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abortion, 121, 151, 171, 175, 179, 182, 183 Ballinrobe, Co., 78 Age of Revolutions, 25 Ballymun Tenants’ Association, 302 agrarian Bolshevism, 73, 108 banking cartel, Irish, 52, 96, 116, 117, 118, Airey v. Ireland (1979), 206 122, 126 Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education Bar Council, 61, 202, 203, 207 (1969), 170–1 Bar Library, 189 Alexandra College, 281 Bar of Ireland, 194 Algeria, 164 Barrington, Donal, 226, 283, 315 Amalgamated Transport and General Workers barristers, 59, 201–2 Union, 234, 314, 315–16, 317 Bartholomew, Paul, 279, 280, 288 American Committee for Relief in Ireland, Bartley, Patrick, 131 72, 85 Barton, Robert, 80 American Federation of Labour, 84 Beard, C., 17 Amnesty Ireland, 193 Belton, Paddy, 129 An Phoblacht (newspaper), 124 Bennett, Louie, 147 Anglo-Irish Economic War (1932–8), 117, Binchy, Daniel, 283 119–20, 150 Binchy, William, 287 Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921), 80, 87, 93, 116 Birmingham, Willie, 321 Anti H-Block campaign, 317 Blacam, M. de, 266 apartheid, 179 Blake v. Attorney General (1982), 211, 214, Aran Islands, The (Synge), 67 217–18, 222, 227, 276, 319, 320 Arbitration Board, 139–40, 232 Blueshirt Constitution, 114 arbitration courts, 49, 66 See also courts Blueshirts, 127 in 1880s, 77–8 Blythe, Ernest, 103 creation of, 73 Bolivia, 11, 347 replacement with Dail´ Courts, 79–80 Bolshevik Revolution, 30, 68 restructuring of, 106–7 boom-bust cycle of property speculation, 178 in West of Ireland, 106–7 Bourdieu, P., 1–47 Archdale, Betty, 142 Boyle, Hilary, 307 Argentina, 153 Brady, James, 284, 285 Army Comrades Association, 114, 127–8 Brady, Patrick, 306 Arrighi, G., 27 Brazil, 52, 153 Artisan Dwelling Company, 79 Brennan v. Attorney General (1984), 211, 214, Association of Scientiic, Technical, and 222–3, 227, 273 Management Staffs, 316–17 Bretton Woods system, end of, 171 Astor family, 96–7 British Empire, 28 Athlone Manifesto, 125 British Free Trade, 29 Attorney General v. Southern Industrial Trust Brown, Bernard, 305 and Simons (1960), 212, 220–1 Brown v. Board of Education (1954), 170–1 Australia, 164 Browne, Michael, 120 Austria, 68, 113, 154 Bunreacht na hEireann´ (1937). See Irish authoritarianism, 113 Constitution (1937) Burke, Edmund, 277 bailiffs, 67 Butler, A., 266 balance of convenience test, 240 Byrne, Isolda, 306


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Byrne, Thomas, 234 private property rights and, 126–7 Byrne, William, 128 right to education and, 135 role in Irish popular culture, 37 Cahill, Edward, 112, 121, 131, 133, 136, 140, Spanish Civil War and, 129 333 Spanish Constitution and, 154 Campaign for the Care of Deprived Children special position in Irish society, 169 (CARE), 294, 309, 310 support for Anglo-Irish Treaty, 89 Canada welfare institutions and, 56–7, 100 constitutional review in, 164 welfare provision and, 81, 122, 123 Imperial decline in, 116 Catholic Emancipation movement, 37 legal aid in, 204 Catholic Social Service Bureau, 297 socio-economic rights constitutionalisation Catholics in, 341 IRA and, 126 Westminster parliamentary sovereignty in, non-involvement with communists and 174 republicans, 128 Canavan, Joseph, 131 petite bourgeoisie, 62 Cape Verde, 173 Spanish Civil War and, 128 Capeletti, Mauro, 176 Catholic-social constitutionalism. See also capitalism. See also cycle of accumulation social constitutionalism end of Soviet Union and globalisation of, constitution-making and, 333–4 172 doctrinal and institutional limits to, 97 golden era of, 31, 297 drafting Irish Constitution and, 148 neoliberal, 5, 308 end of, 176–84 Occupy movements and, 7 family-welfare rights and, 247–8 socio-economic rights and crisis of, 345–53 caudillos, 153 urban-industrial, 85 CDDA v. Attorney General (1975), 214, world-system of. See world-system of 221–2 historical capitalism Central Dublin Development Association, capitalist world-system. See historical 213, 216, 218, 220 capitalist world-system Central Europe, 174 capitalists. See also inancier-grazier class Central Ofice of the High Court, 197 in early 1900s, 53 Chamberlain, Austen, 101 rights as free owners of private property, 22 Chiapas, 348, 350 capital-labour relations, 17, 68, 90–1, 107–8, Childers, Erskine, 73 113, 118, 167–8, 178, 241, 333–4 Children First, 309 Cardenas, Lazaro, 153 Children’s Act (1908), 253, 310 Carlton Hotel, 305 Children’s Court, 245, 248, 310 Carta del Lavoro (1927), 127, 152 children’s rights, 309–13, 333 See also human Casey, James, 227, 240 rights Catholic Church China, 52, 172 charitable relief to strikers’ children, 69 Christian/farming calendar, 60 condemnation of communists and Christus Rex, 226, 287 republicans in 1930s, 128 Chubb, B., 38, 39 constitution-making and, 333–4 Circuit Court. See also courts Dublin Unemployed Association’s protests jurisdictions of, 191–2 and, 298 limit in civil jurisdiction, 197 feminist movement and, 108 salaries in, 199t inluence on Ireland’s postwar social policy, structure of, 191–2 168 types of cases in, 197 Irish Constitution (1937) and, 35, 133–4, volume of cases, 195, 196t 150–1 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission Irish Free State and, 120–1 (2010), 346 legitimation of Provisional Government Civil Liability Act (1961), 216 and, 90–1 civil society, 293–325, 341–2 See also social opposing the Constitution in 1945–73, movements 297 Catholic Emancipation movement, 37 policing population’s sexuality, 57 components of, 12


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Dublin Housing Action Committee, 301–8 Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstat´ Dublin Unemployed Association, Eireann)´ Act 1922, 91 297–301 Constitution of the Society of United opposing the Constitution in 1945–73, 297 Irishmen (1797), 54 overview, 293–7 Constitution Review Group, 266, 335 Proclamation of Children’s Rights’ Constitutional Convention, 2 campaign (1976), 309–13 constitutional courts, 164, 174–5 socio-economic provisions and, 142–51 constitutional laws, 15–16 Talbot workers’ factory occupation and constitutional nationalists, 55–6 boycott, 313 constitutional review, 164 Threshold/ALONE campaign for rent constitutionalism, 25 tribunals, 319–22 classic, 27t, 26–7, 30, 132, 133 civil war (1922–3), 87–8 free market and, 32 , 169 in Irish Free State, 87–91 , 151 nation-state building and, 29 Clarke, Joseph, 306 neoformal, 27t, 26–7, 31 classic constitutionalism, 27t, 26–7, 30, 132, neoliberal, 27t, 32, 173 133 See also constitutionalism social, 30, 95–7 classic , 328 social antagonism and, 28 closed shop agreements, 239–40 social origins of, 87–91, 115–24 Coercion Acts, 66–7 state, 25–7 Collins, Michael, 80, 88 constitution-making Commercial Court, 201 Catholic corporatism in, 333–4 Commission of Inquiry (1925), 264 Irish Constitution (1937), 132t, 112–59 Commission on Banking, Currency, and Irish Free State Constitution, 92t, 84–111 Credit (1934–8), 122 Mexican Constitution, 106 Commonwealth of Nations, 80 seven waves of, 25–7 constitutions. See also Irish Constitution anti-communism, 127–8 (1937); Irish Free State Constitution de Valera’s opposition to, 148–9 (1922) Fianna Fail´ and, 120 earliest written, 25 neutralising, 140, 232 ‘from below’, 48–67, 83 Spanish Civil War and, 129 in historical capitalist world system, 25–33 Communist Party of Ireland, 125, 126, 308 modern, 25–7 Competition Authority (2005), 203 proletarian, 24 Concerned Parents against Drugs movement socio-economic rights and, 25–33 in Dublin, 203 contraception, 121 Congested Districts Board, 56 Convention on the Irish Constitution, 327 Congress of Irish Unions, 300 coolie class of labourers, 56 Connolly, James, 68, 76, 125 Coras´ Iompair Eireann´ (CIE), 233, 236 Connolly Youth, 302 Cosgrave, W. T., 103, 145 Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act Costello, Declan, 287, 315 (1875), 231 Council for Civil Liberties, 205 Constitution and Governmental Programme Court of Appeal, 340 for the Republic of Ireland (1933), courts, 187–208 114, 126 access to justice, 204–7 Constitution for Europe (2004), 174 appointees, requirements for, 190–1 Constitution of Ireland (1937). See Irish arbitration, 49, 66 Constitution (1937) in 1880s, 77–8 Constitution of Ireland Bill (1937), creation of, 73 enactment of, 131 replacement with Dail´ Courts, 79–80 Constitution of Saor Eire´ (1931), 114, 125 restructuring of, 106–7 Constitution of the Army Comrades case management, 201 Association (1932), 127–8 constitutional rights cases, 195 Constitution of the Irish Citizen Army, 48, 50 costs of legal services and, 202–3 ownership of Ireland in, 74, 106 Dail´ Courts, 79–80 socio-economic rights in, 332 illegal middleman practices, 193


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courts (cont.) radio broadcast in support of new Irish ‘rights revolution’ and, 204–7 constitution, 148–9 judicial review, 201 on socio-economic rights provisions, 115, as legal business, 194–200 130–41 number of judges in, 196t Deasy’s Act (1860), 64 party, 76 debt-defaulters, 67 personnel, structure, and activity, 189–94 Defenders, 53 popular, 76 Delany, Vincent, 287 ‘repeat players’ and ‘one-shotters’, 203 Democratic Programme of the First Dail´ role in constitutional development, 183 (1919), 76, 98, 102, 107 as sites of business and justice, 187–208 Denham, Susan, 194, 271, 276–7 contradictions, 200–4 Denmark, 12 implications of, 188 Dennehy, Denis, 293, 303–4 Courts of Justice Act (1924), 81 Deo Duce, 300 Coyne, Edward, 131 Department of Education, 250 Criminal Justice Act, 307 Department of Industry and Commerce, 165 Criminal Law Amendment Act (1935), Derrig, Thomas, 132, 133, 139 249 Dicey, A. V., 25, 63 critical discourse analysis, 41–7, 86 Dictionary of Irish Biography,41 crowbar brigades, 307 directive principles Crowley, John, 250 in constitutions of India, Papua New Crowley, Patricia, 250–1 Guinea, and Nigeria, 157 Crowley, Tadhg, 234 in Indian Constitution, 33, 157, 160–1 Crowley v. Ireland (1980), 250, 255–6, 260–1, in Irish Constitution (1937), 140–1, 144–5, 265–6, 276–7 299, 305 cultural contextualists, 16 Disability Legal Resource, 205 Cumann na mBan, 69, 71, 77, 108 discourse, deinition of, 45 Cumann na nGaedheal Diskin, Patrick, 216 Blueshirts’ support for, 127 District Court. See also courts insertion of Article 2A into Irish Free State appointees, requirements for, 190 constitution, 129 civil jurisdictions, 191 parity between sterling and Saorstat´ punt, constitutional rights cases, 195 116, 117 criminal jurisdictions, 191 support from elites, 118 family law and, 191 custody cases, 264 limit in civil jurisdiction, 197 Customs Act (1945), 212 salaries in, 199t cycle of accumulation. See also capitalism types of cases in, 196 British Empire and, 51–2 volume of cases, 195, 196t British Free Trade, 29 divorce, 121, 171, 179, 182, 265 crisis in 1970s, 31 dotcom collapse of 2000–2, 178 in Ireland, 165 Douglas, James, 92 United States as leader of, 28, 163–4 Doyle, Desmond, 248–9, 259, 275 after World War II, 163–4 Doyle v. Minister for Education (1953), 206 Czechoslovakia, 164, 172 Doyle v. Minister for Education (1956), 248–9, 253, 258–9, 276 Dail´ Constitution and Democratic Programme Dreher, Jorg, 213, 218, 223 (1919), 50 Dreher v. Irish Land Commission (1984), 213, Dail´ Courts, 79–80 223 Dail´ Eireann,´ 87, 131, 301–8 Dublin Dalton, Brendan, 318 housing conditions in 1939, 123–4 Daly, Mark, 130 housing conditions in 1960s, 301 dance-hall licensing, 191 Spanish Civil War and, 129 dangerous associations, 71 Dublin Castle Davos, 6, 11, 329, 345 antagonism towards, in 1919, 77–81 De Valera, Eamon capitalist class and, 53 drafting of Irish Constitution and, 88 cessation of public services in 1917, 72 establishment of Irish Republic and, 71 coercion acts, 67


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Deasy’s Act and, 64 sociology in, 289 Dublin Tramways strike and, 69 universities, 282 introduction of paid resident magistrates, 60 right to, 14, 131–2, 137, 138, 256 landlords and, 53 Education and Development Centre, 251 proclamation of dangerous associations, 71 Educational Company of Ireland v. Fitzpatrick Dublin Corporation, 213, 249, 300, 301, 302, (961), 233, 234, 236, 237, 238, 239 307 Edwards, Frank, 128 Dublin Council of Trade Unions, 315 Egypt, 164, 174 Dublin Employers’ Federation, 68 Ejercito´ Zapatista de Liberaci´ on´ Nacional Dublin Flat-Dwellers Association, 302 (EZLN), uprising of, 7 Dublin Health Authority, 249 Electricity Supply Board, 316 Dublin Housing Action Committee, 294, Elster, J., 25–7 301–8, 338 embedded liberalism, 31, 32 establishment of, 302 emigration, 52–3, 72, 118, 165, 298 imprisonment of members, 305 employment, 178 objectives of, 302 Enforcement of Law (Occasional Powers) opposition to 1937 Irish constitution, 296 Act, 90 Dublin Lock-Out (1913–14), 68–9, 332 England, public interest litigation in, 206 Dublin Metropolitan Force, 69 Epp, Charles, 204 Dublin Tenants’ Association, 302 Equality Authority, 341 Dublin Trades Council, 178, 302, 306 Ethiopia, 52 Dublin Trades’ Union Council, 300 Eucharist Congress (1932), 121 Dublin Tramways, 129 Eurodollar market, growth of, 171 Dublin Unemployed Association, 294, European Central Bank, 330 297–301, 338 European Common Market, 287 basic demands of, 298–9 European Convention on Human Rights ines on, 300 (ECHR), 206 impact of, 299 European Court of Human Rights, 183, marches, 299 239–40 opposition to 1937 Irish constitution, 296 European Court of Justice, 31, 165, 175, 182, sit-down protests, 167 183, 346 successor to, 301 European Economic Community, 177, 308, Duffy, Gavan, 220, 273, 274, 278 313 Duffy, George, 80 European Monetary Union, 178 Duggan, Eamon, 80 European Revolutions of 1848, 28, 54 Duncan, W., 265 European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, 266 Earle, John, 237 European Union Commission, 330 Easter Rising of 1916, 70, 71 European Union (EU), 32, 173 Eastern bloc, 163 eviction. See also landlord–tenant Eastern Europe, 174 relationships Economic Co-operation and Development evictions (OECD), 180 anti-eviction activities, 67 ‘Economic Life’ articles, 135–6 Deasy’s Act and, 64 economic rights. See socio-economic rights forced, 11 Ecuador, 11, 347 ‘land wars’ and, 55 education, 254 liberalisation of property rights and, 66 Catholic social and, 250 protection from, 302 educational provisions in Irish Constitution secret societies’ role in stopping, 53 (1937), 131–2, 135, 137 Examiner of the High Court, 197 annotations to, 138 educational provisions in Irish Free State family, 122, 136–7, 254, 305 Constitution, 99 family law, 63, 191 in Irish Free State, 123 family-welfare rights, 245–70 See also welfare of judges, 281t, 282t, 280–4 state legal cases for analysis, 247 curriculum, 283 Catholic social provisions and, 247–8


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family-welfare rights (cont.) FitzGerald, William, 276 development of, 246 Fleming, Eric, 306 discarding, 8 lu pandemic of 1918, 72 judgments, 258–64 luoridation, 249, 253–5, 259 jurisprudence, 264–7 Foley, Patrick, 213, 216 origins of, 248–53 Foley v. Irish Land Commission (1952), 213 translation, 253–8 Forde, M., 265 Fanon, Franz, 48, 49 Four Courts, 77, 88, 189, 192, 309 Farmer’s Party, 88, 89 France, 28 Farwell, B., 38 Matignon Agreements, 112, 153 fascism, 127, 148–9 uprising in, 172 feminist movement, 63, 108, 147, 179, 249, France, Clement, 84, 92, 94, 95–6, 107, 155, 265 209, 333, 336–7, 344 Fenians. See Irish Republican Brotherhood Franco, General Francisco, 129 (IRB) Free Legal Aid Clinics (FLAC), 205, 340–1 Ferguson, William, 64 free market, 32 Fianna Fail,´ 149, 297, 339 free trade, 51–2 abandonment of protectionism, 301 freedom of association provisions, 236, 239 competition state strategy for development, Freikorps, 105 177 French Constituent Assembly of 1848, 29 disability rights and, 338 French Revolution, 54 Good Friday Agreement and, 177 Friedman, Milton, 32, 173 housing and Land Commission Friedrich, Carl, 25 programmes, 134–5 Fundamental Rights in the Irish Law and indigenous capital, 168 Constitution (Kelly), 226 national self-suficiency and, 119 national-popular base of, 118–19 Gallagher, Brian, 311 overturning of Anglo-Irish Treaty Gallagher, Catherine, 214–15 settlement, 116 Garda´ı, 307 partnership with trade unions, 230 Gaspari, Giovanni, 216 pro-treaty opponents and, 128 George, Henry, 96 republicanism and, 116 George, Lloyd, 81 Sinn Fein’s´ entry in government as, 113 Geraghty, Patrick, 306 social reorientation of Irish Free State, 120, Germany 122–3 corporate social management in, 113 support for European trade liberalisation Great Powers’ interstate-system and, 28 and integration, 180 Nazi Law for the Organisation of Labour Figgis, Darrell, 92, 99 (1934), 152 Finance Act (1983), 214–15 socio-economic rights in, 344 inancier-grazier class, 53, 96–7, 98, 100, Weimar Constitution, 105 108–9, 118, 165, 298, 333 worker uprisings in, 68 Fine Gael, 168, 339 Gezi Park occupation in Turkey, 349 coalition with Labour Party, 179 Ghana, 18 competition state strategy for development, Gilmore, George, 124 177 global economic crisis of 2007–8, 6, 330, 347 criticism of draft Irish Constitution, 143 Global Justice Movement, 7 formation of, 127 Global North, 6, 14 Good Friday Agreement and, 177 Global South, 14, 164, 346 questioning the powers of Land Good Friday Agreement, 177 Commission, 131 Gostello, John, 143 Finland, 12 Government of Ireland Bill (1886), 63 First Dail,´ Democratic Programme of, 76 grazier class, 73, 96–7, 116 Fisher, Francis, 212–13, 216, 220 Great Depression of 1930s, 30, 112, 113, 151, Fisher v. Irish Land Commission (1948), 332 212–13, 275 Great Hunger (1845–52), 52–3 Fitzgerald, Alexis, 287 Great Powers, 28 FitzGerald, Garrett, 182 Great War (1914–18), 104–5


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Greece, 164, 174 homelessness, 331 Greek Orthodox Church, 151 homosexuality, 179, 183 Green Party, 180 Hopkins, T., 27 Grifith, Arthur, 78, 80 Horgan, John, 122 Grifith’s Valuation Act (1852), 214 House of Commons, 62 Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), 255 Houses of the Oireachtas, 161, 219, 231 Grogan, Vincent, 287 housing, affordable, 275 Housing Action Committee, 344 Hall, John, 316–17 Housing Bill (1981), 222 Hancock, William, 64 Huet, Phyllis, 310, 311 Hardiman, Adrian, 271 human dignity, right to, 14 Harris, Gerald, 225, 264, 284, 287 human rights Haughey, Charles, 317 children’s rights, 309–13 Hayek, Friedrich, 32, 241 conlicts in 1990s and 2000s, 183 Health (Amendment) Bill (2004), 253 contestation of, 183 Health Act (1960), 249, 253–5 interdependence and indivisibility of, 9, Health Act (1970), 168, 253 256–7 Health Amendment Bill, 258 lending programmes and, 331 Health Bill (2004), 263–4 monitoring organisations, 341 Health Board, 253 neoliberal economics and, 173 Health Care Act (1953), 168 neoliberalism and, 176 health care, right to, 14 socio-economic rights and, 2–3, 9, 10, Hearts of Oak, 53 12–13, 266 hegemony, 23 Hungary, 68, 113, 120 Henchy, Seamus, 316 Heron, Denis Caulield, 58 Iarnrod´ Eireann´ v. Ireland (1996), 215–16, 219, Heydebrand, W., 22 223–4, 274 High Court, 192 See also courts Iceland, 11–12 amounts recovered by verdicts, 198t, 198–9 ideology, 44–5 appointees, paternal occupation of, 281t Immigrant Council of Ireland, 205 business in each legal year, 196t Incorporated Law Society, 202 costs claimed and allowed, 199t, Indecon (2003), 203 198–9 India salaries in, 199t famine, 52 specialised court ofices, 197, 198 legal aid in, 204 volume of cases, 195–6 socio-economic rights in, 12, 342 Hirschl, Ran, 341 state developmentalism in, 164 historical capitalist world-system, 4, 27 Supreme Court, 33, 176 constitutional waves in, 27t, 25–7 Indian Constitution of 1950, 160 effects of, 52–3 directive principles in, 33, 157, 160–1 Irish Constitution (1937) and, 151–5, Indignados movement, 7, 349 160–86 Industrial and Provident Societies in 1945–68, 163–71 (Amendment) Act (1978), 215 in 1968–, 171–6 Industrial Finance Corporation, 96 Irish constitutionalism and, 33–41 Industrial Relations Act (1946), 232 Irish Free State Constitution and, 104–9 Industrial Relations Act (1990), 179, 232, revolution and rights in Ireland and, 233, 241, 300, 318 51–8 Industrial Workers’ Co-operative, 125 socio-economic rights in Ireland and, Industrial Workers of the World, 84 25–33, 330–8 Ingram, Attracta, 289 transformation in political-ideological International Covenant for Economic, Social, norms of, 172–3 and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), 2, Hogan, G., 38, 228, 341 327 Hogan, Patrick, 90 International Covenant on Economic, Social, Hohenzollern monarchy, end of, 105 and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), 2–3 Holloway, John, 352 International Monetary Fund, 330 Home Rule bill, 69 involuntary confessions, 245


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Iraq, 173 Catholic social provisions in, 133–4, 143–4 Ireland Catholic-social constitutionalism and, 148, capital-labour relations in 1960s and 1970s, 176–84 167–8 children’s rights and, 311–12 Catholic identity, 37 class system and, 114 civil war (1922–3), 87–8 contradictions in, 308–9 constitution ‘from below’, 1848–1922, Directive Principles of Social Policy, 140–1, 48–83 144–5, 299, 305 constitutionalism in, 33–41 dominant social group’s shaping of, 117 decline in population, 1800–1900, 52 draft property provisions, 142 economic conditions in 2008 onwards, 331 educational provisions, 131–2, 135, 137 economic development in, 36 annotations to, 138 free enterprise cycle of accumulation in, 165 emergence as conservative and free trade in 1800s, 51–2 electro-democratic instrument, 155 historical capitalist world-system and, 51–8 emergence of social state and, 115 land, law, and justice in, 58–67 family rights provision in, 134, 136–7 legal professions, 59–64 family-welfare rights provisions, 254 militancy in, 49 freedom of association rights provision, open door strategy to multinationals, 177 232–3, 236 politics of constitutional change in, 334–5 gendering of, 136–7 reincorporation into world-system, 165–6 MacElligott’s commentary on, 138–9 revolution and rights in, 51–8 neoliberalism and, 171–6 as semi-peripheral site for US companies, plebiscite on, 131, 150 178 poverty, charity, and state paternalism social and cultural transformations in 1960s discourse on, 145 and 1970s, 166 preamble, initial versions of, 132, 133 social origins of constitutionalism in 1930s, private property rights provision in, 144 115–24 property rights contestations and, 210–11 social policy, 168 property rights provisions in, 217 social stability in, 36 proposed amendments, 169 Irish Association of Social Workers, 309 pursuit of ordered society in, 135–6 Irish Banks’ Standing Committee, 122, 123 referendums, 181 Irish Business Employers Confederation, 177 social origins of constitutionalism and, Irish Catholic, 160 115–24 Irish Christian Front, 129 socio-economic rights provisions in, Irish Citizen,63 130–42, 327 Irish Citizen Army civil society’s reception, 142–51 constitution of, 74 parliamentary debates on, 142–51 declaration as dangerous association, 71 timeline of constitution-making process, protection of Dublin Tramways strikers, 69 132t support for workers’ republic, 125 women’s rights in, 147 Irish Communist Organisation, 302, 303 in world-system, 151 Irish Congress of Trade Unions, 232, 314, 315, in 1945–68, 163–71 317 in 1945–2008, 160–86 Irish Constitution (1937), 37–8, 112–59, 338 in 1968–, 171–6 analysis of, 35 Irish Constitution (Kelly), 42, 195, 288 annotations to draft provisions, 137–8 Irish Council of Civil Liberties, 193 Article 34.5, 135–6 Irish Courts Service, 200, 207 Article 38.1, 135 Irish Democrat (newspaper), 147 Article 40, 216, 220–1, 223, 238, 239, Irish Family Planning Association, 249 253–5, 256–7, 259, 265 Irish Farmers’ Union, 73 Article 41, 253–5, 256–7, 264 Irish Financial Services Centre, 178 Article 42, 253, 254, 256, 312 Irish Folklore Commission, 65 Article 43, 144, 216, 220–1, 223 Irish Free State, 81 Article 45, 140–1, 144–5, 161 agrarian economy in, 117 Article 46, 145 Commonwealth of Nations and, 80 Catholic pressure groups and, 182 courts in, 189–90


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economic peripheralisation of, 86 Irish Republican Army (IRA) exports, 122 Anglo-Irish Treaty and, 87 legal system, 77 bombing campaigns, 166 living standards in, 123–4 Constitution and Governmental peripheral agrarian class structure, 117, 153 Programme for the Republic of Ireland semi-peripheral status of, 332 (1933), 126 social conlicts in, 113 courts and, 77, 78–9 state support for inancier-grazier interests, end of presence in South or Munster 118 Republic, 88 welfare state development in, 35–6 formation of, 70 Irish Free State Constitution (1922), 37, labour/agrarian militancy and, 72 84–111 Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), 54–5, Article 10, 103, 104 58 Article 11, 103, 104 Irish Revolution (1913–23), 48 Article 2A, 129 Irish Statistical Abstracts or Courts Service Article 40.3 and, 220–1 Reports,42 Article 43, 220–1 Irish Times (newspaper), 41, 150 Catholic political theory and, 95 Irish Transport and General Workers Union drafting committee, 92–3 (ITGWU), 68, 72, 74, 230, 233, 234, drafting of, 91–8 235–6 economic sovereignty provision, 98, 100 Irish Travel Movement Legal Unit, 205 education provision, 99 Irish Union of Distributive Workers and enactment of, 91 Clerks (IUDWC), 234, 235–6, 238 fundamental rights in, 85–6 Irish Volunteers, 69, 70, 71, 77 programmatic declarations, 103 Irish Water, protests against, 1 property rights in, 333 Irish White Cross, 72, 85, 95 removal of oath of idelity from, 116 Irish Women Worker’s Union, 124 review in 1934, 130–1 Irish Women’s Franchise League, 108 social constitutional discourses, 95–7 Irish Women’s Liberation Movement, 249 social origins of constitutionalism of, 87–91 Irish Women’s Workers’ Union, 108 socio-economic rights in, 86, 332–3 Irish Workers League, 298 socio-economic rights provisions, 98–104 Israel, 341 sovereignty provision, 101 Italy, 68, 113, 120, 172 timeline of constitution-making process, 92t world-system perspectives, 104–9 Jesuit Order, 121, 133, 154, 344 Irish Free State Constitution Act 1922, 91 Johnson, Thomas, 75, 76, 102 Irish Human Rights Commission, 341 Joint Committee of Women’s Societies and Irish Independent (newspaper), 150 Social Workers, 147 Irish Ireland policy, 94 Joint-Oireachtas Committee, 190 Irish Judiciary, The (Bartholomew), 280 judges Irish Jurist, 42, 225, 241, 264, 265, 266, 286–8 ages, 279–80 Irish Labour Party, 88, 101–2, 103, 120, 131, apprenticeship, 284, 285–9 143–4, 180, 339 class background, 280 Irish Land Commission (ILC), 56, 60, 108, court structure contradictions and, 188 118, 119, 131, 134–5, 140, 143, 149, education, 281t, 282t, 280–4 210, 212–13, 216, 219 in Irish courts, in years 1924, 1870, and Irish Land League, 64–5, 67 2010, 196t Irish Law Times,60 paternal occupation, 282t Irish National Land League, 55 requirements for, 190 Irish National Teachers’ Organisation, 250, salaries, 199t 278 school attended, 282t Irish News (newspaper), 150 transformation of roles of, 201 Irish Parliamentary Party, 56, 62, 64–5, 69, 70 university attended, 281t, 282t Irish pound, 117 judicial activism, in 1960s and 1970s, 183 Irish Press (newspaper), 150 Judicial Appointments Advisory Board, 190 Irish Refugee Council, 205 judicial review, 228 Irish Republic, proclamation of, 70–1 juristocracy, 175


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Justices of the Peace, 59 Latin America juvenile delinquency, 264 decolonisation of, 35–6 repression in, 179 Keane, Ronan, 209, 227, 266, 283 socio-economic rights in, 15, 16, 17 Kearney, Ben, 315 welfare reforms in, 153 Kelly, Deirdre, 320 Laval Un Partneri Ltd v. Svenska Kelly, John, 38, 42, 195, 226, 239, 287, 288 Byggnadsarbetareforbundet¨ (2008), 346 Kelly, Sean´ T., 139 Law Society of Ireland, 61, 63, 203, 207 Kennedy, Duncan, 26–7, 85, 174 League of Nations, collapse of, 112 Kennedy, Hugh, 80, 84, 86, 92, 94, 101, 190, legal aid, 205, 340–1 276–7 legal business, 188, 194–200 Kennedy Report, 245 legal education Kenny, John, 316 curriculum, 283 Kenny Report, 227 sociology in, 289 Kenya, 18 universities, 282 Kerr, Tony, 241, 289 legal professions Kickham, Charles, 58 apprenticeship, 284, 285–9 Kinane, Jeremiah, 126 barristers, 201–2 King’s Inns, 61, 62, 284, 285–9 books of authority in, 63 Kissane, B., 38 branches of, 201–2 Knocknagow (Kickham), 58 court structure contradictions and, 188 Kohn, L., 71, 85–6 fees, 202–3 Korea, 52 feminist movement and, 63 in Ireland, 59–64 labour organisations, 61 rights of free labourers, 22 pauper’s procedure and, 205 wage-contract between capital and, 22 solicitors, 201–2 Labour Court, 232 legal year, 60 laissez-faire, 85, 99, 107–8, 123, 131, 138–9, Lehane, Con, 299, 301, 305 151, 153, 210, 220, 227 Leinster House, 309 Lalor, James Fintan, 48, 65, 74 Lemass, Sean,´ 169 land Leo XIII, Pope, 57, 120, 126 market value of, 217–18 LGBT advocates, 179 private ownership in, 96–7 liberalism. See also neoliberalism Land Act (1933), 119, 213 classic, 328 Land Act (1946), 213 embedded, 31, 32 Land Acts, 60 social, 163–4, 183, 328 Land Commission, 226 liberal-social constitutionalism, 95–7 Land Courts, 77 Lilberne Ltd., 319 land reform, 66, 72 Limerick Corporation, 251, 261 land taxation, 211 Limerick Council of Trade Unions, 251 land values, in, 210 Limerick Workers’ Housing Association, 78 landlordism, 53, 61, 66, 123, 124, 128 liquor licensing, 191 landlords, 303 Living City Group, 320 in legal professions, 61 living standards, in Irish Free State, 123–4 liberalisation of property rights of, 66 Local Government (Planning and landlord-tenant relationships, 274, 303–4 Development) Act (1963), 213 arbitration of disputes, 66 Lucey, Cornelius, 120, 121, 250 coercion acts, 66–7 Luxembourg, 266 evictions, 11, 53, 55, 64, 66, 67, 302 feudal tenure agreements and, 64 MacElligott, James, 115, 131, 138–9, 140, 333 irremovable tenants and, 64–5 MacEntee, Sean,´ 143, 249 peasant proprietorships and, 65 Mackey, Rex, 304 rent valuations and, 319 MacSwiney, Mary, 126 Lang, John Temple, 226, 287 Madigan, Patrick, 214–15, 321 Larkin, Jim, 69 Madigan v. Attorney General (1986), 214–15, Lasalle, Ferdinand, 1 218


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Maher, I., 265 Murphy, William, 68 Mapp v. Ohio (1961), 170–1 Murray, John, 200, 263–4 market law, 64 Mussolini, Benito, 127, 152 Marshall, T., 8, 18 martial law, declaration of, 71 National Association of Transport Employees, Martin, William, 320–1 234 Marx, Karl, 12, 19, 21, 22, 345, 351 National Economic and Social Council, 177 Marxist theory, 19 National Guard, 127 material contextualists, 16 National Labour Party, 169, 235 Matheson, Arthur, 141 National Land Bank, 78 Matignon Agreements, 112, 153 National Private Rental Law Group, 320–1 Matthews, Mary, 227, 239 National Society for the Prevention of McAleese, Mary, 215 Cruelty to Children, 248 McBride, Sean,´ 166, 206 National Union of Railwaymen, 233, 235 McCarthy, Nicholas, 250 National Union of Railwaymen v. Sullivan McCay, Justice, 311 (1947), 233, 234, 236, 237, 238, 239, McDermott, P. A., 267 278 McDowell, Michael, 160 Natividad, Jose, 106 McDunphy, Michael, 130 Nazi Law for the Organisation of Labour McErlean, John, 131 (1934), 152 McGee, Mary, 249–50, 255, 259–60, 276 Nazi propaganda, 152 McGee v. Attorney General (1974), 170, 171, negative liberties, 336–7 206, 249–50, 255, 259–60, 276 negative rights, 9 McGuiness, William, 298 Negri, Antonio, 24 McMullen, John, 241–2 neoformal constitutionalism, 27t, 26–7, 31 McNeill, James, 92 neoliberal capitalism, 5 McQuaid, Archbishop John Charles, 112, neoliberal constitutionalism, 27t,32 115, 131, 136, 139–40, 141, 144, 232, neoliberalism, 31, 171–6, 328, 353 297, 301, 333 constitutionalism and, 173 Mellows, Liam, 89 limitations of humans rights and, 176 mentally defective persons, 264 socio-economic rights and, 11–12 Merrigan, Matt, 315–16, 317, 319 net market value, 217–18 Meskell, John, 235, 237 Neumann, F., 14, 39 Meskell v. CIE (1973), 233, 234–5, 237 New Caledonia, 52 Mexican Constitution, social liberalism of, New Deal, 37, 112 106 New Left, 173 Mexico new left social movements, 179 constitution, 14, 16, 30 New Zealand, 174, 341 judicial review in, 174 Nigeria, 18, 157 social constitution-making in, 106 non-governmental organisations (NGOs), 3, socio-economic rights in, 30, 85, 344 308, 327, 339–40, 342–3 uprising in, 172 Norris v. Ireland (1988), 206 welfare reforms in, 153 North American Free Trade Agreement middle class, creation of, 133 (NAFTA), 32, 173 militias, creation of, 73 minimal living standards, state’s protection of, conlict in, 176–7 9 public interest litigation in, 206 Moore, Kingsmill, 230, 238, 240, 278 Norton, William, 143–4 Morgan, David Gwynn, 245, 267 Mother and Child Health Scheme, 168 O’Brien, Kate, 150 Moynihan, Maurice, 131 O’Brien, William, 75, 98–100 Mulcahy, Richard, 249 O’Byrne, John, 92 Munster Republic, 88 Occupy movements, 7, 24, 349 Murnaghan, James, 92, 239 O’Cinn´ eide,´ Seamus, 312 Murphy, Christina, 310 O’Connell, Rory, 266 Murphy, Jack, 301 O’Connell, T. J., 102, 107, 333 Murphy, Ken, 200 O’Connell. Daniel, 55


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O’Connor, Lord Justice, 189 Plan of Ayala, 106 O’D´ alaigh,´ Cearbhall, 169 Planning and Development Bill (1999) O’Donnell, Peadar, 124, 147, 300 Reference, 223 O’Donoghue, Philip, 130, 143, 147 Planning Authority, 219, 226 O’Duffy, Eoin, 124, 127 Planning Bill Reference (2004), 275 Offences against the State Act (1939), 231 Planning Development Bill (1999), 215, 218, Ofice of the Taxing Master, 198 219 O’Higgins, Kevin, 103 PMPS Ltd and Joseph Moore v. Attorney O’Higgins, Tom, 273, 276, 278 General (1983), 215 Oireachtas, 161, 219, 231, 313 Poland, 113, 154 O’Keefe, Andreas, 286 Polanyi, Karl, 13 O’Kelly, J. J., 126 Poor Law, 56 O’Kelly, Sean T., 76, 120 popular courts, 76 Old Left, 172, 308 popular militancy in Ireland, 49, 72–3, 75 O’Mahony, Donal, 321, 322 Porto Alegre, 7, 11, 329, 345, 346 O’Mahony, Michael, 187, 245, 246 Portugal, 17, 113, 120, 154, 174 O’Malley, Des, 314 positive rights, 9, 336 O’Malley, Ernie, 58, 78 poverty, 95, 145, 331 O’Mor´ ain,´ Padraig,´ 207 prerogative writs, 192 O’Neill, Terence, 169 Preuss, Hugo, 105 open door strategy, 177 Priestly-McCracken, Elizabeth, 63 O’Rahilly, Alfred, 75, 92, 97, 107, 133, 142, primary education, right to, 256 143–4, 148, 155, 277 private enterprise, 227 O’Reilly v. Limerick Corporation (1989), 251, Private Motorists Provident Society, 215 256–7, 265, 274, 277 privatisation, 172 Osborough, N., 265, 286, 288, 289 Privy Council of the House of Lords, 101, 116 O’Shiel, Kevin, 73 Probate Ofice, 197 O’Sullivan, Michelle, 241–2 Proclamation of Children’s Rights’ campaign O’Sullivan, Richard, 287 (1976), 309–13 O’Sullivan, T.G., 299 Proclamation of the Irish Republic (1867), 55 O’Sullivan, Timothy, 190 Proclamation of the Irish Republic (1916), 50, Outcomes, 124 70–1, 98 production, decentralised worker control of, Pacem in Terris (1963), 259 13 Paine, Tom, 54, 121–2 Programme of the Palestine, 179 (1934), 114 Papua New Guinea, 157 , 177, 338 Parnell, Charles Stewart, 56 Prohibition of Forcible Entry and Occupation Partido Revolucionario Institucional, 175 Act (1971), 307 party courts, 76 proletarian constitution, 24 paternal power, 264 property bubble, 215 Paul-Dubois, Louis, 62 Property Defence Association, 64 pauper’s procedure, 205 property prices Pearle, Thomas, 298, 300 boom-bust cycles in, 210 Pearse, Patrick, 70, 76, 125 rise in, 215 Pearse statement, 98 property rights, 64, 217 People’s Democracy protest, 306 Article 40.3 and, 220–1 Peron, Juan, 153 Article 43 and, 220–1 Personal Injuries Assessment Board, 195–6 contestations, 209–29 personal rights, 140–1, 254 cases, 211 Philippines, 52 development of, 209–10 picketing, 240 Irish Constitution (1937) and, 210–11 Pigs and Bacon Acts (1935/7), 212 judgments, 219–24 Pigs Marketing Board v. Donnelly (1939), 212, jurisprudence, 224–9 220 origins of, 212–16 Piludski, Josef, 154 translation, 216–19 Pius XI, Pope, 120 feudal tenure agreements and, 64


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private property rights, 99, 126–7, 133–4, right to life, 14 136, 148 Right2Water campaign, 2, 327 proportionality doctrine and, 218–19 Rights of Men, The (Paine), 54, 121–2 property speculation, 178, 209, 227 Road Trafic Act, 300 property tax, 214–15, 217–18 Robinson, Mary, 206 proportionality doctrine, 218–19 Roche, Stephen, 130 Protestants, 151 Roosevelt, Franklin, 153 Catholics as counterweight to, 95 Ross, Co. Wexford, 240 in legal professions, 61 Royal Irish Constabulary, 70, 71 as minority rulers of Ireland, 51 Russia protests, 327–8 Five-Year Plans, 113 in 2011–12, 348–50 Stalin’s Constitution, 151–2 of Dublin Unemployed Association, 298 Russian Revolution (1917), 18, 49, 126 against Irish Water, 1 Russian-Internationalist Revolution People’s Democracy protest, 306 (1917–23), 104–5 Seattle protests in 1999, 7 Ryan, Frank, 124, 147 Provisional Government Ryan, Richie, 249 Anglo-Irish Treaty and, 88 Ryan v. Attorney General (1965), 206, 253–5 authority over IRA, 88 Rynne, Michael, 225 civil war (1922–3) and, 89 classic laissez-faire norms and, 107–8 Saint Vincent de Paul, 205, 251 draft constitutions, 98 Salazar, Antonio,´ 121, 154 land distribution by, 89 Saor Eire´ (1931), 124 preference for classic constitution, 99 Saorstat´ punt, 117 prioritisation of state power and economic Scannell, Yvonne, 228 necessity, 102 Seattle, Washington, 84 special powers and public safety resolutions, Seattle protests in 1999, 7 90 Second Bill of Rights, 11, 16, 37 public law neoformalism, 31 secret societies, 53–5, 66–7 public spending, 180–1 Seventeen-Article Constitution (seventh-century Japan), 25 Quadrageissmo Anno (1931), 120, 121 Shinto, 151 Quakers, 72 Shotoku, Prince, 25 Quarter Sessions, 59 Sinn Fein´ Queretaro´ Constitutional Congress of 1917, acceptance of Anglo-Irish Treaty, 87 106 arbitration courts and, 77 Quinn, Ruair´ı, 209 authority over courts, 78 by-election victories, 74–5 Rattigan, Seamus, 322 Courts, 79–80 Raymond Crotty v. An Taoiseach, 181 declaration as dangerous association, 71 Re: Article 26 and the Health (Amendment) Bill Dublin Housing Action Committee and, 2004 (2005), 253 302 Reagan, Ronald, 11, 172 election manifesto in 1918, 75 Redmond, John, 56, 69 emerging as Fianna Fail´ after civil war, 113 referendums, 181 Good Friday Agreement and, 177 Reichswehr-Freikorps, 86 neoliberalism and, 339 rent controls, 211, 214, 225, 274 opposition to EU integration and welfare Rent Courts, 320–1 state, 180 Rent Restriction Acts, 221, 321 popular militancy and, 108–9 rent tribunals, 319–22 Proclamation of the Irish Republic (1916) Republican Congress (1934), 124, 125, and, 71 148 restrain of agrarian agitation and class Rerum Novarum (1870), 57 conlict, 48–9 residential property tax, 214–15 support from elites, 89 retrenchment, 172 Sinn Fein´ Manifesto (1918), 50 Ribbonmen, 53 Sinnott, Jamie, 251, 257 right of dissociation, 233, 237 Sinnott, Kathryn, 245, 251, 257, 275


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Sinnott v. Minister for Education (2001), 257–8, interest-based accounts of, 17–18 261–2, 266, 277, 339 interpretation of, 7–8 Sinzheimer, Hugo, 105 in Irish Constitution (1937), 129–30 Skefington, Hannah, 147, 148 in Irish Free State Constitution, 84–104, slum landlordism, 123, 124, 128 111 social antagonism, 28–9 judicial review of, 10–11 social constitutionalism justiciability of, 10 Catholic-social constitutionalism, 97, 148, ‘new right’ or neoliberal rhetorics and, 176–84, 247–8, 333–4 11–12 as elite response to anti-systemic threats, politics of, 8 333 politics of constitutionalising, 4–5, 13–20 emergence of, 30 value-consensus state and, 273–8 historical capitalist world-system and, 27t, world revolution of 1917 and, 68–76 26–7 world-systemic politics of, 330–8 liberal-social, 95–7 sociology, in legal education, 289 of the right and left, 124–30 Solemn League and Covenant, 69 social credit, 134, 140 solicitors, 59, 201–2, 284, 285–9 Social Democrats, 308 South Africa Social Democrats (Germany), 105 apartheid in, 179 Social Europe, 6 Constitution (1996), 33, 174 social justice, 60 Constitutional Court, 9 social liberalism, 163–4, 183, 328 constitutional dialogue model in, 346 social movements, 34 See also civil society Imperial decline in, 116 in 2011–12, 348–50 socio-economic rights in, 12, 14, 341, 342 analysis of, 39 Southern, 220 decolonisation and, 35–6 Southern Industrial Trust, 212, 220 Dublin Housing Action Committee, 301–8 Southern Ireland, small-scale industry in, 52 Dublin Unemployed Association, 297–301 Soviet Constitution, 14 growth after 1848, 57 Soviet Union ‘new left’, 179 collapse of, 14, 172 opposition to neoliberalism, 176 Russian Revolution in 1917, 18, 49, 126 Proclamation of Children’s Rights’ Spain campaign (1976), 309–13 Catholic Church and, 120 Sinn Fein’s´ by-election victories and, 74–5 Constitution of the Second Republic, Talbot workers’ factory occupation and 154–5 boycott, 313 constitutional court in, 174 Threshold/ALONE campaign for rent constitutional review in, 164 tribunals, 319–22 socio-economic rights in, 17 social partnership, 241 worker uprisings in, 68 social rights. See socio-economic rights Spanish Civil War, 28, 114, 129 , 151, 164 Spartacists, 105, 106–7 Socialist Workers’ Party, 339 Special Criminal Court, 183, 192 socio-economic rights, 1–47, 210 Special Infantry Corps, 90 ambiguities in theory and practice of, 12–13 specialised court ofices, 197, 198 co-constitutive transformation of, 20–5 squatting, 303–4 constitutional laws and, 15–16 Stalin, Joseph, 113 constitutionalising, 8 Stalin’s Constitution, 151–2 constitutions and, 25–33 starvation, 52–3 contesting, 326–53 state in crisis, 5–13 constitutionalism, 25–7 crisis of capitalism and, 345–53 role of, 22 discourses of, 11, 13 Statute of Westminster (1931), 116 functionalist accounts of, 16–17 sterling, 116, 117 future of, 338–45 Stevenson, Colin, 227 as historical phenomena, 8 strikes human rights and, 2–3, 9, 10, 12–13, 266 in 1918–23, 72–3 improving living standards with, 9 in 1935–7, 129–30


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on Dublin Tramways, 69 jurisprudence, 239–42 injunction to restrain, 240 origins of, 233–5 as potent form of social agitation, 139–40 translation, 235–6 Studies, 287 Trade Union Tribunal, 235–6 Superior Courts, 201, 340 trade unions, 3, 167–8, 205 Supreme Court decline from 1980s to 2010s, 178–9 appellate jurisdiction, 192 labour dispute resolution, 232 appointees militancy in 1935–7, 129–30 ages, 279–80 partnership with Fianna Fail,´ 230 class background, 280 wage bargaining with, 231 education, 281t, 282t, 280–4 welfare state and, 343–4 paternal occupation, 282t Trades Disputes Act (1906), 179 requirements for, 190 Travellers (ethnic minority), 205, 251, 310 school attended, 282t Trinity College, 61, 282 university attended, 281t, 282t Trotskyists, 180 backlog of cases in, 340 Twomey, Moss, 126 Catholic social laws and, 170 constitutional rights cases, 195 UH Human Rights Commission, 193 narrow conception of rights in, 335–6 ulema, 151 salaries in, 199t Ulster Volunteer Force, 69 structure of, 192 Underwood, Ivor, 303, 304 volume of cases, 195 Unemployed Protest Committee (1957), 301 Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland) Act unemployment, 13, 52–3, 165, 298, 331 1877, 60 United Kingdom Sweden, 12, 174 Age of Revolution in, 25 Sweetman, Michael, 302 Commonwealth of Nations, 80 Switzerland, 99, 164 incorporation of Ireland into regional Synge, John Millington, 67 economy of, 51 United Nations Committee on Economic, Taioseach, 121 Social, and Cultural Rights, 2–3, 9, Talbot workers’ factory occupation and 326 boycott, 294, 313–19 United States Tallaght, Co. Dublin, 240 Age of Revolution in, 25 Taparelli, Luigi, 60 as leading capitalist core after World War TD v. Minister for Education (2001), 252, 257, II, 28 258, 262–3, 275, 277, 339 second bill of rights in, 11, 16, 37 Teevan, Thomas, balance of convenience test, United States Constitutions, 17 240 United States Supreme Court, 31, 170–1, 175 Telegraph (newspaper), 150 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Thailand, 174 (1948), 14 Thatcher, Margaret, 11, 172 University College Dublin, 282 Third Dail,´ 88 Third Programme of Economic and Social value-consensus discourse, 45, 271–92 Development (1969–72), 202 government budgeting/resource allocation Third World, 176 and, 274–5 Thrashers, 53 juridical labour and, 272 Threshold/ALONE campaign, 294, 319–22 legal cultural production and, 281 Tierney, Michael, 122 overview, 272 town planning, 225 secular or positivist forms of, 277 Trade Disputes Act (1906), 231, 232–3, 234, social origins of, 279–85 235, 239, 315 socio-economic rights and, 273–8, 337–8 Trade Union Act (1871), 231 state and, 274 Trade Union Act (1941), 233, 235, 237 Vance, Andrew, 64 Trade Union Congress, 88, 120 Vargas, Getulio,´ 153 trade union rights contestation, 230–44 Vietnam, 52 cases for analysis, 233 uprising in, 172 judgments, 236–8 Vignoles, Paul, 79


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Volkstaart, 105 White Army, 72, 73 Voluntary Health Insurance Act (1957), 168 Whiteboys, 53 Von Prondzynski, F., 240, 289 Whitehall model of administration, 93–4, 117 wage-contract, 21 Whyte, G., 239–40, 265–6, 267 Wales, public interest litigation in, 206 Wilkinson, Brian, 230, 241 Wall Street Crash of 1929, 30, 116 Williams, R., 45 Wallerstein, Immanuel, 5, 27, 326, 345 Wohlfahrtsstaat principles, in German Walsh, Brian, 171, 187, 203 Constitution, 30, 105 Ward, A., 38 Women’s Graduates’ Association, 147 Wards of Court, 197 women’s liberation, 63, 108, 249, 265 water, right to. See also human rights women’s rights, 136, 147 luoridation of water supply, 249, 253–5, Workers’ and Soldiers’ Councils (Germany), 259 uprising of, 105 opposition to Irish Water, 1 Workers’ Party, 178, 180, 302 protestors, 327–8 Worker’s Republic (1936), 114, 120 Right2Water campaign, 2, 327 Workers’ Union of Ireland, 234 Travellers (ethnic minority) and, 251 World Bank, 346 Waters, B. B., 148 World Social Forums, 7 wealth, concentration of, 6 World Trade Organization (WTO), 32, Weber, Max, 105 173 Weberian theory, 19 World War I, 17, 28, 68, 105 Weimar Constitution, 30, 105 World War II, 28, 163–4 Weimar Germany, 14, 17, 85, 86 world-system of historical capitalism welfare rights. See family-welfare rights constitutional waves in, 27t welfare state, 180, 332 See also family-welfare effects of, 52–3 rights Irish Constitution (1937) and, 151, 160–86 characteristics of, 329 in 1945–68, 163–71 Christian democratic, 163–4 in 1968–, 171–6 dirigiste, 163–4 Irish Constitution (1937) in, 151–5 electorates and, 265 Irish constitutionalism and, 33–41 expansion of, 153, 163 Irish Free State Constitution and, 104–9 family and church responsibilities, 121–2 socio-economic rights and, 25–33 family-welfare rights contestations and, 246 socio-economic rights in Ireland and, 330–8 forms of, 163–4 transformation in political-ideological in Irish Free State, 35–6 norms of, 172–3 liberal, 163–4 world-systems analysis, 4 Poor Law system and, 56 wren-boys, 67 social expenditure, cash transfers and Wright-Carozza, P., 16 means-testing in, 180 trade unions and, 343–4 X v. Attorney General (1993), 183 World War I and, 68 welfare structures, collapse of, 72 Young Ireland, 64–5 West of Ireland, 106–7 Westminster parliamentary sovereignty Zapata, Emiliano, 106 model, 93–4, 99, 153 Zapatistas, 326, 348


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