Week of April 3, 1905 COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1906.

THE GEM OF THE WEST INDIES The Warm Welcome of the Golden Caribbean awaits you In JAMAICA With its temptiDg accessibility and the moderate cost of the trip, no other spot holds out such fair promise or a perfect winter holiday. Reached by a bracing sea trip of four dava oq vessels which afford the traveller every modern convenience and comfort.

Th( UNITED FRUIT COMPANY’S Steel Twin-Screw U. S. Mail Steamships SAIL WEEKLY FROM BOSTON Round Trip $75—Including Meals and Stateroom—One Way $40 We have published a beautifully illustrated book, “ A Happy Month in Jamaica,” and issue a monthly paper, * The Golden Caribbean.” Both will be sent to those interested in Jamaica, by addressing—

UNITED FRUIT COMPANY, LONG WHARF, BOSTON Raymond & Whitcomb Co. W. H. Kaves, City Passenger Agent Thos. Cook & Son 200 Washington Street Ohas. Y. Dasey, 8 Broad Street [Opposite Amei Building] Tel. 3497 Main Tel. 3956 Maia JUSTCOLONIAL THEATRETELEPHONEPROOKAM. WEhK OF A PHIL 3, 1905. Branch Exchange 555 Oxford connects all offices Branch Exchange 72 Newton connects all offices for “ suburban subscribers " FOR FOR







FOR THE HOM E Furniture Covering's Rugs Blankets Carpets Portieres Draperies Dace and Muslin Curtains Embroideries Dinens Silks Satins Cottons &c Cleansed or Dyed and Refinished Properly LEWANDO’S FRENCH dyeing AND CLEANSING COMPANY

17 Temple Place BOSTON 284 Boylston Street 2206 Washington St Roxbury 1274 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge 9 Galen St Watertown (at Works) Newton Delivery Bundles called for and delivered in Boston and suburbs Also NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA WASHINGTON BALTIMORE PROVIDENCE NEWPORT HARTFORD NEW HAVEN LYNN COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1906. RAYMOND & WHITCOMB»S TOURS. ALIi TRAVEIilNG EXPENSES INCLUDED.


Ample time will be given to all the leading cities and resorts on the Pacific Coast, with opportunity of returning via Colorado, The Yollowstone Park, Alaska, or The Canadian Pacific

Early Summer Tonr to ALASKA, leaving Boston May 24, going via the Canadian Rockies, returning via the Yellowstone Park.

TOURS TO EUROPE, April 29, May 20, June 13 and 22, July 5, August 1 and September 6.


dg^Send for circular, mentioning trip desired.

RAYflOND & WHITCOMB CO., 316 Washiagtra St South Church Boston 25 Union Square, New York. 1005 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.




1 Colonial Theatre SEASON OF 1904-1905. $ BERKELEY 0 Charles Frohman, ) Isaac Rich, [Lessees and Managers, 5 B. William Harris, 1 ) HOTEL i EXECUTIVE STAFF.

{ Assistant Manager T.B. Lothian Berkeley and Boylston Streets Stage Manager Geo. Doring { t Electrician Robt. M. Edwards f Properties T. Grimmelman Musical Director McKinley { Wm. S Treasurer Geo. F. Mathews An Excellent Restaurant 0 Ticket Agent A. E. Lothian Orchestra Doorkeeper W. G. Vinal 5 GENTLEMEN’S CAF§ S Chief of Ushers B. A. Gardella 4 Matron Miss Guyon

i SCALE OF PRICES ENTRANCE ON BERKELEY STREET S DURING “HUMPTY DUMPTY” ENGAGEMENT. i i Entire Orchestra Stalls $1.60 5 Balcony (first four rows) 1.50 Washington was asked why he had f Balcony (last nine rows) 1.00 cut down the cherry tree. Second Balcony (first three rows) 76 5 ‘‘Because,” he replied, “Andrew Jack- 8 Second Balcony (last five rows) 50 f A dmission 60 son is going to monopolize the hickory.” Boxes...12.00 Balcony ..16.00 5 Orchestra Boxes. Thus, with precocious forethought, Second Bal. Boxes. .6.00 Loges 4.00 { did he lay the foundation of his Ticket Office open from 8 a.m. until after the career. j 2 close of every performance. S p Children under three years of age not admitted. ^ Tickets for this Theatre can { he ordered by Telephone—Oxford or Mail Telegraph, 2 411— or f and will be held twenty-four hours, except when 0 ordered on the day of the performance for which they are to be used, when they will be held until 2 The Ribhon Store f 12.30 M. for Matinees, and until 7 p. m. for Even- 0 ings. Tickets ordered by mail and paid for will be held until called for unless otherwise or- 2 3 AND 5 TEMPLE PLACE \ dered.

\ Male patrons will please report to the Man- ager, in person or by letter, instances of inatten- 2 tion or 2 misdemeanor on the part of any attach^ 0 of this Theatre. He engages to speedily correct W© keep everything in any want of courtesy to them by persons in his 2 All -Pure -Silk Ribbons 2 service.

\ A FREE CHECK ROOM, at the owner’s risk, is 0 provided in the Ladies* Drawing Room on the orchestra floor for Checking Cloaks, 2 Coats and f Umbrellas; also in Balcony in Ladies’ Drawing Room at right of entrance. Patrons J are re- quested to report to the Manager anyaccept- 2 1 ance of fees or suggestions that fees are desired by any one employed in the Theatre. 2 A MOFFITT OPERA GLASSES TO LET IN THE LADIES’ W j floor, 2 CLOAK ROOM, Orchestra for which a small fee of twenty-five cents will be charged. (CHIROPODIST ^ 0 Parties finding lost articles in any portion of the Theatre will please leave them at the Ticket 2 f Office. The Manager will not be responsible for articles placed under the seats. 128 A Tremont Street 2 SMOKING 2 AND MEN’S RETIRING ROOM Entrance stairs f under right of Main Entrance. Manicuring Pedicuring 0 Smoking positively forbidden in the 2 Foyer. Hair Shampooing Scalp and racial PUBLD^ 'IELEpH«jNE located in hirst Bal- 2 Treatment 2 cony Drawing Room. 0 Physicians who have patients to whom they list may be called suddenly ran leave their seat The most exclusive of pa- 2 f numbers in the Box office, and be calleu as trons in Boston quickly as in their office. 2 COLONIA.L THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1905.



“So you cheerfully concede that your VEILS son knows more than you do?” “Certainly you don’t catch me admit- ting that my father could bring up The most useful and becoming children better than I can.” veil of the kind yet invented in “Dear me,” said the chiropodist as the good bishop put his foot upon the has- Chiffon, Net, Real and Imitation sock, “that’s a very bad toe you have. Looks as if it had been smashed.” Lace. Flattering Veils in all “I guess it has. I took dinner with colors. Brother and Sister Goodman yesterday and the lady seems to have thought my foot belonged to her husband.” Suitor—I’m sure I can support a family. MacBooth—How did they treat you out in City, old Her Father—Better consider it care- Haw man? fully; there’s 10 of us. Rantington—Like a king, me boy! Like a king! Threw eggs at me, b’jove, ‘*Dad,” said little Reginald, ‘‘what is at 60 cents a dozen, b’jove! a bucket shop ?” Boarder—Madam, without fail I will “A bucket shop, my son,” said the pay my board in full next Saturday. father feelingly, “a bucket shop is a Landlady—Promises are like pie modern cooperage establishment to crust. which a man takes a barrel and brings Boarder Like your pie crust, not back the bung hole.” — easy to break. Thanks for the kind indulgence.

Nodd—The telephone is certainly a great thing. Think of it! A man can talk to his wife fifty miles away. Todd—Well, you’re an exception. All I’ve been able to do is to listen. COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1906. SEND 15 CENTS and we will mail you a package SIR CHAS. of our



The English actor who PUFFED RICE CEREAL is now starring in this country with Miss Mary The Latest Confection Moore and his London company, in referring to McDonald’s Barker’s Dental Wash 131 Tremont St. -AND-

Teacher—Wilfred, to what are the teeth fastened? Antiseptic Tooth Powder Wilfred—To the gums. Teacher—And how many gums have we? writes, “ I find them most Wilfred—Three—pepsin, wintergreen and blood orange. excellent.”

Florence—I knew they wouldnH keep up their The endorsements that friendship long ; they are so different in taste and dispositions, you know not at all alike these preparations are re= ; ; she has not heard from him for a they long time ; don’t write now. ceiving from actors and Bertha—As you say, they don’t cor- respond. actresses show how they

*‘What do you think of my death are regarded by people scene?” asked the actor. “Well, it seemed to me it came a who take special care that little too late in the piece,” was the reply. their teeth shall be white, bright and healthy. They Rio Hondo use the best. BEST CLEAR HAVANA CIGAR MADE CODMAN CIGAR CO. Sold by dealers. S. S. DISTRIBUTORS, BOSTON. Pierce Co , Boston Ag’ts. COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1906.


Mme. Yale



he Ladies of Boston and vicinity are duly notified that Mme. Yale, T of Beauty Culture Fame, will lecture on “Woman’s Beauty” and give one of her inimitable Physical Culture Entertainments at the COLONIAL THEATRE Tuesday Afternoon, April llth


Tickets may be obtained at the Yale counter in the drug department of Houghton & Dutton

Tickets are now ready. They should be secured at once in order to s;et good seats #It) Colony Crust Company


WO years T ago the Old Colony Trust Company erected at No. 52 Temple Place, midway be- tween Tremont and Washington Streets, a four- story fire-proof building, which is entirely devoted to the uses of the Company. The basement contains the safe deposit vaults; on the ground floor is the banking room; the second floor rooms are reserved

for women ; and the committee rooms on the

- - fourth floor are at - the disposal of depositors and renters of safe deposit boxes. Signature cards are kept in duplicate, one at the main office in the Ames Building and the other in the Temple Place office, so that deposits can be made and checks cashed at either office. #Iii Colony Crust Company



NE of the chief reasons for the establishment of the Temple Place office was to offer to women

adequate and convenient banking facilities in

the retail shopping district. The pass-books and check-books used are small enough to

fit into a woman’s shopping-bag, and from the tellers’

windows clean bills and new silver are always issued.

Every effort is made to render it easy and pleasant for women to transact their business at this office. In addition,

the entire second floor is reserved for their exclusive use,

and is comfortably furnished, and supplied with writing desks, stationery, magazines, and telephone service. COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1906. 9

>spring hats NOW READY The adi'ance anderc/uj/Ve Spr/np jfiapes m//de approved dypenf/e/nen dedr/np t/npuejf/onad/y correct Jlr/e. 7fye ^vorA/nan^s/)/p. p(/a//ly and finiih are aj ojua/ o/ f/)e A/pAed order

ffhsAin^ton Sf. opp. R’anAKitSt. 3oston-Ndss. 10 COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM, WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1905. Scrupulous

Care in milking—healthy cows—cleanliness Sast India Rouse —rich in cream—free from all adulter- F). Davis ^ Co* ation—are reasons why

COTTONS, EMBROIDERED LINENS HOOD’S niLK brings health and happiness to so many INDIA MUSLINS homes. CHINESE GRASS LINENS If you are particular about the milk SOFT THIN SILKS you use, write, telephone or order of our drivers. PONGEES BORHAMPORE SILK FOR SUITS H. P. HOOD & SONS

494 Rutherford Ave., Charlestown, Mass.

373 Boylston Stmt 193 Alley St., Lynn, Mass. AN OLD CHEST

Says Robert Louis Stevenson, ‘‘There is no art in writing except brevity.** It ought to be easy to write a brief advertisement of this Hall Chest. After all, it’s a simple matter'; nothing but a

chest ; surely that is brief enough. And yet a volume might be written of this delightful adaptation of the lines of an old 16th Cen- tury Marriage Coffer to the modern needs of to-day. The chest has gracefully curved sides and front. There are short but massive claw feet. Under the brass escutcheon on the front is a winged medallion in low relief. The lid overhangs and has a raised panel. Paine Furniture Co. RUGS, DRAPERIES and FURNITURE, Betweenwee n NNorthojt h StStationatl o n and 40 SX Haymarket Square Subway- COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1905. Colonial Theatre HISTORIC HUMPTY DUMPTY BOSTON .

The Most Wonderful Indoor Entertainment Ever Presented Offers every opportunity for

Klaw & Erlanger’s Latest and Greatest Drury Lane pleasant recreation with a Production

*‘Humpty Dumpty will doubtless KODAK make the same kind of a sensation in this city that it has already made in London and New York. It is a pet We are Headquarters for phrase with a theatrical manager to an- Everything Photographic. I nounce that his latest project is “the best yet/’ but in the case of the Drury Lane productions such a statement is ROBEY-FRENCH CO. true in the most minute detail. The Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, London, 34 BROMFIELD STREET. has been presenting spectacles for nearly a century. Every year more money is spent upon the current pro- duction than that of the year before, Like an old story, the church bell is tolled and retolled. for with each season the public has been educated to expect more novelty OU are invited to try the table at the and magnificence. It is no exaggera- F ERICSON I tion to say that cost “Humpty Dumpty” 373 Commonwealth Ave. the management of the Theatre Royal A Fine Six- 0*clock Dinner is served for ^1.00 over J100,000, a sum' that would have SUNNY SUITES been twice as large if the production on the Avenue, furnished or unfurnished, may he engaged for the season of 1905-06. had been made here, where labor and F, C. HALL, Manager, at the Hotel, or J. D. HARDY, 10 High Street, junct. Summer. material are twice as high. Klaw & Erlanger have added another $25,000 in of life confront all. Suu deciding right the introduction of American ideas, and PROBLEMS cess means the whole gorgeous production could Readings by scientific palmistry help men or women solve life’s important problems — shows not be duplicated for $225,000. which way threatens failure, which beckons success. Prominent business men profit by my “Humpty Dumpty” stands peerless as advice. Readings daily. Evenings by appoint- ment. a production, and it is very doubtful if even the Theatre Royal can ever send MRS. SOPER, 923 Colonial Building, Boston.

to these shores anything better or more Name of Mfr., R. G. SULLIVAN • stamped on every beautiful, for the limit of expenditure has about been reached. No one should - fail to witness the extraordinary attrac- 7 20-4 tion, which will always be remembered AOo* OIOA.R ^ in the years to come for the many mar- Is As anMInni’ iprotocfiofi and standard of quality. I McGreenery ft Manning, Crossft Fulton Sts vels it contains. I Lfmlsieselsohn, 213 Hanover St L_factory. MANC>!eSTER. W. H. 12 COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1905.

-ft ^1- ft ft <»> If you Want ft ft ft Good Silk Use ft ft ft Salter’s Spool Silk ft THE BEST BY TEST* ft ft Every store in Boston he. SALTER'S, or should have it. Avoid substitutes ! ft ft

Have you noticed any difference in the price of beef since the beef trust de- McFADDEN cision ?

LADIES’ HATIER niEIS ILL IHHIRES LE BON TON 167 TREMONT ST., BOSTON, MASS Formerly 607 WashingtoD and 1 WestSt^ HERRICK Telephone Oxford 1291-S COPLEY SQUARE 2329-2330-2331 Back Bay

That vital freshness is induced by MAGDA TOILET CREAM which makes the skin brisk and busy with youth and jubilant with healthful strength

Sold at a half-dollar, In dainty Japanese pots, at the busy toilet counters everywhere.

CREATED AND MADE BY C. J. COUNTIE & CO.. TOILET SPECIALISTS * Boston - London - Sydney Mali 25 cents in stamps to our Boston office for the Magda Face Cloth ~ Pure raw silk.


l^otUns &k Fairbanks Companj

0MandSifyeF Mounfed ^mbrettas^ -iOO — — -3^00 €anes- Crcj^4 Comedians, Clowns, Acrobats, Aerialists, Singers and Dancers And Whips With Frank Moulan, William C. Schrode. George Schiller, Arthur Conquest, John Mc- Veigh, James H. Powers, David Abrams, Maude Lillian Berri, Lillian Coleman. Nellie Daly, m Nora Sarony, Frederika Raymond, 381 The Grigolatis Aerial Troupe and a Numerless Chorus JS^ahtn^fon Sf.^ MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY SEATS NOW ON SALE Colonial Theatre CHARLES PROHMAN, RICH & HARRIS Lessees ind Manajj^ers - - sident Manager ISAAC B. RICH - - - R

WEEK OF APRIL 3 . 1905

Cnrtain rises Evenings at 7.46 Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at ». THIRD WEEK KLAW AND ERLANQER PRESENT THE LATEST LONDON DRURY LANE SPECTACLE rniMPTY DUMPTY


Adapted to the American Stage by JOHN J. McNAULY Music> unless otherwise indicated, by FREDERIC SOEOMON and COEE and JOHNSON

(J. W. Johnson, Bob Cole, Rosamond Johnson) Ballets by ERNEST D’AUBAN Presented under the Stage Direction of HERBERT GRESHAM and NED WAYBURN Business Direction, JOSEPH BROOKS Manager, EDWIN H. PRICE FIRST ACT

“ If this egg should tumble down, You'll hnd a daughter, lose a crown.*^

The moment of the curtain’s rise an egg is shown of monstrous size. The sleepy soldiers of the king guard this extraordinary thing, when, to the populace’s cheers, the royal cook-lady appears with Peter, her most hopeful son, a limb, if there was ever one. Then pretty little Blossom too, the long-lost princess, comes in view; while Mary, with her heart long set on a gigantic omelet, to the untold dismay of all, contrives to make the big egg fall. The Fairy Mirth, with gracious mien, brings Humpty Dumpty on the scene then with her magic ; Bcene 1 — THE PALACE wand right soon she summons to her Pantaloon next Columbine ; WALL. and Harlequin and bids all let the fun begin. ; (Bruce Smith.) 1. Opening Chorus of King’s Guards ( Glover). 2. Chorus of Villagers (Co2e and Johnson). 3. Song — “Mary from Tipperary,** Frank Moulan {Cole and Johnson). 4. Ensemble — “The Egg Has Fallen Down** {Cole and Johnson). 6. Song — “ I Am the King,** George Schiller {Cole and John- son and Solomon).


Fob Spaos in This Fboqbam addbbss Colonlal Theatre Fboosam, Boom 901, Colonial Building, Boston 16 COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1905. L. R.

DIAMONDS Hollander & Co. ANNOUNCE' AN Our position as wholesalers gives EXHIBITION us advantages in IN THElK buying Diamonds. Order Department It is to your advan- tage to look over On 3d Floor our extensive stock. OF

' Our diamond ex- perts will give you reliable information IMPORTED that may be of great value in selecting stones. SPRING MODELS OF 5MITH GOWNS, COATS and DRESSES PATTERSON CO. wholesale and retail -SUMMER ST. 2112 to 216 Boylstoo Street BO-STON

Spartacus—Why do you suppose L.HABERSTROH&iON Moper committed suicide just when he did? MURAL PAINTERS & DECORATDRJ Smarticus—As a matter of policy. His WALLPAPER5.HANCINGr. insurance would have expired next day DRAPERIEJ&FVRNITVRE •‘Do you think Miss Roxy cares any- 9 PARK ST. CORNER BEACON. thing for you?’^ “Well, I think she’s beginning to care AND a little.” TJSMPLE Pli “What makes you think that?” “Why, the last time I called she only Weber’S Genuine Vienna yawned twice, and two weeks ago I ICE CREAM. counted five yawns in one evening.” Ladies* and Sentlemen's Oysters and Salads The Cynical Sub (loftily)—Women are O A a delusion and a snare. Telephone 433 Oxford a Snecialty. The C. O.’s Daughter (with memories of the last dance)—Some people love to hug a delusion, though—don’t they? He—The fellah actually thweatened to blow my bwains out! She—Oh, how could he? Of course -The only Cocoa with a I he wasn’t serious. Rich Chocolate Flavor. J ; ; !


1 Here in this scene is plainly shown a mighty power behind the j sit, Little Mary, cook, throne. King Sollumm on the throne may but j is IT. The Princess Blossom seeks the king, but first must find a magic ring before he will acknowledge her, and this, of course, j quite a stir. Prince Rudolph sees her in her plight, and madly makes | loves her at first sight; while Peter, Mary’s progeny, spoons with the

Scene 2— THE THRONE gay Princess Marie. -j ROOM. 1. Chorus — “ Will He Ever Smile Again? ’’ (Co^e (xncZ Johnson). (R. C. McCleery.) 3. Duo — “Pussy and the Bow-wow,*' Nellie Daly and John McVeigh (Co^e and Johnson). 3. Finale — “ We Go to Find the Bing ** {Cole and Johnson).


Alike through leafy dell and glade a search for Blossom’s ring is made, and, though the region’s shy on rings it still has some surpris- ing things in its recesses, hidden quite, to puzzle and yet please the Scene 3 — AN EN- sight. CHANTED WOOD. 1. Pantomime Bouffe Fantastique {Solomon). (R. C. McCleery.) 8. Song — “ Mexico,” Maude Lillian Berri {Cole and Johnson). S. Finale — “ Fairyland," Fredericka Raymond {Cole and John- son).

The Frolic of the Birds. (Introducing the Grigolatis Troupe of Aerialists.) Scene 4— THE FAIRY FOREST. Birds of rich plumage, with rare hues and dyes skies (R. C. McCleery.) Matchless save only in woods, fields and ; Birds aflame, glorious, some with white breasts Poising and fiuttering o^er golden nests. Grand Finale {Glover and Solomon).


Here Little Mary’s kingdom’s seen, in which she rules supreme as queen. She tells about the gentle art of cooking, and her virtuous heart is stirred to indignation when she ventilates her views on men. King Sollumm pries into her books, which she resents, like other cooks. A most pugnacious cat and pup nix matters in the kitchen up, w^hile Humpty Dumpty and his three friends cut up 1— didoes, Marie, dignified 2—Scene 1 — THE ROYAL and so at balls and hunts, accomplishes some 3—KITCHEN. royal stunts. (R. Caney.) 1. Opening Chorus of Cooks (Solomon). 2. ^ng — “Sambo and Dinah," Lillian Coleman and John McVeigh (Coie and Johnson^. 3. Song — “Down in Mulberry Bend," Nellie Daly {Cole and Johnson).


Poor Blossom’s spirits are depressed because the magic ring’s non but Rudolph’s love the princess cheers until the Fairy Mirth appears to condescendingly explain the ring for which they’ve searched in vain is at the bottom of the sea, so, if the princess Scene 2— ON THE crowned would be, she needs must trace through all these scenes its TERRACE. hiding-place by divers means. (C. E. Caney.) 1. Song — “ Kisses," Maude Lillian Berri (IT. H. Penn). 3. Song — “Man, Man, Man," Frank Moulan(Co2e and John- son.) 3. Grand Finale (Glover and Solomon.)

The Div ertifeOinent Under the Sea. Scene 3 — In Tableaux. All the Fabulous Wonders of the Water-World THE SIRENS’ HOME. THE ANEMONES’ (Introducing the Grigolatis Troupe of Aerialists.) RETREAT. Rare iridescent treasure of the deep THE CITY OF That Neptune safe in coral caves doth keep CORAL. Pearls of such size to make a woman weep (Henry Emden.) Gold for which man his soul in sin would steep. I {Glover and Solomon.') COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1905. HAND-WROUGHT SPECIALTIES

DINE AT M MOSS '-n FLORIST IGOATremont St, ""'r* 127A Tremonl St. ROSBY’S Tel. Oxford 2841-2 'Phone Tel. Oxford 1524-3 C 19 School St. V CUT FLOWERS AND FLOROL DESIGNS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 6. Co.

xhibit in their spring collection the E most desirable apparel for women em- bodying the most recent fashions suitable for all occasions. NEW TAILORED SUITS LINGERIE DRESSES IMPORTED COATS FRENCH MILLINERY

154 & 133 TREMONT STREET . ;


Beneath the ocean’s depths so green a submarine boat next is seen, which doth the royal household Dear, some in a state of mal de mer, in quest of Princess Blossom’s ring, and here that nasty, horrid thing, the Demon of Misrule, bobs up when they are sipping for- tune's cup, right in the wettest, dampest spot, to rudely complicate Scene 1—UNDER THE the plot. 1. Opening ^^^oZomon). (R. Caney.) 8. Song. “ A Very Good Sailor on Land,” Frank Monian Cole and Johnson). 3. Quartet. The Lobster and the Smelt,” Nellie Daly, Frank Monian, John McVeigh, and George Schiller {Fred. Solo mon).

in a region with strange, wild resources like piled, rrTTTT TTTxrr' Here New Jersey the royal party come to earth, and of adventure there’s no dearth; ^^TTTci>TTT?^'^^tSRULE. ^ o hut, after many an odd mishap, elude the most insistent chap who, (R. Caney.) ever faithful to the plot, existence for them makes so hot.

Herein the Demon of Misrule, who’s proved so apt in magic’s school at exercising his black art, experiences a change of heart, and, as all proper demons should, determines to he nice and good. rrTTTi' T>AT AriT? Blossom PALAtL regains the long-lost ring, weds Rudolph, while her pa, the king, EYRIE. “ ^’ Bless you, my children ! cries, and then contentment smiles on (Johnstone and all again. Harford.) Song — “ On Lalawana’s Shore,” Maude Lillian Berrl {Cole and Johnson).

8 . Finale ( Cole and Johnson).

Scene 4 — In Tableaux. The Four Seasons of^ ^edlock., j the "W^EDDING W ^“THE silver Sweet memories of happy wedding-days.

Of plighted troth, of love to last always ; 3 — THE GOLDEN Better the curtain now should gently fall On scenes that are so sacred to us all. the DIAMOND {Glover and Solomon.) WEDDING. • (Bruce Smith.) CAST OF CHARACTERS LITTLE MARY, the Cook FRANK MOULAN Who ruleth the roost, like all cooks fly, And singeth “ Good Pie, Sweet Tart, Good Pie I ” PETER, Little Mary’s Son JOHN McVEIGH Who doesn't worry at all, you know. Because his mamma has got the dough. KING SOLLUMM GEORGE SCHILLER Whose proud hopes crumbled away like dust Because the hennery's chef d' oeuvre “ bust." PRINCE RUDOLPH MAUDE LILLIAN BERRI Necessary, dear sir or madam. For the love interest, just like Adam. 1 PRINCESS MARIE NELLIE DALY Full of spirit, as young girls are, But never letting her ginger jar BLOSSOM, the Lost Princess LILLIAN COLEMAN Like many another shy young thing. Hustling around to find a ring. HUMPTY DUMPTY WILLIAM C. SCHRODE Who sat in pomp on the king's high wall. And, just like the Steel Trust, had afall Not all the king's horses, all the king's men, And Morgan could put them together again. PANTALOON JOHN G. SCHRODE A nice old party with frill and scallops, Almost bent doublefrom life's wallops. 1 HARLEQUIN JOSEPH C. SMITH Summer or winter, each one brings 1 To him plenty offalls and springs. COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1905. THE STEARNS 40-45 Hotfc Power Price. $4,000

“ The Best that Money can Buy.”



New American BOSTON

MUilCfrom I 2 to 3 and 6 to Midnight

Try some of our SPECIAL DISH ES Cannot be excelled THEATRE PARTIES Can make arrange- ments ahead 1 #ID Colonp Crust Company

* Main Office 'ROQHPOIVI Branch Office I AivyiTP'c raiTTT JD V,^ O A IN co 'TP'TWfOT P' dt Ari?

ITH the approach of summer and the vacation period, most people have to consider how their dividends, coupons, and mortgage interest can be most advantageously looked after during their absence. If the securities are kept in safe deposit vaults, access to them must be given to some one for the purpose of cutting coupons from bonds, indorsing interest payments on mortgages, or making the necessary deliveries

of any securities which it may become desirable to sell. The Old Colony Trust Company, for a small charge, receives, and acts as custodian for, the securities of persons who mav be temporarily or permanently absent, or who for various reasons wish to free themselves from the details of the care of their property.

It becomes responsible for the safe-keeping of the securi-

ties entrusted to its care, thus offering a guarantee of safety which may not be realized by the method of giving an individual access to the owner’s box. It makes a record of the due date of every item of income, collecting the coupons as soon as payable, and following up at once any

failure of a dividend or interest check to arrive on time. It

disposes of the income as instructed, depositing it to the

owner’s credit at any bank, remitting it by foreign draft to

any place he may direct, or paying it over direct to some

individual. It prepares papers by which the sale of securi-

ties can be effected without undue delay whenever desired.

And, in general, it relieves the owner of every detail of the financial management of his property, and assures him

the satisfaction and safety afforded by its experience and resources. I CoIon|» Crust Compan|) ! !

Main Office Branch Office { "ROQ'r'O'MLH { 1 AMES BUILDING 53 TEMPLE PLACE }

HE essence of Life Insurance is Protec- tion — protection to those who are now dependent on the earnings of the insured, and who some day may become dependent on his savings in the form of his life insurance. He has used great care in selecting a sound company and a form of policy best adapted to the existing condi-

tions ; he has taken the largest amount of insurance

his income will permit ; and he considers that he has done everything in his power to assure the comfort of those who are dependent on him. As a matter of fact, has he furnished the desired

protection ? Does the mere payment of his policy by the insurance company to the beneficiary actually assure him or her the benefits he had planned.^ The insurance money is duly paid over, but to

it yield an income must be invested ; and he has imposed on persons perhaps wholly without financial training the task on which the entire result of his forethought depends, that of investing the funds safely. He may avoid such difficulties by making his policy I payable to the Old Colony Trust Com- i pany as Trustee under a declaration of trust which

I will set forth all the provisions governing the pay- ment of the income and the disposition of the I principal. The conservative management of the I fund is assured, and those whom he leaves depen- I

I dent on him become in fact the beneficiaries of his COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1905. 21 J

COLUMBINE NORA SARONlf S 1 Why so silent ? Ah, there's the rvh ! voice The Woman's Club. J She saves her for p

THE FAIRY QUEEN OF MIRTH FREDERICKA RAYMOND \ Whose magic can summon to her hack J An opera cloak or a sealskin sacque. \ ARTHUR CONQUEST THE DEMON OF MISRULE | (The Guardian of the Mystic Ring in Scene 3, Act I., and the Parrot in Scene 2, Act II.) } An acrobatic, erratic chap f You never can catch in amj trap. j ALICE, a Cat DAVID ABRAMS You've heard her nights on the hack-yard fence. { p Isn't her high Cjust immense ? i Yankee, a Dog hilarion ceballos j Defying htitchers, those things accurs'd, J To do their worst — aye, their Wienerwurst ! f


Sweet as the sea wind's soft caress ; with just one dress. J Supremely happy p

NEPTUNE JOSEPH RABAUD \ As long as the mermaids he can pet i He doesn't mind being out in the wet. f EUGENE EVERETT THE GUARDIAN OF THE MYSTIC RING.. J

(In Scene 1, Act III.) {

Sprites — Rosalie Ceballos, Hilarion Cebalios, Frank Connors and William Beattie. 1 The King’s Men, Maids of Honor, Courtiers, Jesters, Etc. THE GRIGOLATIS TROUPE OF AERIALISTS. J J

Comelli. Alias, Morris Angel Son, B. J. Simmons, Mrs. Costumes designed by Made by & j Hannam, J. A. Harrison, Ltd., Landloff, H. & M. Rayne, Winternitz, Madame Gloag 5

Francois et Fernal, Baruch. Costumes for Specialties designed by F. Richard p Anderson. Made by Klaw Erlanger Costume Company. & J Shoes by Cammeyer. Wigs "by Clarkson, London, and Hepner, New York. !

Electrical Effects by H. Bissing & Co. p EXECUTIVE STAFF FOR IILAW AND ERLANGER. f Ned Wayburh Stage Director A. B. Cline Stage Machinist j A. E, Durbrow Master Flyman ! } Managers William Plunkett . Chas. McEwen Assistant Stage Machinist p Frederick Solomon ...Musical Directors Frank J. Van Dorn Master Trapman j (Of all Klaw and Erlanger’s Enterprises) Jacob Flann Property Master !

Mme. Sarocco BalLt Mistress Wm. Watson Assistant Proi erty Master p Mrs. A. B. Fenner Wardrobe Mistress Paul Zeigler Electrican j Mrs. Lila Baker Assistant Wardr >be Mistress Wm. Finn Assistant Electrican j

The Modem Furniture used for stage decorations supplied from the celebrated warerooms of p Charles E. Osgood & Co., 748 Washington Street, Boston. j

The Steinway, Hume and Jewett Pianos used at this theatre exclusively are furnished by 1 M. Steinert & Sons Co., Steinert Building, Boylston St., Corner Carver St. j

Electric Light fixtures for Theatre and Stage settings furnished by David R. Craig, 44 Summer St. | 1 The silverware used in this theatre is furnished by Co., 364 Washington St. Woodman-Cook | - ' ' ' ' ' ... — — p The China and Glassware used in this theatre are furnished by George M. Young, 1023 Washington St. J

The Clocks and Bronzes used on the stage furnished by Nelson H. Brown, 90 Franklin St. | The Mason & Hamlin Organs used exclusively at this theatre. ^

- ^ _ — p Art Goods and Brie a-Brac used on stage from F. Vorenberg & Co., 13 Winter St. J

Palms used on stage furnished by Boston Decorative Plant Co., 22 Summer St. p 1 — Theatre, requiring ladies to remove TO LADY PATRONS. The established rule at the Colonial { their hats, bonnets, or other head-dress while witnessing the performance, applies to all parts of the audi* p torium including the boxes and 1 oges. It is essential to uie comfort and convenience of oui patrons in gen- | eral that this rule be strictly enforced. i $ Ladies who are unwilling or unable to conform to the rule are earnestly requested to leave the Theatre f without delay, and to receive the price of their tickets at the box office. t

Park Theatre P/ograms, Address Room 901, For Space in Hollis St., Colonial and {

Colonial Building, Boston, Mass. j 1 22 COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1906.


Telephone. GIFTS 540 Oxford.

N. G. WOOD & SONS 128 Tremont Street AUTOMOBILING OPP. PARK ST. SUBWAY STATION CAUSES Theatrical Manager— I donT know Chapped Face^ hands, and a what I am going to do; I can’t find a Rough, Red Skin press agent for you. Star—How about my husband. He isn’s working. Hollis Quince Emollient Manager—Well, but I would prefer some one who doesn’t know you so Has been accepted by our discriminat- well. ing lady customers as a preparation that is exactly right to prevent and cure.

A trial will convince you. A postal will bring you a sample. Philadelphia 25c. per bottle. THOS. HOLLIS CO., 38 West Street r> r* XX. s: IS 4: 9 Family Orders a specialty 23 UNION STREET. TEL. OXFORD 582

C DCyvDJLCaai > “THE MOST SANITARY TOOTHBRUSH EVER MADE” For sale by S. S. Pierce Co., Houghton & Dutton, R. H. White Co., Butler’s Branch, Shepard Norwell Co., D. R. Emerson. J. C. Dowd & Co., Mfrs., 524 Broadway, Now York.

.'m.'m.-m.-m.m.-m. i

1905. 23 { COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, ^ ATTRACTIONS AT THE - { Representative New York Theatres. 1

li'ew Empire Theatre \ Charles Frohman .Manager J Matinee Saturday Only. { Charles Frohman presents J WILLIAM GILLETTE Sunday 5 i In his greatest success Sherlock holmes. 1

Criterion TheatrecH?s^ FloHMiK^.^Ml*: \ LAST WEEK. J J Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. FRANK McKEE presents J MARY MANNERING Herald to i Nancy Stair A drama by Paul M. Potter J

i fiarrickTheatre t Matinees Wednesday and Saturday.


) You Never Can Tell By Bernard Shaw. { Want Savoy Theatre \ Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. ^ f William A. Brady presents a new American Comedy by Kellett Chalmers, entitled j A CASE OF Frenzied Finance 1 New York Theatre \ Klaw & Erlanger Managers Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. J Advs. Henry W. Savage offers the Standard Musical { ^ Comedy

{ THE PRINCE OF PILSEN By Pixley and Luders. J

Lyceum Theatre 1 Matinees Thursday and Saturday. } Charles Frohman presents Dollie J t Augustus Thomas* Comedy

i Mrs. leffingwell’s Boots

i Bndsoa Theatre

{ Henry B. Harris Mgr. LAST { WEEK. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. J Business ; VIRGINIA HARNED

1 in the romantic drama THE LADY Shore 1 By Mrs. Vance Thompson and Lena R. Smith J — —


Meyer Jonasson & Co Tremont and Boylston Streets


(Now on Street Floor)

In addition to showing a complete assortment of COVERT COATS and SILK GARMENTS makes a special feature of BLACK JACKETS in odd sizes, made short waisted for stout women AT PRICES FROM $10.00 TO $21.00

“Gee whizz! “ exclaimed the first “Skinner, the theatrical manager, has tramp, “I wish I wuz as rich as I been tripped up at last.” look.” “Skipping off with the box office re- “What yer talkin’ about?” demanded ceipts again?” his pal “Yes, but he made of his “Dat’s straight talk. A feller down life this time. It was an ‘Uncle Tom’s de road jist told me I looked like 30 Cabin’ show, and they used the blood- cents.” hounds on him.” A fellah went home in a hansom “I understand your daughter sings?” He had been out all evening to dansom; “Yes, I’ve just sent her to Italy.” And he sighed, “Well, that’s queer “So she shall study for the opera?” There is no keyhole here!” “No—I simply want quiet in the So he threw his hat over the transom. house!” EDW. KAKAS & SONS

and INSURED against FIRE and MOTH. This FURS season we shall continue to use our NEW PROCESS ^ by which all moth eggs are positively removed before O n L n the furs are hung in our specially prepared closets. I P BEST SERVICE LOWEST RATES 162 TREMONT STREET Our Only Store. Next Door to Keith’s Theatre. COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRILS, 1905. 26


EXTRA MATINEE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, at 2 00 Of the Double Bill

CHARLES FROHMAN Presents MAUDE ADAMS! Every Evening this Week at 7.45 Wednesday and Saturday Matinees at 2 DOUBLE BILL In the Comedy, in Four Acts, Entitled The Little Minister Followed by a One-Act Play, ’Op O’ Me Thumb Miss Adams as “Amanda Afflick."

Next Monday, APRIL 10. Two Weeks Only Saturday Matinees FOR THE HALL CHARLES FROHMAN Presents THE SORCERESS Your hall should be adorned with SARDOIJ’S GREATEST PLAY, a handsome and substantial hall MRS. PATRICK CAMPBELL stand. We can supply the demands AS “ZORAYA.” of the most fastidious in this line. SEATS NOW ON SALE The hall stand illustrated above is our leader for this week. It is made of quarter sawed Oak, golden finished, hand rubbed theatre polish, has heavy brass trimmings, PARK is 6 feet 2 inches in height and CHAS. FROHMAN, RICH & HARRI S, Lessees and Mgrt. 3 feet in width; the mirror is French bevel plate, size 14x24. LIMITED ENGAGEMENT The price is ^|5_00 MONDAY, APRIL 3, SECOND WEEK Many other styles in Costumers* MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY and Hall Stands from $1.25 up. ROBERT SEND FOR CATALOGUE GOODS DELIVERED EDESON IN UNMARKED WAGDNS. (Management Henry B. Harris) Open Monday and Saturday Evenings. In the Great Football Play STRONGHEART HAWMU s FURNITURE CO. T By Wm. C. DeMille. Strongheart appeals because of its trnth- 267=269 Tremont Street fulness. Any college man will feel in witnessing the second act the old en- (Dpposite Hollis St.) thusiasm which took possession of even Leave Blevated Trains at his better judgment on the day when “ the teams” fought and won. Boylston or Pleasant Streets


26 COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM^ WEEK OF APRIL 3. 1905. STANDARD HOUSEHOLD DISINFECTANT Housekeepers con- sider it A REQUI SITE. You see it in daily use every where. On the bathroom shelf, in he kitchen, etc. A SICKROOM NECESSITY. DRIKK RE>IMej&S£[IKO


^‘Mamma is coming next week, Skinnybones—I’ve got a new theory George.*’ on dieting. “Then we’ll wait and let her discharge Robustus (interrupting) —I’ll give you the cook.” $5 if you’ll promise not to tell that to my wife. He struck a striking attitude, And then he struck a friend “Ah always makes up mah best jokes Who struck him for a dollar that jes’ aftah Ah wakes up in de mawnin’.” He did not care to lend. “Huh! Yo’ always tells ’em jes afore eberybody else goes ter sleep.” “They say Mabel's fianc^ eats with his knife,” Stella remarked. “Yes, but he cuts coupons with his scissois,” observed John.

I; LADIES ! ii

The Latest and Most Correct ^ 1 \ 0 Styles in MILLINERY can O 1 ^ alway» he found at • • • • • 1


{ \ We make a Specialty of Mourning GkK>dt. ( Orders taken at Residence!. i > I j COLBERT Confectioner


THIS TRADE-MARK is known from one end of the civil- ized world to the other. It will be found on the toilet tables of the royalty and nobility of Europe and the fash- ionable women of America. It is the emblem of genuine- ness on every package of the Imperial Hair Regenerator

The Standard Hair Coloring for Gra) or Bleached Hair. The inPERIAL HAIR RBQENERATORisfree from the injurious ingredients contained in cheap, obnoxious dyes, and has reparative and tonic qualities contained in no other preparation. Any shade, from BLACK to the lightest ASH BLOND, produced. Colors are durable, natural and UNAFFECTED BY BATHS or SHAMPOOING. Its application cannot be detected, is ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS, permits tfurling and makes the hair soft and glossy.

Correspondence Confidential. Sample of your hair colored free.

S«ie Manufacturers ind Patentees, IMPERIAL CHEM. MFG. CO., 135 West 23d St., New Yori SOLD BY HOUGHTON & DUTTON. Applied by MRS. ROURKE, 58 Winter St., Boston.

Some things are well done and some I Sweet are the uses of adversity, if you are rarely done. have the cash to avoid them.

is a rich one for the man who goes to

Rich land can be had where the warm sunshine makes everything grow. Visit the West this Spring on the low COLONIST RATES March I to May 15, 1905.

$45.50 to $55.00 from Boston VIA “SUNSET ROUTE.” PLENTY OF ROOM AND PLENTY OF SUNSHINE in California for all.

For descriptive literature, tickets and information relative to routes, call on or address E. E. CUBBIEB, N. £. Agent, 170 Washington St., Boston. \Southern *Pacific COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1905. STEINWAY Jo'we't't 'Wooxxry PIANOS Are distinctive types and stand to-day the monarchs of the piano w^orid. Unapproached and unapproachabie, FOR SALE OR RENT M. STEINERT & SONS CO. Steinert Hall 162 Boylston Street, Boston

THE NEW LEXIN6T0N HOTEL and RESTADRANT EUROPEAN PLAN BOYLSTON STREET, near Washington Try tlie Cnisine nnder the new management. The place to dine after the play J. D. FANNINO, P^i^tor

Miss Peachblov^SP^he church fair) — “Yes,” said the Kentucky judge, “the Oh, Mr. Dusnap, buy this sofa pillow. gentleman shot the man for calling him It has just been reduced from {4 to 75 a liar and I acquitted him.” cents. “But that was hardly an excuse, was Mr. Dusnap (ruefully) — Can’t do it. I it?” argued a Yankee lawyer. had {10 five minutes ago, but now I am “Of course, why not? It was a clear reduced to 15 cents. case of self defence.”

Estabrook & Eaton^s Marguerite

In the Sublime size, is the greatest value a smoker can get who is looking for a good, sweet, honest Cigar and wants the best to be had at 3 for 25c. 922 and 224 Washington Street, Boston. Masonio Temple, Boylston Street, Boston. Merchants’ Bldg., 77 Summer Street, Boston. 376 Main Street, Worcester, Mass.

The Bartlett Press, Printers, Boston.