Topographic Maps: the Basics
TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS: The basics Topographic maps produced by Natural Resources What is a topographic map? Culture: buildings, urban development, power Canada (NRCan) offer detailed information on a A topographic map is a detailed and accurate transmission line, pipelines, towers illustration of man-made and natural features particular area and are used for several types of Boundaries: international, provincial/territorial, on the ground such as roads, railways, power activities such as emergency preparedness, urban administrative, recreational, geographical transmission lines, contours, elevations, rivers, planning, resource development and surveying to lakes and geographical names. Toponymy: place names, water feature names, camping, canoeing, adventure racing, hunting and landform names, boundary names The topographic map is a two-dimensional fishing. representation of the Earth’s three-dimensional Refer to the map legend for a complete listing This guide will help the user understand the basics landscape. The most frequently used Canadian of all features and their corresponding symbols. Information along the map borders provides of topographic maps. The guide provides an overview topographic map is at the scale of 1:50 000. valuable details to help you understand and use a of mapping concepts, along with tips on how to What information is on a topographic map? topographic map. For example, here you will find use a topographic map, explanations of technical Topographic maps identify numerous ground the map scale and other important information terminology and examples of symbols used to features, which can be grouped into the following about the map such as the year, the edition and represent topographic features on topographic maps.
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