A mergermArket report on globAl m&A Activity Monthly M&A InsIder September 2010 CONTENTS GlobAl overvIew 01 AmericAS: Latin AmericA 05 North AmericA 12 ASiA-Pacific 24 europe 35 middle eASt & AfricA 46 mergermarket Monthly M&A InsIder Part of the mergermarket group www.mergermarket.com 80 Strand 895 broadway #4 Suite 2401-3 london, Wc2r 0rl new york, ny 10003 grand millennium plaza united kingdom uSA 181 Queen’s road, central hong kong t: +44 (0)20 7059 6100 t: +1 212 686-5606 t: +852 2158 9700 f: +44 (0)20 7059 6101 f: +1 212 686-2664 f: +852 2158 9701
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] global overVIEW GlobAl overvIew glob THE rECENT rETUrN OF LArGE-cap COrPOrate M&A HAS BEEN WELL DOCUMENTED. INDEED, A l overvie the thirD quarter of 2010 already abounds with Examples of Transformational playS MADE By acqUISITIVE AND AMBITIOUS TrADE PLAyErS. THE NOrTH AMErican MArKET HAS SEEN ONE OF THE LArGEST ANNOUNCED M&A DEALS OF rECENT yEArS IN THE forM OF BHP W Billiton’S US$41.91bn hostile bid for Canada’S Potash COrporation of Saskatchewan. Not to be completely outdone, Europe has seen its fair share While private equity buyout numbers continue to recover in of M&A activity at the top-end of the market with the largest terms of transaction volumes and valuations, it is also notable transaction being the €20.70bn (US$27.28bn) reverse takeover that several significant exits have also come to market as sale involving GDF Suez Energy International and International conditions gradually improve.