Chapter 5 Soil f ertility, b iodiversity and p est m anagement Miguel A. Altieri , Luigi Ponti and Clara I. Nicholls Biodiversity and Insect Pests: Key Issues for Sustainable Management, First Edition. Edited by Geoff M. Gurr, Steve D. Wratten, William E. Snyder, Donna M.Y. Read. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 72 Soil fertility, biodiversity and pest management 73 INTRODUCTION uptake of mineral nutrients by the plant, especially micronutrients. A lack of micronutrients also causes Optimisation of agroecosystem health is based on two inhibition in protein synthesis and therefore leads to a pillars: habitat manipulation and soil fertility enhance- build - up in nutrients needed by pests and pathogens. ment. The latter is achieved through management of In the last 20 years a number of research studies organic matter and conservation of below - ground bio- have corroborated Chaboussou ’ s assertions, showing diversity, and is the focus of this chapter. The chapter that the ability of a crop plant to resist or tolerate insect fi rst looks at ways in which soil fertility management pests and diseases is tied to optimal physical, chemical can reduce plant susceptibility to pests, both directly by and mainly biological properties of soils. Soils with mediating plant health and indirectly via interactions high organic matter and active soil biological activity between above - ground and below - ground biodiversity. generally exhibit good soil fertility as well as complex Appropriate management of organic soil fertility may food webs and benefi cial organisms that prevent infec- reduce crop damage by increasing plant resistance tion (Magdoff and van Es, 2000 ). Recent evidence sug- through improving the foliage ’ s nutritional balance, or gests that the lower pest pressure observed in many by reducing pest populations via enhancement of organic systems, although associated with a greater natural enemies. In organically fertilised systems, use of practices that preserve benefi cial insects, is also several insect herbivores consistently show lower linked to enhanced soil biology and fertility (Zehnder abundance due to emerging synergies between plant et al ., 2007 ). Several studies also document that diversity, natural enemies and soil fertility. Healthy soil farming practices which cause nutrition imbalances is probably more important than is currently acknowl- can lower pest resistance (Magdoff and van Es, 2000 ). edged in determining individual plant response to Evidence is mounting that synthetic fertilisers can stresses such as pest pressure. Combining crop diversi- reduce plant resistance to insect pests, tend to enhance fi cation and organic soil enhancement is a key strategy insect pest populations, and can increase the need for to sustainable agroecosystem management. insecticide application (Yardlm and Edwards, 2003 ). Traditionally entomologists have explained pest out- Furthermore, recent research shows how biotic inter- breaks in cropping systems as a consequence of the actions in soil can regulate the structure and func- absence of natural enemies or the effects of insecti- tioning of above - ground communities (Harman et al ., cides, such as the development of pesticide resistance 2004 ; Wardle et al ., 2004 ), suggesting that the below - by insect pests or secondary pest outbreaks due to dis- ground component of an agroecosystem can be ruptions of biological control. Entomologists have, managed through a set of agroecological practices that however, been unaware of the theory of trophobiosis can exert a substantial infl uence on pest dynamics offered by French scientist Francis Chaboussou (Cha- (Altieri and Nicholls, 2003 ). boussou, 2004 (English translation of 1985 French Slowly agroecologists are recognising that above - edition)). As early as 1967, Chaboussou contended ground and below - ground biodiversity components of that pest problems were also linked to disturbances in agroecosystems cannot continue to be viewed in isola- the nutritional balances of crop plants and destruction tion from each other (van der Putten et al ., 2009 ). In of life in the soil. He explained that heavy applications fact, the otherwise largely separate above - ground and of soluble nitrogen (N) fertilisers (and also certain pes- below - ground components of agroecosystems are con- ticides) increase the cellular amounts of N, ammonia nected by the plant (Wardle et al ., 2004 ). This recogni- and amino acids, faster than the rate at which plants tion of the biological linkages between above - ground synthesise them for proteins. These reductions in the and below - ground biota constitutes a key step on rate of protein synthesis result in the temporary accu- which a truly innovative ecologically based pest man- mulation of free N, sugars and soluble amino acids in agement strategy can be built. the foliage: substances needed for growth and repro- Ecologically based pest management (EBPM) consid- duction by insect herbivores and also plant pathogens. ers below - ground and above - ground habitat manage- Chaboussou ’ s empirical evidence led him to postulate ment as equally important, because enhancing positive that insect pests and diseases grow and multiply faster ecological interactions between soils and pests can when plants contain more soluble free nutrients, due provide a robust and sustainable way of optimising to the inhibition of protein synthesis. He also believed total agroecosystem function (Figure 5.1 ). The integ- that a healthy soil life is fundamental for a balanced rity of the agroecosystem relies on synergies of plant 74 Fundamentals Biofertilizers Cover crops Green manures Enhanced Soil Fertility Mulching Compost Rotations, etc. HEALTHY Healthy Positive SYNERGISM Interactions CROP Agroecosystem Crop diversity Cultural practices Enhanced Pest Regulation Biological control Habitat modification Figure 5.1 The potential synergism between soil fertility management and IPM. diversity and the continuing function of the soil micro- microbiota provide an environment that through bial community supported by a soil rich in organic various processes enhances plant health (McGuiness, matter (Altieri and Nicholls, 1990 ). Despite the poten- 1993 ). The following are a few of the suggested pest tial links between soil fertility and crop protection, the suppressive mechanisms linked to healthy soils: evolution of integrated pest management (IPM) and • Competition: high levels and diversity of soil microbes integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) have pro- diminish the populations or infectivity of soil - borne ceeded separately (Altieri and Nicholls, 2003 ). Since pathogens; this occurs because the soil microbes many soil management practices are already known to compete with the pathogens for food and space. Biodi- infl uence pest management interactions, it does not verse soils also contain fungi and bacteria that make ecological sense to continue with such an atom- consume, parasitise or are otherwise antagonistic to istic approach. many soil - borne crop pathogens. Plant pathologists The overall goal of EBPM is to create soil and above - have known for years that a soil rich in microbiota ground conditions that promote the growth of healthy lessens the danger of epidemic outbreaks caused by plants, while stressing pests and promoting benefi cial soil - borne pathogens (Campbell, 1994 ). organisms. This approach constitutes the basis of a • Induced resistance: exposure to compost, compost habitat management strategy aimed at enhancing extracts or certain microbes (both pathogenic and non - above - and below - ground biological diversity which in pathogenic) can induce plants to develop resistance to turn creates the conditions that are hospitable to plant a broad range of soil - borne and airborne pathogens. roots, allowing the development of strong and healthy Induced resistance is described as a broad - spectrum, crops while promoting the presence of naturally occur- long - lasting resistance and appears to be most effective ring biological control organisms (Magdoff, 2007 ). against fungal pathogens (Ku c´ , 2001 ). • Natural enemies: enriching the soil stimulates the proliferation of soil mesofauna which may serve as HEALTHY SOILS, HEALTHY PLANTS alternative prey for natural enemies such as carabid beetles and spiders, allowing them to develop high One way soil fertility management can directly reduce populations that can then respond quickly to pest out- plant susceptibility to pests is by mediating plant health breaks (Purvis and Curry, 1984 ). This effect is particu- (Phelan et al ., 1995 ). Many researchers and also prac- larly important for generalist predators, as explored by tising farmers have observed that fertility practices that Welch et al . in chapter 3 of this volume. replenish and maintain high soil organic matter and • Buffering of nutrient supply: humus and microbial that enhance the level and diversity of soil macro - and biomass provide a more gradual and balanced release Soil fertility, biodiversity and pest management 75 of nutrients than is possible with synthetic fertilisers. natural enemies Many insect pests and fungal pathogens are stimulated by lush growth and/or high N level in plants. As Cha- herbivores boussou (2004) suggested, more balanced mineral nutrition makes crops more resistant to pests and diseases. • Reduced stress: soils with high humus and biodiver- sity have improved capacity to take up and store water and thus reduce water stress. Water and
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