From: fi
[email protected] Subject: Re: August Ango 11th, 2008 UZC Newsletter Date: August 12, 2008 9:30:43 AM MDT To:
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[email protected] Sent: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 9:00 pm Subject: August Ango 11th, 2008 UZC Newsletter August 11, 2008 UPAYA INSTITUTE and ZEN CENTER Santa Fe, New Mexico 505-986-8518
[email protected] Do we fail to see the nature of liberated mind, not because it is too difficult to understand, but because it is too obvious? Maybe we cannot find what we are searching for because it is in plain sight, like the spectacles that rest unnoticed on my nose. - David Loy Upaya is at its glorious summer best. The sages and lavenders flourish among the tall sunflowers. Almost everyday, noisy thunderstorms arrive and depart and yesterday a perfect double rainbow appeared overhead. Thanks to the incredible floodwork engineers and the much needed community help, our zendo floor is dry and comfortable for the August Ango participants. Sensei Fleet Maull, founder of the National Prison Hospice Association, zen teacher and educator at Naropa University, just gave the teaching of the five buddha families which is a simple but subtle mandala of the life energies we all possess in their wisdom forms as well as their harmful forms. It is essentially a diagnostic tool we can apply to ourselves as well as to institutions, to find and transform the difficulties of poverty mind, over extension and lust - for example - into their corresponding wisdoms of generosity, self-care, and discriminating awareness.