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h-r In C'Ic> lc:»" N€W§l€TT€R ©F _ ;4 TWHQ MUD SWAMP ss©)<u@wl- 16.00 D10 »°~,<1ula-cnbnnra (I.'l*l1'¢'1'l.H. rl'f'll!rl'*M I MOZAMBIQUE sicnswanrnuin Hqlfllarful surplnllriins wen oF 5-:mica Early Birdlife L... Bird-life Chinese 'Birdli Seepage 92 See page 97 See page l*l*.i*lllll. 9 ! 1- ! ! Q 11 9 • Q ! 16.00r~{T M-'an 2013 Vol. 27 No.3 4 Republic of Guinea - Proclamation of Independence 1958 {Rose- ringed Parakeet) Illustrations By Graham Burrows See page 94 for the c Flow -e to' 41 'Famed of' full arficfe Ui?-"r+.*r..~l-.¢¢:'¢1$ I mf; d*W.41i-Q JD Fig 2 1l'R§-F'¢5!h¥i='¥'n?»?» 1001?A zone'Ann was PHOCLAHATIOH DE rlnnepnumnce Fm 3 Fig 4 IH6% 1965 a~,,..<..~s.=m.-.It.: Gambia Fig 5 Page 81 FUGHT March 2013 Vol. 27 No. 3 "Misslng" South American Parrot Rediscovered By Jullan Dempster One hundred and one years ago, in August 1911, two bird collectors from the American Museum of Natural History in New York, Leo 1-...Q Miller and Arthur Allen, visited a volcano in a remote area of Colombia to explore its birdlife. They spent several months in the *U desolate high Andean wilderness, and discovered a "distinct and or interesting" parrot that was previously unknown to science The birds were described the following year and named Hapalopsittaca fuertesi, or Fuertes's Parrot, also called the 'Multicolored Parrot' by local farmers. Between the original discovery and 2003, the continued existence of this intriguing species remained a mystery with no confirmed sightings of the bird. On July 28, 2003, researchers photographed one of the world's rarest parrots in the high Andes of Colombia oonlirming the survival of this long lost species Colombian ornithologists Jorge Velasquez and Alonso Quevedo found a flock of 14 Fuertes's Parrots in a remote area of the central Andes, 100 miles to the west of Bogata, close to Los Nevados National Park. nléri§ Cajnr- + qe»|au»~ l l llllllll llll l l Pall Irllhi Vlllahqniwu ` COLOMBIA : H==lt=<=*°p° I Ci.l'ILDI\S org gr: M I fuelrhesi g La Cailll Fd Ra ; 4 him- non .tli'ulla El Pon' quinn I-auunri Rdi 11li'11i uuln 'To IMUIH# ,N,{l<)l}E Ill it _ all: Bal' UnlNl u coil IIACIDIIRL- La Tun;. *1.*" E E Ada '.k os laEvAw5 Viilomi ful hung. I. E H A lr11ba1r.1 OU .Fl'F'.ll LUg'¢l Huuhn nlulifr EIC §qlll¢l C.,v'E ll'\T R .A L tuscon Iunfnlurilnul l'h1i"'.rul mania T4-ein ,',;,~¢,,:,;,.".....m. 501991A : sonSlcOO : cabman thugs) Liao 034- llndi 1'II1111111111 I I I I I To date, just 14 Fuertes's Parrots, including 3 juveniles, have been discovered, surviving in just a few dozen hectares of forest. The critical requirements of the species appear to be tall mature trees, where they feed on berries amongst the epiphyte-laden canopy branches and find vital nesting cavities. The rediscovery of the long-lost Fuertes's Parrot is a great achievement for ornithologists and conservationists in Colombia, and underscores the fact that so many parrots linger on the brink of extinction. Redisooverd Fuertes's Parrot, Hapalopsittaca fuertesi- Photos by Jorge Velasquez. ©2002 Furideclorl ProAves- Colombia ThematiX '13 BRITAIN'S NATIONAL THEMATIC STAMP SHOW Will be held on Friday 12th a. Saturday 13th July 2013 Friday 10.30 to 17.00, Saturday 10.00 to 16.00 at King George Field Indoor Bowls Club, Jubilee Way, Chessington, Surrey KT9 1TR March 2013 Vol. 27 No. 3 FLIGHT Page 82 I Binds of the Indornalaya ecozone Including .suutluanl Pakistan, Indian subcontinent und Southeast Ada. Inwlnnd southern China, and through Indonesia to Jam. Ball and Human Singapore Black-naped Oriole __ I Zia/- as' 'I .r \. / I H. N l ' r 11 A 5 L , a, | . l 'L I *v . kw1 A .' a -. \ 1 | '. 1 1 5 . .Jr . ,I I y I I I I I I I I I A I 1 L MALAYSIA » _Q i' .I '- 'v\.\ .l1'~ l~» P I .1 I r K °. .| I'1 u sl- Qu I J | /. 'r'A e" 'II.. r M* r ,J/=.é» no/-Q' 0/.via | of.) I34/6 '16 - V414u»J1' /trek 41' o ¢ free, ""°'*~l. ¢' The Block-naped Oriole Oriofus chinensfs has nineteen races associated with south-east Asia. These are spread through Vietnam, Malaysia and the Sunda Islands; although it is a non-breeding species in Thailand and absent from Borneo. The species can be locally abundant, and easy to see. It inhabits forest margins, mangroves, coastal woodlands and parkland. Orioles feed on fruit and large insects. The Eurasian Golden Oriole Oriolus onbius which has a breeding "toe-hold" in England is a separate species, and is migratory from Africa. Continued on Page QUO JD Page 83 FLIGHT March 2013 Vol. 27 No. 3 CONTENTS I PAGE FEA TURE AUTHOR Colour Section B1 REPUBLIC OF GUINEA - illustrations Graham Burrows 82 MISSING........REDISCOVERED Julian Dempster 83 BIRDS OF THE INDOMALAYA ECOZONE Mike Riser Standard Section 87 EDlTOR'S NOTES Editor 88 NEWSBRIEFS Secretary 90 POSTBAG Varlous 90 NEW MEMBERS Packet Secretary 92 EARLY BIRDLIFE ISSUES John Graham 94 REPUBLIC OF GUINEA - Article Graham Burrows 95 BIRDS OF THE INDOMALAYA ECOZONE Mike Roser 97 WHOSE BIRD _ L is for (Part 2) Bruce Poulter 100 RECENT NEW BIRDS IN THE PHILATELIC AVIARY Chuck Braun ('BiophHately') 105 UPDATES TO THE CLEMENT'S CHECKLIST Roger Chapman 110 IDENTIFICATION PARADE Roger Chapman et al. 111 NEW ISSUE LISTING Kjell Scharning, Roger Chapman et al. ltlgrl1!trrrtrvrrr1¢r;l¢lf t111f!¢¢ggg¢¢..1pyyornuuuIuIpu »-¢.»¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢+»»»no--------uf ..|.11.11i----- I gl 'H :. .' :I r *s ;a»s¢il.l.l.l0.llllllllllliitlllliiliillllllllllllllillll" I I H I March 2013 VUL 27 No. 3 FLIGHT Page 8-4 THe BHRID WMAP wcuew 11I (} Founded August 1986 The Bird Stamp Society was formed to cater for the large number of collectors who specialise in bird stamps and relevant material Chairman Bruce Poulter Secretary & Graham Hors ran, 17 Church Lane, Auction Sec., 23a East Main Street, Westbare. Canterbury BIac:1<hurn. West Lothian, Kent CT2 DHA EH47 TQR 'lr 01227 71 Qt15 -2 01506 651029 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: graharr\[email protected] Vice-Chairman: Doug Blake Treasurer: Mike Smlth 10 Bradsde House, 22, Oxmoor, Abbey Park, Park Road, Abbeydale. Bedcenham, Kent Gloucester BR3 LPN GL4 sxw 'I' 020 8/50 801E 'E 01452 503904 E-mail: [email protected] E-mali: [email protected] Membership Sec.: Bob Wllks packet Secretary: Davld Macs 4, Curlew Road, 9, Weird Wood. Porthcawl, Mid-Glamorgan, Longfield, Kent, CF36 SQA DA3 7HT T 01656 785055 'I 01474 705160 E-mall: bobwilks581 @btintemet.oom Flight Editor: Julian Dumpster Flight Dlstribut 5, Ddrogue Road, Ifeld, Crawley, West Sussex. RH11 7GG 2 01293 614231 E-mail [email protected] Roger Chapman Committee: 5, North Street. Cambuskermeth, Stirling FK9 5NB 'I' 01786 471161 E-mail: rogerachepman@btintemeLcom Annuapl Sulpsqriptlons [Renewable 31 Jqhfl UK members £15.00 European members £22.00 (or Euros 26) Overseas members £27.00 (add E 5 bank charges of paid in foreign rateichq) ' e-mall " Subscrlbers £5.00 {UK I Worldwide for BOTH Flight & Auction) The Society Journal "Flight" is published quarterly - early In March, June. September and December. Material should be sent to the editor by the middle of the month preceding publication - at the latest. Members are Invited to consult the editor in advance regarding the submission and format of material. Beck numbers of Wight" available from the Siecretgiry @ £2.50 plus P&P. Page 85 FLIGHT March 2013 Vol. 27 No. 3 Despite increasingly urgent appeals covering the last FIVE YEARS the Society is still seeking a volunteer to join your Committee to fill the post of SECRETARY wcnswmseommw In addition to his demanding work as Auction Secretary, Graham Housman has nobly covered the vacancy for all of that period. He has my full support in declaring that 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH? and he intends to stand down from his acting role at the end of I\/larch 2013 The recent updating of our Constitution, and the Publication of a Five Year Plan, should significantly reduce the load on our Secretary. Graham has estimated that an average of one hour spent per month should be sufficient successfully to complete the Secretary's revised duties So, please, please step forward and help your Society out of a potentially 'end of the road' situation There must be someone with sufficient time and interest to help us out of this difficult situation! Bruce Poulter, Chairman March 2013 VOL 27 No. 3 FLIGHT Page 86 F=1 in*'* Edi"1'or*'5 I`-Jote.s I I I I I I I Happy New Year to you all - Year of the Snake!! You will have noticed the theme on the front cover of this issue. lt really does show the diversity and ingenuity of bird life to think that some specialise in serpentine supper. II 1-'r1=1'.l;@ I do hope that you enjoy the fantastic articles from two w ll .. | I . Liu II new collaborators this issue. The two letters this issue A. also really demonstrate how different all of our II a -.»-*T collecting habits are. I hope that you will all be inspired to share just II. a Ilttle of your wonderful collections over the next few months.