
Grand Champ Border . ..

No. 23 Vol. XXXXII THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1951 Spring Play "Harvey" To Be Staged Monday, Tuesday Wally Norley Pays Lovable Elwood Is Jerry Border, winner of the Little International, is shown w ith Dowd; Harvey's Counterpart Unknown Author of "Harvey" his Hampshire ram. •rake one invisible pooka (spirit bang up as Cleo in the Winter Mary Chase, author of the 1944- 1 in animal form, to you) add one quarter production E Equals MC'. 45 Pulitzer Prize comedy, Harvey, delightful inebriate, a ilutter­ Ernestine Neuhardt, a freshman is a playwright with Celtic pookas Jerry Border Named Champ brained sister and a man-seeking home ec student, from Miles City. and banshees in her pen. Though niece, sprinkle with an assortmeqt makes her initial stage appearance born far from Ireland in Denver, Showman at Little Internat'I t of characters like, one very-much­ as the man-chasing Myrtle Mae. Colorado on February 25, l 907, she in-love nurse, a blind-to-love psy­ Greta Gay, a Home Ee senior from is descended from Irish ancestry, chiatrist, a wise cab driver and a Bozeman, appears in this, her first her mother coming from Ulster Reserve Champ Is NOTICE big wheel of psychiatrist; give play, as the nurse, Ruth Kelly, county. 1t was Timothy, her un­ Barbara McNiven All students who are plan­ them a Mary Chase script and top who wears he heart on her sleeve cle, who captured her imagination ning to return for the A utwru, off the concoction with a generous for the young psychiatrist, Dr. with his tales of Irish folklore. Jerry Border was a warded the Quarter should rm out a Pre­ portion of the technical savvy and Sanderson. The apparently-im­ She attended elementary schools title of grand champion showman registration Card before leaving Jmagination of Joe Fit.ch. The fin­ mune-to-love Sanderson will be in Denver where, she says, "I got Saturday night at the close or the for the swnmer. Registration inshed product ends us as the MSC portrayed by Clarence Kelly, a the· highest grades for studies and 1951 Little International livestock material for onl y those students 1drama production for the spring soph in Arch Engineering from the lowest grades for deportment." show at MSC with Barbara Mc­ who sign these cards will be as­ quarter, "Harvey." Martin City. The role of P sychi- In 1922 she graduated from the Niven claiming reserve champion­ sembled for Autumn Quarter West Denver high school and en­ ship. Reg-istration. Please f ill out a Norley as Elwood tered the University of Denver This 17th annual Llttle Inter­ card even though you are not where she remained for two and national which was dedicated tc., sure you wiU return. a half years. Then she went to th~ A. C. Buyers of Twin Bridges saw Registration permits for the University of Colorado. During a near capacity crowd present at 1951-52 year will be sent to all summer vacations she served he~· the Sat. evening climax showing. students who sign these cards apprenticeship as a reporter on Both top winners are MSC agri­ about Sept. 1. the Rock y Mounta in Ne~s with­ cutture students. Jerry Border is a Students who hnve signed out salary. local Bozeman boy, a junioi- at pre-registration cards for sum­ The future prize-winning play­ MSC, a member of Alpha Zeta Ag mer also fill out a card for the wright, who had completed a ma­ honorary and a member of Alpha Autumn Quarter if they ex­ jor in the classics in two years, Gamma Rho fraternity. Jerry has pect to be In attendance both gave up formal schooling to ac­ been active in agriculture activi­ Quarters. A table is provid ed cept a reporter's job on the News ties throughout his college years. in the ball outside the Regis ­ and was married June 7, 1928 to Barbara McNiven is a freshman trar's Office for this purpose. Robert L. Chase, also a reporter. student from Livingston and a Mrs. Chase's interest in the member o( Pi Beta Phi sorority. Bob Sauke repeated hls Friday theatre began at the age of eleven , Border qualified for the final night wining of the stockhorse when she would play truant (rom round by having previously won class, with Jim Carrig second and school. Her first writing took the the sheep division championship Ellen Moore third. form of a short story, but her goal with a Hampshire ram, while Barb was always playwrighting. She Class winners in other divisions McNiven won the beef division in order of placings, were: Jersey saw her first play, Me Third, pro­ with a Hereford heifer. Bill Arm­ heifers-Thayer, E;liott Rudisill., duced under the WPA projects. strong of Simms copped the swine Herb Townsend; Hereford heifers The play, Me Third, was a com­ division with a Duroc gilt and -Miss McNiven, Don Pegg, Lea,; edy concerned with a Western Jerry Stensland of Glasgow took Flanagan; Duroc gilts-Armstrong, I Harvey is the story of a like­ atrist Chumley will be played by politician whose campaign slogan. a Jersey heifer to win the top of Paul Andrilenes; Columgia rams . ble liquorterian and his bosom Will Simms. was "God First, The People Sec- the dairy division. -Hoversland, Tom Wetherell, I uddy, an invisible (to some peo- The rest of the cast is rounded (Continued on Page 3) 1 le) white rabbit over six feet out by Steve Sevener, Joan Rick, Awards presented to Border as Dave Casebolt. ill named Harvey. The loveable Dave Andrew, Clair Voigt, Dick winner of this J 7th annual show Holstein heifers - Bob Pust, 1 1Sh will be played by Wally McConnen and Marge Clark. Dr. Eugene Gonda included the Galt Memoriat tro­ Ernest Todd, Vernon Sundberg; orely a sophomore Art student A well written play plus a well phy, a gold watch as the Vinke Hampshire rams-Border, Dick om Conrad. chosen cast and excellent direct­ Speaks At a ward and the Bozeman Kiwanis , Max Fries; Shorthorn heifers-Todd, Bill Fluegel, Wayne Although Wally has had exten­ Ing spells "Good Theater." And Assembly plaque. Miss ~cNiven received ~ ve experience In high school dra- Bozeman gets the chance to enjoy pen and pencil set from Alpha Elser; Jersey hei(ers-Stenslanci, 1 atics this will mark his first ap­ the results of all three next week Dr. Eugene F. Gonda, well Zeta, merchandise award and re­ Milo Todd, Leland Grover; Angus ?arance in a college production. when 8ock and Buskin serves up known Hungarian journalist and serve ribbon. .bulls-Gene Dickerson, Jim Snell, e probably could not have chosen· the whimsical and delightful play, historian spoke on his fight for Each of the four division win­ Gene Horton. r better vehicle for his collegiate Harvey, at the Emerson Junior democratic principles at a genera! ners received a pw·ebred animal. Hamprace gilts-Stapleton, Orlo ·amatic debut. Not only does High school on Monday and Tues­ assembly this morning in the gym. Divisional placings: bee(-Miss Bcrick; Hereford bulls-Bernick js red-headed Pi Kap like raw day nights at 8:15. Dr. Gonda was a well known McNiven, John Biggie, K en Todd; Kocha, Jack Delp, Dick Ball, rrots, but until he was six years correspondent o( the prewar press dairy-Stensland, Don Kalstad, Angus heifers-Biggie, Jim Kolar, d he was called "Bunny" be­ of his country and as a specialist Gene Thayer; sheep-Border, Art Don Ek land; Holstein heifers­ use he was born on ... you've or central and eastern European Hoversland ; swine - Armstrong Kalstad, Chuck Caln, Charles 1essed it ... Easter Sunday. problems he contributed liberally Medford Stapleton. Gest ring. The role of the flutter-brained THE EXPO NE NT to French newspapers and pel"i­ Events conducted earlier in the 1ter will be played by Bozeman­ odicals. A strong anti-Nazzi and evening were th e performance by NOTICE ,, Pat Koob. Although she is THIS WEEK anti-Communist he was finally the Mcllhattan Pony Patrol, the The Veterans billing for all ly a freshman Pat has, quHe n forced to flee from Frnce, and barrel race which was won by p.m. June 2 in the Associated t of stage experience behind her. escaped to Switzerland where he Jane Keeton with Kitty Keston students will be closed at 12:00 hite a senior in High School she MSC Seniors collaborated with the Hungal"ian second. In the sheep shearing con­ tudents' Store. rtlcipated in many damatic pro- Win Awards P. 3 resistance. test Frank HuJer and Max Fries Seniors be sure and charge c ctions the last of which was one MSC Rodeo P. 7 Dr. Gonda has covered for the were each awarded prizes for their your rental for cap and gowu. the major roles in the comedy International News Service such exhibition shearing. The bucking if yo u are graduating. wo Bllnd Mice." Since her ar­ Frosh Eligible world events as Hungarian Prime barrel contest was claimed by Graduate students hnve all i ral here at MSC she has piled up For Varsity P. 7 Minister Nngy's escape. Cardinal Gunther Rahnfeld, with Dave yo ur thesis charges for paper, •re stage time by appearing In Mindozenty's trial, and the Tito­ Schneekloth second and Buck supplies and typing- on yo ur v o variety shows and doing a Cominform break. Allen third. charge sheets. Page 'l\vo JONTANA EXPONENT May 24. 195 Alpha Zeta Announces Selective Service Students Picked For 33 New Initiates Test Schedule 111 C chapter or Alpha Zeta, a - Selective Service College Quali­ Dramatics Honorary By JOE BAILEY ricultural honorary, has chosen 33 fication Test scheduled !or lllay 2b. On May 18, Alpha Psi Omeg, outstanding students in the field 8:30 a.m. at MSC will be admin­ national dramatics honorary ha U you noticed any of the vets your physical. You may be able or agriculture as new members. istered in the following three recognized the achievement in th around the campus looking rather to convince the doctors you have This a.word made to third quarter rooms: field or dramatics or twelve MS green around the gills Saturday it asthma. sophomores or higher is based on Room 408 .... Chemistry Bldg. students by pledging them to th was bec,rnse they had had a 4. Wink affectionately at the scholarship and activities in the Studen Union Ball Room. Montana State chapter of Alph rather nasty scare. It seems that psychiatrist. If he winks back at field of agriculture. Lab 7 ..•.....•. Physics Bldg. Psi Omega. Candidates for Alpl, the ROTC department sent out a you - run. The new members the: Paul An­ Tickets of admission for the Psi must have demonstrated the batch of information concerning drilenas, John Bawden, Jerry Bor­ May 26 lest issued to students in­ 5. Make occasional remarks interest and active support in dr-.. the good points of signing up tor der, Russell Bowen, John Clon­ dicated that they were to report matics at MSC. such as, 11 My, doesn't Big Ben Advanced ROTC. The material inger, Donald Copley, il'larvin Cos­ to Room 30~ Lewis hall. This has Students chosen for Alpha p was sent out in long official en­ sound wondertul at this time o! tello, Jack Delp. John Doll. Mark been changed. Room 304 in Lewis were: Leola Albrecht, David Ar velopes with a rather awesome re­ day." or ''Answer the phone," etc. Etchart, Erle Gross, Leland Gro­ hall will .not be used. drew, Joe Bailey, Pat Bowles. pl turn address and, like oHicial 6. Collar the nearest doctor and ver, Henry Haagenstad, Richard Seating arrangement !or al' left Brown, 11arie 1\'fondelli, Pat te military letters, no stamps. Most shout: Hurry up this process I Hamilton, David Heaney. August handed students will be provided son, Ellen Pearson, Wilbur Sirr of tbe fellows took one look at Hein. Jay Huller, Clarence Jen­ m the SUB balroom. All left want to fight, ya hear me, fight! Anita Svindland. Dwight Yadna the envelope and began quaking sen, Verl Langston, George Lund. handed students please report and Allene Willson. in their boots. You can imagine Fight!'' Surely you'll get a men­ Richard McConnen, Roy Millegan there. The pledges will undergo ro the sighs of utter relief when they tal discharge. Richard Morgan. Leroy Nieder­ All other students will report mal initiation sometime this spri.J round the letter did not contain 7. Calmly inquire, '"Comrad, is mier, 1\1elvin Nielson, Guenther to rooms on the following alpha­ quarter. the familiar salutation: Greetings. Rahnefield, Harold Ramsbacher betical basis: this where I join the 'People's Orval Seright, Kenneth Todd, Lab 7 ...... A-G army' to fight the imperialists in Congrats to all the folks who Jllartin Turley, Charles Voss, Rob­ Room 408 Chemistry .. H-N FROSH received honors at last '\Veek's as­ Koren?" ert \Venzel. Paul \Vetzesteon. Ball Room of SUB ...... M-Z MAY 27 sembly. It"s nice to know you'v~ done a good job, but it's even bet­ ter to have someone else say so. I rt uPPER-t-· It anv of vou people have the ven to· hea; some darned good ;,,usic, catch George at the Reno I CLASSMEN Club in Livingston. Is he good? Get him to play the "Flight of the Buble Bee" on his electric guitar, ONLY then judge for yourseli . . Gel­ ling so it just ain't safe to walk around some of the dorms and houses without a bathing suit . .. It seems as though besides turn­ ing a young man's fancy to thoughts of love, spring also turns a young man's thoughts to waler fighting ... Ever since Joan Mc­ craken, Shirley :Misfeldt and l\1arie Mondelli gave Bili Closs a hand washing his buggy outside the KD house, he refers to the KD house as the 11 service station" ... Dick Dolliver is waiting for a re­ WCKIES TASTE BETfER ply from his application for ad­ mission to Annapolis. Here's hop­ CIGARETTE ing he gets it accepted ... The THAN ANY OTHER ! Dick Balls are in!anticipating ... Joe Todcro took off !or New York Fine tobacco-and only fine tobacco-can last week but he'll be back !or Commencement. give you a better-tasting cigarette. And L.S./ M.F.T.- Lucky Strike means fine to­ INCIDENTAL INTELLIGENCE bacco. So, for the best-tasting cigarette you . . . According to Duke Booich some people have a rather dis­ ever smoked, Be Happy- Go Lucliy! How torted sense of gratitude. Some of about startin' with a carton-today? the boys in Hudson House stopped by Duke's room Sunday night and said they were hungry. Duke dug out some sandwiches and passed L.S./ M. F.T.- l,ud(y Strike them around. However he didn't tell the boys, Charles Jacoby and Hugh Maxwell, that the filling was Means Fir1e Tol,acco dog food until they had eaten most of the sandwiches ... Jeanne Kel­ logg looks darned good on a ten­ nis court. The lassie swings a mean tennit racquet. .. When you start trading barbed wits with Perry MacCahill be sure you know what you're doing. The lad can be pretty sharp and has a sly sense of humor . . . The intra-mural track meet jumps off the first and second of June.

With so many fellows feellng ths hol breath of their draft boards on their necks Utah Univ. comes up with seven ways to stay out of the army. 1. Join the navy. 2. Get a letter from your par­ ents saying sorry, but you can't make it. The army respects au­ thority. 3. Try running around the block 15 times before you go for C0 .. 11, TH I AMlltlCAN TO .ACCO COM PANY May 24, 1951 MONTANA EXPONENT Page Three Military Men MSC Has Summer dl!(ullin5 Oc.rt:'t "Harvey" Two MSC Seniors Write Course in Beauty (on tinued from P age 1) Initiated Into and, l\1e Third!' The pr oduction Prize Winning Papers MSC will open a two-week ad­ c;,!Ji( u:1w J ack A. Davidson of Ballantine Honorary vanced course in cosmetology for Bob Morrisette caught the attention of Brock and Robert L. Nickelson of Livini;­ The rnen io paper hats and all licensed operators to be held Believe it or not, uTennessee Pemberton, a Broadway producer Aug. 6-17 as a part of the sum­ ston, both seniors in chemical en­ wooden guns that were observed WaLtz" has earned the most money and he brought it to New York mer school program, according to of any song in the modern history under the title Now rve Done It. gineering at MSC won first p rize n the campus a short while ago :11ilford Franks, director of sum­ of song business. Although the play failed to win for the best technical paper pre­ were not li\•ing their second child­ mer session. The waltz has made approxi­ the support o( either the press or sented at the Pacific Regional nood. Those were the new Scab- Appearing on the program the mately $330,000 in sheet music public, he encouraged Mrs. Chase 1:,ard and Blade initiates going final two days o( the course wiU sales and record royalties alone. to continue with her writing. meeting of the student chapters of be Comer Syprett, Hollywood styl­ hrough their initiation require- To this date the song has sold Shortly after writing the po­ the American Institute of Chem­ ist and vice president of the Na­ about 4,800,000 recordings and litical satire, she wrote The Ban­ ical Engineers held last week at tional Hair Dressers. Syprelt not 1,100,000 copies of sheet music. shee. T hen the playwright con­ Washington S tate college, Pull­ Twenty-seven superior military only conducts his own school of The amazing thing about this song ceived the idea o( Harvey (origin­ man, Washington. cience students chosen on the ba­ advanced cosmetology in Holly­ is that it was released by a small ally The White Rabbit) which kept P rize-wlnnlng paper described .is of their grades and extra cur­ wood, but this summer he will alsv publishing company that had no New York audiences smiling long icular activities in the field o! teach at the Texas Advanced representation in New York, Los after its premiere in November, a pilot plant distilling apparatus School of Cosmetology and take nilitary science and their overall Angeles, and Chicago, the three 1944. T o provide the middle- aged which was designed and construct­ part in the National Hair Dressers traditionally accepted hubs of the ampus activities were extended protagon ist of her play with a ed by the chemical engineering exhibit in New York. music trade. needed escape from reality, she in­ be honor of joining the MSC students at MSC. During the two-week course at The song was even number one vented Harvey, the perfect com­ Attending the meeting and sub­ ,hapter of the Scabbard and Blade, the college instruction will be in England for a time. Patti Page panion, an invisible white rabbit. national military order. given in chemistry, bacteriology, rea!Ly cashed in on this song. Her m itting papers in the competitio11 psychology, art, music and pub­ It took Mrs. Chase two years to 1 Men elected lo the Scabbard and Mercury recording sold more than write the play. "I rewrote it fifty were delegates Crom the Univer­ lic speaking as well as regular lade are: David Andrew, William 2,300,000 copies. times," says the author. "My sity of Washington, Oregon Stat~ work in cosmetology. rndt, Jerry Border, Nil.es Chap- As an illustration of what the pooka (spirit in animal form) was college, S tanford university, Wash­ publishers shove down our throats 1 an, John Coverdale, Gerald Dull, represented at first by a canary; ington State college, Gonzaga uni­ lobert Eyeman, Gale Goyins, Gary -within a week after General Initiation Banquet Held when I changed it to a rabbit of versity and the University of Ida­ :naves, Gary Hall, August He.in, For Phi U. Initiates MacArthur's pitiful rendition of man's size, although the change uo1d Soldiers Never Die/' every ho as well as Montana S tale col­ l'iliam Jones, Dale Kranz, Thom:. The annual initiation-banquet had its advantages, the situations major and a number of smaller lege. ; Kuhr, William Lorentz, Robert of Phi Upsilon Omicron was held required more delicate handling." record companies had rushed their Others attending the meeting dison, Ric hard McConnen, May 10 with Dean Roy acting as The respect with which Mrs. Chase own versions of this song (and I from Montana Stale were K en­ es MacMillan, Joseph Miller, toastmistress. handled the psychotic Elwood use the word song with reserva­ neth Green of Bozeman, Bradley lcholas Opie, Richard Porte, The six new members who were Dowd may have been prompted by tions) to market. Munro of Anaconda and Gerald mes Schmidt, Myron S trand, initiated are: Marilyn Gottlob, advice given to her by her moth­ Speediest effort was made by O'Neill of Livingston. P rofessor arles Varnum. Phyllis Viken, J ean Thomas, Ruth er: "Never be unkind or indiffer­ Gene Autry. MacArthur made his Lloyd Berg accompanied t h c, Benson, F lorence Howanich and ent to a person others say is crazy. reference to the song Thursday group, Mrs. Gertrude Roskie who was Often they have a deep wisdom. 19) and Autrey made his record­ made an honorary member. We pay them great respect in the $'et Wives Plan ing Friday (20). It has shipped At recent elections the follow­ old country, and we call them the following Monday, Vaughn Park unday Picnic ing o((icers were elected: presi­ fairy people, and it could be they Monroe's conlribution to the fi­ May 16 meeting of the Veterans dent, J ean Van Winkl.e.; vice presi­ are sometimes." Barber Shop asco was shipped the next day. ives feature final plans for the dent, J oanne Sheldon; treasurer, It is interesting to note that at Invite You In Bing Chosby did not realize the ,nic being held Sun ., May 26 in P at Nelson ; corresponding secre­ the end of 1945, Mrs. Chase was 118 W. Main possibilities of the tune until after ,zeman's City Park in honor of tary, J e"an Thomas; recording working on a book for chiLdren, Bussey an

Talk about comfort-that's Jockey Shorts. They fit snug as your skin, move with your skin, give you Barrel comfort in action. With the famous patented Y-Front no-gap Cleaners opening. Other exclusive features. For Dry Cleaning Come in today for your supply of Jockey Shorts. At Its Best Stap At Jockey Contoured Sflirh lo Match Barrel Cleaners ••• l\lesl1 weave fabrics let the cool breezes iu! 520 W. Main Bozeman's Only !?rive-In Cleaners ARROWsHIRTS&TIES Pickup and Delivery UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS BloeJ.; Phone 319 Page Four MONTANA EXPONENT May 24, 1951 that caliber. A little reading aforementioned late stories which actw,.Uy written In as an addlllou would improve it 100%. were sent to t..he print shop after on a. galley proof sheet, and since The average person will read the galley proofs had been pulled these proofs are the last obance of this editorial and put it down -hence we had no copy of them correctlDK errors In the cop7, It thinking "so what." If you are to proof. slipped through. proud of the Exponent, fine, but You don't claim to be a profes­ B. A. remember that a newspaper is sional journalist? Neither do I, important and should be edited in so that makes two of us in the SENIOR CLASS BREAKFAST proper form. So let's work on the same boat. The senior class breakfast wm be held at the Flaming Arow PRINTED BY THE BOZEMaN DlUL Y CHRONICLE proof reading and make our Ex­ Misspelling a top at h 1 et e's ponent a copy to be proud of. name? Please note that ma.ny of ranch Sun. June 3. At 5:00 a.m. ~ Respectfully, the papers spelled it correctly and music will begin and break(as1 Member of Stan Olsen. the Chronfoal caught their error will be served at 7:00 a.m. Rocky Mountain Intercollegiate Press Association on some of them. Be sure to sign up on the sheet, posted in the SUB in Montan; ED. NOTE: You defy anyone to find a page Acceptance for Mailing at Special Rate of Postage Provided for in hall, in Herrick hall, in the A, Dear Sir, in last week's paper without au Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1927, Authorized February 17, 1919 building or in Roberts hall be!or You've got a le,i-itimate grip" error? Two can play at that game. Continuance o! Weekly Exponent and Month!:- ;i:xponent Founded 1895. Fri. May 25. Be sure. also, to in coming on Ute errors in the paper I defy you to find any Exponent, Published every Thursday o! the College Year by the Association dicate whether or not you wil Students o! Montana State College, Bozeman, Montana. in general, and that item has been past. present, or future which have a guest other than a senior. Subscription rate by mail to any point within tbe United States and a sore spot all year. Most of the doesn't have typographical errors. its possessions is $1.60 per college year. copy is proofed before It goes to As for tbe errors lu the "Good the Chronicle office, but occasion­ , ,vord" column. If the editors of EDITOR Bill Arndt al late-breaking stories ha.ve been the houses would type their news Prescription Specialists BUSINESS MANAGER Dave Parker sent up-town with no previous as "'e have frequently requested, ASSOCIATE EDITOR Larry Blake check. possibly the name _ misspelling Porter's SPORTS EDITOR ---· Bob Chesnover NEWS COPY EDITOR______Sanna Green, Jeanne Kellogg Some of the more obvious er­ would be at a minimum. Baxter Hotel Pharmacy rors in la.st week's paper we re in The item on your pinning was SOCIETY EDITOR ------· Pam Cottam CIBCULATION EDITOR -·------·-··------Alice Brown Editorial Slaff ------Charlotte Rodenberg, Bobbie Ralston, Cora Lee Hedges, Joe Bailey. News Stat! Edith Johnston, Alice Opalka, Janie Goggans, Jat Koob, Jan Kampchror, Jeannie Foster, Clare Belshaw, Bonni Hayes. Sports Staff ______Carol Merz (Women's Sports), Ralph Roscoe, Clive Hayward, Dean Shriver, Jim Gidley, Jack Rodgers. Business Staff --·--·---- ·--- Dick Borshlem, Bill Bradford, Joan Stratton, Bob Painter, Pat Hood, Mickl Pear­ son, Dorothy Larson, La l\1oyne Berger, Hal Lucius, Roger La Fond, Rita Pursley, Marge Stromnes and Pat Flanagan. Secretary ------____ Ellen Pearson Assignments ------Kathy Kiichli Credit Manager ---- Myron Strand Circulation Staff Alice Brown Elaine Mason, Phyllis Van Vorous, Lols Larsen, Kay Moore, Bet!; Miller.

TO: Editor, Montana Exponent what goes in the paper, but against SUBJECT: Erors in the Exponent the way it comes off the press, ap­ TITLE: PROOF READ? parently without having been checked for errors. Is this a college newspaper or a bunch of type thrown together i11 When a college paper misspells haphazard fashion? I don't claim · the name o[ one of their top ath­ EVER HOLD HANDS to be a professional journalist, but letes, somebody had better "'shape I was taught in high school jour­ up." natism that a paper must be proof Many or the articles in the Ex­ LIKE ~'HESE? read before going to press. This ponent are cut to pieces with typo­ is no gripe against the staff or graphical errors; it 's a disgrace to the college. One more thing­ there are enough members of the Greek l.etler organizations on the They're not soft and warm. these hands. staff, that they should know that They're hard and cold - and mechanical. Sigma Chi is SX in type, not E.X. They work at the Oak Ridge atomic energy DIXON'S That's personal, and you're darned right it burned me up. plant, preparing radioactive isotope WAll PAPER There isn't one page in last for shipment to Bell Telephone Laboratories PAINI' week's issue of our so caleld and to other research centers. ":Montana Exponent" that doesn't DRAPERIES have a mistake in it, and I defy any one lo call me on that state­ These isotopes-which serve as tracers - Bozeman. Montana ment. are used by Bell sci en tis ts to study the If lhis is an institution of high­ materials that go into the telephone er education, let's have a paper of system. Our research men, working with Geiger counters, are able to detect Come To wear in relay. contacts, impurihcs in metals, CHICO LODGE the penetration of preser\"atives in wood. This new research tool helps us to HOT SPRINGS learn more in less time, helps us to make PRAY. MONTANA telephone equipment even more rugged and dependable. Thafs especially important FOR YOUR PARTIES nght now when the 1ation relies on the telephone to help get things done. Dancing Skating Swimming Riding Picnics Barbiques Dinners @ BELL TELEPHONE SVSTK MONTANA EXPONENT Page Five May 24, 1951 a few square dances at our West, Jo Ann Judd, Helena; Edward L. ern barbecue fireside. Honorary Orgs Donohoe, Havre; Marilyn V. Hal­ seth, Great Fall.s; Harry W. Hel­ THE GOOD WORD Bolic is a professional ,,.:esterr Announced New man, Walkerville; Clarence W. dance caller and really gave tl•c The officers for the spring quar­ anounced her pinning to Glen Kelly, Conrad; Kay A. Lister, participants a workout. ter are: President, Helen Hoff­ Memberships Downers Grove, Ill; John Harold Skaalurc, AGR, at the Panhellenic The exchange dinner wilt, the At the Honors and Senior Day man; vice president, Vera Ander­ Loomis, Clyde Wayne Nelson, banquet last Tuesday. AOPi's May 9, was followed by , assembly Wednesday at Montana son; secretary, Lee Clark; treas­ Lloyd K. Ralston, Charles Staud­ Congratulations to the girls who program o( ch amber music State college a score of collegiate urer, Sharon Lee Russell; council, hammer, and Betty Jo Waite, Whelan, Laverne DeKay, Bell honorary organizations announced Doris Hamilton, Beverly Drew, went active last Friday e\·ening. Bozeman. They are: Mary Ann Markuson, Whenlan, LaVern DeKay, Betty their initiates Ior this year. Lois Gregson, and social chairman, Jane Boswell, "Neets" Svindland Hallock R. Lucius, Miles City; Aureta Sandon, and Jeannette Nearly 300 students were in­ Jean Staudenmeyer. and "Marj" Margaq. volved as the groups made public Neil Eugene Noll and Glen A. Jerri Kramer, Pi Beta Phi, from Christy. Nat Townsend journeyed their initiates, chosen on the ba­ Schaeur, Missoula; Richard N. Livingston visited Liz Helm last Gloria Harr ls on and Jean Denver to pin Lucie Ann Davis, sis of scholarship, service, and Rafn, Lewislo\1/n; Paul J. week. Staudenmeyer were tapped b) Alpha Chi Omega. Del Ballard participation in the interest of the Schwartz, and Robert F. Thomp­ Lynn Erb, Delta Gamma, from Mortar Board at the Honors' Day has finally talked Shirley Collins, group. son, Billings; John M. Walkkow­ l\1issoula, visited Lee Clark and assembly last Wednesday. Alpha Garn, into wearing his pin Organizations, their initiates and ski, Plentywood, and Wayne W. allended the rodeo. Marlys Ishmael and Jan Kamp­ special honors include: WhHney, Big Fork. Helen Duncan, former MSC stu­ schror are now active members of Congratulations to Don Eklund for attaining Phi Eta Sigma, an Alpha Chi Sigma1 men's chem­ Electrons, women's chemistry dent, visited Doris Hamitlon and Mu Beta Beta, national 4-H hon­ istry honorary-Robert P. Hurst honorary-Jane D. Belknap, Hel­ Clarice Voight over the weekend. orary. Jack De!p,Alpha Zeta. Congratu­ and James C. Wiedow, Bozeman; na; and Beverly J. Drew, Butte. Congratulations to Vera Ander­ An exchange dinner was held lations to the new actives Ed Rech Earl 0. Kleinsfelder, Ft. Peck, Phi Kappa Delta, debate-Rich­ son who was pledged to Mu Beta with the AGR's. Guests at the and. Don Eklund. William N. Lorentz, Augusta. Out­ ard I. Hamilton, Vancouver, B.C.; Beta, and to Jean Staudenmeyer Kappa Delta house were: Glen Week-end guest. Bud Myers. standing freshman, Richard 0. and Charles W. Dilley, Missoula. who was tapped !or Mortar Board. Skaalure. John Boden, Lear Flan­ Sigma Alpha Epsilon Gorsich, Helena. Pi Omega Pi,. commercial sci­ Kappa Sigma agan, Marvin Costello. and Harold The spring party was held Sat., Mu Beta Beta, 4-H alumni - ence-Norman Chamberlain, En­ This past week was very event­ Tutveldt. May 19, at the Gallatin Gatewa) Vera L. Anderson, Havre; Bev­ nis; Jean S. Heidt, Helena: Nor­ !ul for Kappa Sigma. It featured Pi Kappa Alpha. Inn. Everyone had a great time erly Baringer, Hathaway; Rulh I. ma Heiman, Bozeman; Maxine A the aonual pledge sneak with Elmer Bolic, a member of the so we consider it a success. Chap­ Jackson, White Sulphur Springs; Benson, !\1issoula; Patricia Bur­ great fan fare and drinking of Royal Canadian Navy, stopped by erones were Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, nett, Bozeman; Patricia Erpeld­ Virginia L. Kyger, Billings; Per­ beer in the woods of Bridger Friday evening just in time to can (Continued on page eight) ing, Forsyth; Marlys Ishmael. cill E. Overby, Bridger; Bernard Canyon. Few if any of the active Ronan; Janice Kampschror, Glen­ V. Parzych. Detroit, Michigan; members escaped a short dip in dive: Robert F. Klay, Shankin; and Anna C. Ronning, Libby. the creek at this party. Gail M. Stensland, Glasgow, Al­ Spartanians, women's athletic­ The 25th anniversary of the lene Willson, Bozeman and Em­ Jane M. Dougherty, Butte; GloriJ founding of the Delta Lambda GENERAL ELECTRIC'S met Beers, Bozeman. J. Harrison, Helena; Cecelia A. chapter of Kappa Sigma featured Mu Sigma Alpha, music-Betty Kiefer, Bozeman;; Martha R. Lud­ a fireside held on Saturday night I Brock, Greal Falls; Patricia Bur­ wig, Great Falls; and Anna C. and a dinner held Sunday at the nett, Fremont W. Hancock, Judith Ronning, Libby. house. Guests Sunday were Alice JohnsOn, Harvey Pierce, and Tau Beta Pi, engineering-Vig­ Leslie, AOPi, and Bob "Exprexy" G e o r g e Savchenko, Bozeman; go 0. Anderson, Great Falls; Johh Smith who has been working in Jere Lou Graves, Fort Shaw: Pa­ P. Arnott, Utica; Carlo DiCicco. Billings since his discharge last tricia Miller and Robert L. Nick­ Jackson Heights, N. Y.; Donal,d year from MSC. elson, Livingston; Patricia O'Con­ F. Elwell, Havre; Charles Fahl­ An unscheduled picnic on ner, Butte; Lav.rrence E. Powell, gren, Big Timber; Charles G. Thursday was preceeded by a Broadus and Oscar A. Swenson, Fargo, and William L. Woodburn, lawn lunch with our partners in Sidney. Bozeman; W i LI i am A. Hunt, cleanup, the Delta Gamma sorority Phi Upsilon Omicron, home Whitefish; William G. Mallick, as guests. This picnic loo becamrl economics-Ruth r. Benson, Mis­ Missoula; Donald W. Martin, Ba­ a wet one for Steven Sevener who soula; Florence T. Howanach. ker; William J. Ottem, Jr., Mis­ just pinned Marge Clark. Con­ Belt; Marilyn Gottlob, Bozeman; soul.a; Robert W. Peterson, Cut gratul.ations Steve. Marjorie J. Thomas, Geral.dine; Bank; Robert R. Raftery, Helena; Phyllis L. Viken. Helena. Gamma. Phi Delbert D. Viers, Red Lodge; Congratulations to Jim Schmidt, Deuta Phi Del.ta. art and archi­ Frederick Voegeli, Birney. tecture-William Earl Daniel, am] and Gus Hein on initiation into Scabbard and Blade, military hon­ ICC OFFICERS INSTALLED orary, also to Gus Hein on initi­ Super-Creamed New officers were installed in ation into Alpha Zeta honorary ICE CREAM the Inter-Church council Fri., May for agriculture, and lo Bill Rader "The best kind 18. Erle Gross1 a junior next yea1 on his initiation into Phi Sigm­ in general agriculture is presi­ Biological honorary. is Lehrkind's" dent and will direct the Council's Last meeting nighL we were the activities. The other officers are: lucky recipiants of a serenade by vice president, .Joan Huxley; sec­ the Delta Gamma sorority, after retary, Elaine Mikkel.son; and which the Gamma Phi's seranaded treasurer, Patty Norton. The in­ four girls recently pinned to Have stallation was held around a camp brothers. These girls were Kalli fire after a picnic lunch and at Lister, AOP, Roberta Wilson, You Tried this time the faculty advisor Mrs. Kathie Sutherl.and, and Diane McCormick was honored. Burleigh, DG. The Pinned: Ed Deschamps to Kay tight beep me• JOU'!\~••• Lister, AOP. For A Close Shave Or New pledges: Donald Johnson, MUSIC SENT 6vik Robin A Good Slip Its The Great Falls, William Jones, Great A BEAM OF UGHTI Falls, and J ack Pearce, Bozeman. This Spring? R. K. Barber Shop Dinner guest Thursday was Ro­ 125 East Main berta Wilson. House guests this last week "THE ST AGE SHOW THAT were: Roger Hearst, from Plains, ftAS THRILLED MILLIONS''\ who was pledged lo Gamma Phi AT THE THEARES last fal and who is in the Coast . . . WITH iTS MANY ~ Guard at the present; Kiel Peck­ SCIENTIFIC WONDERS Ellen Theatre Joyce Theatre enpaugh, Livingston, also a pledge 24-26 - "APPOIN TJ\lENT who left ,vinter quarter to join WITH DANGER" with Alan "ONLY THE VALIANT" with Ladd and Phullls Calvert. Gregory Peck and Barbara the navy, and Roy Pitsch, Garry­ 27-29 - "HALF ANGEL" with Payton. owen, who has been taking flight Loretta Young and Joseph training with the. air force in Colten. Texas. 30 - "KANSAS RAIDER " Starlite Drivein with Audlc Jllurphy and The annual Sunrise party was 25-26 - "STREETS OF LORE­ he Id Sat., May 19th, at the Sponsored by Brian Donlevy. ADO" with MacDonald Carey and Wllllam Holden, also Flaming Arrow ranch, and a gooci THE MONTANA POWER COMPANY Rialto Theatre "PIRATES OF llfONTEREY." time was had by a\1 present. The • M-26 - "GHOST CHASERS" 27-28 - "THE GAL WHO chaperones who were nice enough with Leo Gorcey and The • TOOK THE WEST" with Yo­ to get up at 4 :00 so we could ha\'e Bowery Boys, also "IN O:LD vonne Decarlo and Charles the party were: Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Montana Staie College Gym AMARILLO" with Roy Rog- Coburn. Jackson, Mr. Paul Ulrich, and ers. 29-31 - 'WISTFUL WIDOW Thursday. May 31. 10:30 a.m. '27-29- "FURY ON THE CON­ OF WAGON GAP" with Ab­ Mrs. Marjorie Paisley. GO" with Johnny Welssmul- bott, Costello and llfarjorle Kapa Delta .1 !er, also "MY TRUE STORY." Main. Best wishes to Jere Graves who Page Six MONTANA EXPONENT May 24, 1951 Conservationist Heads Caravan Tour B. W. Brink, extension conserva­ not ofiicially start until lhe next tionist at MSC will preside as day. May 28 chairman of the Montana Con­ Leadership throughout the tour servation caravan tour which will rotate wiU, Marvin Bell of starts at Three Forks July 23 and Bozeman, senior water facilities ends at Helena July 28. Brink was specialist, Farmers Home admin­ named h~ad by the. executive com­ instration, assisting in leadership May 29 mittee of the Montana Conserva­ of the caravan from OLd Faithful tion council. to Bozeman. All persons who will make the Art Shaw, Bozeman, Gallatin tour will meet at Three Forks county agent will lead the tau,· ? July 22 for the Lewis and Clam from Bozeman to Helena on the • Pageant, although the lout" does final day. BELIE E IN Watch For Harvey! YOURSELF! Don't test one brand alone' •• • comP-are them all!

Unlike others, we never ask you to test our brand alone. We say ... compare PHILIP MORRIS ••• match PHILIP MoRRIS ••• iudge PHILIP MORRIS against any other .9garette! - h. I Then make your ~ c o1ce.

TRY THIS TESTI " I t's nice, but I had in mind T k& a PHILIP MORRIS - and any some sort of p ension plan" o:her cl9arette. Then, here's all you do: AGR News Fluegel, John Biggie, Prescott llght up- either cigarette. Take a Congratulations lo Jery Border Hackett, Harry Kittams, Jim Ko­ 1 puff-don't inhale-and s-1-a-w·l-y on winning the Little International lar, Keith Kimball, Leer Flana­ Grand Champion Showmanship gan, Leroy Niedermier, Tom let the ,moke come through your nose. award. Hats off to you Jerry for Wetherall, Ken Todd, and Charles doing a swell job. Other men Ges:tring. Now do exactly the same thing from the house tahl showed ani­ 2 Out-of-town guests over the with the other cigarette. mals were: Gene Thayer, Bill weekend are Art Fulkerson, Roger NOTICE THAT PHILIP MORRIS Nielson, and Doug Tippet au from Washington State college who IS DEFINITELY ~ IRRITATING, were here for the Rodeo, and DEFINITELY MILDERJ Gallatin Trust & Roge1· Tartar from the Alpha Beta chapter in Oregon here f r the Savings Bank Mu Beta convention. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Pulis and BOZEMAN.MONTANA Mr. and Mrs. Percy Goyins were Remember ••• dinner gttcsts over the week-end. AN INDEPENDENT Congratulations lo Tom Drum­ BANK mond for being selected as one or the Big Ten this year. Also to Established 1902 Gene Thayer on winning the Dan­ NO CIGARETTE forth award. WHITE DRESSES HANGOVER means For Women's Day MORE SMOKING PLEASURE! At the Price You Want to Pay RIDDLES PHILIP MORRIS May 24, f951 MONTANA EXPONENT Page Seven Washington State Cowboys Take CATS END SPRING DRILL; INTRASQUAD MSC Rodeo; Montana Cops Second TILT ON FRIDAY Washington State's three man team, paced by all-around cowboy Art Fulkerson, edged out Montana State and MSC's With the final week of spring Jim Carrig by a narrow margin to win the MSC Intercollegiate football well behind them, the , , , rodeo at the Gallatin Valley arena in Belgrade last Saturaay Bobcats, under the careful eye of and Sunday. John Mason, plan to close the In the final tally WSC got 460 points while the host M_SC spring practice session with an gathered in 430, with a two-man Eastern Montana team taking intra-squad game tomorrow after­ third far back from the MSC and WSC teams. Utah State was noon. fou1·th, MSU fifth, with Sheridan JC, Colorado A & M, and The MSC gridders had a little Wyoming failing to show up. contact work this week and are Art Fulkerson, Washington State Schneekloth, MSC. Cow milking - Sauke, MSC; polishing up their plays for this cowhand, edged Jim Carrig for Friday's fray. all-around cowboy, with Roger Fuklersor., WSC; Meilson, WSC; Neilson, WSC, third, and Bob Fleming, Eastern Mont. This week's work closes out the 25 days of spring drills allowed by Sauke, MSC, fourth. Girls events: Jim Carrig won the title of Cow cutting - Kay Nash, MSC; Rocky Mountain conference rul­ Montana-all-around champ and Colleen Korrell, MSC; Patt Lewis, ings and will be the Cats final op­ with this title claimed the quar­ WSC; Carol Reeder, MSC. portunities to finish up the pre­ ter horse donated by Spike Van Barrel race - Patt Lewis, WSC; liminary work for this fall. With Cleve of Big Timber. Garnet Golkin, WSC; Ellen Moore, a date with the Utah Redskins set The title of fraternity bareback MSC; tie between Kay Nash and at Sept. 15, only two brief weeks champion goes to George Knoble Ina Weast, Eastern Montana. of practice will be available, so for his admirable rides. Some 800 fans witnessed MSC the ground work had to be well The all-around cowgirl title was take the top hand in the annual laid in these spring sessions. captured by Patt Lewis, former rodeo on Saturday winning two So far the men have worked MSC coed now attending Washing­ first places, a trio of seconds, and steadily and quietly and the Fri­ Lon State. Mary Faith McLean' three third places. Some top per­ day afternoon game may show formances were put on by col­ won the 11 hard luck cowboy" how well and how much they bonor. legiate waddies from five schools. have learned. Averages for the two day pro­ Competing cowboys in Saturdays gram produced the following win­ events were from MSU, WSC, ners in individual events: Utah State College, EMNCOE, and RMC Favors Frosh Bareback - Lawrence Camp­ host Montana State. bell, Utah State; G. E. Litton, One of the highlights of Satur­ To Compete In Eastern Mont.; Mendes, Utah days two and one half hour show State; George Knoble, MSC. was a sensational ride by George Varsity Sports Saddle bronc - Doug Tippett, Knoble, a MSC waddie who had never before taken part WSC; Jim Carrig, MSC; Cave The Rocky Mountain conference in a bareback contest. Knobel voted last week to allow freshmen notched a first for his efforts. to participate in varsity sports MSC's Dave Schneekloth, a well­ starting next fall. This means that Ill 'ti{t! known bull rider in collegiate cir­ l!AltLYDAYS freshmen entering MSC next fall cles, won top honors in the saddle A GOLF SALL WJ.S. MacGregor­ bronc competition Saturday. De­ will be eligible for any varsity APT TO SRFJ.K sport on the campus. fending champion Jim Carrig, who m-rwo .... was thrown in the bareback, got The conference left unchanged TIie 2CJ(.£... I .J Goldsmith a second in the saddle bronc rid­ its rule on transfer students, re­ DROPAlolonl£R ~ ' If; ing event and bulldogging. This quiring a year's attendance before IJ,/ Pt.ACE Of -:_ "-,& - becomjng eligible for sports par. THE81GGER ~~' was the first time Carrig was HALF .... ~ thrown in two years of college ticipation. SOFTBALL shows. Prof. P. C. Gaines of Montana Saturday's results: State was elected president and ~~~~ Saddle bronc riding - Dave M. I. Signer of Colorado Mines Schneekloth, MSC; J im Carrig, was named vice president. Signer .~ -2: No. 100 MSC; Doug Tippett, WSC. also was re-elected secretary. Bareback riding - George Kno­ Schedules were drawn up for ble, MSC; Lynn Montgomery, basketball and spring sports. MSC; Lawrence Campbell, use. Bulldogging - D e I o s Robins, ' MSU; Jim Carrig, MSC; Les Fi nest Softba 11 Wheeler, MSC. Sports a la Femme Cal! roping - Art Fulkerson, Made WSC; Neilson, WSC; Roland By Carol Merz Mosher, MSC; Litton, Eastern This report marks the close of Montana, Yes, the new Spalding Dor• another successful year of W 1\,A. with improved " TRU-TENSION" Winding, Girls barrel race - Patt Lewis, Perhaps there have been some combines maximum distance with sweet Team Price WSC; Garnet Golkin, WSC; Ellen questions as to why points had to feel . , • True uniformity auured, plus fa. Moore and Kay Nash, MSC. be in so early, The reason is so mous Dor "click". Girls Cow cutting - Kay Nash, points can be totaled for the "TRU-TENSION" $2.90 each MSC; Colleen Korrell, MSC; Patt Hamilton trophy and individual Winding is also Lewis, WSC; Carrol Reeder, MSC. awards which will be presented on a feature of the Team stanpings: high-powered Women's Day. Washington State College ___460 Spalding AIR-FLllc, Montana State College ___430 The tennis tournament was For real toughness Eastern Montana Normal __190 completed Monday and was won It's the KRO-FLITE Utah State College .110 by J eanne Kellogg, defending and the TOP°FLITE•, Phillips Montana State University _ 90 champion. Doreen Herriod was "At Pro 5hop1 Only Show judges were Eddie Ship­ second. man, Ennis and Orville Wortman The swimming pool, only, will Book Store SETS THE PACE of Gallatin Gateway. Tusco Heath be open tonight. It anyone st!ll did a fine job of arena announce~. needs extra practices, this is the S 'PIIJ.DIN(} ' IN SPORTS Mel Icenogle was arena director. last opportunity to get them. ------WEATHER-RESISTANT JACKETS FOR SPORT OR LEISURE Colors: Grey, Tan, Green and Checks 5.50 to 14.95 If It Comes From WAGNER'S It's The Best Buy In Town P:ige Eight MONTANA EXPONEN'l' May 24, 1951 Karst's Camp on May 19. Chap­ Colleen J ones. Also, to Betty White, who re­ erones included Capt and Mrs. Bo­ Applauds to Joan Huxley !or ceived the Ph.I Kappa award for THE GOOD WORD gan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert lllc­ being named the vice-president of the highest senior scholasticaUy Muido, and Doc Farand Inter-church council. and the Pht Sigma award; to (Continued from page five) Board member, Anna Ronning; New Pledges: Doug Case, Frc1nk Dinner guesL~: Monday night, Jackie PcUyjohn, also new vice. Col. and lllrs. Wiper, and ··!llom·• also to Lanice Roser and Billie Pope, Doc Simmons, and Dean Jim Esmay, Elizabeth Peler, and Montana Federation of Teacher·~ Jean :Morrison who were chosen Lewis. Hatztic. Bill Hupp. Award and the Montana P.T .A. Congratulations to the following to U1e Big Ten. Betty Ann Over­ Sunday dinner guest:: Mrs. D. Remarks alter dinner: '"Every­ award; to Martha Ludwig, wh<, cash, AGD, l\llissoula was chosen men from the house who were W. Lambrecht body's eaten." was recently pledged to Sparta­ initiated into the vnrious honor­ for Mortar Board at MSV. ninns. Ch.I Omeg-a I\l en's Coo 1> arit~: Phi Kappa Phi, Jack Swit­ Beverly Ferguson was initiated Pinned: Louise Schuchman to Guests !rom out o( town this Quad A Phi Pappa Phi seni 1 zer and Bill 1\1:allic, seniors, and into the Order of the Eastern Star Harry Cosner, SX. w eekend were Donald Stenslanu are: Betty White, Mary Blank, Pat Bill Ottem from the junior class: on May 21. Jackie Korstad, Billings. was a o[ Glasgow, Franklin Mosday, O'Connor, Dorothy Elliot and Ra­ Award in Architecture, Bill Ottem: Mrs. George Rodriguese was ou~· week-end guest. K e.Ith Me.lby, and Wiliam Hoag­ chel Weinberg. Junior member It Septemviri, John Reichel; and Big guest speaker last Monday eve­ "Congrats" to Cora Lee Hedges. land or Aapelje, Gene Kirchne: Jackie Pettijohn. also new vi Ten, Les Curry. ning. Arlene Stephensen, Jo Anne Pain­ and Jimmie Groh or Circle, and president of Phi Kappa Phi. Dinner Guests: Col. and Mrs. ter, Marilyn Halseth, Donna Do­ J. F. Sheldon o[ Sheridan. Wiper. The Alpha Gam's float placed The Registrar's office disc! · ran, and Greta Gay on bein,: Sunday dinner guests were The hospital reports that Pally second in the rodeo parade. that Quad A had the highest r­ pTedged to honoraries. Betty Jane Boswell and Mr. and Murphy is improving. but is still Dick Miller, Kalispell., a n ct ganized house average for Winter Louise Schuchman, 111 a r i l y n Mrs. Ray Elser. in serious condition. We hope you Lynne Newell, AGD, were mar­ quarter: 84.63. Halseth, and Charlotte Snyder Congratulations to J erry S tens­ will be with us again soon., Patty. ried May 17. Best wishes to Pat O'Connor on were formerly pledged. land and Bill Armstrong who Alpha Gamma D elta On "M'' Day the Alpha Garns her recent engagement to Pau.l and Lambda Chis had a joint Alpha. Omicron Pi placed first in their divisions both Schmeche.l. The alums gave a buffet dinner nights of the Little International. at the home of Mrs. Ruth Mev­ baseball game. We won! Weekend guest: Audrey Crab­ D inner guests: Monday, May 21: rick in honor of the seniors. The Pinned: Shirley Jean Collins to tree, . Quad A Mr. and Mrs. A. J. M. Johnson; seniors were recently initiated Del Ballard, PKA. Congrntulations to our new ac­ Congratulations to the new Mor­ M-Day, Dave Andrew and Perry into the Alum's Club. P hi Sig-ma K appa tives. They are Joanne l\'larsh, tar Boards. Thelma Haigh and Mathew; Mother's Day, Mrs. Ed Congratulations to our l\lortar We held our spring party at Carollne Stucky, Pal Drugge, and Jackie Pettyj ohn. Arnott and Ed Arnott, Jr. rHOTOS TAKIN ON CAM, US LIKE THOUSANDS OF AMERICA'S STUDENTS­ MAKE THIS MILDNESS TEST YOURSELF AND GET WHAT EVERY SMOKER WANTS

MILDNESS 1:/!f:!. NO UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE OVER 1500 PROMINENT TOBACCO GROWERS SAY: "When I apply the Standard Tobacco Growers' Test to cigarettes I find Chesterfield is the one that smells Milder and smokes Milder."

A WELL-KNOWN INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION REPORTS: "Of all brands tested, Chesterfield is the only cigarette in which members of our taste panel found nQ !,!.Ql~leasant after-taste."