Week of April 3, 1905 COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1906. THE GEM OF THE WEST INDIES The Warm Welcome of the Golden Caribbean awaits you In JAMAICA With its temptiDg accessibility and the moderate cost of the trip, no other spot holds out such fair promise or a perfect winter holiday. Reached by a bracing sea trip of four dava oq vessels which afford the traveller every modern convenience and comfort. Th( UNITED FRUIT COMPANY’S Steel Twin-Screw U. S. Mail Steamships SAIL WEEKLY FROM BOSTON Round Trip $75—Including Meals and Stateroom—One Way $40 We have published a beautifully illustrated book, “ A Happy Month in Jamaica,” and issue a monthly paper, * The Golden Caribbean.” Both will be sent to those interested in Jamaica, by addressing— UNITED FRUIT COMPANY, LONG WHARF, BOSTON Raymond & Whitcomb Co. W. H. Kaves, City Passenger Agent Thos. Cook & Son 200 Washington Street Ohas. Y. Dasey, 8 Broad Street [Opposite Amei Building] Tel. 3497 Main Tel. 3956 Maia JUSTCOLONIAL THEATRETELEPHONEPROOKAM. WEhK OF A PHIL 3, 1905. Branch Exchange 555 Oxford connects all offices Branch Exchange 72 Newton connects all offices for “ suburban subscribers " FOR FOR ^ MEN WOMEN FANCY GOWNS WAISTCOATS REAL LACES COATS GLOVES TROUSERS FEATHERS SUITS COATS OVERCOATS WALKING NECKWEAR SUITS GLOVES &c RIBBONS &c FOR THE HOM E Furniture Covering's Rugs Blankets Carpets Portieres Draperies Dace and Muslin Curtains Embroideries Dinens Silks Satins Cottons &c Cleansed or Dyed and Refinished Properly LEWANDO’S FRENCH dyeing AND CLEANSING COMPANY 17 Temple Place BOSTON 284 Boylston Street 2206 Washington St Roxbury 1274 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge 9 Galen St Watertown (at Works) Newton Delivery Bundles called for and delivered in Boston and suburbs Also NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA WASHINGTON BALTIMORE PROVIDENCE NEWPORT HARTFORD NEW HAVEN LYNN COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1906. RAYMOND & WHITCOMB»S TOURS. ALIi TRAVEIilNG EXPENSES INCLUDED. A PARTY UNDER SPECIAL ESCORT WILL LEAVE BOSTON MAY 2 IN AN ELEGANT TRAIN OF VESTIBULED PULLMAN SLEEPING CABS, WITH DINING CAB, FOB A TOUR THROUGH CALIFORNIA Going via the Grand Canon and the Santa Fe Route Ample time will be given to all the leading cities and resorts on the Pacific Coast, with opportunity of returning via Colorado, The Yollowstone Park, Alaska, or The Canadian Pacific Early Summer Tonr to ALASKA, leaving Boston May 24, going via the Canadian Rockies, returning via the Yellowstone Park. TOURS TO EUROPE, April 29, May 20, June 13 and 22, July 5, August 1 and September 6. RAILROAD AND STEAM!!»HIP TICKETS TO ALL POINTS. dg^Send for circular, mentioning trip desired. RAYflOND & WHITCOMB CO., 316 Washiagtra St South Church Boston 25 Union Square, New York. 1005 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. WHEN THE WEATHER ENDANGERS LIFE AND HEALTH, KEEP INDOORS and DO YOURTELEPHONESHOPPING, MARKETING and OTHER BUSINESS BY NEW ENGLAND TEL. & TEL. CO. CONTRACT DEPT. lOI MILK STREET BOSTON, MASS. HAVE YOU A TELEPHONE? f ' J COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3 1906. 6 1 Colonial Theatre SEASON OF 1904-1905. $ BERKELEY 0 Charles Frohman, ) Isaac Rich, [Lessees and Managers, 5 B. William Harris, 1 ) HOTEL i EXECUTIVE STAFF. { Assistant Manager T.B. Lothian Berkeley and Boylston Streets Stage Manager Geo. Doring { t Electrician Robt. M. Edwards f Properties T. Grimmelman Musical Director McKinley { Wm. S Treasurer Geo. F. Mathews An Excellent Restaurant 0 Ticket Agent A. E. Lothian Orchestra Doorkeeper W. G. Vinal 5 GENTLEMEN’S CAF§ S Chief of Ushers B. A. Gardella 4 Matron Miss Guyon i SCALE OF PRICES ENTRANCE ON BERKELEY STREET S DURING “HUMPTY DUMPTY” ENGAGEMENT. i i Entire Orchestra Stalls $1.60 5 Balcony (first four rows) 1.50 Washington was asked why he had f Balcony (last nine rows) 1.00 cut down the cherry tree. Second Balcony (first three rows) 76 5 ‘‘Because,” he replied, “Andrew Jack- 8 Second Balcony (last five rows) 50 f A dmission 60 son is going to monopolize the hickory.” Boxes...12.00 Balcony ..16.00 5 Orchestra Boxes. Thus, with precocious forethought, Second Bal. Boxes. .6.00 Loges 4.00 { did he lay the foundation of his Ticket Office open from 8 a.m. until after the career. j 2 close of every performance. S p Children under three years of age not admitted. ^ Tickets for this Theatre can { he ordered by Telephone—Oxford or Mail Telegraph, 2 411— or f and will be held twenty-four hours, except when 0 ordered on the day of the performance for which they are to be used, when they will be held until 2 The Ribhon Store f 12.30 M. for Matinees, and until 7 p. m. for Even- 0 ings. Tickets ordered by mail and paid for will be held until called for unless otherwise or- 2 3 AND 5 TEMPLE PLACE \ dered. \ Male patrons will please report to the Man- ager, in person or by letter, instances of inatten- 2 tion or 2 misdemeanor on the part of any attach^ 0 of this Theatre. He engages to speedily correct W© keep everything in any want of courtesy to them by persons in his 2 All -Pure -Silk Ribbons 2 service. \ A FREE CHECK ROOM, at the owner’s risk, is 0 provided in the Ladies* Drawing Room on the orchestra floor for Checking Cloaks, 2 Coats and f Umbrellas; also in Balcony in Ladies’ Drawing Room at right of entrance. Patrons J are re- quested to report to the Manager anyaccept- 2 1 ance of fees or suggestions that fees are desired by any one employed in the Theatre. 2 A MOFFITT OPERA GLASSES TO LET IN THE LADIES’ W j floor, 2 CLOAK ROOM, Orchestra for which a small fee of twenty-five cents will be charged. (CHIROPODIST ^ 0 Parties finding lost articles in any portion of the Theatre will please leave them at the Ticket 2 f Office. The Manager will not be responsible for articles placed under the seats. 128 A Tremont Street 2 SMOKING 2 AND MEN’S RETIRING ROOM Entrance stairs f under right of Main Entrance. Manicuring Pedicuring 0 Smoking positively forbidden in the 2 Foyer. Hair Shampooing Scalp and racial PUBLD^ 'IELEpH«jNE located in hirst Bal- 2 Treatment 2 cony Drawing Room. 0 Physicians who have patients to whom they list may be called suddenly ran leave their seat The most exclusive of pa- 2 f numbers in the Box office, and be calleu as trons in Boston quickly as in their office. 2 COLONIA.L THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1905. MISS MOORE HIGH CLASS SPECIALTY SHOP DELICIOUS 421 BOYLSTON STREET WARREN CHAMBERS CHOCOLATES BOSTON BONBONS AND « ICE CREAM SODA I AUTOMOBILE 146 TREMONT ST. “So you cheerfully concede that your VEILS son knows more than you do?” “Certainly you don’t catch me admit- ting that my father could bring up The most useful and becoming children better than I can.” veil of the kind yet invented in “Dear me,” said the chiropodist as the good bishop put his foot upon the has- Chiffon, Net, Real and Imitation sock, “that’s a very bad toe you have. Looks as if it had been smashed.” Lace. Flattering Veils in all “I guess it has. I took dinner with colors. Brother and Sister Goodman yesterday and the lady seems to have thought my foot belonged to her husband.” Suitor—I’m sure I can support a family. MacBooth—How did they treat you out in City, old Her Father—Better consider it care- Haw man? fully; there’s 10 of us. Rantington—Like a king, me boy! Like a king! Threw eggs at me, b’jove, ‘*Dad,” said little Reginald, ‘‘what is at 60 cents a dozen, b’jove! a bucket shop ?” Boarder—Madam, without fail I will “A bucket shop, my son,” said the pay my board in full next Saturday. father feelingly, “a bucket shop is a Landlady—Promises are like pie modern cooperage establishment to crust. which a man takes a barrel and brings Boarder Like your pie crust, not back the bung hole.” — easy to break. Thanks for the kind indulgence. Nodd—The telephone is certainly a great thing. Think of it! A man can talk to his wife fifty miles away. Todd—Well, you’re an exception. All I’ve been able to do is to listen. COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 3, 1906. SEND 15 CENTS and we will mail you a package SIR CHAS. of our PUFFED RICE CRISP -OR- WYNDHAM The English actor who PUFFED RICE CEREAL is now starring in this country with Miss Mary The Latest Confection Moore and his London company, in referring to McDonald’s Barker’s Dental Wash 131 Tremont St. -AND- Teacher—Wilfred, to what are the teeth fastened? Antiseptic Tooth Powder Wilfred—To the gums. Teacher—And how many gums have we? writes, “ I find them most Wilfred—Three—pepsin, wintergreen and blood orange. excellent.” Florence—I knew they wouldnH keep up their The endorsements that friendship long ; they are so different in taste and dispositions, you know not at all alike these preparations are re= ; ; she has not heard from him for a they long time ; don’t write now. ceiving from actors and Bertha—As you say, they don’t cor- respond. actresses show how they *‘What do you think of my death are regarded by people scene?” asked the actor. “Well, it seemed to me it came a who take special care that little too late in the piece,” was the reply. their teeth shall be white, bright and healthy. They Rio Hondo use the best. BEST CLEAR HAVANA CIGAR MADE CODMAN CIGAR CO.
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