Narrative Weendigos McGregor, Alexandra Dawn École nationale d'administration publique (ENAP) Pavillon Alexandre-Taché, 283, boulevard Alexandre-Taché, aile D, porte 13 Gatineau (Québec) J9A 1L8
[email protected] Abstract This mixed-method analysis brings together event and narrative analysis alongside Anishinabeg mythology and storytelling to examine the narratives around financial default as portrayed in the news media. The impact of the First Nation's counter-narrative is unmistakable. Keywords: event analysis, narrative analysis, windigo, financial default. 2 Narrative Weendigos INTRODUCTION Narratives, stories, legends, and myths have long been used to help us make sense of our complex daily human lives. They can contain our truths, lies fantasies, and dreams. One researcher I like said that "Narratives then, are a version of reality whose acceptability is governed by convention and "narrative necessity" rather than by empirical verification and logical requiredness, although ironically, we have no compunction about calling stories true or false”(Bruner, 1991). This work is about examining the stories told about First Nations and the effect it has on them when they construct their realities through narratives that are publicly available in the news and their websites. In this study, I compared the 2015 First Nations Default Management Program list to an updated Indigenous event analysis (Wilkes, 1995). What I found was that as of 2018, 103 out of 153 First Nations on the Default Management list had participated in resistance events that appeared in the news and social media. Seven of the resistant First Nation had remained in default management since Wilkes' work done on event analysis in 1995.