SUPPORT () VCSE FORUM Monday 16th September 2019, 14.00 – 16.00 Curborough Community Centre


Chris Humphreys HS2 Judith Parry Places of Welcome Michelle Brodie Groundwork HS2 Funds Team Liz Tolhurst CASS Jane Reynolds SCVYS Ali Betteridge University Hospitals Burton and Derby NHS Foundation Trust Susan Bamford Council Jonathan Smith Whittington Parish Councillor Esther Allen SPARKS Rick Hill Lichfield Christian Schools Susan Williams Friends of Library Jane Green The National Lottery Community Fund Tracie Overd Everyone Health Jade O’Sullivan Everyone Health Ken Taylor Three Spires Community Choir Karen Baker Three Spires Community Choir Gill Wyatt Action on Hearing Loss Caroline Bruno Live at Home Scheme James Flintham Curborough Community Association Jonathan Topham SCC Martin Peake Beat the Cold Dawn Blackshaw Citizens Advice SE Staffordshire Ania Kluk Curborough Community Association Gifford Foote Meeting Point Handsacre Judith Berry The Young Ones Sheila Meacham The Young Ones Loz Cadman COGS Elizabeth Wall St Stephen’s (Places of Welcome) Pauline Shields Lichfield and District Soroptimists Elizabeth Morgan Consultant Zoe Crozier Support Staffordshire Claire Ferris Support Staffordshire


Julia Kendrick Freedom Leisure Graham Hunt Burntwood Town Council – Town Clark Sue Merriman Brereton Million Philip Mantom The WEA Sally Grieve The Community Foundation Staffordshire Garry Hyde Whittington Village Hall Christine Jones Whittington Wednesday Club Lisa Blatherwick Everyone Health

Maggie Huckfield Liberty Staffordshire

1. Welcome and introductions

Claire Ferris, Locality Officer, opened the forum and welcomed everyone to Curborough Community Centre. She then gave a brief on the format for the forum and the housekeeping rules.

Support Staffordshire Update:

 Claire Ferris is now the only Locality Officer for the Lichfield District and available to support all members  Highlighted the opportunity to lease variable office space on flexible terms on the fully accessible first and second floor of Mansell House in Lichfield city centre from October 2019. For more information contact: [email protected] or call 01543 303030  Highlighted the training courses available to Support Staffordshire members and non-members  Following the success of the inaugural Volunteer Star Awards in 2019, confirmed that Support Staffordshire will host another Volunteer Star Awards in June 2020  Reminded that the next Health & Care forum will take place on 19th November at 10am in and for more information contact: [email protected]

2. Presentation – James Flintham – Curborough Community Association James gave an overview of the Association and the two venues (Curborough Community Centre and Cruck House) that they manage in Lichfield which are available to hire for use by community groups, organisations and members of the community. He said that Curborough Community Centre are due to celebrate their 25th Anniversary and are hosting a free celebration event at the centre on 5ht October.

James spoke about their intention to produce a community newsletter for North Lichfield with the first edition being planned for October 2019.

3. Presentation – Michelle Brodie – Groundwork Michelle gave an overview of the HS2 Community & Environment Fund (CEF). Presentation available on Support Staffordshire Website.

Applications are welcomed.

4. Presentation – Judith Parry – Places of Welcome Places of Welcome is a growing network of local community groups providing their neighbourhoods with places where all people feel safe to belong, connect and contribute.

Judith then gave an overview of the Buddy project that they are working on with Support Staffordshire; to recruit Volunteers to act as a Buddy and accompany someone to a Place of Welcome.

5. Local News Round Up

Susan Bamford from Lichfield District Council gave an overview of The Small Projects Fund which is a small grants scheme (up to £500) offered by the Lichfield District Safer Community Partnership with funding from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Jonathan Topham from Staffordshire County Council spoke about their ‘Supportive Communities’ initiative which is about reducing social care demand and their plans for Active Signposting Hubs.

We then had a quick introduction/overview from everyone / group in the room which allowed the opportunity to share news and promote events.

Jane Reynolds - SCVYS -

Esther Allen – SPARK (Burntwood) CIC - Group providing pregnancy, baby, pre- school, parenting activities, groups, support and services based at a former children’s centre in Burntwood.

Loz Cadman – COGS Prepares 4 Life - Organisation run for and by adults with learning disabilities who face many barriers being integrated into the local community.

Dawn Blackshaw - Citizens Advice SE Staffordshire – ‘Making Money’ project and Universal Credit south-east-staffordshire-lichfield-burntwood-tamworth

Pauline Shields - Lichfield and District Soroptimists - SI is an organisation for women who work to transform the lives of women and girls worldwide through service, fundraising and advocacy

Caroline Bruno – MHA Lichfield and District Live at Home Scheme - Provide a range of services designed to alleviate social isolation. These include Lunch clubs, 1:1 befriending (Home Visits) Telephone Befriending, Weekly/Monthly shopping trips. They also offer a gardening and handy man service and wheelchair loan. district-live-home-scheme

Gifford Foote – Meeting Point - Meeting Point is a drop-in community group providing interest and activity for a village network. It offers information, demonstrations, referrals in cases of need, communication and friendship, outings and self-help.

Ali Betteridge - University Hospitals Burton and Derby NHS Foundation Trust – Spoke about an increase in carer’s support

Judith Berry and Shelia Meacham – The Young Ones - Gift Boxes individually prepared by age and gender for local children in an attempt to bring happiness where otherwise there would be only emptiness.

Liz Tolhurst – CASS – Offering Carer Awareness training association

Susan Williams – Friends of Burntwood Library - Manages a coffee shop, and craft fayres in the Library. Offer various activities for both Adults and Children

Ania Kluk – Curborough Community Centre – manages the bookings for the centre

Gill Wyatt – Action on Hearing Loss – Providing help, support, advice and information for people with hearing loss and their families and friends

Tracie Overd – Everyone Health – Offering free Health checks

Elizabeth Wall - St Stephen’s Fradley – Act as a Place of Welcome within Fradley

Jane Green - National Lottery Community Fund - Funding Officers are available to have a conversation about Grants or to go through the Website and will help organisations to go through the process of applying. For further information contact: [email protected]

Martin Peake – Beat The Cold – Fuel poverty, and affordable warmth charity.

Jonathan Smith – The Lichfield Trishaw Project - Combating isolation and loneliness by providing Trishaw rides.

Karen Baker and Ken Taylor – Three Spires Community Choir – Welcome people of all ages and abilities who wish to sing.

Followed by Networking session

6. Closing Remarks / Evaluation Forms

Claire closed the forum and thanked everyone for attending the meeting this afternoon. She asked that groups fill out the evaluation forms as this is a good way for Support Staffordshire to obtain feedback. DATE OF NEXT FORUM: Wednesday 11th December 2019, 13:00 – 15:00. Location:- Wade Street Church, Lichfield Contact [email protected] to book your place.