free download 10 Reasons: Why should we use Linux? Bored using windows or any other server in your computing experience? Linux has been designed to offer you a smooth and effective experience. Whether you want to use it for business or any other home operations, Linux offers the most reliable system to adopt. Linux has become one of the most adopted systems by many users in and around the world. Most of the world’s largest data centers across the globe use Linux. There are various reasons that answer why should we use Linux, keep on reading. Why Should we use Linux? 1. Linux is free of charge and in case you still doubt, then know that it is. In case you want to get rid of all the restrictions in terms of patents of any other form of restriction, then this would be the best switch for you. Linux can be edited in terms of the source code by most of the innovative business owners. It is, therefore, the best system to be adopted by a large number of business owners who want to simplify their business operations. 2. Linux is more secure than any other server. Linux is a dependable server that offers excellent security to the user. Linux community offers the security fixes for any technical or security threat that encounters. Moreover, Linux users also offer regular kernel updates and regular security patches. In this regard, it is not mandatory for you to have an anti-virus program for your system. With Linux, you can save a lot of dollars you could have spent buying an antivirus program. 3. It has wide compatibility to hardware. Most of the other servers do constraint you with a lot of features. Take for instance windows 7 and 8 do require at least 1GB RAM for your system to operate well. However, Linux is such a lightweight operating system and hence does not constrain you in terms of a memory capacity of your system. It can thus be used by any of your systems. It is designed for everyone and can be used by anyone. 4. Easy to Operate. Ideally, one does not have to go for intensive training for them to know how to operate a Linux operating system. Besides, it comes with all the necessary functionality that is included in windows OS. If you are looking for a system that is reliable and can be used by anyone in your business, then this could be the best system to adopt. 5. It comes inclusive of drivers. Ever experienced some difficulties when using windows only to be told that some of the drivers are missing in your system? Linux saves you a time you have to spend moving from one shop to another for drivers. It saves you money as well. Most of the drivers are included in the Linux operating system. No need to hassle and stress for drivers. 6. Smooth and easy Updating Process. Updating windows can be very challenging and stressful. Linux updates both the OS and the applications that are installed in your system. Besides, when compared to windows that need your system to shut down Linux updates are just a matter of click. 7. Linux is speedy. Since Linux is lightweight, it is therefore far much speedy compared to any other operating system. Windows has a bloated software and therefore huge to operate. In any business operation or gaming experience, time is the most crucial factor. Linux is the best system to adopt as windows get slower days after days. 8. Linux has a community support. One of the best things about Linux is the fact that you have a sense of belonging. You have a platform where you can share everything with fellow users. You get to know more through the frequently asked questions. Moreover, any question that you have can be dropped and get the answers that you need. 9. Linux features a powerful word processing program. Libre Office is a powerful word processing program that comes with Linux. You can use it for free in editing, opening and send Microsoft documents. You, therefore, save more and more dollars you could spend buying such a program. 10. Linux offers you a chance to download a lot of free tools. By just a click of a button, you can get access to thousands of tools and programs. This is a big added advantage over the windows operating system. It is the best way to transform your serving experience. Best Linux distros of 2021 for beginners, mainstream and advanced users. Linux distros come in all shapes and sizes. Literally. From miniscule ones that weigh in at just over 100 MB and can be lugged around in USB disks to 4GB behemoths that work best when installed on SSDs. In addition to the top distros that are designed to appeal to a wide number of users and can be tailored as per individual requirements, there are a whole lot of specialized distros that are built for a particular purpose. Migrating from Windows? There's a distro that'll ease the transition. A Windows update messed up your boot loader? There's a distro that'll help you fix it in a jiffy. Want to resurrect an old computer? Need to tie disks into a NAS? Want to run a firewall that'll shield your entire network? Are you setting up a small home office? No matter what your requirement, the diverse open source community has a distro for you. In this guide we’ll look at some of the best ones that have been put together for specific tasks. Learn Linux with Udemy | $12.99 for new users Udemy is an online learning platform for those looking to develop their professional skills. If you're new to Linux, Jason Cannon's Linux for Beginners course is an excellent way to familiarize yourself with the operating system and command line.View Deal. 1. Nitrux. Best distro for beginners. Reasons to buy. Reasons to avoid. If you are just taking your first steps in Linux, you should begin your journey with Nitrux. The distro leverages on some of the most stable and well- respected open source projects such as and the KDE Plasma desktop and builds on them to create a distro that suits the sensibilities of new Linux users. For instance, instead of building a custom desktop environment from scratch, Nitrux relies on KDE Plasma’s famed malleability along with some redesigned components to simplify the workflow for new users. It offers a couple of layouts for the desktop to allow users to make best use of the available screen real estate. Nitrux has even customized some administration apps to make tasks such as firewall and backup approachable for inexperienced users. It ships with a healthy dose of apps for all kinds of desktop tasks. The distro also supports and encourages the use of AppImages, which makes it straightforward to install additional apps. In fact, Nitrux plans to switch all its graphical apps to AppImages eventually. All the AppImages are launched in a firejail sandbox, which makes Nitrux more secure out of the box than your typical desktop Linux. The distro has an active community that you can interact with on all the popular social networks. However, the lack of a dedicated documentation section is a downer. Nitrux is available for 64-bit computers only, but can also boot on older machines with the Legacy BIOS in addition to the newer EFI machines. 2. Zorin OS. Best distro for Windows users. Reasons to buy. The Zorin OS project began in 2008 with the sole intention of making Linux user-friendly. Its developers wanted to make Linux accessible to regular users and they did this by introducing familiarity in the . The distro pitches itself to first-time Linux users that are used to the ways of popular proprietary operating systems, namely Windows and macOS. It does so thanks to its custom Zorin Appearance app that tweaks Zorin’s Gnome desktop environment to make it resemble Windows in both form and function. Zorin is available in multiple different editions. Three of these, namely Core, Lite, and Education, are offered as free downloads. Zorin is based on Ubuntu and the Core edition is the standard version that includes all the apps you’ll need in a regular desktop. If you have an older computer, you can use the Lite edition that is designed for underpowered machines. The Education edition is, as its name suggests, designed for learning and ships with all the popular open source educational apps and utilities. Besides these three there is a fourth version called the Ultimate edition, which is currently available for $39. It includes support as well as a few extra features, such as the option of using interfaces that mimic macOS and is chock-full of all kinds of apps and games. 3. Pop!_OS. Best distro for gaming. Reasons to buy. Pop!_OS is developed and maintained by hardware vendor System76, and besides being shipped on its own hardware is also available as a free download. The distro has several interesting features, which make it an interesting option, especially for gamers. The distro is based on the Ubuntu LTS release and sports its own user interface over Gnome, called Pop Shell. While there are several other gaming distros for Linux, what makes Pop!_OS unique is that it ships with all the necessary plumbing for gamers. For instance, its developers ensure that hybrid graphics work flawlessly on the platform. If you have a hybrid graphics card, the distro will give you the option to launch games on the GPU in the context menu. You’ll also be able to easily toggle between battery-saving and high-powered graphics. There are a couple of editions of Pop!_OS. Besides the standard edition, there is one that is designed specifically for users with Nvidia hardware and ships with the proprietary driver for the hardware. Pop!_OS also encrypts your installation by default and while it ships with minimal apps, you can flesh your installation using its custom intuitive app store called Pop!_Shop, which in addition to the regular desktop apps also includes the likes of , Lutris, and GameHub. 4. Kodachi. Best for privacy and security. Reasons to buy. Kodachi is designed for anyone who cares about their privacy and needs a secure, anti-forensic, and anonymous distro. The latest edition of the distro is based on 18.04.5 and uses a customized desktop. Kodachi equips with all kinds of security-centric and privacy-enhancing apps along with a whole lot of regular apps to enable you to use the distro as your daily driver. Its custom desktop is designed so as to not overwhelm first time users and gives you access to all the apps while still being intuitive. To ensure privacy, the distro routes all the connections to the Internet through a VPN before passing them to the network. If you have the know-how you can easily tweak its settings to connect through your own VPN service. Similarly, to enhance your security, Kodachi uses AppArmor to isolate apps. It also includes several privacy-protection tools such as VeraCrypt, zuluCrypt, KeePassXC, as well as the Metadata Anonymization Toolkit (MAT) for removing metadata information from files. Its anti-forensics capabilities are materialized with various tools including one that’ll wipe the RAM. The distro also includes an option to create a password that when entered will securely erase all contents of your encrypted Kodachi installation. 5. Rescatux. Best distro for repair and rescue. Reasons to buy. Whether you are running a Linux or a Windows machine, if you run into an error, chances are you can use Rescatux to get yourself out of the sticky situation. With Rescatux you get all the important and useful tools to fix several issues with non-booting Linux and Windows installations. The distro uses the lightweight LXDE desktop which makes it usable even on underpowered machines. When it boots up, the distro automatically fires up its custom helper application called Rescapp. The app is intuitive to operate and makes the process of fixing errors accessible even to inexperienced users. Rescapp hosts several buttons that are divided into various categories, such as Boot, Grub, Filesystem and Password. You can use these to fix common repair tasks such as restoring bootloaders, repairing filesystems, fixing partition tables and resetting passwords on both Linux and Windows installs. The buttons inside each of the categories have descriptive labels that will identify their function. When clicked they’ll bring up the relevant documentation to explain the exact steps the distro will take to rectify the issue. If you are an advanced user, you can bypass Rescapp and launch the rescue tools directly from the command-line interface to save time. The Rescatux project also hosts lots of guides and instructional videos to help inexperienced users. Support. Choose a method of Support from below, which you are most comfortable with, or is most relevant to your situation. Help Manual. There is a Help Manual built into Linux Lite. Click on Menu, Favorites, Help Manual for more information. You can view the Help Manual online by clicking here. The Help Manual is regularly updated with new content. From Linux Lite 1.0.6 onwards you can click on Menu, Install Updates to get a fresh copy of the Manual at any time. The Help Manual has been written for the current version of Linux Lite, but most parts are still relevant to previous versions. Forums. Forums are a great resource for information. Begin by searching for your problem here. If no results turn up, by all means please post a new thread in the correct section clearly describing your situation. Click here to use the Forums, you'll need to register before you can post. Hardware Database. Check out our Hardware Database here to see if your model is already listed. Don't forget you can also run Linux Lite live before you install it to see if your hardware is supported. You can also help by reporting bugs here. Free Operating System - Linux Lite. Linux Lite was created to make the transition from Windows to a linux based operating system, as smooth as possible. It does this by providing easy to use familiar software such as , Steam, and , a free Office suite, and a familiar user interface or Desktop Environment. Linux Lite follows the Unix philosophy in regards to software selection and programming as it applies to the modern era, select and write programs that do one thing and do it well. By continuing to improve on what we already provide by listening to members of the community, Linux Lite evolves. Know our amazing features. Linux Lite is fully functional out of the box, this means that you won't have to install extra software when you boot your computer for the first time. We believe that a computer should be ready to use straight away on the first boot after a new install. Support. Get help when you need it. Join our large Forum community for timely support, and look through our comprehensive, built in Help Manual. Security. With a built in highly configurable Firewall, and Security update notifications on the Desktop, your computer Security is taken seriously. Desktop. The desktop is clean and familiar. With easy access to the Menu and system settings, navigating around your Desktop is simple and intuitive. Office. Linux Lite includes LibreOffice. LibreOffice is Microsoft Office compatible, that means you can open and use all of your existing Microsoft Office files. Photos. Whether you're viewing or editing your favorite images, Linux Lite gives you the tools you need to turn your images into something special. Internet. Browse the internet with , check your email with Thunderbird and upload to the cloud with for convenient backups. Multimedia. We bundle the popular VLC Media Player which takes care of a vast number of codecs so you don't have to go searching for them. Tools. Our in-house built applications such as Lite Tweaks and Lite Software, will equip you with all the tools you need to maintain and enhance your system. Why Is Linux Operating System So Popular? There has been a massive amount of change in the evolutionary history of the operating system. The evolution of operating system depends on the development of computer systems and how users use them. From ENIAC-Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer in 1945 to FORTRAN in 1954, we saw a great amount of change in the operating systems. By the late 1950’s operating system were able to perform Single Stream Batch Processing, also has the error recovery option to clean up after a job terminated abnormally was added. Then came the era of 1960’s which is considered as the dawn of minicomputers, disks became mainstream in 1960’s operating system. The special invention was the invention of Mouse. Also, the minicomputers got cheaper and more powerful. By 1970’s we got the supported operating system features. Multi-User and Multi Tasking came into the picture. An operating system (OS) is a system software that manages computer hardware and software. Resources and provides common services for computer programs. Also, the modular architectures came into existence. As the research and development work continued we saw a great number of achievements after 1970, one of the major being the introduction of Android OS in 2008. With new research, we are seeing new operating systems being developed and the existing ones getting improved and modified. The current operating system in the market is Windows 10. It is a single operating system that finally spans all of Microsoft’s window powered devices, from desktops and laptops all the way through tablets and phones. The three most common operating systems are , Mac OSX, and Linux. The other best-operating systems are Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Ubuntu, Windows 8.1, Windows XP professional, Macintosh OSX, Android and . One interesting fact is that the variants of Linux are most widely used in the internet of things and smart devices. Windows 10 released on 29th July 2015 and upgraded in April 2018. Talking about Linux and its popularity let us have a clear vision as to what is Linux? Linux is the leading operating system on servers and other big systems such as mainframe computers. Linux Torvalds is the developer of Linux and its distributions. It is primarily written in C and Assembly Language. The initial release was held on 17th September 1991, 26 years ago. Linux systems are used throughout computing, from embedded systems to virtually all supercomputers. One of the important developments of Linux is the Linux gaming which is in support for Linux and rolling out its own gaming-oriented . As of 2015, over four hundred Linux distributions are actively developed with the maximum being popular for general purpose use. Linux has become very popular over the years, the reason is as follows: Reasons Why Linux is a Popular Operating System: Linux Torvalds not only created Linux but also made it available to the world for free. He then invited others to work for the modification of Linux and keep their contributions free. This is the reason why Linux gained an enormous amount of audience among hard-core developers very quickly. Also using Linux was not a difficult task, people who already knew UNIX accessed Linux easily. Linux is appealing for the people who wanted to experiment with operating system principles and who needed a great deal of control over their operating system. It is also a boon for people who have personal problems with Microsoft . Linux is widely used to run the internet and in all 85% of all the servers are running Linux. Streams have 1600 games on Linux now, including many mainstream titles. Another reason for this amazing amount of popularity is that Linux is extremely popular and favorite operating system among hackers. The main reason is Linux source code is freely available because it is an open source operating system. Linux is faster than windows and because Windows is a commercial operating system it costs a lot of money while Linux being an open source operating system is free. Linux is more secure than any other operating systems in terms of virus attacks . Linux has lower access rights and theoretically, the virus can only access local files and folders, the system will remain safe. An even higher level of security on Linux machines is implemented using IPtables. It is an environment which allows for the execution of any command or accesses the network. With Linux, you could even utilize one of your oldest computer systems to achieve a task. Linux distributions could be fitted to a range of systems, from low- end to high-end. This is the reason why most of the servers prefer to work on Linux rather than Windows operating systems. The Linux terminal is superior to use over Window’s command line for developers. You would find many libraries developed natively for Linux. Also according to many developers, Linux helps the, get things done easily. Linux doesn’t encounter a large number of software updates, but you will also observe much faster software updates so that the problems you might be facing can be eliminated. These are the benefits of Linux over Windows or any other operating system. In addition, you will find tons of Linux distribution catered to a different set of needs. If something is free but useful, it is always the best thing one could expect. Linux has just been so helpful in enhancing our devices. In addition to this, Windows, as we know, becomes sluggish day after day. We encounter crashes or slowdowns on our system, but on the other hand, Linux helps your system run smoothly for a longer period. In Linux, you will not have to reboot the system just as in the case of Windows. Now that we have read about all the Linux advantages and the reason why this operating system is popular, why not give it a try and get to the core of this operating system. There might be chances that after using Linux you get to know more benefits of this operating system.