Directories Lists Necrology List of Abbreviations

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Directories Lists Necrology List of Abbreviations Directories Lists Necrology List of Abbreviations AAJE American Association for d died Jewish Education dem democrat acad academy dept department ACLU American Civil Liberties dir director Union dist district act active, acting div division ADL Anti-Defamation League admin administrative, administration econ. economic, economist- adv advisory ed editor affil affiliated edjt edited agr agriculture editl editorial agric agriculturist, agricultural edn edition AJCongress . American Jewish Congress educ education, educator AJYB AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR educl educational BOOK Eng English, England Am America, American estab established amb ambassador exec executive apptd appointed assoc associate, association, fd fund associated f dn foundation asst assistant fdr founder atty attorney fed federation au. author for foreign b bom gen general bd. '...'.'.'.'. ] board Ger German Bib Bible gov governor, governing bibliog bibliography, bibliographer govt government Bklyn. ..'...'. Brooklyn bur bureau Heb Hebrew hist historical, history Can Canada hon honorary CCAR Central Conference of hosp hospital American Rabbis HUC-JIR .. .Hebrew Union College- chmn chairman Jewish Institute of Religion CJFWF .... Council of Jewish Federa- Hung Hungarian tions and Welfare Funds CJMCAG . .Conference on Jewish Ma- JXGWU International Ladies' Gar- terial Claims Against Ger- ment Workers' Union many incl including coll collector, collective, college ind independent Colo Colorado inst institute com committee instn institution comdr commander instr instructor comm commission internat international commr commissioner Ital Italian comp composer, composed cond conductor JDA Joint Defense Appeal conf conference JDC American Jewish Joint Dis- cong congress, congregation tribution Committee constr construction, constructed JNF Jewish National Fund contrib contributor JPA Joint Palestine Appeal corr correspondent JTA Jewish Telegraphic Agency 507 508 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK JTS Jewish Theological Seminary RZA Religious Zionists of of America America JWB National Jewish Welfare SCA Synagogue Council of Board America JWV Jewish War Veterans of sch school America sci scientific sec secretary lang language sect section leg legal, legislation sem seminary lit literature, literary soc society Sp Spanish mag magazine spec special, specialist med medical subj subject mem member supt superintendent metrop metropolitan mfr manufacture, manufacturer techr teacher mng managing theol theological mngr manager tr translator, translated ms manuscript trav travel, traveler treas treasurer NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored UAHC Union of American People Hebrew Congregations nat national UAR United Arab Republic NATO North Atlantic Treaty UHS United HIAS Service Organization UIA United Israel Appeal NCCJ National Conference of UJA United Jewish Appeal Christians and Jews UN United Nations NCRAC National Community UNESCO .. United Nations Educational, Relations Advisory Council Scientific and Cultural Or- K-Y.C New York City ganization univ university off office, officer UNRWA ... United Nations Relief and org organized, organizers Works Agency for Palestine orgn organization Refugees ORT Organization for Rehabilita- UOJC Union of Orthodox Jewish tion through Training Congregations of America OSE Oeuvre de Secours aux UP A United Palestine Appeal Enfants Isra61ites USO United Service Organizations, Inc. Pal Palestine phar pharmacist, pharmaceutical vol volume pbys physician v.pres vice president pres president prin principal west western prod producer, production, pro- WIZO Women's International Zion- ducing ist Organization prof professor WJC World Jewish Congress pseud pseudonym WZO World Zionist Organization pub publish, publication, pub- lisher Yid Yiddish YIVO YIVO Institute for Jewish rabb rabbinate, rabbinical Research RCA Rabbinical Council of YMHA Young Men's Hebrew America Association recd received yrs years rel. ........ reliRion. religious YWHA Young Women's Hebrew reorg reorganized Association rep representative ret retired Zion. Zionist Rum Rumania ZOA Zionist Organization of Russ Russian America National Jewish Organizations1 UNITED STATES Organizations are listed according to functions as follows: Religious, Educational p. 514 Cultural p. 511 Community Relations p. 509 Overseas Aid p. 513 Social Welfare p. 525 Social, Mutual Benefit p. 523 Zionist and Pro-Israel p. 527 Note also cross-references under these headings: Professional Associations p. 532 Women's Organizations p. 533 Youth Organizations p. 533 COMMUNITY RELATIONS tunity through education and civic ac- tion; seeks to broaden understanding of Pres. Elmer Berger. Seeks to advance the ?%$ to full^artidpatfon^ American universal principles of a Judaism free of m» and reten£on £ Jewish identity, nationaiism, and the national, civic, cul- AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK (with tural, and social integration into Amen- Jewish Pub]ication Society of America); can institutions of Americans of Jewish Commentary; Committee Reporter; News- faith Brief; Education in Judaism; fe,, Proceedings of Annuai Meeting. For the Record; Council Clarion; Issues. >. ,,n,-, AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (1917; reorg. AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). In- 1922. 1938). Stephen Wise Congress stitute of Human Relations, 165 E. 56 St., House, 15 E. 84 St., N. Y. C, 10028. Pres. N. Y. C, 10022. Pres. Morris B. Abram; Joachim Prinz; Exec. Dir. Will Maslow. Exec. V. Pres. John Slawson. Seeks Seeks to eliminate all fcnns of racial to prevent infraction of the civil and re- and religious bigotry; to advance civil ligious rights of Jews in any part of the rights, protect civil liberties, and de- world and to secure equality of eco- fend religious freedom and separation nomic, social, and educational oppor- of church and state; to promote the crea- 1 Includes national Jewish organizations in existence for at least one year prior to June 30, 1964, based on replies to questionnaires circulated by the editors. Inclusion in this list does not necessarily imply approval of the organizations by the publishers, nor can they assume responsi- bility for the accuracy of the data. An asterisk (°) indicates that no reply was received and that the information, which includes title of organization, year of founding, and address, is reprinted from AJYB, 1964 (VoL 65). 509 510 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK tive survival of the Jewish people; to help tions on all problems relating to human Israel develop in peace, freedom, and rights and economic, social, cultural, ed- security. Congress Bi-Weekly; Judaism. ucational, and related matters pertaining • , WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1933). to Jews. Stephen Wise Congress House, 15 E. 84 COORDINATING BOARD OF JEWISH ORGANI- St., N. Y. C, 10028. Pres. Mrs. Martin ZATIONS (1947). 1640 Rhode Island Ave., L. Steinberg; Exec. Dir. Esther H. Ko- N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Co-Chmn. latch. Committed to the preservation and Label A. Katz (B'nai B'rith), Barnatt extension of the democratic way of life, Janner (Board of Deputies of British and the unity and creative survival of Jews), Namie Philips (South African the Jewish people throughout the world. Jewish Board of Deputies); Sees. Gen. Congress Currents. Maurice Bisgyer (U.S.), A. G. Brotman ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI B'RITH (U. K.), J. M. Rich (S. A.). As an or- (1913). 315 Lexington Ave., N. Y. C, ganization in consultative status with the 10016. Nat. Chmn. Dore Schary; Nat. Economic and Social Council of the Dir. Benjamin R. Epstein. Seeks to com- United Nations, represents the three con- bat antisemitism and secure justice for all stituents (B'nai B'rith, the Board of citizens alike; through public informa- Deputies of British Jews, and the South tion, education and community action African Jewish Board of Deputies) in seeks to achieve greater democratic un- the appropriate United Nations bodies derstanding among Americans. ADL with respect to advancing and protect- Bulletin; ADL Christian Friends' Bulle- ing the status, rights, and interests of tin; ADL Research Reports; Facts; Jews as well as related matters bearing Rights; Freedom pamphlets; One Nation upon the human rights of peoples. Library series. COUNCIL OF JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS IN ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH COMMUNITY RE- CIVIL SERVICE, INC. (1946). 51 Broad- LATIONS WORKERS (1950). 31 Union Sq. way, N. Y. C, 10004. Pres. Herman P. W., N. Y. C, 10003. Pres. A. Harold Mur- Mantelell; Sec. Beatrice Zeitlin. Supports ray; Sec. Ben Winitt. Aims to encourage merit system in civil service; promotes cooperation between Jewish community- professional, social and cultural interests relations workers and communal work- of its members; cooperates with other or- ers; to encourage among Jewish commu- ganizations in promoting understanding nity-relations workers the fullest possible and amity in the community. Digest. understanding of Jewish life and values. JEWISH LABOR COMMITTEE (1933). Atran Community Relations Papers. Center for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 78 St., N. Y. C, 10021. Nat. Chmn. Adolph COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ACTION OF RE- Held; Exec. Sec. Benjamin Tabachinsky. FORM JUDAISM (1949) (under the aus- Seeks to combat antisemitism and racial pices of the Union of American Hebrew and religious intolerance abroad and in Congregations). 838 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C, the U. S. in cooperation with organized 10021. Chmn. Irving J. Fain; Dir. Albert labor and other groups; aids Jewish and Vorspan; Assoc. Dir. Balfour Brickner. non-Jewish labor institutions overseas; Develops materials to assist Reform syna- aids victims of oppression
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