Contact: Satnam Sahota Tel: 020 8583 4878 E-Mail:
[email protected] Chiswick Area Committee (Planning) – 10 November 2009 CHISWICK HIGH ROAD/TURNHAM GREEN TERRACE - REVIEW OF WAITING & LOADING Report by: Director of Environment Summary A review of the waiting and loading restrictions around Turnham Green Station has been carried out in response to complaints of congestion at the Turnham Green Terrace/Bath Road junction received from the bus operators. At Any Time waiting and peak hour loading restrictions are proposed at the junction. A business along Chiswick High Road, east of the junction withTurnham Green Terrace, has requested that their customers be permitted to use the 'Goods Vehicles Only' loading bay opposite their premises to collect goods purchased. An extension of the loading bay and change of designation to permit any vehicle to stop to load/unload is proposed. 1.0 RECOMMENDATION 1.1 That Members agree: (a) To the proposed ‘At Any Time’ waiting and peak hour loading (7-10 am and 4-7 pm) restrictions at the Turnham Green Terrace/Bath Road junction as detailed at item 2 below; (b) That officers proceed with the statutory consultation in respect of the proposed restrictions and to report back to this committee any unresolved objections; (c) That officers consult with frontagers along the north side of Chiswick High Road, between Turnham Green Terrace and Mayfield Avenue, on the proposal to extend and amend the ‘Goods Vehicles Only’ loading bay at this location, and that the outcome of this consultation be reported back to this Committee. 2.0 TURNHAM GREEN TERRACE 2.1.