Systematic notes on Asian birds. 49 A preliminary review of the Aegithalidae, Remizidae and Paridae1 S. Eck † & J. Martens Eck, S. & J. Martens. Systematic notes on Asian birds. 49. A preliminary review of the Aegithalidae, Remi- zidae and Paridae. Zool. Med. Leiden 80-5 (1), 21.xii.2006: 1-63, fi gs. 1-6, Plates I-III.— ISSN 0024-0672. Siegfried Eck †, formerly Staatliche Sammlungen für Naturkunde Dresden, Museum für Tierkunde, Königsbrücker Landstrasse 159, D-01109 Dresden, Germany. Jochen Martens, Institut für Zoologie, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, D-55099 Mainz, Germany (e-mail:
[email protected]). Key words: Paridae; Aegithalidae; Remizidae; species limits; systematics; taxonomy; eastern Palaearctic region; Indo-Malayan region; morphology; bioacoustics; molecular genetics; secondary contacts; hy- bridisation; introgression. Proposed recent taxonomic changes in Paridae, Aegithalidae, and Remizidae are reviewed within the geographic scope of this series and their reliability is discussed in terms of the Biological Species Concept with respect to secondary contacts, hybridization, introgression, bioacoustics, and molecular genetics. Certain previously unpublished data are added to support the taxonomic decisions. Introduction This review benefi ts from the excellent treatment of these three passerine families in the monograph by Harrap (1996) 2, preceded by detailed work by Vaurie (1957a, b) on the Palearctic species set upon which Snow (1967) based his treatment for Peters’s Checklist of the Birds of the World. Only after the publication of Harrap (op. cit.) has molecular ge- netics begun to furnish information on parid systematics and taxonomy. This has not only given insights into population structure and population genetics of various taxa, but also helped understanding of species evolution and species limits.