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Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(5): 1734-1751, June 2020

ISSN 1997-342X (Online), ISSN 1991-8631 (Print)

Original Paper http://ajol.info/index.php/ijbcs http://indexmedicus.afro.who.int

Land use/land cover patterns and challenges to sustainable management of the Mono transboundary biosphere reserve between and , West

Kossi ADJONOU1*, Issa Adbou-Kérim BINDAOUDOU 2, Kossi Novinyo SEGLA1, IDOHOU Rodrigue3, Kolawole Valère SALAKO 3, Romain GLELE-KAKAÏ3 and Kouami KOKOU1

1 Faculté des Sciences, Université de Lomé ; 01 BP : 1515 Lome, Togo. 2 Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d’Application en Télédétection, Université Félix HOUPHOUËT- BOIGNY, 01 BPV 34 01, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. 3 Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université d’Abomey-Calavi, 03 B.P. 2819, Cotonou – Bénin. *Corresponding author; E-mail: [email protected]

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by: Central and West African Forest Space Observation Project (OSFACO) of Research Institute for Development (IRD) and French Agency for Development (AFD); Mono Delta Transborder Biosphere Reserve Project between Togo and Benin (ProMono) of the German international cooperation agency for international development (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ) for funding this research.


The Mono Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (RBTM) has significant resources but faces many threats that lead to habitat fragmentation and reduction of ecosystem services. This study, based on satellite image analysis and processing, was carried out to establish the baseline of land cover and land use status and to analyze their dynamics over the period 1986 to 2015. The baseline of land cover established six categories of land use including wetlands (45.11%), mosaic crops/fallow (25.99%), savannas (17.04%), plantation (5.50%), agglomeration/bare soil (4.38%) and dense forest (1.98%). The analysis of land use dynamics showed a regression for wetlands (-23%), savannas (-16.06%) and dense forest (-7.60%). On the contrary, occupations such as mosaic crops/fallow land, urban agglomerations/bare soil and plantation increase in area estimated at respectively 128.64%, 93.94% and 45.23%. These results are of interest to stakeholders who assess decisions affecting the use of natural resources and provide environmental information essential for applications ranging from land-use planning, forest cover monitoring and the production of environmental statistics. © 2020 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Land use, baseline, spatial dynamics, environmental statistics, ecological monitoring.

INTRDUCTION Vegetation cover conversions and changes in In recent decades, sub-Saharan Africa land use patterns are identified as the major has experienced major environmental drivers of global environmental change (Minta problems, including deforestation reflecting et al., 2018; Zoungrana et al., 2018). These the conversion of forest to non-forest lands. conversions, including changes of forest and /

© 2020 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved. 8418-IJBCS DOI : https://doi.org/10.4314/ijbcs.v14i5.19 K. ADJONOU et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(5): 1734-1751, 2020 or woodlands to agricultural lands, have (Bouko et al., 2007). In addition, there is no negative effects on climate, terrestrial carbon reference situation based on scientific data in stores, and loss of biodiversity (Muriuki et al., terms of land use on the reserve. This 2011; Dube and Mutanga, 2015; Sibanda et information is needed to ensure sustainable al., 2018). They also result in the management of the RBTM. fragmentation of wildlife habitats and In the RBTM landscape, studying the disruption of ecological and hydrological nature, extent, and structure of land processes (Liu et al., 2008). In other cases, conversions, allows understanding the conversions have resulted in increased land changes in forest cover and their surface temperatures and soil erosion, consequences to be evaluated in order to decreased evaporation rates and , develop sustainable strategies for biodiversity and changes in rainfall patterns (Bounoua et conservation. Land cover dynamics and land al., 2002). use are essential inputs for establishing a These observations are true in areas of reliable environmental database for high population density marked by contrasting applications ranging from the production of climatic conditions and high demand for environmental statistics, monitoring of forest arable land. These characteristics are observed cover, identification of biodiversity in the Mono Transboundary Biosphere conservation sites, assessment of land Reserve (RBTM) located in the Dahomey degradation index and modeling of spatial corridor on the southern border between dynamics for making future projections Benin and Togo (Kokou et Sokpon, 2006). (Oloukoi et al., 2006; Bouko et al., 2007; This area is rich in plant and animal resources Padonou et al., 2017). Based on remote associated with different multi-functional sensing technologies and satellite data coupled ecosystems (Kokou et Sokpon, 2006; Adjonou with field investigations, this paper is aimed et al., 2017). These ecosystems are unique at: (i) establishing a land cover and a land use habitats in the heavily anthropized region and baseline for the RTBM, and (ii) analyzing the are the last refuge for different type of wildlife dynamics of land-use patterns in the period in the Guineo-Congolese zone sheltering 1986 to 2015 in this area allowing to evaluate species such as hippopotamus, buffalo, small different trends in the evolution of the natural antelopes, monkeys, reptiles threatened with landscape. extinction. For example the red-bellied monkey (Cercopithecus erythrogaster MATERIALS AND METHODS erythrogaster Gray) is endemic to the area Study area (Hougbédji et al., 2012; Agbessi et al., 2017). The RTBM is located on land at the However, many factors threaten southern border between Benin and Togo. It is biodiversity within and around this reserve. located between 6 ° 8 '52.8 "and 7 ° 3' 41.8" These include the uncontrolled exploitation of North latitude and between 1 ° 24 '18.2 "and 1 forest resources, fragmentation of habitats, ° 30' 0.0" East longitude (Figure 1) and covers pollution and changes in climatic parameters 345.22 km². The reserve is located in the dry (Avakoudjo et al., 2014; Kpedenou et al., dahomey corridor characterized by mosaics of 2016; Akobi et al., 2018). These factors put dense semi-deciduous forests, guinean great pressure on the dynamics of land cover savannas, marshy meadows, marshes, and land use. Considering and mastering these mangroves and water plans, crops and fallows factors will allow the effective conservation of mosaics in the Dahomey Gap (Kokou et the RBTM ecosystems and associated Sokpon, 2006). biodiversity. Unfortunately, the RBTM According to the Köppen-Gieger, ecosystems, their dynamics, habitats and land- climate classification system, the RTBM is use patterns in the area are poorly documented characterized by a humid tropical climate with 1735 K. ADJONOU et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(5): 1734-1751, 2020 a succession of four seasons per year, two dry (2015 is considered the reference year). The seasons the first from November to March and scenes were chosen during the dry season the second from July to September and two when cloud cover is reduced to a minimum rainy seasons from March to July and from because of phenological phase variations of September to November. Annual rainfall vegetation (Clerici et al., 2007). Satellite varies between 850 mm and 1250 mm with a images have also been used with cartographic monthly average maximum of about 222.57 data consisting of a georeferenced digital mm during the long rainy season and 88.30 layers of Togo and Benin mainly comprising mm during the short rainy season (October). roads, administrative units and localities in The average maximum temperature is 31.25 both countries. GPS data from the field and °C between December and April, and the Google Earth Pro were also used to complete minimum temperature is 28 °C between July the information. and September. Data processing and analysis One of the ecological peculiarities of Satellite image processing the area is the meeting of different - Several steps were followed during the ecosystems, marine, terrestrial and lagoonal. processing of satellite images (Figure 2): The Mono River is the main river around Pre-treatment of images: Firstly, the which the reserve is built. Topographically, radiometric correction of Landsat TM, the Mono River cuts through the Continental ETM + and Sentinel 2A images was Terminal geological Formation and flows into used to correct any atmospheric bias and a wide alluvial valley. Because of the to change from a pixel value to a digital diminishing slope of the river bed, (0.06 to 0.4 count as a reflectance value. This m/km), the Mono describes large meanders operation is completed by mosaicing the through flood plains before joining the lagoon two Sentinel 2A image scenes to obtain a system near the coast. The littoral part of the single scene that can be used to extract reserve consists of two low sandbanks the study area more easily; separating the sea from the mainland. - Color composites: after several Regarding the cultural and social combinations, the color composition of aspects, the area shelters a population of about bands 4-5-7 was chosen for the TM and two million inhabitants about 80% of which ETM + images and the 4-3-2 bands for live on small-scale farming, small-scale the Sentinel 2A image, because it fishing and the exploitation of wood and presents the best discriminations of land charcoal, and so depend largely on the cover types (Sarr, 2009). This operation provision of ecosystem services to the is completed by selecting training sites. surrounding areas (World Bank, 2017). This This involved identifying and delineating area with a high population density, resulting about 100 plots representing all types of from different waves of migration, is land cover on the TM and ETM + color characterized by ethnic and cultural tensions compositions of the 4-5-7 bands and the that are reinforced by the poverty of the 4-3-2 bands of the Sentinel 2A image. region. These sites were chosen according to their spatial distribution; Methodological steps - Classification and accuracy Data sources assessment: it consisted in transforming Two data sources were used to the images into a thematic map. The establish the MTBR baseline and the analysis spectral properties were used to classify of land-use unit dynamics. These include two the different objects of the image into Landsat satellite images (TM (1986) and ETM thematic classes. To do this, the + (2000)) and a Sentinel 2A satellite image 1736 K. ADJONOU et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(5): 1734-1751, 2020

supervised classification was adopted This rate is evaluated using the (due to a good knowledge of the study following formula: Rc = [(S2 / S1)1/d - 1] x area) using the maximum likelihood 100 (where: Rc = rate of change (%) ; S1 = algorithm that was used for the 1986, area of the class on the date d1 ; S2 = area of 2000 and 2015 images from the colored the class on the date d2 (d2 > d1) et d = composition chosen for this purpose. number of years between the two dates). Finally, the accuracy of the Positive values indicate "progression" and classifications obtained was evaluated negative values "regression". Values close to using a confusion matrix or contingency zero indicate that the class is relatively table obtained from field truth data "stable". (collected using GPS) and a The average annual rate of forest representative of each occupation class. degradation (Kamungandu, 2009) is evaluated soil class; from the formula: ARD = (S2/S1)/d x100 - Validation of the classification: two (where: ARD = average annual rate of classification validation indices were degradation (%); S2 = Total area of lost calculated; this includes the overall forest ; S1 = Initial area of forest and d = accuracy (characterizes the proportion of number of years between the two dates). well-ranked pixels, calculated as a The development of the transition percentage and the Kappa index matrix made it possible to highlight in a (characterizes the ratio between the well- condensed way the different forms of ranked pixels and the total pixels conversion undergone by the units of soil surveyed (Skupinski et al., 2009). In occupation between two dates d1 and d2, and addition to these indices, the field truth to describe the changes that occurred data were used for validation. (Schlaepfer et al., 2002). It is obtained by Dynamics of land cover and land use superposing the land use maps of 1986, 2000 analysis and 2015, made possible by the "Intersect In order to better characterize the polygons" algorithm of the Geoprocessing dynamics of land use and the transitions extension under ArcGIS 10.0. between the different thematic classes from The analysis of the evolution of the one year to the next, a quantitative analysis trajectories of changes in the units of was carried out. Through a post-classification occupation of the soil is based on three main comparison, the quantitative analysis of scenarios. These are "modifications" and changes over the study period was carried out "conversions" of the units that oppose to identify the different changes in land cover "unchanged" situations. "Modification", and land use classes. It produces a change means the changes occurring within the same detection matrix resulting from the category of land use, for example shrub comparison between the pixels of the savannas which becomes shrub steppe or vice classifications between two dates (Girard et versa. Whereas "conversion" is the transition Girard, 1999). This analysis is done by from one category to another, for example calculating the rate of change (Rc) commonly forest lands to cultivated areas. The term used in land-use change studies (FAO, 1996; "unchanged" refers to all classes that remained Achard et al., 2002). in the same class between the two dates of the study, that is, not affected by the conversions.

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Figure 1: Location of the Mono Transboundary Biosphere Reserve.

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RESULTS Within these wetlands, mangroves that Land cover in the Mono transboundary constitute particular ecosystems occupy biosphere reserve: baseline in 2015 83 ha (0.02% of reserve); The results of the processing of - Plantations: these are forest tree Sentinel 2A satellite images for year 2015 to plantations of teak (Tectona grandis), establish the baseline situation of the Mono Khaya senegalensis and Eucalyptus sp., Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (MTBR) palm (Elaeis guinensis) and coconut are obtained with an overall accuracy of (Cocos nucifera). These plantations 89.84% and an estimated Kappa index at 0.88. cover 19 028 ha (5.50%); forest Thus, six (06) main units of land cover are plantations are plots of variable size (1 defined. These include (Table 1, Figure 2): ha to a few 2 ha) scattered throughout - Closed forest : they are composed of the reserve. Regarding palm plantations, dense semi-deciduous forests, dry dense their cultivation is much practiced in this forests, open forests and forest galleries area and they sometimes occupy large covering 6 835 ha (1.98%); these forests areas approaching hundreds of hectares, are in the form of fragmented islands like the industrial palm plantation dispersed in the reserve and the most located near Lokossa in Benin and the important fragments in terms of surface palm plantation around Kouvé in Togo. area are observed in the Togodo Coconut plantations are found mainly in protected area complex in Togo; the the southern part of the reserve along the forest galleries identified sometimes coastline in both Togo and Benin; appear very dense but narrow on both - Urban agglomerations and bare soil: banks of rivers, notably the forest gallery this unit includes towns, villages and along the Mono river and the other areas with very low vegetation cover, riparian forests on the banks of other including quarries (sand and gravel) and rivers; rocky outcrops. Densely populated urban - Savannas: these are tree and shrub agglomerations, are concentrated in the savannas with a large proportion southern part of the reserve along the relatively well preserved in the Togodo coast. Some big villages are found in the protected area. They occupy 58 919 ha, center of the reserve. They occupy 15 i.e. 17.0% of the reserve; 148 ha or 4.38% of the reserve. - Mosaic of crops and fallows: they consist of areas of crops and areas Spatio-temporal dynamics of land cover in previously cultivated and abandoned or the reserve between 1986 and 2015 invaded by exogenous species. These The evolution of the land cover units in mosaic of crops and fallows are found the MTBR is established by the superposition throughout the area and occupy 89 848 of the maps of three different dates namely ha representing 25.99% of the reserve; 1986, 2000 and 2015 and their respective - Wetlands: the wetlands include statistics. Crossing this information shows that mangroves, floodplain savannas the area has undergone significant changes in dominated by Mitragyna inermis, land use over the 30- year period considered marshy meadows and bodies of water. (Table 2, Figure 3). They are located in Togo in the Lama, - Closed forest and savannas showed Mono, Haho, Zio floodplains in Togo declines in areas between 1986 and and in the Mono, Ouémé, Couffo and 2015, from respectively 7661 ha to 6835 Zou depressions in Benin. The vast ha (representing a regression rate of majority of wetlands and their associated 7.61%) and 72 695 ha to 58 919 ha (a plant communities are located in the regression of 16.06%). The regressive southern half of the reserve and cover dynamics observed with these two types 155 944 ha or 45.11% of the reserve; of land cover is explained by the 1739 K. ADJONOU et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(5): 1734-1751, 2020

different forms of anthropic pressure that forest (estimated at 7661 ha in 1986) do not they have undergone in recent years; undergo noticeable change during the period - Wetlands including mangroves, marshy 1986 to 2000. Of these forest areas, about meadows and floodplain savannas have 3,309.59 ha have been converted to other land shown the highest rates of regression. uses, of which 293.13 ha are mosaic crops and They decreased respectively from 1 234 fallows, and 119.97 ha are part of an urban ha in 1986 to 83 ha in 2015, a regression agglomeration or bare soil (Table 3). Over the rate of 93% for mangrove ecosystems, same period, 86,373.36 ha of a wetland area from 63 149 ha in 1986 to 6 766 ha in of 203,054 ha in 1986 (42.54%) remained 2015, a regression from 88.90% for unchanged, while 116,680.64 ha have swampy grasslands and from 127 454 ha changed occupancy categories. Forest in 1986 to 105 233 ha in 2015, plantations retained 4801.14 ha (35.38%) of representing a 14.49% regression for their area, while 8 767.86 ha changed flooded savannas. Contrary to this categories between 1986 and 2000. regression dynamics, water plans showed Overall, as shown by the change data a change in their occupancy from 11 217 for the period 1986 to 2000, 49.26% of the ha to 43 862 ha, an increase of 304.97% reserve has not undergone major change, between 1986 and 2015; which corresponds to 170 293.86 ha out of - Zones with low vegetation cover 345 722 ha. The remaining area of 175,428.14 (mosaics of crops and fallows, urban ha (50.74%) has undergone changes in agglomeration/ bare soil) have indicated occupancy categories. These changes are an increase in their area in different related to modifications in land use or to proportions. It can be deduced that the conversions to other forms of land use. The reserve undergoes an anthropization with changes have mainly occurred in wetlands, an increase in cultivated areas at the rate particularly between floodplain savannas with of 128.64% and urban agglomeration/ M. inermis, marshy meadows and water plans. bare soil areas at the rate of 94.93%. The Of all the forms of land use in the reserve, increase in the area of plantations in the high rates of change have occurred in reserve (from 13 569 ha in 1986 to 19 mangroves (86.9%), closed forests (76.28%) 028 ha or 45.23%) is mainly linked to and water plans (71.2%). On the other hand, the various reforestation initiatives the lowest rate of change is observed in forest carried out by different actors such as plantations with 1.47%. NGOs /Associations and the ministry in Changes between 2000 and 2015 charge of forests but especially the The superposition of land cover maps enthusiasm of the people of this region from 2000 to 2015 indicates that 3131.01 ha about the restoration of vegetation cover of closed forest remained without major and the need to meet the demand for changes, while in the savannas, the area wood products. without changes over the same period is estimated at 20,812.59 ha. For these forests, it Trajectories of changes in land cover of the is noted that a large area is converted to other reserve between 1986 and 2015 forms of land use, especially urban Superposition of two land cover maps agglomerations and bare soil (Table 4). Thus, of the RBTM in particular from 1986 to 2000 3,992.04 ha of closed forest and 20,897.55 ha and from 2000 to 2015 gives a matrix that of savannas are converted to inhabited areas reflects the evolution of the trajectories of the or areas devoid of vegetation such as bare soil. different classes between the two dates Similary, with these two forms of land use, an considered. estimated 7,526.43 ha is converted to crop Changes between 1986 and 2000 lands and fallows. The matrix of changes in land cover- With regard to wetlands, it is noted that land use shows that 4351.41 ha (56.80%) of 49,724.01 ha are conserved without major 1740 K. ADJONOU et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(5): 1734-1751, 2020

change during the period 2000 to 2015. For areas and bare soil (91.40%), wetlands these types of land use, a trend towards (89.55% for marshy meadow, 89.45% for urbanization is also observed. As a result, an flooded savannahs with M. inermis), estimated 14,242.59 ha is converted to plantations (73.78%) and closed forest inhabited area and bare soil. (72.49%). Water plans are the least affected It is noted that the highest rates of land cover and the rate of change is estimated change are recorded respectively in inhabited at 3.49% (Table 4).

Table 1: Land cover in the Mono Transboundary Biosphere Reserve in 2015.

Class of land cover/land use Area (Ha) Percentage (%)

Closed forest (semi-deciduous dense forest, dry 6 835 1.98 dense forest, open forest and forest gallery)

Savannahs 58 919 17.04 Mosaic of crops/fallows 89 848 25.99 Floodplain savannas with 105 233 30.44 Mitragyna inermis Wetlands Marshy meadow 6 766 1.96 Mangroves 83 0.02 Water plan 43 862 12.69 Plantations 19 028 5.50 Urban agglomerations/bare soil 15 148 4.38

Table 2: Variation in areas of land cover units in the reserve between 1986 and 2015.

Variation of areas Rate of change Area in 1986 Area in 2015 Classe d'occupation between 1986 - 2015 between 1986- (Ha) (Ha) (Ha) 2015 (%) Closed forest 7 661 6 835 -8.26 -7.61 Savannas 72 695 58 919 -137.76 -16.06 Mosaic of crops/fallows 40 696 89 848 491.51 128.64 Floodplain savanna with 127 454 105 233 -222.21 -14.49 Mitragyna Wetlands inermis Marshy meadow 63 149 6 766 -563.83 -88.90 Mangrove 1 234 83 -11.50 -93.00 Water plan 11 217 43 862 326.45 304.97 Plantations 13 569 19 028 5459 45.23 Urban agglomeration/ bare soil 8 048 15 148 71.01 94.93

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Figure 2: Reference situation of land cover/land use in the Mono Transboundary Biosphere Reserve in 2015.

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1986 2000 2015

Figure 3: Dynamic of land cover/land use in the Mono Transboundary Biosphere Reserve from 1986 to 2015.

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Table 3: Land occupancy changes matrix from 1986 to 2000.

Floodplain 2000 Mosaic of Urban Closed savannas Marshy Water Savannas crops/ Mangrove Plantation agglomeration / forest with M. meadow plan 1986 fallows bare soil inermis

Closed forest 4351.41 762.21 293.13 4416.21 378.18 598.95 1.53 463.14 119.97

Savannas 3099.33 37075.95 7333.92 9052.02 5544.54 210.42 8.64 1132.29 1841.85

Mosaic of crops/ fallows 1767.69 4108.59 28390.32 7802.28 908.1 95.76 2.07 3307.32 5591.52

Floodplain savanna with M. inermis 3680.46 1384.11 2790.45 39273.93 1464.66 1201.86 305.64 4792.41 1081.35

Marshy meadow 809.01 3370.32 851.49 10028.07 6321.15 1179.54 36.27 16.29 1187.91

Mangrove 375.3 320.04 643.14 3205.62 503.37 656.64 5.94 230.85 428.13

Water plan 67.86 0.45 11.25 979.38 301.41 24.57 40121.64 4.14 401.67

Plantation 1450.08 516.87 3431.34 9458.55 358.92 339.48 0.09 4801.14 878.94

Urban agglomeration / bare soil 2745.81 5942.61 11284.65 33738.21 2241.18 414.18 239.22 1902.87 9301.68

Total classes (Km²) 18346.95 53481.15 55029.69 117954.27 18021.51 4721.4 40721.04 16650.45 20833.02

Change in classes (Km²) 13995.54 16405.2 26639.37 78680.34 11700.36 4064.76 599.4 11849.31 11531.34

Rate of change in classes (%) 76.28 30.68 48.41 66.70 64.92 86.09 71.17 1.47 55.35

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Table 4: Land occupancy changes matrix from 2000 to 2015.

2015 Mosaic of Floodplain Urban Closed Marshy Water Savannas crops/ savanna with Mangrove Plantation agglomeration / forest meadow plan 2000 fallows M. inermis bare soil Closed forest 3131.01 2940.39 228.15 3745.8 775.71 300.96 83.16 543.69 3992.04

Savannas 3686.13 20812.59 7298.28 21321.0 6690.06 2027.07 174.69 6010.11 20897.55

Mosaic of crops/ fallows 457.02 1096.29 35503.2 5465.16 1989.0 928.62 25.11 6847.74 18413.91

Floodplain savanna with M. inermis 1799.28 11491.65 3402.9 5903.19 7322.22 1457.01 457.47 1240.92 8051.13

Marshy meadow 393.84 9608.04 256.68 1210.68 2486.88 162.18 248.13 31.23 695.07

Mangrove 1074.42 8335.53 2795.13 3187.17 3788.37 886.14 288.99 671.22 4914.90

Water plan 17.73 47.79 20.07 668.61 165.96 27.0 40447.8 3.06 581.49

Plantation 769.5 58.37 1197.63 14104.17 46.71 403.29 6.93 5567.94 4432.59

Urban agglomeration / bare soil 55.8 509.31 1271.61 369.09 535.14 176.76 180.09 319.5 5831.73

Total classes (Km²) 11384.73 65298.96 51973.65 55974.87 23800.05 6369.03 41912.37 21235.41 15765.92

Change in classes (Km²) 8253.72 44486.37 16470.45 50071.68 21313.17 5482.89 1464.57 15667.47 61978.68

Rate of change in classes (%) 72.49 68.13 31.69 89.45 89.55 86.09 3.49 73.78 91.40

1745 K. ADJONOU et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(5): 1734-1751, 2020

DISCUSSION phenomenon of ecosystem degradation has The processing of Landsat (TM (1986) become more pronounced from 2000 to 2015 and ETM + (2000)) and Sentinel 2A (2015) with a greater anthropization of forest satellite images and other geographic domains and wooded savannas and their information’s allowed to establish the baseline conversion to cultivated areas, inhabited areas of the study area for a better knowledge of / bare soils. The factors most commonly cited land use patterns, ecosystems and habitats. as having contributed greatly to reductions in The method used to analyze the transition forest areas and savannas are agricultural modalities between the different dates is based practices, logging, charcoal production and on post-classification processing. This wildfires. The manifestations of these factors approach appears to be a robust method with are more and more felt with the ever- respect to variations in image quality (Lefèvre increasing population of the area, thus et al., 2002 ; Rigollier et al., 2004; Corgne, increasing resource needs and accentuating 2014). Thus, in the context of this study, it pressure on land (Adjonou et al., 2013). allowed to perform an analysis of images from Conversions of natural forests into agricultural different sensors (Landsat and Sentinel 2A). and non-vegetated areas observed in the The results obtained provide sufficient RBTM are common and support earlier work evidence that satellite data and remote sensing on changes in land use (Ouedraogo et al., are tools for mapping land cover 2010; Houessou et al., 2013; Brandt et al., transformations by providing spatially explicit 2014; Faye et Cheikh, 2016; Konko et al., information (Cabral and Lagos, 2017; 2018a). This trend in reduced natural Hagensiekera et al., 2017; Ramachandrana et vegetation cover in is an urgent al., 2018). environmental concern as it leads to soil and The analysis of land cover and its ecosystem degradation (Avajoudjo et al., evolution dynamics allow to understand the 2014; Faye et Cheikh, 2016; Zoungrana et al., biophysical and anthropic processes which 2018). It is to address these concerns that in direct the quantitative and qualitative recent decades conservation science has evolution of landscapes in a general way and increasingly incorporated work on changes in natural resources in particular, including land use as simple processes, reduced to the vegetation cover, water and soils (Davranche manifestation of an irreversible transition et Taïbi, 2015). But this analysis also seeks to from one state to another (Mertens and understand and highlight the factors, both Lambin, 2000). natural and anthropogenic, that cause these Contrary to the regressive dynamics of processes. Thus, the analysis of the dynamics natural forest landscapes, increase in the area of change in land cover units in the RBTM of anthropophilic landscapes is linked to the revealed the different evolutionary processes degradation of forests and savannas. The most that took place in the landscape during the dramatic increase is observed with size of period 1986 - 2015. These changes mainly water bodies having an estimated rate of concern the regression of closed forest and 304.97% representing an increase in area of wooded savannas, while low-cover soil about 32 645 ha. This increase in the surface occupancy (mosaics of crops and fallows and area of the water plans would be globally urban agglomerations / bare soil) have shown linked to the recurring flood phenomena that a gradual increase in their areas. These results the area has known in recent years. The inter- are consistent with those of Avakoudjo et al. annual rainfall variability would therefore be (2014) in the W National Park and its the main cause as we can have an increase in periphery in north-western Benin, which show temporary water areas and floodplains a continuous regression of forests in favour of because of a year of good rainfall. fallows, bare soil and settlements based on The degradation of the environment diachronic studies. resulting from the regression of natural forest This shows that the RBTM is landscapes is linked to the development of characterized by high pressures on the socio-economic activities (slash-and-burn dynamics of land use. It must be noted that the agriculture, exploitation of timber, charcoal

1746 K. ADJONOU et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(5): 1734-1751, 2020 production mining, etc.) in a context of RBTM in 2016, shows that the populations demographic pressure (Pale, 2000). Several perceive the decline in services provided by authors have questioned population growth the reserve in the following proportions: and certain modes of exploitation as the 64.4% for wood energy, 54% for wood causes of ecosystem and land degradation products, 44.4% for bush meat and 78.9% for resulting in the disruption of ecological agricultural products. For these populations, balances (Konko et al., 2018b). This is a the different proportions of decline are related remarkable phenomenon in sub-Saharan to the excessive extraction of forest resources, Africa, where high population densities and demographic pressure, and climate-related the crisis of agricultural space lead people to changes, particularly long periods of drought seek new land (Abotchi, 2002). Indeed, the (GIZ, 2016). area of the reserve is marked by high However, it should be noted that population density estimated at 300 to 350 despite the changes and conversions observed inhabitants / km² and the agricultural practices during the period of this study (1986 to 2015), adopted by the populations lead farmers to the study area remained largely covered with exploit more fertile forest lands and marginal natural vegetation and still has good potential lands in wetlands (Adjonou et al., 2013). for the conservation of biodiversity. The Thus, to meet the growing needs for land, reserve is rich in plant and animal resources people are exploiting fertile forest lands associated with a diverse multi-function available in the protected areas. In a similar ecosystem. Thus, the better preserved natural study conducted in Côte d'Ivoire, Kouassi habitats consist of semi-deciduous forests, (2014) argues that forest reduction can also be wooded savannas, flooded savannas and explained by the type of agriculture practiced. associated ecosystems, mangroves, etc.; some The author explains that predominantly of these are still found in the Togodo agricultural areas where there is a continual protected complex, in the community forests search for more productive land, farmers (Akissa, Godje-Godjin) and in the lagoonal abandon cultivated lands after one or two system along the coast of south-east Togo. years of exploitation, to colonize new more The preservation of these habitats will allow fertile forest lands, leaving the former fallow the conservation of biological diversity to restore fertility. (Abdourhamane et al., 2013; Faye et al., 2018) Although changes in land use in the and also the reinforcement of the resilience of RBTM provide social and economic benefits populations in facing the harmful effects of at several levels, especially for the well-being climate change. To this end, the development of the population, it should be noted that land of the land use baseline in this study provides development is responsible for ecological quantitative data and information (occupancy / degradation at different spatial scales. In this use classes, area estimates) needed for good regard, it has been shown that the different land use to describe and establish a phases of economic development quantitative link between human activities, (agricultural, industrial, etc.) affect different their impact on the environment, and the components of biodiversity over time. The geographical (spatial) dimension. Information agricultural phase tends, to eliminate the on the dynamics of land use incorporating the biodiversity of highly productive areas, while temporal dimension is therefore of great preserving the marginal areas (Pale, 2000 ; importance to decision-makers who evaluate Davranche et Taïbi, 2015). But these decisions on the use of natural resources and biodiversity reservoirs are now threatened by to the scientific community that discovers the recreational activities or residential spaces that causes and the effects of land use changes on are spreading to rural areas. Increasingly, the management of the natural resources of land-use changes are taking place over large the RBTM. areas, to the detriment of residual biodiversity. This degradation usually results in the Conclusion reduction of ecosystem services provided. A The reference situation of the RBTM study conducted in the peripheral zone of the between Togo and Benin in terms of land

1747 K. ADJONOU et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(5): 1734-1751, 2020 cover and land use is established on a or data, wrote the paper ; KNS: conceived and scientific basis using satellite images and designed the experiments, performed the other sources of geographical information. experiments, materials, analysis tools or data, The results of this satellite image analysis wrote the paper ; IR: conceived and designed allowed a better knowledge of the types of the experiments, performed the experiments, land occupancy, the ecosystems, the habitats analyzed and interpreted the data, wrote the and the dynamics of change in the RBTM. paper; KVS: conceived and designed the The analysis of the dynamics of change in experiments, performed the experiments; RG- land occupancy units revealed the different K: conceived and designed the experiments, processes of evolution within the landscape analyzed and interpreted the data; KK: during the period 1986 - 2015. These changes conceived and designed the experiments, mainly concern the regression of natural performed the experiments, analyzed and ecosystems such as closed forests and wooded interpreted the data, wrote the paper. savannas whereas low-cover land occupancies (mosaics of crops / fallows and urban REFERENCES agglomerations / bare soil) have been Abdourhamane H, Morou B, Rabiou H, gradually increasing. Despite the changes and Mahamane A. 2013. Caractéristiques conversions observed during the period of this floristiques, diversité et structure de la study (1986 to 2015), the study area remained végétation ligneuse dans le centre-sud du largely covered with natural vegetation and : cas du complexe des forêts still has good potential for biodiversity classées de Dan Kada Dodo-Dan Gado. conservation. The reserve is rich in important Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci., 7(3): 1048-1068. plant and animal resources associated with a DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ijbcs. diverse multi-function ecosystem. The v7i3.13. preservation of these habitats will allow Abotchi T. 2002. Colonisation agricole et conservation of biological diversity but also dynamique de l’espace rural au Togo: the reinforcement of the resilience of the cas de la plaine septentrionale du Mono. population in the face of the harmful effects of Revue du C.A.M.E.S. Sciences Sociales climate change. All the information generated et Humaines. Série B., 4(2): 97-108. by this study should be of interest to Achard F, Eva HD, Stibig HJ, Mayaux P, policymakers, NGOs and the scientific Gallego J, Richards T, Malingreau JP. community who evaluate decisions on the use 2002. Determination of deforestation of natural resources. The study therefore rates of the world's humid tropical provides information for applications ranging forests. Science, 297(5583): 999-1002. from land use planning, forest cover DOI: 10.1126/science.1070656. monitoring and production of environmental Adjonou K, Kémavo A, Fontodji JK, Tchani statistics. W, Sodjinou F, Sebastia MT, Kokutse AD, Kokou K. 2017. Vegetation COMPETING INTERESTS dynamics patterns, biodiversity The authors declare that they have no conservation and structure of forest competing interests. ecosystems in the wildlife reserve of Togodo in Togo, West Africa. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS International Journal of Development All authors contribute significantly to Research, 7(08): 14549-14557. the present study and to the revision of the http://www.journalijdr.com. manuscript. KA: conceived and designed the Adjonou K, Kokutse AD, Kokou K. 2013. experiments, performed the experiments, Dynamique spatiale et diversité analyzed and interpreted the data, materials, floristique de la Réserve de Faune de analysis tools or data, wrote the paper ; IA- Togodo au Sud Est du Togo (Afrique de KB : conceived and designed the experiments, l’Ouest). Scripta Botanica Belgica, 50: 63–72. performed the experiments, analyzed and Agbessi GE, Ouedraogo M, Camara M, interpreted the data, materials, analysis tools Segniagbeto H, Houngbedji MB, Kabre 1748 K. ADJONOU et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(5): 1734-1751, 2020

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