Hog Post NO COVID RISK ASSESSMENT COMPLETED? NO FOOTBALL NO DISCUSSION Hampshire Premier League 2020-21 Newsletter No 4 Weekend of July 25-26th 2020 Contact:
[email protected] Website: www.hpfl.co.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/hampshirepremierfootballleague Twitter: @leaguehants Coronavirus Whilst full lockdown has been relaxed, the disease is still out there killing our loved ones. Various guidelines on what you can do to protect yourself, your loved ones and the community as a whole can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response News from the League Office COVID Risk Assessment Clubs are reminded that before you can play once more (including friendlies) a Covid Risk Assessment must be completed, sent to the league and signed off by our Covid Officer – Ant Cross. Hampshire FA will not sanction any friendly or organise a referee until it has been done, so for those clubs who have arranged friendlies for next Saturday, time is of the essence to get into us and signed off! Special General Meeting A reminder that the Special General Meeting has been called for next Saturday morning 1st August from 10am at Fleetlands FC, Lederle Lane, Gosport, PO13 0AX. Weather permitting and to assist with social distancing it will be held on the pitch. Clubs are required to send one representative. You will be collecting your match balls, team sheets and for those who request it medical equipment. New Clubs will also be collecting their sub bibs, whiteboards, banners etc, hence why we need to meet in person.