Agenda Please Contact: James Stanton 020 8547 4627/FAX 020 8547 5125 E-Mail: [email protected]
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For enquiries on this agenda please contact: James Stanton 020 8547 4627/FAX 020 8547 5125 e-mail: [email protected] This agenda is available on 13 September 2004 AGENDA A meeting of the SOUTH OF THE BOROUGH PLANNING SUB-COMMITTEE will be held at EVANGELICAL HALL, BROOK ROAD, OFF HOOK ROAD, SURBITON on TUESDAY 21 SEPTEMBER 2004 at 7:30 pm Members of the Committee Chessington North & Hook Ward Councillor Sue Baker Councillor Ian Reid Councillor Mary Reid Chessington South Ward Councillor Patricia Bamford Councillor Martin Blakebrough Councillor Shiraz Mirza Tolworth & Hook Rise Ward Councillor Rolson Davies Councillor Vicki Harris (Chair) Councillor Rob Lee Date of Meetings: Planning Sub-Committee The following meetings will take place only if there is sufficient business to warrant a separate Planning Sub-Committee, otherwise planning applications will be considered by the Neighbourhood Committee. Wednesday 17 November 2004 - Tolworth Girls School, Fullers Way North Wednesday 15 December 2004 - Southborough School, Hook Road, Surbiton Wednesday 9 February 2005 – Moor Lane Junior School, Moor Lane, Chessington Wednesday 13 April 2005 - Tolworth Girls School, Fullers Way North Neighbourhood Committee Wednesday 10 November 2004 – Moor Lane Junior School, Moor Lane, Chessington Wednesday 8 December 2004 – Moor Lane Junior School, Moor Lane, Chessington Wednesday 2 February 2005 - Tolworth Girls School, Fullers Way North Wednesday 23 March 2005 - Southborough School, Hook Road, Surbiton EMERGENCY EVACUATION ARRANGEMENTS If the fire alarm sounds please leave the building by the nearest exit. 2 AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. MINUTES To confirm the minutes of the meeting held 23 June 2004. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to state any interests – personal or prejudicial – on items on this agenda. 4. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Appendix A Report by the Director of Environmental Services • 04/10155/OUT – 50, 52, 54, 56 & Gardens of 58, 60 Leatherhead Road, Chessington • 04/10202/FUL – 7-8 Ace Parade, Chessington • 04/10260/FUL – Barwell Court Farm, Leatherhead Road, Chessington • 04/10285/FUL – 3 North Parade, Chessington • 04/10284/REM – 3 North Parade, Chessington • 04/10217/FUL – 4 Durbin Road, Chessington • 04/10267/FUL – 32 West Road, Chessington 5. TOLWORTH COURT FARM FIELDS, FIELD 2006, KINGSTON Appendix B ROAD, SURBITON Report by the Director of Environmental Services 6. URGENT ITEMS AUTHORISED BY THE CHAIR 3 SPEAKING ON PLANNING APPLICATIONS, TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS OR ENFORCEMENT CASES Objectors may speak on planning applications, if they have both: (a) previously responded to the consultation on an application, and (b) registered THREE days before the meeting to do so Applicants and supporters must also register their wish to speak by the same deadline, however they can only be heard at the meeting if an objector has also registered. The arrangements for speaking on applications are based on both sides having equal time to make their points to Councillors. To make sure that the meeting runs in a way which is fair to everyone, these arrangements will be followed without any exceptions being made. These arrangements also apply to Enforcement cases and Tree Preservation Orders unless they are being discussed as a confidential item under the Access to Information rules. However as in these cases it will be the Director of Environmental Services who is recommending either Enforcement Action or making a Tree Preservation Order it will be the land/property owner and objectors/supporters who will have speaking rights. The order of speakers will therefore be adjusted to reflect this. Registering to speak - Everybody wishing to speak on an application, Enforcement Action or Tree Preservation Order must have registered to do so THREE days before the meeting. On planning applications Applicants can only register to speak if there are objectors who wish to speak. Please contact: James Stanton 020 8547 4627/FAX 020 8547 5125 e-mail: [email protected] Deadline for registering to speak by objectors: 10am, Friday 17 September 2004. Time for speaking - FIVE minutes is allowed for each side on each application. This time has to be shared by however many there are on each side. If there are a large number of speakers people must decide amongst themselves on a spokesperson or some other arrangement. The Chair of the meeting has no discretion to extend the time limit. The order of speaking is 1. Planning Officer to present item 4. Sweep up by Planning Officer. 2. Objector(s) 5. Questions from Committee. 3. Applicant (land/property owner 6. Debate by Committee. for TPOs/Enforcement Action)/ Supporter(s) Speakers may find it helpful to have made some notes on what they want to say, so that they make the most of the speaking time. The notes attached to the original consultation letter from the Planning Officer will have explained the things that the Committee can't take account of - loss of view, property values etc. APPENDIX A SOUTH OF THE BOROUGH PLANNING SUB NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMITTEE TUESDAY 21 SEPTEMBER 2004 REPORT BY DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PLANNING APPLICATIONS INDEX ITEM REGISTER ADDRESS DESCRIPTION RECOMMENDATION PAGE NO NO NO A1 04/10202 7-8 Ace Parade, Chessington Change of use of 8 Ace Parade from PERMIT A1 Bakery (Class A1) to form Restaurant (Class A3) in conjunction with 7 Ace Parade. Erection of new shop front and associated internal alterations A2 04/10217 4 Durbin Road, Chessington, Erection of single storey side and rear REFUSE A8 KT9 1BU extension, rear dormer extension and pitched roof porch on front elevation. Conversion into one 2 bedroom flat and one 3 bedroom flat. A3 04/10260 Barwell Court Farm, Retention of two chalet bungalows. PERMIT A13 Leatherhead Road, Provision of parking for bungalows and Chessington, KT9 2LZ stables. Provision of additional garden for existing cottage. Revised siting to that approved under Planning Permission 03/10270/FUL. Details of refuse storage, boudary treatment, surface water control measures and landscaping A4 04/10267 32 West Road, Chessington, Erection of single storey rear PERMIT A22 KT9 2NR conservatory 1042Z APPENDIX A SOUTH OF THE BOROUGH PLANNING SUB NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMITTEE TUESDAY 21 SEPTEMBER 2004 REPORT BY DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PLANNING APPLICATIONS INDEX ITEM REGISTER ADDRESS DESCRIPTION RECOMMENDATION PAGE NO NO NO A5 04/10284 3 North Parade, Chessington, Details of extract system including REFUSE AND A25 KT9 1QL ductwork and refuse storage pursuant to ENFORCEMENT Conditions 4 and 5 of Planning Permission 03/10236/FUL A6 04/10285 3 North Parade, Chessington, Retention of single storey rear extension REFUSE AND A29 KT9 1QL and wall mounted condensing unit ENFORCEMENT A7 04/10155 50, 52, 54, 56 + Gardens of 58, Erection of 10 3 bedroom houses with REFUSE A32 60, Leatherhead Road, parking and access road. Chessington, Surrey 1042Z SOUTH OF THE BOROUGH PLANNING SUB NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMITTEE 21 SEPTEMBER 2005 REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PLANNING APPLICATIONS All recommendations for planning permission in this section are automatically subject to the condition limiting the duration of the permission required by Sections 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act (as amended) 1990 unless permission is to be granted for a limited period or unless there is a specific recommendation that the period for such duration be other than the period referred to in the standard condition. All background papers are incorporated into Planning Application Reports. The policies listed are those from the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames Unitary Development Plan, adopted March 1998. Please note that the site plans attached to this document are indicative only. ______________________________________________________________ A1 Register No: 04/10202/FUL Address: 7-8 ACE PARADE, CHESSINGTON Ward: Tolworth and Hook Rise Description of Proposal: Change of use of 8 Ace Parade from Bakery (Class A1) to form Restaurant (Class A3) in conjunction with 7 Ace Parade. Erection of new shop front and associated internal alterations RECOMMENDATION PERMIT Plan Type: Full Application Date of Validation: 01/06/2004 Applicant's Plan Nos: 01 Received 17/05/2004 02B Received 17/05/2004 Site Location Plan Received 01/06/2004 Basic Information: Development Plan: Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames Unitary Development Plan (Proposed First Alteration Composite Version 2002) UDP Policies BE11 Design of New Buildings and Extensions - A1 - 1042Z BE12 Layout and Amenity of Buildings and Extensions H1 Protection of Residential Amenities S3 Local Shopping Centres S8 Takeaway Food Shops, Restaurants, etc. T1 Transport Safety T20 Compliance with Car and Cycle Parking Standards Total Site Area 80sq m Total Floor Area 80sq m Car Parking Required 8 Consultations Access Officer This application concerns premises to be used for the provision of goods, facilities or services to the public, within the meaning of Part 3 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The applicant should therefore bear in mind that from October 2004 disabled people could take legal action against the applicant or any subsequent occupier of the premises if reasonable adjustments to the premises have not been made to facilitate access for disabled people. Highways and Transportation There are a number of existing business that operate in the evening. There are probably some evening periods when there is insufficient parking