CROSS COUNTRY REPORT Summary and analysis of the feedback from the candidate countries on the Commission's Memorandum on lifelong learning November 2001 European Training Foundation European Training Foundation Villa Gualino, Viale Settimio Severo, 65, I-10133 Torino Tel: (39) 011 630 22 22 / Fax: (39) 011 630 22 00 / email:
[email protected] Web: The European Training Foundation is an agency of the European Union which works in the field of vocational education and training in Central and Eastern Europe, the New Independent States, Mongolia and the Mediterranean partner countries and territories. The Foundation also provides technical assistance to the European Commission for the Tempus Programme. Cross Country Report Summary and analysis of the feedback from the candidate countries on the Commission's Memorandum on lifelong learning November 2001 Summary and analysis of the feedback from the candidate countries on the Commission's Memorandum on lifelong learning Foreword The European Commission asked for this paper to be prepared. It analyses reports from candidate countries on the consultation process concerning the Memorandum on lifelong learning. The main paper, elements of which form part of one of the supporting documents to the communication from the European Commission “Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality”, comprises: 1) key findings arising from the consultation process; 2) a summary of the action proposals in the national reports alongside each of the key messages in the Memorandum. After the main part of the paper, there are two annexes: . The first comprises 12 documents, one for each country.