Towards a sustainable banana supply chain in Colombia Rainforest Alliance Certification and economic, social and environment conditions on small-scale banana plantations in Magdalena, Colombia Beekman, G., M. Dekkers and T. Koster, 2019. Towards a sustainable banana supply chain in Colombia; Rainforest Alliance Certification and economic, social and environment conditions on small-scale banana plantations in Magdalena, Colombia. Wageningen, Wageningen Economic Research, Report 2019-019. 49 pp.; 16 fig.; 5 tab.; 20 ref. This report can be downloaded for free at or at (under Wageningen Economic Research publications). ISBN 978-94-6343-558-1 This report can be cited as: Towards a sustainable banana supply chain in Colombia, Wageningen Economic Research, Den Haag 2019 Keywords: Rainforest Alliance, certification, banana plantations, Colombia, wage workers © 2019 Wageningen Economic Research P.O. Box 29703, 2502 LS The Hague, The Netherlands, T +31 (0)70 335 83 30, E
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