
Chapter 5

Soil f ertility, b iodiversity and pest m anagement

Miguel A. Altieri , Luigi Ponti and Clara I. Nicholls

Biodiversity and Insect Pests: Key Issues for Sustainable Management, First Edition. Edited by Geoff M. Gurr, Steve D. Wratten, William E. Snyder, Donna M.Y. Read. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

72 fertility, and pest management 73

INTRODUCTION uptake of nutrients by the , especially micronutrients. A lack of micronutrients also causes Optimisation of agroecosystem health is based on two inhibition in protein synthesis and therefore leads to a pillars: manipulation and soil fertility enhance- build- up in nutrients needed by pests and pathogens. ment. The latter is achieved through management of In the last 20 years a number of research studies organic matter and conservation of below- ground bio- have corroborated Chaboussou ’ s assertions, showing diversity, and is the focus of this chapter. The chapter that the ability of a crop plant to resist or tolerate insect fi rst looks at ways in which soil fertility management pests and diseases is tied to optimal physical, chemical can reduce plant susceptibility to pests, both directly by and mainly biological properties of . Soils with mediating plant health and indirectly via interactions high organic matter and active soil biological activity between above - ground and below - ground biodiversity. generally exhibit good soil fertility as well as complex Appropriate management of organic soil fertility may webs and benefi cial organisms that prevent infec- reduce crop damage by increasing plant resistance tion (Magdoff and van Es, 2000 ). Recent evidence sug- through improving the foliage’ s nutritional balance, or gests that the lower pest pressure observed in many by reducing pest populations via enhancement of organic systems, although associated with a greater natural enemies. In organically fertilised systems, use of practices that preserve benefi cial insects, is also several insect herbivores consistently show lower linked to enhanced and fertility (Zehnder abundance due to emerging synergies between plant et al., 2007 ). Several studies also document that diversity, natural enemies and soil fertility. Healthy soil farming practices which cause nutrition imbalances is probably more important than is currently acknowl- can lower pest resistance (Magdoff and van Es, 2000 ). edged in determining individual plant response to Evidence is mounting that synthetic fertilisers can stresses such as pest pressure. Combining crop diversi- reduce plant resistance to insect pests, tend to enhance fi cation and organic soil enhancement is a key strategy insect pest populations, and can increase the need for to sustainable agroecosystem management. insecticide application (Yardlm and Edwards, 2003 ). Traditionally entomologists have explained pest out- Furthermore, recent research shows how biotic inter- breaks in cropping systems as a consequence of the actions in soil can regulate the structure and func- absence of natural enemies or the effects of insecti- tioning of above - ground communities (Harman et al ., cides, such as the development of pesticide resistance 2004 ; Wardle et al ., 2004 ), suggesting that the below - by insect pests or secondary pest outbreaks due to dis- ground component of an agroecosystem can be ruptions of biological control. Entomologists have, managed through a set of agroecological practices that however, been unaware of the theory of trophobiosis can exert a substantial infl uence on pest dynamics offered by French scientist Francis Chaboussou (Cha- (Altieri and Nicholls, 2003 ). boussou, 2004 (English translation of 1985 French Slowly agroecologists are recognising that above - edition)). As early as 1967, Chaboussou contended ground and below - ground biodiversity components of that pest problems were also linked to disturbances in agroecosystems cannot continue to be viewed in isola- the nutritional balances of crop and destruction tion from each other (van der Putten et al ., 2009 ). In of in the soil. He explained that heavy applications fact, the otherwise largely separate above- ground and of soluble nitrogen (N) fertilisers (and also certain pes- below- ground components of agroecosystems are con- ticides) increase the cellular amounts of N, ammonia nected by the plant (Wardle et al ., 2004 ). This recogni- and amino acids, faster than the rate at which plants tion of the biological linkages between above - ground synthesise them for proteins. These reductions in the and below- ground biota constitutes a key step on rate of protein synthesis result in the temporary accu- which a truly innovative ecologically based pest man- mulation of free N, sugars and soluble amino acids in agement strategy can be built. the foliage: substances needed for growth and repro- Ecologically based pest management (EBPM) consid- duction by insect herbivores and also plant pathogens. ers below - ground and above - ground habitat manage- Chaboussou ’ s empirical evidence led him to postulate ment as equally important, because enhancing positive that insect pests and diseases grow and multiply faster ecological interactions between soils and pests can when plants contain more soluble free nutrients, due provide a robust and sustainable way of optimising to the inhibition of protein synthesis. He also believed total agroecosystem function (Figure 5.1 ). The integ- that a healthy is fundamental for a balanced rity of the agroecosystem relies on synergies of plant 74 Fundamentals


Cover crops

Green Enhanced Soil Fertility Mulching


Rotations, etc. HEALTHY Healthy Positive SYNERGISM Interactions CROP Agroecosystem

Crop diversity

Cultural practices Enhanced Pest Regulation Biological control

Habitat modification

Figure 5.1 The potential synergism between soil fertility management and IPM.

diversity and the continuing function of the soil micro- microbiota provide an environment that through bial community supported by a soil rich in organic various processes enhances plant health (McGuiness, matter (Altieri and Nicholls, 1990 ). Despite the poten- 1993 ). The following are a few of the suggested pest tial links between soil fertility and crop protection, the suppressive mechanisms linked to healthy soils: evolution of integrated pest management (IPM) and • Competition: high levels and diversity of soil microbes integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) have pro- diminish the populations or infectivity of soil - borne ceeded separately (Altieri and Nicholls, 2003 ). Since pathogens; this occurs because the soil microbes many practices are already known to compete with the pathogens for food and space. Biodi- infl uence pest management interactions, it does not verse soils also contain fungi and bacteria that make ecological sense to continue with such an atom- consume, parasitise or are otherwise antagonistic to istic approach. many soil- borne crop pathogens. Plant pathologists The overall goal of EBPM is to create soil and above- have known for years that a soil rich in microbiota ground conditions that promote the growth of healthy lessens the danger of epidemic outbreaks caused by plants, while stressing pests and promoting benefi cial soil - borne pathogens (Campbell, 1994 ). organisms. This approach constitutes the basis of a • Induced resistance: exposure to , compost habitat management strategy aimed at enhancing extracts or certain microbes (both pathogenic and non- above- and below- ground biological diversity which in pathogenic) can induce plants to develop resistance to turn creates the conditions that are hospitable to plant a broad range of soil - borne and airborne pathogens. roots, allowing the development of strong and healthy Induced resistance is described as a broad - spectrum, crops while promoting the presence of naturally occur- long - lasting resistance and appears to be most effective ring biological control organisms (Magdoff, 2007 ). against fungal pathogens (Kuc ´ , 2001 ). • Natural enemies: enriching the soil stimulates the proliferation of soil mesofauna which may serve as HEALTHY SOILS, HEALTHY PLANTS alternative prey for natural enemies such as carabid beetles and spiders, allowing them to develop high One way soil fertility management can directly reduce populations that can then respond quickly to pest out- plant susceptibility to pests is by mediating plant health breaks (Purvis and Curry, 1984 ). This effect is particu- (Phelan et al ., 1995 ). Many researchers and also prac- larly important for generalist predators, as explored by tising farmers have observed that fertility practices that Welch et al. in chapter 3 of this volume. replenish and maintain high and • Buffering of nutrient supply: and microbial that enhance the level and diversity of soil macro - and provide a more gradual and balanced release Soil fertility, biodiversity and pest management 75

of nutrients than is possible with synthetic fertilisers. natural enemies Many insect pests and fungal pathogens are stimulated by lush growth and/or high N level in plants. As Cha- herbivores boussou (2004) suggested, more balanced mineral nutrition makes crops more resistant to pests and diseases. • Reduced stress: soils with high humus and biodiver- sity have improved capacity to take up and store and thus reduce water stress. Water and other types of stress increase pest problems, possibly by restricting litter 1 protein synthesis, which in turn increases soluble N in foliage making tissues more nutritious to many pests (Waring and Cobb, 1991 ). herbivory Soil fertility practices can directly affect the physio- mutualism pests logical susceptibility of crop plants to insect pests by (rhizobium, disease either affecting the resistance of individual plants to mycorrhizae attack or altering plant acceptability to certain herbiv- 6 pathogens ores (Barker, 1975 ; Scriber, 1984 ). But the mecha- nutrition antagonism 5 nisms can be more complex and include genetic and 4 biochemical dimensions as suggested by the fi nding of soil organic matter scientists of the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research 7 2 predation Center in Maryland, which contributes to building a 3 soil biota scientifi c basis to better understand the relationships between plant health and soil fertility (Kumar et al ., Figure 5.2 Complex ways in which above- and below- 2004 ). These researchers showed a molecular basis for ground biodiversity interact in agroecosystems: 1) crop delayed leaf senescence and tolerance to diseases in residues enhance soil organic matter (SOM); 2) SOM tomato plants cultivated in a legume (hairy vetch) provides substratum for micro, meso, and macro soil biota; - based alternative agricultural system, com- 3) soil predators reduce soil pests; 4) SOM enhances pared to the same crop grown on a conventional black antagonists which suppress soil- borne pathogens; 5) slow polyethylene mulch along with chemical fertiliser. mineralisation of C and N activates genes which promote Probably due to regulated release of C and N metabo- disease tolerance and crop longevity as well as low free N lites from hairy vetch decomposition, the cover - cropped content in foliage; 6) mutualists enhance N fi xation, P uptake, water use effi ciency, etc.; 7) certain invertebrates tomato plants showed a distinct expression of selected (e.g. Collembola and detritivores) serve as alternative food to genes, which ultimately led to a more effi cient utilisa- natural enemies in times of pest scarcity. tion and mobilisation of C and N, promoting defence against disease and enhanced crop longevity. These results confi rm that in intensive conventional tomato production, the use of legume cover crops offers advan- tages as a biological alternative to commercial fertilis- (2001) , most multitrophic studies have focused almost ers leading to disease suppression, in addition to other exclusively on above- ground interactions, generally benefi ts such as minimising and loss of neglecting the fact that above- and below- ground nutrients, enhancing water infi ltration, reducing organisms interact in complex ways (Figure 5.2 ). runoff and more balanced natural control. Several studies point to the interdependence of the population dynamics of above- and below- ground her- bivores and associated natural enemies as mediated INTERACTIONS BETWEEN ABOVE- through defence responses by different plant com- GROUND AND BELOW- GROUND partments (above and below ground). Because plant BIODIVERSITY chemical defence pathways against herbivores and pathogens can interact, root herbivory could affect Plants function in a complex multitrophic environ- the induction of plant defence compounds in leaves. ment. However, as pointed out by van der Putten et al . But, as argued by van der Putten et al . (2001) , the 76 Fundamentals interactions between the below - and above - ground tially their predators. Vestergard et al . (2004) found compartments are even more complex, because the that interactions between aphids and rhizosphere underlying mechanisms (nutrition and plant defence) organisms were infl uenced by plant development and are typically interlinked. In fact, the production of by soil nutrient status. This is one of the fi rst agricul- both direct and indirect plant defences is dependent tural reports confi rming that above- and below- ground on nutrient uptake by the roots. And the evidence biota are able to infl uence each other with the plant as in favour of such benefi cial interactions is growing a mediator. In a long - term agricultural experiment, (Bezemer and van Dam, 2005 ; Erb et al ., 2008 ; Kempel Birkhofer et al . (2008) found that the use of synthetic et al ., 2010 ; Pineda et al ., 2010 ; Wurst, 2010 ; van Dam fertilisers negatively affected interactions within and and Heil, 2011 ). between below - and above - ground agroecosystem Below - ground organism activity can affect plant components, with consequent reduction of internal above - ground phenotype, inducing plant tolerance biological cycles and pest control. to herbivores and pathogens (Blouin et al ., 2005 ). In that study, an 82% decrease in nematode- infested plants was achieved when were present. SOIL FERTILITY AND PLANT Although earthworms had no direct effect on nema- RESISTANCE TO INSECT PESTS tode population size, in their presence root biomass was not affected by nematodes and the expected inhibi- Plant resistance to insect pests varies with the age or tion of was suppressed. This is the fi rst growth stage of the plant (Slansky, 1990 ), suggesting time earthworms have been shown to reduce nema- that resistance is linked directly to the physiology of the tode effects in infested plants. Apparently, the presence plant. Thus any factor which affects the physiology of of earthworms in the rhizosphere induced systemic the plant (e.g. fertilisation) is potentially linked to changes in plant gene expression, leading to increased changes in resistance to insect pests. In fact, fertilisa- photosynthetic activity and chlorophyll concentration tion has been shown to affect all three categories of in the leaves (Blouin et al ., 2005 ). Such fi ndings indi- resistance proposed by Painter (1951) : preference, cate that soil fauna activities are probably more impor- antibiosis and tolerance. Furthermore, obvious mor- tant than currently acknowledged in determining phological responses of crops to fertilisers, such as individual plant response to stress. changes in growth rates, accelerated or delayed matu- Above - ground communities are affected by both rity, size of plant parts, and thickness and hardness of direct and indirect interactions with cuticle, can also indirectly infl uence the success of organisms (Wardle et al ., 2004 ). Feeding activities in many pest species in utilising their host plant. For the detritus food web stimulate nutrient turnover, example, Adkisson (1958) reported nearly three plant nutrient acquisition and plant performance, and times as many boll weevil larvae ( Anthonomus grandis thereby indirectly infl uence above - ground herbivores. (Boheman)) from cotton receiving heavy applications Studies in traditional Asian irrigated- rice agroecosys- of fertilisers compared to unfertilised control plants, tems showed that by increasing soil organic matter in probably due to the prolonged growing season for test plots, researchers could boost populations of detri- cotton resulting from the fertiliser amendment. Klos- tivores and plankton - feeders, which in turn signifi - termeyer (1950) observed that N fertiliser increased cantly boosted abundance of above - ground generalist husk extension and tightness of husks on sweet predators (Settle et al ., 1996 ). This system is explored corn, which reduced corn earworm ( Heliothis zea in detail in chapter 13 of this volume. In addition, soil (Boddie)) infestation levels. Hagen and Anderson Collembola are regarded as important sources of alter- (1967) observed that zinc defi ciency reduced the native prey for predators such as carabid beetles when pubescence on corn leaves, which allowed a subse- pests are scarce (Bilde et al ., 2000 ). quent increase in feeding by adult western corn root- On the other hand, soil biota exerts direct effects on worm (Diabrotica virgifera (LeConte)). plants by feeding on roots and forming antagonistic or Effects of soil fertility practices on pest resistance can mutualistic relationships with their host plants (e.g. be mediated through changes in the nutritional mycorrhizae). Such direct interactions with plants content of crops. At equivalent amounts of applied N infl uence not just the performance of the host plants (100 and 200 mg/pot), Barker (1975) found that themselves, but also that of the herbivores and poten- nitrate - N concentrations in spinach leaves were higher Soil fertility, biodiversity and pest management 77 when receiving ammonium nitrate than in plants Meyer (2000) suggests that soil nutrient availability treated with fi ve organic fertilisers. In a comparative not only affects the amount of damage that plants study of Midwestern conventional and organic farmers, sustain from herbivores, but also the ability of plants Lockeretz et al. (1981) reported organically grown to recover from herbivory. Meyer ’ s study reported the (OG) corn to have lower levels of all amino acids (except effects of soil fertility on both the degree of defoliation methionine) than conventionally grown (CG) corn. and compensation for herbivory by Brassica nigra (L.) Eggert and Kahrmann (1984) also showed CG dry plants damaged by P. rapae caterpillars. In this study, beans to have more protein than OG beans. Consist- the percentage defoliation was more than twice as ently higher N levels in the petiole tissue were also great at low fertility compared to high fertility, even found in the CG beans. Potassium and phosphorus though plants grown at high soil fertility lost a greater levels, however, were higher in the OG bean petioles absolute amount of leaf area. At both low and high soil than in the CG beans. In a long- term comparative fertility, total seed number and mean mass per seed of study of organic and synthetic fertiliser effects on the damaged plants were equivalent to those of undam- nutritional content of four vegetables (spinach, savoy, aged plants. Apparently, soil fertility did not infl uence potatoes and carrots), Schuphan (1974) reported that plant compensation in terms of maternal fi tness. the OG vegetables consistently contained lower levels of nitrate and higher levels of potassium, phosphorus and iron than CG vegetables. INDIRECT EFFECTS OF SOIL Fertilisation with N may decrease plant resistance to NITROGEN ON CROP DAMAGE BY insect pests by improving the nutritional quality of ARTHROPODS host plants and reducing secondary metabolite con- centrations. Jansson and Smilowitz (1986) reported Increases in N levels in plants can enhance populations that N applications increased the rate of population of invertebrate herbivores living on them (Patriquin growth of green peach aphid on potatoes and that the et al., 1995 ). Such increases in populations of insect growth was positively correlated with the concentra- pests on their host plants in response to higher nitro- tions of free amino acids in leaves. High levels of N gen levels can result from various mechanisms, reduced glycoalkaloid synthesis, which has an inhibi- depending on the insect species and host plant. Total tory effect on insect pests of potatoes (Fragoyiannis N has been considered a critical nutritional factor et al ., 2001 ). Barbour et al . (1991) , investigating mediating herbivore abundance and fi tness (Mattson, interactions between fertiliser regimes and host - plant 1980 ; Scriber, 1984 ; Slansky and Rodriguez, 1987 ; resistance in tomatoes, showed that the survival of Wermelinger, 1989 ). Many studies report dramatic Colorado potato beetles to adult emergence increased increases in aphid and mite numbers in response with larger amounts of fertiliser, and was related to to increased N fertilisation rates. According to van decreases in trichome - and lamellar - based beetle resist- Emden (1966) , increases in fecundity and develop- ance, in response to the improved nutritional quality mental rates of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae of the host plant. In addition to increases in the sur- (Sulzer), were highly correlated to increased levels of vival rates of Colorado potato beetles from the fi rst soluble N in leaf tissue. Changes in N content in poin- instar to adults, larger amounts of N in tomatoes could settias grown with ammonium nitrate stimulated the also cause signifi cantly faster insect development and fecundity of the whitefl y Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) increased pupal biomass. More recently, Hsu et al . and attracted more individuals to oviposit on them (2009) found that Pieris rapae (L.) butterfl ies laid more (Bentz et al ., 1995 ). eggs on CG than on OG cabbage, and that caterpillars Several other authors have also indicated increased then grew faster on CG cabbage due to a diet with more aphid and mite populations from N fertilisation (Luna, nutrients (N and sugar) and less allelochemicals (sini- 1988 ). Herbivorous insect populations associated with grin, the most important and abundant glucosinolate Brassica crop plants have also been reported to increase known for its feeding deterrent and antimicrobial prop- in response to increased soil N levels (Letourneau, erties). Their fi ndings suggest that higher biomass (dry 1988 ). In a two- year study, Brodbeck et al . (2001) weight) and lower pest incidence may be jointly found that populations of the thrips Frankliniella achieved in organically vs. synthetically fertilised crop- occidentalis (Pergande) were signifi cantly higher on ping systems. tomatoes that received higher rates of N fertilisation. 78 Fundamentals

Other insect populations found to increase following N no signifi cant change. The author also noted that fertilisation include fall armyworm in maize, corn experimental design can affect the types of responses earworm on cotton, pear psylla on pear, Comstock observed. mealybug (Pseudococcus comstocki (Kuwana)) on apple, The majority of Cakchiquel farmers responding to a and European corn borer ( Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubner)) survey conducted in Patzun, Guatemala, did not recog- on fi eld corn (Luna, 1988 ). nise herbivorous insects as a problem in their milpas Because plants are the source of nutrients for her- (corn (Zea mays) intercropped with beans (Phaseolus bivorous insects, an increase in the nutrient content of vulgaris ), fava (Vicia faba ), and/or squash (Cucurbita the plant may be argued to increase its acceptability maxima , C. pepo ) (Morales et al ., 2001 ). The farmers as a food source to pest populations. Variations in attributed this lack of pests to preventative measures herbivore response may be explained by differences incorporated into their agricultural practices, includ- in the feeding behaviour of the herbivores themselves ing soil management techniques. Patzun farmers tra- (Pimentel and Warneke, 1989 ). For example, with ditionally mixed ashes, kitchen scraps, crop residues, increasing N concentrations in creosote bush ( Larrea weeds, leaf litter and to produce compost. tridentata (Coville)) plants, populations of sucking However, from about 1960 onward, synthetic fertilis- insects were found to increase, but the number of ers were introduced to the region and were rapidly chewing insects declined. It is plausible that with adopted in the area. Today, the majority of farmers higher N fertilisation, the amount of nutrients in the have replaced organic fertilisers with urea (CO(NH2 )2 ), plant increases, as well as the amount of secondary although some recognise the negative consequences of compounds that may selectively affect herbivore the change and complain that pest populations have feeding patterns. In particular, protein digestion inhibi- increased in their milpas since the introduction of the tors that are found to accumulate in plant cell vacuoles synthetic fertilisers. are not consumed by sucking herbivores, but will harm In their survey in the Guatemalan highlands, chewing herbivores (Mattson, 1980 ). However this dif- Morales et al . (2001) also found that corn fi elds treated ferential response does not seem to change the overall with organic fertiliser (applied for two years) hosted trend when one looks at studies on crop nutrition and fewer aphids (Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch)) than corn pest attack (Altieri and Nicholls, 2003 ). treated with synthetic fertiliser. This difference was In reviewing 50 years of research relating to crop attributed to a higher concentration of foliar N in corn nutrition and insect attack, Scriber (1984) found 135 in the synthetic fertiliser plots, although numbers of studies showing increased damage and/or growth of Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) showed a weak negative leaf - chewing insects or mites in N - fertilised crops, correlation with increased N levels. versus fewer than 50 studies in which herbivore damage was reduced. In aggregate, these results suggest a hypothesis with implications for fertiliser use DYNAMICS OF INSECT HERBIVORES IN patterns in , namely that high N inputs can ORGANICALLY FERTILISED SYSTEMS result in high levels of herbivore damage in crops. As a corollary, crop plants would be expected to be less Lower abundance of several insect herbivores in low- prone to insect pests and diseases if organic soil amend- input systems has been partly attributed to a lower N ments are used, as these generally result in lower N content in organically farmed crops (Lampkin, 1990 ). concentrations in the plant tissue. However, Letourneau Furthermore, farming methods utilising organic soil (1988) questions if such a ‘ nitrogen - damage ’ hypoth- amendments signifi cantly promote the conservation of esis, based on Scriber ’ s review, can be extrapolated to arthropod species in all functional groups, and enhance a general warning about fertiliser inputs associated the abundance of natural enemies compared with con- with insect pest attack in agroecosystems. Letourneau ventional practices (Moreby et al ., 1994 ; Basedow, reviewed 100 studies and found that two- thirds (67) of 1995 ; Drinkwater et al ., 1995 ; Berry et al ., 1996 ; Pfi f- the insect and mite studies showed an increase in fner and Niggli, 1996 ; Letourneau and Goldstein, growth, survival, reproductive rate, population densi- 2001 ; M ä der et al ., 2002 ; Hole et al ., 2005 ). This sug- ties or plant damage levels in response to increased N gests that reduced pest populations in organic systems fertiliser. The remaining third of the arthropods studied are a consequence of both nutritional changes induced showed either a decrease in damage with fertiliser N or in the crop by organic fertilisation and increased Soil fertility, biodiversity and pest management 79 natural pest control. Whatever the cause, there are manure) and synthetic (NPK) fertilisers on pests many examples in which lower insect herbivore popu- (aphids and fl ea beetles) and predatory arthropods lations have been documented in low- input systems, (anthocorids, coccinellids and chrysopids) associated with a variety of possible mechanisms proposed. with tomatoes. In the second year aphids exhibited sig- In Japan, the density of immigrants of the planthop- nifi cantly lower numbers on plants that received per species Sogatella furcifera (Horv á th) was signifi - organic fertiliser than on those treated with synthetic cantly lower and the settling rate of female adults and fertilisers, suggesting that the effects of organic fertilis- survival rate of immature stages of ensuing gen- ers in reducing pest populations may be expressed erations were generally lower in organic than in con- more fully in the long term. The reductions in aphid ventional rice fi elds. Consequently, the density of populations could not be attributed to the increases in planthopper nymphs and adults in the ensuing genera- predator populations on tomatoes in the organic tions was found to decrease in organically farmed fi elds fertiliser- treated plots, because the predator popula- (Kajimura, 1995 ). In England, conventional winter tions did not differ signifi cantly between the full- rate wheat fi elds exhibited a larger infestation of the aphid synthetic fertiliser- treated and the organic fertiliser- Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker) than their organic treated plots. However, it seems that both synthetic and counterparts. The conventionally fertilised wheat crop organic fertiliser inputs were able to increase fl ea beetle also had higher levels of free protein amino acids in its populations signifi cantly, even when the synthetic fer- leaves during June, which were attributed to an N top tiliser application rate was reduced to half. Flea beetle dressing applied early in April. However, the difference populations were signifi cantly higher on plants that in aphid infestations between crops was attributed to received the full rates of synthetic and organic fertilis- the aphid ’ s response to the relative proportions of ers during the two years of the study, despite the sig- certain non - protein to protein amino acids present in nifi cant differences between years with respect to fl ea the leaves at the time of aphid settling on crops (Kow- beetle and other pest numbers. alski and Visser, 1979 ). The authors concluded that Altieri et al . (1998) conducted a series of compara- chemically fertilised winter wheat was more palatable tive experiments in various growing seasons between than its organically grown counterpart, hence the 1989 and 1996, in which broccoli was subjected to higher level of infestation. varying fertilisation regimes (conventional vs. organic). Interesting results were found also in greenhouse The goal was to test the effects of different N sources experiments comparing maize grown on organic on the abundance of the key insect pests: cabbage versus chemically fertilised soils collected from nearby aphid ( Brevicoryne brassicae (L.)) and fl ea beetle ( Phyl- farms (Phelan et al ., 1995 ). The researchers observed lotreta cruciferae (Goeze)). Conventionally fertilised that European corn borer ( Ostrinia nubilalis (H ü bner)) monocultures consistently developed a larger infesta- females, when given a choice, laid signifi cantly more tion of fl ea beetles and in some cases of the cabbage eggs in the chemically fertilised plants versus the aphid, than the organically fertilised broccoli systems. organically fertilised ones. But this signifi cant varia- The reduction in aphid and fl ea beetle infestations in tion in egg - laying between chemical and organic ferti- the organically fertilised plots was attributed to lower liser treatments was present only when maize was levels of free N in the foliage of plants. Applications of grown on soil collected from conventionally managed synthetic N fertilisation to individual broccoli plants farms. In contrast, egg laying was uniformly low in within an organic fi eld triggered aphid densities on the plants grown on soil collected from organically treated plants but not on the surrounding organic managed farms. Pooling results across all three farms plants (Figure 5.3 ). These results further support the showed that variance in egg laying was approximately view that insect pest preference can be moderated by 18 times higher among plants in conventionally alterations in the type and amount of fertiliser used. managed soil than among plants grown under an By contrast, a study comparing the population organic regimen. The authors suggested that this dif- responses of Brassica pests to organic versus synthetic ference is evidence for a form of biological buffering fertilisers measured higher Phyllotreta fl ea beetle popu- characteristically found more commonly in organi- lations on sludge - amended collard (Brassica oleracea cally managed soils. (L.)) plots early in the season compared to mineral Yardlm and Edwards (2003) conducted a two - year fertiliser- amended and unfertilised plots (Culliney and study comparing the effects of organic (composted cow Pimentel, 1986 ). However, later in the season, in these 80 Fundamentals

Individual organic plants not, they preferentially take up soil N. Weeds among treated with chemical N the faba beans take up and thereby reduce soil mineral Organically fertilized plants N to a level below that which suppresses nodulation (about 5 ppm nitrate - N for faba beans at Tunwath). 800 This causes the faba beans to nodulate more and to obtain more N from N fi xation. Under those conditions, there is closer coupling of N uptake and assimilation 600 than when mineral N predominates, and consequently accumulation of amino acids in the phloem is reduced. The reproductive rate of the aphids is restricted accord- 400 ingly. When the weeds are removed, the soil N supply increases, phloem N increases, and the plants are more

Number of Aphids 200 attractive and more nutritious to the aphids. Weedy plants also had higher yields than the plants in the weed - free plots because the benefi ts of increased nodu- 0 lation outweighed any losses due to weeds. This benefi - cial interaction between weeds and the crop works only

Jul 2 Jul 9 if levels of soil nitrate are relatively low (e.g. 10 ppm) Jul 16 Jul 23 Jul 30 Aug 6 to begin with. When plots were fertilised with urea, Figure 5.3 Aphid population response (cumulative weeds overgrew the crop and greatly reduced yields. numbers) to treatment of individual organic broccoli plants with chemical N fertiliser within an organically managed On another organic farm where soil nitrate levels were fi eld in Albany, California (Altieri, unpublished data). fi ve to ten times higher than at Tunwath, weeds over- grew the faba bean crop. In spite of an abundance of natural enemies, large aphid infestations caused massive yield loss. Managing the soil N to keep it low same plots population levels of beetle, aphid and lepi- under faba beans was thus critical for favourable crop– dopteran pests were lowest in organic plots. This sug- weed and crop– aphid interactions. At Tunwath, faba gests that the effects of fertiliser type vary with plant beans followed winter wheat in the rotation. The highly growth stage and that organic fertilisers do not neces- ‘ immobilising ’ (N robbing) wheat residues were worked sarily diminish pest populations throughout the whole into the soil following . This was a deliberate season. For example, in a survey of California tomato strategy to lower soil nitrate levels under the faba beans producers, despite the pronounced differences in plant and thereby stimulate nodulation and N fi xation. Patri- quality (N content of leafl ets and shoots) both within quin’ s data indicated that seed yield of aphid- infested and among tomato fi elds, Letourneau et al . (1996) plants at Tunwath Farm was not reduced and was even found no indication that greater concentrations of slightly higher than those of non- infested plants (Patri- tissue N in tomato plants were associated with higher quin et al ., 1988 ). levels of insect damage at harvest time. In California, Ponti et al . (2007) reported that inter- cropping of broccoli with mustard and buckwheat signifi cantly reduced aphid populations especially in SYNERGIES BETWEEN PLANT the summer (Figure 5.4 ), when the proximity of DIVERSITY, NATURAL ENEMIES AND fl owers (i.e. with competition) signifi cantly SOIL FERTILITY enhanced aphid parasitisation rates on nearby broccoli plants. Monoculture and polyculture broccoli consist- When examining weedy faba beans fi elds in Tunwath, ently had lower aphid densities and higher parasitisa- Canada, Patriquin et al. (1988) found higher numbers tion rates when fertilised with compost. In this study, of aphid enemies in the diverse systems but they also synthetically fertilised broccoli produced more biomass discovered that the reproductive rate of aphids is pro- (fresh weight), but also recruited higher pest numbers. portional to the supply of amino acids in the phloem. Nevertheless, parasitism by Diaeretiella rapae (McIn- Legumes nodulate and fi x gaseous N from air when the tosh) was higher in compost- fertilised plots. Intercrop- supply of mineral N in the soil is defi cient; when it is ping and composting decreased pest abundance in Soil fertility, biodiversity and pest management 81

Summer Fall

1000 S 500 S O 400 O 800 hids per plot 300 600 200 400 100 mulative aph Cum

30 37 44 51 58 30 37 44 51 58

1200 - 500 - 1000 BC BC 400 B B hids per plot 800 MC 300 MC M M 600 200 400 100

mulative aph 200 0 Cum

30 37 44 51 58 30 37 44 51 58 Days afterplanting Days afterplanting

Figure 5.4 Cumulative counts of aphids on fi ve broccoli plants per plot at the different sampling dates as infl uenced by cropping system levels (- , monoculture; B, buckwheat polyculture without competition; BC, buckwheat polyculture with competition; M, mustard polyculture without competition; MC, mustard polyculture with competition) and by fertiliser levels (S, synthetic fertiliser; O, organic fertiliser- compost) in two (summer and fall) experiments at Albany, California, in 2004.

broccoli cropping systems with or without interspe- ence the relative resistance of agricultural crops to cifi c competition, suggesting a synergistic relationship insect pests. Increased soluble N levels in plant tissue between plant diversity and soil organic management. were found to decrease pest resistance, although this is In addition, depending on the intercropped plant and not a universal phenomenon (Phelan et al ., 1995 ; the growing season (summer vs. autumn), intercrop- Staley et al ., 2010 ). ping enhanced parasitism of cabbage aphid. The Chemical fertilisers can dramatically infl uence the seasonal effectiveness of D. rapae was increased by balance of nutritional elements in plants, and it is composting despite lower aphid abundance in compost - likely that their excessive use will create nutrient fertilised broccoli. imbalances, which in turn reduce resistance to insect pests. In contrast, practices promote an increase of soil organic matter and microbial activ- CONCLUSIONS ity and a gradual release of plant nutrients and should, in theory, allow plants to derive a more balanced nutri- Soil fertility management can have several effects on tion. Thus, while the amount of N immediately avail- plant quality, which in turn can affect insect abun- able to the crop may be lower when organic fertilisers dance and subsequent levels of herbivore damage. The are applied, the overall nutritional status of the crop reallocation of mineral amendments in crop plants can appears to be improved. Organic soil fertility practices infl uence oviposition, growth rates, survival and repro- can also provide supplies of secondary and trace ele- duction in the insects that use these hosts (Jones, ments, occasionally lacking in conventional farming 1976 ). Although more research is needed, preliminary systems that rely primarily on artifi cial sources of N, evidence suggests that fertilisation practices can infl u- P and K. Besides nutrient concentrations, optimum 82 Fundamentals fertilisation, which provides a proper balance of ele- Barbour , J.D. , Farrar , R.R. and Kennedy , G.G. ( 1991 ) Interac- ments, can stimulate resistance to insect attack (Luna, tion of regime with host - plant resistance in tomato . 1988 ). Organic N sources may allow greater tolerance Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata , 60 , 289 – 300 . of vegetative damage because they release N more Barker , A. ( 1975 ) Organic vs. inorganic nutrition and horti- slowly, over the course of several years. cultural crop quality. HortScience , 10 , 12 – 15 . Basedow , T. ( 1995 ) Insect pests: their antagonists and diver- Phelan et al . 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