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VYTAUTO DIDŽIOJO UNIVERSITETAS POLITIKOS MOKSLŲ IR DIPLOMATIJOS FAKULTETAS SOCIALINĖS IR POLITINĖS TEORIJOS KATEDRA Agnė Bagdžiūnaitė ANALYSIS OF GENDER AND FEMINIZED LABOR RELATIONS Socialinės lyties ir feminizuoto darbo santykių analizė Politikos mokslų studijų programa, valstybinis kodas 621L20008 Politikos mokslų studijų kryptis Vadovas/-ė________________ ________ ________ (Mok.l.,vardas, pavardė) ( parašas) (data) Apginta _________________ ________ _________ (PMDF dekanas) (parašas) (data) Kaunas, 2016 Content Abstract (Lithuanian translation) – 1 Abstract – 2 Introduction – 3 1. Neoliberal Subject.................................................................9 1.1 Constructing the Worker in Neoliberal Time......11 1.2 Two Labor Forms................................................12 1.3 Marriage and Labor Contract..............................14 2. The Feminization of Work..................................................16 2.1 Welfare and Women............................................20 2.2 The Globalization Tales.......................................23 3. The Case of Lithuania: From Mother-Workers to Flexible Servants....................30 3.1 From the transition to Established Neoliberalism....................................33 3.2 Privatization.........................................................35 3.3 Foreign Indirect Disinvestment in Labor Force......................................................41 3.4 Does Flexible Mean Women?..............................45 3.5 „But How to Live, to Survive?“(Interviews)........48 Conclusion – 71 List of Literature - 74 Bagdžiūnaitė, A. Socialinės lyties ir feminizuoto darbo santykių analizė Politikos mokslų bakalauro baigiamasis darbas / vadovė doc. dr. J.Jonutytė. Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, Politikos mokslų ir diplomatijos fakultetas, Filosofijos ir socialinės kritikos katedra. Kaunas, 2016. 81 p. Santrauka Ši studija analizuoja darbo jėgos ir darbo savokos transformaciją rinkos ekonomikos sąlygomis. Teorinio ir empirinio darbo tikslas buvo aptikti tam tikrus kaitos taškus, kurie paaiškintų feminizuoto darbo formavimosi procesą, pagrįstą konkurencijos ir individualizmo principais. Šis darbas yra grindžiamas perėjimu nuo valstybinio kapitalizmo į rinkos kapitalizmą, kuris priveda prie feminizuoto darbo formų Lietuvoje šiandien. Analizė yra sudaryta iš trijų pagrindinių dalių. Pirmoje dalyje aš atkreipiu dėmesį į darbo padalijimo pagal socialinę lytį problemą per Foucault homo-aeconomicus teoriją. Aš naudoju jo teoriją ištirti, kaip tariamai neutralus, laisvas socialinės sutarties, pilietinis subjektas yra glaudžiai susijęs su socialinės lyties ir klasės kontrolės galios mechanizmais. Toliau nuo Foucault homo-aeconomicus teorijos aš pereinu prie išsamios vedybinio ir darbo kontraktų analizės, paremtos C. Pateman knyga „Seksualinis Kontraktas“. Antroje dalyje aš integruoju patriarchalinį kontraktą ir neoliberalų subjektą į materialistinę socialinės lyties išnaudojimo analizę, remdamasi moterų reproduktyvaus darbo nuvertinimu. Aš išplečiu šią argumentacijos liniją prijungdama socialinės lyties klasės išnaudojimą prie globaliai veikiančios rinkos plėtimosi konteksto. Išvysčiusi teorinę struktūrą ir globaliai orientuotus teiginius, aš pasisuku į konkretų feminizuotų darbo formų eksplotavimo Lietuvoje atvejį, remdamasi politinės ir ekonominės tanzicijos periodo pagrindine charakteristika, kuriai būdingas greitas privatizavimas, tiesioginių užsienio investicijų skatinimas, ir griežtos taupymo programos socialinės apsaugos kryptimi. Paskutinis trečios dalies skyrius yra sudarytas iš interviu su moterimis dirbančiomis įvairius kvalifikuotus ir mažiau kvalifikuotus darbus Kaune ir Žiežmariuose. Šis empirinis tyrimas įrodo jog feminizuotų darbo formų steigimas ir plėtojimas Lietuvoje sėkmingai įteisina moterų engimą ir diskriminaciją, paremtą socialine lytimi. 1 Bagdžiūnaitė, A. Analysis of Gender and Feminized Labor Relations Master Thesis in Political Science / supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. J. Jonutytė. Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, Department of Philosophy and Social Critique. Kaunas, 2016. 81 p. Abstract This study analyses the transformation of labor and the concept of work under the conditions of free market economy. The aim of the thesis was to trace the changes that would explain the process of feminized labour formation based on principles of competition and high rise of individualism. The paper was organized around the transition from state-capitalism to market- capitalism, which leads to my definition of the feminization of labour forms in Lithuania today. The work consists of three main parts. In the first part I address the problem of the gendered division of labour through Foucaults theory of the homo-aeconomicus. I use his theory to explore how the seeming neutral, freely contracting, economic-civil-subject is immersed in gendered and classed power relations. Departing from Foucault theory of homo-aeconomicus I draw heavily from Carol Pateman‘s book, „The Sexual Contract“. In the second part I link the patriarchical contract and neo-liberal individual to a materialist analysis of gender exploitation which is explicated on the basis of the devaluation of women‘s reproductive labor. I broaded and contextualize this line of argumentation by linking gendered class oppresion with the expansion of the market as its unfolded under globalization. Having now developed my theoretical framework and globally oriented empirical claims I turn to the particular case of feminization of labour forms in Lithuania. I do this through analysis of the politics of the transition period, which has been charecterized by: rapid privatization, foreign direct investment, and austerity toward social securities. The final section of third part is made up of interviews with different women workers taken in Kaunas and Žiežmariai which I argue proves the hypothesis of the feminization of labour forms in Lithuania that is situated in order to oppress women and institute the discrimination based on gender. 2 INTRODUCTION In 1990 of March Lithuania declared it‘s independence from Soviet Union which entailed joining the western market system and disassociation from all aspects of Soviet imposed politics and centered economic system. The great celebration of re-entrance into the „Western world“ provided World Bank and IMF freely impose free market principles from the very beginning of state formation. The turning point was the most painful for workers of state industrial complexes which were immediately privatized and reorganized. Due to these rapid changes of post-socialist transition the Baltic region underwent steep decline. The impact of the privatization had irreparable consequences of high unemployment, deterioration of labour conditions and social rights. Yet, because of the new and old forms of gender discrimination in the spheres of production and reproduction, women have been more vulnerable to economic and social changes. Lithuania inherited the segregation of work based on gender bias from Soviet Union and combined successfuly with nationalist neoliberal politics and principles of free market economy. The latter combination made women the main targets of decline in labour rights and discrimination in labor market. The coined definition by Guy Standing (1999) of feminization in neoliberal times very much defines the concrete processes related to gendered market economy. In my paper I tried to grasp the turning point which would lead to the defining what is the feminization of labour forms in Lithuania today. My aim was to trace the changes that would explain the process of feminized labour formation based on principles of competition and high rise of individualism. My work consists of three main parts, it begins with the part on neoliberal subject, then I go to the analysis of feminization of labour beginning with defining the work of women, the division between reproduction and production, the breadwinner model in Welfare state and then the flexibilization of labor in process of globalization of market, after that I move to the case of Lithuania and analysis of market and social conditions for the formation of feminized labor force and the end contains the interviews of women working in feminized sectors in Lithuania. In the theoretical I relied only on the foreign researchers and writers who would provide a consistent critique and analysis of neoliberal market economy and politics of labour. The reason why I used foreign theorethical research was to emphasize the lack of political economic critique or in other words feminist marxist texts and analysis in Lithuania. The empirical part with visualy recorded interviews of women from the feminized sector in Kaunas is intended to emphasize the lack of research and analysis of working class in Lithuania and also to trace the fact of changing working conditions in general. 3 In order to analyse the transformation of labor and the concept of work, I have chosen to begin with the definition of homo-aeconomicus in theory of Foucault as focal point for the development of the „new order“. To address the problem of new economic subject was at the point where the question of how patriarchal contract theory immerses in the sphere of new economic subject. It was very important to emphasize the conjunction of the patriarchal right and economic right or the right of interest and the new patriarchal concept of human capital. The problematics of new entrepreneurial spirit which withdraws the social differences