Notice of Sale of Personal Property Under Execution
Kathryn Jividen Constable Pct 3 Hood County Granbury, Texas 76049 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HOOD NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY UNDER EXECUTION By VIRTUE OF AN WRIT OF EXECUTION issued out ofthe County Court at Law No. I, McLennan County, Texas on a judgmentrend ered in said county on the 27th day of October, 2016 Cause No. 20161075CVI: Hoppenstein Properties, Inc. vs. David Winston Carlisle dba Cowtown Gold and Silver I did on the 10th day of May, 2017, at 2:07 P.M. levy upon the following personal property of David Winston Carlisle dba Cowtown Gold and Silver: A large inventory containing 940 items of assortedcoins, bills, stamps, and jewelry to be sold in lots. On the 2th day of June, 2017, between the hours often o'clock A.M. and fouro' clock P.M., more specifically at I :30 P.M. in the Meeting Room of the Hood County Annex 1 at 1410 W. Pearl Street, Granbury, Hood County, Texas I will offer forsale and sell at public auction, for cash or cashier's check to the highest bidder, the personal propertyof the said David Winston Carlisle dba Cowtown Gold and Silver. All sales are final.A 10% commission will be charged on each lot and payment is due at the end of the business day. Doors open forviewing at Noon. Dated at Granbury, Texas this 12th day of June A.O., 2017 Kathryn Jividen Hood County Constable Precinct 3 --=-==--- Lot 1 Lot 4 #29, 43, 66, 69 Plastic Bin with Pennies The Complete Collection of uncirculated Sacagawea 293 .50cent rolls of pennies Golden Dollars PCS Stamps & Coins .41 cents loose pennies The Complete Collection
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