Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15535-0 — Contesting Economic and Social Rights in Ireland Thomas Murray Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15535-0 — Contesting Economic and Social Rights in Ireland Thomas Murray Index More Information INDEX abortion, 121, 151, 171, 175, 179, 182, 183 Ballinrobe, Co., 78 Age of Revolutions, 25 Ballymun Tenants’ Association, 302 agrarian Bolshevism, 73, 108 banking cartel, Irish, 52, 96, 116, 117, 118, Airey v. Ireland (1979), 206 122, 126 Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education Bar Council, 61, 202, 203, 207 (1969), 170–1 Bar Library, 189 Alexandra College, 281 Bar of Ireland, 194 Algeria, 164 Barrington, Donal, 226, 283, 315 Amalgamated Transport and General Workers barristers, 59, 201–2 Union, 234, 314, 315–16, 317 Bartholomew, Paul, 279, 280, 288 American Committee for Relief in Ireland, Bartley, Patrick, 131 72, 85 Barton, Robert, 80 American Federation of Labour, 84 Beard, C., 17 Amnesty Ireland, 193 Belton, Paddy, 129 An Phoblacht (newspaper), 124 Bennett, Louie, 147 Anglo-Irish Economic War (1932–8), 117, Binchy, Daniel, 283 119–20, 150 Binchy, William, 287 Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921), 80, 87, 93, 116 Birmingham, Willie, 321 Anti H-Block campaign, 317 Blacam, M. de, 266 apartheid, 179 Blake v. Attorney General (1982), 211, 214, Aran Islands, The (Synge), 67 217–18, 222, 227, 276, 319, 320 Arbitration Board, 139–40, 232 Blueshirt Constitution, 114 arbitration courts, 49, 66 See also courts Blueshirts, 127 in 1880s, 77–8 Blythe, Ernest, 103 creation of, 73 Bolivia, 11, 347 replacement with Dail´ Courts, 79–80 Bolshevik Revolution, 30, 68 restructuring of, 106–7 boom-bust cycle of property speculation, 178 in West of Ireland, 106–7 Bourdieu, P., 1–47 Archdale, Betty, 142 Boyle, Hilary, 307 Argentina, 153 Brady, James, 284, 285 Army Comrades Association, 114, 127–8 Brady, Patrick, 306 Arrighi, G., 27 Brazil, 52, 153 Artisan Dwelling Company, 79 Brennan v.
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