The gavel monTezuma lodge no. 1 af & am 431 Paseo de Peralta Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501-1958 Just west of the Scottish Rite Temple Phone: 505-982-0971 - Email:
[email protected] Volume 20 Issue 11 “The Oldest Masonic Lodge in the Rockies“ Organized May 8, 1851 November 2020 From the East… Dear Brethren of Montezuma Lodge No.1, Greetings to you. Congratulations to the 2021 officers who have been elected and appointed. The mail-in balloting process went smoothly with no issues and we had very high participation with a total of 49 ballots received and counted out of 138. Thank you all for your participation. The installation is scheduled to be held at the next regular communication on December 7 at 7pm via Zoom. I hope to see you all there. The 2021 year is expected to be a vast improvement in conditions with respect to COVID-19 as we all eagerly await the distribution of vaccines starting as early as December. Thus, we may finally be able to return to in-person lodge meetings and hold degree conferral again in the Spring. While we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, the situation is likely to get worst before they get better. Please continue to be safe and take all precautions during the holidays and we will indeed see each other again. Sincerely and Fraternally, Jee W. Hwang Worshipful Master 2021 DUES Brethren: Please take note that 2021 dues are now due and payable. They are now $130.00 ( $75 + Grand Lodge per-capita).