2002 Annual Report

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2002 Annual Report Table of Contents Center Director’s Message............................................. 2 NASA Vision and Mission ............................................... 4 KSC Goals and Principles................................................5 The President’s Mgmt. Agenda....................................... 6 Significant Events......................................................... 10 Expendable Launch Vehicle Program .......................... 12 Space Shuttle Program ................................................ 14 Shuttle Upgrades ......................................................... 18 International Space Station and Shuttle Payload Processing .................................. 22 Payload Carriers Program............................................ 26 Spaceport and Range Technologies ............................ 28 Future Vehicles ............................................................ 32 Safety and Health First................................................. 34 Environmental Stewardship ......................................... 36 Partnerships ................................................................. 38 Outreach to the World .................................................. 44 Education ..................................................................... 46 KSC Business Report....................................................48 Economic Impact Workforce Diversity Procurement Report Financial Statement 2 2002 Annual Report A Message from the Center Director This year Kennedy Space KSC is actively involved in the areas of Next Center (KSC) marked 40 Generation Launch Technologies (NGLT) and the years of pioneering the development of new Spaceport and Range future. The 1960s were an Technologies. With NGLT, we engaged in and have exciting time at KSC as the influenced the design criteria for future vehicles with New World set out to explore operational and human factors considerations. The even newer worlds from our Spaceport and Range Technology Development launch pads. All eyes initiatives are pressing forward and making steadfast focused on Florida as progress in developing technologies that are America took its first steps in essential for next generation spaceports and ranges. the race for space. As a result of a shared vision with the state of Heroes were made and Florida, the Space Experiment Research and everyone knew them by Processing Laboratory (SERPL) and the 400-acre name. They represented everything good about our International Space Research Park are fast becoming country, but especially its spirit of exploration and part of our Space Center’s landscape. SERPL will opening new frontiers of human experience. soon host the world’s most prominent scientists, who During the tireless space race to see which will push the frontiers of research using facilities and country would first launch a satellite, orbit the Earth, the unique environment of microgravity aboard the and ultimately land on the moon, no one thought that International Space Station. we would one day work in partnership with our former Even as we reflected on 40 years of launches, principal adversary. We held our breath and prayed evolving spacecraft and amazing discoveries, we for the survival of those first explorers. Today we unveiled our spaceport vision for the next fifty years – cherish those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the Cape Canaveral Spaceport Master Plan. NASA/ future generations as courageous heroes. Kennedy Space Center, the Air Force’s 45th Space The spirit and dreams of discovery born during Wing, and the Florida Space Authority created this those early days of the 1960s still live on at KSC as plan with support from the Canaveral Port Authority, we continue to inspire the next generation of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Park explorers – as only NASA can. Service and the Department of the Navy. The plan This year we commemorated the 112th Space envisions a future of low-cost, safe and efficient Shuttle launch and 33rd Expendable Launch Vehicle space travel and provides a way to expand our (ELV) launch since KSC became the manager of the spaceport capabilities and facilities while protecting ELV program in October 1998. All but one of this the Space Coast’s unique environmental treasures. year’s Shuttle missions focused on the daunting task We hope you will join with us as partners in our of building the most complex laboratory ever built, the future efforts to explore space as a One NASA team International Space Station (ISS). of NASA Centers, and support industry and academia More than 390,000 pounds of ISS components organizations. Together, we will share in the are in orbit today and another 110,000 pounds will be excitement and new discoveries that will come as we processed during the coming year to achieve “U.S. commit our passion and excellence to advancing the Core Complete.” KSC played a crucial role in making state of the art in space launch operations and in sure everything worked when it got to orbit, always Spaceport and Range Technologies to serve our remembering the seriousness of our responsibilities. customers and civilization well in the future. Roy D. Bridges Jr. Ivor Webster art rendering of a future Kennedy Space Center spaceport. Kennedy Space Center Strategic Goals and Guiding Principles The strategic goals and guiding principles developed at KSC mirror the dedication, excellence and integrity of investing in America’s future through continued space exploration. Goals • Assure and advance access to space for exploration, development, and use • Provide innovative spacecraft and range technologies for safe space operations and exploration missions • Provide and assure safe, world-class services Principles • Safety and Health First • Build Reliance and Teamwork Everywhere • Satisfy Our Customers’ Needs Anytime, Anywhere • Environmental Leadership 6 2002 Annual Report The President’s Management Agenda NASA and the Kennedy Space Center fully embrace Improved Financial Performance the principles of the President’s Management Agenda The Center is committed to improving systems and as a tool to improve government performance. NASA procedures for financial planning, reporting and has received accolades from the Office of management. KSC is making final preparations for Management and Budget (OMB) for leading other implementation of the Core Financial Module, a government departments and agencies in critical subsystem of NASA’s Integrated Financial implementation of the five government-wide Management Program (IFMP), in FY2003. Other initiatives, and KSC is proud to play a role in the system modules for functions such as time and Agency’s progress in these areas: attendance reporting and personnel management have already been activated as tools to enhance the Strategic Management of Human Capital Center’s financial accountability. KSC’s most valuable asset is its workforce and recognizes that the issues associated with an aging e-Government workforce and an increasingly competitive hiring KSC is enhancing the way it uses information environment pose a challenge to building capabilities technology and electronic tools to improve for the future. NASA has formulated a detailed communication of the Agency’s mission results, Strategic Human Capital Implementation Plan to products, plans and programs, and to enhance guide the Agency; and in support of these strategies, information exchange among employees and KSC successfully completed deployment of a contractors. KSC has historically demonstrated web- Centerwide competency management system pilot based systems leadership, and continues to project to identify competencies and skill gaps in key champion initiatives to enable more citizen-centered technical and functional areas. electronic government. Competitive Sourcing Budget and Performance Integration KSC continues to use competitive procurements to KSC continues to improve the linkage between the obtain a vast majority of our programs and services. budget and performance planning to ensure Even though the Agency will continue to undertake programs are accountable for their results. KSC’s scientific and technical projects on its own, KSC is FY2004 budget submittal was formatted to support committed to expanding the use of competition to NASA’s Full Cost Initiative and Integrated Budget and accomplish the mission in the most affordable and Performance Document (IBPD). efficient manner. In accordance with the Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act, KSC submitted a comprehensive update to the FAIR Act Inventory and a Competitive Sourcing Plan, and has exceeded the initial competitive sourcing goals set by the OMB. Sunset-shaded clouds fill the sky as the launch tower on pad 17-A, CCAFS, rolls back to reveal the Boeing Delta II rocket with NASA’s Comet Nucleus Tour (CONTOUR) spacecraft Inside an Orbiter Processing Facility bay, Space Shuttle Columbia readied for its move to the Vehicle Assembly Building. The orbiter was being prepared to fly on mission STS-107, which launched Jan. 16, 2003. The STS-107 mission was dedicated to microgravity research. Columbia and her seven member crew were lost during reentry, Feb. 1, 2003. The Lockheed Martin Atlas IIA rocket lifts off from Launch Pad 36- A, CCAFS, with NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-I (TDRS-I) aboard, March 8, 2002. 10 2002 Annual Report Significant Events During Fiscal Year 2002 11/13/01 - NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) 2/12/01 – KSC takes part in a Space Day celebration received the prestigious Franklin
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