STRESS, TEENS and More Stress

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STRESS, TEENS and More Stress WINTER 2020 RISSROTTERDAM INTERNATIONAL SECONDARYUE SCHOOL MAGAZINE NR. 1 Our first RISSUE Mr. Marshall: A Wild Journey 9 questions: Glomanu Bernardino Pereira de Pina STRESS, TEENS and more stress First RISSUE Dear all, It brings me great pleasure to present to you The magazine has given us the opportunity to work with pro- fessionals in producing this, while also providing an oppor- Rotterdam International Secondary School’s tunity for students in the community to share their creativity first-ever RISSUE magazine. It has been an ex- – whether that be written pieces, poetry or art. The making citing few months of hard work – by the stu- of this magazine has brought the community closer together. dents in collaboration with teachers and staff We would like to take this opportunity to thank every- one who was part of this magazine. A special thank you of the school, as well as the external publishers – to all the writers and supervising teachers, as well as to to bring this magazine together. We are very all the students who have participated and helped make this come together. A huge thank you to our Principal proud of all the astonishing contributions that and Wolfert Board, who have given us the financial sup- are featured in this first edition. port to make this happen. This, of course, would not have been possible without the professional expertise of the publishers, XPat Media. Our vision and aim for this magazine is to bring a new and innovative magazine that represents the RISS in a nutshell. I would lastly like to thank the whole school community for We have worked with the school’s core values and mission their contributions and support. I look forward to the next statement to bring together articles that reflect these val- edition of the RISSUE magazine. ues. Together with the passionate young writers that have had the constant drive and commitment to writing their Geoffrey Antonio Mathias, exceptional articles, we can say that we have achieved this. Student Editor-in-Chief RISSUE - 1 - Message from the Principal: “Rather than seeing school as one long process of working, we live by our stated mission that our students should ‘enjoy their youth’” By Dr. Gilbert-Sáez Rotterdam International Secondary School Values (RISS) is a remarkable school indeed and We are a school that now fully engages with its identity and purpo- se as a truly international school and we are committed to being a has earned its place as Rotterdam’s inter- high-quality provider of education that is academically successful, national school. value-driven and genuinely internationally-minded, with both staff and students from over 40 different countries… and counting. Starting as a small department within the We seek to embed our values – courage, respect, responsibility and Wolfert Bilingual School over 30 years relationships – in all we do as we pursue our overall vision, which we have proudly declared to be educating for self-awareness, curiosity ago, it has grown to become an emblem and integrity in a changing world. Yet that is not enough. of Rotterdam’s growth, international im- We have also made a public declaration that we want all children portance and multicultural awareness. and young people to enjoy being just that, children and young peop- An ambitious internationally-minded city le. Rather than simply seeing school as one long process of working towards external exams, university and beyond, we need to make needs to attract world-class talent - new sure we live by our stated mission that all our students should ‘en- venturers and risk-taking migrants from joy their youth’. It is in their early teens that young people should have the opportunity to explore the world around them, develop and all walks of life and from across the globe. practise the skills they need to work with other members of the com- For this to happen, it needs to provide munities they are part of, develop a sense of mission and service to something bigger than they are and, most importantly, learn about an education that celebrates diverse cul- themselves through a wide range of opportunities and challenges. tures and languages and yet is also fully This is the promise we have made to the students who come to RISS embedded in the local community. and to the families that entrust their children to us each day and it is at This is what RISS is all about. the heart of the many recent developments in our journey. - 2 - RISSUE “RISS is reinventing itself via its seeking out of new scenarios with which to enrich the lives of all of those who wish to engage with us” Innovations Of course, no school can ever stand still and there is still Over the past two years in particular, there has been a great plenty more to do as we review our curriculum, our policies deal of change as a result of a deep rethinking of what we do and our overall strategies, all with the aim of improving what and how we do it, and we are proud of the progress we have goes on in and outside of the classroom. made in all areas of our school life. In particular, we have learned, as a school community, that we can and should come together New Teaching and Learning Policy to seek innovation, change and new opportunities, to create a And perhaps a special mention for our new Teaching and school we continue to be genuinely proud of. Learning Policy. This exciting new commitment was drawn up in collaboration with stakeholders from every area of A quick glance of some highlights of recent innovations shows our school life – teachers, leaders, parents and students. In how far we have come in such a short time: black and white, it makes clear our definition of, and com- mitment to, the highest international standards in teaching n A new timetable to help us deliver our existing subject and learning, making it easy to promote, support and recog- areas in a way that brings a better balance to the school day nise outstanding practice across our school. It is this policy n A reformed pastoral care system to ensure all our students – values-focused and aspirational in its content – that will be are fully supported throughout their time at RISS leading our core educational business this year. n A new leadership team structure to bring us in line with other top schools worldwide It is clear, as both student and staff numbers grow steadily, n The appointment of Curriculum Leaders who act as curators that RISS is reinventing itself via the opportunities it is cre- of learning schoolwide ating for all, via a renewed belief in the capacity of its staff to n A new approach to developing leadership skills across the deliver world-class teaching, via its commitment to childhood student body and youth as an important period of time in and of itself and n A new focus on opportunities for our school to work on via its constant seeking out of new scenarios with which to projects in the wider Rotterdam community enrich the lives of all of those who wish to engage with us and n A revamped RISS ‘look’ across the whole school, combined be part of our community. with a brand-new website and social media presence that The resilience and determination to build and rebuild com- clearly reveals our values, mission and vision bined with the creativity, bravery, confidence and vision to do n A new Senior Campus with academic, pastoral and HE so in a way that is innovative and world-class is what makes services that support students but also allows them to Rotterdam the great city it is. become independent in preparation for life beyond RISS n Many new and robust policy implementations And RISS is proud to be playing an increasingly important n A new focus on professional training that is based on part in this wonderful city’s success and does so in a way that collaboration and joint development amongst staff. truly makes us Rotterdam’s international school. RISSUE - 3 - 1 - 3 20 - 21 INTRODUCTION PSYCHOLOGY First RISSUE How Exercise and Sports Message from the Principal Help Cope with Stress 6 - 9 22 - 25 INTERVIEW PSYCHOLOGY Mr. Marshall How Experiences Shape A Wild Journey Who We Are 10 -11 26 - 27 INTERVIEW FIELD TRIP Nine Questions to The Visit to Glomanu Bernardino Pereira Tyne Cot Cemetery 14-1512 -13 28 - 31 INTERVIEWINTERVIEW CULTURE Spotlight on... A New Member of Beauty Has No Race ... the RISS Community and Art Is Everywhere 1416-19 - 17 32 - 33 INTERVIEWACTIVITIES PSYCHOLOGY MUNRO [ Model United Nations Rotterdam ] International Language 20-2118 - 19 34 - 36 INTERVIEWPSYCHOLOGY CULTURE Stress, Teens, The City of and More Stress Rotterdam - 4 - RISSUE COLOPHON RISSUE Magazine of Rotterdam International Secondary School (RISS) Issue number 1 STUDENT EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Geoffrey Antonio Mathias STUDENT CO-EDITORS Tom Brattinga Josquin Fromange Aarushi Ganguli Mas Klein Jelle Koopmans Liam McCarthy Sania Nisar Anna Sakurada Rozalia Semen Lamia Tumkaya Sijbe van Weerden STAFF SUPPORT TEAM Yvonne Ricketts Timothy Mottram Paul Cullen Sarah Beecham Charline Lugtigheid Cinzia Maffazioli PHOTOGRAPHY Hannah Anthonysz, Geoffrey Antonio Mathias, Lucia Vrancken DESIGN AND LAYOUT Schat! Grafisch ontwerp M-Space PUBLISHER RISS in collaberation with XPat Media, The Hague, The Netherlands PRINTER VDdrukwerk b.v., Waddinxveen, The Netherlands ON THE COVER Glomanu Bernardino Pereira de Pina Photo by Geoffrey Antonio Mathias COPYRIGHT 2020 RISS All rights reserved. No part of RISSUE may be reproduced or used in any form without permission from the publisher.
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    Directieverslag Stichting Droom en Daad 2019 Inleiding Het jaar 2019 stond voor Droom en Daad in het teken van het verfijnen van haar visie en vervullen van haar missie: een mooier en aantrekkelijker Rotterdam door te investeren in kunst en cultuur. Cultuur wordt breed geformuleerd. Donaties, participaties en initiatieven Stichting Droom en Daad ondersteunt bestaande instellingen, initieert projecten en participeert in nieuwe initiatieven. Eigen initiatieven Een van de gebieden waaraan de Stichting in het bijzonder aandacht besteed is talentontwikkeling. Rotterdam kent veel (jong) talent en beschikt over een vooraanstaand onderwijsaanbod. Om muzikanten langer in Rotterdam te houden is in 2019 het Batavierhuis geopend. Hier hebben 60 muzikanten en aan muziek gerelateerde ondernemers beschikking over repetitieruimte, studio’s en twee kleine concertzalen. Het Batavierhuis is op 6 oktober geopend door wethouder Saïd Kasmi. Talentontwikkeling Op gebieden variërend van klassieke muziek tot hiphop, en van architectuur tot beeldende kunst is er (jong) talent in Rotterdam. Stichting Droom en Daad wil dit talent laten bloeien en zichtbaar maken in Rotterdam. Dat doet Droom en Daad onder andere door bij te dragen aan Big Idea, het RIDCC, de Dutch Dance League, de Heerenhuyskamerconcerten en het ICCR. Publieke ruimte Tussen de gebouwen, op straat, in parken en op pleinen komen bewoners en bezoekers elkaar tegen. De publieke ruimte is van iedereen, voor iedereen en is tegelijk van niemand. De publieke ruimte is daar waar de stad zich afspeelt en bijdraagt tot een prettig leefklimaat en een positieve beleving van de stad voor zowel bezoekers als bewoners. Stichting Droom en Daad richt zich daarom op bijvoorbeeld het openbare groen in de stad en de ruimte tussen de gebouwen.
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