Grand Champ Border . .. No. 23 Vol. XXXXII THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1951 Spring Play "Harvey" To Be Staged Monday, Tuesday Wally Norley Pays Lovable Elwood Mary Chase Is Jerry Border, winner of the Little International, is shown w ith Dowd; Harvey's Counterpart Unknown Author of "Harvey" his Hampshire ram. •rake one invisible pooka (spirit bang up as Cleo in the Winter Mary Chase, author of the 1944- 1 in animal form, to you) add one quarter production E Equals MC'. 45 Pulitzer Prize comedy, Harvey, delightful inebriate, a ilutter­ Ernestine Neuhardt, a freshman is a playwright with Celtic pookas Jerry Border Named Champ brained sister and a man-seeking home ec student, from Miles City. and banshees in her pen. Though niece, sprinkle with an assortmeqt makes her initial stage appearance born far from Ireland in Denver, Showman at Little Internat'I t of characters like, one very-much­ as the man-chasing Myrtle Mae. Colorado on February 25, l 907, she in-love nurse, a blind-to-love psy­ Greta Gay, a Home Ee senior from is descended from Irish ancestry, chiatrist, a wise cab driver and a Bozeman, appears in this, her first her mother coming from Ulster Reserve Champ Is NOTICE big wheel of psychiatrist; give play, as the nurse, Ruth Kelly, county. 1t was Timothy, her un­ Barbara McNiven All students who are plan­ them a Mary Chase script and top who wears he heart on her sleeve cle, who captured her imagination ning to return for the A utwru, off the concoction with a generous for the young psychiatrist, Dr. with his tales of Irish folklore. Jerry Border was a warded the Quarter should rm out a Pre­ portion of the technical savvy and Sanderson. The apparently-im­ She attended elementary schools title of grand champion showman registration Card before leaving Jmagination of Joe Fit.ch. The fin­ mune-to-love Sanderson will be in Denver where, she says, "I got Saturday night at the close or the for the swnmer. Registration inshed product ends us as the MSC portrayed by Clarence Kelly, a the· highest grades for studies and 1951 Little International livestock material for onl y those students 1drama production for the spring soph in Arch Engineering from the lowest grades for deportment." show at MSC with Barbara Mc­ who sign these cards will be as­ quarter, "Harvey." Martin City. The role of P sychi- In 1922 she graduated from the Niven claiming reserve champion­ sembled for Autumn Quarter West Denver high school and en­ ship. Reg-istration. Please f ill out a Norley as Elwood tered the University of Denver This 17th annual Llttle Inter­ card even though you are not where she remained for two and national which was dedicated tc., sure you wiU return. a half years. Then she went to th~ A. C. Buyers of Twin Bridges saw Registration permits for the University of Colorado. During a near capacity crowd present at 1951-52 year will be sent to all summer vacations she served he~· the Sat. evening climax showing. students who sign these cards apprenticeship as a reporter on Both top winners are MSC agri­ about Sept. 1. the Rock y Mounta in Ne~s with­ cutture students. Jerry Border is a Students who hnve signed out salary. local Bozeman boy, a junioi- at pre-registration cards for sum­ The future prize-winning play­ MSC, a member of Alpha Zeta Ag mer also fill out a card for the wright, who had completed a ma­ honorary and a member of Alpha Autumn Quarter if they ex­ jor in the classics in two years, Gamma Rho fraternity. Jerry has pect to be In attendance both gave up formal schooling to ac­ been active in agriculture activi­ Quarters. A table is provid ed cept a reporter's job on the News ties throughout his college years. in the ball outside the Regis ­ and was married June 7, 1928 to Barbara McNiven is a freshman trar's Office for this purpose. Robert L. Chase, also a reporter. student from Livingston and a Mrs. Chase's interest in the member o( Pi Beta Phi sorority. Bob Sauke repeated hls Friday theatre began at the age of eleven , Border qualified for the final night wining of the stockhorse when she would play truant (rom round by having previously won class, with Jim Carrig second and school. Her first writing took the the sheep division championship Ellen Moore third. form of a short story, but her goal with a Hampshire ram, while Barb was always playwrighting. She Class winners in other divisions McNiven won the beef division in order of placings, were: Jersey saw her first play, Me Third, pro­ with a Hereford heifer. Bill Arm­ heifers-Thayer, E;liott Rudisill., duced under the WPA projects. strong of Simms copped the swine Herb Townsend; Hereford heifers The play, Me Third, was a com­ division with a Duroc gilt and -Miss McNiven, Don Pegg, Lea,; edy concerned with a Western Jerry Stensland of Glasgow took Flanagan; Duroc gilts-Armstrong, I Harvey is the story of a like­ atrist Chumley will be played by politician whose campaign slogan. a Jersey heifer to win the top of Paul Andrilenes; Columgia rams . ble liquorterian and his bosom Will Simms. was "God First, The People Sec- the dairy division. -Hoversland, Tom Wetherell, I uddy, an invisible (to some peo- The rest of the cast is rounded (Continued on Page 3) 1 le) white rabbit over six feet out by Steve Sevener, Joan Rick, Awards presented to Border as Dave Casebolt. ill named Harvey. The loveable Dave Andrew, Clair Voigt, Dick winner of this J 7th annual show Holstein heifers - Bob Pust, 1 1Sh will be played by Wally McConnen and Marge Clark. Dr. Eugene Gonda included the Galt Memoriat tro­ Ernest Todd, Vernon Sundberg; orely a sophomore Art student A well written play plus a well phy, a gold watch as the Vinke Hampshire rams-Border, Dick om Conrad. chosen cast and excellent direct­ Speaks At a ward and the Bozeman Kiwanis Hamilton, Max Fries; Shorthorn heifers-Todd, Bill Fluegel, Wayne Although Wally has had exten­ Ing spells "Good Theater." And Assembly plaque. Miss ~cNiven received ~ ve experience In high school dra- Bozeman gets the chance to enjoy pen and pencil set from Alpha Elser; Jersey hei(ers-Stenslanci, 1 atics this will mark his first ap­ the results of all three next week Dr. Eugene F. Gonda, well Zeta, merchandise award and re­ Milo Todd, Leland Grover; Angus ?arance in a college production. when 8ock and Buskin serves up known Hungarian journalist and serve ribbon. .bulls-Gene Dickerson, Jim Snell, e probably could not have chosen· the whimsical and delightful play, historian spoke on his fight for Each of the four division win­ Gene Horton. r better vehicle for his collegiate Harvey, at the Emerson Junior democratic principles at a genera! ners received a pw·ebred animal. Hamprace gilts-Stapleton, Orlo ·amatic debut. Not only does High school on Monday and Tues­ assembly this morning in the gym. Divisional placings: bee(-Miss Bcrick; Hereford bulls-Bernick js red-headed Pi Kap like raw day nights at 8:15. Dr. Gonda was a well known McNiven, John Biggie, K en Todd; Kocha, Jack Delp, Dick Ball, rrots, but until he was six years correspondent o( the prewar press dairy-Stensland, Don Kalstad, Angus heifers-Biggie, Jim Kolar, d he was called "Bunny" be­ of his country and as a specialist Gene Thayer; sheep-Border, Art Don Ek land; Holstein heifers­ use he was born on ... you've or central and eastern European Hoversland ; swine - Armstrong Kalstad, Chuck Caln, Charles 1essed it ... Easter Sunday. problems he contributed liberally Medford Stapleton. Gest ring. The role of the flutter-brained THE EXPO NE NT to French newspapers and pel"i­ Events conducted earlier in the 1ter will be played by Bozeman­ odicals. A strong anti-Nazzi and evening were th e performance by NOTICE ,, Pat Koob. Although she is THIS WEEK anti-Communist he was finally the Mcllhattan Pony Patrol, the The Veterans billing for all ly a freshman Pat has, quHe n forced to flee from Frnce, and barrel race which was won by p.m. June 2 in the Associated t of stage experience behind her. escaped to Switzerland where he Jane Keeton with Kitty Keston students will be closed at 12:00 hite a senior in High School she MSC Seniors collaborated with the Hungal"ian second. In the sheep shearing con­ tudents' Store. rtlcipated in many damatic pro- Win Awards P. 3 resistance. test Frank HuJer and Max Fries Seniors be sure and charge c ctions the last of which was one MSC Rodeo P. 7 Dr. Gonda has covered for the were each awarded prizes for their your rental for cap and gowu. the major roles in the comedy International News Service such exhibition shearing. The bucking if yo u are graduating. wo Bllnd Mice." Since her ar­ Frosh Eligible world events as Hungarian Prime barrel contest was claimed by Graduate students hnve all i ral here at MSC she has piled up For Varsity P. 7 Minister Nngy's escape. Cardinal Gunther Rahnfeld, with Dave yo ur thesis charges for paper, •re stage time by appearing In Mindozenty's trial, and the Tito­ Schneekloth second and Buck supplies and typing- on yo ur v o variety shows and doing a Cominform break. Allen third. charge sheets. Page 'l\vo JONTANA EXPONENT May 24. 195 Alpha Zeta Announces Selective Service Students Picked For 33 New Initiates Test Schedule 111 C chapter or Alpha Zeta, a - Selective Service College Quali­ Dramatics Honorary By JOE BAILEY ricultural honorary, has chosen 33 fication Test scheduled !or lllay 2b.
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