Attachment 1: Aquatic Ecosystem Productivity Relies on Water
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AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY RELIES ON WATER MANAGERS AND SUSTAINABLE CITIES. Mary Howard GAICD G. G. And M. Howard commercial fishers Director NSW Women’s Industry Network Seafood Community the views expressed in this document are the views of the author and not the views of any affiliated organisations. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION A major proportion of the 22,000 square kilometres The Hawkesbury Nepean River is a drowned river of Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment is the source of valley that narrows after the flood plain, its total the Greater Sydney and Metropolitan Water Supply. river area to the junction of the Grose River is Numerous studies, reports and a statement of joint approximately 172 square kilometres. Its intent have recognised that the Hawkesbury– Hydrological processes are influenced by Urban Nepean River system was and is stressed. development, 21 drinking water supply dams and in Sydney Water manages Sydney’s water supply and excess of 180 megalitres of tertiary treated effluent sewerage disposal to river and ocean outfalls. disposal daily. Local Government water utilities such as Gosford and Wyong Councils manage water supplies for the City of Gosford and Wyong that influence tributary Growth flows to the lower catchment. Regional Strategies implemented by the NSW School prawns, squid, crabs and fish are harvested Government for the City of Sydney and greater from the Hawkesbury-Nepean River for human metropolitan local government areas plan to consumption and bait. The Hawkesbury prawn absorb an expected population increase of 1.1 trawl fishery utilises less than 4% of the river and million people in the next 25 years. (Sydney estuarine system 5 days a week to harvest the Metropolitan Strategy 2006) school prawn (Metapenaeus macleayi) and Eastern Most of these proposals will rely on the king prawn (Penaeus plebejus), Greasy back Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment and its ability to prawns (Metapenaeus Bennettae) Broad squid absorb impacts from infrustructure required to (Photololigo etheridgei) and Bottle squid (Loliolus deliver water supplies, dispose of effluent, absorb notiluca). The Hawkesbury prawn trawl fishery is brine, biosolids, and chemical/pharmaceutical the second largest estuarine prawn trawl fishery increases, accommodate recreational demand, and the only estuarine squid trawl fishery in NSW. new housing, as well as industrial and commercial Both products command top prices for their quality developments. and texture at market outlets as a food and as bait for recreational fishing. Fishers are increasingly concerned for the survival Climate of this significant and quality product. The increases in effluent disposal, water demand, and La Nina and El Nino, and climate change are the environmental flow changes may well see the end current symbols for talking weather patterns and to this historic fishery if care and recognition is not climatic conditions, these changes and the identified. The Department of Primary Industries management of our lands and water resources has commenced reviewing this fishery and four collectively influence the productivity of Aquatic other fisheries in the State, to determine the need ecosystems. Low rainfall over the last decade has for further reductions in endorsements, effort and meant that water restrictions have been in place for possible buyouts. four years in Sydney. Environmental flows ceased I argue that the Government and water managers from Warragamba Dam and water temperatures in are failing to recognise the critical impacts on the the Hawkesbury Nepean River rose by 2 productivity of fish species within their management degrees.(Derek Channon report 2007) of water and wastewater systems, guidelines and future planning objectives. Water Quality Guidelines: Hawkesbury-Nepean River while maintaining Sydneys’ water supply. There is a plethora of guidelines regulations and standards to meet human and environmental In 2006/07, following further State Government requirements as well as river health strategies but deliberations for the water needs of Sydney, the these continue to fail to keep pace with climatic Metropolitan Water Plan revealed a plan for a changes, population growth and subsequent timely Desalination Plant in Sydney and Recycle Scheme protection for all aquatic ecoystems. for Western Sydney. These developments are approved under the critical infrustructure Act. They Guidelines for the health of humans have been will provide an alternative solution to water for developed over decades in particular the Australian Sydney, environmental flows for the Hawkesbury- Drinking water guidelines are to Australian and Nepean River and reduced nutrient loads, by NewZealand Environmental Conservation Council lowering sewage disposal volumes down South guidelines (ANZECC) and World Health Creek. An estimated 18 Billion litres a year Organisation (WHO) standards. New National proposed for environmental flows from Guidelines for water recycling are now finalised but Warragamba Dam, now to be retained for potable are not regulated, they are designed to allow water and 50 ML/day environmental flow to be human use and contact with recycled water for non released below Penrith weir. (18,250ML per year) potable uses such as irrigation and industrial Variable flows to be reconsidered 2009 and 2015. purposes. The Metropolitan Water Plan and Water Sharing Building guidelines incorporate a Building plan propose security for existing water Sustainability Index (BASIX) program of energy entitlements and was expected to determine water savings (Sydney Metropolitan Strategy 2006) and allocations for the Hawkesbury Nepean River water friendly appliances. Primarily these guidelines System, this plan is still under development with are designed for saving water and energy, to numerous ‘assumed volume’ water entitlements to comply with regulated reduction targets and the be determined. planned growth of Sydney. The productivity of migratory species such as There are marine and freshwater aquatic school prawns, crabs and fish under present river ecosystem objectives and effluent disposal and conditions will continue to be under significant industrial waste guidelines designed to ensure pressure if the Metropolitan Strategy, Metropolitan disposals meet minimum standards and are now Water Plan and Water Sharing Plan fail to protect administered by the Department Of Environment and secure extra water for the needs of the and Climate Change. Hawkesbury -Nepean River system. National and State Environmental Strategies DISCUSSION The National Water Initiative, New Standards and Population Growth for Sydney Targets and Government approved water quality and river flow objectives 2000, were set to influence The Growth Centres Commission was formed to improvements to the health of oceans, rivers and guide the progress of the planned 30-40% housing estuaries, yet the condition of the Hawkesbury – developments in the North and South West growth Nepean river system has continued to deteriorate. centres; the remaining 60-70% allocated to existing A water committee, expert panel and the urban areas. The Central Coast is also in the Hawkesbury Nepean River Management Forum Governments growth objectives. The Central Coast (FORUM) deliberated for four years (2000-2004) to water supply from Mangrove and Mooney Mooney evaluate and determine a strategy for Dams are within the Hawkesbury-Nepean environmental flows for the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment, they influence the health of the Lower River. Hawkesbury River and aquatic ecosystems including migratory species. Many of the FORUM recommendations have now been completed, ie adjustment to transfers from Population growth will require increased potable the Shoalhaven River, Environmental flows from water and subsequently will have impacts in Avon and Nepean Dams, pumping from effluent disposal. Changes to allow privatisation Warragamba and Avon Dams at lower water levels, and public access to harvest effluent from existing delivering significant changes to the availability of sewer systems and storm water harvesting is water for Sydney, freeing up access to a reported proposed but fails to be assessed as a total water 30 billion litres. These changes were recommended cycle management for the whole catchment and by the FORUM to deliver environmental flows to the Hawkesbury-Nepean River system at this time. The productivity of aquatic species and fish migratory patterns is not realistically considered or Many fishers are working longer hours. Where it understood. was common to only work one tide many now work both tides in a day. Latent effort exists in the All water and effluent harvesting has the potential fishery. There are approximately 50 endorsed to significantly impact the Hawkesbury-Nepean (licences) fishing business with less than half of River aquatic ecosystem due to extraction and these working full time. Some fishers have disposal locations, volumes timing and treatment endorsements for alternate methods of fishing, they processes. can then select which method to fish to maximise The Hawkesbury Trawl Fishery their returns. The Hawkesbury Trawl Fishery operates between Fish do not breed or grow without the appropriate Box Head and an imaginary line across to water conditions for survival. It is not new science Barrenjoey Headland in Broken Bay upstream to that fish breeding capabilities are linked closely to Lower Portland Ferry. The fishery utilises less than salinity, temperature, oxygen, Ph, tidal movement 4% of the river and estuarine system 5 days