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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 11 (2011 4) 1639-1649 ~ ~ ~

УДК 711.4 + 72.03 ](571.51)

The Role of the Curtain Walls of the Krasnoyarsk Double Enforced Ostrog in the Tradition of the City Building

Katerina V. Gevel* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia 1

Received 6.01.2011, received in revised form 15.05.2011, accepted 8.11.2011 The discovery of the Yenisei river in the history of was a kind of a “threshold” and reaching it in the beginning of the 17th century became an important landmark in the further movement of the Russian pioneers to the north and to the east. The role of the outposts was first mentioned in the research and art work by S.U. Remezov who had drawn the city layout of the Drawings’ Book of Siberia (Remezov, 1882). The city of Krasnoyarsk had quite a vast territory, the lands where the influence of Krasnoyarsk ostrog spread were marked from the “ forenoon”, i.e. in the south “unpeaceful volosti (districts)” past the Abakan river and in the north the Kazaks’ zaimki (lodges) past Yukseeva… Keywords: the Krasnoyarsk urochishche (natural landmark); the Strelka; the historical skeleton; the curtain walls.

Studying the historical environment of the the southern ridge of the Sayan offshoots. It is city Krasnoyarsk basing on the town planning necessary to study various historical places of analysis of the historical succession of the the residents attraction for the development of the building compositional structure formation complex programme of the environmental zones offers a new understanding in the natural reconstruction, restoration of the heritage objects environment of the town, the Krasnoyarsk and the revaluation of the environment of the urochishche (natural landmark). This research is Krasnoyarsk city historical centre (Panov, 2010). the result of a long-term preliminary project work The problem of the effect of the curtain walls of the author in cooperation with the researchers on the further space-and-planning development of the Krasnoyarsk Local Lore Museum, of the city in the Krasnoyarsk urochishche. archivists and local historians. Preserving the The prerequisites for the research were historically formed environment is the result the processes of intensification of historical of the twenty year research of the city’s space territories and real estate objects usage and, as in the Krasnoyarsk urochishche which spreads a consequence, sharpening of the problem of from Atamanovo village in the east to the Birusa preserving the original historical substance river in the west in the bend of the Yenisei river, and civil engineering protection of the between the northern steppes and bald peaks to heritage, claiming the priority conservation of

* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected] 1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved – 1639 – ɍȾɄ 711.4 + 72.03 ](571.51)

The Role of the Curtain Walls of the Krasnoyarsk Double Enforced Ostrog in the Tradition of the City Building Katerina V Gevel, Siberian Federal University 82 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia. [email protected] Annotation The discovery of the Yenisei river in the was a kind of a “threshold” and reaching it in the beginning of the 17th century became an important landmark in the further movement of the Russian pioneers to the north and to the east. The role of the outposts was first mentioned in the research and art work by S.U. Remezov who had drawn the city layout of the Drawings’ Book of Siberia (Remezov, 1882). The city of Krasnoyarsk had quite a vast territory, the lands where the influence of Krasnoyarsk ostrog spread were marked from the “forenoon”, i.e. in the south “unpeaceful volosti (districts)” past the Abakan river and in theKaterina north V. the Gevel. Kazaks’ The Role of zaimkithe Curtain (lodges)Walls of the Krasnoyarsk past Yukseeva… Double Enforced Ostrog in the Tradition…

Fig. Fig.1.City layout1.City by layoutS.U. Remezov by S.U. “The DrawingRemezov of the “The territory Drawing of the Krasnoyarsk of the city” territory of the Krasnoyarsk city”

Studyingthe heritage theobjects, historical especially environment preserving the of peculiarities the city Krasnoyarskof space decisions basingin city complexes on the town restrictionsplanning on analysis the conditions of the of perception. historical T hesuccession which contribute of the building to the inclusioncompositional of the structureincrease formation of the importanceoffers ofa newthe architectural understanding “historical in the skeleton” natural of environment the memorial places of the of town,heritage the Krasnoyarsk protection in theurochishche central zones (natural due to landmark).Krasnoyarsk into This the modernresearch environment is the resulttaking of a the long-term grows of the preliminary reconstruction project in the historical work ofinto the consideration author in the cooperation requirements of with the town the researchersdistricts ofof thethe city Krasnoyars has played ank Localimportant Lore role Museum,planning protectionarchivists of theand historical local historians. and cultural as well. heritage. During the studies of the city building1  Materials and methods  significant attention was paid to the people’s of the research wooden zodchestvo (Russian architectural style) This work is based on the author’s in-situ preserved in the Krasnoyarsk urochishche. Far investigations of the city centre in 1983-1990s away from the Western centres with the active and in 2005-2007 in comparison of the city influence of the official architectural styles, here development layouts of the previous centuries, we find a lot of original carpenter’s methods and archive documents of the State archive of the all-Russian traditions already vanished in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (hereinafter referred to European part of Russia of that time. as GAKK) and the materials of the Krasnoyarsk We studied the chronicles from 1628 to 1699: Territory Local Lore Museum (hereinafter “replies”, petitions, records and other documents referred to as KKKM). about the Krasnoyarsk ostrog establishment. The Archive materials, graphical and “Description list of the Krasnoyarsk ostrog” of photographical data have been systematised 1699 is especially interesting while it contains the and generalised, the stages of the city layout information about its serfs, defense buildings and development have been observed in order to where the newly built are indicated determine typical composition methods and in sazhens (the old Russian measure equal to 2.13 – 1640 – Katerina V. Gevel. The Role of the Curtain Walls of the Krasnoyarsk Double Enforced Ostrog in the Tradition… meters). It is said in the famous petition of 1690 street (Parizhskoi kommuny), the western border by Lev Poskochin to the tsars Ioann Alekseevich of the ostrog determined in our argument. and Petr Alekseevich about renewal, rebuilding In the reconstruction design it was important and enforcement of the Krasnoyarsk ostrog: “… to study the nature of the city’s environment in the steppe side … is added to the ostrog and formation, its historical development according … is enforced by various fortresses and from to the natural landscape. the Yenisei river to the Kacha river one hundred The metaphor “environment” serves as twelve sazhens of the new ostrog were added…”. the expression of capturing the entire content Further, all the parameters and sizes of the newly of the architectural activity, its wholeness and built walls of the big city with two western gives the understanding of the approach to the towers, angle north-west interim enforcement analysis of town planning events… Such an and five-angle range of the Kacha river are given approach will be referred as “environmental” (Bezyazykov, 1978, 2004). in the architectural design. Here we mention the Toponymy allows to confirm the true facts environmental approach as of the objective which when no official data in the form of layouts and should and could be solved during the design in schemes have been preserved. The originator of the historical centre of the city. The formation the graphic reconstruction of the Krasnoyarsk of the environmental approach in the modern ostrog and its towers in 1970s was the architect projects happens along with the preliminary E.M. Panov who called toponyms “the cultural project studies providing maintenance and heritage … spatial, materializing the historical harmonization of the architectural environment time in itself” (Panov, 2010). Studying in the Krasnoyarsk urochishche (Eremin, Krasnoyarsk toponyms allows to specify the 1987). borders of the Big city and its suburbs and gives Thus, in case of the Krasnoyarsk city in an opportunity to prove that Parizhskoi kommuny the 17th-18th centuries the Yenisei Cossacks were street appeared where the western under the sometimes reckoned among the city parish, but fortress wall used to be located: lived in the vast urochishche – in the country a) the 18th century – the street Razdelnaya lodges (Yesaulovo, Zykovo, Zlobino, Laletino, popereshnaya was frontier to the ostrog and Lodeiki, etc). The Krasnoyarsk historian G.F. separated the Strelka area from the new part Bykonya named this settling in his study of of the city – after the fire in 1773 it went along 1980s “a distributed town” where the peasants the ditch under the fortress wall, and now it is were transferring gradually in to the city class: Parizhskoi kommuny street. in fact, at that time there wasn’t such a significant b) the 19th century – Dubensky street was contrast between the city’s and the country’s way named in the honour of Andrey Anufrievich, the of life. The nature of the city development in our genius founder of the new ostrog during Siberia urochishche started to change from the middle of exploration in 1624 (Kartsev, 1929). the 19th century when Krasnoyarsk got the status c) the 20th century – Parizhskoi kommuny of the capital of the province (Yamshchikova, street and along with this name the enforced 1986, 1989). are recalled, which the old-residents The studies lead to the understanding of a associated with the wall curtains of the Big city- sensible town planning as one of the significant fortress of the 17th century and the walls which elements of the ecological framework of the city appear in the modern yards- to the east from this environment. – 1641 – Katerina V. Gevel. The Role of the Curtain Walls of the Krasnoyarsk Double Enforced Ostrog in the Tradition…

During this work I have been studying no interest for the society. Nevertheless, being systems (images, types, styles) and interweaving connected with other buildings of cultural and of connections – something common which architectural heritage, these buildings become gives the grounds to review at the historical the integrated part of the ensemble, i.e. the part part of Yeniseisk city and Krasnoyarsk city in of the complete monument” (Prutsin, 1990). comparison, with the immersion into the contexts In the research topic the methods of of architecture and history of town planning. multifactors of the historical analysis of the The idea of the architectural heritage (cultural building wholeness have been implemented. heritage) itself and especially the interaction The methods are based on the in-situ and the of the old and the new in city development comparative graphical analysis of the landscape, has overtaken a long-term evolution: from the environmental building, during the study of importance of the heritage first recognized in the the heritage objects by photo documents and Russian Renaissance. The protective measures determination of their town planning meaning, in relation to the specific outstanding buildings as well as on the comparative analysis of project taken out of the context (but looking out of place and standard materials, the expert evaluation in and run down in the new environment) – to the the field of town planning protection of cultural modern broad understanding of the environmental heritage. In 1990-1993 the inventory of the design but yet without any legal support. Modern Historical centre building was done in order ideas along with the masterpieces of Zodchestvo to highlight historical complexes and types of include necessary ordinary buildings and their environment due to the project of the protected environment which characterise the epoch – zones in the composition of the team of Institute the organic historical environment so that the Lengiprogor (now Saint Petersburg Institute of monuments don’t get into the awkward framing. Urbanistics – the project of the general layout of This decreases their own value and discredits Krasnoyarsk city). the very idea of protection (Regame, 1987). The methods of the in-situ investigation for An efficient general legal regulation on the determination of the local zones of the memorial protection of the historical building is needed, complexes combined with mapping of historical such as the model Law which was adopted materials (historically significant house and in 1974 and continues to work successfully land ownership, residences and lodges) of the nowadays in the land of Bavaria, the extract, territories of the Krasnoyarsk urochishche were which impresses with its up-to-datedness: “The used during the study (Gevel, 2002, 2006). architectural ensemble consists of a bigger or These methods allowed to trace the changes smaller number of buildings and constructions which had happened within14 years (after the interconnected with each other, which together protected zones project) and to classify the form an image of settlements, streets and architectural heritage according to the town squares worthy of preserving… While the Law planning scheme of the objects in the spatial about the protection of the monuments includes organisation of the twelve curtain walls of preserving the architectural wholeness of the the historical layout of Krasnoyarsk city in villages and cities including the parts of the the modern situation. For the suburbs with old city, then the ensemble also includes the valuable history in the core of the city the main buildings which are not the heritage themselves objective was to determine the boundaries of the and preserving which as the separate object is Double enforced ostrog basing on the standard – 1642 – necropolis of the Krasnoyarsk ostrog (Uritskogo str. 18) in Krasnoyarsk”, Volume 1, 2000-2001, the archeologist A.U. Tarasov (Tarasov, 2000; Fokin, 2005).

Katerina V. Gevel. The Role of the Curtain Walls of the Krasnoyarsk Double Enforced Ostrog in the Fig.Tradition… 3 (on the right) – Strelka district, the photo from the KKKM funds.

necropolis of the Krasnoyarsk ostrog (Uritskogo str. 18) in Krasnoyarsk”, Volume 1, 2000-2001, the archeologist A.U. Tarasov (Tarasov, 2000; Fokin, 2005).

Fig. 2. The fragment of the Fig. map2 of –the 1953with fragment the old church of the taken map as the of basis1953with for precise the drawing old c ofhurch the ostrog taken as the basis for precise drawing and its suburbs relative to theof linesthe ofostrog the coastal and borders’ its suburbs terrain. In rela the worktive the to materials the lines of the of towers’ the coastal graphic borders’ terrain. In the work the reconstruction in 1978-1980 by the honorary architect E.M. Panov were used materialsFig. 3 of(on the the towers’ right) graphic– Strelka reconstructi district, theon photoin 1978-1980 by the honorary architect E.M. Panov were used. from the KKKM funds.

Fig.2 –the fragment of the mapFig. 3of Strelka 1953with district, thethe photo old from church the KKKM taken funds as the basis for precise drawing of the ostrog and its suburbs relative to the lines of the coastal borders’ terrain. In the work the materials of the towers’ graphic reconstruction in 1978-1980 by the honorary architect E.M. Panov were used. documents, research developments and own the Krasny Yar town. The architect N.I. Grekov project proposals for the Krasnoyarsk Territory developed the project of the “Museum over the taking into consideration city development pit” in 1987 while the archeologists found below building around Strelka (the area where the was the of the fortress the layers of the Late

originally founded) at different time periods. Stone Age and the Paleolithic Age at Strelka. Due to the town planning research of As the result, during the period from 1983 Fig. 4. On this layout of 1991 the Double enforced city is drawn without additions made in 1690. the Krasnoyarsk fortress and the enforced till 1993 almost the whole image of the Double posad (suburbs) of the buildingResearch of 1628-1691 discoveries enforced city and was conclusions reconstructed in themade modern as the result of the investigation the establishment of the Double city-ostrog topographic layout, specified in 2001-2005 in and posad has been the area The authorof Strelka has the areparts as of thefollows: southern and the western curtain studied graphic materials, schemes1) theand texts fortress of walls extended (fortress walls) to the of the north Big city-west by the along the outline of the upper archeological reports ofterrace 1959-1990s. (previous During the researcharchitects indicat A.U. Tarasoved it and as B.G. a straight Butorin, after line…); construction of the building 2) KatekNIIugol the location in the of excavationsthe towers of thehas wooden been suburb specified church according to the archeological 1980 the archeologists foundpits, at theprecisely eastern side we of arewhich able they calledto determine “Pokrovsky necropolis”.the location It is of the northern tower taking the foundation pit the northern fortress tower of the coastal fortress line along the upper border – 1643 – 6

Fig. 4. On this layout of 1991 the Double enforced city is drawn without additions made in 1690.

Research discoveries and conclusions made as the result of the investigation in the area of Strelka are as follows: 1) the fortress extended to the north-west along the outline of the upper terrace (previous research indicated it as a straight line…); 2) the location of the towers has been specified according to the archeological pits, precisely we are able to determine the location of the northern tower taking


 necropolis of the Krasnoyarsk ostrog (Uritskogo str. 18) in Krasnoyarsk”, Volume 1, 2000-2001, the archeologist A.U. Tarasov (Tarasov, 2000; Fokin, 2005).

Fig. 3 (on the right) – Strelka district, the photo from the KKKM funds.

Fig.2 –the fragment of the map of 1953with the old church taken as the basis for precise drawing of the ostrog and its suburbs relative to the lines of the coastal borders’ terrain. In the work the materials of the towers’ graphic reconstruction in 1978-1980 by the honorary architect E.M. PanovKaterina were V.used. Gevel. The Role of the Curtain Walls of the Krasnoyarsk Double Enforced Ostrog in the Tradition…

Fig. 4. On this layout of 1991 the Double enforced city is drawn without additions made in 1690 Fig. 4. On this layout of 1991 the Double enforced city is drawn without additions made in 1690.

Research discoveries and conclusions made as the result of the investigation ofin thethe Yenisei area of river Strelka and the are 9th asof Januaryfollows: street – the famous Krasnoyarsk rebellion, is the square the former1) the first fortress border extended of the enforcements to the north in on-west the opposite along side the of outlineKuznetsovsky of the metochion upper theterrace middle (previous of the 17researchth century. indicat The ed place it as of a straightin the first line…); curtain wall; excavations2) the in location the modern of the layout: towers near has the been 9th specified4) Voskresensky according cathedral to the hasarcheological been mapped ofpits, January precisely street/Karla we are Marksa able to and determine Uritskogo theout location precisely asof it the had northernbeen located tower in the takingfortress streets (Note: “Report about excavations of the built with the hipped bell tower in 1760s near Pokrovsky necropolis of the Krasnoyarsk ostrog Preobrazhensky wooden church before the fire 6 (Uritskogo str. 18) in Krasnoyarsk”, Volume of 1773 (the location of the preserved basements 1, 2000-2001, the archeologist A.U. Tarasov of the church was proved by geophysicists in (Tarasov, 2000; Fokin, 2005). 1990s using the devices and by archeological Research discoveries and conclusions excavations in 2008-2009); made as the result of the investigation in the area The masons from Yeniseisk located the of Strelka are as follows: church at the upper border along the southern wall 1) the fortress extended to the north-west notwithstanding the north-eastern orientation along the outline of the upper terrace (previous of the sanctuary. The location of the cathedral’s research indicated it as a straight line…); “nave” was according to the shape of the free 2) the location of the towers has been square and building in the fortress for the new specified according to the archeological pits, stone church. It was built at the edge of the steep precisely we are able to determine the location cape, at the bank; of the northern tower taking into account the 5) the ditch formed in the place of the ostrog excavations of 1980s during the construction of wall of the Big city after the fire in 1773 was KATEKNIIugol by the V.V. Orekhov project; located along Parizhskoi kommuny street and the 3) the scale of combination of the old walls in the places of the burnt northern wall of layouts, the location of the wooden Pokroskaya the posad – they can be traced in the yards – and church and the square in front of it, the place of in the eastern part from modern buildings along – 1644 – intointo account account the the excavations excavations of of 1980s 1980s du duringring the the construction construction of of KATEKNIIugol KATEKNIIugol byby the the V.V. V.V. Orekhov Orekhov project; project; 3)3) the the scale scale of of combination combination of of the the old old layouts, layouts, the the location location of of the the wooden wooden PokroskayaPokroskaya church church and and the the square square in in frontfront of of it, it, the the place place of of the the famous famous KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk rebellion, rebellion, is is th the e square square on on the the opposite opposite side side of of Kuznetsovsky Kuznetsovsky metochionmetochion in in the the first first curtain curtain wall; wall; 4)4) Voskresensky Voskresensky cathedral cathedral has has been been mapped mapped out out precisely precisely as as it it had had been been locatedlocated in in the the fortress fortress built built with with thethe hipped hipped bell bell tower tower in in 1760s 1760s near near PreobrazhenskyPreobrazhensky wooden wooden church church before before the the fire fire of of 1773 1773 (the (the location location of of the the preservedpreserved basements basements of of the the church church was was proved proved by by geophysicists geophysicists in in 1990s 1990s using using the the devicesdevices and and by by archeological archeological excavations excavations in in 2008-2009); 2008-2009); TheThe masons masons from from Yeniseis Yeniseisk klocated located the the church church at at the the upper upper border border along along the the southernsouthern wall wall notwithstanding notwithstanding the the north-eas north-easterntern orientation orientation of of the the sanctuary. sanctuary. The The locationlocation of of the the cathedral’s cathedral’s “nave” “nave” was was acco accordingrding to to the the shape shape of of the the free free square square and and buildingbuilding in in the the fortress fortress for for the the new new stone stone church. church. It It was was built built at at the the edge edge of of the the steepsteep cape, cape, at at the the bank; bank; 5)5) the the ditch ditch formed formed in in the the place place of of the the ostrog ostrog wall wall of of the the Big Big city city after after the the fire fire inin 1773 1773 was was located located along along Parizhskoi Parizhskoi komm kommunyuny street street and and the the walls walls in in the the places places ofof the the burnt burnt northern northern wall wall of of the the posad posad – –they they can can be be traced traced in in the the yards yards – –and and in in thethe eastern eastern part part from from modern modern buildings buildings along along Parizhskoi Parizhskoi kommuny kommuny street street and and from from thethe north north from from Lenin’s Lenin’s street. street. Thus, Thus, we we note note that that the the street street Razdelnaya Razdelnaya popereshnayapopereshnaya –now –now Parizhskoi Parizhskoi kommuny kommuny street street – –coincide coincides swith with the the ditch ditch from from the the westernwestern side side of of the the ostrog ostrog wall wall and and the the posad posad walls walls burnt burnt in in the the fire fire of of 1773 1773 formed formed thethe wall wall which which even even after after built-up built-up of of the the tw two-centurieso-centuries cultural cultural layer layer can can be be “read” “read” inin the the yard yard spaces spaces to to the the east east from from Pari Parizhskoizhskoi kommuny kommuny street. street. And And according according to to verificationverification of of the the ostrog ostrog enforcements enforcements si sizeszes on on the the modern modern layouts layouts of of the the Strelka Strelka area,area, the the western western wall wall extended extended to to the the Parizhskoi Parizhskoi kommuny kommuny street. street. 6)6) the the interim interim support support and and the the five-cor five-cornerednered range range in in the the upper upper border border of of the the Kacha’sKacha’s water water bed bed have have been been drawn, drawn, while while th theyey fit fit precisely precisely in in the the sizes sizes of of the the Big Big citycity from from the the “Petition “Petition to to the the Tsar” Tsar” of of 1690, 1690, as as well well as as the the location location of of the the passable passable towertower of of the the ostrog; ostrog;

Fig. Fig. 5 5The The Fig. view view 5 The to viewto the the to east the east east Fig. Fig. 6 6The The view view to the the6 Thesouth-east south-east view to the south-east

In Parizhskoi kommuny street near Markoskogo street at the high site over the Kacha river bed the interim 77 support of the western ostrog wall of the Double city-fortress was located (photo of E. Gevel 2008 – discovery Inof Parizhskoi the remains kommunyof the enforcements street near and walls Markoskogo at specification street of at the the Krasny high Yarsite ostrog over themapping Kacha at the river modern bed   thelayout). interim support of the western ostrog wall of the Double city-fortress was located (photo of E. Gevel 2008 – discovery of the remains of the enforcements and walls at specification of the Krasny Yar ostrog mapping at the modern layout)

Fig. Fig.7. The 7. Double The Doubleenforced cityenforced in the modern city in layout the modern with the borderlayout of withthe Big th ostroge border to the of modern the Big Parizhskoi ostrog to thekommuny modern streetParizhskoi extended komm in 1690.uny street extended in 1690.

7) The location of the five-corner range is a significant interest in terms of town planning, namely its five corners. Later on, in this part of the layout, between the first and the second curtain walls, the pentamerous entrance square was organised with five openings: the first was in the direction of the Tatyshev island, the second was to the fortress with the Preobrazhenskaya church (led by Kachinskaya street). The north-western axis was directed to the watch tower at the Kum-Tigei hill, the forth axis was to the west, to the city entrance and the gate behind the fifth curtain wall and the fifth axis faced the Southern mountains. We are sure to suppose that the five-cornered range of the Big city (the posad with the wall) was in the range of the modern street of the 9th of January and later, the pentamerous entrance square in front of the Blagoveshchenskaya church appeared. 8) The western curtain wall of the fortress gave birth to the new layout of the city produced by the sergeant-geodesist P. Moiseev from Tobolsk, from 1775 precisely dividing the layout into the groups of districts – curtain walls between the transverse broad streets from the Strelka district to the foot of Afontova mountain in the west.


 Katerina V. Gevel. The Role of the Curtain Walls of the Krasnoyarsk Double Enforced Ostrog in the Tradition…

Parizhskoi kommuny street and from the north from 1775 precisely dividing the layout into the from Lenin’s street. Thus, we note that the street groups of districts – curtain walls between the Razdelnaya popereshnaya –now Parizhskoi transverse broad streets from the Strelka district kommuny street – coincides with the ditch from to the foot of Afontova mountain in the west. the western side of the ostrog wall and the posad During the studies we determine the Strelka walls burnt in the fire of 1773 formed the wall district (area) – from the mouth of the Kacha which even after built-up of the two-centuries river at the Yenisei river to Parizhskoi kommuny cultural layer can be “read” in the yard spaces street, previously known as Dubenskogo to the east from Parizhskoi kommuny street. street, and earlier as the street Razdelnaya And according to verification of the ostrog popereshnaya, as the fundamental for the city enforcements sizes on the modern layouts of the from the town planning point of view, with a Strelka area, the western wall extended to the dense “historical skeleton” of traditional building Parizhskoi kommuny street. principles development, with the view openings 6) the interim support and the five-cornered on the natural landmarks in the urochishche range in the upper border of the Kacha’s water (in the neighborhood of the city). This district bed have been drawn, while they fit precisely is examined more thoroughly in the Historical in the sizes of the Big city from the “Petition to centre of Krasnoyarsk. the Tsar” of 1690, as well as the location of the passable tower of the ostrog; Discussions 7) The location of the five-corner range is Tracing the stages of the Krasnoyarsk regular a significant interest in terms of town planning, structure layouts from the end of the 18th century: namely its five corners. Later on, in this part the first regular layout of 1775; the new layout of of the layout, between the first and the second the province town of 1828; the layout of 1855; and curtain walls, the pentamerous entrance square the layouts of 1894 and 1906 and the layout of was organised with five openings: the first was in the city with suburbs of 1924-1929 (KKM No. the direction of the Tatyshev island, the second 154), we outline the convenient designation in was to the fortress with the Preobrazhenskaya the documents of GAKK by the curtain walls church (led by Kachinskaya street). The north- 1, 2, 3 and so on to the vast Novosobornaya western axis was directed to the watch tower at square (in the place and around the building of the Kum-Tigei hill, the forth axis was to the west, the Krasnoyarsk Territory Government) typical to the city entrance and the gate behind the fifth only for Krasnoyarsk layout of the . The curtain wall and the fifth axis faced the Southern curtain walls started to form in the posad in the mountains. 18th century as the large areas of city development We are sure to suppose that the five-cornered past the western wall of the Ostrog. range of the Big city (the posad with the wall) The curtain wall in the defense construction was in the range of the modern street of the 9th was the area of the wall between of January and later, the pentamerous entrance two towers of the Ostrog at the Strelka area, square in front of the Blagoveshchenskaya the city of the 17th century. And while the most church appeared. enforced one was the western, “floor-level” 8) The western curtain wall of the fortress curtain wall with the pine forest behind it, the gave birth to the new layout of the city produced by old city development in the western direction at the sergeant-geodesist P. Moiseev from Tobolsk, the convenient flat terrace to the foot of Afontova – 1646 – Katerina V. Gevel. The Role of the Curtain Walls of the Krasnoyarsk Double Enforced Ostrog in the Tradition… mountain (the modern district of Nikolayevskaya the city landscape with the natural environment settlement) was conveniently divided in the have been determined. 19th century by the curtain walls- the groups The view openings for the natural of districts between the transverse streets. In landmarks is a universal compositional Krasnoyarsk these streets, which during some technique, which was traditional for ancient periods were called lanes in order to distinguish Russian cities and was brought by the north them from the longer longitudinal streets, were Russian pioneers to the Siberian urochishches. nevertheless quite wide and important in the It was first mentioned in the records of Siberia city building, while they served as the coming illustrated by the author – “Siberian history” in-coming out points to the navigation rivers, by S.U. Remezov (Remezov, 1882). the Kacha river and the Yenisei river, and as the The relationships of the historical matter of “view openings” to the natural environment of the city centre with new architecture present only the city. the verge of a broader objective of the surrounding Marking along curtain walls used to be a environment and ecological protection, including typical method of orientation for a long period of the “cultural ecology”. The cultural ecology is time, which was typical only for Krasnoyarsk and a kind of a model of interaction of the artificial which preserved the memory about the stages of and natural environments – the environment the city-fortress growth from the Strelka district of the Krasnoyarsk urochishche as a whole, to the west. while the city is always perceived along with the suburban landscapes. In the natural framing Results the traditional principles of the formation of The main conclusions and results of the the architectural composition of the city on the research are as follows: the architectural-layout Yenisei river compose its peculiarity (Gevel, enlarged module of the Krasnoyarsk historical 2002; 2006). centre development has been determined – the Obviously, nowadays it is necessary not only curtain wall, which gathers the districts between to determine the local peculiarity of the territories, the transverse south-western streets – the “natural but to take into consideration the way of the view openings” as the most important link of the successive development of the city complexes, to town planning structure. study the principles of the building formation In the research, the influence and meaning and peculiarity of the Krasnoyarsk city in of the Cossack fortress-ostrog with the posad at various historical periods, as well as the town Strelka brilliantly founded by A.A. Dubensky, planning techniques which can be efficiently the city founder, on the further layout structure implemented in the future development of the of the Krasnoyarsk historical centre. The scale city in the marvelous natural layout. of the curtain walls has been developed which In our work we insist on implementing the accurately divided the flat terrace at the foot of necessary methods of city regulation in the design, the Kum-Tigei hill (Karaulnaya hill). which contribute to preserving of architectural The traditional features of the city heritage at development and regeneration of of Krasnoyarsk development based on the the historical territories in the city landscape – principle of inseparability from the natural memorial places, where the historical skeleton environment of the urochishche in the formed is displayed, the hereditary Krasnoyarsk residents compositional structure, providing connection of are aware of. – 1647 – Katerina V. Gevel. The Role of the Curtain Walls of the Krasnoyarsk Double Enforced Ostrog in the Tradition…

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Влияние куртин крепости Красноярского двойного острога на традиции формирования застройки города

К.В. Гевель Сибирский федеральный университет Россия 660041, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79

В истории освоения Сибири Енисей был своеобразным «порогом», а выход к нему в начале XVII века стал важной вехой в дальнейшем продвижении русских первопроходцев на север и восток. Значение сибирского форпоста было отмечено впервые в научно-художественном труде С. У. Ремезова, отобразившего в Чертёжной книге Сибири (Ремезов, 1882). Красноярский город с достаточно обширным окружением – земли, на которые простиралось влияние Красноярского острога, обозначены от «полудня» - на юге: «немирные волости» за рекой Абакан, а на севере: заимки казаков - за Юксеевой… Ключевые слова: Красноярское урочище, Стрелка, историческая канва, куртина.