Colección Biológica grupo de Estudio Relación

Parásito-Hospedero GERPH

Plasmodium (Novyella) kempi - like

(Christensen, Barnes and Rowley, 1983)

Taxonomic hierarchy

Reino Protista Phylum Order Hemosporidian Family Plasmodidae Genus Plasmodium kempi

Type Host

GERPH Scientific name Collection GenBank number

Mellagris gallopavo None None silvestirs reported reported Typical stages of P. kempi A-) trophozoite B-C) Grown gametocyte D ) Meront; Bar = 10 μm.

Host With Material Deposited in GERPH

Scientific name Collection number GenBank

Arremonops GERPH-01995-7 None conirostris

Trophozoites and grown gametocytes posses one defined long thread-like or taillike outgrowth which can exceed the main parasites length, meronts mainly Main Characters with five merozoites, trophozoites and meronts with a clear defined globule (this is no characteristic of P. kempi), lack of a big vacuole.

Specimen Category Blood smear

Altitudinal Distribution in Colombia La macarena NNP 450-1600 masl distribution

Global Distribution North and South America

Pathology Slightly virulent Vectors Unknow


Supported by: Departamento Administrativo de Ciencias, Tecnología e Innovación COLCIENCIAS (contracts Nos. 556- 2014, Christensen, B. M., Barnes, H. J., & Rowley, W. A. 0737-2013 and 359-2011). Universidad Nacional de Colombia (1983). Vertebrate host specificity and experimental Contact: Nubia Estela Matta C. [email protected] vectors of Plasmodium (Novyella) kempi sp. n. from the eastern wild turkey in Iowa. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 19(3), 204-213.

Valkiunas, G. 2005. Avian malaria parasites and other haemosporidia. CRC Press, Boca Raton. Florida, 946 p.

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