honestly believe were a collective with a evil agenda against men then your sadly mistaken. If you stopped pushing the issue in a way your framing women as the culprits most would flock to your cause and see the benefits from it. But like you said youd prefer to cry online about it.

Dora_Bowl • -1 points • 10 July, 2020 02:23 PM Feminists are typically against child support because it causes women to be dependent on men/systems of power.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 02:44 PM* [deleted]

Dora_Bowl • -1 points • 10 July, 2020 03:06 PM I am not going to do research for you on this, it would be a lot easier to tell me which feminists do this first.

Which of you guys would like to be the ones to get your lives ruined by feminists for proposing that women prove must the relation of their child's father and for proposing that men be allowed to withdraw from child support

Anyway you can do a quick search on r/askfeminists(I would recommend r/gendercritical too, but it is gone) to see the opinions on there some random feminists might take. For scholarly ones you can look into Barbara Bergmann or Nancy Folbre who both argued that women should not be economically dependent on men. If you want to see a more contemporary feminist get into the topic www.TheRedArchive.com Page 30 of 65 you can check out Mary Lyndon Shanley(Making Babies, Making Families) for discussions on this as well.

LeJacquelope • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 05:00 AM

I am not going to do research for you on this

IOW you lied.

DevilishRogue • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 04:04 PM Feminists fought against freeing men who are found not to be the father from child support if they have already started paying it, the removal of lifelong alimony, against the presumption of , against gender blind hiring, against gender blind sentencing, against anything that doesn't deliver preferential treatment for women.

Karmanger • 21 points • 10 July, 2020 02:20 PM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubay_v_Wells On March 9, 2006, the National Center for Men challenged the child support order in District Court. Michigan's Attorney General made a motion to have the case dismissed), and on July 17, 2006, District Court Judge David M. Lawson agreed and dismissed Dubay's lawsuit.[5] The National Center for Men appealed the case to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit on May 14, 2007. Oral arguments began September 10, 2007, and in November the appeals court affirmed the District court decision, noting precedent stating that "the Fourteenth Amendment does not deny to [the] State the power to treat different classes of persons in different ways."[6] In its dismissal of the case, the U.S. Court of Appeals (Sixth Circuit) stated that:

Dubay's claim that a man's right to disclaim fatherhood would be analogous to a woman's right to abortion rests upon a false analogy. In the case of a father seeking to opt out of fatherhood and thereby avoid child support obligations, the child is already in existence and the state therefore has an important interest in providing for his or her support.[7]

The National Center for Men asked Dubay to appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court, but Dubay declined.[8] the case was dismissed.

the_purring_jew[S] • 0 points • 10 July, 2020 02:30 PM ok thats a single failed case whos argument wasn't accepted. that's it? you just stop? is that how all other social and legal change happened?

Karmanger • 16 points • 10 July, 2020 02:31 PM oh you want more? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_abortion Denmark[edit]

The concept of a paper abortion was first introduced in Denmark in 2000 by the socioeconomicist Henrik Platz. He says that it is necessary from an egalitarian perspective, to ensure that women and men have equal rights under the law. According to a Gallup poll from 2014 and earlier polls, between 40% and 70% of Danes agree with legalizing paper abortion.[1] Sociologist Karen Sjørup, who conducted research on the topic[15] argues that it would give women www.TheRedArchive.com Page 31 of 65 more freedom by allowing those who want to become mothers without having to share the rights and duties of parenthood with men an additional way to do so. She also suggests that it could decrease the abortion rate because it would prevent men who wished to avoid fatherhood from pressuring women to abort.[16] Advocates argue that just as women are able to choose whether to have a child or not, men should also be able to choose whether to assume paternity or not. Allowing men to have the opportunity to renounce the economic, social and legal responsibility for an unborn child during the first three months of pregnancy would give men and women as close to equal opportunities as possible.[9] Sweden[edit]

In 2016, a regional branch of the Swedish Liberal Youth Party decided to support paper abortion for men until the 18th week of pregnancy, the time limit on abortions for women. The proposition was supported by some commentators, but not by the LYP's parent party.[3]

rosmaskinen • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 03:03 PM Swede here! The proposition from the Liberal Youth Party didn't result in lynching of teenage boys. From my perspective, and I'm involved in politics directly opposing their ideas, I actually learned and respected the policy idea from that proposal by them. I got the impression there was a productive discussion following as well. No one lost their job, and I vaguely know the guys and gals that initiated that discussion. They're still high up in their organisation and I see them out and about when I enjoy the nightlife scene in my city. Maybe they can be a good precedent to how that goes.

rosmaskinen • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 03:11 PM To give further context, I think it went well because we as a country are almost by broad consensus pro-choice. Family planning is the norm and sexual health is far less taboo if compared to even other European countries. You seem to have a different situation in the U.S. though. It won't be possible to advocate for legal abortion if access to abortion and pregnancy healthcare is inconsistent.

[deleted] • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 03:15 PM Those are socialist democracies w a humble egalitarian culture. And also fast population decline. The reason that many Danes and Swedes agree with the concept is because a woman can raise a child on her own with the social safety net funded by the taxpayers, and not become destitute. Smaller countries too meaning family members are usually closer and more available to help out. It’s not going to fly in a culturally heterogeneous culturally individualistic, higher free market place like the US.

the_purring_jew[S] comment score below threshold • -6 points • 10 July, 2020 02:37 PM i dotn care about other countries

Karmanger • 13 points • 10 July, 2020 02:38 PM oh should have made that clearer, As you see people HAVE tried to do something about it.

TheBookOfSeil • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 03:03 PM Nothing is going to be done about it as long as it diverts dependents away from state and www.TheRedArchive.com Page 32 of 65 government welfare.

Karmanger • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 03:11 PM That's correct, that's why the case was dismissed and why they did not want to elevate it to the supreme court.

[deleted] • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 03:05 PM You realise countries outside the US exist right? And that people actually live there?

the_purring_jew[S] • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 03:45 PM i realize it, but there is no global legal system and people are OBVIOUSLY discussing the laws of their own country when they make a post like this

SightBlinder3 • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 12:59 AM Yet you didn't state what country you were talking about in your question. Its clear you're just using this excuse up and down this thread to not acknowledge anything that goes against the narrative you're not even remotely subtle in pushing with this post.

the_purring_jew[S] • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 01:30 AM america is assumed on an american english speaking website full of americans

akihonj • 20 points • 10 July, 2020 02:39 PM So you're ignoring that for every single men's rights movement that has started in the last 20 years solely dedicated to men's needs has either been shut down by government or sued out of existence. By whom you ask, feminists, why you shout, because when men get together they talk about stuff and that means women are shut out of opportunities that men create for themselves. You see here's the issue, you can't say that men need to discuss issues related directly to men and then allow them to be shut down whenever they get together to discuss issues. Think about that men's rights movement that gathered in Canada to talk about the male suicide rate, male infertility, male cancer, male homelessness. What happened, feminists turned up, barracked the venue stating that they are a hate group and got the event shut down. The men's sheds movement existed solely to help men form connections to beat suicide, what happened they got sued by feminists to allow women to enter, it died out in most places because men might want to talk about issues they have and some of those being women, well when you have a bunch of women turning up men tend to not talk about their problems. Added to that some of the women going in there were using it as a dating platform. Would it please you to know that men's rights groups have been successfully suing organisations who discriminate against men, and fighting some court battles on behalf of fathers and winning these cases. The trouble is though whenever a men's rights activist shows up within an hour he gets doxxed and death threats, one of the most famous was actually a feminist for a long time, he's been given so many death threats by feminists that he can't travel. Now you couple this with the fact that women vote in greater numbers than men so no politician would be willing to say to women, sorry ladies but we're actually going to make this thing fair because that means he or she is going to in all likelihood loose at election time. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 33 of 65 There is a good YouTube video of the labour politician Jess Philips laughing in parliament when, as part of a committee meeting, was asked about women's Day, a day for discussion women's issues only, she was asked about men's day for the same reasons and just laughed at the proposal, stating that men's day is every day. When the truth is it's not, daily business of all parliament's and houses is concerned with running the country, individual groups are not the sole business of any parliament unless given priority. So you have a system that supports women to a greater extent than men, still views men largely as cannon fodder, larger numbers of female voters than male voters and when you take those things into account you end up thinking what's the point.

OfSpock • 6 points • 11 July, 2020 12:01 AM Mens sheds are still here in Australia? Guess what else you can't do in Australia? Just up and move state without the permission of the other parent. Partly because my husband and I sued his ex wife when she tried to do just that. She ended up leaving her daughter behind when she went.

akihonj • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 07:21 AM Wow they still exist there, they were shut down in the UK some time ago, there was a legal action brought against them to allow women, I remember an interview and one woman said for her it was a new way of meeting men. She couldn't get her head around the fact that many men went there to talk and bond with other men while doing something useful, many men have issues with women, relationships are never easy, the legal argument was that there are networking opportunities for business that women are missing out on as well as the opportunity to learn valuable life skills. The court ignored that the primary purpose was to provide a mental health service for men that is in the UK badly needed and found the claim was correct from a technicality, many sheds then stopped because men stopped going. They stopped going because they didn't want to be hit on by women, didn't want to go and not discuss their issue in the presence of women.

gigababejfl • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 06:49 AM

So you're ignoring that for every single men's rights movement that has started in the last 20 years solely dedicated to men's needs has either been shut down by government or sued out of existence.

Can you present to me one single movement from men that did not have a deeply misogynistic base focused on hating women instead of helping men? As a woman am I supposed to encourage my dad, brother, husband, son to go vote for a movement that hates my guts? Why are men so bad at this? Yall can't come together for nothing but sex and its so tragic i can't even laugh at yall when I want to.

akihonj • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 07:30 AM So you're playing a crappy game here, anything that is critical of women is mysoginystic, how dare you when your clearly aligned with a group or movement that has advocated for the following Reducing world population of men to just 10% of current numbers Putting all men in concentration camps Removing laws which ensure due process in sexual crime allegations only where men are the accused www.TheRedArchive.com Page 34 of 65 Removing laws which allow a man to obtain a DNA report if he's claimed to be the father of a child he isn't actually the father of Allowing when males and in particular white males are the victim Allowing males suicide rates to increase by removing funding for male mental health and redirecting that into female mental health services. The Duluth model I can go on, but please don't play that game since the main man leading the men's rights movement was himself a feminist who found that every time he tried to discuss male issues he was either told to shut up or told we'll sort that out after we've sorted out women's issues. Your problem is that you lack the maturity of accountability, being critical of women or a woman does not mean she's hated, sure some men hate women, many women hate men, studies have shown that in the main most women actually don't love men, they live pets and inanimate objects far more, men are just a utility to women. So don't play that game, besides I didn't suggest you should follow anybody, it's your life to do with as you please. If however you do think that being critical of you or your behaviour is mysoginystic then bear this in mind, women are far more critical of women than men have ever been of women.

gigababejfl • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 07:43 AM

So you're playing a crappy game here, anything that is critical of women is mysoginystic, how dare you when your clearly aligned with a group or movement that has advocated for the following

Should I read your comment? Because this isn't what i said and I don't argue with men that struggle with simple comprehension. I asked you to point me to a movement by men that isn't based in hating women. The things that matter to you as a man mean nothing to me if you require me to accept misogyny. I'm only one woman but I guarantee I represent a significant block of women. We dont speak self hate. You want us to care about you? Manage. We got here with far less power, far less access, and far less resources Point me to something I can support as a woman or man up and deal with it yourself

akihonj • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 07:52 AM Again you're playing criticism as mysoginy, what movement do you want me to point you towards, men's rights movement, not about hate, egalitarianism not about hate. Father's for justice not about hate. You're problem then is that you clearly think a men's movement automatically means hatred of women, that's your choice, it's also your choice to actually speak to these men hear their stories, understand why they think the way they think and then do something women demand of men all the time which is to shut up and listen and educate yourself. Do it, don't do it, learn, or stay in your bubble of man hate I don't care either way, I'm not advocating that you support anything, in fact I'm actually going to advocate for you to openly hate men, do all you can to subjugate and enslave men, hate us with every fiber of your being. Let's we how that works out for you www.TheRedArchive.com Page 35 of 65 gigababejfl • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 08:08 AM*

Again you're playing criticism as mysoginy, what movement do you want me to point you towards, men's rights movement, not about hate, egalitarianism not about hate. Father's for justice not about hate.

So your answer is no, there is no male movement not rooted in hating women. Please realize this is why no one takes up for you.

You're problem then is that you clearly think a men's movement automatically means hatred of women,

Actually, that's your problem. Im fine the way things are. You want change but you have not been able to convince a woman who even cared to look your way. How do you plan to convince other women who can't be bothered? All it looks like is oversenstive males crying about bullshit. Whats your plan? More lecturing and posturing about dumb shit men call crises? MRA wants to be taken seriously but ignores the dead bodies of women and claims women rape men at equal rates. Women want men as bad so yes, we are out here beating and killing over sexual ego. This is the stupidity that keeps the conversation from happening I took my ass over to MRA. Short of the mods enforcing the rules, it had so much resentment and hate for women. Men require women to care in order to get things done bc they themselves don't care enough. They literally rather die than help themselves. Women love men. To their own detriment even. If men are being ignored, its with good reason. Be more compelling.

Do it, don't do it, learn, or stay in your bubble of man hate I don't care either way,

"Everything that isnt sucking my dick is man hate. Wah" #gIgAhAtEsMeN

[deleted] 11 July, 2020 08:43 AM [removed]

Mrs_Drgree[M] • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 05:57 PM Be civil

[deleted] 11 July, 2020 08:06 PM [removed]

Mrs_Drgree[M] • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 08:22 PM No you are not. If you have any further questions please feel free to message the mods.

the_purring_jew[S] • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 08:58 PM Name anything mens rights movement related that was "shut down by the government" in the US

akihonj • 9 points • 10 July, 2020 09:27 PM

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 36 of 65 The government cannot shut them down, however things like title 9 had been used many times to stop meetings, groups etc, in fact it's the very same thing men's rights groups are now using to sue colleges and universities for their rampant discrimination against men. The government can remove and have removed funding, witheld funding from Emma rights groups while increasing funding to feminist groups and organisations. These are just facts that can be pulled from Wikipedia, I can talk in far more detail about the UK situation though, if you'd like that, seeing as I'm living in the UK, you know a part of the world where things also happen which is funnily enough outside of the USA.

Dora_Bowl • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 10:00 PM

however things like title 9 had been used many times to stop meetings

I tried to look this up how Title IX has stopped meetings or groups, I can not find anything about it. Could you give me an example?

akihonj • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 10:22 PM So title 9 from what I remember has been used to shut down male groups in colleges and universities, shut down male meetings, shut down male organisations on campus. Maybe use duckduckgo and not Google for your search information.

Dora_Bowl • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 10:27 PM So what I can find is it cuts men’s programs funding, but it does not seem to be stopping protesting?

akihonj • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 10:44 PM Nope it's not and that's because over the last few years a number of men have used title 9 legislation to reset the record. So in the UK then The men's sheds movement Men's camping Men's golf for mental health Men's health and wellbeing Father's rights, the father was actually written out of law for some time. Men's running groups All of these were either shut down through legal action or had funding reduced or removed due to pressure by feminist groups. I know that similar things have happened in the USA and Canada exactly what though I can't say, you'd have to actually speak to men's rights advocates to find that out.

reluctantly_red • 17 points • 10 July, 2020 02:38 PM Because the work arounds are so bloody easy. No need for a movement when any guy with half a brain can avoid these pitfalls by himself.

DevilishRogue • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 04:16 PM www.TheRedArchive.com Page 37 of 65 How?

reluctantly_red • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 04:53 PM Which pitfall?

SpectacularSociety • 9 points • 10 July, 2020 01:38 PM This while comments section could be crossposted to r/selfawarewolves

SilentLurker666 • 9 points • 10 July, 2020 02:26 PM* Just because it doesn't appear in mainstream media doesn't mean it's not happening: https://www.thelocal.se/20160304/let-men-have-legal-abortions https://menandfamilies.org/family-shelter-for-abused-men-and-children/ https://www.webmd.com/balance/features/help-for-battered-men#1 https://equalitycanada.com/SeJXc https://www.gofundme.com/f/47bx5q Edit : and literally the whole Movember movement. https://ca.movember.com/

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 02:55 PM* [removed]

SilentLurker666 • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 03:07 PM I'm not sure what point you are trying to raise here. OP is asking for proof about " start the campaign for "mandatory" paternity testing and paper abortions?" I've provided proof that there's activism for these and other causes the MRA embrace. (points which other posters here have raised in terms of MRA and its lack of actual activism) I think that's sufficient to answer OP's questions. The fact that OP is not aware of these causes means that OP should go educate themselves.

Eastuss • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 02:32 PM Everything starts from the idea gaining momentum, and so far it's a rather unpopular belief.

the_purring_jew[S] • 6 points • 10 July, 2020 09:00 PM Why is it so unpopular among men?

Eastuss • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 03:30 PM INTERNALIZED OFC Jk. You know why. STJs. Outgroup bias. Male game. Male hyper competitiveness and pride, you can put so much on your shoulders you can afford women having more than you because they're literally just children. It's the same in my office. Everyone agrees the boss is being abusive and that we should band together to have him be a proper leader. But then there's my retarded atta boy ISTJ who is like "personal accountability you should be doing moreeee hurr durr" and will never fucking revolt. :p

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 38 of 65 Maybe this also has to do with the ISTJs not being squashed into extroversion anymore.

Workaholiconew • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 02:48 PM Thats... actually. A great idea. Is there a list of lobbying and organizations pushing for that?

Suck-Less • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 05:28 PM If there’s one thing I’ve noticed it’s this. Men that speak up in public about any kind of men’s issues get fired from their job, losses their career for some kind of “hate speech excuses”, doxed and absolutely harassed in public to the point of damn near torture. Almost all men’s rights discussions have gone underground and anonymous. The focus isn’t on changing laws that won’t be changed (because there’s no benefit to women). The focus is on educating the next generation to now make the same mistakes as us older men, and to let them know they aren’t alone. Implanting the knowledge that they are better off alone than as an ATM, manual labor or defining their self worth based on their success with women (provide protect) is the only way now and still be able to pay the bills. meeselbon573 • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 08:36 PM Are you one of those people who think Cancel Culture is a myth?

the_purring_jew[S] • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 08:53 PM Are you celebrities? What exactly is going to happen to you if you start a movement, mean tweets?

meeselbon573 • 6 points • 10 July, 2020 09:23 PM Not celebrities, but people who don’t want to get fired from their jobs. If you don’t think it happens, you aren’t paying attention. Don’t get me wrong, the movement will come. But more men need to wake up first. It starts online.

TheJim66 • 20 points • 10 July, 2020 02:27 PM Enjoy the decline. There is no point in any MRA endeavor because women are the majority of voters and a very homogenous group, especially in these topics. No politician would risk offending them by advocating for such laws.

OfSpock • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 11:58 PM Perhaps you could advocate for more men to vote?

TheJim66 • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 12:06 AM Men are individualists that are also highly heterogeneous. There is a reason they don't vote and that politicians don't try to appease them.

OfSpock • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 01:06 AM You should start a movement to encourage men to vote.

TheJim66 • 4 points • 11 July, 2020 01:13 AM And like I said,thats a failing enterprise due to male nature .

OfSpock • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 01:16 AM You should just give up then. Men have no history of working together in armies or anything www.TheRedArchive.com Page 39 of 65 like that.

TheJim66 • 5 points • 11 July, 2020 01:21 AM I did say enjoy the decline didn't I? Men act only to benefit themselves and don't care about others. They joined armies because they were forced or to make money. Men can work together that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that the only social issues they care about and are MAYBE willing to lobby for are those that affect their money. Especially in the modern age with the internet and the lack of anonymity.

OfSpock • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 01:24 AM And financial abortion affects their money. There you go. Off to start a movement.

TheJim66 • 4 points • 11 July, 2020 01:36 AM Not unless they face that situation. Never mind that it is antithetical to the other thing men care about, pussy. Going against the feminist imperative is abysmal for the average man's chances of getting laid.

OfSpock • 5 points • 11 July, 2020 01:49 AM Then get those men to join your movement, especially if there are so many of them.

Sid_Insidious • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 01:39 AM Doesn't matter. 50% of voters are women, 90% of those are socialist AF. 1/2 of men are socialist AF because most of THOSE men are pussywhipped pusssybegging simps and cucks. Or, they just think they are "progressive" or they vote against the right or anyone remotely centrist (aka, anyone a half-inch of Stalin-Left.)

OfSpock • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 01:49 AM* Well give up and stop whinging then.

Sid_Insidious • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 09:37 PM I still cast my vote. And I shit all over progressive lib-tards every chance I get, and I am even openly revulsed by them. I often ask people who want insanely cost social programs and benefits: who is going to pay for all this. Their eyes glaze over and they say "Well, we can't afford NOT to spend this money that you say we don't have." You'd have better luck reasoning with a monkey, or a retarded child.

redditthrowaway1478 • -1 points • 10 July, 2020 04:46 PM With that attitude, why would you expect anything to happen? Simply talking about it and spreading awareness is what needs to happen right now.

TheJim66 • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 05:02 PM I don't expect anything to happen. That's the point. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 40 of 65 Simply talking about it and spreading awareness is what needs to happen right now.

It won't change anything though. There isn't any real reason financial abortion is illegal other than the fact that it benefits women for it to be so. There havent been any laws in the West that didn't favor women for the past few decades. Enjoy the decline.

Market_Feudalism • 11 points • 10 July, 2020 02:08 PM There is exactly 0% chance for either of those policies to gain support enough to be discussed seriously, much less to pass into law. Our civilization is terminally ill.

the_purring_jew[S] • 12 points • 10 July, 2020 02:25 PM why wont men support them? if men DONT support them, doesnt it tell you its not really a "mens issue"?

Market_Feudalism • 13 points • 10 July, 2020 02:44 PM Men routinely vote against their self-interest (and against civilization) because we are easily manipulated emotionally by the "women and children" card. Then, even if a large number of men voted properly, we are outnumbered by women. Any correction of our trajectory will take place outside of the currently established political system, if it takes place at all.

OfSpock • 6 points • 11 July, 2020 12:02 AM Sounds like men are too emotional to vote. Are we sure they really need that right? J/K this is a stupid argument.

Market_Feudalism • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 12:36 AM They really shouldn't vote, either, in general. Universal suffrage is a bad political system. Political agents need to have costs/benefits for their decisions that are heavier than their psychological biases.

HollowLegMonk • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 05:17 PM Men do support them.

the_purring_jew[S] • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 05:29 PM what evidence is there of that?

HollowLegMonk • 1 point • 30 August, 2020 10:00 PM Hey sorry for the super late response your comment got buried for some reason. Anyway there are men’s rights groups out there including women who are fighting for men’s rights. If you watch the documentary by Casie Jaye it highlights some of those organizations. Here’s a clip: https://youtu.be/HK7n_XA40V8 The issue is that society mocks and ridicules men who try to bring up men’s rights issues because there are more men in power than women. Anytime a person tries to shine a light on men’s issues feminist get borderline violent because they think it takes away from their own movement for supremacy. Even other men mock men who fight for men’s rights because they want to look good to women. That’s how things are rn but who knows what will happen in the future, maybe www.TheRedArchive.com Page 41 of 65 someday people will take men’s rights more serious.

the_purring_jew[S] • 3 points • 30 August, 2020 10:51 PM men dont take what MRAs identify as mens issues seriously, why will anyone elsE?

HollowLegMonk • 1 point • 30 August, 2020 10:56 PM Well said. I agree.

LeJacquelope • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 05:02 AM That's like asking workers why they don't vote against right-to-work laws. zayelion • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 02:43 PM Other more pressing matters at the moment like stopping police officers from busting into our homes and killing us. Basic medical care, let alone extra paper work. Digitizing all these records so they can even be manipulated in such a matter. ... you know, running society.

Expensive-Guitar3609 • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 04:02 PM Easy to understand but hard to explain. Challenging the current political views and specially feminism and some very ginocentric concept and ideas is suicidal, becouse feminism is basically the main tool of resource transfer that the global posmodern structure uses to finance it's political, cultural and strategic operations. Facing such incredibly vast and powerful scheme without at least a firm ideological platform is useless. Not only you won't be able to even scratch the surface of the system, you will also get crushed in the process. But the main point is that: You need to challenge feminists views. And when doing so, you are exposing the system's most greatest tool of resource transfer. And "they" don't like to be exposed. quesoburgesa • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 08:46 PM Too busy out getting cigarettes for the next 18 years

DubsPackage • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 09:36 PM When you participate, when you vote, when you protest, what you're doing is agreeing to be part of society. US society has no future, there's no reason to invest in it or agree to be part of it. The best way is to walk off the plantation and let it burn to the ground. Or let the women fix it. Society is for them, not for us. If men don't have any stake in it, why should we work for it? If a house isn't mine, I don't mow the lawn or put out the fires, it's not my house. The problem is women want to own the house, but they want us to fix it. If they own the house, they should fix it.

[deleted] • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 02:29 PM

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 42 of 65 First off it isn't that simple. I'll say right now that a lot of guys today are not patriotic and are complete simps. They don't want to fight for the rights the same way men before them killed ENTIRE amries for FREEDOM. Those where men, what we have today are simp soy boys who sit on their asses and complain about feminism. Thats part one of the equation. Part two is yes....the feminist. You see with people fighting for their rights in todays world, you have to get recognition from the media and government. The problem is that feminism has made the complete bogus assumption that all men in America are privileged and have all the power (the Patriarchy). The only thing is, if this was a Patriarchy...then why are men doing the shit work that holds up society, why do men get punished more severely for crimes, why do men almost always get fucked over in divorce court, why are men on the god damn draft to be signed up to get killed by the enemy, etc. Also we have female leaders in this country so that dosen't make any sense. Now someone who would advocate for those rights for men would automatically be labeled a sexist or bigot because they are proposing something that can fuck woman up. Woman, especially feminist, don't like being call out and a lot of times will lie to both themselves and the media about how they are victims. My mom did this to my dad in family court and almost made him go to prison. Honestly, if time and the media is showing us anything, its that woman are just as shitty as men. Advocating for something like that might prove this a lot more than feminist would like would pass of a lot of people. They might even say that its the woman's choice to let the baby get DNA tested. A lot of guys know this. Men need a new movement. Something that caters to us and us alone. And I ain't talking about wack ass r/MensLib or MRA. MRA was good until it got infected with a bunch of incels mofos the same way MGTOW did. Like get me a movement that does shit. Also, stop acting like yall give a fuck about mens rights...its getting annoying af bruh.

[deleted] • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 02:32 PM Or we can start burning down the fuckin Country like those before us.

ThetaOmega • 6 points • 11 July, 2020 04:29 AM Nah. Men don't have to go that far. Just cut back on how much you contribute to society. Stop interacting with women. And when women pretend to be "all for men's rights and oh so anti feminist" don't relent. Tell them to kick rocks.

[deleted] • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 04:32 AM You see in a perfect world that would work but in reality to much dudes out here are fuckin simps and would do anything to get their dick wet. It would be better if men just stayed away from relationship and focused on themselves but then again there are to much idiots.

ThetaOmega • 6 points • 11 July, 2020 05:21 AM I very much agree. Sex robots might help a bit. Society would have to knock off the shaming aspect of it, however for the weak men to get on board with them

spacechicken1990 • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 06:24 AM Honestly you guys parrot this in every thread instead of actually doing something about the issues. It's much easier to cry wolf about the big bad feminists and carry on wanking in ur moms basement. I sincerely hope they do bring out the sex bots out and you realise nothing changes, same as www.TheRedArchive.com Page 43 of 65 porn nothing has changed. Must be so awful to be attracted to something you hate so vehemently.

spacechicken1990 • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 06:21 AM

men doing the shit work

Because up untill very recently women weren't allowed in these jobs. Specify shit work pls.

why do men get punished more severely for crimes

The justice system is biased against men that's true, but how is this due to feminism?

why are men on the god damn draft to be signed up to get killed by the enemy

Because the state sees you as an expendable piece of firing fodder, women are now allowed to serve in combat since 2013. This is not because the state is better to women, quite the opposite we were banned from serving for mist of history.

Also we have female leaders in this country

Yes but far less than men, women rarely occupy positions of power in government.

Now someone who would advocate for those rights for men would automatically be labeled a sexist or bigot because they are proposing something that can fuck woman up

What are you on about? How will changing these legislations fuck women up? We can have both, more equality for men doesn't = less equality for women & vice versa.

Woman, especially feminist, don't like being call out and a lot of times will lie to both themselves and the media about how they are victims.

Victims of what?

Men need a new movement.

Yes exactly.

. Something that caters to us and us alone.

Nah working together would get far better results for both sides, if were on the same team who's going to stand in our way?

Sea-Buffalo • 8 points • 10 July, 2020 03:26 PM It’s a fight that you are not going to win in today’s world. That’s why I got a vasectomy and will never get married. It’s amazing how many women act like they are traditionalist and don’t want kids till you tell them you are clipped and won’t ever get married. Walking in and telling a woman this is the great equalizer. She knows instantly she has to maintain the same standards she did in the start of the relationship to keep you around. If you take kids and the state () out of it, you can leave at anytime she decides to change or not stay the same way she was when y’all were dating. This is why women don’t like this type of true equality. They only want equality that benefits them. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 44 of 65 ThetaOmega • 4 points • 11 July, 2020 04:32 AM Gotta be careful of common law marriage, however. It's only going to get worse before it gets better. I forsee Palimony becoming a thing late in my lifetime. It's gotten so bad, The Pence Rule is the only way to really protect yourself. Because even thou you have your great equalizer right now, she will pull out the false accusation card on you when she is not getting what she wants. With the Pence rule, good fucking luck trying to prove that.

Sea-Buffalo • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 09:05 AM I agree you have to be very very careful that why I am very picky about the women I date. I don’t want kids and don’t want her to have any either. I also don’t want to support her and as such I expect her to have her life in order in the same as me financially. I also have made any women I live with sign a co habitation agreement. It’s amazing how many women change their tunes when you lay it all out from the start and show them you are cutting off any possible benefit from being in a relationship except for what it should be and that’s a companion. If you lay all this out from the start and don’t be alone with them for a few dates it tends to flush out the crazies. I also tell them from the start it’s going to be Dutch going out or I pay for one dinner you pay the next and so on. There are a few good women out there but not many. The way I look at it is if you tell them all this upfront you will sort the wheat from the chaff in short order. I also run civil and criminal checks on them to find out if there is any major red flags in their background because today if you are a single man with your live in order and own your own home you have a target on your back on the dating world.

ThetaOmega • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 03:42 PM That sounds absolutely exhausting, just to cover your own ass. There are so many other things that I can do with all that time spent. In all reality, you do all of that, and is it really worth it?

Sea-Buffalo • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 07:07 PM Nope it’s not to be honest and that’s why most men are walking away from relationships if a woman expresses interest I’ll put forth the effort to see if she is relationship material. But most I’ve found today that express interest tend to be looking for some material gain. Most women who have their life in order with no kids and are in good health know they can enjoy life a lot more playing the field. But most a very short sighted and think that level of attention will last forever. But they hit their late 30a and find they have lost a lot of their value. You can see it a lot with how angry they get with rejection or when you expect them to put work into the relationship.

wub1234 • 13 points • 10 July, 2020 02:30 PM Paper abortions are a ridiculous concept. I'm not sure why everyone makes such a massive fuss about paternity on here, as you can easily challenge the www.TheRedArchive.com Page 45 of 65 paternity of a child, and prove beyond all doubt that you are not the father. As to why I don't do anything, I couldn't care less about either issue. Neither of them has impacted on me in the slightest, or is ever likely to do so.

retal1ator • 10 points • 10 July, 2020 06:39 PM It's a ridiculous concept because you don't even put yourself into the shoes of a man forced to raise a child he does not want. If you think that's ridiculous, then abortions and women giving away their children at birth are also ridicolous concepts?

gigababejfl • 4 points • 11 July, 2020 06:58 AM

It's a ridiculous concept because you don't even put yourself into the shoes of a man forced to raise a child he does not want.

Lol legitimate fathers walk away from their children every day. Forced is having something growing inside of u with no legal right to leave it. Forced is what happens when men abandon little humans and if u don't care for it, it dies. Im so sick of male "tragedy". Youre not "forced" to do anything

wub1234 • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 08:26 PM* Can you imagine what would happen if every single time a man didn't 'want' a child, he walked away from it, taking no responsibility for it? Fucking hell, we're dealing with a generation of people who struggle to commit to renewing their Netflix account. It would be pandemonium. You don't even know what you're asking for.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 09:07 PM [removed]

wub1234 • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 08:06 AM You can't have equality in childbirth until men are ready to carry the foetus and give birth in 50% of cases. Come back to me when that is the case, and we'll discuss equality then.

[deleted] 11 July, 2020 08:20 AM [removed]

wub1234 • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 08:25 AM If you think I'm a horrible person, that's absolutely fine. That's your right. In my opinion, you can't ever have equality in childbirth because the male and female experience is completely incomparable, and this is rightly recognised legally. That's just my opinion, if that makes me the worst human-being in the world, it will still remain my opinion.

Mrs_Drgree[M] • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 05:53 PM Be civil

Mrs_Drgree[M] • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 05:53 PM Don't make things personal. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 46 of 65 CatchPhraze • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 07:32 PM He's never forced to raise it, only pay for like 1/3rd of it.

DevilishRogue • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 04:15 PM

Paper abortions are a ridiculous concept.


I'm not sure why everyone makes such a massive fuss about paternity on here, as you can easily challenge the paternity of a child, and prove beyond all doubt that you are not the father.

What if you are but didn't want to be?

As to why I don't do anything, I couldn't care less about either issue. Neither of them has impacted on me in the slightest, or is ever likely to do so.

I wonder if you'd be the same about slavery if you were born before that was illegal.

wub1234 • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 04:39 PM


If you have paper abortions in this society, there would be total carnage for numerous reasons. The best case scenario is that the economic consequences would be massive.

What if you are but didn't want to be?

If someone accused me of being the father of a child, and I knew or suspected that this wasn't the case, I could get it overturned quite easily. If I didn't want to be the father of a child, but was, I would accept that I had been a willing participant in that process, and had an economic responsibility. Franky, I would want to be in the child's life anyway, I wouldn't be pushing for any form of abortion in the first place.

I wonder if you'd be the same about slavery if you were born before that was illegal.

I don't agree with paper abortions, so there is no parallel with slavery. I believe that it is fairly straightforward to prove that you are not the father of a child if necessary, so again no parallel with slavery. I genuinely don't understand why people make such a fuss out of this issue.

DevilishRogue • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 06:29 PM

If you have paper abortions in this society, there would be total carnage for numerous reasons. The best case scenario is that the economic consequences would be massive.

That's nonsense. There would be far fewer out of wedlock children. That's the only significant difference.

If I didn't want to be the father of a child, but was, I would accept that I had been a willing participant in that process, and had an economic responsibility.

You don't have that responsibility if it is another person's decision. They have that responsibility. The state just transfers the financial consequences of that decision onto you.

I don't agree with paper abortions, so there is no parallel with slavery.

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 47 of 65 Paper abortions don't affect you personally. That's why you said you don't care about them and why you are ignorant enough to say things like:

I genuinely don't understand why people make such a fuss out of this issue.

wub1234 • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 08:27 PM Quite evidently, you have no idea what you're asking for, or what the consequences would be.

DevilishRogue • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 08:30 PM I know exactly what I am positing and what the consequences would be. The choice is more children in lesser poverty or fewer children in greater poverty. Do you at least understand that much?

wub1234 • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 08:35 PM We don't know that there would be less children, or even if we can assume that there would be less children, we don't know how by what degree this would occur. Because we don't know what the consequences of this would be. There could be so many children born into poverty that there are huge and undesirable social impacts. There could be a massive increase in infanticide, certainly you would expect crime to increase significantly, more children would be fostered and adopted, and that would have a massive impact on social services. Certainly the state will end up footing the bill on some level, and you will end up paying a huge price for this crazy decision. It could encourage more women to have children because the undesirable social consequences could force the government to pay out more social security, in a far more lax manner. They may simply decide that this is the most cost-effective way of dealing with paper abortions. That is not inconceivable at all. On top of that, there would be all sorts of social consequences that we can both envisage, and not even imagine yet. Frankly, it's just a completely preposterous notion.

DevilishRogue • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 07:58 AM

We don't know that there would be less children, or even if we can assume that there would be less children, we don't know how by what degree this would occur.

We don't know the degree exactly but you are effectively refuting the law of supply and demand here.

There could be so many children born into poverty that there are huge and undesirable social impacts.

Not really, people change their behavior according to the consequences of that behavior.

There could be a massive increase in infanticide

Abortion, you mean, and that has already happened.

more children would be fostered and adopted

There wouldn't be more children.

Certainly the state will end up footing the bill on some level, and you will end up www.TheRedArchive.com Page 48 of 65 paying a huge price for this crazy decision

Less than an extra penny tax on the dollar for equality in terms of reproductive rights for men and women? Only feminists wouldn't be for that.

It could encourage more women to have children because the undesirable social consequences could force the government to pay out more social security

No it couldn't.

there would be all sorts of social consequences that we can both envisage, and not even imagine yet.

The social consequences would be fewer children born out of wedlock, fewer children in poverty and those who receive state aid being seen as more deserving.

Frankly, it's just a completely preposterous notion.

To someone that has only thought about it with as shallow depth as you have, perhaps. To someone who has considered the matter more thoroughly it is a no-brainer.

rhyth7 • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 05:15 PM Men should not cum in women. Sorry fellas, I know you don't want to hear it.

softhandsam • 6 points • 10 July, 2020 07:39 PM Women shouldn't fuck men who aren't down to raise babies. But yall keep doing it. For the same reason as men don't use a condom every time

rhyth7 • -1 points • 10 July, 2020 07:40 PM If nobody were fucking there'd be a lot more raping. And there's already lots of raping as is.

softhandsam • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 07:43 PM Why would nobody fuck just because women stopped fuxking guys who are too shit to raise their own kids? Why not just fuck, you know, better men? And no, there isn't "lots" of rape.

woxmintari • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 07:25 PM You are correct. Bring on the ai sex robots and artificial wombs.

Innovative_being • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 11:20 AM

you can easily challenge the paternity of a child

Not if you are married to her. If you are married, your name automatically goes on the birth certificate

[deleted] • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 04:56 PM We’re forming a campaign... still waiting on our female allies... waiting.... waiting.

Jip_Jaap_Stam • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 05:26 PM www.TheRedArchive.com Page 49 of 65 It's only taken a few fairly tame comments on PPD for radical feminists to target my livelihood. I've lost money and opportunities for the sake of speaking my mind - respectfully and diplomatically, I might add - on a supposedly anonymous website, so heaven knows the backlash I'd face if I took to the streets with a placard. Of course, I should've taken more care to protect my identity, but I was naive.

LowCreddit • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 05:53 PM Mandatory paternity testing would be incredibly interesting scientifically and a disaster for society. Paper abortions aren't in the Overton Window yet. We are just starting to get 50/50 parenting. You should fund that first. Then you work on turning child support from "alimony by another phrase" into actual child support. By the time you get to paper abortions, the case isn't as strong. woxmintari • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 07:21 PM It will never happen female privalige is a run away train with no breaks. It's better for men to understand we live in a materiachhy now and we must be careful about how we interact with women. No marriage, no single mothers, no flirting at work and live a self focused life while paying as minimal taxes as possible.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 09:04 PM* [deleted]

woxmintari • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 09:24 PM Oh I don't care, I have no intention of starting a family in the west. 1% that is a gross understatement. It's in double digits. Men do get paternity tests and contest paternity all the time. I dont believe there should be major changes only some minor changes to get men some equality.

woxmintari • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 09:28 PM You have had sex with over 200 men!?

[deleted] • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 09:35 PM Shitpost during purge week brah darksoldierk • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 01:17 AM Men try, but they are up against two behemoths; feminism and politicians. When feminism lobbied, it was only up against politicians. There was a large portion of the male population, who did want their mothers, daughters and sisters to be able to get an education, to be able to work and support themselves, to have rights, and be protected. Those were the guys that helped women and feminism succeed. There aren't anywhere near as many women who would support men in a fight against paternity fraud which would result in a disadvantage to women. Men are not only fighting two HUGE organisations that not only have no interest in supporting them, but have an interest to deny them, but they are also on their own, they don't have support from anyone. Ultimately, the only way that mandatory paternity testing and paper abortions can be a reality, isn't by non- profits and lobbying, it's by creating a problem for women and the government, and making it in their interest to implement these things. This can be done by men choosing to not pay child support and accepting jail time for it, www.TheRedArchive.com Page 50 of 65 it can be done by men disappearing after finding out their wives/girlfriends are pregnant, hell, it can even be done by men who kill their wives when they find out that their wives lied and the man just spent 10 years of his life and resources raising a child that isn't his. All of these things create a problem for both women and the government, and when that problem becomes pervasive, then choice for men will be implemented as a response to those problems.

Grave_Heresy • 6 points • 10 July, 2020 02:28 PM

...to start the campaign for "mandatory" paternity testing and paper abortions?

Those are back-end solutions. Stop having long-term relationships, marriage and co-habitation. Most importantly, stop having kids (Vasectomy, spermicide, condoms, abstinence, chemical castration etc..).

where is the lobbying group and the non-profit? why arent you all banding together to propose legislation? or at least some of you?

This will NEVER happen. The White Knight Consensus is too powerful of an influence on half of men. The remaining men are too busy being blue pilled simpanzees who would trade their kidney for 2-night a week marital missionary sex deal. These types seriously think they are winning because they were selected to be betabux for a mediocre post-wall female. I'd say it's sad but there is some joy in the willful ignorance of it all I suppose.

who are you waiting on to do it?

Personal advice: don't bother. It's better to GYOW. Part of the problem with the way that has been constructed in the west is that it creates an imperative for men to fix everything from broken cars to broken political systems. But why? It isn't your job to fix anything for anyone. Society has benefited from the last 10,000 years of male ingenuity. What has it given you in return?? A group of financial dependants with no sense of personal responsibility over their own lives and a willingness to dispose of you at a moment's notice when a better deal comes along. Are you kidding me? The reason why men are disgruntled with the current setup is because they keep trying to fulfill this dream that society has given them where they come in and fix and improve everything for everyone. We are frustrated because our efforts aren't being rewarded. But would a slave complain if his master didn't pay him for his work? Incidentally, our worth is directly tied to our ability to be work horses. Men need to get this into our heads; you don't have to fix everything. In fact, you don't have to fix anything. You only have to take care of yourself. You don't need a wife, gf or kids. You want those things because society tells you that the epitome of male excellence is in providing for a female and her children. The best that society has to offer you as a man is a 70 hour work week. So you can do what? Impress a woman? Provide for her kids? Think about this for a second, what in the hell are you getting in return that exclusively rewards your efforts? All of these issues wouldn't even exist if men stopped with the dating, cohabitating and marriage. But they are so desperate for female validation and P-sleeve that they gladly walk into these no win scenarios. If you haven't already, consider going your own way. It's much better than this rat race.

-Solitude-- • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 03:23 PM Beautifully worded. 100% this.

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 51 of 65 misunderstood_9gager • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 01:30 PM* Meh, if I did move over to America, got a girl pregnant, divorce blablabla I would just flee the country, inbefore getting taken to the cleaners. I am Swedish, so EDIT: This is of course, if I am not the father of the child and have been tricked. If I am indeed the father, sure, its a different story.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 01:41 PM* [deleted]

misunderstood_9gager • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 01:56 PM bruh, I will kick it back in Greece as she is seething in US however, if the child is in fact mine, then sure, thats another story

Substantial_Wasabi • 10 points • 10 July, 2020 02:01 PM

I would just flee the country, inbefore getting taken to the cleaners. I am Swedish, so

Ahh yes, and women are the irresponsible gender that try to shirk all responsibility

misunderstood_9gager • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 02:21 PM Ahp ahp, the example given was when I was not the father (Queue the Povich Show Theme). If I learn I am not the father, I will run for the hills (Of Greece <3) and I will take my money as well. If I am the father however, then sure, it is a different situation.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 03:20 PM* [deleted]

misunderstood_9gager • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 03:45 PM mmhmm. But so many ppl on this sub be like: > Fuck girl immediately without even knowing anything substantial about them > Girl gets pregnant > Girl sues for child support putting him in financial ruin > Guy: lol all wahmen bad lemayo

Substantial_Wasabi • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 02:24 PM That's not what your statement suggested at all before you edited it. You said if i get a woman pregnant/get divorced. Lmao nice try though.

misunderstood_9gager • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 02:28 PM

.to start the campaign for "mandatory" paternity testing

That was the OP, which I was responding to :P Ergo, if the child is not mine, I will leave. But to elaborate though, if I for some reason was in a position where I did not want to have a child, and the woman refused to get an abortion. Yeah, I would also flee the country, and send the kid the money set upon under the Swedish Standard each month. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 52 of 65 NiCE trY ThOUgh.pdf

TheBookOfSeil • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 03:22 PM Some men have already started doing things about it. The thing is that due to precedents set by feminism, only so much can be done about it before the government kicks back saying "sorry we cant do these things as these go against current laws." The government literally does not benefit from repealing Roe v Wade because that is not only publically-regulated population management, but also reduction of welfare dependents (single mothers), which I believe is the only reason that the government allowed abortions to exist in the first place, because it definitely wasn't for "equality." Factor in the men who dont mind paying child support because they have decent paying jobs, and the left- leaning men who literally support women being given more rights than men (basically legislative cucks), and you have less men as a whole who are actually fighting for their own imperatives. The ones that are, are fighting an uphill battle. hypothememe • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 04:27 PM One reason mite be feminists get a pat on the back and a pass and a revolutionary respect when they spend their lives fighting ‘the Man’ but MRAs get laughed at and ridiculed. Plus most men can’t just bail on their ruined lives and set up shop in someone elses if things don’t work, so theres gonna be less of them redditthrowaway1478 • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 04:45 PM For someone else to fall on the sword and get the ball rolling. Just like against women never really took off until #metoo, few individuals are going to risk their social and political reputations starting something that doesn’t already have widespread support. (Especially if they have little to no activism experience) It is coming tho. More and more men are speaking out about this stuff. It’s becoming normalized to talk about men’s issues.

[deleted] • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 06:17 PM There have been lawyers trying to get these laws on the books. One was interviewed in The Red Pill. But society and legislators at the state and federal levels don't care about issues that men face, so they largely fail. Which is why I'm MGTOW and why a lot of guys are. It's an acceptance that no progress will ever be made and a commitment to a lifestyle that mitigates risk until laws get passed and things change, which, of course, they never will.

Coloring_Fractals • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 07:50 PM Yeah things happen in the world that really bother me. I suck at using my anger in a productive way so I try to find people who are good at it and throw them some money or something. Interpersonally I try not to get mad cuz anger and I don’t have a good relationship. Not saying that’s the right way to do things.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 08:01 PM [deleted]

the_purring_jew[S] • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 08:54 PM There are hundreds if not thousands of advocacy groups in the US fighting for various rights and legal www.TheRedArchive.com Page 53 of 65 reforms, what is wrong with all of you?

Zippo-Cat • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 03:42 AM You mean like Men's Rights, which is at best laughed away and most commonly lumped together with redpillers and incels? What kind of fucking retarded question even is this? You don't get to demand things if you have absolutely no leverage and no one is taking you seriously.

ThroneofTime • 8 points • 10 July, 2020 01:45 PM Cause they don’t actually want to change anything. They just wanna bitch about it even though most of them are blackpillers who no woman would want to get married to in the first place.

-Solitude-- • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 03:12 PM You’re wrong that we don’t want it to change — anyone (who’s male) with even a slight amount of self- preservation and awareness for the current state of things would have good reason to detest a law like what’s currently in place. That being said, I suppose you make a valid enough argument otherwise. As a blackpilled guy this shit isn’t worth being thrown under the bus for, especially with such a small chance that change will actually come about from it. I’ll never be interested in being with women, and women will never be interested in being with me. So what’s the point in getting my life destroyed for trying to speak up about an issue that will never apply to me? I’d rather watch the world burn and enjoy the time I have left if the alternative is throwing myself into the flames with everyone else. azngirl7689 • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 02:34 PM They’re waiting for women to do the emotional labor. Just like with everything else.

the_purring_jew[S] • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 02:36 PM i mean yeh thats what it seems like

azngirl7689 • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 02:39 PM In the meantime they’ll be here whinging to women online.

xinf3ct3d • 1 point • 12 July, 2020 02:34 PM Emotional labour is the most bullshit term I've ever heard. Such a form of labour neither feeds you nor does it shelter you. It is just a fallback to talk about if you have nothing else to talk about. Grow out of FDS, please.

azngirl7689 • 1 point • 12 July, 2020 02:37 PM OK so go start your own movement to mandate paternity tests.

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 03:32 PM* [deleted]

Innovative_being • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 11:25 AM

Wealthy powerful Chads would not want this either because mandatory paternity test will probably find www.TheRedArchive.com Page 54 of 65 out that he has fathered even more children and will have to pay even more out.

This is a ridiculous comment and shows that you don’t understand the current laws or even what mandatory paternity testing at birth would entail. If a woman “accuses” a Chad of being the father, the state WILL test him, even now, without “mandatory paternity testing” If a woman doesn’t know the name of the Chad, then she can’t accuse him, whether or not mandatory paternity testing is in effect. So Chad doesn’t lose anything if there is mandatory paternity testing. He’s screwed either way if the woman knows his name However Chad will gain a lot from mandatory paternity testing if a woman accuses him and he turns out not to be the father. Truly a ridiculous comment. The only people against mandatory paternity testing are women

[deleted] • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 01:31 PM Ummm you just said the same thing. Right now if Chad gets accursed he is tested. With mandatory, if she doesn’t know Chads name she can get tested but how are they going to tie the baby to him without gross privacy violation of keeping men’s blood on file for test matching? It’s not that men vs women are for or against this law, most just don’t care or see it as a big enough hill to die on

Innovative_being • 1 point • 12 July, 2020 01:57 AM*

she can get tested but how are they going to tie the baby to him without gross privacy violation of keeping men’s blood on file for test matching?

The mother would be screwed. They wouldn’t keep every mans blood on file. Mandatory paternity testing is just to ensure the “accused” father is the real biological father before he signs the birth certificate Mandatory paternity testing won’t magically find nameless fathers in some weird database. It’s just to ensure women are telling the truth if they point the finger at a particular man saying he’s the father You misunderstand how men would implement mandatory paternity tests. It’s not for the benefit of women who don’t know the mans name, it’s solely for the benefit of falsely accused men. In cases where the woman doesn’t know the mans name, there’s no test to be done and no name to go on the birth certificate, she becomes a single mother as a result of her poor choices

Dora_Bowl • 4 points • 10 July, 2020 02:15 PM Women to do it for them I suspect.

Pola_Lita • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 01:45 PM I can't understand anyone voluntarily inviting the government into their lives at such an intimate level unless it really is necessary. Why did you marry a woman you couldn't trust? Why are you risking reproducing with her? I really wonder how many men were more than say, 30% genuinely surprised by a child who wasn't theirs. OR who are incapable of arranging for their own tests, unless they live in France or similar. I tend to think those calling loudest for automatic govt interference may be those men who aren't married, or still www.TheRedArchive.com Page 55 of 65 looking for girlfriends. Those who are least likely to really understand how 24/7 m/f relationships work.

BROWN-TOILET-PAPER • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 10:09 PM

Why did you marry a woman you couldn't trust?

Everyone thinks they can trust the person they marry. That doesn't mean that you can in the end. Tell all the women that end up getting abused by their husband later on down the line that they shouldn't have trusted him 5 years ago when he wasn't abusing her. People marry people they trust, and then get cheated on, or treated differently down the road in various ways. You can't tell the future. People, can't fully be trusted. They're people.

darksoldierk • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 01:10 AM Trust, like everything else in life, is limited by risk. There is no such thing as unconditional trust. Society has pushed up the risk of trusting a woman in this regard, to a level so high, that it's stupid for a man to trust the woman he marries in this regard. It's like, if I told you that I'm going to get a machine to randomly select a number between 1-100, 3 times. If it selects, any number other than 5 all three times, you get $1000. If it selects 5 even once, you pay $5. Would you care? no, barely any risk. NOw, if I held you, your family, and everyone you ever knew at gunpoint, and asked you if you wanted to play the same game with the same $1000 reward, all of a sudden, the risk has sky rocketed. Even though the odds are astronomically in your favour, the average person would rather NOT play that game when given the choice. Trust is the same. You can trust a woman with a joint bank account, you can trust her by buying a house together, but the risk of those are relatively minor when compared to the risk of paternity fraud.

Pola_Lita • 1 point • 15 July, 2020 06:41 AM

Trust is the same. You can trust a woman with a joint bank account, you can trust her by buying a house together, but the risk of those are relatively minor when compared to the risk of paternity fraud.

But this is what I'm thinking about. The bank account and the house are also relatively minor losses compared to being deceived paternity-wise. A woman who would even consider that as possible would have to have some world-class personality issues. I don't see how that wouldn't just stick out all over.

darksoldierk • 1 point • 15 July, 2020 12:42 PM You dont see how it would stick out? What do you mean? Do you blame women for men who were perfectly normal before marriage, then they start beating their wives after marriage? How is this any different? Visible or not, clear or not, just like a woman isnt held responsible for not seeing that her husband was a beater before marrying him, men are not responsible for not seeing their wives as the type to commit paternity fraud before marriage. The difference is, society blames men for that and forced them to pay for a child that isnt theirs, but society doesnt blame women for marrying someone who bears them.

Pola_Lita • 1 point • 15 July, 2020 07:15 PM Because of it being a waaaay negative personal trait, it would be hard to even be a coworker of someone like that and not at least sense there's probably a difference between her morality and www.TheRedArchive.com Page 56 of 65 your own (or my own) Do you blame women for men who were perfectly normal before marriage, then they start beating their wives after marriage? How is this any different? I'd definitely wonder how it could have happened. Assigning blame is not something I'd do without knowing the circumstances well. But do I think wife-beaters are easy to miss? Nope. Not with the amount of information available today about their ideas and behaviors. And definitely NOT if your relationship is intimate enough to be considering marriage. But even at that, the only "responsibility" that was put on women around violent men, and for a lot of people still is, is the responsibility of not making him so mad that he needs to smack you so hard.

Visible or not, clear or not, just like a woman isnt held responsible for not seeing that her husband was a beater before marrying him, men are not responsible for not seeing their wives as the type to commit paternity fraud before marriage.

I think you're confusing responsibility and capability with blame and deserving. Honestly, I don't know the thinking behind the idea of a man being held responsible to support any and all children his wife gives birth to. The only idea I can come up with is from the days when she was his responsibility in the same way his kids were, but that didn't stop fathers from being able to give away their unmarried daughter's children. Or their unmarried daughters, for that matter.

Innovative_being • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 11:17 AM*

Why did you marry a woman you couldn't trust? Why are you risking reproducing with her?

All the men who are victims of paternity fraud married a woman they trusted. The better question is: why do deceitful women commit paternity fraud and abuse their husband’s trust? Personal question: Do you have kids?

AutoModerator[M] • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 12:42 PM Attention!

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Matt_Door • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 02:50 PM They are doing something about it: not committing to relationships, not seeking higher education and www.TheRedArchive.com Page 57 of 65 dropping out of the workforce. How much child support you going to get from a broke pot smoking lay about?

[deleted] 10 July, 2020 03:23 PM* [deleted]

Matt_Door • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 03:59 PM* I agree there are loads of reasons, there are no silver bullets, but it is a reason, it’s a factor and it compounds the overall problem of young men increasingly feeling like they have no place in society or will reap less reward for their effort. Economic uncertainty is the biggest issue in my mind between the sexes. Edit: i would support national service for all, men and women, at 18. You don’t have to join the military, you can join a government infrastructure project and dig ditches or clean veterans’ bedpans. But some national service should be mandatory, no buying your way out of it either.

LeJacquelope • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 04:55 AM

They should bring back mandatory military service for men 18 to 21 in this country

And then they should just blow this country straight to hell and then the whole planet with it. I'd rather see that first.

[deleted] • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 01:28 PM I don’t mean violent training, more a national service for community work to teach kids discipline.

LeJacquelope • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 09:13 PM No, you said MILITARY service. And I don't care what kind of service it is, off is the direction in which that whole idea can go fuck itself if it only forces men to do it and not women. I'll go to war to stop the return of forced labor for men.

[deleted] • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 11:16 PM You are right the connotation is bad, I can go back and edit if you like...this isn’t something I’m strongly advocating for just a thought on how to get young people training and experiences doing something besides tinder and video games

c_dolly • 10 points • 10 July, 2020 01:06 PM One of them told me not so long ago in all seriousness as a true argument: we are helpless in front of women.

NarniaFox • 6 points • 10 July, 2020 01:53 PM Oh, I've been told this recently. It kind of explains why some of guys are so bitter.

Zestuclone • 9 points • 10 July, 2020 01:33 PM Men's right are impossible to defend because it will always be seen as "taking away from more important issues" (women/children). Unless it serve women or children NOTHING will ever go through we all know that. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 58 of 65 I need to look up in detail for the post an mra in his 60's about why advocating for men but that was pretty much something like this.

thesadslut • 7 points • 10 July, 2020 01:11 PM They don’t actually care about those things.

DebatePony • 5 points • 10 July, 2020 01:32 PM Oh this is going to be lovely.

theambivalentrooster • 8 points • 10 July, 2020 12:55 PM look i WOULD do it but feminists on the internet will yell at me, it's too hard, who has time for all that, video games and porn don't yell at me and my mom only does sometimes i just want to close by saying women are evil resource sucking bitches and someone should do something about it

ModernMedia • 3 points • 10 July, 2020 01:53 PM Paper abortions are a surefire way to make our shit societies even shittier. Hard no on that one. Take some fucking responsibility people (men and women)

DevilishRogue • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 04:51 PM

Paper abortions are a surefire way to make our shit societies even shittier.

Quite the opposite. Paper abortions would result in far fewer children out of wedlock as women wouldn't be able to rely on forcing the father to pay child support. This would make society much better and the sooner it happens the better.

Take some fucking responsibility people (men and women)

What responsibility do you believe someone has for something that is entirely someone else's choice?

ModernMedia • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 12:21 PM Unprotected fucking is entirely somebody elses choice? Mkay

[deleted] 11 July, 2020 03:33 PM [removed]

wtknight[M] • 1 point • 12 July, 2020 12:15 AM Be civil.

DevilishRogue • 1 point • 12 July, 2020 12:29 PM This was very civil considering the patronising and bad faith that had gone before it (that would have been more appropriate to call out).

[deleted] 13 July, 2020 09:49 AM [removed]

DevilishRogue • 1 point • 13 July, 2020 05:11 PM

conceiving a child isn't done in isolation www.TheRedArchive.com Page 59 of 65 No one said it was.

Your first reply was a rant of no substance

There was no rant and the substance was that people respond to incentives.

your 2nd reply got deleted, because you probably couldn't even hold the already gutter level of argumentation you established prior...

Nothing appears deleted and you're the only one who has gone down the gutter path, and more than once at that. u/wtknight did you delete one of my comments?

You d rather have a huge uptick in dumpster babys

Abortion, perhaps, as women wouldn't want to be held accountable.

accept that you actually have a responsibility on where you squirt your juice

What happens after that juice is squirted is entirely the choice of the party that accepted it. Unless you are advocating men being able to force women to have abortions, and I don't think even you are doing that, you don't have an argument.

ModernMedia • 0 points • 13 July, 2020 07:23 PM Stop the hamstering... what happens after the fact isn't the point, it's also not how responsibilities work. People have full information on the risks of impregnation. Also on the legal implications of fathering a child. Everybody has a choice and those choices have implied responsibility. You can toss and turn all you want. I'm also fairly ambivalent on abortion tbh. The only good argument for them is that the alternative (abortions being illegal) is impeding bodily autonomy. Because yes (without opening the Nth rape debate) the women getting pregnant also willingly took that risk. Also your talk about incentives makes no sense. Being a single mom does not make your life better or stabilize your financial situation. You would just increase societal risk. Children from single parent households are already at risk (which statistics on the matter will show you in various ways). And your solution is: well, let's hang them up to dry shrug Of course it will worsen society and erode it even further. Because you aren't taking it out on the women you perceive as nefarious leeches, but on the children who had the great misfotune to be conceived by irresponsible asses

OutOfOranges[M] • 1 point • 13 July, 2020 05:14 PM Be civil

BlackPorcelainDoll • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 05:28 PM* All women know why and what the men "today" are waiting for ...

ontherailstoday • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 07:57 AM They are waiting for their mother to do it. Or y'know... random women they wish would be their bangmaid mother. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 60 of 65 FeniZio94 • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 03:10 PM There’s no need to do this Tbh... even if there would be action by men.... retiring from forming families is enough of an action

MikepGrey • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 04:09 PM 1.) if you wont prove the childs paternity, you cannot make a man pay for it (one of my employees just had to go through 6 months of hell to get a ritch prick making baby mamas to pay for his kid. 2.) why lobby for what already is in place? 3.) maybe you should look at how toxic women have gotten, this guys an asshole but he is in a way like myself - I am successful and do not marry and when a women figures out she can't fleece me for my house and bank account, every single one has left. And I am a popular guy, it is how I can go through women like this, always a new one wanting in (and I am 40 mind you). Granted this is an issue I only see state side, women over in Europe are pretty smart and savy, kinda lady you want in your house as she contributes and doesn't think having a baby maker giveth privilege.

DraconianDebate • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 04:19 PM I just have nothing to do with feminists and thus have no reason to worry about these issues.

Sepean • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 06:08 PM Imagine having a political opinion without being engaged in politics!!!

InternalOperator1 • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 08:08 PM Nah, would rather play Counter Strike and wait for our new Chinese overlords to take over redthrowaway400 • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 08:13 PM I’M BAAAAAAACK!!! After Rothschild mods had banned me. I literally don’t care about this post. I just saw that you posted it.

the_purring_jew[S] • 2 points • 10 July, 2020 08:53 PM Lol rothschild mods

Psych0_W0lf • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 09:59 PM The ignorance of this post is kinda funny. And this number of upvotes are even funnier showing ignorance of other people.

Sid_Insidious • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 01:36 AM I don't think it needs to be mandatory. But I think every man thinking he's about to become a father should GET ONE. If he's okay raising and/or paying for a kid that might not be his, hey, that's mighty progressive of him. And by progressive, of course, I mean fucking retarded. (But since we can't say fucking retarded anymore, I just say "progressive".) gschweska • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 01:43 AM It was actually the 1950s and my point was is that one was inherently exploitive of woman and children while the other isn’t. Do you believe that child support laws in the U.S are explosive to men in general they seem far www.TheRedArchive.com Page 61 of 65 more egalitarian.

[deleted] • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 04:34 AM Glad to be r/childfree . I will never have to deal with breeder-problems like this.

Willow-girl • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 11:22 AM Me too! You don't get stuck with a deadbeat ex-husband who doesn't pay his child support if you don't have kids in the first place.

[deleted] • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 04:42 AM Also, if you don’t want kids, wear condoms every time and make her swear in writing that if she does accidentally get pregnant she will abort.

Gabo9718 • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 05:16 AM I’m waiting men to move on pass those lame enterprises and band together as we always did, as a machine of war. jackandjill22 • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 07:22 AM Huh

[deleted] • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 06:20 PM Well for starters advocating for men's rights labels you as a MRA weirdo and a borderline social pariah so no one wants to even participate.

Truth_Dry • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 06:38 PM I'm hoping for tech adoption / advancement that will supersede the need for those campaigns: Opt-out broad genetic testing Male contraception bobless_jum • 1 point • 15 July, 2020 02:20 AM

why arent you all banding together to propose legislation? or at least some of you? we have been, it's getting the votes needed to pass that remains an obstacle: New Jersey (2019) Kansas (2011) Tennessee (2008) I know that you posed this question to be coy, but it really just furthers the narrative that privileged women expect men to do all the legwork, including digging up info that you could have found yourself. At least give up the poop chute to your boyfriend tonight.

[deleted] • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 08:38 PM They don't want the women in their lives to know how much they actually hate women.

KingTutWasASlut • 1 point • 10 July, 2020 03:35 PM Islam

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 62 of 65 ihavesprivilige • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 05:04 AM They can't fight back because no one else who tells them to not obey has come around. And they haven't been ordered yet, to obey by that man, has told them to follow the man who had told them to not obey. They just need an authority figure to tell them to not obey. Sheeah don't you have any empathy for these guys? How are they going to do what they want if someone doesn't tell them to first?

Willow-girl • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 05:19 AM That's what they need wives for. Heh! gigababejfl • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 06:23 AM*

...to start the campaign for "mandatory" paternity testing and paper abortions?

Its a good question but look who you are asking A gender watching their own kill themselves and won't even sign a form or lend an upvote to raise awareness for mental health But will create wombs and die on a hill for porn.

where is the lobbying group and the non-profit? why arent you all banding together

Let me tell you something. The men crying on Reddit don't count. They compete with women, badly. ..when men give a fuck, moves are made. 100% of the time No such thing as male invisibility at this level. They just want attention for fake problems here. You dont see this bc they dont give a fuck. Not one This is why I'm happy feminism is their unsolvable version of AIDS. Men get what they want. Always. If they can't and are whining, its because nature is set up in such a way where they were never intended to have a thing. Thats it, no exceptions You won't see them lobby for this but let withholding pussy become a recycled movement. See the activity and ingenuity. Honestly women should do this and jumpstart society to make them cut their bullshit but girls are having too much fun. I like your question bc we all know they have no answer. Fucking trash

12112019 • 0 points • 10 July, 2020 09:52 PM Who forced them cumming inside women with no rubber and why should I pay for that? We should subsidize less and not more

azngirl7689 • 1 point • 12 July, 2020 02:41 PM Personal responsibility, I like that. gschweska • 0 points • 10 July, 2020 02:56 PM What is a paper abortion?

OfSpock • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 12:04 AM Men want to sign a piece of paper saying they didn't want the child and not have to pay child support.

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 63 of 65 gschweska • 1 point • 11 July, 2020 12:09 AM Bahaha so basically all of human history before this century. Tell them to move to Sadi Arabia then. Damn.

OfSpock • 3 points • 11 July, 2020 01:06 AM Actually no. There is a history of fathers having to support their child through bastardy bonds and similar things. They're just not a well known part of history.

gschweska • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 01:29 AM The history of Bastardy bonds is pretty dark. They were almost never properly enforced and were extremely socially punitive to the female counterpart and especially the child who’s bastard status would then be legally declared. They almost always enforced the financial responsibility of the father upon the death or inability of the woman to care for the child. I appreciate your point but Such legislation was very different from modern child support laws. Though admittedly both are inherently exploitive of the lower classes. In Britain and it’s continental lands they existed primarily so that the crown would not become responsible for wards of the state. This way the issue is deflected to moral and charitable interests rather than being seen as social responsibility.

OfSpock • 2 points • 11 July, 2020 01:37 AM For sure men tried to dodge them all the time. But laws attempting to make men pay to support their children date all the way back to the first Queen Elizabeth and definitely followed the Puritans to America. It's not some new thing invented in the 70s, we just got better at enforcing it now that you can't just move 20 miles away and no one knows where you are. And tbf, enforcement isn't that great still.

diraclikesmath • 0 points • 10 July, 2020 03:56 PM The best way to address a problem is a fundamental approach. Gender-neutral polices can be accomplished by repealing the 19th and gendering American power centers. All male electorate and judiciary. All women federal legislature and executive (for elected positions). State legislatures however may or may not be gendered and repealing the 17th amendment will ensure state legislators attract talent and choose noble not popular senators. omgthaaanks • 0 points • 11 July, 2020 09:22 PM Bruh, most men have an appropriate sense of responsibility. The anonymous goobers complaining about financial abortion on reddit don't have the support (or the guts) to pull this off. spacechicken1990 • -1 points • 11 July, 2020 04:31 AM They're to busy blaming these systemic issues on women, "if we start a movement the bad feminists will laugh at us". Or we shouldt have to campaign for our rights things should just be like that!! lots of people like to push the blame onto others and cry about it on the internet, further imprinting this hatred towards hypothetical feminists. I would happily campaign along side men on these issues and I know plenty of other women with a feminist mindset who would as well. True equality benefits everyone, look at Denmark, Sweden & Norway some if the most egalitarian countries & all report higher levels of happiness. The MRA movement as it stands is sadly not very credible due to them wanting to fuck underage girls & the www.TheRedArchive.com Page 64 of 65 amount of far right extremist that are part of the movement.

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