The International Web Site for the History of Guiding and Scouting PAXTU A Guide to Archives and Manuscript Collections related to the Girl Scouts of the USA Compiled August 15, 2010 David L. Peavy The following is guide to archives – along with a description of the scope and content of the collection – which contain material related to the Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA). Because of the amount of primary documents related to the GSUSA in collections around the country, this listing is not to be regarded as complete, however, the most important and significant collections are included and marked (*). Collections are listed by state. It is hoped that subsequent revisions to this Guide will enable it to be more comprehensive. Additions to this guide will be made upon receipt of additional information. If you’re aware of a collection not listed, please send the following information to
[email protected]: Creator of collection, title of collection, name of the repository, location of the repository, a brief description of the scope and content of the collection, and, if available, a URL of the collection/finding aid. Alabama Gallagher, Buell Gordon. Papers. Talladega College Historical Collections, Savery Library, Talladega College. Talladega, AL. Contents: Educator. Personal and professional correspondence, records, and speeches relating to Talladega College, of which Gallagher was president (1934-43), national Congregational church work, especially Negro Congregationalism, American Missionary Association, race problems in Alabama and the U. S., status of Negroes in the armed services, Negroes in World War II, conscientious objectors in World War II, Negro college athletics, racial discrimination in the national Girl Scouts, facilities for Negroes on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, medical services in Ethiopia, Alabama State Federation of Women's Clubs (Negro), and the Sweatshop Committee in Passaic Valley, N.