Regional Statistical Data on Measuring Progress the OECD Approach “How’S Life? – Measuring Well-Being”

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Regional Statistical Data on Measuring Progress the OECD Approach “How’S Life? – Measuring Well-Being” 30 Journal of Official Statistics Berlin Brandenburg 2/2013 Regional statistical data on measuring progress The OECD approach “How’s Life? – Measuring Well-Being” 1. Preliminary remarks well-being. The OECD has therefore introduced a ho- Based on the set of indicators for measuring progress listic approach, which is also designed to provide a in material living conditions and their determinants, framework for already established sets of indicators as presented in the report entitled “How's Life?”, the at national, supra-national and international level. aim of this paper is to illustrate the Initial proposals on this approach are included in Measuring progress is a key extent to which the official statis- the OECD publication entitled “How’s Life? – Meas- and overarching priority tics programme is able to provide uring Well-Being” [2]. Its aim is not only to give a area of the OECD. In recent a study for Germany based on a more detailed description of a particular nation’s or years, it has laid all of the specific area, namely at the level region’s economic capacity, but also to consider the foundations – organisational, of administrative districts. Taking living conditions of the population living and work- technical, methodological the OECD indicators as a basis, the ing there, as well as the respective environmental and content-related aspects situation for Germany – in particu- conditions. The approach is based on an expert re- – that are required in order lar for selected towns, both big port by the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Commission [3], es- to measure progress and has and small – is described in greater tablished by the former French President Nicolas discussed important partial detail. Since Germany and Europe Sarkozy in 2008 and which in 2009 presented its re- steps with representatives already have long-established port on measuring progress, including at the OECD’s from the areas of politics, ac- overarching policy programmes 3rd World Forum in Busan, Korea. With the approach ademia and official statistics in place which are both generally adopted in “How’s Life”, the OECD follows up on the at so-called global forums. As accepted and supported by sta- recommendations of this Commission. Based on aca- part of its report “How’s Life?”, tistical monitoring – of particular demic research and a number of concrete initiatives the OECD has now presented note here are the national sustain- developed around the world, the Commission has an indicator-based strategy ability strategy “Sustainable De- identified the following key dimensions that should for measuring progress using velopment in Germany” and the be taken into account when defining well-being [4]: information provided at mem- European strategy “Europa 2020” • Material living standards ber country level. Given its – the OECD approach is, where (income, consumption and wealth); social mandate as a provider necessary, to be supplemented • Health; of information and its gener- by indicators for selected towns. • Education; ally acknowledged reputation, Using the available data in each • Personal activities, including work; official statistics should be the case, various evaluation options • Political voice and governance; main data supplier. The aim is – namely tabular, geographic and • Social connections and relationships; to enable citizens, as well as cartographic – are employed with • Environment (present and future conditions); the fields of politics, academia the following two objectives: first, • Insecurity, of an economic as well as and business, to use statistical the possibilities and limitations of a physical nature. data in order to gain a better the informational value derived Entitled “Measuring Well-Being for Development and understanding of the growing from the OECD’s progress indica- Policy Making”, this approach was the subject of the complexity of social, economic tors and approximate solutions 4th OECD World Forum on Statistics, Knowledge and and ecological processes and are to be presented for specific ar- Policy, held from 16 to 19 October 2012 in New Delhi/ their impact not only on the eas; second, the potential to ana- India. Around 1,000 representatives from 80 countries, lives of individuals, but also lyse indicators based on the freely from the fields of politics, academia and statistics, on society as a whole. accessible and free to use range of held in-depth talks on various points, based on best federal statistical data is present- practices, current academic findings and practical ed to potential users, and ideas and suggestions for experiences in both industrialised and developing further analyses are to be proposed . countries. Included in these discussions was praise For some time now, the OECD has been working for the OECD approach, not only as regards its imple- on the development of indicators to describe and re- mentation for various political systems and regions cord progress and well-being, at both macroeconom- of the world, but also for its suitability as a framework ic and microeconomic level, building on approaches for already existing systems of indicators for carrying already in place¹. The project is a result of the real- isation that traditional and generally accepted sta- 1 A review was already carried out tistics, in particular gross domestic product (GDP), for the 3rd OECD World Forum in fail to provide comprehensive data on progress and Busan [1]. Journal of Official Statistics Berlin Brandenburg 2/2013 31 out comprehensive measurements of progress in “Social cohesion” and “International responsibility”, the broader sense, as well as for its further develop- and the effects are studied not only for the current ment, especially at supranational and international generation but for future generations as well. For level. Besides a series of sustainability approaches the aforementioned dimensions, a total of 21 sep- which are more environmental in focus², of particular arate domains and 38 targets and indicators were note here are the works of the European Union on drawn up and quantified. The national sustainability the basis of the European Commission’s communica- strategy is revised regularly, based on the “Sustain- tion entitled “GDP and Beyond”³ as well as that of the able Development in Germany Indicator Reports” [7] European growth and employment strategy “Europa published every two years by the Federal Statistical 2020”4, including the addition of an environmental Office. The German federal government’s progress dimension under the European Union Sustainable report is published at less regular intervals: the third Development Strategy (Sustainable Development progress report was adopted in 20126 [8]. Indicators (SDI)).5 At international level, another ap- Comparing the statistical indicators selected for proach of note is the United Nations (UN) Millennium monitoring under the National Sustainability Strate- Development Goals (MBG), which are currently being gy with those for the European Union’s “Europa 2020” evaluated and modified [5]. All of the above focus on and the OECD’s “How’s Life” strategies in particular, realigning objectives and the addition, in particular, the contents of the two highest levels of each strat- of environmental aspects with a view to sustainable egy are shown in the summary below (Overview 1): development. The new integrated approach is to be approved by the UN General Assembly before Overview 1 Measuring progress “in the broader sense” for Germany, the European Union the end of 2013 and im- and the OECD plemented in 2016. Even though the var- System Domain Indicators ious approaches at su- pranational and interna- Sustainable Intergenerational equity Resource conservation, Climate protection, tional level have different Development Renewable energy sources, Land use, objectives and points of in Germany (D) Species diversity, Government debt, Provision for future economic stability, Innovation, focus, from a statistical Education and training perspective they share many common traits. Quality of life Economic output, Mobility, Farming, Air quality, For instance, the OECD Health and nutrition, Crime approach on measuring progress displays a num- Social cohesion Employment, Prospects for families, Equal opportunities, Integration ber of parallels to the German federal govern- International responsibility Development cooperation, ment’s strategy entitled Opening markets “Sustainable Develop- ment in Germany”, which Europa 2020 (EU) Smart growth R&D investment volume ≥3% of GDP, was implemented over a School drop-out rates≤10%, decade ago. Sustainable 30-34-year-olds with third level education≥40% development has been Sustainable growth Share of renewable energy sources≥20%, a fundamental princi- 20% increase in energy efficiency, ple of Germany’s policy 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions since 2002 [6, p. 12]. It is an approach that is both Inclusive growth School drop-out rate≤10%, Employment rate inclusive and intergen- for women and men aged 20-64≥75%, Reduction in the number of people affected erational in character. by poverty or social exclusion by 20 million All dimensions – society, the economy and the How’s Life? Material living conditions Income and Wealth, Jobs and Earnings, environment – are con- Measuring Housing conditions sidered from a number Well-Being (OECD) of different perspectives Quality of life Health status, Work-life balance, Education and skills, Social connections, Civic engagement such as “Intergeneration- and governance, Environmental quality, al
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