Captain Crunch: Super Phone Phreak
Exploding The Phone db923 Bibliographic Cover Sheet Title Captain Crunch: Super Phone Phreak Publication High Times Date 1977-06-00 Author(s) Long, Steve V/I/P p. 51 Abstract History of John Draper and phone phreaking. Keywords John Draper; Captain Crunch Notes Lots of good background material on Draper's youth, but also many inaccuracies. Article is part of db367 and db899, i.e., we obtained it as part of an FBI file. The following pages may contain copyrighted material. We believe that our use of this material for non-commercial educational and research purposes constitutes "fair use" under Section 107 of U.S. Copyright Law. If you wish to use this material for purposes that go beyond "fair use," you must obtain permission from the copyright owner, if any. While it will make us slightly sad to do so, we will nonetheless comply with requests from copyright owners who want their material removed from our web site. , '-; ~ , ;'~-i.:.;, ~:." .~~; ~y:; ~,~ . ';.: " ' " . 1,. .",":~ -.-rit ~ ..... -- , " ,.," !o? '~ , --:";1:. ;_ ~I.j~ .. ',.:;." ;...... " " : 'Il; ". .~. ~, ' . " ", , . '. ::~~5~?~~:}~~Z~:.:;~~;~~;?}:'i~r ;~;~:~:i#:j,¥.ifl~:~:':~~:~· ": t~?l~{'~~·!~,· -\';;i~,:;,:.<t ',~ '-:':'J:. ~·~·~~~'~~~;:-~I~\).~:: :,'. '.: .,{~,~:;.~,'. ~ ;~:. :,:': ~.}~:.~; ":~.~ '~~. ,.• ' -, .,', .•..,.. , .•...•" ,... ~...•• ,.,.' :.' . '. ..,,". ~'_....•.".." "':'" ,--. ····3··' .·~.·:.~~:~}::·.~·;:~>.',L~~~~;t.·~:~>~,~,:: :~::.;;~.'~:..:.: ':i'~:~; '. '. ' ,~ ." .,,:: -. ~\;~\" '.:'" > .;;.: :.':.:' :"~ . ~~; ~~~;.~
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