APPENDIX E: Annual Place Plan Review 2013‐2014 – Summary of Wider Investment Needs


Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ALBRIGHTON TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Council, Homes and Includes provision to support sustainable Communities independent living for vulnerable people Agency, including:  sustainable living at home Registered Homes and Providers,  access to work Communities  education and training and community Specialist Care Varies from Agency, inclusion Housing for Key Providers, Ongoing scheme to vulnerable people Shropshire Integrated preventative service provision with Voluntary scheme Council a pathway approach to access and retain Sector, capital accommodation. Target groups include: older programme people, young people, people with learning local disabilities, mental health needs, people at communities, risk of homelessness or domestic violence, schools and gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance colleges, misusers etc. Shropshire Includes: Council,  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon Improving and Registered Private emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Scheme adapting existing KEY Providers, 2011-2015 sector  Upgrading social housing to meet the housing- includes dependent* Decent Homes standard; and Home owners, funding regeneration  Adaptations to meet changing needs, Keep including disabled facilities grants. Shropshire The Council’s Extended Schools Team has Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Warm, identified that Sustainability/Climate Change Developers, work at schools / Idsall Eco-Leaders project (part of Leadership programme) offers Shropshire opportunities to inform and encourage Home parents to understand what they can do to Improvement improve energy efficiency of homes and how Agency, this can benefit them – also though and Schools, Sure children’s centre drop-ins and activities (Jobs Start Children’s Training and Money / Environmentally Centres Sustainable Sure start Children’s Centres) *Funding secured for social housing - Tenant wide: £2.5 million available for social housing (per year). Also a further £3.1million over four years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Aids and adaptations Shropshire Scheme Shropshire The aim of completing adaptations is to for social housing KEY Ongoing Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and tenants to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing . Shropshire Council, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary Registered and are generally a package of funding. Bringing empty Empty Providers, Seeking Homes and Communities Agency homes back into use- Scheme Homes: KEY Property 2011-2015 Section 106 funding for 12 units countywide over four includes affordable dependent New Homes Owners, years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. housing provision Bonus local Limited local authority funding available communities, during 2011-2012. voluntary sector Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Council, Locations to be determined. To include Registered Market Town and Rural Area provision. Providers, Funding proposals being developed. Scheme Developer Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing KEY Care Providers, 2012-2015 dependent led. towards older people, especially frail older Voluntary people, with planned provision for respite Sector, facilities and housing for people with Local disabilities. Communities Shropshire Council, c£7million (for Conversion of existing one bedroom Shropshire Shropshire Regeneration of KEY 2011-2014 complete accommodation at Sheldon Court to two Housing Group, Council Sheldon Court regeneration) bedroom accommodation is supported by Severnside Albrighton Parish Council. Housing A review of garage sites in this area is due to take place to ensure the Council can Review of garage maximise the potential of the sites. This could Shropshire Shropshire sites the Council’s KEY potentially include the demolition of the Landlord Services Council Council garages and rebuilding with new social department controls housing. Albrighton Parish Council supports the retention of garaging/parking at Ashgrove. The Council’s Landlord Services department have identified current key areas of Shropshire deprivation, anti-social behaviour and Council tenants and Council, Shropshire worklessness within this area and are community KEY Ongoing c£9,000 Citizens Advice Council proactively looking at tenants at sign up. The involvement Bureau Council is working closely with tenants within these areas to help with financial inclusion, budget monitoring and to reduce anti-social Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions behaviour.

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY There is a need for more employment opportunities, including opportunities for returning servicemen and women. The Parish Council identifies:  The area of light industry on Cross Road is capable of expanding and would contribute to a sustainable balance of employment  The Cosford base has potential to be incorporated in the High Technology Corridor which Albrighton lies within. Shropshire Potential to reuse some of the current Council, specialist buildings on the site for New Employment Developer KEY Albrighton engineering/technology based employment Opportunities led Parish Council, and capitalise on close proximity to MoD Wolverhampton University Priorslee campus in .  Expand employment uses at service station Shropshire Council’s Extended Schools Team has identified opportunities for employment in the childcare sector. Additional need has been recognised, including in relation to service families. Potential of child minding as small business opportunity. Shropshire Funding Shropshire Market Towns Council, Secured: £0.5 Council MTRP supported the Albrighton Traders Revitalisation local million, allocated capital Association with the provision of signs and Programme- Market PRIORITY businesses, 2010-2015 across 11 programme, interpretation boards to promote facilities Towns Capital designated within the town. residents, Match Initiative Fund market towns funding from Also Interpretation Boards at Cosford and investors and key other David Austin Roses Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions settlements. sources.

Shropshire Shop Front Council, Neighbourhood Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Redecoration KEY Ongoing and redecoration to improve the appearance Albrighton Fund Scheme of the streetscene. Parish Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children Dependent Dependent upon Private Neighbourhood are provided on site. Shropshire upon extent and Review of Children’s PRIORITY sector Fund, Children’s Centre services are delivered Centre services Council developers’ location of throughout Shropshire. Residential financed CIL (Local) timescales development development creates the following impact on children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Albrighton there is a Children’s Centre in a refurbished wing of Albrighton Primary School. Albrighton Market £200,000 Village Hall Towns, The Parish Council has identified a need for Refurbishment of the Funding Neighbourhood the refurbishment and redesigning of KEY Trust, Albrighton Village Hall Secured: Fund Albrighton Red House main hall and frontage Albrighton Village Hall £45,000 to allow better flexibility for users Parish Council Trust. The Parish Council identifies the sports Shropshire facilities on the Cosford base which had Council, public access until the IRA threat some years Albrighton ago. Access to them would address under Parish Council, provision of sports facilities for civilians. Shropshire MoD, The MoD have advised that the facilities at Council Neighbourhood Improved leisure KEY Aspirational Cosford are already in use by a number of facilities Albrighton capital Fund local clubs. The clubs need to be licensed to Primary School, programme pay a fee and for insurance purposes. Youth Service Therefore, whilst the sports facilities on the and other VCS site are not fully open to the public on an youth individual basis, civilians are able to use the organisations facilities if they are affiliated with the local clubs which utilise them. Community £60,000 Redevelopment of Albrighton Open Funding Neighbourhood Redevelopment of the play area to include Abney Avenue play PRIORITY Parish Council Spaces, Secured Fund new equipment and a new fence. area Awards for £60,000 All ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Albrighton The Parish Council has identified the need for improvements to the streetscene, particularly Improvements to the Parish Council, Neighbourhood KEY in relation to: streetscene Shropshire Fund  Excessive weed growth on footways Council  Unkempt appearance of lamp standards, Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions bollards and other street furniture  Dog fouling Historic Environment have identified the following:  Survey to establish where modern railings should be replaced with more traditional design, plus condition survey of existing historic railings and program of repair where necessary.  Identify opportunities to improve visual amenity of the village centre through landscaping. Urban Landscape Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Aspirational c£1,500 Character Council Fund Assessment of Albrighton. Assessment Fundamental/ important views in and out of Survey of important Shropshire Neighbourhood the village to be surveyed. Introduce views in and out of KEY Ongoing Council Fund accessible public areas such as walkways, Albrighton. promenades, seating facilities. Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation Shropshire exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Council, Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Production of list of Albrighton Neighbourhood statutory list) List would identify local heritage KEY Ongoing Locally Important Parish Council, Fund assets that are valued by local community but Buildings. not statutorily listed that would be afforded Civic Society, some degree of protection in the planning English Heritage system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list. Shropshire White Ladies KEY Council, Ongoing Identified as heritage at risk. English Heritage

Shropshire Neighbourhood Opportunity for the development of a fund in KEY Community Fund support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund archaeology projects. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Highways, Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Maelar KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Secured: £5,000 Forest Developers Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees Shropshire Community Management of the Funding Council, Open Donington and KEY Secured: Management of the Local Nature Reserve as Spaces Albrighton Local Telford and £50,000 a resource for local communities Nature Reserve Wrekin Council Grant TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Replacing 13 existing stiles with gates for Various rights of way easier access improvements to the Rights of improvements to Way network. create new circular Creation and enhancement of routes to create walks - removal of new circular walks and promotion of ‘health stiles and walks’ and support to Albrighton Walking for Shropshire Neighbourhood replacement of gates KEY 2011-2026 £5,590.00 LTP funding Health scheme and Parish Paths Partnership. to ensure easier Council Fund The Council’s Extended Schools Team has access for all and to identified the need to tie in with ‘Healthy support ‘Active Living’ work in schools, preschool settings Market Town’ and and youth organisations. There is an sustainable transport opportunity for young people and families to initiatives. participate in planning the design of new routes. Installation of historic finger posts, Survey of existing conditions and research Shropshire Neighbourhood waymarkers, KEY Ongoing into lost features. Repair or reinstate where Council Fund milestones, mileposts necessary. and street signs. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Identify opportunities to improve the visual Shropshire Neighbourhood Improvement of car KEY Ongoing amenity of car parks in the historic village parks Council Fund centre. Increase provision of wayfinding signs and landscaping. Albrighton The Parish Council has identified the need for Parish Council, Neighbourhood Maintenance of Key Ongoing improved maintenance of village green roads, village greed roads Identified Fund subject to clarification on the ownership and owners attendant legal responsibilities.

Open Countryside (Parishes of Albrighton (excluding the market town), Badger, Beckbury, Boningale, Boscobel, Donington, Ryton and Grindle, Tong)

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions BADGER HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha Shropshire planted with tree Council Ongoing whips. Highways, Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree c£260 per new Maelar Neighbourhood KEY Council, natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme street tree. Forest Fund Developers Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and Funding watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Secured: £5,000 Whitchurch to be shared Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions throughout the Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions BECKBURY HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. Shropshire c£260 per new Council street tree. Highways, Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Maelar Neighbourhood KEY Council, Ongoing Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Secured: £5,000 Forest Fund Developers Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions BOSCOBEL HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Highways, Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Maelar Neighbourhood KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Secured: £5,000 Forest Fund Developers Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch Council and provision of 10,000 trees. Identified as heritage at risk. Established Parochial community interest, near English Heritage St Leonard’s Priory KEY HLF Church Council property. Vulnerable to vandalism and opportunities for improved maintenance. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Potential Funding Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Wider Developer Sources Contributions DONINGTON HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Highways, Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Maelar Neighbourhood KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Secured: £5,000 Forest Fund Developers Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions RYTON AND GRINDLE HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions St Andrews Church, Identified community priority. Supporting Improvements to St Neighbourhood KEY Ryton and Friends of St Andrews Church Ryton and Andrews Church Fund Grindle Parish Grindle to undertake essential repairs. Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Highways, Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Maelar Neighbourhood KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Secured: £5,000 Forest Fund Developers Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions TONG HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Tong Parish Neighbourhood Church repairs and KEY The Parish Council has identified the need to maintenance Council, Fund repair and maintain the Church. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Tong Parochial Church Council, English Heritage, Lichfield Diocese Tong Parish To be Council, determined following The Parish Council has identified the need to West Mercia support action to make the Parish safer and Restart the consultation Police, restart Neighbourhood Watch schemes. Neighbourhood KEY by West Albrighton The Albrighton Local Policing Team will work Watch scheme Mercia Police Neighbourhood with the with the Parish Council to action these Watch, Parish request. Rural Watch Council. Tong Parish Improved Parish KEY The Parish Council has identified the need to communication Council establish a Parish website. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Highways, Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Maelar Neighbourhood KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Secured: £5,000 Forest Fund Developers Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch Council and provision of 10,000 trees. Tong Parish Council, Scheduled Litter KEY The Parish Council has identified the need for Picks Shropshire regular litter collections Council, Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions People Against Litter, Tong Tidy Group Higher Level Castle Hill motte and KEY Identified as heritage at risk. Opportunities for bailey castle Stewardship improved interpretation. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Bishops Castle

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions BISHOPS CASTLE TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Homes and Communities Includes provision to support sustainable Agency, independent living for vulnerable people including: sustainable living at home; access Registered Homes and to work and education and training and Providers, Communities community inclusion. Specialist Care Varies from Agency, Integrated preventative service provision with Housing for Key Providers, Ongoing scheme to Shropshire a pathway approach to access and retain vulnerable people Voluntary scheme Council accommodation. Target groups include: older Sector, capital people, young people, people with learning local programme disabilities, mental health needs, people at communities, risk of homelessness or domestic violence, gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance schools and misusers etc. colleges, West Mercia Police Shropshire Includes: Council,  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon Registered emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Providers,  Upgrading social housing to meet the Homeowners, Decent Homes standard; and Keep  Adaptations to meet changing needs, Shropshire including disabled facilities grants. Improving and Warm, The Council’s Extended Schools Team has adapting existing Scheme Private sector identified that Sustainability/Climate Change KEY Developers, 2011-2015 housing- includes dependent* funding work at schools / Idsall Eco-Leaders project regeneration Shropshire (part of Leadership programme) offers Home opportunities to inform and encourage Improvement parents to understand what they can do to Agency, improve energy efficiency of homes and how Schools and this can benefit them – also though and Sure Start children’s centre drop-ins and activities (Jobs Children’s Training and Money / Environmentally Centres Sustainable Sure start Children’s Centres) Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions *Funding secured for social housing - Tenant wide: £2.5 million available for social housing (per year). Also a further £3.1million over four years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Aids and adaptations Shropshire Scheme Shropshire The aim of completing adaptations is to for social housing KEY Ongoing Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and tenants to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing. Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs Bringing empty Property Empty vary and are generally a package of funding. homes back into use- Owners, Scheme Homes: KEY 2011-2015 Section 106 Seeking Homes and Communities Agency includes affordable local dependent New Homes funding for 12 units countywide over four housing provision communities, Bonus years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. voluntary sector agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Council, Locations to be determined. To include Registered Market Town and Rural Area provision. Providers, Funding proposals being developed. Scheme Developer Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing KEY Care Providers, 2012-2015 dependent led. towards older people, especially frail older Voluntary people, with planned provision for respite Sector, facilities and housing for people with Local disabilities. Communities ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Shropshire Shropshire Market Towns £0.5 million Council Council MTRP funded 2 projects: Revitalisation allocated across capital  Bishop’s Castle Town Hall to develop as a Programme- Market local 11 designated PRIORITY 2010-2015 programme, tourism facility Towns Capital businesses, market towns Match funding  Enterprise House – capital to refurbish Initiative Fund – All residents, and key from other adjacent units. funds committed settlements investors sources Council economic Shropshire Shropshire Council development KEY 2010-2014 £1 million Proposed to cover all economic development improvement Council capital workshops. programme programme Shropshire Adoption programme Shropshire Council Bishop’s Castle Business Park will require for council owned KEY 2010-2014 £1 million Council capital adoption. employment sites programme Shropshire Shop Front Council, Neighbourhood Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Redecoration KEY Ongoing and redecoration to improve the appearance Bishop’s Castle Fund Scheme of the streetscene. Town Council Developers, Bishops Castle The Town Council has identified a need for Live- Work units PRIORITY Town Council, Developer led live/work units to be provided to encourage Shropshire young people to stay in the town Council Identify potential uses for Enterprise House, which is currently underused and adjacent industrial units which are now unused. The Town Council has stated that the only part of Enterprise House which is underused Reuse of Enterprise Bishop’s Castle is the part owned and run by Shropshire Town Council, Council. House and adjacent KEY Ongoing factory units Shropshire According to the Town Council ESWS has Council been asking for the lease of it – so it can be re-let. The building is already a Shropshire Council “advice point” and a Broadband hotspot. The adjacent unused industrial units have potential for conversion to workshops for local Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions business. £10,000 funding is being sought from the Market Towns Revitalisation Fund to support this. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children are provided on site. Children’s Centre services are delivered throughout Shropshire. Residential development creates the following impact on children’s centres: Dependent Dependent upon Neighbourhood Shropshire upon extent and Private sector  A higher volume of parents and carers Review of Children’s PRIORITY Fund, Centre services Council developers’ location of financed accessing provision in what tend to be timescales development CIL (Local) relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Bishops Castle there is one Children’s Centre, that is a purpose built stand-alone demountable building co- located with early education provider on school site. Heritage Improvements to Bishop’s Castle HLF application has progressed to second KEY 2012 £772,850 Lottery Fund, Bishop’s Castle Town Town Council stage (funding now available to develop Hall improving public Market Towns detailed renovation proposals). Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions access to its heritage Revitalisation Match funding of £35,000 potentially available Fund. from Market Towns Revitalisation Fund. Bishops Castle Town Council, The Parish Council have expressed a need to Medical and dental medical and KEY safeguard medical and dental provision within provision dental health providers, Bishops Castle. NHS ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Service providers, Connection to mains KEY Bishops Castle Town Council has expressed gas Bishops Castle a desire to be connected to mains gas. Town Council AONB Supports basic services, village renewal and Cost: £1.32 development, conserving/upgrading rural Shropshire Hills Partnership with million heritage, training and information, co- LEADER Programme Shropshire KEY 2009-2013 Funding RDPE operation. (focus on hinterland Council as Secured: £1.32 Impact also on environment. not the market town) accountable body million Most of the funding is committed. Eligibility criteria are complex. The Parish Council have identified a need for Improvement of water Severn Trent KEY improvements to both water supply and water supply and pressure Water pressure. Urban Landscape Shropshire Neighbourhood Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character KEY Aspirational c£1,000 Council Fund Assessment of Bishop’s Castle. Assessment Fundamental/important town views in and out Survey of important Shropshire Neighbourhood to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public views in and out of KEY Ongoing. Council Fund areas such as walkways, promenades, Bishop’s Castle seating facilities. Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation Shropshire exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Council, Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Production of list of Bishop’s Castle Neighbourhood statutory list) List would identify local heritage KEY Ongoing Locally Important Town Council, Fund assets that are valued by local community but Buildings. not statutorily listed that would be afforded Civic Society, some degree of protection in the planning English Heritage system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees Shropshire Route upgrade and promotion including Council, creation of a new circular walk. Work should include ecological enhancements. Part of Offas Dyke Natural Neighbourhood KEY 24 months tourism offer and links to national trial. A England, Fund potential candidate World Heritage site. Shropshire Opportunities to support the integrated Wildlife Trust management of the asset as a whole Shropshire Neighbourhood Opportunity for the development of a fund in KEY Community Fund support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund archaeology projects. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Various rights of way Replacing 96 existing stiles with gates for improvements to easier access improvements to the Rights of create new circular Way network and providing 47 new walks - removal of directional signposts. stiles and Enhancement of routes to create easier replacement of gates Shropshire Neighbourhood access walks and promotion of ‘health walks’. KEY 2011-2026 £35,400.00 LTP funding and enhanced Council Fund The Council’s Extended Schools Team has directional signage to identified the need to tie in with ‘Healthy ensure easier access Living’ work in schools, preschool settings for all and to support and youth organisations. There is an ‘Active Market Town’ opportunity for young people and families to and sustainable participate in planning the design of new transport initiatives routes. Installation of historic finger posts, Shropshire Neighbourhood Survey of existing conditions and research KEY ongoing waymarkers, Council Fund into lost features. Repair or reinstate where milestones, mileposts necessary and street signs. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Identify opportunities to improve the visual amenity of car parks in the historic town Shropshire Neighbourhood Improvement of car KEY ongoing centre. Increase provision of wayfinding signs parks Council Fund and landscaping. The Parish Council have identified a need for improved off street car parking.


Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions BUCKNELL COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Homes and Communities Homes and Sheltered housing Agency, Communities and/or care home to Scheme Agency, KEY Town and Ongoing On-site design cater for ageing Parish Councils, dependent Registered population Providers, Landowners, Developers Developers, Registered Providers ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Provision of small KEY Council, Developer led Identified community priority. business premises Shropshire Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Increase West Mercia To be The Local Policing Team will work with the police/community KEY Police, Ongoing determined Parish Council and the community to action support officer Bucknell and following this request. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions presence Bedstone Parish consultation by Council West Mercia Police with the Parish Council Royal Mail, Retention of Post Bucknell and KEY Ongoing Royal Mail Identified community priority. Office Bedstone Parish Council Bucknell and Neighbourhood Protect open areas in KEY Bedstone Parish Fund Identified community priority. centre of the village Council Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Offer flicks in the Council, Neighbourhood KEY Identified community priority. sticks in Bucknell Arts Alive, Fund Memorial Hall Committee The Parish Council has identified the need to improve parish communications through: Improve parish Bucknell and Neighbourhood  Investigating the feasibility of a village / communications KEY Bedstone Parish Ongoing Fund parish newsletter; Council  Actively promoting the website; and

 Broadening distribution of the Parish Council minutes. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Council, Neighbourhood KEY Extend recycling Shropshire Fund Identified community priority. Council, Developers Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Maintain and repair Council, Neighbourhood KEY Identified community priority. local heritage Shropshire Fund Council, English Heritage Maintain river and its Bucknell and KEY Owner funded Neighbourhood Identified community priority. banks, including Bedstone Parish Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions establishment of a Council, Fund maintenance regime Riparian owners, Environment Agency, Shropshire Council Improvements to the Bucknell and Bedstone Parish streetscene, including Neighbourhood KEY Council, the provision of more Fund Identified community priority. litter/dog waste bins Shropshire and signs Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Improve footbridge Neighbourhood KEY Council, next to ford Fund Shropshire Council Arriva Trains Wales, Bucknell and Increase train Bedstone Parish Arriva Trains KEY Ongoing Identified community priority. frequency Council, Wales Shropshire Council, Welsh Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Assembly, Heart of Wales Line Travellers Association Arriva Trains Wales, Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Improve information Neighbourhood KEY Council, service at Bucknell Fund Identified community priority. Station West Mercia Police, Shropshire Council Bucknell and The Parish Council has identified the need to Improved pedestrian KEY Bedstone Parish Landowners enforce landowners to cut back hedges that safety Council obstruct pavements. Bucknell and Public Provision of bus Neighbourhood KEY Bedstone Parish transport shelter in at least one Fund Identified community priority. location in Bucknell Council provider Bucknell and Various rights of way Bedstone Parish improvements Neighbourhood KEY Council, Identified community priority. including stiles and Fund Shropshire kissing gates Council


Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions CHIRBURY COMMUNITY HUB AND CHIRBURY WITH BROMPTON PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Chirbury Parish Neighbourhood The Parish Plan identifies a need to Encourage tourism KEY Council, Fund encourage tourism. Shropshire Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Chirbury Parish Council, Neighbourhood The Parish Plan has identified a need for Provision of after Shropshire KEY Fund, more activities such as after school clubs and school/ play schemes Council, CIL (Local) play schemes. Primary School, Bus Bees Shropshire Council, Private The Parish Plan has identified a need for Care for the elderly KEY improving care for the elderly as the existing Private providers care is considered inadequate. providers The Parish Plan has identified a need for Provision of adult Chirbury Parish Neighbourhood KEY more activities such as adult education education classes Council Fund classes. West Mercia Police, The Parish Plan has identified a need for an Increase police Chirbury Parish KEY Ongoing increased police presence in the area and for presence Council, improved communication with the police. Local community NHS England, Improve dental The Parish Plan has identified a need for KEY Chirbury Parish NHS England provision improving dental services. Council Chirbury Parish Council, The Parish Plan has identified a need for Retention of existing Neighbourhood KEY Village hall retaining existing facilities, especially the post facilities Fund committee, office. Local MP Chirbury Parish The Parish Plan has identified a need for Improved access to Council, Neighbourhood KEY Welshpool, Newtown and educational facilities Shropshire Fund schools to be more available. Council Chirbury Parish Provision for Council, The Parish Plan has identified a need for teenagers and young KEY 2012-2014 better social facilities for teenagers and young Shropshire people people. Council Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Chirbury Parish The Parish Plan has identified a need for Street scene Council, Neighbourhood KEY removal of litter from roadsides and improvements Shropshire Fund pavements. Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. Shropshire c£260 per new Council street tree. Highways, Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Maelar Neighbourhood KEY Council, Ongoing Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Secured: £5,000 Forest Fund Developers Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Chirbury Parish The Parish Plan has identified a need to Pavement and Council, Neighbourhood improve and ensure upkeep of pavements footpath KEY Shropshire Fund and footpaths, including identifying where improvements Council new ones are needed. West Mercia Police, The Parish Plan has identified a need to Chirbury Parish Reduce speeding and KEY reduce vehicle speeds through settlements by enforce speed limits Council, getting speed limits introduced where needed Shropshire and ensuring they are enforced. Council Public transport The Parish Plan identifies a need for providers, improved public transport which meets the Public needs of the community, including improved Public transport Chirbury Parish KEY transport and additional routes to bus services (minibus provision Council, providers to Welshpool, Churchstoke, Newtown and Shropshire Montgomery) and provision of transport to Council youth activities in Bishops Castle.


Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Homes and Communities Homes and Within Shropshire, it is the Council’s Agency, aspiration that all developments contribute to Affordable housing Communities Scheme a sustainable mix of dwelling types, sizes and provision PRIORITY Town and Ongoing Agency, Section 106 dependent tenures. This will be either through on-site Parish Councils, Registered provision or payment of a sum to be used for Landowners, Providers provision of affordable housing. Developers, Registered Providers ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Clun and Community Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified a need for KEY Chapel Lawn educational and Fund more recreational and educational classes recreational classes Parish Council and demand for more fitness classes. Clun and Neighbourhood KEY Chapel Lawn The Parish Council has identified the desire Improve Noticeboards Fund Parish Council to improve noticeboards in the Parish. To be The Parish Council has stated the desire for West Mercia determined greater Police presence and better Police, following consultation between the Police and the local Community safety KEY Clun and consultation by community. Chapel Lawn West Mercia The Bishop’s Castle Local Policing Team will Parish Council Police with the work with the Parish Council and the local Parish Council community to address these issues. Clun Museum, The Parish Council has identified the need for Clun and Neighbourhood revenue support as the current income from Clun Museum KEY Chapel Lawn Fund admission charges and sales is insufficient to Parish Council sustain the museum. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Flood Risk The Parish Council has identified the need to KEY Landowners, Landowners Neighbourhood Management keep ditches and culverts clear and Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Clun and Fund requested a maintenance programme take Chapel Lawn place. They have also expressed a desire for Parish Council, tree cutting/planting to assist with drainage Shropshire Council, Environment Agency c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Neighbourhood KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Fund Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

Council and provision of 10,000 trees. Natural England, AONB Partnership, Support Farmers to The Parish Council has suggested that Farming and Natural Neighbourhood maintain the quality of KEY Ongoing increased advice and help with grants and Wildlife Advisory England Fund countryside schemes should be provided. Group, Clun and Chapel Lawn Parish Council Shropshire The Parish Council has suggested that a Reduce frequency Council, Neighbourhood leaflet should be produced for landowners and severity of hedge KEY Clun and Fund showing Shropshire Council hedge cutting and verge cutting Chapel Lawn policies. Parish Council Forestry Commission, Half of Bury Ditches and Radnor Wood are Replace conifers with Forestry KEY Clun and planned to be returned to native trees and broadleaf trees commission Chapel Lawn Black Hill will be 95% replanted with conifers. Parish Council Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Clun and The Parish Council has identified provide Chapel Lawn more litter bins and benches. In addition, Improvements to Neighbourhood KEY Parish Council, there is a desire to explore alternatives to streetscene Fund Shropshire sodium street lights and provide guidelines on Council security lighting. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees Clun and Chapel Lawn Community owned Parish Council, Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified a desire for KEY renewable energy Sharenergy and Fund community owned renewable energy provision Marches 90, provision. Energy Agency Clun and Provision of litter bins Neighbourhood Identified community priority. Increase PRIORITY Chapel Lawn and benches Find number of litter bins and benches. Parish Council TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Clun and The Parish Council have identified the need Chapel Lawn Neighbourhood for improved parking potentially including KEY Parish Council, Improved car parking Fund parking restrictions, providing visitor parking Shropshire at the Memorial Hall and improving signage to Council car parking locations. Study traffic management implications and Shropshire Neighbourhood improve signage. KEY Clun Bridge Council Fund Initiate program of enhanced interpretation boards/plaques and wayfinding signs for village centre, Church and Castle.

Lydbury North

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions LYDBURY NORTH COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Shropshire The Parish Council has expressed a need for Council, business start-up units. Business start-up PRIORITY Developers, Developer led On-site design Need to look at potential to convert buildings units Lydbury North for both business and housing. Parish Council Encourage home working. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Lydbury North Parish Council, Lydbury North Use of school as a KEY The Parish Council have identified a need for community facility School, increased community use of the school. Local community ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Lydbury North The Parish Council has expressed concern Improvement to Old Parish Council, KEY with the Old Garage which may be a hazard Garage site Shropshire and would like the council to clean up the site. Council Lydbury North The Parish Council have expressed a desire Switching off street Parish Council, to have the street lights switched off at KEY lights Shropshire suitable times during the night. This has been Council partly achieved by part night lighting. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. Shropshire Ongoing c£260 per new Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire street tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Neighbourhood KEY Council, Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Funding Fund Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and

to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Council and provision of Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Public transport provider, Public Lydbury North Improve public KEY transport The Parish Council has identified the desire Parish Council, transport provider for more public transport at weekends. Shropshire Council Lydbury North Parish Council, Neighbourhood Explore potential for car clubs and car Car clubs/sharing KEY Shropshire Fund sharing. Council Shropshire Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need to Road safety KEY Council Fund reduce traffic speeding through the village.

Brompton, Marton, Middleton, Pentreheyling, Priest Weston, Stockton and Rorrington

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions BROMPTON, MARTON, MIDDLETON, PENTREHEYLING, PRIEST WESTON, STOCKTON AND RORRINGTON PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Scheme Developer The Parish Plan has identified a need for KEY Care Providers, 2012-2015 Care for the elderly dependent led. improving care for the elderly as the existing Voluntary care is considered inadequate Sector, Local Communities ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Improved mobile KEY IT providers, Neighbourhood The Parish Plan identifies a need for more Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions phone provision Parish Council Fund prompt responses to faults and an improved repair process and improvements to broadband provision. Parish Council, Neighbourhood The Parish Plan identifies a need to Encourage tourism KEY Shropshire Fund encourage tourism. Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE The Parish Plan has identified a need for Provision of adult Neighbourhood KEY Parish Council more activities such as adult education education classes Fund classes. Parish Council, Local schools, The Parish Plan has identified a need for Provision of after Neighbourhood KEY Shropshire more activities such as after school clubs and school/ play schemes Fund Council, play schemes. Bus Bees West Mercia The Parish Plan has identified a need for an Increase police KEY Police, increased police presence in the area and for presence Parish Council improved communication with the police. Parish Council, The Parish Plan has identified a need for Retention of existing MP, KEY retaining existing facilities, especially the post facilities Shropshire office. Council Parish Council, The Parish Plan has identified a need for Village hall Neighbourhood KEY Shropshire provision of a car park at the village hall as improvements Fund Council the lack of a car park is limiting its utilisation Restoration of Parish Council, Neighbourhood KEY Identified community priority. Stockton Church Church Fund NHS England, Improve dental The Parish Plan has identified a need for KEY Shropshire provision improving dental services Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Infrastructure The Parish Plan has identified a need for Improved electricity PRIORITY provider, improved stability and reliability of electricity supply Parish Council supply. c£2640 per ha Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Community Tree Shropshire Ongoing Neighbourhood KEY planted with tree Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Scheme Council, Fund whips. Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Developers c£260 per new Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and street tree. Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Funding Whitchurch Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Parish Council, Shropshire Neighbourhood The Parish Plan has identified a need to Car parking provision KEY Council, Fund identify problem areas and explore solutions. Local community

Abcot, Beckjay, Clungunford, Hopton Heath, Shelderton and Twitchen

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ABCOT, BECKJAY, CLUNGUNFORD, HOPTON HEATH, SHELDERTON AND TWITCHEN COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire Ongoing c£2640 per ha Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree planted with tree Neighbourhood KEY Council, Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme whips. Fund Developers Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and c£260 per new Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions street tree. Whitchurch Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Hope, Bentlawnt, Hopesgate, Hemford Shelve, Gravels (including Gravels Bank) Penervin, Bromlow, Middleton, Meadowtown and Lordstone



SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Retention of Parish Council, The Parish Council have identified the community services KEY Shropshire retention of the community centre, post office and facilities Council and library services as a local priority. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree Shropshire Ongoing whips. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire c£260 per new Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Neighbourhood KEY Council, street tree. Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Fund Developers Funding Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and

Secured: £5,000 Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared throughout the Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Snailbeach, Stiperstones, Pennerley, Tankerville, Black Hole Crows Nest and The Bog

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions SNAILBEACH, STIPERSTONES, PENNERLEY, TANKERVILLE, BLACK HOLE CROWS NEST AND THE BOG COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Parish Council, Retention of public The Parish Council have identified the KEY Shropshire toilets retention of public toilets as a local priority. Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Compile a Management Strategy following Parish Council, the assessment of existing surveys and Shropshire management plans. Ongoing consultation Snailbeach Leadmine Council, with principle stakeholders. Management KEY Management Strategy English Strategy will form a basis for a draft Heritage Heritage, Partnership Agreement. The Strategy will Parish Council establish the sensitivities of the site and their capacity for change. Parish Council, Mines Trust Ltd, Shropshire English Tankerville Lead Mine Ongoing Identified as heritage at risk. Council, Heritage English Heritage, Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Parish Council Owner, Parish Council, Mines Trust Ltd, Identified as heritage at risk. In private Snailbeach New Shropshire English ownership. Established community interest Ongoing Smeltmill Council, Heritage through the Mines Trust. Part of area’s English industrial heritage. Heritage, Parish Council Mines Trust Ltd, Parish Council, HLF via landscape Identified as heritage at risk. Part of area’s Shropshire industrial heritage, potential to make good Candle House partnership, Council, contribution to existing interpretation of Snailbeach Lead Natural English Snailbeach lead mine, visitor attraction and Mine England, Heritage, walking routes. Positive contribution to the English Landscape Partnership. Mines Trust, Heritage Parish Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Neighbourhood KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Fund Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire Neighbourhood The Parish Council have identified car Car parking provision KEY Council, Fund parking provision as a local priority Parish Council

Wentnor and Norbury

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions WENTNOR AND NORBURY PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Neighbourhood KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Fund Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Worthen, Brockton, Little , Little Brockton, Binweston, Leigh, Rowley, Aston Rogers and Aston Pigott

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions WORTHEN, BROCKTON, LITTLE WORTHEN, LITTLE BROCKTON, BINWESTON, LEIGH, ROWLEY, ASTON ROGERS AND ASTON PIGOTT HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY


ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Neighbourhood KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Fund Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Open Countryside (Parishes of Bedstone, Bettws y Crwyn, Clunbury, Colebatch, Edgton, Hopton Castle, Llanfair Waterdine, Lydham, Mainstone, More, Ratlinghope and Myndtown, Newcastle on Clun, Stowe)

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions BEDSTONE PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Homes and Sheltered housing Homes and Communities and/or care home to Communities Scheme Agency, KEY Ongoing On-site design Identified community priority. cater for ageing Agency, dependent Registered population Town and Providers, Parish Councils, Developers Landowners, Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Developers, Registered Providers ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Provision of small KEY Council, Identified community priority. business premises Shropshire Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE To be West Mercia determined Increase Police, following The Local Policing Team will work with the police/community KEY Bucknell and consultation by Parish Council and the community to action support officer Bedstone Parish West Mercia this request. presence Council Police with the Parish Council Royal Mail, Retention of post Bucknell and KEY Identified community priority. office Bedstone Parish Council Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Offer flicks in the Council, Neighbourhood KEY Identified community priority. sticks in Bucknell Arts Alive, Fund Memorial Hall Committee The Parish Council has identified the need to improve parish communications through: Improve parish Bucknell and Neighbourhood  Investigating the feasibility of a village / KEY Bedstone Parish Ongoing communications Fund parish newsletter; Council  Actively promoting the website; and  Broadening distribution of the Parish Council minutes. Bucknell and Protection of open Bedstone Parish space in the village KEY Council, Identified community priority. Shropshire Council Youth Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Service, St Mary’s School, Memorial Hall Committee Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Council, Shropshire Provision of a youth Council Youth Neighbourhood KEY Identified community priority. club Service, Fund St Mary’s School, Memorial Hall Committee Bucknell and On-site design, Bedstone Parish Section 106, Provision of facilities KEY Council, Neighbourhood Identified community priority. for young people Memorial Hall Fund, Committee CIL (Local) ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Council, Neighbourhood KEY Extend recycling Shropshire Fund Identified community priority. Council, Developers Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Maintain and repair Council, Neighbourhood KEY Identified community priority. local heritage Shropshire Fund Council, English Heritage Maintain river and its Bucknell and banks, including Bedstone Parish Neighbourhood KEY Owner funded Identified community priority. establishment of a Council, Fund maintenance regime Riparian Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions owners, Environment Agency, Shropshire Council Improvements to the Bucknell and Bedstone Parish streetscene, including Neighbourhood KEY Council, the provision of more Fund Identified community priority. litter/dog waste bins Shropshire and signs Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Improve footbridge Neighbourhood KEY Council, Identified community priority. next to ford Fund Shropshire Council Arriva Trains Wales, Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Council, Increase train Arriva Trains KEY Shropshire Ongoing Identified community priority. frequency Wales Council, Welsh Assembly, Heart of Wales Line Travellers Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Association Arriva Trains Wales, Bucknell and Bedstone Parish Improve information Neighbourhood KEY Council, service at Bucknell Fund Identified community priority. Station West Mercia Police, Shropshire Council Bucknell and The Parish Council has identified the need to Improved pedestrian KEY Bedstone Parish Landowners enforce landowners to cut back hedges that safety Council obstruct pavements. Bucknell and Public Provision of bus Neighbourhood KEY Bedstone Parish transport shelter in at least one Fund Identified community priority. location in Bucknell Council provider Bucknell and Various rights of way Bedstone Parish improvements Neighbourhood KEY Council, Identified community priority. including stiles and Fund Shropshire kissing gates Council

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions BETTWS Y CRWYN PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Community Tree KEY Shropshire Ongoing c£2640 per ha Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Scheme Council, planted with tree Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Developers whips, Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs c£260 per new Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and street tree. Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is Funding Whitchurch a local community priority. Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions CLUNBURY PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Clunbury Parish The Parish Council has expressed the desire Set up a business Council, KEY to explore the possibility of setting up a directory Local business directory and or business network. Businesses SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE The Parish Council has identified the need to Improved community Clunbury Parish improve communication on village hall events KEY communication Council and greater liaison between village hall committees. Shropshire The Parish Council has identified the desire Extended mobile Council, to see the extension of the mobile library KEY library service Clunbury Parish service. Including services in Kempton and Council Twitchen and for after school access. Improve Rural Watch KEY Shropshire Town Council Better publicity/ increased awareness of Rural Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Council, activities watch. West Mercia The Bishop’s Castle Local Policing Team will Police, work to address this. Clunbury Parish Council Clunbury Parish Neighbourhood Better publicity of the Good Neighbour Improve the Good KEY Neighbour Scheme Council Fund Scheme. NHS England, Improve access to KEY Clunbury Parish NHS England Identified Parish Council priority. NHS Dentists Council Clunbury Parish The Parish Council has identified the need to Council, Neighbourhood Increased KEY increase the number of notice boards in the noticeboards Shropshire Fund Council Parish. Clunbury Parish The Parish Council has identified the desire Enhance Parish Council, Neighbourhood to set up a Parish newsletter. Council KEY Shropshire Fund They also wish to consider the demand for a communications Council Parish website. BT, Clunbury Parish The Parish Council has expressed the need Retain public phone KEY Council, BT to retain public phone boxes within the boxes Shropshire Parish. Council BBC, Improve digital The Parish Council has identified the lack of KEY Clunbury Parish BBC TV/Radio Reception digital TV/radio coverage in the area. Council Clunbury Parish Council, Neighbourhood The Parish Council has expressed the desire Develop a youth club KEY to support and help resource a local youth Shropshire Fund group. Council Clunbury Parish The Parish Council has identified the need to Develop local adult Council, Neighbourhood advertise more widely what is available for education KEY adult learners and highlight the demand for Shropshire Fund IT/Arts and Crafts and Languages with the opportunities Council LEA. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Maintain and repair KEY Landowners, Landowners Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need to Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions local heritage Clunbury Parish Fund secure funding to conserve the heritage Council, within the Parish including churches, common Shropshire land, water meadows, old bridges, Council, monuments and milestones. English Heritage Identified as heritage at risk. Existing Clunbury Parish community trust and established interest. Council, Consolidation of structure secured. Remains of Hopton Charitable KEY Shropshire Opportunities for further archaeological Castle Funds Council, survey of setting and wider landscape, English Heritage improved site interpretation and educational access. Places of worship are not currently included Clunbury Parish on the Heritage at Risk Register but there are Council, potential additions which include Clunbury. Shropshire Charitable Heritage at risk- KEY These places of worship are in the Hereford places of worship Council, Funds Diocese and have substantial repairs on the Hereford offing, typically in rural locations and with the Diocese potential to develop more community uses in order to improve their sustainability. Landowners, The Parish Council has expressed the need Clunbury Parish for regular maintenance of drainage ditches Council, Landowners, due to flooding of houses/gardens and roads. Regular maintenance KEY Shropshire Environment They have identified the need to liaise with of drainage ditches Council, Agency landowners to ensure they are aware of their Environment responsibilities regarding maintenance of Agency ditches. Clunbury Parish Develop a joint litter Council, The Parish Council has identified that litter picking scheme with KEY Rural Watch, and fly tipping are problematic in some parts neighbouring of the Parish. Parishes. Shropshire Council, c£2640 per ha Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Ongoing planted with tree Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire whips. Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree Neighbourhood KEY Council, c£260 per new Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Fund Developers street tree. Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years.

Funding Whitchurch The Parish Council has expressed the desire Secured: £5,000 to see the planting of new native trees. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions to be shared throughout the Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY The Parish Council has expressed the desire Provide organised Clunbury Parish KEY to provide organised day trips and the need to day trips Council convey this information to bus companies.

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions COLEBATCH PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions EDSTASTON PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions HOPTON CASTLE PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions


ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions LLANFAIR WATERDINE PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme planted with tree Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree whips, Highways, KEY Council, Ongoing include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme c£260 per new Maelar Forest Developers watering to establish trees over first 3 years. street tree. Nurseries, Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is Whitchurch Funding a local community priority. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions LYDHAM PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire English Heritage 2010 Heritage at Risk Developer Heritage at Risk KEY Council, Ongoing register includes the remains of Lea Castle at register funded Lower Lea Farm, Lea, Lydham. Engage local English Heritage groups to identify future Buildings at Risk. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions MAIDSTONE PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions MORE PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions RATLINGHOPE AND MYNDTOWN PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY The Parish Council has expressed a wish to Myndtown develop a policy on tourist accommodation and activities. In addition to implementing a Improved provision Parish Council, KEY Ongoing plan for helping tourist and day visitors to for tourists Shropshire understand and appreciate the area. They Council have also suggested costing a flyer to explain the area to visitors and day trippers. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Enhanced Parish KEY Myndtown Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the desire Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Communication Parish Council Fund to introduce a Parish Supplement in the Parish Deanery Magazine and explore the possibility of a Parish Council website. Mobile phone providers, Mobile phone Improve mobile KEY The Parish Council has expressed the need phone reception Myndtown providers for improved mobile phone coverage. Parish Council Provision of Digital TV BBC, The Parish Council has identified the need to and Radio within the KEY Myndtown BBC campaign for digital TV and radio coverage. Parish Parish Council Interpretation Myndtown Neighbourhood The Parish Council has expressed the desire KEY Materials within Parish Council Fund to provide interpretation materials at key Parish points in the Parish for residents and visitors. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Establish an The Parish Council has expressed a desire to Myndtown Environment KEY establish an Environment Protection Advisory Protection Advisory Parish Council Group to develop an Environmental Group and strategy Protection Strategy. Develop an Myndtown The Parish Council has identified the need for KEY environmental tidying Parish Council an environmental tidying up programme to be up programme established. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY The Parish Council has identified the need for Develop a local Myndtown KEY a local Rights of Way Group to be Rights of Way Group Parish Council established. Public transport Public The Parish Council has identified the need to Improve public KEY provider, transport work with public and private transport transport Myndtown provider organisations to improve timely and Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Parish Council, economical transport services for specific Shropshire needs- Bishop’s Castle and Shrewsbury. Council

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions NEWCASTLE ON CLUN PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Potential Funding Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Wider Developer Sources Contributions STOWE PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Developers, Bridgnorth Town Plan has identified a need Improvements in housing for further rental properties and retirement KEY Registered Ongoing options homes, residential care homes and sheltered Providers accommodation to respond to future needs. Includes provision to support sustainable Housing for vulnerable Shropshire Varies from Homes and Key Ongoing independent living for vulnerable people people Council, scheme to Communities including: Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Homes and scheme Agency,  sustainable living at home Communities Shropshire  access to work Agency, Council  education and training and community inclusion Registered capital programme Integrated preventative service provision with Providers, a pathway approach to access and retain Specialist accommodation. Target groups include: older Care people, young people, people with learning Providers, disabilities, mental health needs, people at risk of homelessness or domestic violence, Voluntary gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance Sector, misusers etc. local communities, schools and colleges, West Mercia Police Includes: Shropshire  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon Council, emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Registered  Upgrading social housing to meet the Providers, Decent Homes standard; and  Adaptations to meet changing needs, Home owners, including disabled facilities grants. Keep The Council’s Extended Schools Team has Shropshire identified that Sustainability/Climate Change Warm, Private Improving and adapting Scheme work at schools / Idsall Eco-Leaders project KEY 2011-2015 sector existing housing- includes Developers, dependent* (part of Leadership programme) offers funding regeneration Shropshire opportunities to inform and encourage Home parents to understand what they can do to Improvement improve energy efficiency of homes and how Agency, this can benefit them – also though and children’s centre drop-ins and activities (Jobs Schools, Sure Training and Money / Environmentally Start Sustainable Sure start Children’s Centres) Children’s *Funding secured for social housing - Tenant Centres wide: £2.5 million available for social housing (per year). Also a further £3.1million over four Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Shropshire Scheme Shropshire Aids and adaptations for KEY Ongoing The aim of completing adaptations is to social housing tenants Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing . Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary Property and are generally a package of funding. Bringing empty homes Empty Owners, Seeking Homes and Communities Agency back into use- includes Scheme Homes: KEY local 2011-2015 Section 106 funding for 12 units countywide over four affordable housing dependent New Homes communities, years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. provision Bonus voluntary Limited local authority funding available sector during 2011-2012. agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Council, Locations to be determined. To include Registered Market Town and Rural Area provision. Providers, Funding proposals being developed. Care Scheme Developer Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing KEY 2012-2015 Providers, dependent led. towards older people, especially frail older Voluntary people, with planned provision for respite Sector, facilities and housing for people with Local disabilities. Communities Regeneration of c£7million Scheme to maximise opportunities for new KEY Shropshire 2011-2014 Shropshire Greenfields (for complete affordable housing on sites that the Council’s Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Council, regeneration) Council Landlord Services department controls. Shropshire Greenfields is a supported scheme that is in Housing needs of regeneration. Landlord Services are Group, currently identifying the best way to progress (ie whether to complete appropriate repairs or Severnside to demolish and rebuild) Housing, NHS England A review of garage sites in this area is due to Review of garage sites the take place to ensure the Council can Shropshire Shropshire Council’s Landlord KEY Ongoing maximise the potential of the sites. This Services department Council Council could potentially include the demolition of the controls garages and rebuilding with new social housing. The Council’s Landlord Services department have identified current key areas of Shropshire deprivation, anti social behaviour and Council worklessness within this area and are Council tenants and Shropshire KEY Citizens Ongoing c£9,000 proactively looking at tenants at sign up. The community involvement Council Advice Council is working closely with tenants within Bureau these areas to help with financial inclusion, budget monitoring and to reduce anti social behaviour. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Shropshire Council Shropshire capital Council, programme, Programme to support a range of capital Market Towns projects which meet Market Town Local Match Revitalisation Programme Revitalisation Programme objectives. PRIORITY businesses, 2010-2015 funding from –Larger Market Towns Possible projects include: Bridgnorth residents, other Capital Programme Riverside Centre, riverside enhancements, sources will investors castle walk and step enhancements. be explored, including LJC funding. Regional Private Growth Sector, Rural Enterprise Centre KEY Ongoing Fund, Implementation of scheme depends on Chartwell Business Park Shropshire availability of funds Private Council Sector Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Shropshire The Bridgnorth Town Plan has identified the Council, following improvements: Improvement of Apprenticeship schemes, local courses, KEY Further employment opportunities encouragement of businesses into the area, Education including high skilled, and exploring new ways Colleges to provide jobs for school leavers. Severn Valley Railway, Upgrades to attraction. Need to consider Shropshire cross boundary issues with Wyre Forest in Severn Valley Railway KEY Council, terms of encouraging a greater number of upgrade people to use the railway and the increased Wyre Forest number of associated visits to Kidderminster District and Bewdley. Council Shropshire Council, Shropshire Salop Street KEY ongoing Initiate an enhancement scheme for Salop improvements Bridgnorth Council Street. Town Council Shropshire Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Shop Front Redecoration Council Neighbourhood KEY ongoing and redecoration to improve the appearance Scheme Bridgnorth Fund of the streetscene. Town Council Shropshire Survey all town centre streets to assess Pavement Lights/ Cellar Council Neighbourhood KEY ongoing condition and undertake repair and Flaps Program English Fund replacement program. Heritage SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that Dependent Dependent early childhood services are made available upon extent Private Neighbourhood Shropshire upon in an integrated manner through which early Review of Children’s PRIORITY and location sector Fund, Council developers’ childhood services are made available – Centre services of financed timescales CIL (Local) either by provision of services on site, or by development the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children are provided on site. Children’s Centre services are delivered Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured throughout Shropshire. Residential development creates the following impact on children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Bridgnorth there are currently two Children’s Centres, these are St Leonards Primary - refurbished part of school; and St Mary’s Bluecoat site – stand alone, purpose built demountable on school site. Developers, Shropshire Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have Fire and identified the all new development within Fire safety in new PRIORITY Rescue Developers Bridgnorth should be sprinklered as any development Service, development in this location is an issue in Shropshire terms of attendance time. Council The Bridgnorth Town Plan has identified the need for improvements in crime and safety, West Mercia including: Police, Public safety KEY Day and night time public safety, town centre improvements Bronze Level policing, residential policing, improving tasking group communications with police, reducing anti social behaviour, control of drugs and alcohol and to monitor the effectiveness of CCTV. Shropshire The Bridgnorth Town Plan has identified a Council, need for improved communication of existing Adult education KEY Oldbury Wells courses and the development of more choice and Endowed in multiple locations. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured schools The Bridgnorth Town Plan has identified the following issues:  Ensure current levels of service at medical NHS practice and hospital, provide support to Healthcare facilities KEY NHS England Ongoing England the ongoing work to secure operating facilities in the town, ensure continued level of service to maternity unit and A&E.  Investigate need for a ‘drop in’ surgery. Bridgnorth Town Council, Castle Hall/ community KEY Ongoing The Bridgnorth Town Plan has identified a centre Community need to improve facilities and increase use. Hall Trust Bridgnorth Town Council, Low Town The Bridgnorth Town Plan has suggested that Leisure use of River KEY Action Group, Ongoing investigations should be made into the scope Severn and feasibility of greater use of the River Environment Severn for leisure. Agency, Existing users The Town Council recognises the need for a petrol station and appropriately sized Petrol station / local Developer KEY Developer convenience store at the corner of Wenlock convenience store led Road and the A4598 as part of any wider housing development in that area of town. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE The Coal Authority has advised that Landowners, Bridgnorth is affected to some extent by the Developers, presence of coal resources at, or, close to the Coal resources/the legacy surface and also the legacy of past coal Coal of past coal mining activity KEY mining activity. Authority, Where a legacy exists and development is Shropshire sought, the Coal Authority advises that there Council is potential need to remediate land affected by mining hazards and ensure its stability. Shropshire Neighbourhood Urban Landscape KEY aspirational C£5,300 Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment Council Fund Assessment of Bridgnorth Neighbourhood Shuts and Passageways KEY Shropshire Ongoing Survey all for current conditions. Public Improvement Program Council, Town Fund consultation to identify key areas. Increased Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Council, Civic street cleaning program/waste collection. Re- Society. lay/repair appropriate paving, repair/redecorate walls/ ceilings. Introduce/ repair/ replace identification signs to both ends of shuts. Install consistent lighting to increase use and public safety. Promotion of their use for pedestrians, tourism. Open any boarded up shut shop fronts and re-occupy. Series of interpretation boards/plaques to increase community interest and tourism Survey to establish where modern railings should be replaced with more traditional design, plus condition survey of existing Shropshire historic railings and program of repair where Council, necessary. Shropshire Neighbourhood Streetscene KEY Bridgnorth Ongoing Identify opportunities to improve visual Council Fund improvements Town Council, amenity of town centre through landscaping. The Town Plan has identified that Civic Society improvements need to be made in terms of clearing litter, emptying public bins, reducing dog fouling, improving recycling and stopping fly tipping. Bridgnorth Market Towns Neighbourhood Improve views, lighting, reduce dog fouling Castle Walk KEY Town Council, £11,000 Revitalisation Fund and install interpretation boards. Civic Society Programme Bridgnorth Funding Market Town Council, Towns Clear vegetation, improve views and safety, The Riverside PRIORITY Secured: encourage adoption of Riverside Shropshire Revitalisation £100,000 Management Plan. Council Programme Shropshire Market Council, £94,320 Towns Funding Revitalisation Neighbourhood Repair and maintain condition of the Steps PRIORITY Bridgnorth Bridgnorth Steps Secured: Programme Fund and realise potential as a tourist attraction. Town Council, £34,430 and Civic Civic Society Society Shropshire Town Centre: develop standardised signs, Council, Neighbourhood Town Centre KEY develop an investment and maintenance plan improvements Bridgnorth Fund and raise public awareness. Town Council, Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Property owners, Civic Society Encourage repair/ redecoration of rear of buildings that are visible to the public Shropshire (elevations, out buildings, passageways). Backlands Project KEY Council, Ongoing Shop owners Promote reuse/reoccupation of vacant Shop owners buildings -introduce appropriate lighting. Interpret with plaques/boards at public interfaces Deterrent program to be established including public education initiative (i.e. don't feed the Shropshire Neighbourhood Pigeons/Vermin KEY Ongoing pigeons). Step up garbage pick up and install Prevention Program Council Fund appropriate garbage bins/recycling bins to hinder problem. Repair/replace old pigeon netting/introduce where applicable Shropshire Fundamental/important town views in and out Council, Neighbourhood Survey of important views KEY Ongoing. to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public in and out of Bridgnorth. Bridgnorth Fund areas such as walkways, promenades, Town Council seating facilities, viewing platforms. Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage and PPS5. undertake public Shropshire consultation exercise to create list of Council, 'Buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Production of list of Town Council, Neighbourhood Interest' (non-statutory list) List would identify Locally Important KEY Ongoing local heritage assets that are valued by local Civic Society, Fund Buildings. community but not statutorily listed that would English be afforded some degree of protection in the Heritage planning system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Shropshire Council Identified as heritage at risk. Integral part of English English The Hermitage, Bridgnorth KEY Ongoing town’s heritage and tourism offer. Heritage, Heritage Established community interest Bridgnorth Town Council Shropshire Developer Identified as heritage at risk. Within an Area 48 Mill Street KEY Council Ongoing contributions, Partnership Scheme, grant offered. English Possibility of Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Heritage, enabling Bridgnorth development Town Council Shropshire The Bridgnorth Town Plan has identified a Council, need for more investment into key buildings, Historic Buildings KEY including the facade and use of Newmarket Bridgnorth buildings. Maintain Bishops Percy House, Town Council Town Hall and Bridgnorth Castle. Shropshire Opportunity for the development of a fund in Shropshire Community Council, Neighbourhood KEY support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund Bridgnorth Fund archaeology projects. Town Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council Highways, Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Maelar to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Secured: Forest Developers Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared Whitchurch throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire Council, c£500,000 Improvement to bus PRIORITY All schools as 2011-2026 Funding LTP funding infrastructure and services part of Secured: £0 discussion Shropshire Projects to be identified in LTP under a Develop and improve the Council c£500,000 Developer proactive programme of improvement to cycle and pedestrian PRIORITY Community 2011-2026 Funding contributions/ footways, ramps, crossings and signals network Action Team, Secured: £0 LTP funding To include consideration of: Schools  Completion of route 45 riverside walking Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured and cycling route.  The Bridgnorth Town Plan has identified a need for maintenance of footpaths and roads. Shropshire Council, Schools – Prevent year on year question of whether or Transport provision to secondary not provision will be possible. KEY Ongoing support Safe Place to Be and feeder Consultation should identify need of working at Secondary School primaries, parents to be supported and access to provision for pupils living in the hinterland. Shropshire Link Replacing 42 existing stiles with gates for easier access improvements to the Rights of Various rights of way Way network and providing 49 new directional improvements to create signposts new circular walks - Creation and enhancement of routes to create removal of stiles and Shropshire new circular walks and promotion of ‘health replacement of gates and £18,900.00 Council Neighbourhood walks’ and ‘walking for health schemes enhanced directional KEY 2011-2026 Funding LTP funding Fund The Council’s Extended Schools Team has signage to ensure easier Secured: £0 identified the need to tie in with ‘Healthy access for all and to Living’ work in schools, preschool settings support ‘Active Market and youth organisations. There is an Town’ and sustainable opportunity for young people and families to transport initiatives participate in planning the design of new routes. Shropshire The Severn Way long Council Creation, enhancement and promotion of The Shropshire distance footpath and KEY Aspirational capital Jack Mytton Way and the Severn Way Jack Mytton Way long Council programme, footpath including tackling knotweed distance bridleway problems on the path alongside the river LTP Survey of existing conditions and research Installation of historic into lost features. Repair or reinstate where Shropshire Neighbourhood finger posts, waymarkers, KEY Ongoing necessary milestones, mileposts and Council Fund Provide additional signposting at other street signs. locations within Severn Park Building and Severn Valley Railway. The Bridgnorth Town Plan has identified that Pedestrianisation of High Shropshire KEY £50,000 modifications can be made to High Street in Street on Market Day Council order to facilitate market day Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured pedestrianisation of High Street Identify opportunities to improve the visual amenity of car parks in the historic town Shropshire Neighbourhood centre. Increase provision of wayfinding signs KEY Ongoing Improvement of car parks Council Fund and landscaping. The Bridgnorth Town Plan has identified a need for retaining free short term parking on High Street.

Ditton Priors

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions DITTON PRIORS COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Ditton Priors Parish Council, Neighbourhood Housing Needs KEY The Parish Council has identified the need for Assessment Shropshire Fund a Housing Needs Survey to be conducted Council ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Shropshire Ditton Priors Parish Council has identified the Marketing rural Shropshire Council, KEY need to promote the area and encourage as a tourism destination Ditton Priors more homes to offer Bed and Breakfast. Parish Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Ditton Priors Parish Council, Shropshire Council, The Parish Council has identified the need for Provision for children and KEY Village Hall a holiday scheme, secondary school club and young people Committee, possible youth club. Ditton Priors Playfield Association Mobile phone coverage KEY Mobile phone Mobile phone The Parish Council has identified a need for Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions operators, operators improved mobile phone coverage. Ditton Priors Parish Council Ditton priors community Ditton Priors Neighbourhood KEY Identified community priority. land trust Parish Council Fund ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Cost: £21k The Parish Council is replacing all its street Ditton Priors Funding £21K through lighting stock and has secured a £21k public Parish Council, Secured: Street Lighting PRIORITY Public works works loan for much of the work. The Parish £21K through Shropshire loan would like to consider using CIL income to Public works Council support the repayment of this loan. loan

Neenton Cluster

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions NEENTON COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Acton Round, Aston Eyre, Monkhopton, Morville and Upton Cressett

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions ACTON ROUND, ASTON EYRE, MONKHOPTON, MORVILLE AND UPTON CRESSETT COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Morville Parish Council, The Parish Council would like to discuss Neighbourhood Improvements to playing KEY Shropshire improvements to the playing field which is Fund field Council, used by the school but owned by the Parish Council. Morville School ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Morville Parish The Parish Council would like to increase KEY Roadside improvements Council finance for parish lengthsman. Places of worship are not currently included on the Heritage at Risk Register but there are Shropshire potential additions which include Monkhopton. Council, Charitable Heritage at risk- places of KEY These places of worship are in the Hereford worship Hereford funders Diocese and have substantial repairs on the Diocese offing, typically in rural locations and with the potential to develop more community uses in order to improve their sustainability. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Open Countryside (Parishes of Alveley and Romsley, Astley Abbotts, Aston Botterell, Billingsley, Burwarton, Chetton, Claverley, Cleobury North, Deuxhill, Eardington, Glazeley, Middleton Scriven, Quatt Malvern, Stockton, Sutton Maddock, Tasley, Worfield and Rudge)

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions ALVELEY AND ROMSLEY HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Improvements to the Village Hall £15,000 for Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need for KEY Village Hall Committee roof repairs Fund repairs to the village hall roof. Alveley and Romsley Parish Council, The Parish Council has identified the need Shropshire Neighbourhood for: KEY 2016 Provision for the elderly Council, Fund  Further activities for elderly residents.  Improvements to the six properties in the Local voluntary Parish without central heating. organisations inc. Age U.K To be determined Alveley and following Romsley consultation Establish a neighbourhood KEY Parish Council, 2015 by West Investigate feasibility before setting-up as watch separate organisation West Mercia Mercia Police Police with the Parish Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Alveley and Funding Romsley secured: The Parish Council has identified the need for Parish Council, £500 for  No fly tipping signs. Improvements to the Shropshire planters at Neighbourhood KEY 2013  A smokeless zone. Streetscene Council, village Fund  Reintroduce hanging baskets. Shop Owners, entrances  An annual village tidy up. Recreation and in front Association of shops. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions ASTLEY ABBOTTS HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Astley Abbotts Parish Council, Carry out Housing Needs Parish Council, Neighbourhood KEY Cost: Shropshire Identified through the Parish Plan. Survey Shropshire Fund c£2,000 Council Council ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Astley Abbotts Crime & Community Parish Council, KEY Identified community priority. safety- detailed survey West Midlands Police Police Children & young people- Astley Abbotts Neighbourhood KEY Identified community priority. need further detailed Parish Council, Fund Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions survey Shropshire Youth Astley Abbotts Neighbourhood Communication within KEY Development of a Parish newsletter and village Parish Council Fund website. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions ASTON BOTTERELL HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Charlecotte Furnace KEY Shropshire High Level Identified as heritage at risk. Established Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Council, Stewardship community interest. English Heritage, Aston Botterell, Burwarton and Cleobury North Parish Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Aston Botterell, The Parish Council would like to increase Burwarton and Neighbourhood finance for parish lengthsman which is Roadside improvements KEY Cleobury North Fund currently funded by a £3,000 grant from Parish Council Shropshire Council.

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions BILLINGSLEY HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE


c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Billingsley, Deuxhill, Glazeley and Neighbourhood The Parish Council would like to increase Roadside improvements KEY Middleton Fund finance for parish lengthsman. Scriven Parish Council

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions BURWARTON HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions


c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Aston Botterell, The Parish Council would like to increase Burwarton and Neighbourhood finance for parish lengthsman which is Roadside improvements KEY Cleobury North Fund currently funded by a £3000 grant from Parish Council Shropshire Council.

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions CHETTON HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE The Parish Council would like to see more Chetton Parish Neighbourhood Support for village hall KEY support for the village hall and are currently Council Fund investigating ways to obtain funding to install Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions low energy lighting, heating and thermal insulation. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE

c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Chetton Parish Neighbourhood The Parish Council would like to increase Roadside improvements KEY Council Fund finance for parish lengthsman.

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions CLAVERLEY HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Claverley Improved Parish KEY The Parish Council has identified the need to communications Parish Council revitalise the Parish website. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Improvements to the KEY Claverley c£8,000 (for Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need for Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Streetscene Parish Council, phase 1). Fund the following: Shropshire  Replacement of existing lights with Council conservation style lamps.  Rolling programme for replacement of existing lights with conservation style lamps. Claverley in Bloom Claverley Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified a desire to KEY Scheme Parish Council Fund run an environmental planting scheme. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions CLEOBURY NORTH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Aston Botterell, Burwarton and Neighbourhood Roadside improvements KEY Identified community priority. Cleobury North Fund Parish Council

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions DEUXHILL HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire c£2640 per Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing ha planted Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Developers with tree Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions whips, Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and c£260 per Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. new street Whitchurch tree. Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Billingsley, Deuxhill , Identified community priority. Glazeley and Neighbourhood Roadside improvements KEY The Parish Council would like to increase Middleton Fund finance for parish lengthsman. Scriven Parish Council

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions EARDINGTON HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire ha planted Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing with tree Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Developers whips, Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and c£260 per Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions new street Whitchurch tree. Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Eardington Neighbourhood Roadside improvements KEY Identified community priority. Parish Council Fund

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions GLAZELEY HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree Shropshire whips, Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire c£260 per Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing new street Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers tree. Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and Funding Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Secured: £5,000 to be shared Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Billingsley, Deuxhill , Glazeley and Neighbourhood Roadside improvements KEY Identified community priority. Middleton Fund Scriven Parish Council

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions MIDDLETON SCRIVEN HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme new street Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the tree. Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Funding Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and Secured: Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Billingsley, Deuxhill , Identified community priority. Glazeley and Neighbourhood Roadside improvements KEY The Parish Council would like to increase Middleton Fund finance for parish lengthsman. Scriven Parish Council

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions QUATT MALVERN HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Billingsley, Deuxhill , Identified community priority. Glazeley and Neighbourhood Roadside improvements KEY The Parish Council would like to increase Middleton Fund finance for parish lengthsman. Scriven Parish Council

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions SUTTON MADDOCK HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Roadside improvements KEY Billingsley, Neighbourhood Identified community priority. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Deuxhill , Fund The Parish Council would like to increase Glazeley and finance for parish lengthsman. Middleton Scriven Parish Council

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions TASLEY HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES The Parish Council have stated that much of this part of the place plan will need Bridgnorth Town Council and Tasley Parish Council to work together to develop an inter- dependent community infrastructure and promote the aspirations of both councils. The aim is that the town and parish both flourish as separately identifiable communities which respect and enhance the well-being of each other by a close and cooperative working relationship. Developers, Registered Providers, Tasley Parish The Parish Council wish to see quality build Quality built residential KEY Council, Developer led residential development in the Parish, linked development to the SAMDev settlement strategy for Bridgnorth Bridgnorth / Tasley. Town Council, Shropshire Council ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE West Mercia Police, The Parish Council has identified anti-social Further action on anti- PRIORITY Shropshire Ongoing behaviour and drug-related crime as an issue social behaviour Council, in Tasley / Bridgnorth. Considerable progress has been made to address these problems. Parish Council Tasley Village Hall is used extensively for a Parish Council, wide variety of events throughout the week Continuing support for the Neighbourhood PRIORITY Shropshire including regular group meetings, parish existing Tasley Village hall Fund Council social events and village celebrations such as the Queen’s Jubilee. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Identified community priority. Parish Council Tasley Parish Neighbourhood has identified a need for improved street Improved street lighting PRIORITY Council Fund lighting in Church Lane between Tasley Village Hall and Racecourse Drive.

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions WORFIELD AND RUDGE HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE The Parish Council, in preparing its Parish Plan, has identified a need for further funding Improvements to Neighbourhood to upgrade the following items in the Worfield Parish Council Recreation Room Fund Recreation Room:  Lavatories.  electrical lighting and power circuits. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY The Parish Council, in preparing its Parish Shropshire Plan, has identified a need to upgrade and Neighbourhood Street lighting KEY Council, modernise the parish street lighting to low improvements Fund energy consumption LED units. Further Parish Council feasibility and financial assessment required


Potential Funding Potential Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Homes and Includes provision to support sustainable Council, Communities independent living for vulnerable people Varies from including: Housing for vulnerable Homes and Agency, Key Ongoing scheme to  sustainable living at home people Communities scheme Shropshire  access to work Agency, Council capital  education and training and community Registered programme inclusion Potential Funding Potential Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Providers, Integrated preventative service provision with Specialist a pathway approach to access and retain accommodation. Target groups include: older Care people, young people, people with learning Providers, disabilities, mental health needs, people at Voluntary risk of homelessness or domestic violence, Sector, gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance misusers etc. local communities, schools and colleges, West Mercia Police Includes:  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon Shropshire emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Council,  Upgrading social housing to meet the Registered Decent Homes standard; and Providers,  Adaptations to meet changing needs, including disabled facilities grants. Home owners, The Council’s Extended Schools Team has Keep identified that Sustainability/Climate Change Shropshire work at schools / Idsall Eco-Leaders project Warm, Improving and adapting 2011- Scheme Private sector (part of Leadership programme) offers KEY existing housing- includes Developers, 2015 dependent* funding opportunities to inform and encourage regeneration Shropshire parents to understand what they can do to Home improve energy efficiency of homes and how Improvement this can benefit them – also though and Agency, children’s centre drop-ins and activities (Jobs Training and Money / Environmentally Schools, Sure Sustainable Sure start Children’s Centres) Start *Funding secured for social housing - Tenant Children’s wide: £2.5 million available for social housing Centres (per year). Also a further £3.1million over four years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across Aids and adaptations for Shropshire Scheme Shropshire KEY Ongoing Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for social housing tenants Council dependent* Council completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. Potential Funding Potential Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. The aim of completing adaptations is to improve the quality of life of our tenants and to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing . Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary Property and are generally a package of funding. Bringing empty homes Owners, Empty Homes: Seeking Homes and Communities Agency back into use- includes 2011- Scheme KEY local New Homes Section 106 funding for 12 units countywide over four affordable housing 2015 dependent communities, Bonus years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. provision voluntary Limited local authority funding available sector during 2011-2012. agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Council, Locations to be determined. To include Registered Market Town and Rural Area provision. Providers, Funding proposals being developed. Care 2012- Scheme Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing KEY Developer led. Providers, 2015 dependent towards older people, especially frail older Voluntary people, with planned provision for respite Sector, facilities and housing for people with Local disabilities. Communities Potential Funding Potential Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions The Council’s Landlord Services department have identified current key areas of deprivation, anti social behaviour and Council tenants and Shropshire worklessness within this area and are PRIORITY community involvement Council proactively looking at tenants at sign up. The Council is working closely with tenants within these areas to help with financial inclusion, budget monitoring and to reduce anti social behaviour. Review of garage sites the A review of garage sites in this area is due to Council’s Landlord Shropshire take place to ensure the Council can KEY maximise the potential of the sites. This

Services department Council could potentially include the demolition of the controls garages and rebuilding with new social housing. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Funding Shropshire Secured: Shropshire Council, £0.5 million, Council capital Market Towns allocated local 2010- programme, Revitalisation Programme- PRIORITY across 11 businesses, 2015 Market Towns Capital designated Match funding Initiative Fund residents, market towns from other investors and key sources. settlements. Shropshire Council, Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Shop Front Redecoration Neighbourhood KEY Broseley Town Ongoing and redecoration to improve the appearance Scheme Fund Council of the streetscene.

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a Depende place or group of places: Dependent nt upon  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English upon extent Neighbourhood Shropshire developer Private sector local authority, with a view to securing that Review of Children’s PRIORITY and location Fund, Council s’ financed early childhood services are made available Centre services of timescale CIL (Local) in an integrated manner through which early development s childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in Potential Funding Potential Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children are provided on site. Children’s Centre services are delivered throughout Shropshire. Residential development creates the following impact on children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Broseley there are currently no Children’s Centres. The Town Council has identified the need to Maintenance and Broseley Town maintain and improve the Brook Weld Centre improvement of the Brook PRIORITY Council to provide additional facilities for elderly Weld Centre residents. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have identified the all new development within Fire safety in new PRIORITY Developers Broseley should be sprinklered as any development development in this location is an issue in terms of attendance time.

Shropshire Urban Landscape KEY C£1,900 Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment Council Assessment of Broseley Investigate opportunities to enhance the area around the Pritchard Memorial. Shropshire Streetscene PRIORITY improvements Council Survey to establish where modern railings should be replaced with more traditional design, plus condition survey of existing Potential Funding Potential Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions historic railings and program of repair where necessary. Identify opportunities to improve visual amenity of town centre through landscaping.

Survey all streets for existing signage and replace, repair or introduce where necessary. Fundamental/important town views in and out Shropshire Survey of important views KEY to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public in and out of Broseley. Council areas such as walkways, promenades, seating facilities. Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Production of list of Shropshire statutory list) List would identify local heritage KEY Locally Important Council assets that are valued by local community but Buildings. not statutorily listed that would be afforded some degree of protection in the planning system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Severn Gorge KEY Priority for preparation of a Conservation Area Conservation Area Management Plan Opportunity for the development of a fund in Shropshire Community KEY support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund archaeology projects. Development of local Broseley Town The Parish Council has identified local PRIORITY environmental projects Council environmental projects as a priority, including The Haycop and Penn’s Meadow c£2640 per ha planted with tree Shropshire whips, Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire c£260 per Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing new street natural environment of the area. Costs Maelar Forest Developers tree. include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Funding Whitchurch Secured: £5,000 to be shared Potential Funding Potential Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Open Countryside (Parish of Barrow)

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions BARROW PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Church Stretton

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Includes provision to support sustainable Homes and independent living for vulnerable people Communities including: sustainable living at home; access Agency, to work and education and training and Registered Homes and community inclusion. Providers, Communities Housing for Specialist Care Varies from Agency, Integrated preventative service provision with vulnerable people Key Providers, Ongoing scheme to Shropshire a pathway approach to access and retain Voluntary scheme Council accommodation. Target groups include: older Sector, capital people, young people, people with learning local programme disabilities, mental health needs, people at communities, risk of homelessness or domestic violence, schools and gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance colleges, misusers etc. West Mercia Police Shropshire Includes: Council,  energy efficiency to reduce carbon Registered emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Providers,  upgrading social housing to meet the Decent Homes standard; and Home owners,  adaptations to meet changing needs, Keep including disabled facilities grants. Improving and Shropshire Scheme Private sector The Council’s Extended Schools Team has adapting existing KEY Warm, 2011-2015 dependent* housing- includes funding identified opportunities to inform and regeneration Developers, encourage parents to understand what they Shropshire can do to improve energy efficiency of homes Home and how this can benefit them, through Improvement schools (Eco-Schools involvement) and Agency, children’s centre drop-ins and activities.(Developing Environmentally Stretton Climate Sustainable Sure Start Children’s centres is Care, being piloted in NW at Woodside, Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Schools and rolling out to other centres later). Sure Start Stretton Climate care carry out free home Childrens’ energy surveys for local residents. Centres * Funding secured for social housing- Tenant wide: £2.5 million available for social housing (per year). Also a further £3.1million over 4 years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Aids and adaptations Shropshire Scheme Shropshire The aim of completing adaptations is to for social housing KEY Ongoing Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and tenants to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing. Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs Property Bringing empty Empty vary and are generally a package of funding. Owners, Scheme homes back into use- KEY 2011-2015 Homes: New Section 106 Seeking Homes and Communities Agency dependent includes affordable Local Homes Bonus funding for 12 units countywide over 4 years housing provision communities, @ £25,000 per unit= £300,000. Limited local voluntary sector authority funding available during 2011-2012. agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Locations to be determined. To include Council, Market Town and Rural Area provision. Registered Funding proposals being developed. Providers, Scheme Developer Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing KEY 2012-2015 Care Providers, dependent led. towards older people, especially frail older Voluntary people, with planned provision for respite Sector, facilities and housing for people with disabilities. Local Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Communities Shropshire Council, The Town Council has identified a need for Second stage semi- PRIORITY Registered Ongoing N/A On-site design more second stage housing to cater for detached housing Providers, growing families, allowing them to move on. Developers ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY All funding is now fully committed. Shropshire Programme to support a range of capital projects which meet the Market Towns Shropshire Council Market Towns Cost: £225,000 capital Revitalisation Programme objectives. Council, Includes: revitalisation Funding programme, Programme- Larger Local  Silvester Horne Institute refurbishment. PRIORITY 2010-2015 secured: Match-funding Market Towns Capital businesses,  Mayfair centre alterations to improve £225,000 from Small Programme. Phase 1 residents, sustainability. Business fully committed.  Gateways signage for the town. investors Grant Scheme.  Maps/boards around the town to support tourism.  Grant scheme for town centre businesses. £3,500 bid to Church Stretton AONB Town Council, Sustainable Shropshire Business Marketing Church Council Cost: £15,000 Fund. Town Council priority linked to success of Stretton as a tourism PRIORITY Ongoing Funding Balance to be Leader marketing project in 2012 – 13. hub. Secured: £7,500 sought from

LJC or Market Towns Revitalisation Programme Shropshire Council, The Town Council has identified a need for Provision of Live- KEY Private Ongoing Developers live-work units to encourage young Work units developers professionals to the town.

Town Centre Shropshire £26,500 secured through MTRP. Funding for Council, Funding Revitalisation Grant KEY Ongoing Secured: capital works to town centre businesses to (see MTRP funding Church Stretton £26,500 increase turnover and increase usable above) Town Council floorspace. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Town Council has produced a Shop Front Guide which has been adopted and accepted by Chamber of Trade, Civic Society and Shropshire Council. This guide also reflects the results of a town signage audit (performed by the Town Council), which will be monitored and commented on as appropriate. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children are provided on site. Children’s Centre services are delivered throughout Shropshire. Residential Dependent Dependent upon development creates the following impact on Neighbourhood children’s centres: Review of Children’s Shropshire upon extent and Private sector PRIORITY Fund, A higher volume of parents and carers Centre services Council developers’ location of financed  timescales development CIL (Local) accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Church Stretton the Children’s Centre is purpose built stand-alone demountable building co-located with an early education provide on school site. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions AONB Cost: Shropshire Hills (with Shropshire New round in £1.32million New round of LEADER in the next 12 months. LEADER Programme Town Council keen again to access funds to KEY Council as next 12 Funding RDPE (focus on hinterland build on the success of the previous 18 month accountable months Secured: not the market town) marketing project. body) £1.32million ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Investigate the opportunity to increase the channel Shropshire Neighbourhood capacity within the PRIORITY £10,000 Identified as part of the Church Stretton brook in Swains Council Fund Surface Water Management Plan. Meadow to provide additional storage / capacity. Investigate the opportunity to undertake detailed Shropshire Neighbourhood Identified as part of the Church Stretton design for PRIORITY £10,000 Council Fund Surface Water Management Plan. construction of a replacement silt trap at Carding Mill Valley. Investigate the opportunity to improve the Shropshire Neighbourhood Identified as part of the Church Stretton conveyance and PRIORITY £10,000 Council Fund Surface Water Management Plan. capacity of culverts draining west of Church Stretton. The Town Council has identified that there Establishment of Town Council, are opportunities to increase visitor environmental Neighbourhood KEY Shropshire connectedness between environmental networks- Long Mynd Fund Council assets, such as the Long Mynd and Wenlock to Wenlock Edge Edge (restoration of Lea Quarry). Urban Landscape Shropshire Neighbourhood Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character KEY Council Aspirational c£3,200 Fund Assessment of Church Stretton. Assessment Fundamental/important town views in and out Survey of important Shropshire Neighbourhood to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public views in and out of KEY Ongoing. Council Fund areas such as walkways, promenades, Church Stretton. seating facilities. Production of list of KEY Shropshire Ongoing Neighbourhood Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Locally Important Council, Fund Heritage. Undertake public consultation Buildings. Church Stretton exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Town Council, Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- statutory list) List would identify local heritage Civic Society, assets that are valued by local community but English Heritage not statutorily listed that would be afforded some degree of protection in the planning system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Shropshire Neighbourhood Heritage at Risk KEY Council, Ongoing Engage local groups to identify future register Fund Buildings at Risk. English Heritage Shropshire Shropshire Neighbourhood Opportunity for the development of a fund in KEY Community Council Fund support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund archaeology projects. Cost: C£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. Shropshire C£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire Council, The Town Council has identified that the Church Stretton protection and enhancement of the Ring and Neighbourhood Retention of the ring KEY Town Council Ride Service and AONB shuttle service is and ride service Fund needed both for the ageing populations of the Arriva rural villages and the planned expansion of (Deutsche visitor numbers in the Shropshire Hills. Bahn) DfT, DfT via New shelters and electronic timetables have Church Stretton National now been installed. However, the uneven KEY Arriva Trains Ongoing station improvements Stations platform levels still result in puddling after Wales, Improvement rain. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Network Rail Scheme The footbridge at the station is in need of repainting and the footbridge south of the station is in great need of refurbishment, including the replacement of vandal proof lights. The stiles for the foot crossing north of the station need replacing to allow access to the Park and Nature Reserve for elderly and disabled. Shropshire Shropshire Covered cycle shelter Council, Council Neighbourhood KEY Aspirational at station Arriva Wales capital Fund West programme The Rail Forward Programme for Wales identifies proposals for additional services on the Heart of Wales line which are given a high Improvement to the ranking for early approval subject to feasibility Heart of Wales line, Arriva Trains Welsh and business case work. Wales, Assembly between Shrewsbury KEY The Town Council has identified that Arriva and Knighton, via Welsh Assembly Government Trains Wales has reduced the number of Church Stretton and Government Funding trains stopping at Church Stretton. Arriva Trains is therefore being pressed to equalise its marketing of English stations on the Heart of Wales Line with that which it provides for the Welsh stations. Identify opportunities to improve the Improvements to Shropshire Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing links/connectivity between the church/town connectivity Council Council Fund centre/ park lands. Installation of historic finger posts, Shropshire Neighbourhood Survey of existing conditions and research KEY Ongoing waymarkers, Council Fund into lost features. Repair or reinstate where milestones, mileposts necessary. and street signs. Identify opportunities to improve the visual Shropshire Neighbourhood Improvement of car KEY Ongoing amenity of car parks in the historic town parks Council Fund centre. Increase provision of wayfinding signs and landscaping. Various rights of way Replacing 84 existing stiles with gates for improvements to easier access improvements to the Rights of Shropshire Neighbourhood create new circular KEY 2011-2026 £35,400.00 LTP funding Way network and providing 78 new walks - removal of Council Fund directional signposts. stiles and Creation and enhancement of routes to replacement of gates create The Shropshire Way and Jack Mytton Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions and enhanced Way and new circular walks and promotion of directional signage to ‘health walks’. ensure easier access The Council’s Extended Schools Team has for all and to support identified the need to tie in with ‘Healthy ‘Active Market Town’ Living’ work in schools, preschool settings and sustainable and youth organisations. There is an transport initiatives opportunity for young people and families to participate in planning the design of new routes.

Open Countryside (Parishes of Acton Burnell, Frodesley, Pitchford, Ruckley and Langley, Acton Scott, All Stretton, Smethcott and Woolstaston, Cardington, Eaton under Heywood, Hope Bowdler, Leebotwood and Longnor, Rushbury)

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ACTON BURNELL, FRODESLEY, PITCHFORD, RUCKLEY AND LANGLEY HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Acton Burnell, Frodesley and Pitchford Parish Neighbourhood The Parish Council has expressed a desire to Create a local KEY business directory Council, Fund create a local business directory. Shropshire Council Acton Burnell, Frodesley and The Parish Council has identified the need to Improved Service KEY Pitchford Parish improve telecommunications reception in the telecommunications provider reception Council, area. Service provider SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE NHS England, Acton Burnell, Prescription collection Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the wish to KEY Frodesley and service Fund facilitate a prescription collection service. Pitchford Parish Council Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Village Hall The Parish Council has identified the need for Management the following improvements: Committee,  Refurbishing the kitchen Improvements to the Neighbourhood KEY Acton Burnell,  Purchasing 80 new chairs and 20 new Village Hall Fund Frodesley and tables Pitchford Parish  Disabled access and ramp Council  Replacement windows Acton Burnell, Frodesley and Pitchford Parish The Parish Council has identified the need to Improvements to KEY Neighbourhood mobile library Council, Fund improve the timings of the mobile library. Shropshire Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Acton Burnell, Frodesley and Neighbourhood Set up a voluntary car KEY The Parish Council has expressed the desire scheme Pitchford Parish Fund to set up voluntary car scheme. Council Acton Burnell, Frodesley and Transport for young KEY The Parish Council has expressed the desire people Pitchford Parish to provide transport options for young people. Council Acton Burnell, Frodesley and Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need to KEY Drainage of the lanes Pitchford Parish Fund improve drainage on lanes resulting from Council, localised flooding. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Shropshire Council

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ACTON SCOTT HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Potential Funding Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Wider Developer Sources Contributions ALL STRETTON, SMETHCOTT AND WOOLSTASTON HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions CARDINGTON HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Community Tree Shropshire Ongoing c£2640 per ha Shropshire KEY to provide opportunities to enhance the Scheme Council, planted with tree Council natural environment of the area. Costs Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Developers whips, Highways, include planting, stakes, tree guards and c£260 per new Maelar Forest watering to establish trees over first 3 years. street tree. Nurseries, Funding Whitchurch Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions EATON UNDER HEYWOOD HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions HOPE BOWDLER HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions LEEBOTWOOD AND LONGNOR HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Leebotwood and Neighbourhood Improvements to KEY Longnor Parish The Parish Council has identified the need to Fund Parish noticeboards Council review current noticeboard provision. Establish a tourist Leebotwood and Neighbourhood The Parish Council wish to debate the need information point in KEY Longnor Parish Fund and location of a tourist information point. Leebotwood Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Leebotwood and Longnor Parish Council, Increase mowing of The Parish Council has identified the need for roadside verges in KEY Shropshire more frequent mowing of roadside verges. Leebotwood Council, Highways Agency Leebotwood and The Parish Council has identified the need for Longnor Parish Footpath Neighbourhood improvements and additional signage, KEY Council, improvements in Fund repaired or renewed bridges and stiles, Longnor Shropshire general maintenance and the production of Council maps and leaflets. Resurfacing of Leebotwood and Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need to Longnor Village Hall Key Longnor Parish Fund resurface the car park. Car Park Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Council, Shropshire Council

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions RUSHBURY HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Rushbury Parish Council, Neighbourhood Support for local KEY The Parish Council has identified the need to businesses Shropshire Fund provide support for local businesses. Council

Replacement of Service The Parish Council identified a wish to see KEY existing Phone provider the replacement of existing copper phone Cables cables with fibre optics. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE The Parish Council has identified the need for Rushbury Parish Neighbourhood Improved Parish KEY improved Parish Communications including communications Council Fund improved noticeboards and potentially also a Parish website. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha Shropshire Ongoing planted with tree Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree whips, Highways, KEY Council, natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme c£260 per new Maelar Forest Developers include planting, stakes, tree guards and street tree. Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Funding Whitchurch Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Cleobury Mortimer

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Homes and Includes provision to support sustainable Communities independent living for vulnerable people Agency, including:  sustainable living at home Registered Homes and  access to work Providers, Communities  education and training and community Varies from Specialist Agency, inclusion Housing for vulnerable Key Ongoing scheme to Care Integrated preventative service provision with people scheme Shropshire Providers, a pathway approach to access and retain Council capital accommodation. Target groups include: older Voluntary programme people, young people, people with learning Sector, disabilities, mental health needs, people at local risk of homelessness or domestic violence, gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance communities, misusers etc. schools and colleges, Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured West Mercia Police Includes:  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Shropshire  Upgrading social housing to meet the Council, Decent Homes standard; and Registered  Adaptations to meet changing needs, Providers, including disabled facilities grants. The Council’s Extended Schools Team has Home owners, identified that Sustainability/Climate Change Keep work at schools / Idsall Eco-Leaders project Shropshire (part of Leadership programme) offers Warm, Improving and adapting Scheme Private sector opportunities to inform and encourage KEY 2011-2015 existing housing- includes Developers, dependent* funding parents to understand what they can do to regeneration Shropshire improve energy efficiency of homes and how Home this can benefit them – also though and Improvement children’s centre drop-ins and activities (Jobs Agency, Training and Money / Environmentally Sustainable Sure start Children’s Centres). Schools, Sure Recent improvements at Lacon Childe School Start and primary school. Children’s *Funding secured for social housing - Tenant Centres wide: £2.5 million available for social housing (per year). Also a further £3.1million over four years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Shropshire Scheme Shropshire Aids and adaptations for KEY Ongoing The aim of completing adaptations is to social housing tenants Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing . Shropshire Scheme Bringing empty homes KEY 2011-2015 Empty Homes: Section 106 Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary back into use- includes Council, dependent New Homes and are generally a package of funding. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured affordable housing Registered Bonus Seeking Homes and Communities Agency provision Providers, funding for 12 units countywide over four Property years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. Owners, Limited local authority funding available during 2011-2012. local communities, voluntary sector agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Council, Locations to be determined. To include Registered Market Town and Rural Area provision. Providers, Funding proposals being developed. Care Scheme Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing KEY 2012-2015 Developer led. Providers, dependent towards older people, especially frail older Voluntary people, with planned provision for respite Sector, facilities and housing for people with Local disabilities. Communities ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Shropshire £0.5 million Council capital Shropshire allocated programme. Market Towns Council, across 11 Match funding Revitalisation Programme Local designated Mostly complete with Neen Sollars Hydro PRIORITY 2010-2015 from other – Market Towns Capital businesses, market Project, Tenbury Rd employment land and sources will be Imitative Fund – Phase 1 towns and historic core project adjacent to Church. residents, explored Fully Committed key investors including LJC settlements funding. Cleobury The Parish Council see the development of Development of live/work KEY Mortimer Developer led. live/work units as a good opportunity to bring units Parish Council employment to Cleobury. Developers, Expand Old Station KEY Cleobury Developer led. Two units under construction, continued Business Park Mortimer support from private sector. Parish Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured Council, Shropshire Council Developers, Cleobury Tenbury Rd Emploment Mortimer 0.7Ha extension has commenced. Recycling Land and New House KEY Parish Developer led. centre seen as a priority for this site as Farm development Council, identified in the Parish Plan. Shropshire Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children Dependent are provided on site. Dependent upon extent Children’s Centre services are delivered Neighbourhood throughout Shropshire. Residential Review of Children’s Shropshire upon and Private sector PRIORITY Fund, development creates the following impact on Centre services Council developers’ location of financed timescales developme CIL (Local) children’s centres: nt  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured Within Cleobury Mortimer Children’s Centre services are delivered from community buildings – responding to need. Shropshire Deterioration above shop front level in Lower Council, Street, Church Street and High Street. Shop Front Redecoration Neighbourhood KEY Cleobury Ongoing Current and likely further shop closures in the Scheme Fund Mortimer High Street. Manor House is a significant Parish Council redevelopment opportunity. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE

ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire Neighbourhood Urban Landscape KEY Aspirational C£1,500 Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment Council Fund Assessment of Cleobury Mortimer Fundamental/important town views in and out Survey of important views Shropshire Neighbourhood to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public in and out of Cleobury KEY Ongoing Council Fund areas such as walkways, promenades, Mortimer. seating facilities. Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation Shropshire exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Council, Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Production of list of Town Council, Neighbourhood statutory list) List would identify local heritage Locally Important KEY Ongoing assets that are valued by local community but Civic Society, Fund Buildings. not statutorily listed that would be afforded English some degree of protection in the planning Heritage system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Shropshire Council, Neighbourhood Engage local groups to identify future Heritage at Risk register KEY Ongoing English Fund Buildings at Risk. Heritage Opportunity for the development of a fund in support of targeted community-led Neighbourhood Shropshire Community KEY archaeology projects. The @Four parishes Archaeological Fund Fund Industrial Heritage Group’ have been working on local issues at Oreton Brick Kiln, Kinlet Pits and mills on the river Rea Streetscene KEY Shropshire Neighbourhood Identify opportunities to reduce street clutter. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured Improvements Council, Fund Provide new bus shelters to improve the Cleobury streetscene. Completed in the High St Mortimer Survey to establish where modern railings Parish Council should be replaced with more traditional design, plus condition survey of existing historic railings and program of repair where necessary. Identify opportunities to improve visual amenity of town centre through landscaping. Survey all streets for existing signage and replace, repair or introduce where necessary - ongoing. C£2640 per £5000 to be Shropshire ha planted Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Council, with tree shared throughout the to provide opportunities to enhance the KEY Developers, whips. Community Tree Scheme council and natural environment of the area. Costs Shropshire C£260 per provision of include planting, stakes, tree guards and Council new street 10,000 trees. watering to establish trees over first 3 years. tree. Cleobury Environmental Neighbourhood This area needs to be tidied up. In hand, but PRIORITY Mortimer improvements to the Wells Fund significant repair and renovations are Area Parish Council required. Shropshire Council, This is part of the plans for the MRTP project Recycle Centre PRIORITY Cleobury for employment land at Tenbury Road Mortimer Parish Council TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Replacing 99 existing stiles with gates for easier access improvements to the Rights of Shropshire Way network and providing 61 new directional Council, signposts Cleobury Removal of stiles and replacement of gates Neighbourhood Various rights of way KEY Mortimer 2011-2016 £38,010.00 LTP funding and enhanced directional signage to ensure Fund improvements Footpaths easier access for all and to support ‘Active Market Town’ and sustainable transport Group initiatives Cleobury Mortimer Footpath Association have identified that a project is underway to create two more walks as part of making Cleobury Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured Mortimer Golf Course a hub for walking. Installation of historic Survey of existing conditions and research finger posts, waymarkers, Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY ongoing into lost features. Repair or reinstate where milestones, mileposts and Council Fund necessary street signs. Identify opportunities to improve the visual Shropshire Neighbourhood amenity of car parks in the historic town KEY ongoing Improvement of car parks Council Fund centre. Increase provision of wayfinding signs and landscaping. New car park off Childe Rd and street parking review underway.

Kinlet, Button Bridge, Button Oak

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions KINLET, BUTTON BRIDGE AND BUTTON OAK COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE C£2640 per £5000 to be Shropshire ha planted Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Council, with tree shared throughout the to provide opportunities to enhance the KEY whips. Community Tree Scheme Developers, council and natural environment of the area. Costs Shropshire C£260 per provision of include planting, stakes, tree guards and Council new street 10,000 trees. watering to establish trees over first 3 years. tree. Kinlet School, The Parish Council will support develop a Develop a Hire Scheme at Shropshire scheme whereby any local group could hire Kinlet School Playing KEY Council, Kinlet School playing fields for community use Fields Kinlet Parish at agreed times, including suitable Council supervision and insurance arrangements’. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Kinlet Parish Council, The Parish Council has identified the need for Shropshire Neighbourhood Preserve the areas KEY a heritage scheme at Kinlet Colliery and for historical assets Council, Fund the access, restoration and interpretation English scheme at New England. Heritage TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Public The Parish Council has identified the need to Transport review the links between various transport Providers, Public routes including: Public Transport KEY Shropshire Transport 125 to Bridgnorth for Telford/Wolverhampton Improvements Council, Providers connections 125 to Kidderminster, potential extension of Kinlet Parish route to the railway station to enable further Council links Kinlet Parish Council, Improvements to bus KEY The Parish Council will continue to maintain shelters Shropshire and insure the 5 bus shelters in the parish. Council The Parish Council wish to explore the idea of Kinlet Parish a community transport scheme to meet the Council, needs of those who cannot be catered for through mainstream public transport. They Develop a community Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY have identified: transport scheme Council, Fund  Seasonal shopping trips to major centres. Shropshire  Access for young people and others to Link social and recreational facilities not served by public transport. The Parish Council has identified the need for a number of footpath improvements including:  Formalising a permissive footpath Kinlet Parish connection between Woodlands Holiday Council, Home Park and the bridleway north of Dowles Brook Footpath and Bridleway Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY  Complete missing links such as a lack of a Improvements Council P3 Fund Group, north south connection from the Button Landowners Bridge area across the Borle Valley, limited connection into the Wyre Forest from the Severn Lodge area and the discontinuous bridleway between Kinlet and Chorley  More suitable links with neighbouring P3 Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions groups bordering Worcestershire Parishes and Cleobury Country Partnership  Develop a graded system of walks and rides in order to be included in guidebooks/leaflets and encourage sustainable tourism.  General maintenance and minor repairs

Hopton Wafers and Doddington

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions HOPTON WAFERS AND DODDINGTON COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Developers, Support for housing in The Parish Council have identified some KEY Doddington Doddington support for housing in the settlement. Parish Council ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Hopton Wafers Hopton Wafers Parish Council has identified Parish Council, that employment opportunities, in keeping Employment opportunities KEY Developers, with a rural parish, would be looked upon with Shropshire interest to reduce the number of residents Council commuting outside the area to work. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE NHS England, West Mercia Emergency service KEY Police. The Parish Council remain concerned about provision emergency service provision. Ambulance service The Parish Plan has identified: NHS England,  Strong support for a locally based Hopton Wafers ambulance. Improved Heathcare KEY Parish Council NHS England  Improvements to out-of-hours doctor’s Lobby Group, service. Volunteers  Improvements to ambulance services.  Issues about Grid referencing and ability to Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions find people. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE C£2640 per £5000 to be ha planted Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire with tree shared throughout the to provide opportunities to enhance the KEY Council, whips. Community Tree Scheme council and natural environment of the area. Costs Developers C£260 per provision of include planting, stakes, tree guards and new street 10,000 trees. watering to establish trees over first 3 years. tree. The Parish Council have identified a desire to Support for renewable Hopton Wafers Neighbourhood KEY have schemes and will view any proposals energy Parish Council Fund with interest. Shropshire Council, More recycling bins KEY Hopton Wafers Parish Council Hopton Wafers Parish Council, The parish council have identified that Signs Signs for Fly-tipping KEY to warn people that Fly-tipping is being Clee Hill monitored. Partnership TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY The Parish council have identified that Hopton Wafers footpaths are not well publicised and would Neighbourhood KEY Parish Council, like to map local footpaths. They also believe Improved Footpaths Fund Volunteers stone tracks provide poor access to properties and would like a FAQ to publicise the issues. Doddington Parish Council have identified that Doddington bus shelter does not allow a clear sight of buses and will attempt to obtain Doddington funding to remodel or replace the shelter. Parish Council Hopton Wafers Parish Council have identified that Improvements to bus Hopton Wafers Neighbourhood KEY  Bus timetables are not readily available shelters Parish Council, Fund and will do monthly checks to on Bus Company timetables they display at shelters, village Volunteers halls and local garage.  There are not proper bus shelters in certain places, so aim to provide simple, clearly marked stop signs with timetables. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions  Doddington bus shelter does not allow a clear sight of buses  Mounting buses without low steps is difficult- discuss with bus operators.

Oreton, Farlow and Hill Houses

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions ORETON, FARLOW AND HILL HOUSES COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Farlow and The Parish Council has expressed a need for Improvements to village Neighbourhood PRIORITY Oreton Parish the improvement or refurbishment of the hall Fund Council village hall. Farlow and The Parish Council have identified the Reintroduce village Neighbourhood PRIORITY Oreton Parish reintroduction of village shop, post office and services Fund Council pub as a local priority ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire Council, The Parish Council has identified a need for a Neighbourhood flood defence programme for area at New Inn Flood defence programme PRIORITY Farlow and Fund and Oreton Road junction. Oreton Parish

Council C£2640 per £5000 to be ha planted Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire with tree shared throughout the to provide opportunities to enhance the KEY Council, whips. Community Tree Scheme council and natural environment of the area. Costs Developers C£260 per provision of include planting, stakes, tree guards and new street 10,000 trees. watering to establish trees over first 3 years. tree. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions The Parish Council have identified need for improved car parking for the village hall. Car parking and highway Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY The Parish Council have identified need for improvements Council Fund improvements to highways ie layby for passing vehicles.

Silvington, Bromdon, Loughton and Wheathill

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions SILVINGTON, BROMDON, LOUGHTON AND WHEATHILL COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire English Heritage 2010 Heritage at Risk Council, Neighbourhood register includes the south range of Silvington Heritage at Risk register KEY ongoing Manor in Wheathill. English Fund Engage local groups to identify future Heritage Buildings at Risk. C£2640 per £5000 to be ha planted Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire with tree shared throughout the to provide opportunities to enhance the KEY Council, whips. Community Tree Scheme council and natural environment of the area. Costs Developers C£260 per provision of include planting, stakes, tree guards and new street 10,000 trees. watering to establish trees over first 3 years. tree. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire The Parish Council has identified a need for a Neighbourhood bus stop, to be positioned at an appropriate Provision of a bus stop PRIORITY Council, Fund place on the - Bridgnorth road within Wheathill the Parish Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Parish Council

Stottesdon, Chorley and Bagginswood

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions STOTTESDON, CHORLEY AND BAGGINSWOOD COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Stottesdon and The Parish Council has identified that current Sidbury Parish housing needs should be surveyed and an Production of housing KEY Council, estimate provided of new homes needed by needs survey Shropshire type and tenure, including affordable Council properties. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY The Parish Council have identified a need to Stottesdon and  Work with local employers to support and Sidbury Parish develop local training and apprenticeship Council, Opportunities for Local KEY Ongoing schemes. Jobs and Businesses Local  Promote government funding for farming businesses, and other rural businesses. DWP  Explore the possibility of local support for people re/entering workforce. Support for local Stottesdon and businesses and KEY Sidbury Parish Identified community priority. agriculture Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Identified community priority. To enable Neighbourhood Road/lengthsman scheme PRIORITY Parish Council enhancement and measure of control of the Fund poor surface condition of highways Stottesdon and Sidbury Parish The Parish Council has identified need to : Policing and Community KEY Council, Ongoing  Liaise with police re planned changes to Safety Parish Watch, service.  Improve communication with police. Local Joint Support the Parish Watch KEY Stottesdon and Ongoing Identified community priority. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Sidbury Parish Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Stottesdon and Sidbury Parish Monitor utilities capacity in KEY Council, Identified community priority. the area Shropshire Council Stottesdon and Identified community priority. Key Enhanced liaison with the KEY Sidbury Parish engagement issues include fluvial and pluvial Environment Agency Council flooding. Stottesdon and The Parish Council has identified need to: Sidbury Parish  Support for farming and local businesses. Council, Scenic Views and Natural KEY Ongoing  Support initiatives to keep river clean and Habitats Willowden, clear. School,  Support initiatives to control litter. P3 group  Maintenance footpaths and signage. C£2640 per £5000 to be ha planted Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire with tree shared throughout the to provide opportunities to enhance the KEY Council, whips. Community Tree Scheme council and natural environment of the area. Costs Developers C£260 per provision of include planting, stakes, tree guards and new street 10,000 trees. watering to establish trees over first 3 years. tree. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Open Countryside (Parishes of Boraston, Coreley, Milson, Nash, Neen Savage, Neen Sollars)

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions BORASTON PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY


ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE C£2640 per £5000 to be ha planted Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire with tree shared throughout the to provide opportunities to enhance the KEY Council, whips. Community Tree Scheme council and natural environment of the area. Costs Developers C£260 per provision of include planting, stakes, tree guards and new street 10,000 trees. watering to establish trees over first 3 years. tree. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions CORELEY PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Coreley Parish KEY Litter Issues Council Identified community priority. Coreley Parish Neihgbourhood KEY Newsletter Council Fund Identified community priority. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire C£2640 per £5000 to be Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, ha planted shared to provide opportunities to enhance the Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Developers with tree throughout the natural environment of the area. Costs whips. council and include planting, stakes, tree guards and C£260 per provision of watering to establish trees over first 3 years. new street 10,000 trees. tree. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire The Parish Councils have identified a need Improvements of local Council, Neighbourhood PRIORITY Ongoing for improvements to the local roads and highways Coreley Parish Fund enhancement of the ford area. Council

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions MILSON PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE C£2640 per £5000 to be ha planted Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire with tree shared throughout the to provide opportunities to enhance the KEY Council, whips. Community Tree Scheme council and natural environment of the area. Costs Developers C£260 per provision of include planting, stakes, tree guards and new street 10,000 trees. watering to establish trees over first 3 years. tree. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions NASH PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE C£2640 per £5000 to be ha planted Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire with tree shared throughout the to provide opportunities to enhance the KEY Council, whips. Community Tree Scheme council and natural environment of the area. Costs Developers C£260 per provision of include planting, stakes, tree guards and new street 10,000 trees. watering to establish trees over first 3 years. tree. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions NEEN SAVAGE PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE C£2640 per £5000 to be Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire ha planted shared with tree throughout the to provide opportunities to enhance the KEY Council, Community Tree Scheme whips. council and natural environment of the area. Costs Developers provision of include planting, stakes, tree guards and C£260 per watering to establish trees over first 3 years. new street 10,000 trees. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions tree. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire The Parish Councils have identified a need Improvements of local Council, Neighbourhood PRIORITY Ongoing for improvements to the local roads and highways Neen Savage Fund enhancement of the ford area. Parish Council

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions NEEN SOLLARS PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE C£2640 per £5000 to be ha planted Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire with tree shared throughout the to provide opportunities to enhance the KEY Council, whips. Community Tree Scheme council and natural environment of the area. Costs Developers C£260 per provision of include planting, stakes, tree guards and new street 10,000 trees. watering to establish trees over first 3 years. tree. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Craven Arms

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured CRAVEN ARMS TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Homes and Communities Includes provision to support sustainable Agency, independent living for vulnerable people including: Registered  sustainable living at home Providers, Homes and  access to work Specialist Communities  education and training and community Varies from Care Agency, inclusion Housing for vulnerable Key Ongoing scheme to people Providers, Integrated preventative service provision with scheme Shropshire a pathway approach to access and retain Voluntary Council capital accommodation. Target groups include: older Sector, programme people, young people, people with learning local disabilities, mental health needs, people at communities, risk of homelessness or domestic violence, gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance schools and misusers etc. colleges, West Mercia Police Shropshire Includes: Council,  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon Registered emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Providers,  Upgrading social housing to meet the Home owners, Decent Homes standard; and Keep  Adaptations to meet changing needs, including disabled facilities grants. Improving and adapting Shropshire Scheme Private sector KEY 2011-2015 The Council’s Extended Schools Team has existing housing- includes Warm, dependent* funding regeneration identified that Sustainability/Climate Change Developers, work at schools / Idsall Eco-Leaders project Shropshire (part of Leadership programme) offers Home opportunities to inform and encourage Improvement parents to understand what they can do to Agency, improve energy efficiency of homes and how Schools, Sure this can benefit them – also though and Start children’s centre drop-ins and activities (Jobs Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Children’s Training and Money / Environmentally Centres Sustainable Sure start Children’s Centres) *Funding secured for social housing - Tenant wide: £2.5 million available for social housing (per year). Also a further £3.1million over four years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Shropshire Scheme Shropshire Aids and adaptations for KEY Ongoing The aim of completing adaptations is to social housing tenants Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing . Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary Property and are generally a package of funding. Bringing empty homes Owners, Empty Homes: Seeking Homes and Communities Agency back into use- includes Scheme KEY local 2011-2015 New Homes Section 106 funding for 12 units countywide over four affordable housing dependent communities, Bonus years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. provision voluntary Limited local authority funding available sector during 2011-2012. agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Locations to be determined. To include Council, Market Town and Rural Area provision. Registered Funding proposals being developed. Scheme Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing KEY Providers, 2012-2015 Developer led. dependent towards older people, especially frail older Care people, with planned provision for respite Providers, facilities and housing for people with Voluntary disabilities. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Sector, Local Communities ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Craven Arms Town Council, The Town Council has recently purchased the old Labour Club and has asked that it is Craven Arms Labour Club KEY Shropshire Council, added to SAMDev for consideration for development. Developers £0.5 million Shropshire MTRP Phase 1 has funded: - Craven Arms Shropshire allocated Council capital Bowls Club (£25,000). The scheme will mean Council Market Towns across 11 programme. that the building can be open all year round members, Revitalisation Programme designated Match funding and host a range of other activities which – Market Towns Capital PRIORITY Local 2010-2015 market towns from other have been lost to the town over recent years Imitative Fund – Phase 1 businesses, and key sources will be such as dominoes and darts. money fully committed residents, settlements, explored -Craven Arms Community Centre (£16,630) investors including including LJC to improve the viability and sustainability of Craven Arms funding. the centre. Shropshire May include Long Lane Industrial Estate. Shropshire 2010- Council workshop KEY £1 million Council capital Several units unoccupied and also land still Council 2014 improvement programme programme available for further units awaiting development. Shropshire Adoption programme for Shropshire KEY 2010-2014 £1 million Council capital council owned Council Will include Long Lane Industrial Estate employment sites programme Shropshire Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Shop Front Redecoration Council, Neighbourhood KEY ongoing and redecoration to improve the appearance Scheme Craven Arms Fund of the streetscene. Town Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a Dependent place or group of places: Dependent upon extent Neighbourhood  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English Shropshire upon Private sector Review of Children’s PRIORITY and location Fund, local authority, with a view to securing that Council developers’ financed Centre services of early childhood services are made available timescales CIL (Local) development in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children are provided on site. Children’s Centre services are delivered throughout Shropshire. Residential development creates the following impact on children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Craven Arms the Children’s Centre is accommodated within the primary school footprint, in what had previously been the library. Shropshire The Town Council has identified the need for Council, local training and learning opportunities Craven Arms through existing community venues including Town Council, Neighbourhood Broadplaces and also to support the KEY Adult learning Fund development of a construction training facility Sure Start in Craven Arms. Sure Start Children’s Children’s Centres and Schools provide adult and family Centres and learning opportunities as part of their Schools ‘parenting support’ offer ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Investigate the viability of raising land levels against Shropshire re-profiling the right bank PRIORITY £25,000 Identified as part of the Draft Craven Arms of Coppice Drive. Council Surface Water Management Plan. Includes a detailed design of watercourse Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured improvements. Investigate the opportunity to improve the Shropshire Identified as part of the Draft Craven Arms conveyance and capacity PRIORITY £10,000 Council Surface Water Management Plan. of culverts to prevent flooding of Watling Street Western 2010-2015 Upgrading primary transformer from 5MVA to Western Power capital 15MVA. Establishing a new 33kV bay at Craven Arms electricity CRITICAL Power N/A Distribution programme Ludlow and a new 33kV circuit (15km) to reinforcement Distribution capital funding of works Craven Arms. Wayleaves and planning programme permission required. Ongoing- to Additional electricity Western be This assessment cannot be made more reinforcements for CRITICAL Power Ongoing determined precise until more details of the proposed employment land Distribution through developments becomes available SAMDev Shropshire Neighbourhood Urban Landscape KEY Aspirational c£1,400 Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment Council Fund Assessment of Craven Arms Fundamental/ important town views in and out Survey of important views Shropshire Neighbourhood to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public in and out of Craven KEY Ongoing Council Fund areas such as walkways, promenades, Arms. seating facilities. Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation Shropshire exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Council, Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Craven Arms Production of list of Neighbourhood statutory list) List would identify local heritage KEY Town Council, Ongoing Locally Important Fund assets that are valued by local community but Buildings. Civic Society, not statutorily listed that would be afforded English some degree of protection in the planning Heritage system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Parochial Church Identified as heritage at risk. Community function set in a deserted medieval Heath Chapel KEY Council HLF English settlement, scope for educational access and Heritage support for community focus. Owner Natural High Level Norton Camp KEY Identified as heritage at risk. Established England Stewardship community interest with opportunities for Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured improved public access and interpretation. Prominent in the local landscape and contributor to local distinctiveness Shropshire Opportunity for the development of a fund in Shropshire Community Council, Neighbourhood KEY support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund Craven Arms Fund archaeology projects. Town Council Survey to establish where modern railings should be replaced with more traditional Shropshire Developer design, plus condition survey of existing historic railings and program of repair where Streetscene Council, contributions KEY Ongoing necessary. improvements Craven Arms Shropshire Identify opportunities to improve visual Town Council Council amenity of town centre through landscaping. Survey all streets for existing signage and replace, repair or introduce where necessary. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs

Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Identified as a Priority Area for Action by the Shropshire Biodiversity Partnership. Will Shropshire deliver, among other key outcomes, the Stiperstones to Corndon PRIORITY Hills AONB, Heritage improved condition and extent of 200ha Landscape Partnership Shropshire Lottery Fund heather moorland and improved management Scheme Council of the intervening land to include stepping stones, wet flushes, wildflower meadows, ancient trees and woodlands, river bank Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured management and hedgerow management. Preliminary funding secured to do some of the groundwork on the project, possibly £100,000. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire Shropshire Once the CCTV is in place other benefits Covered cycle shelter at Council, KEY Aspirational Council capital become practical, such as covered cycle station Arriva Wales programme shelters. West Improvement to the Heart Arriva Trains, Welsh The Rail Forward Programme for Wales of Wales line, between identifies proposals for additional services on Wales Welsh Assembly Shrewsbury and Knighton, KEY the Heart of Wales line which are given a high Assembly Government via Church Stretton and ranking for early approval subject to feasibility Government Funding Craven Arms and business case work Replacing 120 existing stiles with gates for easier access improvements to the Rights of Way network and providing 67 new directional Various rights of way signposts improvements to create Creation and enhancement of the Shropshire new circular walks - Way and creation of new circular walks to removal of stiles and promote as a walking destination. Promotion replacement of gates and Shropshire Neighbourhood of easier access routes and ‘health walks’ enhanced directional KEY 2011-2026 £45,240.00 LTP funding Council Fund with Walking for Health schemes signage to ensure easier The Community Working Team have access for all and to identified that there are plans to improve the support ‘Active Market riverside walks in the Onny, but funding is an Town’ and sustainable issue. Also, a number of local paths have transport initiatives stiles and there have been many requests for kissing gates that allow access for pushchairs. Shropshire Improve integration and connectivity of the Council, Neighbourhood Improvements to railway KEY Railway Station to the rest of the town centre station connectivity Craven Arms Fund and beyond, including increased wayfinding Town Council signs. Installation of historic Survey of existing conditions and research finger posts, waymarkers, Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing into lost features. Repair or reinstate where milestones, mileposts and Council Fund necessary. street signs. Shropshire Neighbourhood Identify opportunities to improve the visual Improvement of car parks KEY Ongoing Council Fund amenity of car parks in the historic town Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured centre. Increase provision of wayfinding signs and landscaping.

Aston on Clun, Hopesay, Broome, Horderley, Beambridge, Longe Meadow End, Rowton and Round Oak

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions ASTON ON CLUN, HOPESAY, BROOME, HORDERLEY, BEAMBRIDGE, LONGE MEADOW END, ROWTON AND ROUND OAK COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Hopesay Aston Village Hall Parish Council, Neighbourhood Hopesay Parish Council has identified a need maintenance and PRIORITY Village Hall Fund to maintain and improve Aston Village Hall. improvements Trustees Hopesay Neighbourhood Hopesay Parish Council have identified a KEY Facilities for young people Parish Council Fund need to involve and identify the needs of the young. Hopesay Parish Council has identified the potential to consider further activities on the Aston Green green, including children’s play area equipment. Facilities and activities at Committee, Neighbourhood PRIORITY Little use has been made of the sports Aston Green Hopesay Fund equipment that has been provided and more Parish Council needs to be made of this. Maintenance of the Arbor Tree and Aston Green are required. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE The Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment has identified that Aston on Clun is a flood risk Flood Risk investigation Shropshire PRIORITY £20,000 area for local sources of flooding (surface Council water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses). Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs

Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Hopesay Parish Council have identified Shropshire through community consultation that street Council, Neighbourhood Footway and street PRIORITY lighting should be switched off, with the lighting Hopesay Fund exception of the light at the Arbor Tree. The Parish Council Parish Council has also identified a need for changes to footway lighting. Shropshire The Parish Council have expressed a need to Council, Neighbourhood monitor traffic speeds through Hopesay. Traffic calming measures KEY Meetings have already been held with the Parish Fund Police and Highways to discuss spend and Councils calming measures. Hopesay Parish Council has identified a need Improvements to Public Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY for implementing a maintenance programme Rights of Way Council Fund for Public Rights of Way. Public Hopesay Parish Council has identified that transport Public more needs to be done to promote use of Maintain public transport / KEY provider, transport local bus services. Local volunteer transport Awareness also needs to be raised for Hopesay provider Shropshire Council and Parish Council Parish Council volunteer car services.

Bache Mill, Boulton, Broncroft, Corfton, Middlehope, Peaton, Seifton, Great/Little Sutton and Westhope Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions BACHE MILL, BOULTON, BRONCROFT, CORFTON, MIDDLEHOPE, PEATON, SEIFTON, GREAT/LITTLE SUTTON AND WESTHOPE COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Parish Council, Parish Shropnet web The Parish Council has identified the desire to Local Joint Support to tourism KEY site volunteers, 2015 £1200 explore the further development of the Parish industry Council. Shropnet website and visitor information Shropshire points. Council, Local Joint Council Diddlebury The Parish Council has identified the desire to Parish Council, create a specifically formed focus group to Provide business support KEY Shropshire encourage local businesses to use local Council business relationships SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE The Parish council recognises the need to VHC as address the future of Diddlebury Village Hall trustees Parish to meet the needs of the local community. Improvements to the Shropnet web Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need for KEY Village Hall Promotion of site, Corvedale Fund improvements to access and acoustic Westhope Village Hall. News Activity facilities in Diddlebury Village Hall & Church promoters to comply with the DDA. Survey indicates a lack of awareness of Westhope VH functions Activity promoters, Parish Shropnet web Continued support for activities such as Promotion and publicity of PRIORITY site, fitness, dance groups and a Gardening Club social activities within the Corvedale Possible use of Corvedale School for out of parish. News, hours community use. Corvedale School Govenors Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions NHS England, The Parish Council has identified the need to Improved access to KEY Diddlebury NHS England monitor access to health care and social healthcare Parish Council services within the parish. Diddlebury Parish Council, Parish Promote the use of Parish Shropnet website Set up a Neighbourhood Shropnet web Priority Ongoing to disseminate West Mercia Police crime Watch Scheme site, updates. West Mercia Police, Crime Watch Diddlebury Parish Council, Corvedale News, Develop the Parish Shropnet web site Parish Rolling programme of notice board Neighbourhood Improved Parish KEY Shropnet web 2013-15 £1,260 replacements. Fund Communication site volunteers, Investigate improved mobile phone reception Establishing an on line welcome pack for new Shropshire people to the area. Council, Mobile providers ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Diddlebury Parish Council, Shropshire Council, The Parish Council has identified the need to: Parish Plan  Maintain the stream in Diddlebury. Part of  Provide wildlife information. Enhance the quality of the Steering Shropshire  Prevent fly tipping and reduce litter. natural environment KEY Group, Highways  Have regard to preserving the rural nature Stream Group, Grant of the parish in dealing with planning AONB, applications. Energy Promotion of energy saving measures. Companies, Government initiatives Formation of a volunteer Diddlebury Part of Formation of a volunteer group to help to Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions group to help to maintain Parish Council, Highways maintain PC assets. Explore the possibilities PC assets. Highways grant. of developing a Design Statement Officer, Diddlebury Parish Council Parish Plan Group, AONB, Volunteer group, Community Council, Shropshire Council TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire Neighbourhood Provision of VAS on KEY Identified community priority. Provision of B4368 Council Fund VAS on B4368 at Diddlebury. Diddlebury Parish Council, Shropshire Council, The Parish Council has identified the need to Address car parking 2013 £5800 Local Joint address car parking and bus circulation at: KEY Corvedale issues Committee  Diddlebury Village Hall. School  In Bouldon. Governors, Village Hall Committee Shropshire Council, Maintenance of the KEY 2013 £700 Appointment of a Highways Maintenance highways Diddlebury Officer. Parish Council Shropshire Council Highways Dept Shropshire Improved road drainage KEY Flood Action £700 Highways Rolling programme of work based on criteria and flood prevention. Group, Department list. Highways Maintenance Officer Severn Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Trent Water, Flood Forum/Local Joint Committee Diddlebury To share concerns over Parish Council, identified dangers with KEY Identified community priority. Shropshire Shropshire Council Council

Stoke St Milborough, Hopton Cangeford, Cleestanton, Cleedownton

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions STOKE ST MILBOROUGH, HOPTON CANGEFORD, CLEESTANTON, CLEEDOWNTON COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Open Countryside (Parishes of Abdon Heath, Tugford and Holdgate, Clee St Margaret, Culmington, Heath, Munslow, Sibdon Carwood, Wistanstow )

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ABDON HEATH, TUGFORD AND HOLDGATE PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees Abodn Heath Holdgate church KEY Parish Council, Identified as heritage at risk Church TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Potential Funding Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Wider Developer Sources Contributions CLEE ST MARGARET PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions CULMINGTON PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Culmington Provision of Parish Council, The Parish Council has identified the need to community outreach KEY approach the Job Centre and Citizens Advice Citizens Advice services Bureau regarding outreach services. Bureau SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Culmington Neighbourhood Improved Parish KEY The Parish Council has identified the need for Communications Parish Council, Fund a Parish information leaflet and possible Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions website. Culmington Parish Council, Street scene KEY The Parish Council has identified the need for improvements Shropshire anti-dog fouling initiatives. Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Culmington The Parish Council has identified the need for Various rights of way Parish Council, Neighbourhood KEY improved stiles and gates, removal of improvements Shropshire Fund obstacles and production of a path map. Council

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions HEATH PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire Community Tree KEY Ongoing c£2640 per ha Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Scheme Council, planted with tree Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Developers whips, Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs c£260 per new Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and street tree. Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is Funding Whitchurch a local community priority. Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions MUNSLOW PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Shropshire Maintain mobile KEY The Parish Plan is seeking to encourage new library Council members to the mobile library. Downgrading of Muslow Parish The Parish Plan identifies the need to lobby PRIORITY services at Ludlow Council for retention of existing service level at new hospital hospital. Provision of Munslow Parish The Parish Plan has identified a need for recreational facilities Council, Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing improved facilities for children and young for children and Shropshire Fund people including activities in Beambridge Hall young people Council The Parish Plan has identified concerns West Mercia about burglary and car crime in the area and Police, West Mercia recommends: Community safety KEY Ongoing Munslow Parish Police  Increased police presence Council  Setting up Neighbourhood Watch Scheme  Improve liaison with police Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Clubroom Clubroom social KEY Ongoing The Parish Plan is seeking to attract new facilities Committee ventures to the social club. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE English Heritage 2010 Heritage at Risk Shropshire register includes the dovecote south east of Neighbourhood Heritage at Risk KEY Council, Ongoing South Hill in Aston Munslow and the dovecote register Fund in western corner of Thonglands Moat, English Heritage Broadstone, near Munslow. Engage local groups to identify future Buildings at Risk The Parish Plan identifies the need to Prepare Village Munslow Parish PRIORITY 2013 maintain the built character of the parish and Design Statement Council to conserve/improve rural tranquillity. The Parish Plan has identified a need to reduce reliance on resources, including: Individuals,  Undertaking a parish carbon audit. businesses,  Promoting energy efficiency and Reduce reliance on Munslow Parish Neighbourhood conservation. PRIORITY dwindling and Council , Fund  Sympathetic upgrade of traditional housing polluting resources stock. Shropshire  Ensure new housing stock employs energy Council saving and recycling measures.  Use locally sources low carbon embodied materials. The Parish Plan has identified a need to promote up take of renewable technologies Improving uptake of Munslow Parish Neighbourhood which are compatible with the character of the renewable energy PRIORITY Council Fund area. This could include promoting renewable technologies grant schemes and making local renewables more available e.g. wood fuel. Environment The Parish Plan has identified several actions Agency, to minimise flooding: Riparian  Cleaning of ditches at pinch points and Landowners, Owners, ongoing riparian management of River Minimising flooding KEY Ongoing Environment Corve and Trow Brook Natural Agency  Improve capacity of the land to store England, water Munslow Parish  Parish Council representation on Flood Council Forum Munslow Parish The Parish Plan would like to set up a Conservation of KEY Council, Ongoing community wildlife group and to organise a environment Natural survey of Parish wild places. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions England, Shropshire Council The Parish Plan has identified the need to set Village tidy up Munslow Parish PRIORITY up a group to arrange the village tidy up scheme Council scheme and to remove abandoned cars. Shropshire Council, Improved recycling PRIORITY The Parish Plan has identified a need for facilities Munslow Parish collection of bulky items. Council Water companies, The Parish Plan has identified that there is no Munslow Parish Water Provision of mains PRIORITY mains drainage in Munslow and there is drainage Council, companies already considerable outflow from existing Shropshire septic tanks. Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY The Parish Plan has identified a desire to Reduce inappropriate Shropshire KEY CPRE reduce/turn off inappropriate lighting to lighting Council encourage dark skies. Muslow Parish The Parish Plan identifies the need to Improve gateways to Council, Neighbourhood PRIORITY improve gateways to the villages on the the villages Shropshire Fund B4368. Council Parish The Parish Plan has identified a need for road Maintenance of KEY lengthsman, Ongoing verges to been mown and tidied where road verges Shropshire safety is an issue but would like verges on Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Council quiet roads to be maintained for wildlife. Shropshire Council, Neighbourhood Footpath KEY Ongoing The Parish Plan has identified a need to improvements Munslow Parish Fund replace stiles with gates. Council Public Transport Providers, Public The Parish Plan has identified a lack of public Shropshire Lack of public PRIORITY Ongoing Transport transport and a need to review current Council, transport Providers provision, including the Shropshire Munslow Parish Link/Buzzard Committee. Council

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions SIBDON CARWOOD PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions WISTANSTOW PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY The Parish Council has expressed the desire to promote and encourage the conditions to Shropshire that will allow new jobs to be created in the Increased Council, Craven Arms area. Suggestions include employment KEY Wistanstow allowing redundant farm buildings to be opportunities Parish Council converted for live/work activities, establish a resource centre with IT equipment and support entrepreneurs. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE The Parish Council has identified the wish to Improvements to the Wistanstow Neighbourhood PRIORITY improve the Village Hall and bring it up to Village Hall Parish Council Fund twenty-first century standards. Wistanstow The Parish Council supports the retention of Parish Council, Retention of PRIORITY Winstanstow School, including the Winstanstow School Shropshire replacement of mobile huts with permanent Council structures. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire English Heritage 2010 Heritage at Risk Neighbourhood Heritage at Risk KEY Council, Ongoing register includes Cheney Longville Castle. register Fund Engage local groups to identify future English Heritage Buildings at Risk. c£2640 per ha Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme planted with tree Council Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the whips, Highways, Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme c£260 per new Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Developers street tree. Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Funding Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Secured: £5,000 a local community priority. to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured ELLESMERE TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Includes provision to support sustainable Registered independent living for vulnerable people including: Providers,  Sustainable living at home Specialist Homes and  Access to work Care Communities  Education and training and community Providers, Agency, inclusion Housing for vulnerable KEY Voluntary 2011-2015 Shropshire people Integrated preventative service provision with Sector, Council a Pathway approach to access and retain local capital accommodation. Target groups include: older communities, programme people, young people, people with learning schools and disabilities, mental health needs, people at colleges, risk of homelessness, domestic violence, gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance West Mercia misusers. Police Funding Shropshire Includes: secured for Improving and adapting Council, energy efficiency to reduce carbon emissions social existing housing- includes KEY Registered 2011-2015 and tackle fuel poverty; housing- regeneration Providers,  Upgrading social housing to meet the Tenant wide: Decent Homes standard; Home owners, £2.5 million Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Keep available for  Adaptations to meet changing needs, Shropshire social housing including disabled facilities grants; Warm, (per year). The Council’s Extended Schools team has Developers, Also a further identified opportunities to inform and £3.1million encourage parents to understand what they Shropshire over 4 years can do to improve energy efficiency of homes Home starting April and how this can benefit them through Improvement 2011 from the schools (Eco-Schools involvement) and Agency HCA for children’s centre drop-ins and decent homes activities.(Developing Environmentally Private sector Sustainable Sure Start Children’s centres is funding being piloted in NW at Woodside, Oswestry rolling out to other centres later) The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Shropshire Scheme Shropshire Aids and adaptations for KEY Ongoing The aim of completing adaptations is to social housing tenants Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing . Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary Property and are generally a package of funding. Bringing empty homes Empty Owners, Seeking Homes and Communities Agency back into use- includes Scheme Homes: KEY local 2011-2015 Section 106 funding for 12 units countywide over four affordable housing dependent New Homes communities, years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. provision Bonus voluntary Limited local authority funding available sector during 2011-2012. agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Scheme Developer Locations to be determined. To include Extra Care Housing KEY 2012-2015 Council, dependent led. Market Town and Rural Area provision. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Registered Funding proposals being developed. Providers, Extra Care Housing provision targeted Care towards older people, especially frail older Providers, people, with planned provision for respite facilities and housing for people with Voluntary disabilities. Sector, Local Communities ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Shropshire £0.5 million Council Shropshire Market Towns allocated capital Council, MTRP Projects: Revitalisation Programme across 11 programme. Signage improvements; – Market Towns Capital Local designated Match funding PRIORITY 2010-2015 Display boards to help tourism economy; Imitative Fund businesses, market from other Improvements at the Market Hall; - Phase 1 fully committed residents, towns and sources will Ellesmere Forge as tourism attraction investors key be explored settlements including LJC funding. The Town Council has identified a need to continue improvements to terrace gardens up to Ellesmere House. The boat house plays a significant role in marketing and development of the town. There is potential for further phases of development at Wharf and Ellesmere Yard with Canal and River Trust. Ellesmere Yard is Shropshire in the ownership of Canal and River Trust and Shropshire has been identified as having potential for a Ellesmere Destination Council Neighbourhood PRIORITY Council Ongoing mix of tourism, leisure, employment and improvements capital Fund programme residential uses. Canal and River Trust are currently working on proposals to open up a large part of the yard. Canal and River Trust are particularly keen to help develop a heritage museum and are developing a business case. The condition of the buildings is such that a significant amount of gap funding will be required to realise the project. Connection between wharf, mere and town Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured centre has been raised as important. Shropshire Council’s Historic Environment Team has identified opportunities around the Tesco site, for heritage led regeneration. With a link to the Canal and River Trust yard via the new marina development. Expansion of business park. Shropshire The Town Council has identified a need for conference facilities and offices Ellesmere Business Park Shropshire £2.89 Council PRIORITY 2013-2015 The Town Council has also identified the Phase II Council million capital programme possibility of enhancing access to the football club through Phase II by providing a link across the brook. Shropshire Adoption programme for Shropshire Council KEY 2010-2014 £1 million council owned Council capital Ellesmere Business Park. employment sites programme Ellesmere The Town Council has identified an interest in Provision of Town Council, KEY there being more accommodation provision in accommodation for Shropshire Aspirational Developer led Ellesmere in order to encourage visitors to tourists Council, stay longer. Private Sector Shropshire Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Shop Front Redecoration Council, Neighbourhood KEY On-going and redecoration to improve the appearance Scheme Ellesmere Fund of the streetscene. Town Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English Dependent local authority, with a view to securing that Dependent upon extent Neighbourhood early childhood services are made available Shropshire upon and Private sector Review of Children’s PRIORITY Fund, in an integrated manner through which early Centre services Council developers’ location of financed childhood services are made available – CIL (Local) timescales developme either by provision of services on site, or by nt the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children are provided on site. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Children’s Centre services are delivered throughout Shropshire. Residential development creates the following impact on children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Ellesmere the Children’s Centre is a purpose built stand-alone demountable close to early education providers on a primary school site. Identified community priority. To include:  Support to local shops such as a four/five year decoration programme.  Installation of historic finger posts, waymarkers, milestones, mileposts and Neighbourhood Enhance streetscene PRIORITY Town Council street signs. Fund  Identification of opportunities to improve the visual amenity of car parks in the historic town centre.  Increased provision of wayfinding signs and landscaping. Identified community priority. Ensuring the Mere and surrounding area is as attractive as Neighbourhood possible to visitors. The Town Council has Improvements to the Mere PRIORITY Town Council Fund identified the need for the Lady Katherine Steamboat to be homed at the Mere, to prevent transportation costs out of season. Improvements to canal Neighbourhood PRIORITY Town Council Identified community priority. towpath Fund Fire safety in new PRIORITY Developers, West Mercia On-site design Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured development Shropshire Police identified the need for all new industrial Fire and development within Ellesmere to be Rescue sprinklered owing to known water supply Service, issues in NW Shropshire. Shropshire Council Ellesmere police station is currently operating at capacity and is dated. Significant Refurbishment of police West Mercia population/development growth will require station (only required if KEY Police, Ongoing £250,000 the delivery of an improved station. allocated development is Developers Ellesmere Town Council has identified the delivered in this location) potential for sharing of services, if the police station relocated to the town hall/market hall Shropshire There is potential for multi-use development Council, of the market hall- to include the library, Ellesmere market and youth provision. The Town Formation of Neighbourhood Market Hall –potential for KEY Chamber of £1million Council have indicated that the Ellesmere a CIC. Fund multi-use Commerce, Chamber of Commerce are conducting exploratory work on the feasibility of forming a Ellesmere Community Interest Company (CIC) to Town Council manage the Market Hall. Shropshire £2,400 Structure of historic interest to the town. This Council, secured. Neighbourhood Trish’s Pavilion KEY Ongoing £3,000 will enable community activity and provision Restoration Friends of the Volunteer Fund of environmental education delivered by Mere time volunteers Shropshire Council, Shropshire Sailing Club, The Community Working Team has identified (LaSER – that the development of the Shropshire Lakelands/Shr Sailing Club, Rangers Club House and Scout opshire Neighbourhood Hut have all been highlighted as local Social clubs and facilities KEY Ongoing Expedition Fund priorities. The Shropshire Sailing Club is and Outdoor particularly interested in multi-use connected Resource which new charity status and linking activity to Centre) – via other nature and water activities. Lakelands School

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Conserving and restoring habitat, increasing participation, local awareness, access and learning, training and skills. This is a targeted Shropshire programme and not a grant bidding scheme. Enhancement and Wildlife Trust, £1.42 Lottery Focus is not on the market town but on areas awareness of Meres and KEY 2010-2015 outside national sites. Landscape million funding Mosses landscape British Waterways have suggested that this Partnership could include reserves on the . (Acquisition of the land would allow creation of new ecology sites by volunteer and resettlement labour.) Shropshire Neighbourhood Urban Landscape KEY Aspirational c£2,300 Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment Council Fund Assessment of Ellesmere Fundamental/important town views in and out Shropshire Neighbourhood Survey of important views KEY Ongoing to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public in and out of Ellesmere Council Fund areas such as walkways, promenades, seating facilities. Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation Shropshire exercise to create list of ‘Buildings of Local Council, Architectural or Historic Interest’ (non- Production of list of Town Council, Neighbourhood statutory list) List would identify local heritage Locally Important KEY Ongoing assets that are valued by local community but Civic Society, Fund Buildings. not statutorily listed that would be afforded English some degree of protection in the planning Heritage system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Shropshire Council, Neighbourhood Engage local groups to identify future Heritage at Risk register KEY Ongoing English Fund Buildings at Risk. Heritage Opportunity for the development of a fund in Shropshire Community Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund Council Fund archaeology projects. Shropshire c£2640 per Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme ha planted Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing with tree Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Developers whips, Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured c£260 per Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. new street Whitchurch tree. Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Opening up of the Montgomery Canal and increasing the accessibility of its towpaths in particular between Llanymynech, Ellesmere and Chirk would increase tourism and North recreational use along the Montgomery, Montgomery Canal KEY Shropshire Llangollen and Shropshire Union Canals. Tourism Ltd There are potential recreational activities associated with the canals natural, built and social heritage assets, including the links to Telford, the Pontcysyllte World Heritage Site and the industry along the canals. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured COCKSHUTT COMMUNITY HUB AND COCKSHUTT CUM PETTON PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Provision of housing for KEY Developers, The Parish Council has identified that whilst Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured the elderly Shropshire the affordable housing provision for younger Council, people and families is considered adequate, Cockshutt cum there is a shortage of provision specific for the Petton Parish elderly Council ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Cockshutt cum The Millennium Hall Management Committee Millennium Hall - KEY Petton Parish has identified that the facilities for the caretaker facilities Council caretaker of the Millennium Hall need improving. The primary school is currently struggling to make the school grounds secure, particularly Cockshutt the area alongside the new development of Primary The Meadows and along behind the School, bungalows at The Briars. Shropshire Neighbourhood Improve security of KEY At present people entering the school have to primary school grounds Council, Fund travel nearly the whole length of it until they Cockshutt cum reach the Office. This presents a number of Petton Parish Safeguarding concerns. If there was funding Council to build an Office/Reception area at the front of the school this would make the school more secure. Cockshutt Primary School, The primary school currently receives funding Broadband connection to Cockshutt cum Neighbourhood KEY towards the cost for Broad Band. This is to be primary school Petton Parish Fund Council, withdrawn this year. Shropshire Council Service providers, Improved mobile phone Service The Parish Council has identified a need for KEY Cockshutt cum reception providers improved mobile phone reception. Petton Parish Council The Parish has identified a need for improved Increased police presence KEY Parish Council, Police presence. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured West Mercia Police Cockshutt cum The Parish Council has identified a need to Additional street lighting KEY Petton Parish eighbourhood Fund update and improve the street lighting in the Council Parish c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme new street Council tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Developers Secured: Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. £5,000 to Whitchurch The Parish has identified a need to protect be shared verges, hedges and trees. throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE

TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire Council, The Parish has identified that roads and lanes Improved road PRIORITY Cockshutt cum Ongoing must be maintained to a good standard for maintenance Petton Parish the safety of users. Council Cockshutt cum Awareness and Protection Petton Parish The Parish has identified the need to educate of Cyclists and PRIORITY Council, Ongoing other road users to be aware of cyclists and Pedestrians Shropshire pedestrians. Council Neighbourhood Provision of Footpaths KEY Cockshutt cum The Parish has identified a need to improve and Bridleways Petton Parish Fund and maintain the footpaths and bridleways. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Council, Areas to be investigated: Shropshire  Creation of Parish Paths Partnership (P3) Council,  Promotion of Permissive Footpaths Defra

Dudleston Heath/Elson

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions DUDLESTON HEATH AND ELSON COMMUNITY HUB AND ELLESMERE RURAL PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Ellesmere Rural The Parish Council has identified the desire Encourage and Parish Council, to support initiatives designed to encourage support new and PRIORITY On-site design new and existing businesses, including the Shropshire existing businesses provision of new and existing employment Council land. Improve reception Network Network and signals for mobile KEY providers providers Identified community priority. phones SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Ellesmere Rural PC has identified the need to support the Churches at Dudleston and Support the use of Ellesmere Rural Neighbourhood Criftins and the Chapel at Criftins. It is noted Churches and KEY Parish Council Fund that ERPC commented that St Mary’s Chapels (Dudleston) requires a car park and extension of the graveyard site. Ellesmere Rural PC has identified continued Secure and support Ellesmere Rural Neighbourhood KEY support for the Criftins Parish Hall. Work has Parish Hall at Criftins Parish Council Fund now progress at the Hall. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Ongoing to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree planted with tree Council KEY Council, natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme whips, Highways, Developers include planting, stakes, tree guards and c£260 per new Maelar Forest watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions street tree. Nurseries, Funding Whitchurch Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Dudleston and Street Dinas

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions DUDLESTON AND STREET DINAS COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Ellesmere Rural The Parish Council has identified the desire Encourage and Parish Council, to support initiatives designed to encourage support new and PRIORITY On-site design new and existing businesses, including the Shropshire existing businesses provision of new and existing employment Council land. There is an indication from the Parish Council Ellesmere Rural Neighbourhood Post office and village KEY that there may be a possibility of moving the shop Parish Council Fund Dudleston Post Office and potential for future development helping to deliver a village shop. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Ellesmere Rural Neighbourhood Enhance Parish KEY The Parish Council has identified the need for Communication Parish Council Fund new notice boards in Dudleston Heath. Ellesmere Rural Neighbourhood The Parish Council supports efforts for a Set up a Youth Club KEY Parish Council, Fund youth club in Dudleston Heath. Shropshire Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Council Secure and support Parish Hall at Criftins, Ellesmere Rural The school route between the parish hall and including upgrades to KEY CIL (Local) Parish Council schools needs hardcore on part of the route key footpaths and access routes Drainage of Shropshire Community Field Council, Neighbourhood KEY opposite Criftins Ellesmere Rural Fund School Parish Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Upgrade Street Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Lighting Council Fund

Tetchill, Lee and Whitemere

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions TETCHILL, LEE AND WHITEMERE COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Encourage and Ellesmere Rural The Parish Council has identified the desire PRIORITY On-site design support new and Parish Council, to support initiatives designed to encourage Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions existing businesses Shropshire new and existing businesses, including the Council provision of new and existing employment land. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Ellesmere Rural Parish Council, Neighbourhood The Parish Council supports efforts for a Set up a Youth Club KEY Shropshire Fund youth club in Tetchill. Council Ellesmere Rural Parish Council, Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need to Facilities for children KEY determine whether there is demand for a Shropshire Fund playground in Tetcthill. Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Welsh Frankton, Perthy, New Marton and Lower Frankton

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions WELSH FRANKTON, PERTHY, NEW MARTON AND LOWER FRANKTON CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY The Parish Council has identified the desire Ellesmere Rural Encourage and to support initiatives designed to encourage Parish Council, support new and PRIORITY On-site design new and existing businesses, including the Shropshire existing businesses provision of new and existing employment Council land. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Ellesmere Rural PC has identified continued Secure and support Ellesmere Rural support for the Welsh Frankton Parish Hall. Parish Hall at Welsh KEY Parish Council An immediate project to make good the roof Frankton is under progress. Ellesmere Rural PC has identified the need to Support the use of Ellesmere Rural Neighbourhood KEY support the use of St Andrews and United Church Parish Council Fund Reform Churches in Welsh Frankton. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Welshampton and Lyneal

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions WELSHAMPTON AND LYNEAL COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Housing development PRIORITY Welshampton The Parish Council has identified the need Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions on infill sites or and Lyneal for: conversion of existing Parish Council,  Sheltered accommodation for the elderly properties (dependent Shropshire  Association Housing on certain criteria) Council  Affordable starter homes  Family Home  There is a desire for no executive, large single site properties or new sites ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Welshampton and Lyneal The Parish Council has identified that Parish Council, encouragement of this type of tourism which Shropshire already exists to some level would assist in Council the preservation of local heritage and would Encouragement of Neighbouring Local Neighbourhood support local employment. cycle tourism on local KEY Parish Councils, businesses Fund A range of projects are to be identified lanes Local including a specialist website listing routes, businesses accommodation and refreshment linked to tourism opportunities and linked to the existing PC (Pubs and B&Bs website etc) Service providers, Improved mobile Service The Parish Council has identified a need for KEY Welshampton phone reception providers improved mobile phone reception. and Lyneal Parish Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Parish Hall Committee, Welshampton and Lyneal Parish Council, The Parish Council has identified the need Shropshire for: Neighbourhood Enhanced Community KEY Youth  Clubs/activities for children and youth. Facilities Association, Fund  Homework facilities and adult education classes. Shropshire

Council, Switch on Shropshire, Local Colleges Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions The Parish has identified a need for improvements to be made to the Parish Hall including:  Re-surface car park  Re-location of Bar Welshampton Neighbourhood  Upgrade of heating system. Improvements to KEY and Lyneal Fund Parish Hall Parish Council  Update of kitchen facilities  Upgrade sound system  Replacement windows and doors  New main hall curtains  Refurbish main hall floor  Install security system Welshampton Maintain a clean and and Lyneal The Parish has identified a need to educate safe Parish KEY Parish Council, dog walkers to pick up their dogs’ excrement environment Shropshire and also to keep the Parish free of litter. Council West Mercia Police, The Parish Council have identified the need Improve Police West Mercia to address the lack of availability of the Police PRIORITY Welshampton Availability Police due to cutbacks and Lyneal

Parish Council The Parish Council has identified a need to: Welshampton  Improve and update street lighting which Neighbourhood KEY and Lyneal should be complimentary to a rural village Improved streetscene Fund Parish Council environment.  Provide seating with in the villages.  Improve village name signage. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Welshampton and Lyneal The Parish has identified a need to keep Regular maintenance Neighbourhood KEY Parish Council, ditches and gulleys clear to avoid flooding of ditches and gulleys Fund Shropshire along lanes. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Ongoing c£2640 per ha Shropshire Shropshire planted with tree to provide opportunities to enhance the Council Community Tree KEY Council, whips, Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme include planting, stakes, tree guards and Developers c£260 per new Maelar Forest watering to establish trees over first 3 years. street tree. Nurseries, The Parish has identified a need to protect Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Funding Whitchurch verges, hedges and trees. Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Street lighting KEY Welshampton The Parish Council has identified a need to improvements and Lyneal improve and update street lighting which Parish Council should be complimentary to a rural village Shropshire environment. Council

Open Countryside (Parish of Horderley)

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions HORDERLEY PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree Shropshire whips, Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree street tree. KEY Council, Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Funding Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and Secured: £5,000 Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared throughout the council and Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions HIGHLEY TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Homes and Communities Includes provision to support sustainable Agency, independent living for vulnerable people including: Registered  sustainable living at home Providers, Homes and  access to work Specialist Communities  education and training and community Varies from Care Agency, inclusion Housing for vulnerable Key Ongoing scheme to people Providers, Integrated preventative service provision with scheme Shropshire a pathway approach to access and retain Voluntary Council capital accommodation. Target groups include: older Sector, programme people, young people, people with learning local disabilities, mental health needs, people at communities, risk of homelessness or domestic violence, gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance schools and misusers etc. colleges, West Mercia Police Shropshire Includes: Improving and adapting Council, Scheme Private sector  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon existing housing- includes KEY 2011-2015 emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Registered dependent* funding regeneration  Upgrading social housing to meet the Providers, Decent Homes standard; and Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Home owners,  Adaptations to meet changing needs, Keep including disabled facilities grants. Shropshire The Council’s Extended Schools Team has Warm, identified that Sustainability/Climate Change work at schools / Idsall Eco-Leaders project Developers, (part of Leadership programme) offers Shropshire opportunities to inform and encourage Home parents to understand what they can do to Improvement improve energy efficiency of homes and how Agency, this can benefit them – also though and Schools, Sure children’s centre drop-ins and activities (Jobs Start Training and Money / Environmentally Children’s Sustainable Sure start Children’s Centres) Centres *Funding secured for social housing - Tenant wide: £2.5 million available for social housing (per year). Also a further £3.1million over four years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Shropshire Scheme Shropshire Aids and adaptations for KEY Ongoing The aim of completing adaptations is to social housing tenants Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing . Shropshire Council, Registered Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary Providers, and are generally a package of funding. Bringing empty homes Property Empty Homes: Seeking Homes and Communities Agency back into use- includes Scheme KEY Owners, 2011-2015 New Homes Section 106 funding for 12 units countywide over four affordable housing dependent Bonus years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. provision local communities, Limited local authority funding available voluntary during 2011-2012. sector agencies, Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions schools and colleges Shropshire Council, Locations to be determined. To include Registered Market Town and Rural Area provision. Providers, Funding proposals being developed. Care Scheme Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing KEY 2012-2015 Developer led. Providers, dependent towards older people, especially frail older Voluntary people, with planned provision for respite Sector, facilities and housing for people with Local disabilities. Communities The Council’s Landlord Services department have identified current key areas of Shropshire deprivation, anti social behaviour and Council, worklessness within this area and are Council tenants and Shropshire KEY Citizens Ongoing c£9,000 proactively looking at tenants at sign up. The community involvement Council Advice Council is working closely with tenants within Bureau these areas to help with financial inclusion, budget monitoring and to reduce anti social behaviour. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY £0.5 million allocated Shropshire Shropshire across 11 Council capital Market Towns Council programme. designated MTRP funded projects: Revitalisation Programme Match funding Local market towns Improvements to Severn Centre including – Market Towns Capital PRIORITY 2010-2015 from other businesses, and key changes to the reception and reconfiguration Imitative Fund – Phase 1 settlements sources will be residents, explored of the entrance space. fully committed Funding investors including LJC Secured: funding. £0.5 million The Parish Council has identified that there Shropshire are a number of vacant employment units Council, Reuse of vacant PRIORITY within Highley. Investment is required to employment units Highley Parish market Highley as an attractive location for Council, businesses and incentives may be required to encourage businesses to the area. Council workshop Shropshire Proposed to cover all economic development KEY Shropshire 2010-2014 £1 million improvement programme Council capital workshops includes Alverley Industrial Estate Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Council programme Shropshire Adoption programme for Shropshire KEY 2010-2014 £1 million Council capital council owned Council Includes Alverley Industrial Estate employment sites programme Shropshire Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Shop Front Redecoration Council, Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing and redecoration to improve the appearance Scheme Highley Parish Fund of the streetscene. Council Shropshire The Parish Council states in the Parish Plan Encourage Local Council, KEY they will look to create employment for local employment Highley Parish people and support existing businesses. Council Shropshire The Parish Council states in the Parish Plan Council, that the village will work with Severn Valley Encourage Tourism KEY Railway & Engine House to encourage more Highley Parish tourism and maximise the opportunity for local Council jobs. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by Dependen Dependent the provision of advice and assistance in t upon upon extent Neighbourhood gaining access to services elsewhere Shropshire Private sector Review of Children’s PRIORITY developer and location Fund,  At which (some) activities for young children Centre services Council financed are provided on site. s’ of CIL (Local) timescales development Children’s Centre services are delivered throughout Shropshire. Residential development creates the following impact on children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Highley the Children’s Centre services are delivered from rented accommodation in the Severn Centre. Developers, Shropshire Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have Fire and identified the all new development within Fire safety in new PRIORITY Rescue Developers Highley should be sprinklered as any development Service, development in this location is an issue in Shropshire terms of attendance time. Council Funding Whilst the existing doctors surgery adequately serves the existing population of Highley, Improvement to existing Secured: there may be a need to review this provision health facilities, NHS England, Ongoing- to in light of any additional development. There particularly car parking PRIORITY Highley Parish be NHS England is also an issue with the car parking provision provision at the medical Council determined at the current facility. As an aspiration, the centre through Parish Council wishes the doctors surgery to SAMDev be relocated within the Severn Centre. Highley Parish The Parish Council, through the Parish Plan, Council, show that statistics indicate Summer Pride Continued support for was successful with 89.1% respondents KEY Summer Pride Summer Pride stating the flower beds and shrubs were good Volunteer or very good with more displays welcome, but Group continued support is required. The Parish Council, through the Parish Plan, Highley Parish have identified first responders and hospital Council, A&Es are priorities. They want to continue to support and look at increasing the number of Set up independent NHS England, KEY responders. Also because the A&E is over 20 Highley health group Parish Plan miles away they want to lobby Wyre Forest Steering about health concerns, support Bridgnorth Group Hospital and set up tan independent Highley health group. Improve policing and KEY Highley Parish The Parish Council, through the Parish Plan, safety in the area Council, have identified a number of policing and Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Police, Parish safety priorities: Plan steering  Circulating the non-emergency number to committee, all homes, use newsletter, notice boards Local and website Councillor,  More visible police presence DAAT, Local  Extend opening hours at Police station Community  Set up a group to enable a drug and alcohol awareness scheme.  Recruit more volunteers for CCTV / Neighbourhood watch scheme. Volunteers The Parish Council, through the Parish Plan, Improve facilities at Neighbourhood KEY from Parish have identified the need to set up a Garden Garden Village Fund Plan Village group. Highley Parish Council, Residents The Parish Council, through the Parish Plan, have identified the need for annual events More annual events group, Neighbourhood including possibly the return of a carnival and (Including a monthly KEY Severn Fund an annual music event, therefore set up a farmers market) Centre, carnival and music/theatre group to co- Volunteers ordinate events. from Parish Plan Highley Parish The Parish Council, through the Parish Plan, Council, have identified the need to arrange adequate Severn Neighbourhood facilities and approach the Shropshire Youth PRIORITY Centre, Lack of Youth Facilities Fund association for advice. Shropshire Also to set up a youth club, complete a youth Council Youth survey and try and get a youth leader to co- Workers ordinate activities Shropshire Council (Library Services), The Parish Council, through the Parish Plan, Improvements to library Highley Parish Neighbourhood KEY have identified the need to increase opening facilities Council, Fund times, more books, report findings to library Severn Centre, Parish Plan Steering Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Group Shropshire Council (Library The Parish Council, through the Parish Plan, Services), have identified the need to improve the use of Highley Parish Neighbourhood Improvements to Severn KEY the centre for community and sports activities. Centre Council, Fund They also wish to encourage increased use of Severn and undertake improvements to the Centre, swimming pool. Friends and user groups The Parish Council, through the Parish Plan, have identified a number of priorites in improving communication:  Strategies and policy information to be shared with relevant people in the village Highley Parish Neighbourhood Improve communications KEY  Parish, Shropshire Councillors and Severn with the public Council Fund Centre Trustees to be more approachable  Village website to be set up and maintained  Encourage Valley FM to broadcast information about the village  Village newsletter ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire Aspiration Neighbourhood Urban Landscape KEY C£1,200 Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment Council al Fund Assessment of Highley Fundamental/important town views in and out Shropshire Neighbourhood Survey of important views KEY Ongoing. to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public in and out of Highley. Council Fund areas such as walkways, promenades, seating facilities. Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Shropshire Heritage and PPS5. undertake public Council consultation exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Production of list of Highley Parish Neighbourhood Interest' (non-statutory list) List would identify Locally Important KEY Council. Civic ongoing Fund local heritage assets that are valued by local Buildings. Society. community but not statutorily listed that would English be afforded some degree of protection in the Heritage planning system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions list, promotion of list Neighbourhood Highley Conservation KEY Priority for preparation of a Conservation Area Area Fund Management Plan. Opportunity for the development of a fund in Shropshire Community Neighbourhood KEY support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund Fund archaeology projects. Survey to establish where modern railings should be replaced with more traditional Shropshire design, plus condition survey of existing historic railings and program of repair where Streetscene Council Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing necessary. improvements Highley Parish Council Fund Identify opportunities to improve visual Council) amenity of town centre through landscaping. Survey all streets for existing signage and replace, repair or introduce where necessary. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. c£260 per Shropshire new street Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, Neighbourhood to provide opportunities to enhance the KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest Community Tree Scheme Fund natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the Council and provision of 10,000 trees. Highley Parish Council, Shropshire The Parish Council, through the Parish Plan, have indicated that they would like to Improvements to litter KEY Council, organise village tidy up days and organise Parish Plan more volunteers. Group, Volunteers Highley Parish Encourage plastic KEY The Parish Council, through the Parish Plan, recycling Council, have indicated that there could be a Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Shropshire possibility of introducing kerbside collections. Council Highley Parish Council, The Parish Council, through the Parish Plan, Winter Gritting KEY have indicated that hot spots that need extra Shropshire or regular gritting need to be identified Council Highley Parish Council, Shropshire The Parish Council, through the Parish Plan, Improvement to water PRIORITY Council have indicated that there is a need to update pressure (Drainage), water pipes. Severn Trent Water TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire The Parish Council would like to see the Council, reinstatement of the countryside explorer bus All schools LTP, at least at the weekend and for one late involved in Improved bus PRIORITY 2011-2026 c£100,000 Public evening a week. infrastructure and services discussion, transport The Parish Council in conjunction with Public provider Shropshire Council have installed a number transport of new bus shelters within the village and provider refurbished existing shelters. Shropshire Council, Prevent year on year question of whether or Transport provision to Secondary not provision will be possible. support Safe Place to Be KEY and feeder Ongoing Consultation should identify need of working at Secondary School primaries, parents to be supported and access to

Shropshire provision for pupils living in the hinterland. Link Various rights of way improvements to create Replacing 29 existing stiles with gates for new circular walks - easier access improvements to the Rights of removal of stiles and Shropshire £13,790.00 Way network and providing 40 new directional Neighbourhood replacement of gates and PRIORITY Council 2011-2026 Funding LTP funding signposts enhanced directional Fund Creation of new circular walks to promote as Secured: £0 signage to ensure easier a walking destination. Promotion of easier access for all and to access routes and ‘health walks’ with Walking support ‘Active Market for Health schemes. Town’ and sustainable Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions transport initiatives Installation of historic Survey of existing conditions and research finger posts, waymarkers, Shropshire Neighbourhood PRIORITY Ongoing into lost features. Repair or reinstate where milestones, mileposts and Council Fund necessary. street signs. Identify opportunities to improve the visual Shropshire Neighbourhood amenity of car parks in the historic town Improvement of car parks KEY Ongoing Council Fund centre. Increase provision of wayfinding signs and landscaping. Shropshire Council, The Parish Council have identified through Encourage car share Highley Parish the Parish Plan to support employment scheme and better public KEY Council, opportunities outside of Highley to be more transport Parish Plan sustainable to encourage a car share scheme Group, and better public transport. Volunteers

Open Countryside (Parish of Chelmarsh)

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions CHELMARSH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE The Parish Council has highlighted that street lighting is an important issue in the Parish, Shropshire Street lighting KEY particularly in respect of the costs involved for Council a small number of lights and the difficulty in getting repairs carried out promptly. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire c£2640 per ha Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Neighbourhood to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing planted with Council Fund natural environment of the area. Costs Developers tree whips. Highways, include planting, stakes, tree guards and Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions c£260 per new Maelar watering to establish trees over first 3 years. street tree. Forest Funding Nurseries, Secured: Whitchurch £5,000 to be shared throughout the Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured LUDLOW TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Includes provision to support sustainable Homes and independent living for vulnerable people including: Communities  sustainable living at home Agency, Homes and  access to work Registered Communities  education and training and community Varies from Providers, Agency, inclusion Housing for vulnerable Key Ongoing scheme to people Specialist Integrated preventative service provision with scheme Shropshire a pathway approach to access and retain Care Council capital accommodation. Target groups include: older Providers, programme people, young people, people with learning Voluntary disabilities, mental health needs, people at Sector, risk of homelessness or domestic violence, gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance local misusers etc. communities, Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured schools and colleges, West Mercia Police Includes:  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon Shropshire emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Council,  Upgrading social housing to meet the Registered Decent Homes standard; and Providers,  Adaptations to meet changing needs, including disabled facilities grants. Home owners, The Council’s Extended Schools Team has Keep identified that Sustainability/Climate Change Shropshire work at schools / Idsall Eco-Leaders project Warm, Improving and adapting Scheme Private sector (part of Leadership programme) offers KEY 2011-2015 existing housing- includes Developers, dependent* funding opportunities to inform and encourage regeneration Shropshire parents to understand what they can do to Home improve energy efficiency of homes and how Improvement this can benefit them – also though and Agency, children’s centre drop-ins and activities (Jobs Training and Money / Environmentally Schools, Sure Sustainable Sure start Children’s Centres) Start *Funding secured for social housing - Tenant Children’s wide: £2.5 million available for social housing Centres (per year). Also a further £3.1million over four years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Shropshire Scheme Shropshire Aids and adaptations for KEY Ongoing The aim of completing adaptations is to social housing tenants Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing. Bringing empty homes KEY Shropshire 2011-2015 Scheme Empty Homes: Section 106 Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured back into use- includes Council, dependent New Homes and are generally a package of funding. affordable housing Registered Bonus Seeking Homes and Communities Agency provision Providers, funding for 12 units countywide over four years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. Property Limited local authority funding available Owners, during 2011-2012. local communities, voluntary sector agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Council, Locations to be determined. To include Registered Market Town and Rural Area provision. Providers, Funding proposals being developed. Care Scheme Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing KEY 2012-2015 Developer led. Providers, dependent towards older people, especially frail older Voluntary people, with planned provision for respite Sector, facilities and housing for people with Local disabilities. Communities ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY The Town Council are seeking external funding to appoint a Town Centre Manager, who would have a wide range of functions, including coordinating efforts, countering the Town Council loss of facilities/services, maintaining and Ludlow Town Appoint Town Centre KEY seeking external encouraging a vibrant market and speciality Council Manager funding markets, promoting the attractiveness of the town centre, working to reduce number of empty shops/find temporary use, promoting business recycling, encourage participation of Ludlow Assembly Rooms and other providers, Investigate feasibility of pedestrian priority. Market Towns Shropshire Shropshire MTRP Projects: £400,000 PRIORITY Council, 2010-2015 Council capital Revitalisation Programme allocated Buttercross – awaiting full approval (see page – Larger Market Towns Local programme, 25) Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured Capital Programme businesses, Match funding Assembly Rooms Phase 1 fully allocated. residents, from other Mascall Conference Centre visitor Awaiting approval for sources will be accommodation investors remaining funds explored including LJC funding.

Match funding Millennium from other Trust, sources needed Market Town Shropshire The project will provide improvements to the Revitalisation Project- KEY 2012-2014 £350,000 HLF, Council, weir. Dinham Wier Veolia, Environment Agency Environment Agency Shropshire Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Shop Front Redecoration Council, Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing and redecoration to improve the appearance Scheme Ludlow Town Fund of the streetscene. Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – Dependent Dependent either by provision of services on site, or by upon extent Neighbourhood Shropshire upon Private sector the provision of advice and assistance in Review of Children’s PRIORITY and location Fund, Council developers’ financed gaining access to services elsewhere Centre services of timescales CIL (Local)  At which (some) activities for young children development are provided on site. Children’s Centre services are delivered throughout Shropshire. Residential development creates the following impact on children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Ludlow the Children’s Centre services are delivered from purpose built accommodation at the Rockspring Centre. Ludlow Infant School also has refurbished demountable accommodation. NHS, Potential mixed use for housing and Community Hospital employment once funding for new hospital KEY Shropshire Aspirational redevelopment has been clarified- need to identify new Council employment land to replace loss of eco-park Shropshire Shropshire Adoption programme for KEY 2010-15 £1million Ludlow Eco Park Council business parks Council Council Ludlow Business Park Shropshire Council, Neighbourhood Improve links with local town centre Ludlow Castle KEY Ongoing businesses and improve wayfinding and English Fund interpretation. Heritage Ludlow Town HLF, Council, The Butter Cross, King Ludlow Town Identified as heritage at risk. Proposal to English Street improvements – KEY Ongoing Council, create an interpretation/ education centre and MTRP funding allocated Heritage, potential HLF bid. Key part of visitor resource Shropshire and awaiting full approval Shropshire and established community interest. Council Council Shropshire Council, Neighbourhood Encourage alternative beneficial use which Ludlow Guildhall KEY Ongoing English Fund supports full occupation of the building. Heritage NHS England, Development of a Health facility to co-locate Through the NHS England Ludlow hospital and GPs and other health Ludlow Health Facility PRIORITY 2011-2014 Door To funding services on one site to serve South Healthy Living, Shropshire. Tender process underway to Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured Sure Start select a developer. Site secured at Eco Park. Children’s Through the Door To Healthy Living have Centres, identified potential for the new medical facility Pre-School to include integrated healthy lifestyle activities Learning by having built in space for exercise and Alliance cooking facilities. The Council’s Extended Schools Team has identified the need to consider links / integration with Children’s Centres ‘Food for Thought’ courses, HENRY (Health Exercise and Nutrition in the Really Young) programme, ‘Grow, Cook and Share’ project, use of Pre-School Learning Alliance (PLA) ‘Snackables’ / ‘Health Tots’ sessions for parents, Breast Feeding Peer Support programme, Healthy Schools focus areas and new Extended Services provision at Ludlow Junior School,– aimed at enabling technology, cooking and family projects to take place, Ludlow Infant School CAFÉ Shropshire In need of modernisation. Council, Neighbourhood The Town Council has identified the potential Ludlow Assembly Rooms KEY Ongoing £2-3 million Ludlow Town Fund for the Assembly Rooms, Museum and Visitor Council Centre to be made into a Heritage Centre. Shropshire Council, Neighbourhood Secure funds for redevelopment to include a Ludlow Boxing Club KEY Ludlow Town Fund community facility. Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Flood warning provision- Environment £1,000 per Developer contribution/Environment Agency installation of additional KEY Agency, Ongoing dwelling funding assumed. flood gauges Developers Shropshire Trial plant with Runs on co-collected municipal and Biogas plant (energy from KEY Council, funding from commercial food waste to produce electricity waste) DEFRA DEFRA and fertiliser. KEY Environment Environment Agency, Agency, Enhancement works to the , River Teme Corridor Whitcliffe area, Dinham Green and Gallows Shropshire Shropshire Bank which are key sites. Wildlife Trust Wildlife Trust Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured

Ludlow Town Council, The Town Council recognise the potential for River Teme Hydro Electric Environment Neighbourhood KEY Aspirational energy production from the Teme Weir. Scheme Agency, Fund

Shropshire Council Shropshire Shropshire Council KEY Council, Ongoing Town Centres Approaches Developer Upgrade all approaches into the town centre. Civic Society contributions Ludlow Town Identified as heritage at risk. Part of the Council, Other potential town’s HLF bid. Established Trust. An integral Civic Society, Funding funding sources: secured: part of the town’s heritage interest and Ludlow Town Walls KEY English Ongoing HLF, significance and tourism offer. Vulnerability of £1,800 Heritage, secured Shropshire walls to climate change and development Shropshire Council pressures require ongoing management/ Council maintenance Ludlow Town Council is keen to install local tourist attraction signage and has identified the opportunity to use york paving for the pavements, in keeping with the historic nature of the town. Improvements to the Ludlow Town Reinstatement of cobblestones. Council, Ludlow Town streetscene- install tourist KEY Survey to establish where modern railings attraction signage, Shropshire Council budget should be replaced with more traditional improve paving. Council design, plus condition survey of existing historic railings and program of repair where necessary. Produce landscape strategy to identify opportunities for improvements to visual amenity through landscaping. Shropshire Developer Urban Landscape KEY Aspirational C£4,000 Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment Council contributions Assessment of Ludlow Shropshire Survey all for current conditions. Public consultation to identify key areas. Increased Shuts and Passageways Council, KEY Ongoing street cleaning program/waste collection. Re- Improvement Program Ludlow Town lay/repair appropriate paving, repair/ Council, redecorate walls/ ceilings. Introduce/ repair Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured Civic Society /replace identification signs to both ends of shuts. Install consistent lighting to increase use and public safety. Promotion of their use for pedestrians, tourism. Open any boarded up shut shop fronts and re-occupy. Series of interpretation boards/plaques to increase community interest and tourism Encourage repair/ redecoration of rear of buildings that are visible to the public Shropshire (elevations, out buildings, passageways). Backlands Project KEY Council, Ongoing Shop owners Promote reuse/reoccupation of vacant Shop owners buildings -introduce appropriate lighting. Interpret with plaques/boards at public interfaces Deterrent program to be established including public education initiative (i.e. don't feed the Shropshire Neighbourhood Pigeons/Vermin KEY Ongoing pigeons). Step up garbage pick up and install Prevention Program Council Fund appropriate garbage bins/recycling bins to hinder problem. Repair/replace old pigeon netting/introduce where applicable Shropshire Fundamental/important town views in and out Council, Shropshire Neighbourhood Survey of important views KEY Ongoing to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public in and out of Ludlow. Ludlow Town Council Fund areas such as walkways, promenades, Council seating facilities, viewing platforms. Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation Shropshire exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Council, Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Production of list of KEY Town Council, Neighbourhood statutory list) List would identify local heritage Locally Important Ongoing assets that are valued by local community but Civic Society, Fund Buildings. not statutorily listed that would be afforded English some degree of protection in the planning Heritage system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Shropshire Community Opportunity for the development of a fund in Archaeological Fund KEY support of targeted community-led archaeology projects. Shropshire Shropshire c£2640 per Neighbourhood Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme KEY Ongoing Council Community Tree Scheme Council, ha planted Fund to provide opportunities to enhance the with tree Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured Developers whips. Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and c£260 per Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. new street Whitchurch tree. Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the Council and provision of 10,000 trees. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Installation of historic Survey of existing conditions and research finger posts, waymarkers, Shropshire KEY Ongoing into lost features. Repair or reinstate where milestones, mileposts and Council necessary. street signs. Shropshire Council, Schools – Prevent year on year question of whether or Transport provision to secondary and not provision will be possible. KEY Ongoing support Safe Place to Be feeder Consultation should identify need of working at Secondary School primaries, parents to be supported and access to provision for pupils living in the hinterland. Shropshire Link Park and Ride facilities Neighbourhood Shropshire Potential opportunities for Park and Ride linked to the railway KEY Aspirational Fund, Council facilities linked to the railway station. station CIL (Local) Various rights of way Replacing 9 existing stiles with gates for improvements to create easier access improvements to the Rights of new circular walks - Shropshire Way network and providing 27 new directional removal of stiles and Council, Neighbourhood signposts replacement of gates and Creation and enhancement of the Shropshire KEY Ludlow Parish 2011-2026 £6,030.00 LTP funding Fund, enhanced directional Way and creation of new circular walks to Paths CIL (Local) signage to ensure easier promote as a walking destination. Promotion Partnership access for all and to of easier access routes and ‘health walks’ support ‘Active Market with Walking for Health schemes Town’ and sustainable The Council’s Extended Schools Team has Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Wider Sources Contributions Secured transport initiatives identified the need to tie in with ‘Healthy Living’ work in schools, preschool settings and youth organisations. There is an opportunity for young people and families to participate in planning the design of new routes. Landowners, Ludlow Town Council, Grants, The Town Council are keen to work with Whitcliffe Neighbourhood landowners and Shropshire Council to extend Extend riverside path KEY Landowners, Commoners, Fund the riverside path from Bread Walk to Shropshire Charlton Arms Council Shropshire Wildlife Trust Shropshire Survey all town centre streets to assess Pavement Lights/ Cellar Council, Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing condition and undertake repair and Flaps Program English Fund replacement program. Heritage The Town Council are keen to convert Street lighting- conversion Ludlow Town Ludlow Town KEY Ludlow’s street lighting to minimise electricity to minimise electricity Council Council budget consumption, including light sensitive controls


Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions BURFORD COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Burford Parish Improved community Council, KEY Identified community priority. facilities Shropshire Council

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Burford Parish The Parish Council has expressed a desire to Council, Improvements to the KEY introduce flowering shrubs/ signage, streetscene Shropshire interpretation boards and picnic sites. In Council addition to further seating Public Transport Providers, The Parish Council have identified the need Improved bus Burford Parish KEY for improved bus services to Shropshire, services Council, Worcestershire and Herefordshire. Shropshire Council

Clee Hill

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions CLEE HILL COMMUNITY HUB AND CAYNHAM PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Caynham Parish Council, Neighbourhood Improvements to the KEY The Parish Council has identified the need to streetscene Shropshire Fund monitor litter and dog mess in village. Council

c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Caynham Parish The Parish Council wish to develop a Develop and improve Council, Neighbourhood leaflet/brochure giving details of footpaths the cycle and KEY Shropshire Fund and bridleways. They have also identified the pedestrian network Council need to re-route or reinstate footbridges.


Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ONIBURY COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



Community Tree KEY Shropshire Ongoing c£2640 per ha Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Scheme Council, planted with tree Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Developers whips, Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs include planting, stakes, tree guards and c£260 per new Maelar Forest street tree. Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Funding Whitchurch Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Open Countryside (Parishes of Ashford Bowdler, Ashfrod Carbonell, Bitterley, Bromfield, Greete, Hope Bagot, Hopton Cangeford, Ludford, Richards Castle, Stanton Lacy, Stoke St Milborough,Whitton)

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ASHFORD BOWDLER PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



c£2640 per ha Shropshire Ongoing planted with tree Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree whips, Highways, KEY Council, natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme c£260 per new Maelar Forest Developers include planting, stakes, tree guards and street tree. Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Funding Whitchurch Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ASHFORD CARBONELL PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Church, The Parish Council has identified the need for Heritage of the Ashford Neighbourhood KEY the fabric of the church and its surroundings Church Carbonell Parish Fund to be maintained Council The Parish Council has identified the need a flexible up to date Village Hall including:  A larger function area  A small committee room  A bar area  Indoor games facilities Ashford Neighbourhood Improvements to the KEY Carbonell Parish  Better acoustics Fund Village Hall Council  Better car park lighting  Better storage facilities  Secure Post Office facilities  On-going maintenance  Better and larger kitchen facilities  Upgraded sports field facilities  Upgraded playground facilities Improvements to the KEY Ashford Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need for Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions streetscene Carbonell Parish Fund tree planting around the recreation field and Council, other areas. In addition to wild flowers and Shropshire nesting boxed Council

c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees Ashford Carbonell Parish Neighbourhood Improved recycling KEY Council, The Parish Council has identified the need for facilities Fund better recycling facilities. Shropshire Council TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions BITTERLEY PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Bitterley Parish The Parish Council has identified the need for Provision for young Neighbourhood KEY Council, more activities for the young. Including: people Fund Shropshire  Provision of a youth club for 7-10 year olds Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Council and 14+  Setting up a car sharing scheme for outside activities  Creating a cycle path  Investigate open space and/or creating supervision for the school field to provide an area for outdoor games. The Parish Council support the establishment of a voluntary car sharing scheme, bringing Improved Community Bitterley Parish Neighbourhood KEY more services (namely health) into the Parish Facilities Council Fund using community facilities such as the Village Hall and a good neighbour scheme.

c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees Bitterley Parish Council, The Parish Council has identified a problem Flooding on the roads KEY Landpwners, with flooding of the roads in Bitterley due to in Bitterley the drains being too narrow or not cleared Shropshire frequently enough. Council Earl of Earl of Plymouth The Earl of Plymouth Estates are installing Key 2012-2014 Plymouth Hydro-Electric Plants Estates Estates two Hydro Electric Plants in 2012 and 2014. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Potential Funding Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Wider Developer Sources Contributions BROMFIELD PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions GREETE PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE

c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions HOPE BAGOT PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



c£2640 per ha Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire planted with tree Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing whips, Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers c£260 per new Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and street tree. Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Funding Whitchurch Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions HOPTON CANGEFORD PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions LUDFORD PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions RICHARDS CASTLE PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions

c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions STANTON LACY PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



c£2640 per ha Shropshire planted with tree Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree whips, Highways, KEY Council, Ongoing natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme c£260 per new Maelar Forest Developers include planting, stakes, tree guards and street tree. Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Funding Whitchurch Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions STOKE ST MILBOROUGH PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions WHITTON PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Market Drayton

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Shropshire Council, Homes and Communities Includes provision to support sustainable Agency, independent living for vulnerable people including: Registered  sustainable living at home Providers, Homes and  access to work Specialist Communities  education and training and community Varies from Care Agency, inclusion Housing for vulnerable KEY Ongoing scheme to people Providers, Integrated preventative service provision with scheme Shropshire a pathway approach to access and retain Voluntary Council capital accommodation. Target groups include: older Sector, programme people, young people, people with learning local disabilities, mental health needs, people at communities, risk of homelessness or domestic violence, gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance schools and misusers etc. colleges, West Mercia Police

Shropshire Includes: Council,  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon Registered emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Providers,  Upgrading social housing to meet the Home owners, Decent Homes standard; and Keep  Adaptations to meet changing needs, Shropshire including disabled facilities grants. Warm, The Council’s Extended Schools Team has Improving and adapting 2011- Scheme Private sector KEY identified opportunities to inform and existing housing- includes Developers, 2015 dependent* funding regeneration encourage parents to understand what they Shropshire can do to improve energy efficiency of homes Home and how this can benefit them, through school Improvement (Eco-Schools involvement) and children’s Agency, centre drop-ins and activities.(Developing Schools, Sure Environmentally Sustainable Sure Start Start Children’s centres is being piloted in NW at Children’s Woodside, Oswestry rolling out to other Centres centres later) Aids and adaptations for KEY Shropshire Ongoing Scheme Shropshire The £225,000 is to be used across Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions social housing tenants Council dependent* Council Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. The aim of completing adaptations is to improve the quality of life of our tenants and to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing . Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary Property and are generally a package of funding. Bringing empty homes Owners, Empty Homes: Seeking Homes and Communities Agency back into use- includes 2011- Scheme KEY local New Homes Section 106 funding for 12 units countywide over four affordable housing 2015 dependent communities, Bonus years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. provision voluntary Limited local authority funding available sector during 2011-2012. agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Council, Locations to be determined. To include Registered Market Town and Rural Area provision. Providers, Funding proposals being developed. Care 2012- Scheme Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing KEY Developer led. Providers, 2015 dependent towards older people, especially frail older Voluntary people, with planned provision for respite Sector, facilities and housing for people with Local disabilities. Communities Shropshire Council, The Town Council has identified the need Residential and nursing more residential and nursing care places in KEY Developers, Ongoing Developer led care places Market Drayton Market Drayton Town Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Council ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Shropshire Programme to support a range of capital Shropshire Council capital projects which meet the Market Town Council, programme. Market Towns Match funding Revitalisation Programme objectives. Projects local 2010- Revitalisation Programme- PRIORITY £425,000. from other in the pipeline are Festival Drayton Cinema businesses, 2015 Market Towns Capital sources will be Technology Upgrade, Retain incubator units, Initiative Fund residents, explored Retain unit grant scheme, canal-town centre investors including LJC link, craft patch project for adults with learning funding. difficulties. Market Drayton Town Encourage new retailers Neighbourhood The Town Council has identified a long term KEY Council, Ongoing and new types of shops Fund action to encourage new retailers and new Shropshire types of shops into the town centre. Council Market Drayton Town The Town Council has identified a short term Neighbourhood priority for producing a comprehensive plan Marketing of the town KEY Council, Ongoing Fund for the development and regeneration of the Shropshire town centre. Council Market Development of a high Drayton Town The Town Council has identified a long term quality technology park KEY Council, Ongoing Developer led action for developing a high quality and multi-use office and Shropshire technology park. studio space Council Market Drayton Town Neighbourhood The Town Council has identified the need to KEY Council, Ongoing Development of work skills Fund developer work skills in Market Drayton, to Education lead to new jobs Providers Market The Town Council has identified the need to Develop a tourism Drayton Town Neighbourhood develop a tourism strategy and investment KEY Ongoing strategy and investment Council, Fund programme for Market Drayton. There is also programme an identified need to support the town’s Shropshire existing and potential tourist attractions. Reinstate Victorian Fountain find a new mixed Canal Wharf Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing use for the listed Pill Box and surrounding improvements Council Fund area. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Identify opportunities to improve the connectivity of the canal wharf to the rest of the town. Reverse market stalls on market day so Shropshire Neighbourhood Market area KEY Ongoing shops are easily accessible, upgrade and improvements Council Fund enhance markets street, interpret and improve wayfinding signs.

Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Shop Front Redecoration Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing and redecoration to improve the appearance Scheme Council Fund of the streetscene.

Survey all town centre streets to assess Pavement Lights/ Cellar Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing condition and undertake repair and Flaps Program Council Fund replacement program. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere Depende Dependent  At which (some) activities for young children nt upon upon extent Neighbourhood are provided on site. Shropshire developer Private sector Review of Children’s PRIORITY and location Fund, Children’s Centre services are delivered Council s’ financed Centre services of throughout Shropshire. Residential timescale CIL (Local) development development creates the following impact on s children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Market Drayton there are two Children’s Centre at the Market Drayton Infant School and Market Drayton Longlands. These are both purpose build stand-alone demountables close or co-located to an early education providers. Potential for various integrated services at the medical centre. The Council’s Extended Schools Team has identified the potential to link Child Health Shropshire, priority in children’s centres. Healthy schools NHS England, work at schools, HENRY(Health Exercise Integrated health services Nutrition for the Really Young), with other KEY Schools/ NHS England local and national health improvement needs Children’s and objectives – working together to make Centres best use of available resources and to target specific groups most appropriately (eg Health Visitors and School Nurses - Breast Feeding Peer Group Supporters/National Obesity Strategy). ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Environment The and the adjacent areas are Agency, the focus of ecological interest in the area and Shropshire so key to green infrastructure. River Tern Corridor KEY Wildlife Trust, This is an area of interest for the Community Shropshire Led Town Plan group and Walkmills Meadow Council group Shropshire Neighbourhood Urban Landscape KEY Ongoing C£3000 Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment Council Fund Assessment of Market Drayton Survey all for current conditions. Public consultation to identify key areas. Increased street cleaning program/waste collection. Re- lay/repair appropriate paving, Shuts and Passageways Shropshire KEY Ongoing repair/redecorate walls/ ceilings. Introduce/ Improvement Program Council repair/replace identification signs to both ends of shuts. Install consistent lighting to increase use and public safety. Promotion of their use for pedestrians, tourism. Open any boarded Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions up shut shop fronts and re-occupy. Series of interpretation boards/plaques to increase community interest and tourism Encourage repair/ redecoration of rear of buildings that are visible to the public Shropshire (elevations, out buildings, passageways). KEY Ongoing Shop owners Backlands Project Council Promote reuse/reoccupation of vacant buildings -introduce appropriate lighting. Interpret with plaques/boards at public interfaces Deterrent program to be established including public education initiative (i.e. don't feed the Shropshire Pigeons/Vermin KEY Ongoing pigeons). Step up garbage pick up and install Prevention Program Council appropriate garbage bins/recycling bins to hinder problem. Repair/replace old pigeon netting/introduce where applicable Shropshire Fundamental/important town views in and out Survey of important views Council Neighbourhood to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public in and out of Market KEY Ongoing (Historic Fund areas such as walkways, promenades, Drayton. Environment) seating facilities. Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Production of list of Shropshire Neighbourhood statutory list) List would identify local heritage KEY Ongoing Locally Important Council Fund assets that are valued by local community but Buildings. not statutorily listed that would be afforded some degree of protection in the planning system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Shropshire Neighbourhood Engage local groups to identify future Heritage at Risk register KEY Ongoing Council Fund Buildings at Risk Opportunity for the development of a fund in Shropshire Community Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund Fund archaeology projects. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire c£2640 per Shropshire ha planted Council to provide opportunities to enhance the KEY Council, Ongoing Community Tree Scheme with tree Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Developers whips. include planting, stakes, tree guards and Maelar Forest watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions c£260 per Nurseries, new street Whitchurch tree. Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the Council and provision of 10,000 trees. Market The Town Council has identified the need to Monthly waste skip KEY Drayton Town explore options for reinstating the monthly collection Council waste skip facility. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Installation of historic Survey of existing conditions and research finger posts, waymarkers, Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY into lost features. Repair or reinstate where milestones, mileposts and Council Fund necessary street signs. Identify opportunities to improve the visual Shropshire Neighbourhood amenity of car parks in the historic town Improvement of car parks KEY Council Fund centre. Increase provision of wayfinding signs and landscaping.


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions ADDERLEY COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES The Parish Council has identified a need to Ightfield Parish provide starter homes and small scale mixed Improve housing mix PRIORITY Ongoing Council development in order to sustain the community. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions The Parish Council has identified the need to Improvements to the Adderley improve access to the church particularly for KEY Neighbourhood Church Parish Council wheelchairs. Fund In addition to making the Church a centre for the arts and music. The Parish Council has identified the need to Improvements to the Adderley Neighbourhood KEY enhance the external appearance of the village hall Parish Council Fund village hall. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions CHESWARDINE COMMNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES The Parish Council has identified a need to Parish Design Construct a parish design produce a parish design statement to ensure KEY Statement statement the parish develops as the majority of the Committee community wish it to. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY The Parish Council has identified a need to Retention of shop and Cheswardine Neighbourhood KEY develop initiatives to preserve the shop and post office Parish Council Fund post office facilities in the parish SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Cheswardine The Parish Council aim to explore ways to Improve information about Neighbourhood KEY Parish Council, expand and improve information about community activities Fund activities and entertainment for all age groups The Parish Council has identified a need to Improve parish Cheswardine Neighbourhood further develop and improve communication KEY communications Parish Council Fund avenues for Parish news items in general and planning issues in particular. The Parish Council has identified a need to develop a neighbourhood watch scheme and Develop a Neighbourhood Cheswardine KEY explore ways to increase levels of policing. watch scheme Parish Council The Local Policing Team will work with the Parish Council to set this up. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE The Parish Council has identified the need to Improvements to waste Cheswardine KEY Developer led improve facilities for the disposal of large disposal for large items Parish Council waste items. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Footpath & bridleway KEY Cheswardine The Parish Council has identified a need to improvements Parish Council, improve access to and information about, footpaths and bridleways Improvements to road KEY Cheswardine The Parish Council has identified a need to safety Parish Council, address concerns about road safety.

Childs Ercall

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions CHILDS ERCALL COMMNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs

Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY


Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Potential Funding Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Cost / Funds Wider Developer Secured Sources Contributions HINSTOCK COMMNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Hinstock Parish Plan has identified the need Encourage small business Shropshire KEY to encourage small businesses and home and home working Council working Hinstock Neighbourhood Hinstock Parish Plan has identified a need to Encourage tourism KEY Parish Council Fund promote Hinstock to tourists. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Hinstock Parish Plan has identified a need for West Mercia Improve police coverage KEY increased police coverage to alleviate Police vandalism and reduce speeding. Hinstock Parish Plan identifies a need for the Hinstock Neighbourhood Mobile library KEY mobile library to be advertised on village Parish Council Fund notice boards and in newsletter. Hinstock Parish Plan identifies a need for Improvements to the Hinstock Neighbourhood improvements to be made to the village hall KEY village hall Parish Council Fund including for the roof to be fixed and for it to be advertised for hire. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs

Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Hinstock Parish Plan has expressed an Neighbourhood Street lighting KEY interest into investigating the cost and Fund desirability of additional street lighting and the maintenance of street lighting. The Parish Plan has identified need for: Streetscene Neighbourhood KEY  Provision of dog waste bins improvements Fund  Provision of litter bins


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions HODNET COMMNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Identification of empty Homeowners, KEY The Parish Council has identified a need to properties Landlords, identify empty properties Hodnet Parish Council Shropshire Council, Retirement/ smaller The Parish Council has identified a need for homes for ageing Developers, KEY retirement properties/smaller homes to cater Landowners, community for the ageing community Hodnet Parish Council Shropshire Maintenance and Council, homeowner The Parish Council has identified a need for regeneration of existing KEY landlords the maintenance and regeneration of existing housing stock housing stock Hodnet Parish Council ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Local The Parish Council has identified a need for Encourage inward businesses, encouragement of inward investment with the investment of small PRIORITY residents, potential for funding from Business Enterprise businesses investors, Grants. Hodnet Parish Council Local businesses, The Parish Council has identified a need for Enabling home working KEY residents and enabling home working. investors The Parish Council has identified a need to Shropshire market Hodnet and encourage tourism, Council tourist particularly in relation to: Marketing Hodnet as a Neighbourhood KEY boards,  Hodnet Hall, tourist destination Fund English  Wolleton Old Hall gardnes, Hodnet Heritage historic village,  Wetlands. Local employment Shropshire The Parish Council have identified the need PRIORITY opportunities Council for more local employment opportunities. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Shropshire The Parish Council has identified the need to Council, support essential village elements such as: Identification and support Service  Medical centre to essential village KEY owners,  Garages services Landlords,  Village Hall Hodnet Parish  Village shops Council  Primary school Hodnet Parish The Parish Council has identified the need to Support to local groups KEY Council, support local groups eg scouting, WI and Local residents gardening club. The Parish Council has identified the need to Maintain parish Hodnet Parish Neighbourhood Key improve communication of local events communications Council Fund though the parish website and parish notices. Hodnet Parish The Parish Council has identified the need to Support for village hall KEY Council provide support to the village hall. Shropshire The Parish Council has identified the need to Support for primary school KEY Council provide support to the primary school. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Hodnet Parish Council, Improved access to KEY The Parish Council has identified the need for Wollerton Wetlands Shropshire improved access to Wollerton Wetlands Council EH 2010 Heritage at Risk register includes Shropshire the Dovecot at Hodnet Park. Heritage at Risk register KEY Council Engage local groups to identify future Buildings at Risk. Shropshire The Parish Plan has identified the need for Council, Environmental KEY various improvements through the use of Improvements Hodnet Parish green space, noise reduction and increased Council litter collection c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Stoke Heath

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions STOKE HEATH COMMUNITY HUB AND STOKE UPON TERN PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire ha planted Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing with tree Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Developers whips, Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and c£260 per Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. new street Whitchurch tree. Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Woore, Irelands Cross and Pipe Gate

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions , IRELANDS CROSS AND PIPE GATE COMMUNITY HUB AND WOORE PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Victory Hall Committee, Woore Parish Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need to KEY Council, Victory Hall Maintenance Fund assist with the maintenance of the revitalised Community Victory Hall. Council of Shropshire The Parish Council has expressed a wish to Produce an information Woore Parish Neighbourhood KEY produce an information booklet for every booklet for households Council Fund household and issue it annually. Woore Parish The Parish Council has identified a wish to Council, Neighbourhood Maximise the multi-use of KEY maximise the multi-use of public building to public Buildings Shropshire Fund include; Victory Hall, Woore Primary School Council and other public building in the parish ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE The Parish Council has identified the possibility of connection to mains gas supply Mains Gas Service KEY Gas providers Gas providers via local methane gas extraction between Bearstone and A53 at Market Drayton Shropshire The Parish Council has identified that high Council Neighbourhood Improvements to public KEY standard insulation is needed to public buildings Woore Parish Fund buildings and possibly installation of Council photovoltaic cells The parish council has identified the need to Identification of a site for Woore Parish KEY identify a suitable site for a bio-mass Bio-mass generator Council generator. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Tyrley, Woodseaves (Sutton Lane) Woodesaves (Sydnall Lane)

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions TYRLEY, WOODSEAVES (SUTTON LANE) WOODESAVES (SYDNALL LANE) COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs

Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Marchamley, Peplow and Wollerton

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions MARCHAMLEY, PEPLOW AND WOLLERTON COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Ongoing c£2640 per Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire ha planted Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, with tree Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs

Developers whips, Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and c£260 per Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. new street Whitchurch tree. Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Blecthley, Longford, Longlsow and Moreton Say

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions BLECTHLEY, LONGFORD, LONGLSOW AND MORETON SAY COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire The Parish Council has identified a need for Starter homes to rent/buy KEY Developer led Council starter homes to rent/buy. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE The Parish Council has identified the need to investigate ways of improving the utilisation of Moreton Say Neighbourhood Improvements to the KEY the Clive Hall and to implement improvements village hall Parish Council Fund to the organisation and promotion of the hall across the Parish. To further develop the physical structure and available facilities. Moreton Say The Parish Council has identified the need to Provision of community Parish Council, Neighbourhood KEY establish new activities and entertainment activities Shropshire Fund within the Parish. Council The Parish Council has identified the need to West Mercia increase Police presence in the Parish and Increased Parish Policing KEY Police also explore the possibility of setting up a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. The Market Drayton Local Policing Team will work with the Parish Council to address these matters. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs

Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Develop a plan to tackle KEY Moreton Say The Parish Council has identified the need to: transport concerns Parish Council,  Draw up a plan to tackle the specific concerns - speeding traffic, mud on Shropshire roads, road maintenance, road Council drainage, passing places


Open Countryside (Parishes of Norton in Hales and Betton)

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions NORTON IN HALES PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs

Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions BETTON PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per Shropshire ha planted Council Ongoing with tree Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, whips, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs c£260 per Developers Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and new street Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. tree.

Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Minsterley and Pontesbury

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions MINSTERLEY AND PONTESBURY TOWNS AND PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Homes and Communities Includes provision to support sustainable Agency, independent living for vulnerable people including: Registered  sustainable living at home Providers, Homes and  access to work Specialist Communities  education and training and community Varies from Care Agency, inclusion Housing for vulnerable KEY Ongoing scheme to people Providers, Integrated preventative service provision with scheme Shropshire a pathway approach to access and retain Voluntary Council capital accommodation. Target groups include: older Sector, programme people, young people, people with learning local disabilities, mental health needs, people at communities, risk of homelessness or domestic violence, gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance schools and misusers etc. colleges, West Mercia Police Shropshire 2011- Scheme Private sector Improving and adapting KEY Includes: existing housing- includes Council, 2015 dependent* funding  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon regeneration Registered emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Providers,  Upgrading social housing to meet the Home owners, Decent Homes standard; and Keep  Adaptations to meet changing needs, Shropshire including disabled facilities grants. Warm, The Council’s Extended Schools Team has identified opportunities to inform and Developers, encourage parents to understand what they Shropshire can do to improve energy efficiency of homes Home and how this can benefit them, through school Improvement (Eco-Schools involvement) and children’s Agency, centre drop-ins and activities.(Developing Schools, Sure Environmentally Sustainable Sure Start Start Children’s centres is being piloted in NW at Children’s Woodside, Oswestry rolling out to other Centres centres later) The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Shropshire Scheme Shropshire Aids and adaptations for KEY Ongoing The aim of completing adaptations is to social housing tenants Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing. Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary Property and are generally a package of funding. Bringing empty homes Owners, Empty Homes: Seeking Homes and Communities Agency back into use- includes 2011- Scheme KEY local New Homes Section 106 funding for 12 units countywide over four affordable housing 2015 dependent communities, Bonus years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. provision voluntary Limited local authority funding available sector during 2011-2012. agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire 2012- Scheme Locations to be determined. To include Extra Care Housing KEY Developer led. Council, 2015 dependent Market Town and Rural Area provision. Registered Funding proposals being developed. Providers, Extra Care Housing provision targeted Care towards older people, especially frail older Providers, people, with planned provision for respite facilities and housing for people with Voluntary disabilities. Sector, Local Communities ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Shropshire Shropshire Council capital Council, programme. Market Towns Match funding local 2010- Revitalisation Programme- PRIORITY £0.5million from other businesses, 2015 Rea Valley Local Produce Market Market Towns Capital sources will be Initiative Fund residents, explored investors including LJC funding. The Parish Council have identified a need for enhancements to be made to the centre of Pontesbury shopping area Pontesbury Neighbourhood PRIORITY Pontesbury to ensure it provides an attractive enhancement Parish Fund shopping environment and hub of the community. Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Shop Front Redecoration Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY and redecoration to improve the appearance Scheme in Pontesbury Council Fund of the streetscene. Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Shop Front Redecoration Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY and redecoration to improve the appearance Scheme in Minsterley Council Fund of the streetscene. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that Depende Dependent early childhood services are made available nt upon upon extent Neighbourhood in an integrated manner through which early Shropshire developer Private sector Review of Children’s PRIORITY and location Fund, childhood services are made available – Council s’ financed Centre services of either by provision of services on site, or by timescale CIL (Local) development the provision of advice and assistance in s gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children are provided on site. Children’s Centre services are delivered throughout Shropshire. Residential development creates the following impact on children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Minsterley and Pontesbury the Children’s Centre services are delivered from rented accommodation within Minsterley Parish Hall. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Urban Landscape Shropshire Neighbourhood Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment of KEY c£15,000 Council Fund Assessment of Pontesbury. Pontesbury Provide community access and interpretation for Lower Camp Hillfort Scheduled Ancient Shropshire Monument on Pontesbury Hill. Install Lower Camp Hillfort KEY Council interpretation panels and engage a team of local volunteers to assist with the management of the site. Provide community access and interpretation for Callow Hill Camp Hillfort Scheduled Callow Hill Camp Hillfort Shropshire KEY Ancient Monument. Install interpretation Scheduled Monument Council panels and engage a team of local volunteers to assist with the management of the site. Fundamental/important town views in and out Shropshire Neighbourhood Survey of important views KEY to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public in and out of Pontesbury. Council Fund areas such as walkways, promenades, seating facilities. Fundamental/important town views in and out Shropshire Neighbourhood Survey of important views KEY to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public in and out of Minsterley Council Fund areas such as walkways, promenades, seating facilities. Urban Landscape Shropshire Neighbourhood Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment of KEY C£1,000 Council Fund Assessment of Minsterley Minsterley

Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Production of list of Shropshire Neighbourhood statutory list) List would identify local heritage KEY Locally Important Council Fund assets that are valued by local community but Buildings in Minsterley. not statutorily listed that would be afforded some degree of protection in the planning system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Production of list of Shropshire Neighbourhood statutory list) List would identify local heritage KEY Locally Important Council Fund assets that are valued by local community but Buildings in Pontesbury. not statutorily listed that would be afforded some degree of protection in the planning system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list. Shropshire Neighbourhood Heritage at Risk register KEY Engage local groups to identify future for Pontesbury Council Fund Buildings at Risk. Shropshire Neighbourhood Heritage at Risk register KEY Engage local groups to identify future for Minsterley Council Fund Buildings at Risk.

Places of worship are not currently included on the Heritage at Risk Register but there are potential additions which include Minsterley. Shropshire Heritage at risk- places of KEY These places of worship are in the Hereford worship Council Diocese and have substantial repairs on the offing, typically in rural locations and with the potential to develop more community uses in order to improve their sustainability

Shropshire Neighbourhood Shropshire Community KEY Opportunity for the development of a fund in Archaeological Fund Council Fund support of targeted community-led archaeology projects. Survey to establish where modern railings should be replaced with more traditional design, plus condition survey of existing Streetscene Shropshire Neighbourhood historic railings and program of repair where KEY improvements in Council Fund necessary. Pontesbury Identify opportunities to improve visual amenity of town centre through landscaping. Survey all streets for existing signage and replace, repair or introduce where necessary. Survey to establish where modern railings should be replaced with more traditional design, plus condition survey of existing Streetscene Shropshire Neighbourhood historic railings and program of repair where KEY improvements in Council Fund necessary. Minsterley Identify opportunities to improve visual amenity of town centre through landscaping. Survey all streets for existing signage and replace, repair or introduce where necessary. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Installation of historic Survey of existing conditions and research finger posts, waymarkers, Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY into lost features. Repair or reinstate where milestones, mileposts and Council Fund necessary. street signs in Pontesbury Identify opportunities to improve the visual Shropshire Neighbourhood Improvement of car parks KEY amenity of car parks in the historic town in Pontesbury Council Fund centre. Increase provision of wayfinding signs and landscaping. Installation of historic Survey of existing conditions and research finger posts, waymarkers, Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY into lost features. Repair or reinstate where milestones, mileposts and Council Fund necessary. street signs in Minsterley. Identify opportunities to improve the visual Shropshire Neighbourhood Improvement of car parks KEY amenity of car parks in the historic town in Minsterley Council Fund centre. Increase provision of wayfinding signs and landscaping.

Much Wenlock

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Homes and Includes provision to support sustainable Communities independent living for vulnerable people Agency, including:  sustainable living at home Registered Homes and Providers,  access to work Communities  education and training and community Specialist Care Varies from Agency, inclusion Housing for Key Providers, Ongoing scheme to vulnerable people Shropshire Integrated preventative service provision with Voluntary scheme Council a pathway approach to access and retain Sector, capital accommodation. Target groups include: older programme people, young people, people with learning local disabilities, mental health needs, people at communities, risk of homelessness or domestic violence, schools and gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance colleges, misusers etc. West Mercia Police Improving and Shropshire Includes: adapting existing Scheme Private sector KEY Council, 2011-2015  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon housing- includes dependent* funding emissions and tackle fuel poverty; regeneration Registered Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Providers,  Upgrading social housing to meet the Home owners, Decent Homes standard; and Keep  Adaptations to meet changing needs, Shropshire including disabled facilities grants. Warm, The Council’s Extended Schools Team has identified that Sustainability/Climate Change Developers, work at schools / Idsall Eco-Leaders project Shropshire (part of Leadership programme) offers Home opportunities to inform and encourage Improvement parents to understand what they can do to Agency, improve energy efficiency of homes and how Schools, Sure this can benefit them – also though and Start Children’s children’s centre drop-ins and activities (Jobs Centres Training and Money / Environmentally Sustainable Sure start Children’s Centres) *Funding secured for social housing - Tenant wide: £2.5 million available for social housing (per year). Also a further £3.1million over four years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Aids and adaptations Shropshire Scheme Shropshire The aim of completing adaptations is to for social housing KEY Ongoing Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and tenants to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing . Shropshire Council, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs Registered vary and are generally a package of funding. Bringing empty Empty Providers, Seeking Homes and Communities Agency homes back into use- Scheme Homes: KEY Property 2011-2015 Section 106 funding for 12 units countywide over four includes affordable dependent New Homes Owners, years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. housing provision Bonus local Limited local authority funding available communities, during 2011-2012. voluntary sector Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Council, Locations to be determined. To include Registered Market Town and Rural Area provision. Providers, Funding proposals being developed. Scheme Developer Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing KEY Care Providers, 2012-2015 dependent led. towards older people, especially frail older Voluntary people, with planned provision for respite Sector, facilities and housing for people with Local disabilities. Communities A review of garage sites in this area is due to Review of garage take place to ensure the Council can Shropshire Shropshire sites the Council’s KEY maximise the potential of the sites. This Landlord Services Council Council could potentially include the demolition of the department controls garages and rebuilding with new social housing. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Much Wenlock Town Council, Shropshire Cost: £65,450 Promoting Much Council, Additional tourism marketing activity to drive Wenlock as a tourism PRIORITY Funds secured: RDPE additional trade and visit to towns in the lead destination Tourism £65,450 up and post 2012. businesses and providers in Much Wenlock Total Funding: Shropshire Council £0.5million Market Towns Revitalisation Programme Shropshire capital allocated across £50,000 bid; £40,000 allocated. Market Towns Council, programme. 112 designated The remainder of this funding has now been revitalisation Match funding Local Market Towns spent on improvements to Sheinton Street Programme- Market PRIORITY 2010-2015 from other businesses, and key corner. Towns Capital sources will residents, settlements Much Wenlock has not received any funding Initiative Fund be explored investors Funds Secured: including LJC from the Market Towns Capital Initiative £40,000 funding. Fund.

Development KEY The Town Council suggest that there is a Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions opportunities for key need for development advice to outline the sites opportunities that are available for key sites and how community benefits can be maximised. Encourage refurbishment of Buildings at Risk on the High Street opposite the Gaskell Arms. The Town Council has highlighted the need to Shropshire Neighbourhood High Street KEY Ongoing include Plot 26 on High Street. refurbishment Council Fund The town Council has had discussions with the new owner regarding plans to improve the site. A Planning Application is expected shortly. Shropshire Shop Front Council, Neighbourhood Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Redecoration KEY Ongoing and redecoration to improve the appearance Much Wenlock Fund Scheme of the streetscene. Town Council Shropshire Survey all town centre streets to assess Pavement Lights/ Neighbourhood KEY Council, Ongoing condition and undertake repair and Cellar Flaps Program Fund English Heritage replacement program. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by Dependent Dependent upon the provision of advice and assistance in Neighbourhood gaining access to services elsewhere Review of Children’s Shropshire upon extent and Private sector PRIORITY Fund,  At which (some) activities for young children Centre services Council developers’ location of financed timescales development CIL (Local) are provided on site. Children’s Centre services are delivered throughout Shropshire. Residential development creates the following impact on children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Much Wenlock there is currently on Children’s Centre. AONB with Supports basic services, village renewal and Shropshire development, conserving/upgrading rural Shropshire Hills Cots: Council as heritage, training and information, co- LEADER Programme £1.32million KEY accountable RDPE operation. (focus on hinterland Funds secured: body, Impact also on environment. not the market town) £1.32millioon AONB Most of the funding is committed. Partnership Eligibility criteria are complex. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Much Wenlock Promotion of Town Council, KEY Ongoing Identified community aspiration. renewable energy Shropshire Council Shropshire Council, Neighbourhood Much Wenlock KEY Much Wenlock Ongoing Encourage completion of the windmill Windmill Windmill Fund restoration project. Preservation Trust Survey all for current conditions. Public consultation to identify key areas. Increased street cleaning program/waste collection, re- Shropshire lay / repair appropriate paving, repair/ Shuts and Council, redecorate walls / ceilings. Introduce / repair / Neighbourhood Passageways KEY Much Wenlock Ongoing replace identification signs to both ends of Fund Improvement Town Council, shuts. Install consistent lighting to increase Program use and public safety. Promotion of their use Civic Society for pedestrians, tourism. Open any boarded up shut shop fronts and re-occupy. Series of interpretation boards/plaques to increase community interest and tourism. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Encourage repair/ redecoration of rear of buildings that are visible to the public Shropshire (elevations, out buildings, passageways). Backlands Project KEY Council, Ongoing Shop owners Promote reuse/reoccupation of vacant Shop owners buildings - introduce appropriate lighting. Interpret with plaques/boards at public interfaces Deterrent program to be established including public education initiative (i.e. don't feed the Shropshire Pigeons/Vermin KEY Ongoing pigeons). Step up garbage pick up and install Prevention Program Council appropriate garbage bins/recycling bins to hinder problem. Repair/replace old pigeon netting/introduce where applicable. Fundamental/important town views in and out Survey of important Shropshire Neighbourhood to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public views in and out of KEY Ongoing. Council Fund areas such as walkways, promenades, Much Wenlock seating facilities. Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation Shropshire exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Council, Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Production of list of Much Wenlock Neighbourhood statutory list) List would identify local heritage KEY Ongoing Locally Important Town Council, Fund assets that are valued by local community but Buildings not statutorily listed that would be afforded Civic Society, some degree of protection in the planning English Heritage system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Shropshire Heritage at Risk KEY Council, Ongoing Engage local groups to identify future register Buildings at Risk. English Heritage Shropshire Neighbourhood Opportunity for the development of a fund in KEY Community Fund support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund archaeology projects. Survey to establish where modern railings should be replaced with more traditional Shropshire design, plus condition survey of existing Council, Shropshire Neighbourhood Streetscene KEY Ongoing historic railings and program of repair where improvements Much Wenlock Council Fund necessary. Town Council Identify opportunities to improve visual amenity of town centre through landscaping. Survey all streets for existing replace, repair Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions or introduce where necessary. To include historic cast iron street signs. Urban Landscape Shropshire Neighbourhood Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character KEY Aspirational Council Fund Assessment of Much Wenlock Assessment c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire c£260 per new Council Ongoing street tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and to be shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the

council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Installation of historic finger posts, Shropshire Neighbourhood Survey of existing conditions and research KEY Ongoing waymarkers, Council Fund into lost features. Repair or reinstate where milestones, mileposts necessary and street signs. Identify opportunities to improve the visual Shropshire Neighbourhood Improvement of car KEY Ongoing amenity of car parks in the historic town parks Council Fund centre. Increase provision of wayfinding signs and landscaping.


Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions BUILDWAS COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE

ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Open Countryside (Parishes of Church Preen, Hughley and Kenley, Cressage, Harley and Sheinton, Easthope, Shipton and Stanton Long)

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions CHURCH PREEN, HUGHLEY AND KENLEY PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire planted with tree Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing whips, Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme include planting, stakes, tree guards and Developers c£260 per new Maelar Forest watering to establish trees over first 3 years. street tree. Nurseries, Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Funding Whitchurch a local community priority. Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions CRESSAGE, HARLEY AND SHEINTON PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Village Hall Committee, Improve facilities at Parish Council, The Parish Council has identified the need to Cressage Village Hall Neighbourhood KEY Short term improve facilities at Cressage Village Hall and to allow for greater Community, Fund ensure it is developed for flexible usage. use by the community Local groups and organisations Sheinton Establish community Community, Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need to meeting place in KEY Long Term Parish Council, Fund establish a meeting place. Sheinton Church Improve links between the The Parish Council has identified the need to community and both Parish Council, improve these links to ensure that there is the Parish Council KEY Shropshire Long term increased attendance and involvement in and Shropshire Council Parish Council, Police and Community Council through Together and Local Joint Committee. promotional Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions campaigns Continue to support the school, shop, post Short term The Parish Council has identified the need to office, pubs, social KEY Community and ongoing retain services and facilities in the parishes. club, village halls and churches Village Hall Committees, More village and The Parish Council has identified the need to parish events and Volunteers, Short term Neighbourhood KEY establish new traditions and activities and activities in village School, and ongoing Fund continue current events halls Churches, Community The Parish Council has identified the need to Establish Parish Parish Council, Neighbourhood KEY Medium term have fully operation website and keep it up- Website Volunteers Fund to-date Parish Council, Investigate the Youth Worker, The Parish Council has identified the need to feasibility for a weekly KEY Volunteers, Short term establish a weekly coach or minibus service coach or minibus for to Telford for young people. teenagers to Telford Local Bus Company Christ Church C of E Primary Set up a Breakfast KEY School, Ongoing The Parish Council has identified the need to Club with the school have a Breakfast Club at the school Children and parents Christ Church C of E Primary Establish after school KEY School, Medium term The Parish Council has identified the need to care at the school establish an after school club at the school. Children and parents Christ Church C of E Primary Continue community School, Short term The Parish Council has identified the need to cohesion work in the KEY Local Authority and ongoing build community cohesion. primary school Traveller Liaison Teacher, Community Promote the school KEY Christ Church C The Parish Council has identified the need to Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions and what it has to of E Primary positively promote the school and increase offer. Consider ways School, number of children on the roll. to improve the school Parish Council, and its facilities Community Improve links Christ Church C between the school of E Primary The Parish Council has identified the need to and the community KEY School, Short term strengthen the links between the school and including the Community, the community. continuation of current activities Parish Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees Roman Villa, north Identified as heritage at risk. Potential east of Cottage KEY community interest in sites archaeology. Coppice Parish Council, The Parish Council has identified the need to Install dog waste bins KEY Shropshire Short term install dog waste bins, with the aim to have Council the footpaths clear with regular enforcement. The Parish Council has identified the need to Organise regular litter Parish Council, KEY Short term establish a litter pick group and organise a picks Volunteers timetabled litter pick. Parish Council, Community, Maintain or create a KEY Long Term The Parish Council has identified the need for wildlife area Shropshire the wildlife area to be maintained or created. Wildlife Trust Encourage Parish Council, Short term The Parish Council has identified the need to maintenance of KEY ensure that hedgerows are maintained and Residents and ongoing hedges at a no longer an obstruction to the public highway Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions responsible height, or other people’s property. particularly those that border the public highway and other people’s property TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Lobby for improvements to Parish Councils, The Parish Council has identified the need to public transport KEY Public Transport Long Term improve public transport provision in the servicing the parish to Providers parish is so local businesses could benefit. promote business Shropshire Council, Medium Set up a Parish Paths KEY Countryside The Parish Council has identified the need to Term Partnership group Access Team, establish a group. Community Shropshire The Parish Council has identified the need to: Council,  Reduce traffic speeds. Parish Councils, Road maintenance KEY  Have well maintained roads. and management Parish Plan  Provide information on road Groups, maintenance/closures – particularly to Community Sheinton residents. Harley Community, Provision of a Plume of Medium – footpath from Plume KEY The Parish Council has identified the need to of Feathers to Harley Feathers, Long Term have a safe footpath in place. Villages Parish Council, New PP3 group

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions EASTHOPE, SHIPTON AND STANTON LONG PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Police, The Parish Action Plan has identified the Parish Councils, Neighbourhood KEY need to create an active Neighbourhood Watch Scheme Local Watch Scheme and support the local Police Community Farm Watch initiative. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Parish Councils, Easthope, Shipton and The Parish Action Plan has identified the Stanton Long need for:  Clearer signs Streetscene Environment KEY  Reduced litter improvements Group,  More trees and wild flowers Local Community,  Footpath maintenance  More recycling opportunities Shropshire Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council street tree. to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Developers Secured: £5,000 Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch Planting and maintaining trees and hedges is throughout the a local community priority. council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Parish Councils, The Parish Action Plan has identified the Neighbouring need for:  Concern about speed limits in the villages, Reduce speeding parishes, KEY and in particular Brockton near the school. traffic LJC, Speed limits now in operation in Brockton. Shropshire  Explore the possibility of purchasing a Council repositionable flashing speed sign. Local The Parish Action Plan has identified the Road maintenance KEY community, need for: Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Shropshire  Residents to report issues to the Parish Council, Council Parish Councils  The Parish Council to continue lobbying Shropshire Council to remedy problems. Community Bus The Parish Action Plan has identified the Public transport KEY Scheme, Ongoing need for greater advertisement of the provision Community Bus Scheme in Wenlock Herald Parish Councils to increase use in the community


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured OSWESTRY TOWN AND ARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Includes provision to support sustainable Council, independent living for vulnerable people including: Homes and  sustainable living at home Communities  access to work Agency,  education and training and community Registered inclusion Providers, Homes and Integrated preventative service provision with Communities a pathway approach to access and retain Specialist Varies from Agency, accommodation. Target groups include: older Housing for vulnerable Key Care Ongoing scheme to people people, young people, people with learning Providers, scheme Shropshire disabilities, mental health needs, people at Council capital Voluntary risk of homelessness or domestic violence, programme gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance Sector, misusers etc. local Housing with support scheme for adults with communities, Asperger’s Syndrome for high functioning Autism, who also have further complex needs schools and and vulnerabilities. Research and colleges, consultation has led to a model with 5 key West Mercia features: Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Police  central accommodation base with additional on site resources  satellite accommodation  floating support to accommodation, outside scheme  specialist support staff  community partnerships. Includes:  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon Shropshire emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Council,  Upgrading social housing to meet the Registered Decent Homes standard; and Providers,  Adaptations to meet changing needs, including disabled facilities grants. Home owners, The Council’s Extended Schools Team has Keep identified that Sustainability/Climate Change Shropshire work at schools / Idsall Eco-Leaders project Warm, Improving and adapting Scheme Private sector (part of Leadership programme) offers KEY 2011-2015 existing housing- includes Developers, dependent* funding opportunities to inform and encourage regeneration Shropshire parents to understand what they can do to Home improve energy efficiency of homes and how Improvement this can benefit them – also though and Agency, children’s centre drop-ins and activities (Jobs Training and Money / Environmentally Schools, Sure Sustainable Sure start Children’s Centres) Start *Funding secured for social housing - Tenant Children’s wide: £2.5 million available for social housing Centres (per year). Also a further £3.1million over four years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Aids and adaptations for Shropshire Scheme Shropshire KEY Ongoing The aim of completing adaptations is to social housing tenants Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Housing . Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary Property and are generally a package of funding. Bringing empty homes Owners, Empty Homes: Seeking Homes and Communities Agency back into use- includes Scheme KEY local 2011-2015 New Homes Section 106 funding for 12 units countywide over four affordable housing dependent communities, Bonus years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. provision voluntary Limited local authority funding available sector during 2011-2012. agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Council, Locations to be determined. To include Registered Market Town and Rural Area provision. Providers, Funding proposals being developed. Care Scheme Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing KEY 2012-2015 Developer led. Providers, dependent towards older people, especially frail older Voluntary people, with planned provision for respite Sector, facilities and housing for people with Local disabilities. Communities Scheme to maximise opportunities for new Shropshire affordable housing on sites that the Council’s Council, c£7million Landlord Services department controls Shropshire Fairfields Close is a supported scheme that is Regeneration of Fairfields KEY (for complete Shropshire Housing 2011-2014 in need of regeneration. The Council’s Close regeneration) Council Group, Landlord Services are currently identifying the

Severnside best way to progress the scheme (ie whether Housing to complete appropriate repairs or to demolish and rebuild) Shropshire c£10 million Scheme to maximise opportunities for new Council, (for complete affordable housing on sites that the Council’s Regeneration of Swan Shropshire Landlord Services department controls. KEY Shropshire 2011-2014 regeneration) Lane Council Swan Lane consists of general needs Housing properties that are in need of regeneration. Group, Landlord Services are currently identifying the Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Severnside best way to progress the scheme (ie whether Housing, to complete appropriate repairs or to demolish NHS England and rebuild) A review of garage sites in this area is due to take place to ensure the Council can Review of garage sites the maximise the potential of the sites. This could Shropshire Shropshire Council’s Landlord KEY potentially include the demolition of the Services department Council Council garages and rebuilding with new social controls housing. Albrighton Parish Council supports the retention of garaging/parking at Ashgrove. The Council’s Landlord Services department have identified current key areas of Shropshire deprivation, anti-social behaviour and Council, worklessness within this area and are Council tenants and Shropshire KEY Citizens Ongoing c£9,000 proactively looking at tenants at sign up. The community involvement Council Advice Council is working closely with tenants within Bureau these areas to help with financial inclusion, budget monitoring and to reduce anti-social behaviour. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Joint funding Park Hall mixed use Shropshire with Potential development area for mixed use extension for employment KEY Council, Aspirational landowners (long term) and could include Showground and residential uses Landowner and private below. sector Market Towns Shropshire KEY Aspirational Revitalisation Showground upgrade-rationalisation / Showground Upgrade Council Programme redevelopment. Cambrian Heritage Railway, Cambrian Cambrian Railway Station KEY Aspirational Heritage Costings for building currently being prepared Shropshire building upgrade Railway for existing station buildings upgrade. Council, Landowner Shropshire Employment land KEY Council, Aspirational £1million Developer led Funding to kick-start new employment provision provision Landowners Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Shropshire Provision of new enterprise centre for new New Rural Enterprise KEY Council, Ongoing Developer led small start-up companies. Potential to locate Centre the new Rural Enterprise Centre in the old Developer railway buildings. Shropshire Council, Shropshire Council’s Extended Schools Team has identified opportunities for employment in Opportunities for Businesses, the childcare sector to enhance local employment in the KEY Ongoing Private sector Kingswell childcare sufficiency within the area. childcare sector Centre and Potential of childminding as small business Children’s opportunity. Centres Shropshire Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Shop Front Redecoration Council, Developer KEY Ongoing and redecoration to improve the appearance Scheme Oswestry contributions of the streetscene. Town Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in Dependent gaining access to services elsewhere Dependent upon extent Neighbourhood  At which (some) activities for young children Shropshire upon Private sector Review of Children’s PRIORITY and location Fund, are provided on site. Council developers’ financed Centre services of Children’s Centre services are delivered timescales CIL (Local) development throughout Shropshire. Residential development creates the following impact on children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Oswestry there are two Children’s Centre at Woodside Primary School and Holy Trinity Primary School. The Woodside facility is a purpose built stand- along demountable. Asset transfer of childcare building was completed 2013 as part of the Academy conversion. The Holy Trinity facility is a purpose built stand-alone demountable along with refurbished wing of the school that is currently the administrative location for Children’s Centres in the north. Oswestry cluster provision includes services delivered at Weston Rhyn Primary, Gobowen Primary and at the Ifton Heath School. Assets at Gobowen and Weston Rhyn have been handed over to the primary schools for management. The new school at Ifton Heath incorporates facilities for the provision of early childhood services. Shropshire Survey all town centre streets to assess Pavement Lights/ Cellar Council, Developer KEY Ongoing condition and undertake repair and Flaps Program English contributions replacement program. Heritage There is a significant amount of domestic Ongoing. development in a station already with a high Shropshire incident rate. There could be a need to To be Review of Fire Station Fire and upgrade the station at a possible additional PRIORITY determined £800,000 provision Rescue annual running cost of £800,000. The through Service industrial development should be sprinklered SAMDev. owing to the known water supply issues in Oswestry. GP/Primary Care KEY NHS England Ongoing. NHS England On-site design Extra accommodation/premises to meet the Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Provision To be needs of population growth. To be determined determined through SAMDev, based on need. through Potential to negotiate land provision of SAMDev appropriate new development sites. Developer funding direct/NHS England and other funding sources assumed The existing police station is suitable for current needs, but is operating at capacity. A Replacement police West Mercia 2015-2020 new station will be required if planned new Police, section station (only Dependent West Mercia development takes place. This will be KEY Developers, £2.5million required if allocated on level of Police determined through the Site Allocations and development is delivered Shropshire development Management of Development DPD. West in this location) Council in SAMDev Mercia Police would dispose of the existing site and put capital receipt generated towards the cost of a new station. Shropshire English conversation classes and citizenship KEY Adult Learning Council classes for economic migrants could be run at the Adult Learning Centre. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire Identified as a Priority Area for Action by the Council, Maintain, manage, create Private sector Shropshire Biodiversity Partnership. Will Butterfly and restore lowland Developer assist in addressing the current under KEY Conservation, Ongoing c£78,000 NHS England calcerous grassland in the contributions provision in natural and semi-natural open Oswestry Hills project Tarmac, space. area Shropshire Creation/maintenance of c2oha lowland Wildlife Trust calcerous grassland over a 20yr period. Canal and River Trust would like to see the development of the site at Queens Head as a canalside destination, attracting visitors to the Morris area and including space for additional boats, Leisure, as set out in the Conservation Management Shropshire Strategy for the canal (CMS). Funding is, Council, Regional - KEY Aspirational Growth Fund, however, necessary for ecological mitigation Queens Head Natural Private Sector in terms of an offline local nature reserve, as England, required by Natural England, to provide a Canal and refuge for internationally scarce plants for River Trust which the canal is designated as an SSSI. This is necessary under the CMS for long- term increases in boat movements to be permitted. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured The Coal Authority has advised that Oswestry Landowner/ is affected to some extent by the presence of Developer, coal resources at, or, close to the surface and Coal Coal resources/the legacy KEY Coal Authority also the legacy of past coal mining activity. of past coal mining activity Authority, Where a legacy exists and development is Shropshire sought, the Coal Authority advises that there Council is potential need to remediate land affected by mining hazards and ensure its stability. Shropshire Route upgrade and promotion including Council, creation of a new circular walk. Work should Natural Neighbourhood include ecological enhancements. Part of KEY Offas Dyke England, Fund tourism offer and links to national trial. A potential candidate World Heritage site. Shropshire Opportunities to support the integrated Wildlife Trust management of the asset as a whole. Wat’s Dyke could form an important part of Shropshire the local greenspace network potentially Council, linking the old Maesbury Road landfill, Plas Natural Neighbourhood Ffynnon and the Shelf Bank site. Potential for KEY Wat’s Dyke England, Fund Plas Ffynnon and Shelf Bank to be designated as Local Nature Reserves. Shropshire Opportunity for improved interpretation and Wildlife Trust promotion to complement the Wat’s Dyke Trail. Shropshire Neighbourhood Urban Landscape KEY Council, Aspirational C£5,500 Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment Fund Assessment of Oswestry Developers Survey all for current conditions. Public consultation to identify key areas. Increased street cleaning program/waste collection. Re- lay/repair appropriate paving, Shropshire repair/redecorate walls/ ceilings. Introduce/ Council, repair/ Shuts and Passageways Neighbourhood KEY Oswestry Ongoing replace identification signs to both ends of Improvement Program Fund Town Council, shuts. Install consistent lighting to increase Civic Society use and public safety. Promotion of their use for pedestrians, tourism. Open any boarded up shut shop fronts and re-occupy. Series of interpretation boards/plaques to increase community interest and tourism Backlands Project KEY Shropshire Ongoing Shop owners Encourage repair/ redecoration of rear of Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Council, buildings that are visible to the public Shop owners (elevations, out buildings, passageways). Promote reuse/reoccupation of vacant buildings -introduce appropriate lighting. Interpret with plaques/boards at public interfaces Deterrent program to be established including Shropshire public education initiative (i.e. don't feed the Council, Property Pigeons/Vermin KEY Ongoing pigeons). Step up garbage pick up and install Prevention Program Property owners appropriate garbage bins/recycling bins to owners hinder problem. Repair/replace old pigeon netting/introduce where applicable Fundamental/ important town views in and out to be Survey of important views Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing. surveyed. Introduce accessible public areas in and out of Oswestry. Council Fund such as walkways, promenades, seating facilities Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation Shropshire exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Council, Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Oswestry Production of list of Neighbourhood statutory list) List would identify local heritage KEY Town Council, Ongoing Locally Important Fund assets that are valued by local community but Buildings. Civic Society, not statutorily listed that would be afforded English some degree of protection in the planning Heritage system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Shropshire English Heritage 2010 Heritage at Risk Council, Neighbourhood Register includes Brogyntyn Hall. Heritage at Risk register KEY Ongoing Engage local groups to identify future English Fund Buildings at Risk. Heritage

Shropshire Opportunity for the development of a fund in Shropshire Community Council, Neighbourhood KEY support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund Oswestry Fund archaeology projects. Town Council Shropshire Survey to establish where modern railings Neighbourhood Streetscene KEY Council, Ongoing should be replaced with more traditional improvements Fund design, plus condition survey of existing Oswestry historic railings and program of repair where Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Town Council necessary. Production of landscape strategy to identify opportunities to improve visual amenity of town centre through landscaping. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees C£150 per tree for Establish a project for the assessment of assessment veteran trees in the Oswestry area in terms of and Developer Shropshire tree safety and biodiversity value. Write management contributions Neighbourhood Assessment of veteran KEY Council, Ongoing management plans for veteran trees to allow trees plan. External Fund for appropriate management of this significant Developers C£800 per funding natural resource in this part of Shropshire. tree for The amount of remedial work required by management each tree will vary considerably. works. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Developer contributions / grant funding/ Cambrian private contributions assumed Heritage Heritage railway line as a tourism attraction. Railway, However, it does have potential for public Gobowen to Blodwel KEY Shropshire Ongoing c£4-6 million transport use, particularly in terms of making railway line reinstatement Council, greater links between Oswestry, Gobowen and Park Hall hospital. Shropshire Council Shropshire has bought the line and is now working with Wildlife Trust the Cambrian Heritage Railway. The site is also an important green corridor that has Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured recently been determined to be of County Wildlife Status. The railway line reinstatement, cycleway and long distance footpath (below) need to be delivered in such a way to maintain a functioning ecological corridor. Cambrian Heritage Railway and Shropshire Wildlife Trust are working together on the production of a draft biodiversity management plan. Developer contributions/ grant funding/ Local Oswestry Greenway Transport Plan funding assumed. Funding Phase 1 & 2 (Oswestry application for £700k submitted Town to Gobowen): Shropshire Oswestry Local Plan Policy TR7. Linked to Shropshire Council capital Neighbourhood Walking/cycling route PRIORITY 2012-2016 c£2million the heritage railway line proposal, above. along the line of the Council programme, Fund Shropshire Council own the railway. The disused railway line, A5 Grant funding cycleway/ footpath will provide links through bridge, access points and Oswestry and links to hospital and railway links station at Gobowen. It will include a footbridge crossing over the A5. Oswestry to Blodwel Greenway (Phase 3) Developer contributions/ grant funding/ Local Walking/cycling route Neighbourhood KEY 2017 - 2026 c£2million Transport Plan funding assumed. along the line of the Fund disused railway line access points and links


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions GOBOWEN COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council tenants and Council, KEY c£9,000 Identified community priority. community involvement Citizens Advice Bureau ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Shropshire Council, The Parish Council has identified the need to Improvements to local Selattyn and PRIORITY Ongoing improve local employment opportunities. employment opportunities Gobowen Parish Council, Developers Shropshire Council, The Parish Council has identified the need to Creation of hub for small Selattyn and KEY Developer led. create a hub for small businesses through the businesses Gobowen Parish, provision of small office units in the parish. Developers Shropshire The Parish Council has identified the need to Council, develop and maintain the exiting tourism Develop/ maintain existing KEY Selattyn and assets in the parish (Watts Dyke, Hill Fort, tourism assets Gobowen Cambrian Railway etc.) to encourage visitors Parish to the parish and boost the local economy. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Selattyn and Gobowen Promote Parish Roundabout as Neighbourhood Improvements to parish KEY Parish Council, communication for Parish issues. Promote communications Fund Parish Council website. Parish Plan Parish noticeboard to inform community. Steering Group Selattyn and Gobowen The Parish Council has identified the need to Enhancement of Neighbourhood KEY Parish Council, enhance Gobowen’s Centre through street Gobowen’s Centre Fund Shropshire scene improvements. Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted Shropshire with tree Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire whips, Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing c£260 per Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers new street Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and tree. Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Funding Secured: Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions KNOCKIN COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY The Parish Council has identified the need to Knockin Parish support rural and small businesses. Including Council, Encourage rural and small KEY the promotion of business and tourism, business opportunities Shropshire publicise business initiatives, encourage Council sustainable business and tourism development. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Organise one-off village Knockin Parish The Parish Council would like to organise one KEY Ongoing events Council off Parish events. The Parish Council has identified the need for Improvements to the Knockin Parish Neighbourhood KEY improvements to the Assembly Rooms, to Assembly Rooms Council Fund upgrade facilities when required. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE The Parish Council has identified the need to: Knockin Parish  Produce a Conservation Area Design Protect and enhance the Council, Neighbourhood Statement designated conservation KEY Shropshire Fund Preserve and enhance historical sites area  Council including repairing stone walls and the Jubilee Chair. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions  Provide additional information to residents living in the conservation area c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Llanymynech and Pant

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions LLANYMYNECH AND PANT COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Developers, Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have Fire safety in new PRIORITY identified the need for all new industrial development Shropshire Fire and development within Llanymynech and Pant to Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Rescue be sprinklered owing to known water supply Service, issues in NW Shropshire. Shropshire Council Llanymynech and Pant Parish Council, Neighbourhood Provision of a Healthy KEY The Parish Council has identified a need to Living Clinic Through the Fund establish a Healthy Living Clinic. Doorway to Healthy Living Llanymynech The Parish Council have expressed interest in Neighbourhood Canal and steam railway KEY and Pant canal and railway restoration and the Fund restoration Parish Council continued protection of Heritage Area and Llanymynech Hill. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Llanymynech Neighbourhood Llanymynech KEY and Pant Priority for preparation of a Conservation Area Fund Conservation Area Parish Council Management Plan Neighbourhood Identified community priority. Increase Provision of litter bins PRIORITY Parish Council Find number of litter bins within the villages. Llanymynech and Pant Parish Council, The Parish Council has identified the need for Provision of recycling KEY Powys recycling facilities, preferably on the Welsh facilities Council, side where the need is considered greatest Shropshire Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree Shropshire whips, Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the new street Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs tree. Developers Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and Funding Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Ruyton XI Towns

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions RUYTON XI TOWNS COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Ruyton XI Towns Parish The Parish Council has identified the need for Provision of smaller Council, KEY Ongoing Developer led smaller housing, including bungalows to be housing units Shropshire Council, built in the parish. Developers ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Ruyton XI Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need for KEY Towns Parish New Noticeboard Fund new a new notice board at the east end of the Council village and in outlying hamlets. NHS England, Ruyton XI The Parish Council has identified a need for a Improve local health Towns Parish Private sector, KEY local chiropodist, other health service services Council, NHS England provision and a prescription delivery service. Shropshire Council Youth Club, The Parish Council has expressed a desire to run a First Aid course and a Setting up courses for Ruyton XI KEY childcare/babysitting course. The Parish Young People Towns Parish Council will look at this again if there is a Council, demand. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Shropshire Youth Association, Local Colleges, Saint John’s Ambulance ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

St Martins

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions ST MARTINS COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Housing for vulnerable The Parish Council has identified the need for PRIORITY Council, Developer led people homes for the elderly. Registered Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Providers/ Specialist Providers ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Developers, Shropshire Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has Fire and identified the need to ensure that industrial Fire Safety for new PRIORITY Rescue Ongoing development within St Martins is sprinklered development Service, owing to known water supply issues in NW Shropshire Shropshire. Council St Martins Parish Council, Litter and Rubbish KEY The Parish Council has identified the need for Campaign Shropshire a campaign against litter/rubbish. Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE St Martins The Parish Council has identified the need for Parish Council, a campaign to encourage more people to Increased recycling KEY Shropshire recycle, plastic kerbside recycling and better Council signs to recycle banks. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions WHITTINGTON COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Kinnerley, Maesbrook, Dovaston and Knockin Heath

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions KINNERLEY, MAESBROOK, DOVASTON AND KNOCKIN HEATH COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Continued access to Shropshire The Parish Council has identified a need for PRIORITY Mobile Library Council continued access to the mobile library. The Parish Council has identified that urgent Kinnerley Neighbourhood Repairs to churchyard wall PRIORITY repairs are needed to the churchyard wall in Parish Council Fund Kinnerley. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Llanyblodwel, Porthywaen, Dolgoch, Lynclys and Bryn Melyn

Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Potential Funding Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Cost / Funds Wider Developer Secured Sources Contributions LLANYBLODWEL, PORTHYWAEN, DOLGOCH, LYNCLYS AND BRYN MELYN COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Llanyblodwel Develop tourism Parish Council KEY Identified community priority. opportunities Shropshire Council Service Contact companies to seek improvement to Improve mobile phone and Provider, Service KEY mobile phone coverage and broadband broadband coverage Llanyblodwel Provider provision. Parish Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Llanyblodwel Neighbourhood Pursue the possibility of mobile shops and KEY Mobile shops/post office Parish Council Fund mobile post office by local initiative and correspondence. Service Provider, Service Improve TV and radio KEY Contact companies to seek improvement in signal Llanyblodwel Provider reception. Parish Council Developers Shropshire Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have Fire and identified the need for all new domestic Fire safety in new PRIORITY Rescue development within the cluster to be development Service, sprinklered owing to known water supply Shropshire issues in NW Shropshire. Council Llanyblodwel Help to organise mid week activities at the Community activities KEY Parish Council church/churches. Llanyblodwel Improve mobile library KEY Ongoing Establish and keep up to date the mobile information Parish Council library information on the notice boards. Llanyblodwel Provision of youth KEY Parish Council, Seek volunteers to organise individual local activities Volunteers activities or clubs Llanyblodwel Local medical prescription KEY Parish Council, Pursue the implementation of local points PCT prescription pick up points. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Llanyblodwel Provision of activities for KEY Pursue the provision of a mid week luncheon the elderly Parish Council club for the elderly. Seek volunteers to organise a local newsletter Llanyblodwel Neighbourhood Improvements to KEY and / or website. community information Parish Council Fund Review provision of notice boards and seek additional funding. Improvement to closed churchyards (Morton Llanyblodwel Neighbourhood PRIORITY Identified community priority Churchyard and Parish Council Fund Llanyblodwel Churchyard) ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Production of a Design Llanyblodwel Neighbourhood Seeks volunteers to organise and produce a KEY Statement Parish Council Fund design statement. Llanyblodwel Parish Council Improved recycling KEY Shropshire Pursue additional recycling facilities. facilities Council (Waste Management) c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Park Hall, Hindford, Babbinswood and Lower Frankton Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions PARK HALL, HINDFORD, BABBINSWOOD AND LOWER FRANKTON HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Selattyn, Upper/Middle/Lower Hengoed and Pant Glas

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions SELATTYN, UPPER/MIDDLE/LOWER HENGOED AND PANT GLAS COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Developers, Shropshire Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have Fire and identified the need for all new domestic Fire safety in new PRIORITY Rescue development within the cluster to be development Service, sprinklered owing to known water supply Shropshire issues in NW Shropshire. Council The Parish Council identified a need to Ensure maintenance and Selattyn, and Neighbourhood maintain and ensure continuation of jey continuation of key KEY Gobowen Fund facilities such as Cross Keys, Harlech and St facilities Parish Council Marys cemeteries ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Weston Rhyn, Rhoswiel, Wern and Chirk Bank Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions WESTON RHYN, RHOSWIEL, WERN AND CHIRK BANK COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Weston Rhyn Parish Council, Neighbourhood Undertake a housing KEY The Parish Council has expressed a wish for needs survey Shropshire Fund a Housing Needs Survey. Council The Council’s Landlord Services department have identified current key areas of Shropshire deprivation, anti social behaviour and Council, worklessness within this area and are Council tenants and KEY Citizens Ongoing C£9,000 proactively looking at tenants at sign up. The community involvement Advice Bureau Council is working closely with tenants within these areas to help with financial inclusion, budget monitoring and to reduce anti social behaviour. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Weston Rhyn The Parish Council has expressed the need Parish Council to identify areas that need improvements and Improve entrances to the Neighbourhood KEY Shropshire establish a group of people to create, plant village Fund Council, and maintain flower beds/boxes and other Volunteers simple measures. The Parish Council has identified the need to Landscaped garden at the Village Hall Neighbourhood KEY establish a landscaped garden at the rear of village hall Committee Fund the village hall Weston Rhyn The Parish Council has identified the need for Streetscene Parish Council, Neighbourhood KEY extra benches at the recreation ground, more Improvements Shropshire Fund litter bins, dog friendly stiles. Council West Mercia Police, The Parish Council has suggested providing a Establish a Parish Warden KEY Parish Warden in conjunction with West Weston Rhyn Mercia Police. Parish Council Weston Rhyn Neighbourhood Improvements to Market KEY Ongoing The Parish Council has identified the need for Hall Parish Council Fund improvements to the Market Hall Improvements to the KEY Weston Rhyn Ongoing NHS England The Parish Council has identified the doctors Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions doctors surgery Parish Council surgery as a local priority ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Open Countryside (Parishes of Oswestry Rural, West Felton)

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions OSWESTRY RURAL HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Oswestry Rural Parish Supporting The Oswestry Rural PC has identified the Council, People Funding, need to explore the possibility of some Shropshire housing for older people within the Housing for vulnerable Private PRIORITY Council, community, possibly sheltered. people investment, Registered West Felton PC has identified the need for Providers, Homes & some sheltered housing for the elderly. Communities Awaiting result of Parish Plan update 2014 Specialist Agency Grant Providers Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Oswestry The Parish Council has identified the need to Rural Parish expand current accommodation for tourists in Improve facilities for KEY Council, Developer led Sychtyn and Rhydycroesau. Tourists Shropshire In addition to developing ideas for a village Council craft centre/ shop and art gallery in Trefonen. Oswestry Rural Parish The Parish Council has identified the need for Development of Small KEY Council, Developer led development of small business units with Business units Shropshire initial financial set up assistance. Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Oswestry Rural Parish The Parish Council has identified a desire to Neighbourhood Set up a community KEY Council set up a website for Sychtyn and Fund website Shropshire Rhydycroesau, Trefonen and Treflach, Morda Council and Sweeney and Maesbury with Aston. Oswestry Rural Parish Village Hall Upgrade in Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need to KEY Council Sychtyn and Fund upgrade the Village Hall in Sychtyn and Rhydycroesau. Shropshire Rhydycroesau. Council The Parish Council has identified the need establish Neighbourhood Watch Schemes Oswestry where they do no exist at present in Sychtyn Rural Parish and Rhydycroesau, Trefonen and Treflach Establish Neighbourhood KEY Council, and Morda and Sweeney and a scheme east Watch Schemes West Mercia of the canal bridge in Maesbury with Aston. Police The Oswestry Rural South Local Policing Team will work with the Parish Council to set these up. Oswestry The Parish Council wish to set up a musical Establish a Music Group KEY Rural Parish Council group in Sychtyn and Rhydycroesau. West Mercia The Parish Council has identified the need for Police, a greater police presence in Morda and Sweeney. Greater Police Presence KEY Oswestry The Oswestry Rural South Local Policing Rural Parish Team will work with the Parish Council to Council resolve this issue. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Landowners, Shropshire Council, The Parish Council has identified the need for Resolve drainage issues KEY road gullies to be cleared more frequently in Oswestry Sychtyn and Rhydycroesau. Rural Parish Council Oswestry Rural Parish The Parish Council has identified the need to Tree Preservation Orders KEY Council, get Tree Preservation Orders on all significant Shropshire trees in Trefonen and Treflach. Council Oswestry Rural Parish Council, The Parish Council has identified the need to Preserve and enhance Neighbourhood KEY Shropshire Owners promote tourism and establish heritage and heritage assets Fund Council, conservation areas in Maesbury with Aston English Heritage Oswestry Owners, The Parish Council has expressed a wish to Retention of old Rural Parish undertake measures to restore old agricultural KEY English agricultural buildings Council, buildings within the rural landscape in Heritage Shropshire Sychtyn and Rhydycroesau. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Council The Parish Council has identified the need to tackle litter problems and enforce dog fouling laws in Sychtyn and Rhydycroesau, Trefonen and Treflach, Morda and Sweeney and Maesbury with Aston. The Parish Council has identified the desire to Oswestry reduce street lighting levels in the Parish Rural Parish using a time clock operation in Trefonen and Streetscene Neighbourhood KEY Council, Treflach. In addition to a programme of Improvements Fund Shropshire replacing amber lights with sodium down Council lighters. The Parish Council has identified the need for some street lighting at the top end of the village in Maesbury with Aston The Parish Council has identified the need for tree planting along lanes in Maesbury with Aston. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured WEST FELTON HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES West Felton Supporting Parish Council, People The Oswestry Rural PC has identified the Shropshire Funding, need to explore the possibility of some housing for older people within the Housing for vulnerable Council, Private PRIORITY community, possibly sheltered. people Registered investment, West Felton PC has identified the need for Providers, Homes & some sheltered housing for the elderly. Specialist Communities Awaiting result of Parish Plan update 2014 Providers Agency Grant ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY West Felton 2014 Northern Marches KEY The PC has recognised the need to ensure its LEADER programme: land Parish Council, onwards local businesses are made aware of potential Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured based business Rural Hubs grant funding opportunities through this development Partnership, scheme. DEFRA SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Identified community priority - Need for indoor Shropshire facilities to improve the provision of PE and Review of Primary School Council, lunch time eating space. facilities to meet local KEY The Parish Council and C of E Primary West Felton needs School consider that there is a need to ensure Parish Council adequate provision of places for all school and pre-school age pupils with the Parish. NHS England, The Parish Council has identified the need to Improvements to health KEY West Felton NHS England explore the development of a First facilities Parish Council Responder. In hand – Feb 2014 West Mercia The Parish Council has identified the desire to Police, set up a regular surgery with the Police in the village hall. Set up a Police surgery in Village Hall West Mercia KEY Ongoing The Oswestry Rural South Local Policing the village hall Committee, Police Team will work with the Parish Council to set West Felton this up. Awaiting contract from Local Policing Parish Council team West Felton Parish Council recognise that Shropshire (Canal and Water Trust) support the Council development of a canal side destination site (Highways) at Queens Head, to attract visitors to the area Natural and to include space for additional boats, as England, set out in the Conservation Management Shropshire Union Canal: Aspiration KEY Canal & River Section 106 Strategy. Funding is required for ecological Queens Head al Trust, Visit mitigation through an offline local nature England, reserve, as required by NE to provide a Oswestry & refuge for internationally scarce plants (SSSI) Welsh Borders In Oswestry Rural Parish, but significant Tourist Board impact on facilities, traffic and employment in West Felton. Shropshire Council, West Felton Parish Council recognises local Streetscene KEY West Felton concerns over dog fouling, particularly in early improvements Parish Council, mornings or evenings. West Mercia Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Police Shropshire Neighbourhood Improved signage and public information KEY Recycling facilities Council Fund about the recycling facilities at The Punch Bowl required. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE West Felton West Felton Burial Neighbourhood Need to control rabbits. Local desire for KEY Parish Council, Ground: maintenance / Fund memorial garden, although existing crematory memorial garden Volunteers garden may be suitable already. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees English Heritage, Local concern (Parish Plan) about castle West Felton castle Mound KEY Landowner mound site becoming overgrown – review Shropshire with English Heritage sought. Council West Felton Parish Council would like the Shropshire LEADER, opportunity to participate in the facilitation of parish habitat mapping and biodiversity Council, C£8.400 per Regional Parish habitat mapping KEY infrastructure and enhancement projects West Felton parish Development through the 'Your Natural Heritage' project. Parish Council Fund This project is tied to the Cheshire Northern Marches Leader Project Area. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY West Felton Parish Council has identified Footpath Mapping Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY (Parish Plan) need for improvements and Improvements Council Fund mapping to encourage walking and tourism Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured within the parish Concern about damage to verges from large vehicles passing. Protection of roadside Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Review suggested to consider whether verges, West Felton Council Fund signage would help prevent use by unsuitable vehicles.


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions SHIFNAL TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Homes and Communities Includes provision to support sustainable Agency, independent living for vulnerable people including: Registered  sustainable living at home Providers, Homes and  access to work Specialist Communities  education and training and community Varies from Care Agency, inclusion Housing for vulnerable Key Ongoing scheme to people Providers, Integrated preventative service provision with scheme Shropshire a pathway approach to access and retain Voluntary Council capital accommodation. Target groups include: older Sector, programme people, young people, people with learning local disabilities, mental health needs, people at communities, risk of homelessness or domestic violence, gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance schools and misusers etc. colleges, West Mercia Police Improving and adapting Shropshire 2011- Scheme Private sector Includes: existing housing- includes KEY Council, 2015 dependent* funding  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon regeneration Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Registered emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Providers,  Upgrading social housing to meet the Home owners, Decent Homes standard; and Keep  Adaptations to meet changing needs, Shropshire including disabled facilities grants. Warm, The Council’s Extended Schools Team has identified that Sustainability/Climate Change Developers, work at schools / Idsall Eco-Leaders project Shropshire (part of Leadership programme) offers Home opportunities to inform and encourage Improvement parents to understand what they can do to Agency, improve energy efficiency of homes and how Schools, Sure this can benefit them – also though and Start children’s centre drop-ins and activities (Jobs Children’s Training and Money / Environmentally Centres Sustainable Sure start Children’s Centres) *Funding secured for social housing - Tenant wide: £2.5 million available for social housing (per year). Also a further £3.1million over four years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Shropshire Scheme Shropshire Aids and adaptations for KEY Ongoing The aim of completing adaptations is to social housing tenants Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing . Shropshire Council, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary and are generally a package of funding. Bringing empty homes Registered Empty Homes: Seeking Homes and Communities Agency back into use- includes Providers, 2011- Scheme KEY New Homes Section 106 funding for 12 units countywide over four affordable housing Property 2015 dependent Bonus years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. provision Owners, Limited local authority funding available local during 2011-2012. communities, Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions voluntary sector agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Council, Locations to be determined. To include Registered Market Town and Rural Area provision. Providers, Funding proposals being developed. Care 2012- Scheme Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing KEY Developer led. Providers, 2015 dependent towards older people, especially frail older Voluntary people, with planned provision for respite Sector, facilities and housing for people with Local disabilities. Communities A review of garage sites in this area is due to Review of garage sites the take place to ensure the Council can Shropshire Council’s Landlord KEY Ongoing maximise the potential of the sites. This Services department Council could potentially include the demolition of the controls garages and rebuilding with new social housing. The Council’s Landlord Services department have identified current key areas of Shropshire deprivation, anti social behaviour and worklessness within this area and are Council tenants and Council, KEY c£9,000 proactively looking at tenants at sign up. The community involvement Citizens Council is working closely with tenants within Advice Bureau these areas to help with financial inclusion, budget monitoring and to reduce anti social behaviour. Developers, Shifnal Town Council has identified that a Shropshire Market Town the size of Shifnal should have Provision of Residential Council, good quality residential and nursing care for and Nursing Care PRIORITY Shifnal Town Developer led the elderly. The provision of vital services to Facilities Council, the ageing population of Shifnal should be

Commercial included as part of the overall strategy for providers Shifnal. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Business social KEY Shifnal Town Business led, Shifnal Town Council has identified that Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions development/ Council, community led where large businesses/organisations locate responsibility local in the Shifnal area; there is a need to begin businesses, early dialogue with the local community to ensure businesses are engaged in the Shropshire development of the local community through Council their social development/responsibility funds. Shropshire Council’s Extended Schools Team has identified opportunities for employment in Opportunities for Shropshire the childcare sector. Additional need has employment in the KEY Council, been recognised, including in relation to childcare sector Businesses service families. Potential of childminding as small business opportunity. Neighbourhood Need for effective marketing to build the Marketing of Shifnal KEY Fund tourism & visitor economy SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere Depende  At which (some) activities for young children Dependent nt upon are provided on site. upon extent Neighbourhood Shropshire developer Private sector Children’s Centre services are delivered Review of Children’s PRIORITY and location Fund, Council s’ financed throughout Shropshire. Residential Centre services of timescale CIL (Local) development creates the following impact on development s children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Shifnal there are two Children’s Centres as part of the existing schools. Both under pressure for the creation of new school places. Neighbourhood Identified community priority. Free quarterly Quarterly newsletter PRIORITY Town Council Ongoing Fund newsletter for the local community. The Town Council has identified a need for NHS Dentist PRIORITY NHS England NHS Dentist as a key priority. Shifnal Town Council, Neighbourhood Provision of Community KEY Shropshire The Town Council has identified a need for a Fund Swimming pool Council, community swimming pool in the town. Developers Improve shopping & visitor Shifnal Town KEY Identified local priority. experience Council Shifnal Town Neighbourhood KEY CCTV expansion Council Fund Identified local priority. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire Aspiration Neighbourhood Urban Landscape PRIORITY c£2,000 Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment Council al Fund Assessment of Shifnal. Shropshire Fundamental/important town views in and out Council, Neighbourhood Survey of important views PRIORITY Ongoing to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public in and out of Shifnal Shifnal Local Fund areas such as walkways, promenades, History Group seating facilities. Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation Shropshire exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Council, Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Shifnal Town Production of list of Neighbourhood statutory list) List would identify local heritage KEY Council, Ongoing Locally Important Fund assets that are valued by local community but Buildings. Civic Society, not statutorily listed that would be afforded English some degree of protection in the planning Heritage system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Shropshire Neighbourhood Priority for preparation of a Conservation Area Shifnal Conservation Area KEY Council, Fund Management Plan. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Shifnal Town Council Shropshire Opportunity for the development of a fund in Shropshire Community Council, Neighbourhood KEY support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund Shifnal Town Fund archaeology projects. Council Survey to establish where modern railings should be replaced with more traditional design, plus condition survey of existing Shropshire historic railings and program of repair where necessary. Streetscene Council, Ongoing Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Identify opportunities to improve visual improvements Shifnal Town Council Fund amenity of town centre through landscaping. Council Survey all streets for existing signage and replace, repair or introduce where necessary. Encourage landscaping initiative to improve the visual amenity of the High Street. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Various rights of way Replacing 27 existing stiles with gates for improvements to create easier access improvements to the Rights of new circular walks - Shropshire 2011- Way network and providing 35 new directional KEY £12,570.00 removal of stiles and Council 2026 signposts replacement of gates and Creation and enhancement of routes to create enhanced directional new circular walks and promotion of ‘health signage to ensure easier walks’ Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions access for all and to The Council’s Extended Schools Team has support ‘Active Market identified the need to tie in with ‘Healthy Town’ and sustainable Living’ work in schools, preschool settings transport initiatives and youth organisations. There is an opportunity for young people and families to participate in planning the design of new routes. This scheme would provide regular interval services to London Euston by extending the Pendolino service to start from Shrewsbury, Electrification of the Department for allow local Centro services to operate from Aspiration Shrewsbury to KEY Transport, DfT funding Shrewsbury and permit electric haulage of Wolverhampton Rail Line al freight services from the Donnington facility National Rail and improvements direct to major marshalling points in the UK and also to and via the Channel Tunnel. In terms of Shifnal, the scheme will provide improvements to local train services.

Open Countryside (Parishes of Kemberton, Sheriffhales)

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured KEMBERTON PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire c£2640 per Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Community Tree Scheme KEY Ongoing Council, ha planted Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Developers with tree Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs whips, Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and c£260 per Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. new street Whitchurch tree. Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured SHERIFFHALES PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY A local business has applied to the Rural Rural Challenge Fund to purchase 2 mongolian yurt Sheriffhales Shropshire Holiday Yurts KEY Ongoing £12,000 Challenge type accommodation as a basis that can be Parish Council Fund progressively added to over time. The location is Hunger Hill Farm SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Sheriffhales The Parish Council has identified that it may Increase local learning Neighbourhood KEY Parish Council, be possible to meet the demand of learning opportunities Fund Local schools opportunities in the existing school facilities The Parish Council has identified the need for Provision of a shop and Sheriffhales Neighbourhood KEY a feasibility study into the provision of a Post Office Parish Council Fund purpose built shop premises as a community Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured resource. Sheriffhales The Parish Council supports the development Activities for children/ Parish Council, Neighbourhood KEY of a sport/play scheme in holidays and also young people Shropshire Fund pre-school facilities. Council NHS England, Sheriffhales The Parish Council has identified that there is Improved health services PRIORITY Parish Council, NHS England local concern about the lack of a medical Shropshire practice in Sheriffhales. Council The Parish Council has identified the need for dog waste bins in main dog walking areas including Hilton Bank, Kettlemore Lane and Sheriffhales Church Lane. Parish Council, Neighbourhood Improvements to the KEY The Parish Council has identified the need for streetscene Shropshire Fund pavement and security lighting around James Council Close and Hales Court. Selective street lighting could be installed in the Pinfold/shop area and the lower part of Church Lane leading to the Parish Hall. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new street Shropshire Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Maelar Forest Developers Secured: include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, £5,000 to be watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared Whitchurch throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY


Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions SHREWSBURY TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Includes provision to support sustainable Council, independent living for vulnerable people Homes and including: Communities  sustainable living at home Agency,  access to work education and training and community Registered  inclusion Providers, Homes and Integrated preventative service provision with Specialist Communities a pathway approach to access and retain Varies from Care Agency, accommodation. Target groups include: older Housing for vulnerable Key Ongoing scheme to people Providers, people, young people, people with learning scheme Shropshire disabilities, mental health needs, people at Voluntary Council capital risk of homelessness or domestic violence, Sector, programme gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance local misusers etc. communities, Also need to ensure provision for: Young people aged 16-25 years experiencing schools and or threatened with homelessness. colleges, People with complex mental health needs. West Mercia People with Asperger’s Syndrome and high Police functioning Autism. Includes: Shropshire Council,  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Registered  Upgrading social housing to meet the Providers, Decent Homes standard; and Home owners, Improving and adapting Scheme Private sector  Adaptations to meet changing needs, KEY 2011-2015 existing housing- Keep dependent* funding including disabled facilities grants. includes regeneration Shropshire The Council’s Extended Schools Team has Warm, identified that Sustainability/Climate Change Developers, work at schools / Idsall Eco-Leaders project (part of Leadership programme) offers Shropshire opportunities to inform and encourage Home parents to understand what they can do to Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Improvement improve energy efficiency of homes and how Agency, this can benefit them – also though and Schools, Sure children’s centre drop-ins and activities (Jobs Start Training and Money / Environmentally Children’s Sustainable Sure start Children’s Centres) Centres *Funding secured for social housing - Tenant wide: £2.5 million available for social housing (per year). Also a further £3.1million over four years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Aids and adaptations Shropshire Scheme Shropshire The aim of completing adaptations is to for social housing KEY Ongoing Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and tenants to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing . Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary Property and are generally a package of funding. Bringing empty homes Owners, Empty Homes: Seeking Homes and Communities Agency back into use- includes Scheme KEY local 2011-2015 New Homes Section 106 funding for 12 units countywide over four affordable housing dependent communities, Bonus years at £25,000 per unit = £300,000. provision voluntary Limited local authority funding available sector during 2011-2012. agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Locations to be determined. To include Council, Market Town and Rural Area provision. Scheme Funding proposals being developed. Extra Care Housing KEY Registered 2012-2015 Developer led. dependent Extra Care Housing provision targeted Providers, towards older people, especially frail older Care people, with planned provision for respite Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Providers, facilities and housing for people with Voluntary disabilities. Sector, Local Communities Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Specialist providers, Voluntary Revenue Move on funding for KEY sector, 2012-2013 Developer led. Provision as required. accommodation housing Local support communities, Schools and colleges, Police, Probation Service ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Shropshire Council, Shrewsbury Shropshire Council capital Town Council, Funding Reuse of Rowleys PRIORITY Ongoing programme secured: £0 Possible use as a Community Hub. House Friends of STC Rowleys HLF Funding House

Destination Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury Follow the Shrewsbury Tourism Strategy as Maximising Business prepared by Britton McGrath and subsequent PRIORITY Ongoing Shrewsbury’s potential Improvement Action Plan. as a Tourist Destination District (BID), Town Council involvement in Destination Shrewsbury Partnership. Shropshire Council, Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Shrewsbury Town Council Shropshire Shrewsbury Business Council, PRIORITY 2010-2014 Park Phase ii extension Developers/ Need to relocate the site of the park and ride. and Phase iii Private Sector Shropshire Council, Oxon Business Park Private Sector PRIORITY Developers/ 2014-2020 N/A Part of Shrewsbury West SUE. extension Private Sector led

Shropshire Strategic business park Council, Private Sector PRIORITY 2014-2020 N/A Part of Shrewsbury South SUE. south of Shrewsbury. Developers, led Private Sector Shropshire Shrewsbury West PRIORITY Council, 2014-2020 Linked to Shrewsbury South Sustainable Gateway site Urban Extension. Developers Shropshire Food PXP, Private sector Site will be developed by business and Enterprise Park at KEY 2010-2015 N/A Developers led investors in conjunction with PXP Battlefield Shropshire Regional Phase II Grow-on Council, Growth Fund RGF bid submitted by HEFF with support space Shropshire Food PRIORITY 2014-2020 P submitted from LEP. Enterprise Centre XP (round 1) Highway and utilities Cost: £1  Battlefield Enterprise Park Shropshire million Shropshire adoption programme of KEY 2010-2015  Shrewsbury Business Park Council owned Council Funding Council  Old Potts Way Business parks secured: £0  Oxon Business Park Destination Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury Business The Town Council has identified a desire to Development of café Aspiration No funding KEY Improvement develop a café culture, with small scale, good culture al secured District (BID), quality hotels and more use made of the river. Shropshire Council, Shrewsbury Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Town Council

Shropshire Council, Shrewsbury Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Shop Front Business Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing and redecoration to improve the appearance Redecoration Scheme Improvement Fund District (BID), of the streetscene. Shrewsbury Town Council Survey all town centre streets to assess Pavement Lights/ English Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing condition and undertake repair and Cellar Flaps Program Heritage Fund replacement program. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children Dependent Dependent are provided on site. upon Neighbourhood Shropshire upon extent Private sector Children’s Centre services are delivered Review of Children’s PRIORITY developers Fund, Council and location of financed throughout Shropshire. Residential Centre services ’ development CIL (Local) development creates the following impact on timescales children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Shifnal there are a number of Children’s Centres. Purpose built stand-alone demountable children’s centres are at Sundorne infant school; Martin Wilson School (collocated with EY provider). Refurbished surplus accommodation was funded for the delivery of CC services at Crowmoor Primary, Mereside Primary, Grange Primary, and Woodfield Primary. Shropshire Council, The Town Council has identified the need to Shropshire provide CCTV linked to:  Development of the Town Centre Facilities Provision of CCTV KEY Town Council,  Installation of Ducksfeet to facilitate. Police,  Temporary coverage (Upton Lane Safer Recreation Ground & Mary Webb Road). Shrewsbury Ongoing costs Review of Primary Shropshire PRIORITY Ongoing – no funding Care provision in Council Informed by SAMDev. Copthorne secured. Identify opportunities to improve public appreciation of River along Smithfield Road - Shropshire increase public access points to River / Council, crossing points across Smithfield Road from Shrewsbury Neighbourhood Riverside Public Realm KEY Ongoing shopping area Project Town Council, Fund - increase wayfinding opportunities to river Destination and add interpretation boards on interesting Shrewsbury features long the river - create memorable public spots along the route ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE To be determined Environment through Flood Warning KEY Agency, SAMDev- Installation of additional flood gauges provision Developers indicative cost of £1,000 per dwelling Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Shropshire Council, Landowners, Environment Agency, Opportunity to improve the business Shropshire Neighbourhood Corridor KEY Ongoing opportunity of the river. The existing corridor Wildlife Trust, Fund should also be protected and enhanced. Shrewsbury Town Council Destination, Shrewsbury & Rivers Group Shropshire Council, Shrewsbury The Canal Trust has begun to open various Town Council, phases of the Canal. Restore the Shropshire Work has begun on creating a Canal Path Canal Trust, Shrewsbury and Aspiration Neighbourhood from the Flaxmill into the town centre. KEY Newport Canals, Shrewsbury al Fund Preserve the line of the canal against future particularly from the and Newport development. Basin to Uffington Canals Trust, The Shrewsbury and Newport Canals Trust Environment are seeking to re-instate the Shrewsbury and Agency, Newport Canals. Shropshire Wildlife Trust Shrewsbury Countryside Sites Town Council, Improvements (Access Shropshire and Pathway Council, Neighbourhood Upgrades are required to bring the sites up to Improvements, KEY Ongoing an acceptable standard. Natural Fund Signage & Improvements to access are ongoing. England, Interpretation Boards, Walks, Leaflets etc) Shropshire Wildlife Trust Land owner/ The Coal Authority has advised that Coal resources/the Developer, Shrewsbury is affected to some extent by the legacy of past coal KEY Ongoing Developers presence of coal resources at, or, close to the Coal Authority, mining activity surface and also the legacy of past coal Shropshire mining activity. Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Council Shropshire Shropshire Urban Landscape Aspiration Council, Neighbourhood Character Assessment KEY Council, c£30,000 al English Fund of Shrewsbury Developers Heritage Identify opportunities to improve visual Urban Landscape Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY amenity of the town centre through Strategy Council Fund landscaping. Shropshire Council, Shrewsbury Survey all for current conditions. Public Business consultation to identify key areas. Increased Improvement street cleaning program/waste collection. Re- District (BID), lay/repair appropriate paving, Shrewsbury repair/redecorate walls/ ceilings. Introduce/ Shuts and Town Council, Neighbourhood repair/ replace identification signs to both Passageways KEY Ongoing ends of shuts. Install consistent lighting to Shrewsbury Fund Improvement Program increase use and public safety. Promotion of Civic Society, their use for pedestrians, tourism. Open any Shrewsbury boarded up shut shop fronts and re-occupy. Town Centre Series of interpretation boards/plaques to Residents increase community interest and tourism Association, Destination Shrewsbury. Encourage repair/ redecoration of rear of buildings that are visible to the public Shropshire (elevations, out buildings, passageways). Backlands Project KEY Council, Ongoing Shop owners Promote reuse/reoccupation of vacant Shop owners buildings -introduce appropriate lighting. Interpret with plaques/boards at public interfaces Deterrent program to be established including public education initiative (i.e. don't feed the Shropshire Pigeons/Vermin KEY Ongoing pigeons). Step up garbage pick up and install Prevention Program Council appropriate garbage bins/recycling bins to hinder problem. Repair/replace old pigeon netting/introduce where applicable Survey of important Shropshire Neighbourhood Fundamental/important town views in and out KEY Ongoing views in and out of Council Fund to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public Shrewsbury. areas such as walkways, promenades, Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions seating facilities, viewing platforms especially to the River. Shropshire Council, Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Shrewsbury Production of list of Neighbourhood Heritage. Undertake public consultation KEY Town Council, Ongoing Locally Important Fund exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Buildings. Civic Society, Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- English statutory list) Heritage Shropshire Produce a long term Council, KEY plan for the Castle Shrewsbury Town Council Shropshire Shropshire Shrewsbury Town Council, Council, KEY Identified as heritage at risk. Walls Shrewsbury English Town Council Heritage Churches English KEY Conservation Old St Chad’s Church Heritage Identified as heritage at risk. Trust Opportunity for the development of a fund in Shropshire Community Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund Council Fund archaeology projects. Survey to establish where modern railings Shropshire should be replaced with more traditional Council, design, plus condition survey of existing historic railings and program of repair where Shrewsbury necessary. Town Council, Identify opportunities to improve visual Shrewsbury amenity of town centre through landscaping. Civic Society, Replace existing modern railings along Streetscene Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Shrewsbury Ongoing Smithfield Road with a more traditional improvements Council Fund Town Centre design. Residents Replacement or repair of historic blue enamel Association, street signs. Destination Improvements to the visual appearance of Shrewsbury. Castle Foregate/ Cross Street/ Railway Bridge as a major entry point of the town.

Repaint bridges, clean walls, repair pigeon netting, install historic murals on walls of Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions underpass. The Town Council have identified enhancement of Abbey Foregate and Castle Foregate as a priority, as they are important gateways into the town c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme street tree. Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Shropshire natural environment of the area. Costs Community Tree Funding Highways, KEY Council, Ongoing include planting, stakes, tree guards and Scheme Secured: Maelar Forest Developers watering to establish trees over first 3 years. £5,000 to be Nurseries, Shrewsbury Town Council involved in the Big shared Whitchurch throughout the Tree Plant. council and provision of 10,000 trees Shropshire Forestry Biodiversity Develop the Haughmond Hill Heathland Commission, Action Plan Restoration Project which is a priority area for action for the Shropshire Biodiversity Natural Partnership, Partnership. The project would aim to Haughmond Hill England, Shropshire increase the amount of heathland present at Heathland Restoration PRIORITY Ongoing Council capital Shropshire c£120,000 Haughmond Hill through appropriate Project programme, Council management and restoration and would, in

External the long term, allow public access to a large funding area of restored heathland in close proximity sources for to Shrewsbury.

biodiversity action Develop a design for an Arboretum in Develop a design for Shropshire c£2640/ha Shrewsbury to enhance the natural an Arboretum in Council, planted with environment and provide public access and Shrewsbury to enhance Developer KEY Shrewsbury Ongoing tree whips and education. the natural environment contributions Town Council c£260 per new Possible links with other community and provide public standard tree woodlands (Copthorne Park, Coton Hill access and education Community Woodland). Shropshire KEY Air Quality Monitoring Council Identified community priority. Shrewsbury weir Hydro KEY Shropshire Weir is £100,000 Private funding Dependant on results of detailed feasibility Electric Scheme Council, owned by study (currently ongoing) and funding Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Environment Shropshire (Shrewsbury availability. An offline solution on the fish pass Agency, Council. Town Council may be acceptable from a flood risk Shrewsbury Environme ring-fenced perspective, but any raising of the weir to Town Council nt Agency towards the provide navigation or a larger scale is key to project) hydropower project is likely to cause issues in scheme’s relation to flood risk. Shrewsbury Town acceptabili Council owns some of the land but is happy ty for it to be utilised for the scheme. Investigate Shropshire Investigate opportunities to install a heat main opportunities for Aspiration KEY Council, to support the sustainable regeneration of the establishing a heat al Private sector Northern Corridor. main TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY DfT/ Shropshire c£110million, Shropshire Council/ funding Developer Shrewsbury North PRIORITY Council, Long term The scheme in its entirety has been put on West Relief Road secured: contributions/ hold due to lack of funding. Developers £0 Local Economic Partnership Shropshire Council, Could form New Shrewsbury part of a major Centro, c£9million, Proposals for a Parkway station at a site Parkway Station scheme KEY Network Rail, 2015-2026 funding adjacent to Preston Boats A5/A49 roundabout incorporating Park and package bid to secured: £0 to the east of Shrewsbury Ride Highways DfT, Agency, LTP Developers Shropshire Council, To be determined through SAMDev. To Bus infrastructure CRITICAL Bus Operators, 2011-2026 Ongoing include bus stops, shelters and gates, where improvement Developers necessary to serve new development

Shropshire Local Council, c£2.5 million, Transport Bus priority measures PRIORITY Bus Operators, 2011-2026 Funding Plan/ potential LTP to identify priorities for improving the bus in Shrewsbury Secured: c£1 to form part of network and infrastructure in Shrewsbury. Developers million a major scheme Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions package bid to DfT Arriva Midlands, c£120,000 per Review of Arriva bus 2014 year for each Arriva KEY Shropshire Arriva’s next review for the Midlands bus service in light of new onwards additional new Midlands Council, network will take place in 2014/15. development bus service Developers Subsidy for Park and Ride service LTP funding, enhancements, Could form including new fourth Shropshire Could be linked to development of the £550, 000 per part of a major service- from town KEY Council, 2014-2019 Parkway Station. Requires revenue funding annum scheme centre/edge of town Developers for operation. package bid to centre retail or DfT employment developments DfT via the National DfT, Stations Shrewsbury Station KEY 2010-2013 c£500,000 The scheme is aimed at improving the improvements Network Rail Improvement ambience of the station for passengers. Scheme/ Growth Point LTP funding, developer Developing and £4.2 million, contributions, Shropshire Projects to be identified in the LTP under a improving the Funding could form part PRIORITY Council, 2011-2026 proactive programme of improvement to pedestrian network in secured: £2.2 of a major Developers footways and ramps etc. Shrewsbury million scheme package bid to the DfT. c£2.15 million, LTP Shropshire funding funding/develo Including 20mph zones and safer routes to Speed and Safety PRIORITY Council, 2011-2022 secured c£0.5 per schools in residential areas where supported enhancements Developers million contributions and justified Scheme is in the West Midlands Regional Electrification of the Rail Development Plan. This scheme would DfT, National Shrewsbury to KEY 2014-2019 Network Rail provide regular interval services to London Wolverhampton Rail Rail Euston by extending the Pendolino service to Line and improvements start from Shrewsbury, allow local Centro services to operate from Shrewsbury and Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions permit electric haulage of freight services from the Donnington facility direct to major marshalling points in the UK and also to and via the Channel Tunnel Improvements to line Includes line speed improvements from speeds on lines Aspiration KEY Network Rail Network Rail Shrewsbury to Wolverhampton which is due radiating from al to be complete in December 2011. Shrewsbury DfT, Network would provide a faster service to Euston from Investigate the Rail, Telford c£250 million, Shrewsbury, via Stafford, better access for potential to reopen the and Wrekin Aspiration KEY Funding DfT funding freight to the rail network and a new line between Council, al Secured: £0 passenger station/park and ride facility at Wellington and Stafford Shropshire Council Newport. Improvements of rail Arriva Trains deficiency in the service (commuting service services from Arriva Trains Aspiration KEY Wales. from Shrewsbury in the evening between the Shrewsbury to Wales al Network Rail existing 16.26 and 18:26 departures) Manchester Improvement to the Arriva Trains Welsh The Rail Forward Programme for Wales Heart of Wales line, Wales, Welsh Assembly KEY identifies proposals for additional services on between Shrewsbury Assembly Government the Heart of Wales line and Knighton Government Funding Shrewsbury Town Council Capital and Town Council, 12–18 Neighbourhood Vehicle Activated Signs KEY £10,000 Repair & months Fund Number of sites identified – various locations Shropshire Maintenance Council Funding Shropshire Riverside path Shropshire Enhancement of the Severn Way long KEY 5-10 years Council capital improvements at Council distance Footpath from Sydney Avenue to Castlefields programme Telford Way Installation of historic finger posts, Shropshire waymarkers, milestones, mileposts and street Council, signs to include survey of existing conditions Shrewsbury and research into lost features. Repair or Comprehensive review Town Council, Neighbourhood reinstate where necessary. KEY Ongoing of waymarkers and Fund Destination Shrewsbury wish to undertake a other signage Shrewsbury Wayfinding Exercise to determine the signage Business requirements to facilitate the access into and Improvement out of the town District (BID) Provision of wayfinding signs at entrances to the town is an identified community priority. Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Provision of wayfinding signs within the town is an identified community priority. The Town Council has identified the need to:  Undertake improvements to residential Improve visual amenity Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing carparks. of car parks Council Fund  Provide wayfinding signs of car parks.  Landscaping of car parks. £13,750 Located on a popular route on the urban fringe of Shrewsbury. It is also a major annual cost Neighbourhood Maintenance and/or Shropshire plus any walking route by the general population into KEY Ongoing Fund, replacement of Mill Council design and and out of the Town. Meadow Footbridge construction CIL (Local) Mill Meadow bridge is located on the Sutton costs. Way near to the Reabrook Roundabout crossing. Located on a popular route on the urban fringe of Shrewsbury. It is also a major £100,000 Neighbourhood Maintenance and/or Shropshire design and walking route by the general population into KEY Ongoing Fund, replacement of Blue Council construction and out of the Town. Footbridge costs. CIL (Local) The Blue Bridge is located at the end of Sutton Grange Drive linking the Reabrook estate with Sutton Grange. Creation of new circular easy access footpaths Shropshire to promote Shrewsbury Shropshire Council capital KEY Ongoing as a walking Council programme, destination and hub for LTP Shropshire REGENERATION PROJECTS New Growth Shropshire Point, Council, £18 million, Funding Private Sector, Ditherington Flax Mill English Major heritage led regeneration project. A secured: HLF: Maltings regeneration Heritage, Homes and mixed use development which retains its of Grade 1 and Grade PRIORITY 60 months £12.1M Communities historic fabric and unique heritage and Homes and 2* listed mills and Development Agency, develops the site as a destination for living, Communities maltings buildings Funding: learning and enterprise. Agency HLF, £465,300 English Heritage Shropshire New Growth Includes environmental enhancement Northern Corridor PRIORITY Council, 60 months £13 million Point, Private schemes at Heathgates, Spring Gardens and Regeneration English Sector and potentially the railway station Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Heritage /HCA HCA grant Shropshire Council Shrewsbury Town Council, Shearer Growth Point Property £200million. Funding/ Overall regeneration framework for Town centre Group, 5-10 years Funding Shropshire Shrewsbury identifying key development development PRIORITY opportunities whilst linking West End Local secured: £180 Council capital opportunities million programme/ Riverside and Northern Corridor projects. Economic Partnership, Private Sector Shrewsbury Business Improvement District (BID) Shropshire Council, Growth Shrewsbury Point/Shropshi Town Council, re Council Part of the Shrewsbury Vision work Includes Local capital combining Barker Street car parks to create West End regeneration PRIORITY Economic 0-5 years £17 million programme/Pri new development opportunity. Partnership, vate Sector/

Shrewsbury Regional Business Growth Improvement Funding District (BID) Shropshire Council, Shearer Private Sector/ Property Shropshire Group, Council capital Potential public realm improvement scheme Pride Hill refurbishment KEY Shrewsbury 5-10 years programme/ as part of overall regeneration of the town Town Council, Regional centre. Shrewsbury Growth Business Funding Improvement District (BID) Prison / Post Office Given the imminent closure of both facilities, KEY Shropshire Developer Sites investigations required into potential future Potential Cost Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Council contributions use


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured BASHCHURCH COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Baschurch Local Parish The Parish Council is inviting all businesses businesses, Promoting businesses to PRIORITY Council, to provide an insert/link to the Parish of residents Parish Baschurch Website and an entry for the Local Council parish newsletter. businesses Baschurch Additional support to Parish encourage work Council, Obtain and distribute information/guidance on experience and job KEY employing young people and offering work Education opportunities for young experience. business people in the Parish partnership Baschurch Improve job opportunities KEY Parish Encourage local businesses to promote jobs in the parish Council in the Parish as a priority. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English Dependent Dependent local authority, with a view to securing that upon extent Neighbourhood Shropshire upon Private sector early childhood services are made available Review of Children’s PRIORITY and location Fund, Council developers’ financed in an integrated manner through which early Centre services of timescales CIL (Local) childhood services are made available – development either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured are provided on site. Children’s Centre services are delivered throughout Shropshire. Residential development creates the following impact on children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Baschurch Children’s Centre services are provided from a purpose built stand-alone facility, co-located with EY provider on the village hall site. Shrewsbury There is potential to coordinate leisure and and Telford Shrewsbury health facilities around Royal Shrewsbury Joint health and social Hospital and Telford Hospital and new Shelton facility, using the care uses at Royal KEY Ongoing NHS Trust, Hospital NHS open greenspace. Some of the land is owned Shrewsbury Hospital Shropshire Trust by Shrewsbury Town Council e.g. boiler Council house, pitch and play area. Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, Coordinated health and Shropshire leisure facilities at Royal KEY Council, Ongoing N/A Shrewsbury Hospital and new Shelton facility Shrewsbury Town Council (Partial land owner) Development of a KEY Shropshire Ongoing, Plans are progressing to develop a new Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured university Council, Potential university for Shropshire as partners look at IP&E, opening - the best ways to create a Higher Education 2015 Institution that will provide unprecedented Town opportunities for students and the county. Council, The University of Chester has worked with University of Shropshire Council and IP&E, the Shropshire Chester Council owned company, to develop a compelling vision and plans for a university for Shropshire. The institution would be created through support and guidance from the University of Chester in its early days, but would, in time, seek its own self-governing status and ultimately become a free-standing university. It is anticipated that the university would help create thousands of jobs in the region, and £61 million each year for the local economy. A number of sites in Shrewsbury are considered as potentially suitable for use by the new university as teaching or student accommodation – discussions are ongoing. Patients Participation Group, Publicise the surgery management/user Prescott group to include GP, nurse representative, Support for the elderly, KEY Surgery practice manager and community disabled and carers Senior representatives meeting 3 or 4 times a year to Team, review services and patient satisfaction. Primary Care Trust Shrewsbury Town Council acknowledges that Shrewsbury following creation in 2009 it does not own its Shrewsbury Permanent Base for Town PRIORITY Town Aspirational own administration/operational bases but Town Council Council Council rents from Shropshire Council. The Town Council is mindful of the need to look at its long term accommodation needs. Environment and climate change Baschurch Neighbourhood Provision of more litter KEY Parish Provision of more litter bins. Identify methods Fund bins Council of building community pride to tackle litter. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs

Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Baschurch Parish Council, The Parish Council intend to publicise walks, increase the availability of maps, improve Provision of information on Local Neighbourhood KEY signposts for Rights of Way. walking in the parish Walking Fund group, Provide more information on circular walks and using permissive footpaths Shropshire Council Baschurch The Parish Council intend to start discussions Parish regarding: Council, Local  Later bus service KEY transport Bus service provision Shropshire provider  Direct bus to Telford Council,  Direct bus to Harlescott Arriva  More frequent services Baschurch Parish Council, The Parish Council wish to increase publicity Promote awareness of Neighbourhood KEY Shropshire of Community Car Scheme and encourage community car scheme Fund Council, more car drivers to volunteer. Volunteer drivers co- Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured ordinator Baschurch Parish Neighbourhood Improved parking KEY Council, The Parish Council intends to investigate the provision Fund possibility of improving parking provision. Shropshire Council Local Discuss the feasibility of providing cycle Community, Neighbourhood Improve cycling provision KEY racks. Advertise cycle club in newsletter for and facilities Shropshire Fund volunteers. Advice on identifying the potential Council of safe cycling routes.

Bayston Hill

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured BAYSTON HILL COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Bayston Hill Parish Council, Parish Council, Shropshire The Parish Council has identified the need Local Joint for: Improvements to The Council, KEY Committee,  The demolition of the garages behind the Parade Local Joint Committee Shop frontage shops to provide additional parking. (LJC) improvement  To improve shop fronts grant

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Dependent upon Dependent Neighbourhood A children’s centre is defined by law as a Shropshire Private sector Review of Children’s PRIORITY developers’ upon extent Fund, place or group of places: Centre services Council and location financed  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English timescales CIL (Local) of local authority, with a view to securing that Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured development early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children are provided on site. Children’s Centre services are delivered throughout Shropshire. Residential development creates the following impact on children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Bayston Hill, Children’s Centre services are provided from new build facilities at Oakmeadow School. Bayston Hill Parish Council, Shropshire Council, Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need to KEY Volunteers, Longmeadow play area Fund investigate further improvements to Education Longmeadow play area. Providers, Shropshire Youth Association Provision of community KEY Bayston Hill Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need for Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured facilities for retired Parish Fund new courses, activities and tester sessions, in residents Council, addition to promoting Community Transport Shropshire Schemes. Council, Volunteers, Education Providers Bayston Hill Parish The Parish Council has identified the need for Council,  Adult learner taster sessions  A Film Club – potentially the upgrade of Provision of activities / Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY the Bayston Hill Memorial Hall could evening classes Council, Fund include an audio system and hearing loop Volunteers, in current refurbishment project. Education Trial Walking for Health Club Providers  Bayston Hill Parish Council, Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the need for Oakland School Site KEY LJC, Fund a community use feasibility study. Shropshire Council Bayston Hill Parish The Parish Council has identified the need to Expansion of Community Neighbourhood KEY Council, ensure the continued expansion of the Woodland Fund Shropshire community woodland. Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Bayston Hill Parish The Parish Council has identified the need Council, for: Shropshire  A review of the distribution of dog mess / Council, litter bins throughout the village. Neighbourhood Streetscene KEY Local  Produce a flyer for households Fund Improvements School,  To work with local junior schools to design and erect signs Local Joint  Deployment of a dog warden in the Parish Committee  A review of the placement and (LJC), maintenance of grit bins Dog Warden Shropshire Neighbourhood Urban Landscape KEY Aspirational C£1,300 Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment Council Fund Assessment of Bayston Hill Bayston Hill Parish Council, English Identified as heritage at risk. Village location KEY English The Burgs Heritage and established local interest. Opportunity to Heritage, build on existing management agreement. Shropshire Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs

Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Shropshire Bayston Hill Quarry – KEY Aspirational Engage with the owner/operator of Byaston access to restored areas Council, Hill Quarry to work towards public access in Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Tarmac Ltd the restored areas TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Arriva, c£120,000/ The Parish Council has identified the need to: Parish year for each Improvements to public Arriva Continue to work with Arriva to review internal KEY Council, 2014 additional transport Midlands bus routes, current position of bus stops and new bus Shropshire health and safety issues. Council service Various rights of way improvements to create Replacing 45 existing stiles with gates for new circular walks - easier access improvements to the Rights of removal of stiles and Way network and providing 34 new directional replacement of gates and KEY Shropshire Neighbourhood signposts enhanced directional 2011-2026 £18,030 LTP funding Creation and enhancement of the Shropshire Council Fund signage to ensure easier Way and creation of new circular walks to access for all and to promote as a walking destination. Promotion support ‘Active Market of easier access routes and ‘health walks’ Town’ and sustainable with Walking for Health schemes. transport initiatives

Bomere Heath

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured BOMERE HEATH COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Bomere Heath & Hearing loop system in Neighbourhood PRIORITY District Identified community priority. Bomere Heath village hall Fund Parish Council Bomere Heath & Retention of the Post KEY District Identified community priority. Office Parish Council Bomere Heath & The Parish Council has identified a need to Assessment of site for Neighbourhood KEY District assess site for a BMX track, to provide BMX track Fund Parish facilities for older children in the parish. Council Bomere Heath & Neighbourhood KEY District Community noticeboards Fund Identified community priority. Parish Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs

Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. be shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire Council, Bomere Traffic calming along Neighbourhood KEY Heath & Identified community priority. Forton Heath Road Fund District Parish Council


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured NESSCLIFFE COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Provision of small Family Shropshire The Parish Council has identified the need for KEY Developer led Homes Council small family ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Parish Council, Provision of local The Parish Council has identified a need for PRIORITY Shropshire employment opportunities local employment opportunities to be created. Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Great Ness and Little Ness The Parish Council has identified the need for Provision of adult KEY Parish Council, facilities in order to provide adult classes education including computing, art, fitness, languages Shropshire and other studies as required. Council Great Ness Provision of local health PRIORITY and Little Ness The Parish Council has expressed a need for services Parish Council the provision of local health services. Great Ness and Little Ness Neighbourhood Youth worker for youth PRIORITY Parish Council, Identified community priority. Youth worker to club Fund run the village youth club. Shropshire Council Great Ness The Parish Council has identified the need to Refurbishment to Village PRIORITY and Little Ness refurbish the village hall to include a hearing Hall Parish Council loop system. Provision of Interpretation Great Ness The Parish Council has identified the need to boards and information KEY and Little Ness provide Interpretation boards and information leaflets for the Country Parish Council leaflets for the Country Park/ Nesscliffe Hills. Park/ Nesscliffe Hills Great Ness Replacement of all notice PRIORITY and Little Ness The Parish Council has identified the need to boards Parish Council replace all the notice boards across the parish ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Community Tree Scheme KEY Shropshire Ongoing c£2640 per Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Council, ha planted Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Developers with tree Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs whips, include planting, stakes, tree guards and Maelar Forest c£260 per Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. new street Whitchurch tree. Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY The Parish Council has identified the need Shropshire for: Council,  A review of public transport to see if it meets the needs of those travelling to Great Ness work. Improved public transport KEY and Little Ness Parish  Later buses Council  Kneeling buses  An improved service to the hamlets

 A service to the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.


Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ALBRIGHTON COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE

ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire Weight Restriction on Council, The Parish Council has identified the need for road from Leaton war Weight Restriction on road from Leaton war KEY Bomere Heath & Memorial through Memorial through Cutbury Hollow to the District Parish Cutbury Hollow junction with Montford Bridge Road. Council

Bicton and Four Crosses Area

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions BICTON AND FOUR CROSSES AREA COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISH ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Bicton Parish Council has identified a need to support the continuation of the key heritage Support continuation of Bicton Parish KEY sites in Bicton, including; The Old Church, heritage sites in Bicton Council Bicton pool, The Severn Way and the New Church. Improvements to Bicton Bicton Parish Neighbourhood Bicton Parish Council has identified a need to Key Village Hall Council Fund make improvement to the village hall, Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions including car park improvements and internal flooring replacement. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Bicton Parish Council has identified the need Environmental grant for Bicton Parish KEY for an environmental grant to pay for the Parish lengthsman Council Parish lengthsman. C£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. C£260 per new street Shropshire tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Funding Highways, Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing natural environment of the area. Costs Secured: Maelar Forest Developers include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, £5000 to be watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared Whitchurch throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Bicton Parish Neighbourhood Bicton Parish Council has identified a wish to KEY Upgrade street Lights Council Fund upgrade the street lights to energy efficient LED. Bicton Parish Council has identified a need to Bicton Parish Neighbourhood Street Scene KEY make improvements to the street scene in the Improvements Council Fund parish through installation of litter bins, salt bins, no dog fouling notices, benches etc. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Dorrington, Stapleton and Condover

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured DORRINGTON, STAPLETON AND CONDOVER COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Two youth groups and a youth activity group have been formed during 2010 and 2011 with local support and grant funding received from Continuing support for Awards for All. This is an identified Condover Neighbourhood youth groups and youth KEY community need in the Parish Plan and its Parish Council Fund activity group sustainability is recognised as a requirement of a rural parish where public transport limitations restrict the social wellbeing of the youth. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Maintenance funding and Maintenance funding and expansion of the Condover Neighbourhood expansion of Condover KEY park is recognised by the Parish Council as a Parish Council Fund Wild Life Park key issue. C£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. C£260 per new street Shropshire tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Funding Highways, Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing natural environment of the area. Costs Secured: Maelar Forest Developers include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, £5000 to watering to establish trees over first 3 years. be shared Whitchurch throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Condover Public The Parish Plan Action Plan has identified the Public Transport Parish Council, KEY transport need to improve public transport provision. improvements Shropshire providers This is supported by the Parish Council. Council

Fitz, Grafton and New Banks

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions FITZ, GRAFTON AND NEW BANKS COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Great Ness, Little Ness, Wilcott, Hopton/Valeswood, Kinton and Felton Butler Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions GREAT NESS, LITTLE NESS, WILCOTT, HOPTON/VALESWOOD, KINTON AND FELTON BUTLER COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Provision of local Parish Council, The Parish Council has identified a need for employment PRIORITY Shropshire local employment opportunities to be created. opportunities Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Provision of local The Parish Council has expressed a need for PRIORITY health services the provision of local health services. Interpretation boards Identified community priority. Interpretation Neighbourhood and information leaflet PRIORITY Parish Council boards and information leaflets for the Fund for Nesscliffe Hills Country Park/Nesscliffe Hills Youth worker for Neighbourhood Identified community priority. Youth worker to PRIORITY Parish Council youth club Fund run the village youth club. Neighbourhood Identified community priority. To include a Refurbish village hall PRIORITY Parish Council Fund hearing loop system. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Hanwood and Hanwood Bank

Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Potential Funding Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Wider Developer Sources Contributions HANWOOD AND HANWOOD BANK COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY The Parish Council has identified a need to Provision of signage Landowner, Landowners, provide signs for the Lower Edgebold for Lower Edgebold KEY Great Hanwood Businesses business units, in order to promote the Business units Parish Council sustainability of local businesses. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE The Parish Council has identified a need for the refurbishment of the village hall. The aims of the Village Hall Committee are to increase the use of the village hall which Great Hanwood Neighbourhood Refurbishment of KEY would be supported by refurbishment village hall Parish Council Fund including improvements to heating and insulation. The Parish Council supports the efforts of the Village Hall Committee to install new changing rooms in a separate modular building and improve internal layout of the hall Grant The Parish Council has identified that Great Hanwood Funding, improvements are need to the play area at Improvements to play Parish Council, Neighbourhood Caradoc View. This is a high priority for the KEY Parish area at Caradoc View Shropshire Fund Parish Council and will be funded through Council Council grant funding applications and Parish Council funding funding. Reintroduce Great Hanwood The parish council have identified a wish to Nieghbourhood KEY Parish Council, reintroduce the neighbourhood watch scheme Watch Scheme Local Residents in order to prevent crime. To include: Supporting Neighbourhood PRIORITY Parish Council  Youth groups community groups Fund  Services for the elderly ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree Shropshire whips, Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire c£260 per new to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, street tree. natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers include planting, stakes, tree guards and Funding Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Secured: £5,000 Whitchurch to be shared throughout the Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions council and provision of 10,000 trees Great Hanwood The Parish Council has identified a need to Parish Council, Neighbourhood protect and enchance the wildlife diversity Wildlife Protection KEY Shropshire Fund through the improvement of the village hall Council grounds. The Parish Council seeks to review the financial and environmental merits of Great Hanwood Neighbourhood exchanging the existing street lamps for Energy Efficiency KEY Parish Council Fund energy efficient LED lanterns. The maintenance of parish lighting throughout the night will also be reviewed regularly TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY The Parish Council have identified that access to the surrounding countryside is an Improve access to the Great Hanwood important feature of community life and surrounding KEY Parish Council maintenance of footpaths and bridleways is countryside important. The protection and enhancement of wildlife diversity is also a key priority. Refurbishment of Shropshire The Parish Council has identified the need for Caradoc View bus KEY Council refurbishment of the bus shelter at Caradoc shelter View. The Parish Council have identified a need for improvements to the footpath from the village shop to St Thomas and St Annes school. Footpath The footpath is used by the School Walking improvements Great Hanwood LJC grant, Bus to avoid the narrow footpath under the opposite the shop to Parish Council, KEY Shropshire railway bridge. This work has been partially St Thomas and St Shropshire Council funded by an LJC grant to the Village Hall Anne’s School (via Council Committee, which has improved the section Hanwood Village Hall) of path through the village hall grounds. The section along the river is uneven, muddy and poorly lit. Highways Improvements to railway bridge maximum height warning signs on A5 approaching the Improvements to Agency, A488. Shropshire Council has requested a railway bridge Shropshire PRIORITY feasibility report from the Highways Agency. maximum height Council, At present there are no funds to improve warning signs Great Hanwood signage. Over height good vehicles continue Parish Council to enter the A488 on a daily basis to discover Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions they are unable to pass under the bridge, causing them to turn around in dangerous locations often causing damage and delay to other road users. The Parish Council have identified the need for street lighting improvements: i) The footpath opposite the shop, leading to the Village Hall Grounds may require lighting improvements if a zebra crossing is installed. Street lighting Great Hanwood Neighbourhood KEY ii) Localised dark spots are identified improvements Parish Council Fund periodically by residents and addressed by Parish Council as a local lighting authority The Parish Council is considering the merits of installing energy saving light fittings on its 24 lighting columns

Longden, Hook a Gate, Annscroft, Longden Common and Lower Common/Exfords Green

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions LONGDEN, HOOK A GATE, ANNSCROFT, LONGDEN COMMON AND LOWER COMMON/EXFORDS GREEN COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY The Parish Council has identified the need to Encourage and Longden Parish Neighbourhood explore ways of encouraging use and support support shopping KEY Council Fund of shopping in Longden. Explore the facilities in Longden Business Enterprise and Diversity awards. The Parish Council has identified the need to Explore opportunities Longden Parish Neighbourhood establish a working group to assess the for setting up a local KEY Council, Fund viability of such a venture and will undertake market for local goods Volunteers liaison with similar groups in the local area. The Parish Council has identified a need to Improve advertising of Longden Parish Neighbourhood KEY improve the advertising of local businesses local businesses Council, Fund through: Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Local  Use of the noticeboard businesses  Use of the parish website  Including a feature in the Shropshire Star Longden Parish Improve mobile Council, Mobile phone phone signal KEY Identified community priority. Mobile phone operators coverage operators SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Longden Parish Council, The Parish Council has identified the need to engage with the school to examine ways of Retention of Longden Longden KEY Ongoing promoting the school to local communities. School School, Families should be encouraged to support the Shropshire school. Council West Mercia The Parish Council is in discussion with the Police about increasing the visibility of the Greater Police Police, West Mercia KEY Ongoing Police in the parish. presence in the parish Longden Parish Police The Local Policing Team will work with the Council Parish Council to address this issue. Longden Parish Council, West Mercia Reduce anti-social KEY Ongoing The Parish Council will identify particular behaviour West Mercia Police areas affected and liaise with the Police. Police Longden Parish Provision of hanging baskets and tubs at the Council, Neighbourhood Village Hall. The Parish Council is also keen Longden Village Hall KEY to make better use of the village hall by Village Hall Fund adding a booking page and programme of Committee future events to the parish website. The Parish Council has identified the need to Longden Parish retain the Shop and Post Office facilities in Council, Retention of the Shop KEY Ongoing Longden. and Post Office Post Office, The Parish Council will undertake discussions Postmaster with the local postmaster and the Post Office to ascertain short and long term plans Longden The Parish Council has identified the need to Improved access to KEY Parish Council, NHS England discuss options with the local health authority health services for improving access to health services within NHS England the Parish. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions c£2640 per ha planted with tree Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme whips, to provide opportunities to enhance the c£260 per new Shropshire natural environment of the area. Costs Ongoing street tree. Council include planting, stakes, tree guards and Shropshire watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding The Parish Council are undertaking a tree Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 planting programme by which they will identify Nurseries, to be shared areas to be planted and volunteers to Whitchurch throughout the undertake the planting. council and The Parish Council would support a local tree provision of planting scheme. 10,000 trees The Parish Council is keen to develop some Include some energy Longden Parish Neighbourhood webpages on the parish website relating to efficiency webpages KEY Council Fund energy efficiency to provide additional on the Parish website information to households. The Parish Council is keen to consider the Community Longden Parish Neighbourhood feasibility and cost of incorporating energy renewable energy KEY Council Fund saving measures and renewable energy opportunities resources within the Parish. Longden Parish The Parish Council is keen to identify Council, Neighbourhood Additional recycling KEY additional site(s) to provide receptacles and facilities Shropshire Fund will work with Shropshire Council to arrange Council collection. The Parish Council has identified a need to Longden Parish turn off street lights between midnight and Reduce street lighting KEY Ongoing Council 6am, as part of the Parish’s energy saving initiative. Improvements to the streetscene, including Longden Parish Shropshire the provision of dog Council, Council KEY Ongoing Identified community priority. litter bins in Hook-a- Shropshire capital Gate, Annscroft and Council programme Longden Retention of rural Longden Parish KEY Ongoing Identified community priority. character. Council TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Review provision of Longden Parish Public Provision of bus service to and from bus services at key KEY Council, transport Shrewsbury on one or two evenings. Review times: providers passenger needs eg students from sixth form  Rush hours Shropshire college and SCAT Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions  Late night services Council Public transport providers Longden Parish Public Improvements to Council, KEY transport Identified community priority. existing bus shelters Public transport providers providers

Montford Bridge West

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions MONTFORD BRIDGE WEST COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Montford Parish Neighbourhood Montford Parish Council has identified the Parish Hall KEY Council Fund need for improvements to the Parish Hall. Montford Parish Council has identified the Montford Parish Neighbourhood Millennium Green KEY need for improvements to the Millennium Council Fund Green. Public Clock on Montford Parish Council has identified the Montford Parish Neighbourhood Montford Church KEY clock on Montford Church Tower as in need Council Fund Tower of funding. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree Shropshire whips, Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire c£260 per new to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, street tree. natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers include planting, stakes, tree guards and Funding Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Secured: £5,000 Whitchurch to be shared throughout the Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Montford Parish The Parish Council has committed to survey Getting to places- Council, Volunteer KEY the communities need for a voluntary lift voluntary lift project Shrewsbury Dial time project a Ride


Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions MYTTON COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY


Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions UFFINGTON COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Uffington Parish Neighbourhood Resurfacing of the KEY The Parish Council have identified the need village hall car park Council Fund to resurface the village hall car park. Uffington Parish Neighbourhood Maintenance of the KEY The Parish Council have identified the need church yard Council Fund to improve maintenance of the church yard. Maintenance of the Uffington Parish Neighbourhood The Parish Council have identified the need KEY village hall and Council Fund for maintenance of the village hall and grounds grounds. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE English Medieval fishpond Heritage, Identified as heritage at risk. Potential for reservoir, near KEY improved access and interpretation linked to Shropshire Haughmond Abbey Haughmond Abbey Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Walford Heath Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions WALFORD HEATH COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Weston Lullingfields, Weston Wharf and West Common

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions WESTON LULLINGFIELDS, WESTON WHARF AND WEST COMMON COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY 

Open Countryside (Parishes of Alberbury and Cardeston, Astley, Atcham, Berrington, Church Pulverbatch, Cound, Ford, Leighton and Eaton Constantine, Melverley, Montford, Upton Magna, Westbury and Yockleton, Withington, Wroxeter and Uppington)

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ALBERBURY AND CARDESTON HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Alberbury and The Parish Council has identified the need for an extended Neighbourhood Watch Scheme Improved Cardeston within the Parish. Neighbourhood KEY Parish Council, 2011-2012 The Shrewsbury Rural North Local Policing Watch Scheme West Mercia Team will work with the Parish Council to set Police this up. Alberbury and The Parish Council identified the need the Community Neighbourhood KEY Cardeston erection of the notice board at Rowton and noticeboards Fund Parish Council the location of the notice board at Wollaston. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees Alberbury and Cardeston Streetscene KEY Parish Council, The Parish Council has identified the need to Improvements address litter within the Parish. Shropshire Council Natural Identified as heritage at risk. Village location, England, English Heritage, part of a landed estate, potential for Alberbury Castle KEY English negotiating public access. Opportunities for Natural Heritage, further survey as well as maintenance and England Owner management regime. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ASTLEY HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE The Parish Council has identified the need to Maintain village hall KEY Astley Parish Ongoing Neighbourhood keep the village hall as a vital community Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Council Fund resource and that it should be kept up to date. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees Shropshire The Parish Council has identified a desire to Preservation of Council, KEY protect historic buildings and the character of historic buildings Astley Parish the area. Council TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions ATCHAM HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire Ongoing c£2640 per ha Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree planted with tree KEY Council, Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme whips, Developers Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and c£260 per new Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions street tree. Whitchurch Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions BERRINGTON HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE The Parish Council has identified the need to Extension to Berrington Neighbourhood KEY extend the current Community Centre in order Community Centre Parish Council Fund to provide storage space. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees Installation of Solar KEY Berrington Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified the desire Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Panels on Community Parish Council Fund to install solar panels on the Community Centre Centre. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY The Parish Council has identified the need to Shropshire Neighbourhood Vehicle activated Key install vehicle activated signs in the parish to signs Council Fund reduce vehicle speeds. Further feasibility work required. Upgrades to Zebra The Parish Council has identified the need to Shropshire Neighbourhood Crossing to a Pelican Key upgrade the existing Zebra Crossing at Crossing at Council Fund Crosshouses. Further feasibility work Crosshouses required. The Parish Council has identified the need to Improving parking in Shropshire Neighbourhood Key improve parking in Noel Hill Road. Further Noel Hill Road Council Fund feasibility work required.

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions CHURCH PULVERBATCH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Church Pulverbatch Mobile phone Improve mobile KEY Parish Council, Short Term Identified within the Pulverbatch Parish Action phone coverage providers Plan. Mobile phone providers SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE

ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Parish Council, Conservation and Volunteers, Medium to Neighbourhood Identified within the Pulverbatch Parish Action enhancement of the KEY AONB, Long Term Fund Plan. environment. Parochial Church Council Parish Council, Severn Trent Drinking water, water KEY Ongoing Identified within the Pulverbatch Parish Action drainage and flood Severn Trent Water Plan. Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions measures Water, Shropshire Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Arriva, Parish Council, Identified within the Pulverbatch Parish Action Bus services KEY Ongoing Arriva Shropshire Plan. Council

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions COUND HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Shropshire Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified a need to Village Hall KEY Council, Fund maintain the village hall. Parish Council Shropshire Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified a need to Parish Website KEY Council, Fund develop the parish website. Parish Council Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Shropshire Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified a need to War memorial KEY Council, Fund maintain/develop local war memorials. Parish Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions FORD HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE The close association of the Parish Council Ongoing support for Ford Parish with the local Policing Team has resulted in KEY Neighbourhood Council an active Neighbourhood Watch Committee. Watch Committee The ongoing support of this group is considered a priority. The Parish Council supports an active youth group and the ongoing success of this facility Youth groups and Ford Parish Neighbourhood KEY is a key priority for the community. The youth clubs Council Fund group has been instrumental in addressing anti-social behaviour and building on the Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions strong sense of community. Ford Parish Neighbourhood Maintenance of Ford KEY The Parish Plan identified the Parish Hall as a Parish Hall Council Fund focal point for community groups and events. The Parish Council have identified the maintenance of the Community Centre and Ford Parish Neighbourhood Senior citizens groups KEY service for older residents within the village and clubs Council Fund as a key priority, as is the maintenance of public transport and visiting services such as the mobile library service. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees The Parish Council has identified an issue with flooding in Ford, particularly on Pump Maintenance of all Severn Trent Lane (and Butt Lane- discussed above). drainage PRIORITY Water, Regular maintenance of all drainage infrastructure Land Owners infrastructure is essential to prevent recurrent flooding of the highway. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY The Parish Council would like to be closely Highways consulted on proposals to alter the A5/A458 Agency, roundabout in association with proposed housing development in Bicton Heath A5/A458 roundabout Shropshire KEY (Shrewsbury West SUE). The Parish Council alternations Council, would wish to be kept informed of these Ford Parish proposals for the foreseeable future so that Council the implications for the Parish can be assessed and taken account of. Public transport Public Improvement of PRIORITY providers, transport The Parish Plan identifies a high demand for existing bus services improved service provision. Ford Parish providers Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Council

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions LEIGHTON AND EATON CONSTANTINE HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions MELVERLEY HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions


ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions MONTFORD HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha Shropshire planted with tree Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire whips, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, c£260 per new natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers street tree. include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Funding Whitchurch Secured: £5,000 Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions PIMHILL HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire Weight Restriction on Council, The Parish Council has identified the need for road from Leaton war KEY Bomere Heath Weight Restriction on road from Leaton war Memorial through Memorial through Cutbury Hollow to the & District Cutbury Hollow junction with Montford Bridge Road. Parish Council

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions UPTON MAGNA HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions WESTBURY AND YOCKELTON HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Westbury Parish Establish a KEY The Parish Council has identified the need for Neighbourhood Council, a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in the Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions Watch Scheme West Mercia Parish. Police The Shrewsbury Rural North Local Policing Team will work with the Parish Council to set this up. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Severn Trent Improvements to Water, Severn Trent The Parish Council has identified that sewage sewage and drainage KEY and drainage systems need to be updated Shropshire Water system before more houses are considered. Council Westbury Parish Council, Neighbourhood Streetscene KEY The Parish Council has identified the need for Improvements Shropshire Fund more regular street cleansing. Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire Ongoing street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Highways, KEY Council, Funding natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Secured: £5,000 include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, to be shared watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the Whitchurch council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Shropshire Council, Public The Parish Council has identified the need to Westbury Parish Improved public KEY transport maintain current bus services and additional Council, transport providers provision including a shopping bus and Public transport hospital visiting service. providers

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions WITHINGTON Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES


SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Improvements to include:  A new ramp and entrance including wheelchair access.  Construction of two toilets, one suitable for disadvantaged people.  Removal of the stage to maximise the use of the room. Withington Neighbourhood Improvements to KEY  Increasing the width of the doorway into parish hall Parish Council Fund the storeroom.  Improvement of the kitchen  Improvement of the heating and lighting systems.  Installation of new windows to improve security and reduce draughts.  Provide temporary staging, if required, for future drama productions. Withington Provision of KEY Encourage more use of the church and community activities Parish Council continue weekly services. Improvements to Withington Neighbourhood KEY Identified community prioirty leisure facilities Parish Council Fund Withington Restoration of the Neighbourhood KEY Parish Council, Shrewsbury to Fund Maintain dialogue with the Canal Trust. Newport Canal Canal Trust ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Withington Energy efficiency and KEY The Parish Council is seeking to assist renewable energy Parish Council parishioners in reducing fuel bills. c£2640 per ha planted with tree Shropshire whips, Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree c£260 per new Highways, KEY Council, Ongoing natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme street tree. Maelar Forest Developers include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, Funding watering to establish trees over first 3 years. Secured: £5,000 Whitchurch to be shared Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Assist and encourage clear signage of all footpaths. Work with local landowners to improve access, and maintain footpaths in Improve access to Withington accordance with their legal obligations. Co- footpaths and create Parish Council, operate with neighbouring parishes to Neighbourhood a footpath from the KEY Shropshire establish through routes. Fund village to the River Council, Discuss and consider suggestions for re- Tern Landowners routing or closure of footpaths that no longer serve any useful function. Investigate the possibility of creating a path from the village to the River Tern south of the village centre.

Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions WROXETER AND UPPINGTON HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES



ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, Shropshire Ongoing Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme c£260 per new Council Shropshire to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree street tree. Highways, KEY Council, natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Maelar Forest Developers Funding include planting, stakes, tree guards and Nurseries, Secured: £5,000 watering to establish trees over first 3 years. to be shared Whitchurch throughout the council and Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Potential Cost/ Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Secured Sources Contributions provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire Council, Homes and Includes provision to support sustainable Communities independent living for vulnerable people Agency, including: sustainable living at home; access Registered to work and education and training and Providers, Homes and community inclusion. Communities Specialist Integrated preventative service provision with Varies from Agency, a pathway approach to access and retain Housing for vulnerable Care Key Ongoing scheme to Shropshire accommodation. Target groups include: older people Providers, scheme Council people, young people, people with learning Voluntary capital disabilities, mental health needs, people at Sector, programme risk of homelessness or domestic violence, local gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance communities, misusers etc. schools and The Parish Council have identified a need for colleges, a facility for homelessness inquiries. West Mercia Police Shropshire Includes: Council,  Energy efficiency to reduce carbon Improving and adapting Registered 2011- Scheme Private sector emissions and tackle fuel poverty; KEY existing housing- includes Providers, 2015 dependent* funding  Upgrading social housing to meet the regeneration Decent Homes standard; and Homeowners,  Adaptations to meet changing needs, Keep including disabled facilities grants. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Shropshire The Council’s Extended Schools Team has Warm, identified that Sustainability/Climate Change Developers, work at schools / Idsall Eco-Leaders project (part of Leadership programme) offers Shropshire opportunities to inform and encourage Home parents to understand what they can do to Improvement improve energy efficiency of homes and how Agency, this can benefit them – also though and Schools and children’s centre drop-ins and activities (Jobs Sure Start Training and Money / Environmentally Children’s Sustainable Sure start Children’s Centres) Centres *Funding secured for social housing - Tenant wide: £2.5 million available for social housing (per year). Also a further £3.1million over four years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. The £225,000 is to be used across Shropshire Council tenant’s homes for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. For example the money will be spent on Level Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. Shropshire Scheme Shropshire Aids and adaptations for KEY Ongoing The aim of completing adaptations is to social housing tenants Council dependent* Council improve the quality of life of our tenants and to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. *Funding secured for aids and adaptations - Tenant Wide: £225,000 (per year) for Social Housing. Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary Bringing empty homes Property and are generally a package of funding. back into use- includes Owners, Empty 2011- Scheme Seeking Homes and Communities Agency affordable housing KEY Local Homes: New Section 106 2015 dependent funding for 12 units countywide over 4 years provision communities, Homes Bonus at £25,000 per unit= £300,000. Limited local

voluntary, authority funding available during 2011-2012. sector agencies, schools & colleges Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Shropshire Locations to be determined. To include Council, Market Town and Rural Area provision. Registered Funding proposals being developed. Providers, 2012- Scheme Extra Care Housing provision targeted KEY Care Developer led Extra Care Housing 2015 dependent towards older people, especially frail older Providers, people, with planned provision for respite Voluntary facilities and housing for people with Sector, Local disabilities. To provide sheltered housing with Communities community facilities. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Shropshire Council, The Parish Council has identified a need for High quality employment KEY Developers, 2015 additional high quality employment land that land Wem Town widens the economic base by providing hi- Council tech opportunities for growth. £0.5 million Shropshire allocated Council Market Towns across 11 capital Shropshire MTRP Phase 1 has funded the Town Hall Revitalisation Programme designated programme, Council, Local Community Cinema. – Market Towns Capital 2010- market towns Match funding PRIORITY businesses, The Town Council wish to see a proportion of Initiative Fund 2015 and key from other residents, any further MTRP funding ring-fenced for PHASE 1 of the MTRP is settlements, sources will investors projects in Wem. fully committed. Funding be explored Secured: including LJC £0.5million funding. Wem Economic Forum, Neighbourhood KEY Shropshire The Parish Council have identified a need for Tourist information point Fund Council, a tourist information point in the town. Wem Parish Council Historic Environment have identified Identify opportunities for Shropshire opportunities for regeneration at Park House, heritage led regeneration KEY Developer led Council and surrounding areas (including garage area around Park House and car park area). Shropshire Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Council, Wem Neighbourhood Shop Front Redecoration KEY Ongoing and redecoration to improve the appearance Scheme Town Council Fund of the streetscene in accordance with the Wem Design Statement Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children are provided on site. Depende Children’s Centre services are delivered nt upon Dependent throughout Shropshire. Residential Neighbourhood development creates the following impact on Review of Children’s Shropshire developer upon extent Private sector PRIORITY Fund, children’s centres: Centre services Council s’ and location of financed timescale development CIL (Local)  A higher volume of parents and carers s accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Wem there are currently no Children’s Centres. Wem Civic The Civic Society has identified a need for a Society, Neighbourhood Town Museum. Town Museum KEY A virtual museum is created but there is also Shropshire Fund a need for a physical one with a presence Council somewhere within the town centre. Shropshire Work is required to ensure the long term Wem Town Hall KEY Ongoing Council financial stability of the Town Hall Wem Town The Town Council has identified a desire to KEY Ongoing Morgan library building Council, use the Morgan library for community use, should it become available in the future. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Shropshire Council The Wem Green Network Study has identified Improve seating on River Wem Town KEY that seating along the River Roden footpath is Roden footpath Council in need of replacement or improvement. Shropshire The Indoor Facilities Strategy has identified Provision of indoor sports KEY Council, Sport the need for indoor cricket nets at Thomas England Adams School. Aspiration to turn youth club into more of a Shropshire community centre for the town and to extend Council, and improve the building. Existing building is Youth Club improvements KEY Schools & Grant funding currently in a poor state, with no double Shropshire glazing, central heating or insulation. The aim Youth is for the building to be affordable for small community groups. Wem Judo They currently operate 2 nights per week at Club, Thomas Adams but require alternative Shropshire accommodation to expand. Wem Judo Club KEY Council, There could be a link with Wem Youth club Wem Youth who also have a capacity issue, which could Club be improved by a larger community building. Wem Cricket Club, The Playing Pitch Strategy has identified the Improvements to the Sport Wem Town Neighbourhood need to provide an improved social area, and pavilion at Wem Cricket KEY England, Council, Fund increased energy efficiency and insulation Club Fields in Trust Shropshire within the pavilion. Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE The Wem Green Network Study has Recreation areas, Shropshire Neighbourhood recommended improvements to biodiversity community spaces and KEY Council Fund and enhancement of recreation areas and grass verges public spaces. The Wem Green Network Study has identified that improvements need to be made to the Shropshire Neighbourhood Improvements to the KEY cemetery. It recommends the production of a cemetery Council Fund management plan for the cemetery to create a welcoming space for people whilst retaining valuable areas for wildlife. Neighbourhood Identify key Water Vole KEY Whitchurch Ongoing c£7,500 Shropshire This area is notable for its population of water habitat corridors Community Ecological Fund voles. It is therefore important that the Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions enhancement Water Vole Data Network network of watercourses and associated opportunities Group, green space is maintained and enhanced as Shropshire part of the Environmental Network of the Council, town. Shropshire Mammal Group LEADER, Facilitate parish habitat mapping and Shropshire 2011- c£8,400 per Regional biodiversity infrastructure and enhancement KEY Parish habitat mapping Council 2013 parish Development projects through the ‘Your Natural Heritage’ Fund project. This project is tied to the Cheshire Northern Marches LEADER Project Area. Shropshire Aspiration Neighbourhood Urban Landscape KEY c£2,700 Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment Council al Fund Assessment of Wem Fundamental/important town views in and out to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public areas such as walkways, promenades, seating facilities. Survey of important views Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing The Parish Council has identified that the in and out of Wem. Council Fund area by the River Roden should be looked at in particular A Town Design Statement is currently being drawn up by a working group. Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Heritage. Undertake public consultation Shropshire exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Council, Wem Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Town Council, Production of list of Neighbourhood statutory list) List would identify local heritage KEY Civic Society, Ongoing Locally Important Fund assets that are valued by local community but Buildings. English not statutorily listed that would be afforded Heritage some degree of protection in the planning system. Involves survey work, preparation of report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion of list Shropshire EH 2010 Heritage at Risk register includes Council, Neighbourhood Park House Wem Heritage at Risk register KEY Ongoing English Fund Engage local groups to identify future Heritage Buildings at Risk. Opportunity for the development of a fund in Shropshire Community Neighbourhood KEY support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund Fund archaeology projects. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Survey to establish where modern railings should be replaced with more traditional Shropshire design, plus condition survey of existing historic railings and program of repair where Streetscene Council, Wem Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing necessary. improvements Town Council Fund Identify opportunities to improve visual

amenity of town centre through landscaping. Survey all streets for existing signage and replace, repair or introduce where necessary. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per new Shropshire street tree. Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Highways, Shropshire Funding to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Secured: Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers £5,000 to be Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and shared Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Shropshire Neighbourhood The Wem Green Network Study has Habitat and landscape KEY Council, Network Rail Fund, recommended the creation of new wildlife network along rail corridor habitat and landscape features along the rail Network Rail CIL (Local) corridor. TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Local Bus Interchange and Shropshire Aspiration KEY Transport Information Point Council al improvements Plan At peak times, additional stops are made at Wem and Whitchurch by the express service Improvements of rail to augment the stopping service, but this still services from Shrewsbury Arriva Trains Aspiration leaves large gaps when passengers are KEY to Manchester, including Wales al required to travel from the intermediate additional stops at Wem stations. The major deficiency in the service and Whitchurch is a return commuting service from Shrewsbury in the evening between the existing 16.26 and 18:26 departures. Provision of hourly rail Arriva Trains Wem Town Council has identified a need for KEY Aspiration service to Wem Wales, Wem aspiration for an hourly rail service to Wem. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions Town Council al Replacing 10 existing stiles with gates for easier access improvements to the Rights of Way network and providing 9 new directional signposts Creation and enhancement of the Shropshire Way. The Wem Green Network Study has recommended creation of circular walks from the town and an extension of a footpath along the River Roden. Promotion of easier access routes and ‘health Various rights of way walks’ with Walking for Health schemes. improvements to create Expression of Interest submitted to LEADER. new circular walks - The Wem Green Network Study has identified removal of stiles and that footpaths near to the town centre need replacement of gates and £4,180, Shropshire 2011- Neighbourhood improving. This could include improved enhanced directional KEY Funding LTP funding Council 2026 Fund signage, dog stiles, stile improvements and signage to ensure easier Secured: £0 repair. Install kissing gates where the need is access for all and to identified and agreement can be gained from support ‘Active Market landowners Town’ and sustainable The Wem Green Network Study has transport initiatives recommended the investigation into the existence/ creation of a footpath from Soulton Road north to Upper Lacon Farm. The Council’s Extended Schools Team has identified the need to tie in with ‘Healthy Living’ work in schools, preschool settings and youth organisations. There is an opportunity for young people and families to participate in planning the design of new routes. Installation of historic Survey of existing conditions and research finger posts, waymarkers, Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing into lost features. Repair or reinstate where milestones, mileposts and Council Fund necessary street signs Arriva Trains Aspiration Provision of hourly rail KEY Wales, Wem Wem Town Council has identified a need for al service to Wem Town Council aspiration for an hourly rail service to Wem. Identify opportunities to improve the visual Shropshire Neighbourhood amenity of car parks in the historic town Improvement of car parks KEY Ongoing Council Fund centre. Increase provision of wayfinding signs and landscaping.


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions SHAWBURY COMMUNITY HUB AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES The Parish Council has expressed a desire to Housing for aging KEY Developers Developer led see small scale development of suitable population housing for the aging population ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Shawbury The Parish Council has identified a desire to Neighbourhood Development of extended PRIORITY Parish £5,000 further develop the extended area of the Fund area of the Glebe Council Glebe, including gates, footpath, drainage improvements and fishing stands. Shawbury Parish Council, Village Hall The Parish Council has identified the need to Organisation of Committee, Neighbourhood KEY encourage use of the village hall and community events RAF Fund suggested funding for an event coordinator. Shawbury (for fitness), Shropshire Council Shawbury Community safety KEY Parish Identified community priority. Council Shawbury Parish The Parish Council has identified the need for Provision of toilet facilities KEY Council, toilet provision in the village centre either a in the Village Centre Shropshire stand-alone facility with a charge. Council ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire c£2640 per Shropshire Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing ha planted Council to provide opportunities to enhance the Developers with tree Highways, natural environment of the area. Costs Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions whips, Maelar Forest include planting, stakes, tree guards and c£260 per Nurseries, watering to establish trees over first 3 years. new street Whitchurch tree. Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Public Transport Providers, Public The Parish Council has identified the need for Public Transport Shropshire KEY Transport public transport improvements including an Improvements Council, Provider earlier/later bus service. Shawbury Parish Council The Parish Council has identified the need to undertake pavement improvements at: Shawbury  Church Close; Parish  Church Street; Improved Pedestrian Neighbourhood KEY Council,  Elephant and Castle; Facilities Fund Shropshire  Bridgeway; and Council  A53 (Mytton to the village). The Parish Council has also identified the need to consider routes for circular walks.

Myddle and Harmer Hill

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions MYDDLE AND HARMER HILL COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Publication of a Parish Neighbourhood PRIORITY Parish Council Identified community priority Guide Fund SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE

ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire EH 2010 Heritage at Risk register includes Council, Neighbourhood Myddle Castle. Heritage at Risk register KEY Ongoing English Fund Engage local groups to identify future Heritage Buildings at Risk. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs

Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Myddle and Support continuation of Neighbourhood The Parish Council has express a wish to KEY Broughton both village halls in the Fund support the continuation of both village halls parish Parish Council in the parish Myddle and The Parish Council has identified a need to Support continuation of all Broughton Neighbourhood support the three churches in the parish, in three churches across the KEY Parish Council, Fund order to enable the maintenance of burial parish Churches grounds. Myddle and The Parish Council has identified a need to Ensuring Adequate Street Neighbourhood KEY Broughton ensure that there is adequate street lighting Lighting Fund Parish Council throughout the parish. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Funds Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Secured Sources Contributions TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Transport provider, Improved transport Shropshire facilities for the elderly and Neighbourhood KEY Council, Identified community priority. those needing to visit the Fund hospital/GP surgery Myddle and Broughton Parish Council Transport Improved bus links provider, between the Parish and Shropshire neighbouring villages KEY Council, Identified community priority. (particularly Clive and Myddle and Baschurch). Broughton Parish Council The Parish Council has identified a need to Maintain highways and Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY maintenance and ensure accessibility of all footpaths within the Parish Council Fund highways and footpaths within the parish.

Open Countryside (Parishes of Clive, Grinshill, Hadnall, Loppington, Morton Corbett and Lee Brockhurst, Stanton upon Hine Heath and High Hatton, Wem Rural, Weston under Redcastle, Whixhall)

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured CLIVE PARISH Housing and cohesive, sustainable communities

Economic investment and opportunity

Social and community infrastructure The Parish Council has identified the need to Additional Community Clive Parish Neighbourhood KEY establish a local history group and Groups Council Fund photographic club. Environment and climate change c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Transport and accessibility

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured GRINSHALL PARISH Housing and cohesive, sustainable communities

Economic investment and opportunity

Social and community infrastructure The Parish Council has identified the need to improve access to the existing village hall. The hall is placed at the back of the village with a small car park. Relocation to a more Improve access to the Grinshall KEY central area with parking is being discussed in village hall Parish Council the village along with the alternative to provide extra car parking within walking distance of the existing village hall for able bodied users. Environment and climate change Water pressure issues PRIORITY Severn Trent The Parish Council has identified that high Water water pressure in the area is a problem which causes excessive leaks. c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Transport and accessibility Public transport providers, Public The Parish Council has identified a need for Reinstatement of the bus the bus service to be reinstated to help PRIORITY Shropshire transport service Council, providers residents travelling to work and retired residents Grinshill Parish Council The Parish Council has identified a need to Improvements to road Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY make improvements to the road up to the access to Church Council Fund church.

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured HADNALL PARISH Housing and cohesive, sustainable communities

Economic investment and opportunity

Social and community infrastructure Hadnall Parish Council, The Parish Council has identified the need for Shropshire Neighbourhood Provision of courses and KEY additional courses and classes in the Parish classes in the Parish. Council, Fund which cover all subjects and activities. Local Education Providers Environment and climate change English Heritage, The Parish Council has identified the need for Handall additional funding for maintenance, increased Protection of Heritage Neighbourhood KEY Parish access and potential local ownership of the Sites Fund Council, heritage assets. Shropshire Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Transport and accessibility Public Transport Public The Parish Council have identified the need Improved Public Transport Providers, KEY Transport for a more frequent and better timetabled bus Shropshire Provider service. Council, Hadnall Parish Council Crewe to Shrewsbury Rail Users Association, Network Rail, Opening of Hadnall KEY The Parish Council has identified the need for Railway Station Hadnall the reinstatement of Hadnall Railway Station. Parish Council, Shropshire Council

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured LOPPINGTON PARISH Housing and cohesive, sustainable communities

Economic investment and opportunity Shropshire The Parish Council has identified the need for Council, better provision for tourists, including: Loppington  Publish literature. Promoting Tourism Parish  Provision of information boards and way Council markers.  Identify car parking sites. Social and community infrastructure Loppington Parish Establishment of a KEY The Parish Council wish to establish a Conservation Group Council, conservation group. Volunteers The Parish Council has identified the need for: Loppington  Improvements to notice boards including – Enhance Parish Neighbourhood KEY Parish additional provision, possible relocation Communication Fund Council and upgrading.  Maintain the Village News.  Establish a Parish website. Environment and climate change Severn Trent, Loppington The Parish Council has identified the need to Connect properties to KEY Parish Severn Trent discuss with Severn Trent the potential of mains drainage Council, connecting more properties to mains drainage. Shropshire Council National Grid, Loppington Connect properties to KEY Parish National Grid The Parish Council wish to see more National Grid Council, properties connected to the National Grid. Shropshire Council Loppington Parish The Parish Council have identified the need Neighbourhood for kerbside recycling and also additional Improve recycling facilities KEY Council, Fund recycling provision but acknowledge there Shropshire finding an appropriate site may be difficult Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Transport and accessibility Public The Parish Council has identified the need for transport Public disabled access on all public transport and providers, Improve public transport KEY transport also an assessment of current use of public Loppington providers transport and potential use of additional Parish services. Council, Shropshire Council

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured MORTON CORBETT AND LEE BROCKHURST PARISH Housing and cohesive, sustainable communities

Economic investment and opportunity

Social and community infrastructure

Environment and climate change

c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Transport and accessibility

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured STANTON-UPON-HINE HEATH AND HIGH HATTON PARISH Housing and cohesive, sustainable communities

Economic investment and opportunity

Social and community infrastructure

Environment and climate change Mains gas providers, The Parish Council has expressed an interest Provision of Mains Gas KEY Stanton Upon in exploring the feasibility of a mains gas High Heath supply. Parish Council c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Transport and accessibility

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured WEM RURAL PARISH Housing and cohesive, sustainable communities

Economic investment and opportunity Mobile phone Mobile phone The Parish Council has identified a need for Mobile phone reception KEY providers, providers improved mobile phone reception. Parish Council Shropshire As well as improvements to the Wem Council, Industrial Area, Wem Rural Parish Council Small scale business Parish consider that a lack of local infrastructure development outside of KEY Developer led Council, precludes large scale business development, Wem Industrial Estate Site owners, and that the Parish would support appropriate Site tenants small scale home/work units. Developers, Development of the The Parish has identified that improvements Parish to the WIE would attract more businesses to Wem Industrial Estate PRIORITY Developer led Council, the Parish and create local employment (WIE) Site owners opportunities. Outside WIE the lack of local Small scale business infrastructure precludes large scale development outside of KEY Developers Developer led business development. WIE Small scale and home/work units would be supported. Shropshire Council, Parish Neighbourhood The Parish Council has identified a need for KEY Council, Business Advice Fund general and specialist advice to local Wem businesses. Business Forum Wem Business Forum, The Parish has identified the need for:  Better communication between local Promotions of local Parish Neighbourhood KEY businesses to allow opportunity for cross businesses Council, Fund trading. Wem  The creation of a business directory. Economic Forum The Parish has identified the need for skills Wem Skills Training KEY Employers training to help and create employment Business opportunities. Forum, County Training / Education bodies Parish Council, The Parish has identified a need for Neighbourhood investment to attract local tourism thus Local Tourist Attractions KEY North Fund preserving local heritage and creating local Shropshire employment. Tourism Ltd Social and community infrastructure Parish Council, The parish council has identified the Owners and Enhanced use of Key opportunity to make more use of existing community facilities custodians of community buildings, e.g . churches and community chapels. buildings Parish Council, The parish has identified an interest in social Preventative healthcare PRIORITY exercise as a method of preventative Shropshire healthcare. Council Shropshire The Parish has identified a need for improved Public Library including KEY Council, communication regarding these services and Mobile Services Parish Council linked activities. Parish The Parish has identified a need for:  Improved Police presence and response Improved public protection Council, PRIORITY times and feeling of safety West Mercia  Re-introduction of Neighbourhood / Rural / Police Farm Watch Schemes. Environment and climate change Shropshire Neighbourhood Protection of verges, KEY Council, The parish has identified a need to protect hedges and trees Fund verges, hedges and trees. Parish Council Parish Council, The Parish has identified a need to provide Collective Community collective fuel buying schemes to reduce the KEY Community Fuel Buying Scheme cost to purchasers and the carbon footprint of Council of the delivery system. Shropshire c£2640 per Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Shropshire Community Tree Scheme KEY Ongoing ha planted to provide opportunities to enhance the Council, Council with tree natural environment of the area. Costs Developers whips, Highways, include planting, stakes, tree guards and c£260 per Maelar Forest watering to establish trees over first 3 years. new street Nurseries, tree. Whitchurch Funding Secured: £5,000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Transport and accessibility

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured WESTON UNDER REDCASTLE PARISH Housing and cohesive, sustainable communities

Economic investment and opportunity

Social and community infrastructure

Environment and climate change Severn Trent Water, The Parish Council have identified a need for Improvements to water PRIORITY Weston under improvements to water pressure which pressure Redcastle remains a problem in the parish Parish Council Identified as heritage at risk. Integral part of Hawkstone Mill and Red KEY Owner heritage significance of the Park and Castle, Hawkstone Park contributes to tourism offer and visitor experience. Identified as heritage at risk. Potential for The Mount, motte castle KEY improved management under a management plan, together with improved access and interpretation c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Transport and accessibility

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured WHXALL PARISH Housing and cohesive, sustainable communities

Economic investment and opportunity Supporting suitable and Whixall Parish KEY sustainable home-based Council Identified community priority. enterprise Social and community infrastructure Maintaining a cohesive Whixall Parish KEY Identified community priority. and supportive community Council Developers, Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have Shropshire identified the need for all new industrial Fire safety in new Fire and PRIORITY Developers development within the cluster to be development Rescue sprinklered owing to known water supply Service, issues in NW Shropshire. Shropshire Council The Parish Council has identified the need for Additional signposting and Whixall Parish Neighbourhood KEY further signposting. In 2011, the Parish notice boards. Council Fund Council purchased 2 noticeboards. Environment and climate change Protecting wildlife and Whixall Parish Neighbourhood KEY nature sites and Council Fund Identified community priority. countryside access c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Council tree. Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Transport and accessibility


Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured WHITCHURCH TOWN AND PARISH HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Home and Shropshire Includes provision to support sustainable Scheme Communities Housing for vulnerable KEY Council, Ongoing independent living for vulnerable people people Dependent Agency, including: Registered Shropshire  sustainable living at home Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Providers, Council  access to work Specialist capital  education and training and community Care programme inclusion Providers, Integrated preventative service provision with Voluntary a Pathway approach to access and retain Sector, accommodation. Target groups include: older people, young people, people with learning local disabilities, mental health needs, people at communities, risk of homelessness, domestic violence, schools and gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance colleges, misusers. West Murcia Police, Whitchurch Town Council Includes:  energy efficiency to reduce carbon Shropshire emissions and tackle fuel poverty; Council,  upgrading social housing to meet the Registered Decent Homes standard; Providers,  adaptations to meet changing needs, Home including disabled facilities grants. owners, The Council’s Extended Schools Team has Keep identified opportunities to inform and Shropshire encourage parents to understand what they Improving and adapting Warm, Scheme Private sector can do to improve energy efficiency of homes existing housing – KEY 2011-2015 and how this can benefit them, through Developers, Dependent* funding includes regeneration schools (Eco-Schools involvement) and Shropshire children’s centre drop-ins and Home activities.(Developing Environmentally Improvement Sustainable Sure Start Children’s centres is Agency, being piloted in NW at Woodside, Oswestry Sure Start rolling out to other centres later) Children’s * Funding secured for social housing- Tenant Centres and wide: £2.5 million available for social housing Schools (per year). Also a further £3.1million over 4 years starting April 2011 from the HCA for decent homes. Shropshire Tenant Wide: Shropshire Aids and adaptations KEY Ongoing The £225,000 is to be used across for social housing Council £225,000 Council Shropshire Council tenants homes for Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured tenants (per year) for completing adaptations to tenant’s properties. Social For example the money will be spent on Level Housing Access Showers, Hand rails and stair lifts etc. The aim of completing adaptations is to improve the quality of life of our tenants and to give them the opportunity to stay in their homes. Shropshire Council, Registered Providers, Property Funding to be put in place- scheme costs vary Bringing empty homes Owners, Empty and are generally a package of funding. back into use – Scheme KEY Local 2011-2015 Homes: New Section 106 Seeking Homes and Communities Agency includes affordable Dependent communities, Homes Bonus funding for 12 units countywide over 4 years housing provision voluntary at £25,000 per unit= £300,000. sector agencies, schools and colleges Shropshire Council, Locations to be determined. To include Registered Market Town and Rural Area provision. Providers, Funding proposals being developed. Scheme KEY Care 2012-2015 Developer led Extra Care Housing provision targeted Extra Care Housing Dependent Providers, towards older people, especially frail older Voluntary people, with planned provision for respite Sector, Local facilities and housing for people with Communities disabilities. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Tesco has expressed interest in redeveloping supermarket. Potential Market Towns Revitalisation project with possible redevelopment. White Lion Meadow Shropshire Joint venture Leisure Services team have recognised the Car Park KEY Council, aspirational N/A with private potential for a new swimming pool linked to redevelopment Developers sector any supermarket expansion. including Tesco Store Historic Environment Team have recognised the need to identify opportunities for heritage led regeneration around the existing Tesco and swimming pool site. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Provision of small Shropshire Ensure land identified for industrial business units within KEY Council, Ongoing On site design. development within SAMDev include sites identified for Developers provision for small business units. industrial development. Shropshire Programme to support a range of capital Shropshire Council projects Council, capital which meet the Market Town Revitalisation Programme objectives Market Towns Local programme, £1.6m, MTRP funded projects: Revitalisation businesses, Match Funding - Whitchurch Civic Centre refurbishment Programme – Larger PRIORITY residents, Ongoing funding from secured: - Mill Street Car Park: provision of new Market Towns Capital investors, other sources £350,000 spaces Programme Whitchurch will be - Walking in Whitchurch – improvements to Town explored routes into the town Council including LJC - Whitchurch Farmers Market – purchase of funding. new stalls Shropshire Adoption programme £1million Shropshire Council Whitchurch Business Park identified for for council owned KEY 2010-2014 Funding Council capital adoption. employment sites secured: £0 programme Shropshire Council, £50,000 Secure funding for basic shop front repairs Shop Front Developer KEY Whitchurch Ongoing Funding and redecoration to improve the appearance Redecoration Scheme contributions Town secured: £0 of the streetscene. Council Whitchurch Town Council supports use of the Whitchurch market hall (sports hall) for improved markets Market events at the Neighbourhood KEY Town Ongoing events. To support this there is a need to Market Hall Fund Council enhance the market hall facilities to promote social and economic businesses. Whitchurch Neighbourhood Provision of more KEY Town Fund Identified community priority. market stalls Council SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE West Murcia West Mercia Police are in the process of Police, moving to new premises. However, if planned West Mercia Whitchurch police KEY West 2015-2020 £300,000 new development is delivered in Whitchurch, station Midlands Police funds it will be necessary to expand the capacity of Ambulance the joint station. This will be determined Service, through the Site Allocations and Management Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Developers, of Development DPD. Shropshire Whitchurch Town Council supports the Council retention of a sufficient police presence in the town, proportional to its population. A children’s centre is defined by law as a place or group of places:  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English local authority, with a view to securing that early childhood services are made available in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children are provided on site. Children’s Centre services are delivered Dependent Dependent throughout Shropshire. Residential upon extent Neighbourhood Shropshire upon Private sector development creates the following impact on Review of Children’s PRIORITY and location Fund, Council developers’ financed children’s centres: Centre services of timescales CIL (Local)  A higher volume of parents and carers development accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Whitchurch there are currently no Children’s Centres. Whitchurch Neighbourhood Whitchurch Civic KEY Town Whitchurch Town Council has identified the Fund Centre Council need to enhance facilities at the Civic Centre. Whitchurch Shropshire Whitchurch Town Council supports the Whitchurch Heritage KEY Town Ongoing Council maintenance of the Heritage Centre building Centre Council, Capital to provide an accredited Museum facility Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Shropshire programme/ within the Town. Council NSDC Shropshire Council, Whitchurch Town Council supports the Retention of Bradbury KEY Whitchurch Ongoing retention of the Bradbury Day Centre as an Day Centre Town elderly day care centre. Council Grant Whitchurch donations, Neighbourhood Retention of Brownlow KEY Town Fund Community priority. Community Centre Council Community fundraising NHS Review potential for the England, Beech Ward Shropshire Whitchurch Town Council supports a review Whitchurch Community KEY Council, Ongoing of the potential for the Beech Ward Centre to provide Whitchurch Community Centre to provide community medical Whitchurch community medical use. use. Town Council Whitchurch Enhancement and Section 106, Town Whitchurch Town Council supports the increased provision of Neighbourhood KEY Council, Ongoing enhancement and increased provision of MUGA’s within the Fund, Shropshire MUGA’s within the town. town. Council CIL (Local) Whitchurch Town Maintain Centre North KEY Council, Community priority. East as a Youth Facility Shropshire Council Whitchurch Town Continued access to KEY Council, Community priority. public toilets Shropshire Council Shropshire Shropshire Whitchurch Town Council supports the Council, Council Neighbourhood provision of CCTV at: CCTV in Whitchurch KEY Aspirational Whitchurch capital Fund  Whitchurch Station Town programme  Town Centre Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Council,  Parks Network Rail The JB Joyce Buildings is believed to be the Whitchurch Neighbourhood only one in the world designed specifically for Community use of the KEY Town Fund, making turret clocks. Whitchurch Town JB Joyce Building Council CIL (Local) Council supports the retention of this building for community purposes. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Shropshire Conserving and restoring habitat, increasing £1.42million, participation, local awareness, access and Enhancement and Wildlife Funding Lottery learning, training and skills. This is a targeted awareness of Meres KEY Trust, 2010-2015 secured: Funding programme and not a grant bidding scheme. and Mosses landscape Landscape Partnership £1.42 million Focus is not on the market town but on areas outside national sites. LEADER, Facilitate parish habitat mapping and Shropshire C£8,400 per Regional Neighbourhood biodiversity infrastructure and enhancement KEY 2011-2013 Parish habitat mapping Council parish. Development Fund projects through the ‘Your Natural Heritage’ Fund project. This project is tied to the Cheshire Northern Marches LEADER Project Area. Shropshire Developer Neighbourhood Urban Landscape KEY Aspirational C£4,600 Undertake an Urban Landscape Character Character Assessment Council contributions Fund Assessment of Whitchurch. Shropshire Council, Shropshire Way and Outdoor Recreation, Fundamental/important town views in and out Survey of important Town Plan to be surveyed. Introduce accessible public views in and out of KEY Ongoing Implementati areas such as walkways, promenades, Whitchurch. on, seating facilities, viewing platforms. Committee (PIC), P3 Group and Whitchurch Walkers Shropshire Local Listing Initiatives supported by English Production of list of Council, Heritage. Undertake public consultation Locally Important KEY Whitchurch Ongoing exercise to create list of 'Buildings of Local Buildings. Town Architectural or Historic Interest' (non- Council, statutory list) List would identify local heritage Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured English assets that are valued by local community but Heritage, not statutorily listed that would be afforded Whitchurch some degree of protection in the planning Historical system. Involves survey work, preparation of and report to Cabinet, publication of list, promotion Archaeologic of list. al Society The Town Council have identified a need to update the Conservation Area, along with a management plan. Identified as a building at risk within the Whitchurch Conservation Area. Urgent works were enforced to make roof watertight and Owner, arrest structural movement. The service wing Shropshire Neighbourhood KEY Shropshire remains in very poor condition. The Old Rectory Council Fund Council Good potential for sustainable re-use. The property has recently changed hands and Section 106 contributions have been secured. The new owner is exploring options for residential reuse. Survey to establish where modern railings should be replaced with more traditional design, plus condition survey of existing Shropshire historic railings and program of repair where Council, necessary. Streetscene Shropshire Neighbourhood Identify opportunities to improve visual KEY Whitchurch Ongoing improvements Council Fund amenity of town centre through landscaping. Town Survey all streets for existing signage, Council replace, repair or introduce where necessary. Whitchurch Town Council supports the provision of lighting and litter/dog waste bins within the town. Opportunity for the development of a fund in Shropshire Community Neighbourhood KEY support of targeted community-led Archaeological Fund Fund archaeology projects. C£2640 per Shropshire ha planted Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire with tree Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree KEY Council, Ongoing whips. Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Scheme Developers C£260 per Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and new street Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. tree. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured £5000 to be shared throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees Whitchurch Community Water Vole Identify key water vole £15,000, Shropshire Whitchurch is notable for its population of habitat corridors Group, Neighbourhood water voles. It is therefore important that the KEY Ongoing Funding Ecological enhancement Shropshire Fund network of watercourses and associated secured: £0 Data Network opportunities Council, green space is maintained and enhanced Mammal Group Landowners, Shropshire Conserve and restore Council, Neighbourhood KEY Ongoing Community priority. habitat Whitchurch Fund Town Council TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Installation of historic finger posts, Shropshire Neighbourhood Survey of existing conditions and research KEY Ongoing waymarkers, Council Fund into lost features. Repair or reinstate where milestones, mileposts necessary and street signs. Identify opportunities to improve the visual Shropshire Neighbourhood Improvement of car KEY ongoing amenity of car parks in the historic town parks Council Fund centre. Increase provision of wayfinding signs and landscaping. Improvements of rail services from Ensure hourly stops continue to be made at Arriva Trains Shrewsbury to KEY Aspirational Wem and Whitchurch by the express service Manchester, including Wales to enable a commuting service on the additional stops at Shrewsbury and Manchester line. Wem and Whitchurch Shropshire Maintenance of the sandstone trail is a Sandstone trail KEY Council, community priority. Cheshire Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured West and Chester Council, Relevant Town Councils Shropshire £299,500, Natural Shropshire Way North Council, Funding Assets, – long distance KEY Shropshire Secured LEADER, footpath. Way Steering £299,500 HLF Group Whitchurch Neighbourhood Maintain access to the KEY Town Fund Community priority. Country Park Council Various rights of way Replacing 151 existing stiles with gates for improvements to create easier access improvements to the Rights of new circular walks - Shropshire Way network and providing 78 new directional removal of stiles and Council, signposts replacement of gates Whitchurch Creation and enhancement of routes to create and enhanced Neighbourhood KEY Walkers, P3 2011-2026 £56,170 LTP funding new circular walks and promotion of ‘health directional signage to Fund Group and walks’ and support to Walking for Health ensure easier access Whitchurch schemes for all and to support Wildlife Trust ‘Active Market Town’ It has identified that the general condition of and sustainable footpaths around Whitchurch is an issue. transport initiatives British Waterways would wish the line of the canal extension to be protected along the line of the lapsed planning permission. British Waterways sit on the board of the Whitchurch British Canal Trust and have supported their work on Waterways, condition that they take responsibility for the Whitchurch KEY Aspirational £56,170 land and water in any canal extension. The Extension Canal Trust, delivery issues are funding related and need Shropshire to be costed. Council The Whitchurch Waterways Trust has advised that they are currently investigating an Option to build a canal basin. British Waterways supports the use of the canal and the proposed canal extension as a Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured walking and cycling route. They have yet to carry out an assessment of the destinations and linkages for the route but are aware that the towpaths would benefit from upgrading along with wash wall works which would support such a towpath upgrade. There is a clear recreational need at the end of the canal with cycling into the town centre. Shropshire Council, Improved signage to Neighbourhood PRIORITY Whitchurch canal path and town Fund Identified community priority. centre Town Council Whitchurch The Whitchurch Waterway Trust, Shropshire Waterways Council Shropshire Way and Outdoor Trust, Recreation and Whitchurch Walkers are Whitchurch LJC funding, General canal KEY working in partnership to deliver a MTRP improvements LJC, MTRP project to enhance the footpath, signage, etc Shropshire from the canal into the town centre. The Way and funding for the project include monies from MTRP Whitchurch LJC, Shropshire Way and MTRP. Whitchurch Town Council have identified the Whitchurch need to ensure the approaches to the town Town are well maintained and where required Enhancing approaches Neighbourhood KEY Council, Ongoing improved and protected. In particular they to the town Fund Shropshire support the need to explore options for Council enhancing appearance of traffic islands and installing additional signage. Shropshire Re-location of traffic Council, Whitchurch Town Council support the lights at the Talbot Neighbourhood relocation of traffic lights at the Talbot Street – KEY Whitchurch Street – Brownlow Fund Brownlow Street Junction to allow access for Town Street Junction lorries and tractors. Council Shropshire Council, Review of the five ways KEY Whitchurch Community priority. traffic light system Town Council

Prees and Prees Higher Heath Cluster

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured PREES AND PREES HIGHER HEATH COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Shropshire The Parish Council has identified the need for Council, an appropriate small scale mix of housing to Housing provision PRIORITY Developer led Prees Parish suit the needs of the local community, details Council to be established in a Housing Needs Survey. Includes provision to support sustainable Shropshire independent living for vulnerable people Council, including: Registered  sustainable living at home Providers,  access to work Specialist Care Home and  education and training and community Providers, Communities inclusion Voluntary Agency, Integrated preventative service provision with Housing for vulnerable Scheme KEY Sector, Ongoing Shropshire a Pathway approach to access and retain people Dependent accommodation. Target groups include: older local Council people, young people, people with learning communities, capital disabilities, mental health needs, people at schools and programme risk of homelessness, domestic violence, colleges, gypsies and travellers, offenders, substance West Murcia misusers. Police, The Parish Council has identified the need for Parish Council some sheltered housing (with warden presence). ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Prees Parish Council supports the Prees Parish maintenance of a retail sector which properly Council, serves the needs of the community. They Developer Promotion of new industry KEY Shropshire have also stated the need to support farm Contributions and employment Council related, home-based small businesses and live/work projects. Industrial/commercial development should be contained within preferred identified sites. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Dependent Dependent Neighbourhood A children’s centre is defined by law as a Review of Children’s Shropshire Private sector PRIORITY upon upon extent Fund, place or group of places: Centre services Council financed developers’ and CIL (Local)  Managed by, or on behalf of, an English Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured timescales location of local authority, with a view to securing that developme early childhood services are made available nt in an integrated manner through which early childhood services are made available – either by provision of services on site, or by the provision of advice and assistance in gaining access to services elsewhere  At which (some) activities for young children are provided on site. Children’s Centre services are delivered throughout Shropshire. Residential development creates the following impact on children’s centres:  A higher volume of parents and carers accessing provision in what tend to be relatively small spaces, resulting in the potential of further investment required to increase space.  Where the children’s centre services are delivered in part of an existing school building, increasing demand for school places can result in conversion of this space back into a Primary School. Facilities must therefore be reviewed and sufficient provision made available to support expected development. Within Wem there is currently no Children’s Centre. The Play Pitch Strategy has identified a need Provision of cricket covers KEY £8,000 Sport England for provision of new cricket covers and sight and sight screens screens. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Prees Parish Council, Shropshire Neighbourhood Employment of a lengthsman to improve the Appearance of the Parish KEY Council, Neighbouring Fund appearance of the cluster. Parish Council

Restoration of listed Prees Parish The Parish Council has identified the need to PRIORITY Neighbourhood buildings Council, expedite the restoration of the listed/derelict Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Shropshire Fund buildings within the Parish specifically The Council, Square, Prees along with moribund planning English issues. Heritage

C£2640 per ha planted with tree whips. C£260 per Shropshire new street Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Ongoing £5000 to be Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs Developers shared Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and throughout Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY Prees Parish Council, Volunteer and Neighbourhood Traffic Survey of Prees KEY The Parish Council has identified the need for Parish Action Groups, Fund a traffic survey across the parish. Shropshire Council Prees Parish Council has identified a need to Prees Parish review road safety arrangements around Council, Review road safety Neighbourhood Prees Primary School. Further discussions KEY Shropshire around Prees Primary Fund may be needed between the Parish Council, School Council, Prees Shropshire Council and the school. Staff Primary School parking provision elsewhere could be a solution. The Parish Council has identified the need to Shropshire improve the safety at the junction of the Council, B5065 with the A41 at Sanford. Address traffic on the A41 KEY Prees Parish They have also identified the need to raise Council the profile and ultimately secure funds for the Sandford By-Pass. Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured Shropshire The Parish Council has identified the need for Improvements to the Council, improvements to take place within condition of pavements KEY  Prees Village Prees Parish and quality of streetlights  Manor Place Council  Higher Heath Public Transport Providers, The Parish Council has identified the need to Public Transport KEY Shropshire improve the public transport particularly in Improvements Council, Higher Heath and Prees Village. Prees Parish Council Shropshire The Parish Council has identified the need to Council, Prees improve footpaths – including their signage and also stiles and gates. Improve footpaths KEY Parish Council and Voluntary The Parish Council have proposed joining the Parish Paths Partnership (PPP), establish a Action Group. volunteer group and seek an Access Survey.

Tilstock, Ash Magna/Ash Parva, Prees Heath, Ightfield and Calverhall Cluster

Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured WHITCHURCH RURAL AND IGHTFIELD & CALVERHALL COMMUNITY CLUSTER AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES HOUSING AND COHESIVE, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Whitchurch Rural Parish Council has Shropshire Council, identified a need for small scale developments including a mixture of houses Provision of an Parish appropriate range of which would suit the needs of the local PRIORITY Council, On-site design housing to meet local community, including the provision of Developers, needs affordable housing which would be open to all Registered sections of the community including the Providers young, the elderly, those with special needs Potential Potential Funding Infrastructure Level of Delivery Timing of Cost / Wider Developer Notes Requirement Priority Partner(s) Delivery Funds Sources Contributions Secured etc. ECONOMIC INVESTMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Whitchurch Rural Parish Council has Support small rural Neighbourhood KEY identified a need for encouragement of small business Fund rural business. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE

ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE c£2640 per ha planted with tree whips, c£260 per Shropshire new street Ongoing Council Run an extensive Community Tree Scheme Shropshire tree. Highways, to provide opportunities to enhance the Community Tree Scheme KEY Council, Funding Maelar Forest natural environment of the area. Costs

Developers Secured: Nurseries, include planting, stakes, tree guards and £5,000 to be Whitchurch watering to establish trees over first 3 years. shared

throughout the council and provision of 10,000 trees TRANSPORT AND ACCESSIBILITY