NORTHEAST GEORGIA MOUNTAINS Cheryl Smith Regional Tourism Representative TRAVEL REGION GA Dept of Economic Development Office: 770-535-5757 ~ Cell: 678-640-4355 September 2012 Tourism Update
[email protected] I send a weekly email tourism update. If you would like to get these updates, contact me. The following are the weekly updates for the month of September. September 24-28 September 17-21 September 10-14 September 3-7 September 24-28 Tourism Division News o Tourism Product Development Agreement Workshops, Education, etc. o How are your guests/visitors planning a visit to you? o Request for potential conference facilities o Did you know what motivates people to visit wine regions? Regional News Articles/Videos Tourism Division News Tourism Product Development Agreement: Attached the 2013 TPD Agreement Guidelines and a Georgia tier map. The actual applications will be loaded online hopefully by tomorrow, but attached is everything they need to start now. Also, feed free to share with anyone you know that is considering the development of a tourism project. Contact Bruce Green with questions. 404-962-4092 &
[email protected] Workshops, Education, etc. How are your guests/visitors planning a visit to you? Would you ask how your guests/visitors are finding out about your site…Ad, article, brochure, website, Georgia Travel Guide, etc.? Can you begin in October and end in December and then give me a recap in early January? Request for potential conference facilities: Girls Rock Camp Alliance Conference March 22 - 24, 2013 Girls rock camp organizers all over the world to come together to exchange ideas and experiences.