AQUATIC NUISANCE SPECIES IN BALLAST WATER DISCHARGES: Issues and Options DRAFT REPORT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT September 10, 2001 Prepared by: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds Office of Wastewater Management Washington, DC PREFACE This draft report, Aquatic Nuisance Species in Ballast Water Discharges: Issues and Options was prepared in response to a petition the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received on January 13, 1999, from the Pacific Environmental Advocacy Center. The petition was filed on behalf of fifteen nongovernmental and State and Tribal governmental organizations. The petition asked that EPA eliminate a regulatory exemption that currently prevents ballast water discharges from vessels from needing permits under EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. The petition was closely followed by a letter from eighteen members of Congress, requesting that EPA examine whether the Clean Water Act can be used to provide effective regulation of aquatic nuisance species in vessel ballast water. In response to the petition, Congress’s inquiry, and the growing national concern about aquatic nuisance species introductions, former Assistant Administrator for Water J. Charles Fox directed Office of Water staff to research the issue of aquatic nuisance species in ballast water discharges, and report back what mechanisms are available under the Clean Water Act or other relevant statutes or programs to effectively control the introduction of aquatic nuisance species through ballast water. EPA is seeking public comment on this draft report, and will finalize the report, taking into account public comments received. If you have information or comments, please email them to
[email protected], or mail them to: Marine Pollution Control Branch, ATTN: Ballast Water, US Environmental Protection Agency (4504F), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, 20460.