Perceptions and Realities 2013

Tirana, 2013 Editor: Albert Rakipi PhD

Writing: Alba Çela

English Editing: Andi Balla

Albanian Editing: Emira Kokobobo

Translation: Dhimitër Gjodede, Joana Kosho

Design: Bujar Karoshi

Albanian Institute for International Studies Rr. Anton Zako Çajupi, 20/5, -Albania Tel: +35544400084 Fax: +355 44400085 URL: Acknowledgements

The Albanian Institute for International Studies would like to express its gratitude to the Open Society Foundation in Albania (OSFA) that supported the project ‘The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013”.


INTRODUCTION 7 2013: Focus on economy and business perceptions 8 Context 9


Support and Importance: the double edged sword 11 Progress: fluctuating evaluations 12 Factors and institutions: the executive trumps all 13 International Partners 13 Regional partners 13 Economic section: yes to benefits, no to ‘euro’ 14 Knowledge and sources of information: the importance of the media cannot be overestimated 15


Tackle lack of information especially on the economic front, address unrealistic expectations 16 Diversify information / invest in better reporting 17


Support and reasons 18 Progress and readiness 21 6 Albanian Institute for International Studies

International and regional partnerships 25 Factors and institutions 28 Business and economy expectations 29 ‘Euro’ currency 32 Knowledge and sources of information 33


Sample description 36 Survey facts: Polling method: face to face, Data analysis software: SPSS 38 INTRODUCTION

The Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS) has been measuring the pulse of public opinion in Albania regarding European integration since 2003. Through its yearly edition of the national public opinion poll “The European perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities” that identifies and interprets the perceptions, evaluations and thoughts of Albanian citizens (selected to make up a fairly representative sample), AIIS has been of assistance with its recommendations stemming from the study to a variety of relevant actors in both Tirana and Brussels. European institutions, their representatives in Albania, Albanian and regional media and actors in government, academia and civil society alike have benefitted from this knowledge and this insight provided every year fitted with comparisons and alerts on emerging trends. “The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities” hence is now a valuable reference material for all those who are either directly involved in or observe the European integration process of Albania and how the citizens follow it. The study contains a core group of the so-called ‘traditional questions’ measuring support for integration, reasons for being in favor or against, expectation and o the progress timing and pace, evaluations about factors and institutions as well as other important foreign policy observations. Depending on the context, every year or every group of years AIIS introduces new questions or sections in the questionnaire that are designed to capture a specific attitude towards new 8 Albanian Institute for International Studies

developments. Hence during and after visa liberalization process the study provided helpful information on citizens’ use of the movement freedom. With the rise of the candidate status issue and the vivid controversial developments attached to it, the study has also been following public reaction and aspiration toward this specific element.

2013: Focus on economy and business perceptions

This year the focus was perceptions from citizens on potential effects of integration on the overall economic situation of the country, on the benefits and cost that Albanian business might see during this process and after accession as well as one some more specific issues such as privileged sectors to benefit from integration/accession according to public perception and attitude towards the euro currency. This section theme was chosen for two reasons. First economic concerns and aspirations are very concrete in citizens’ everyday life unlike most abstract or complex issues such as those related to politics. Second there has been during the last years, a severe economic and financial crisis that has hit the global economy in general but has been harder on neighboring and regional countries especially those in which the majority of Albanian migrants Albanian reside: Italy and Greece. The crisis in Europe has been also the topic of many debates and controversial policies about solidarity, legitimacy of bailouts, austerity and most importantly about the very prospect of the European identity. The crisis and the media coverage associated with it have been shaping at least partially the public opinion in Albania. This can be seen for example in the responses towards the possibility of the adoption of euro or even in the reasons cited by EU-skeptics for their stance. However one major result that comes across from the answers is that more information is needed on the The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013 9 economic dimension of European integration, especially or the responsibilities involved and the potential costs for business and economy. For example that fact that most citizens can not pick up sectors of economy which are posed to benefit more from accession is an indication of lack of knowledge on the subject.


As this study is going to print (first days of December 2013) there is still not a decision from the European Council regarding the granting of candidate status to Albania. The enthusiasm that followed the successful completion of the electoral process in Albania in June of these years seems to have cooled off partially. This is due to the recent expression of some doubts by countries such as the Netherlands about the readiness of Albania to receive candidate status and the subsequent need to have more time. There have been powerful and diverse voices making a strong case for Albania to get the status. Most importantly the position of the European Commission has been unequivocal with Commissioner Fule being strongly in favor of such a development and calling for the EU to “do its part” now that Albania seems to have done hers at least for the moment.1 Neighboring EU member states to Albania, Italy and Greece have been for quite some time now advocates of Albania’s accession and have reiterated their positive vote for status.2 However there is a real risk of refutation given the rise

1. Tirana Times (2013). Albania has delivered and so should the EU: Stefan Fule’s speech during the European Parliament Plenary in Strasbourg, December 2013. December 13-19, 8(46). 2. For Greece see Zikakou, I. (2013). Greece will Support Albania’s Plan to Enter the EU. Greek Reporter [online], November, 6, at http://eu.greekreporter. com/2013/11/06/greece-will-support-albanias-plan-to-enter-the-eu/, for Italy see Likmeta, B. (2013). Italy Backs Albania’s EU Candidate Status. Balkan Insight [online]. October, 10, at en/article/italy-backs-albania-s-eu-candidate-status. 10 Albanian Institute for International Studies

of skepticism towards enlargement and the Union itself in many other countries, partially due to the crisis and partially due to a serious image issue that Albania carries as a burden being often associated with high figures of organized crime and a reputation for corruption.3 However no matter the outcome of the decision the general positive trend toward accession in Albania is too strong to be under serious threat. Though in case of a negative decision for the status some reaction is eventually expected the number in favor of accession are so high that they could sustain an average gust without losing the upward direction. On the economic front, Albania has been experiencing a stagnant economy and ever lowering remittances.4 With the new government proposed scheme of different taxation structure, introducing progressive taxation and other changes in the way businesses are taxed, the impact of these changes will be seen mostly next year. This year there has been an intensification of efforts to provide more information to several society groups especially via investment in the national media. As this report argues these efforts need to be sustained and diversified for more concrete results among Albanian public.

3. Tirana Times (2013). Albania gains wide support for EU status, but questions linger. December 13-19, 8(46). Also see Top Channel [online] (2013). Albania’s challenge for EU candidate status. November, 29, at http://www. 4. Tirana Times (2013). FDI continues increase, remittances, tourism revenue shrink. December 13-19, 8(46). Also see World Bank Group Partnership (2013). Albania: Program Snapshot, October 2013. World Bank, at http:// Albania-Snapshot.pdf. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Support and Importance: the double edged sword

The majority of Albanians deem European integration as a very important process for them personally and an overwhelming 85 percent would vote in favor of accession if asked and only 6 percent would vote against. Once again the main reasons given by citizens to argument their decision are of economic nature. Most of those who would vote in favor of entrance into the EU cite rising living standards and more job opportunities as their main motivation, inspiring some reflection on the realistic nature of these expectations. Even among EU skeptics who would vote against the reasons are of the same nature. The long and difficult economic crisis that has had a strong impact over the EU as well as the expected inflation are among the main reasons for those who are against accession. There is an interesting decrease in the number of EU skeptics who would refuse accession based they believe the Albanian identity would be threatened. While last year more than a quarter of EU skeptics were concerned with national identity this year the number is less than 12 percent of those who would be against. High level of support remains almost identical to last year’s when 86.5 percent of citizens would vote in favor for integration. Concerning the importance that integration has for them, this year 61 percent of respondents said that integration was very important 12 Albanian Institute for International Studies

and 29 percent followed by saying that it is important however not a priority. Results reflect a slight increase in 2013 compared to one year before in the number of those who deem integration as very important.

Progress: fluctuating evaluations

The majority of citizens, 52 percent, think that Albania is still not ready for accession with 34 percent that disagree. However when asked if the EU should grant accession o Albania even before the country is ready citizens are split into two similar groups of roughly 40 percent that think yes and no with the former being at a very slight advantage. Half of citizens believe that the decision upon granting official candidate status to Albania within 2013 will be positive with the remaining half split between those who don’t think so and those who simply don’t know or cant given an answer. The expectation of a positive decision about the status is much stronger this year compared to 2012 given also the new internal political dynamics of Albania and mainly the peaceful rotation of power that occurred. The main expected benefits of candidate status are more funds from the EU, less corruption and better justice as well as more technical assistance for the Albanian public administration. While 38 percent of Albanians imagine the integration year to be 2020, there seems to be an optimistic group of 30 percent that persists in expecting a much quicker accession date, in just a few years during 2015. Another 18 percent think that accession will take longer and expect after 2020. The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013 13

Factors and institutions: the executive trumps all

44 percent of citizens believe the progress on European integration is largely at the hands of the executive naming the government as the most important institution in this regard. A following group of 22 percent thinks that this role in fact is expected of the parliament. Groups of 15 and 13 percent respectively name political parties and the Albanian society as the mot important institution while the small group that thinks the most important is the international community is on the decrease from year to year. The results overall are very similar to last year as the momentum of shift from a high importance assigned to parties towards the government has changed with the end of the political deadlock.

International Partners

The main strategic partners for Albania according to the country’s own citizens continue to be the European Union and the United States of America with the former taking a slight precedence. Hence overwhelming majority of citizens believes that the Albanian government should pay maximum attention to he relations with the EU and USA. High esteem characterizes also the evaluation of relations with organisms such as the UN and NATO. Among neighboring countries Italy reserves a special place with most Albanian believing the government should make an investment in these relations followed by Turkey which also ranks high in the given importance by citizens. Less importance however some growing attention is given to the possibility of developing relations with Russia and the Arab states.

Regional partners

Average esteem except for Kosovo The importance that Albanians believe their government should give countries in the region is 14 Albanian Institute for International Studies

moderate. With the notable exception of relations with Kosovo which are deemed by citizens as deserving maximum attention, other countries take average ratings. Last in the list continues to be Serbia however in comparison to previous years the number of citizens who seek more attention to developing relations with Serbia is on the increase.

Economic section: yes to benefits, no to ‘euro’

Business benefits: Albanian citizens believe that both the process of European integration as well as its eventual completion are generally beneficial to the economy and business prospects of Albania. Hence 73 percent of citizens believe that Albanian business is benefitting from integration with the rest of them being split between those who don’t agree and those who don’t know. Asked about whether business will be also a winner form accession to EU 68 percent say that it will be opposed to 15 percent who think it will not win. European market: opportunity or threat- The majority of respondents, 68 percent, believes that the larger European market is a good opportunity for Albanian business. A significant group of 21 percent, one in five citizens asked, does not know if this market represents an opportunity or not, most citizens give a “politically correct answer” or simply easy answer when asked which sector is to benefit more form the available European market by saying all sectors of Albanian economy are to benefit. However those who pick up a specific sector do so by choosing agriculture/food industry (19 percent) and tourism (15 percent) more than the rest. Attitude towards euro: Albanians seem much split and slightly opposed to the euro currency thinking it should not be adopted by the government for Albania at least at this point. Asked whether the euro currency represents an advantage for business in Albania The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013 15

40 percent say no and 37 percent say yes while a significant group of 24 percent do not know the answer. On the matter of adoption of euro as a official currency for Albania the tendency against strengthens a little with 42 percent being against, 34 percent being in favor and a quarter of the sample being undecided and answering “don’t know” to the question.

Knowledge and sources of information: the importance of the media cannot be overestimated

Half of the respondents claim that they feel averagely informed on the European integration process of Albania while the rest is split between a larger group of 28 percent that claim a lack of information and 18 percent that feel better informed. The main source of information is just like in previous years, television for a third of the respondents followed by smaller groups of 17 and 16 percent that mention the use of Internet and the newspapers. The use of the Internet has experienced a curios decline of 8 points compared to last year when around a quarter of respondents picked the Internet as their primary source of information. Conversations with friends and business partners make up 11 and 7 percent of answers while smaller groups of people rely mostly on information from more specialized sources such as publications/activities of civil society or information directly from the EU Delegation or its EU Info Centre in Albania. RECOMMENDATIONS

The following is addressed to a variety of stakeholders whose work is intricately connected and it make sense to address them together once the suggestions concern all. The group of interested and involved actors on the European integration of Albania and more importantly in the communications efforts that accompany the process includes but is not limited to the following: Albanian government, EU Commission, EU Delegation in Albania, EU info centres, business community clusters (Chambers of Commerce, etc), civil society, media and academia/education sector.

Tackle lack of information especially on the economic front, address unrealistic expectations

While it is natural that ordinary citizens lack sophisticated information of the economic or business nature still the answers pint to some confusion and lack of information regarding the real economic dimensions of integration, accession, the European market characteristics and what it takes to transform them to opportunities. Citizens display sometimes overly optimistic and even outlandish expectations and do not reflect realistically on the pressures of the larger market on Albanian business. On the other side citizens paradoxically overplay some of the fears about the adaption of the euro while in fact significant portions of the Albanian economy already operate almost exclusively in euro (sectors such as transportation, construction and real estate and even some of the service providers). Even the coverage about the economic and financial crisis in The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013 17 the European countries seems to have been reflected only in the citizens’ evaluations about euro and not in their adjusting of expectations especially when one considers the large number of people who expect more employment opportunities from integration and accession. One other adjustment that has not been made is that of expectations about likely timing of accession. The large group of those who expect this to happen within few years reflect a lack of understanding of the complexity of the process. Also lack of appreciation of conditionality is reflected in those who would prefer the EU to give the green light to Albania even before the country is ready.

Diversify information / invest in better reporting

The rise of online and social media has still not eclipsed the role of traditional media such as television and newspapers in Albania, but it is however playing a strong role especially among young groups. Different door including the EU delegation in Albania, have increased their support and efforts for more and better communication strategies to increase the public knowledge about integration and maintain the positive support momentum. AIIS based on this study but also on the accumulated knowledge from comparative studies in previous years fully supports and encourages such efforts. One further suggestion is that a diversified portfolio of information and communication strategies and actions should be perpetually supported via the coordination of actors. The role of the public broadcaster and other widely available media should be accentuated when information about EU and integration is concerned. Targeted efforts that address specific groups in the public also have the potential to succeed. Finally capacity building efforts for journalists who deal in reporting about economic and business/ investment issues are needed in order to make a dent at unrealistic expectations of citizens on this dimension. 18 – 24 years old 263 22% 25 – 35 years old 330 28% FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS 36 – 45 years old Age groups235 20% 46 – 55 years old 16% 183 15% Over 55 years old 187 16% Support and reasons 18 – 24 years old Total 22% 1,198 100% 15% 25 – 35 years old An overwhelming 90% of Albanian citizens consider the European 36 – 45 years old integration of their country as either important or very important to them personally. These are divided into a majority that believes 20% 28% 46 – 55 years old that integration is very important and a smaller group which believes it is important but not the very first priority. A very small Over 55 years old group of 6 % has chosen to say that integration is not important for them. PJESA II: Kuptimi i integrimit: progresi, kostot dhe përfitimet. Importance of Albania's EU integration 5. Sa i rëndësishëm është i Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Evropian për ju personalisht? Numër % Very important 61% Don’t know 49 4% Not important 77 6% Important, but not a priority 344 29% Very important 729 61% Important, but not a 29% Total 1,199 100% priority

Not important 6%

Don’t know 4%

6. If a referendum was to be held tomorrow on Albania's integration to the EU, how would you vote?

Numër % Referendum on acession In favor 1020 85% Against 74 6% Don’t know 106 9% Total 1,200 100% 9% 6% In favor Against Don’t 85% know

7. What is the main reason why you would vote "in favor" integration to the EU Numër % Don’t know 9 1% There will be less corruption 59 6% 18 – 24 years old 263 22% 25 – 35 years old 330 28% 36 – 45 years old Age groups235 20% 46 – 55 years old 16% 183 15% Over 55 years old 187 16% 18 – 24 years old Total 22% 1,198 100% 15% 25 – 35 years old

36 – 45 years old

20% 28% 46 – 55 years old Over 55 years old

PJESA II: Kuptimi i integrimit: progresi, kostot dhe përfitimet. Importance of Albania's EU integration 5. Sa i rëndësishëm është integrimi i Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Evropian për ju personalisht? Numër % Very important 61% Don’t know 49 4% Not important 77 6% Important, but not a priority 344 29% Very important 729 61% Important, but not a 29% Total 1,199 100% priority

The EuropeanNot important Perspective of Albania:6% Perceptions and Realities 2013 19

In line with the previous answer, Albanians would vote in a strong majority in favor of accession into the EU in case of a decisive Don’t know 4% referendum. 85 percent (almost unchanged from last year’s 86 percent) would vote in favor while only 6 percent would vote against accession while almost one in ten respondents could not give an answer to this question. 6. If a referendum was to be held tomorrow on Albania's integration to the EU, how would you vote?

Numër % ReferendumReferendum on accessionon acession In favor 1020 85% Against 74 6% Don’t know 106 9% Total 1,200 100% 9% 6% In favor Against Don’t 85% know

7. What is the main reason why you would vote "in favor" integration to the EU Numër % Don’t know 9 1% When asked about the reasons that compel their decision to There will be less corruption 59 6% vote in favor of accession citizens repeat the pattern observed in previous years of focusing of expected economic benefits. Hence the majority of those who are in favor 34 percent believe that the standards of living ill be higher while 20 percent think that in the accession scenario there will be more employment opportunities. A similar group of 18 percent thinks that the implementation of law will be more successful and hence citizens might be able to benefit from more rule of law. Smaller groups of respectively 8 and 6 percent believe that there will be less poverty, less corruption and stronger democracy. 20 Albanian Institute for International Studies Democracy will be strengthened 59 6% Other 71 7% There will be less poverty Reasons in favor 86 8% There will be rule of law 180 18% The standards of living will improve 34% Ther will be more employment opportunities 208 20% The standardsTher of will living be morewill improve employment opportunities 346 34% 20% Total 1,018 100% There will be rule of law 18%

There will be less poverty 8%

Other 7%

Democracy will be strengthened 6%

There will be less corruption 6%

Don’t know 1%

8. Kush është arsyeja që votoni KUNDËR? Numër % Tjetër Numër % Reasons against The EU is in a economic/financial ForeignersEconomy will get the best isjobs an underlining theme2 in3% all the reasonsNuk është mentioned ak 3 33% 33% crisis which will harm Albania The Albanianagainst identity will accession be threatened by the small group5 7% of 6 percent whoShqiperia would du vote1 11% Other 6 8% Kemi akoma 1 11% for Albania not to be in the EU. Hence a full third of EU skeptics Prices will go up 33% Albanian mentionbusiness standing that would the weaken economic and12 financial16% crisis inTë varfëritwhich m the 1EU 11% Prices willfinds go up itself now will be harmful24 for33% Albania, followedAsgjë e mirë by another 1 Albanian11% business standing would 16% The EU isthird in a economic/financial who say thatcrisis which they will would expect24 33% considerable Duhetinflation te kem should 1 11% weaken Total accession happen. A smaller group73 100% of 16 percentShqiperia think nu that EU1 11% Other 8% accession would harm the position of AlbanianTotal business and9 100% only & percent of them think this would do ham to the Albanian The Albanian identity will be 7% identity. There has been a considerable decrease from last year threatened in the last answer concerning the likely threat towards Albanian national identify. In 2012 more than 26 percent of the EU skeptics Foreigners will get the best jobs 3% mentioned this reason for being against accession. The reason for this change is partially to be found in the lessening of nationalistic rhetoric after the wrapping up of the electoral process and the virtual disappearing from the public scene of political groups. Is Albania ready to join the EU? 9. In your opinion, is Albania ready to join the EU?

Numër % Yes 404 34% No 628 52% 14% Don’t know 168 14% Total 1,200 100% 34% Yes No

52% Don’t know Democracy will be strengthened 59 6% Other 71 7% There will be less poverty Reasons in favor 86 8% There will be rule of law 180 18% The standards of living will improve 34% Ther will be more employment opportunities 208 20% The standardsTher of will living be morewill improve employment opportunities 346 34% 20% Total 1,018 100% There will be rule of law 18%

There will be less poverty 8%

Democracy will be Otherstrengthened 7% 59 6% Other 71 7% Democracy will be strengthened There will be less poverty Reasons6% in favor 86 8% There will be rule of law 180 18% The standards of living will improve 34% ThereTher will will be be less more corruption employment opportunities6% 208 20% The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013 The standardsTher of will living be morewill improve employment opportunities 346 34% 20% 21 Total Don’t know 1% 1,018 100% There will be rule of law 18% 8. Kush është arsyeja që votoni KUNDËR? Numër There will be% less poverty Tjetër8% Numër % Reasons against The EU is in a economic/financial Foreigners will get the best jobs 2 3% Other Nuk7% është ak 3 33% 33% The Albanian identity will be threatened 5 7% Shqiperia du 1 crisis11% which will harm Albania Democracy will be strengthened 6% Other 6 8% Kemi akoma 1 11% Prices will go up 33% Albanian business standing would weaken There will12 be less16% corruption Të6% varfërit m 1 11% Prices will go up 24 33%Don’t know 1% Asgjë e mirë 1 Albanian11% business standing would 16% The EU is in a economic/financial crisis which will 24 33% Duhet te kem 1 11% weaken 8. Kush është arsyeja që votoni KUNDËR? Total 73 100% Shqiperia nu 1 11% Reasons against Numër % Tjetër Numër %Other The EU is in a economic/financial8% Foreigners will get the best jobs 2Total 3% 9 Nuk100% është ak 3 33% 33% crisis which will harm Albania The Albanian identity will be threatened 5 7% ShqiperiaThe Albanian du identity 1 will be 11% Other 6 8% Kemi akoma 1 11% 7% threatened Prices will go up 33% Albanian business standing would weaken 12 16% Të varfërit m 1 11% Prices will go up 24 33% Asgjë e mirë 1 Albanian11% business standing would Foreigners will get the best jobs 3% 16% The EU is in a economic/financial crisis which will 24 33% Duhet te kem 1 11% weaken Total 73 100% Shqiperia nu 1 11% Other 8% Total 9 100% The Albanian identity will be 7% Progress and readiness threatened Is Albania ready to join the EU? Foreigners will get the best jobs 3% 9. In your opinion, is Albania ready to join the EU? Reflecting a very similar judgment as last year slightly more than half of Albanian citizens (52 %) believe their country is not ready Numër % to join the EU with another third of them (34 %) saying that in Yes 404 34% No 628 52% 14% Is Albania ready to join the EU? Don’t know 9. In your opinion, is Albania ready to join the EU?168 14% Total 1,200 100% 34% Yes Numër % Yes 404 34% No No 628 52% 14% Don’t know 168 14% 52% Don’t know Total 1,200 100% 34% Yes No

52% Don’t know 22 Albanian Institute for International Studies

fact Albania is ready to join. 14 percent of respondents have said that they don’t know. Despite their mostly realistic perception of the country’s readiness Albanians seem more split over the issue of the EU accepting Albania even before the country is ready to join. Here citizens can be described as a bit more lenient as 44 percent said that the EU should go ahead and accept Albania even before it’s fully ready for membership and 42 percent thinking that this shouldn’t happen. Again a similar 14 percent does not give an alternative to this question. 10. A mendoni se se BE duhet ta pranojë Shqipërinë edhe nëse ajo nuk është gati për tu bërë vend anëtar?

Do you think that the NumërEU should accept% Albania Yes even if it is not ready?526 44% No 509 42% Don’t know 165 14% Total 1,200 100% 14% Yes

44% No 42% Don’t know

11. Do you Following the praise that the international community has given think that Albania will Albania upon its peaceful and successful rotation of power Will Albania receive the candidate country status receive the following a similar successful electoral process, Albanians reflect this year? candidate optimism when they are asked over the hot issue of the candidate country status status. Hence a half of the sample (49 %) believes that this year this year? Albania will be successful in gaining the official candidate status while a quarter (25%) of respondents say hat this will not happen. A large group of citizens, 26 %, do not know whether Albania will Numër % get the status or not. Yes 584 49% 26% No 304 25% Yes Don’t know 312 26% 49% Total 1,200 100% No 25% Don’t know

Main benefits if Albania receives the candidate status this year? Benefitting from more financial 44% funds and grants be the main Less corruption and more justice in 26% Albania Asistence from EU institutions to Numër % 13% trainOther the Albanian administration 32 3% Tjetër Numër % Don’t know 62 5% Te gjitha 28 85% Larger available market for Albanian Larger available market for Albanian businesses9% 109 9% Do zhytet në 2 6% businesses Asistence from EU institutions to train the Albania 155 13% Vleren e cm 1 3% Less corruption andDon’t more know justice in Albania5% 307 26% Më shumë in 1 3% Benefitting from more financial funds and grants 532 44% Asnjë gjë. Do 1 3% Total 1,197 100% Total 33 100% Other 3% 10. A mendoni se se BE duhet ta pranojë Shqipërinë edhe nëse ajo nuk është gati për tu bërë vend anëtar?

Do you think that the NumërEU should accept% Albania Yes even if it is not ready?526 44% No 509 42% Don’t know 165 14% Total 1,200 100% 14% Yes

44% No 42% Don’t know

The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013 23 11. Do you think that Albania will Will Albania receive the candidate country status receive the this year? candidate country status this year?

Numër % Yes 584 49% 26% No 304 25% Yes Don’t know 312 26% 49% Total 1,200 100% No 25% Don’t know

Main benefits if Albania receives the candidate status this year? Benefitting from more financial 44% funds and grants Should Albania gain the candidate status Albanians expect a be the main Less corruption and more justice in variety of benefits from this development, such as it indicates a 26% Albania slight tendency towards overly optimistic and sometimes inelastic Asistence from EU institutions to Numër % 13% expectations. 44 percent of respondents think this will lead to more trainOther the Albanian administration 32 3% Tjetër Numër % Don’t know 62 5% financialTe gjitha funds from 28the EU, 85%followed by 26 percent who believe Larger available market for Albanian Larger available market for Albanian businesses9% 109 9% this willDo zhytet have në an impact2 in improving6% the situation of corruption businesses Asistence from EU institutions to train the Albania 155 13% and justice.Vleren e 13cm percent 1 think that3% the primary beneficiary will be Less corruption andDon’t more know justice in Albania5% 307 26% the administrationMë shumë in which 1 will benefit3% from more training available Benefitting from more financial funds and grants 532 44% Asnjë gjë. Do 1 3% Total 1,197 100% and 9 Totalpercent think that33 actually100% a larger European market shall Other 3% be open to businesses after the candidate status. Expectations and guesses about the timing of accession has always been an interesting topic to investigate as survey after survey it is noticeable that an optimistic group persists in expecting quite a quick accession year. Hence while 38 percent of Albanians place their expectations on the year 2020, a third of the sample believe that accession is going to happen much earlier just after two years in 2015. 18 percent of respondents say that accession is going to take longer than the year 2020. An insignificantly small 3 percent are very pessimistic and say that Albania will never become an EU member state. 10. A mendoni se se BE duhet ta pranojë Shqipërinë edhe nëse ajo nuk është gati për tu bërë vend anëtar?

Do you think that the NumërEU should accept% Albania Yes even if it is not ready?526 44% No 509 42% Don’t know 165 14% Total 1,200 100% 14% Yes

44% No 42% Don’t know

11. Do you think that Albania will Will Albania receive the candidate country status receive the this year? candidate country status this year?

Numër % Yes 584 49% 26% No 304 25% Yes Don’t know 312 26% 49% Total 1,200 100% No

24 Albanian Institute for International Studies 25% Don’t know

Main benefits if Albania receives the candidate status this year? Benefitting from more financial 44% funds and grants

be the main Less corruption and more justice in 26% Albania AssistanceAsistence from from EU EU institutions institutions to to Numër % 13% traintrainOther the the Albanian Albanian administration administration 32 3% Tjetër Numër % Don’t know 62 5% Te gjitha 28 85% Larger available market for Albanian Larger available market for Albanian businesses9% 109 9% Do zhytet në 2 6% businesses Asistence from EU institutions to train the Albania 155 13% Vleren e cm 1 3% Less corruption andDon’t more know justice in Albania5% 307 26% Më shumë in 1 3% Benefitting from more financial funds and grants 532 44% Asnjë gjë. Do 1 3% Total 1,197 100% Total 33 100% Other 3%

Albania will become a EU member within

2020 38% to your 2015 30% Numër % Albania will never be an EU member state 37 3% After 2020 18% Don’t know 141 12% After 2020 211 18% 2015 360 30% Don’t know 12% 2020 451 38% Total 1,200 100% Albania will never be an EU member 3% state Relative importance of factors that affect Albania's EU integration progress

Other 15% 11% 4%3% 14% 17% 7% 16% 15%

1 Free and fair elections 12% 15% 10% 7% 12% 11% 11% 11% 10%

PJESA III: Faktorët që ndikojnë në perceptimet mbi BE-në dhe mbi integrimin 2 Rule of law 11% 14% 12% 7% 12% 9% 13% 10% 11%

3 14. Albania's Organized crime and trafficking 11% 9% 17% 13% 13% 10% 14% 8% 6% membership in the EU 4 depends on Law enforcement 8% 16% 13% 11% 10% 9% 13% 10% 10% many factors. To your 5 opinion, how Corruption 7% 11% 19% 15% 8% 6% 14% 9% 10% important are the factors 6 Religious composition of Albania mentioned 11% 11% 13% 13% 7% 8% 17% 10% 10% below 7 mendimit tuaj Regional situation 6% 7% 23% 19% 8% 5% 13% 9% 9% sa të rëndësishëm 8 janë këta Albanian economy 6% 6% 13% 34% 8% 9% 11% 6% 8% faktorë? 9 1 2 Albanian3 politics 410% 5% 56% 6 33% 7 9%8 9% 5%9 8%Total 15% Albanian politics 10% 5% 6% 33% 9% 9% 5% 8% 15% 100% Albanian economy 6% 6% 13% 34% 8% 9% 11% 6% 8% 100% Regional situation 6% 7% 23% 19% 8% 5% 13% 9% 9% 100% Religious composition of Albania 11% 11% 13% 13% 7% 8% 17% 10% 10% 100% Corruption 7% 11% 19% 15% 8% 6% 14% 9% 10% 100% Law enforcement 8% 16% 13% 11% 10% 9% 13% 10% 10% 100% The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013 25

International and regional partnerships

One of this survey’s objectives is to understand the evaluation that citizens have for relations of Albania with different international organisms or institutions/alliances as well as influential countries or cluster of countries. This serves to map their assessment of importance of foreign policy goals that the Albanian government should have. In a persistent way through the years which also continues this year, Albanian citizens place the European Union as the most strategic and important partner that Albania has with 68 percent of citizens believing that the Albanian government should pay maximum attention to relations with the EU. This is followed closely the importance give to relations with the United States of America (USA) for which 60 percent say that maximum attention should be paid. Relatively high esteem is shown for relations with both the UN and NATO with more than 80 percent of citizens in both cases that chose the degree of attention from 7 up hence from high to maximum attention. When it comes to neighboring countries Italy retains its privileged place of being valued as an important country with around a third of citizens saying maximum attention should be paid with relations and fairly 46 percent describing the degree of needed attention as high. Less importance seems to be vested paradoxically with Greece when only 18 percent think maximum attention should be paid while 38 percent place high importance to the relations. Turkey fares much better in the perception of importance of relations according to respondents, a quarter of which have said maximum attention should be devoted to relations with turkey followed with almost half of them thinking quite some attention should be paid. 26 Albanian Institute for International Studies

Russia and the Arab countries continue to be in the last places of perceived importance. However while less than 45 percent of citizens believe considerable attention should be given to Russia almost half of the respondents believe high attention should be paid to relations with the Arab countries signaling some increase in the perception of the importance of these relations. However both Russia and the Arab countries register the largest groups of citizens that believe almost no attention should be paid to relations of Albania with them (a fifth of the sample each, 20 and 21 percent) On a scale of 1 to 10, how much attention should the government pay to relations with the following? (Maximum attention 10, a lot of attention 9-8-7, some attention 6-5-4, very little or no attention 3-2-1)

1-3 4-6 7-9 10 EU 4% 5% 23% 68% NATO 5% 7% 44% 43% UN 5% 11% 46% 38% USA 3% 8% 30% 60% Italy 5% 21% 46% 29% Greece 15% 27% 38% 18% Turkey 6% 23% 48% 24% Russia 21% 36% 33% 10% Arab countries 20% 29% 36% 15%

When it comes to the region of the Western Balkans, Albanians seem reserved to give any country but Kosovo maximum importance saying that he governed should do all what it can to strengthen relations. 61 percent of Albanians believe Kosovo should be in the priority list and the government should make maximum efforts to relations with it followed by another 29 percent that place high importance. Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro trail in the list with roughly quarter of the citizens placing very high importance and seeking maximum attention to relations with them followed by approximately half of the sample placing the The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013 27 needed attention at the high scale of 7-9. Although again the latter is valid for Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH), hence almost half assessing importance varying from 7-9; in general less people (15 %) believe that relations with BiH need maximum attention. Last in the list comes the attention that citizens think the government should pay to relations with Serbia with 61 percent of citizens thinking no attention or small attention should be paid, while les than a third asses high impotence. However, it is interesting to report that one in ten respondents believes maximum attention should be devoted to relations with Serbia by the Albanian government. On a scale from 1-10 how much attention should be paid by the Albanian government to strengthening relations with these neighboring or region countries? (Maximum attention 10, a lot of attention 9-8-7, some attention 6-5-4, very little or no attention 3-2-1)

1-3 4-6 7-9 10 Croatia 4% 14% 54% 28% BiH 8% 30% 48% 15% Macedonia 5% 25% 47% 23% Serbia 27% 34% 27% 11% Kosovo 4% 7% 29% 61% Montenegro 7% 23% 46% 23% 28 Albanian Institute for International Studies

Factors and institutions

Albanians are very executive-centric when determining which institutions/actors are the most decisive for the process of the European integration of their country. Hence 44 percent chose the government as the single most important institution of determining the course of progress for integration while 22 percent follow with determining that the most important institution in this regard is the Parliament. Political parties are chosen as the most important institution regarding European integration by 15 percent of the respondents followed by a similar 13 percent that think Albanian society itself is the most important actor. There has been a welcomed decrease in the number of those that name the international community to be the most important institution through the years and in 2013 only 5 percent of those asked said that in fact it is the international community which is decisive. Organized crime and trafficking 11% 9% 17% 13% 13% 10% 14% 8% 6% 100% Rule of law 11% 14% 12% 7% 12% 9% 13% 10% 11% 100% Free and fair elections 12% 15% 10% 7% 12% 11% 11% Relative11% importance10% of100% institutions that determine Other 15% 11% 4% 3% 14% 17% 7% 16% Albania's15% progress100% towards EU

Government 44%

Parliament 22%

Political parties 15%

Albanian society 13%

International community 5%

15. Which is the most important institution for European integration of Albania Don’t know 1%

Numër % Tjetër Numër % Other 0.1% Other 1 0.1% Te gjitha 5 63% Don’t know 13 1% Drejtesia 1 13% International community 61 5% Pushteti gjyq 1 13% Albanian society 157 13% Te gjitha me 1 13% Political parties 179 15% Total 8 100% Parliament 262 22% Government 526 44% Total 1,199 100%

Evaluation of strengthening of the relation between the Albanian government and the following countries/organizations

Other 0% 14% 29% 57% 1

Arab countries 8% 6% 6% 5% 15% 9% 10% 15% 11% 15% 2

Russia 9% 6% 6% 7% 15% 14% 9% 14% 10% 10% 3

Turkey 2%1%3% 5% 8% 10% 12% 21% 15% 24% 4

Italy 1%2%2%3% 9% 9% 11% 20% 15% 29% 5 16. How much Greece 7% 3% 5% 5% 12% 10% 11% 15% 12% 18% 6 importance should the United States of America 1%1%1%1%4% 3% 5% 9% 16% 60% 7 Albanian United Nations 1%1%3%2% 5% 4% 7% 16% 23% 38% government 8 devote to its NATO 1%2%2%1%3% 3% 7% 13% 24% 43% 9 relations with European Union 2%1%1%1%2%2%3% 6% 14% 68% organizations 10 and countries listed below?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total European Union 2% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 3% 6% 14% 68% 100% NATO 1% 2% 2% 1% 3% 3% 7% 13% 24% 43% 100% No 158 13% Don’t know 167 14% Total 1,200 100% The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013 29

Business and economy expectations

Albanian business in general benefitting from the Will Albanian business in general benefit or European integration process of Albania lose once Albania is a member of the EU

19. Will Albanian business in Yes general 14% 73% benefit or 13% 68% Wll benefit lose once 17% Albania is a No member of the EU 15% Will lose përfitojë apo Don’t know do të humbasë? Don’t know No 158 13% Don’t know 167 14% Total 1,200 100% Three quarters of the asked sample believe that Albanian business is in general is benefitting from the EuropeanNumër integration% process of WllAlbania. benefit 13 percent think that this is not true while817 14 68%percent doWill not lose give an answer. 180 15% Don’t know 203 17% Total 1,200 100% Albanian business in general benefitting from the Will Albanian business in general benefit or European integration process of Albania lose once Albania is a member of the EU Is the European Common market an opportunity for Albanian business? 19. Will Albanian business in Yes general 14% 73% benefit or 13% 68% Wll benefit lose once 17% 21% Yes Albania is a No 20. 15. Is the 68% member of European the EU Common 15% Will lose 11% No përfitojë apo Don’t know market an do të opportunity Don’t know humbasë? for Albanian Don’t know business?

Numër % Numër % Wll benefit 817 68% Will lose 180 15% Yes 818 68% Don’t know 203 17% No 128 11% Total 1,200 100% Don’t know 253 21%

Is the European Common market an opportunity for Albanian business?

21% Yes 20. 15. Is the 68% European Common 11% No market an opportunity for Albanian Don’t know business?

Numër % Yes 818 68% No 128 11% Don’t know 253 21% No 158 13% Don’t know 167 14% Total 1,200 100%

Albanian business in general benefitting from the Will Albanian business in general benefit or European integration process of Albania lose once Albania is a member of the EU

19. Will Albanian business in Yes general 14% 73% benefit or 13% 68% Wll benefit lose once 17% Albania is a No member of the EU 15% Will lose përfitojë apo Don’t know do të 30 Albanian Institute for International Studies humbasë? Don’t know Once Albania is already a member of the EU the positive expectation persists. 68 percent of the respondents believe that Numër % Albanian business will still win once the country is an EU member Wll benefit 817 68% Will lose 180 15% state while 15 percent think that in fact the opposite will occur and Don’t know 203 17% business in general will lose. 17 percent of the sample declines or Total 1,200 100% does not know the answer.

Is the European Common market an opportunity for Albanian business?

21% Yes 20. 15. Is the 68% European Common 11% No market an opportunity for Albanian Don’t know business?

Numër % Yes 818 68% Most citizens believe that the European common market is indeed No 128 11% an opportunity for Albanian business while only one in ten Don’t know 253 21% respondents thinks that it is not. One in five respondents does not know whether the market is an opportunity or not. Total The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions1,199 and Realities100% 2013 31

Sectors in Albanian economy and business to benefit more from the European market

All 42%

Agriculture/Food industry 19% EU competition a threat to Albanian companies?

Tourism 15%

21. In your opinion Don’t know 8% which sector in Albanian Industry 5% economy and business stands to Transportation 4% Yes benefit more 23% from the European 42% Textiles /Fason 4% No market të përfitojë 34% më tepër nga Service sector 3% Don’t know tregu evropian: Other 0.3% Numër % Tjetër Numër % Other 3 0.3% Asnjë 1 33% Service sector 40 3% Shfrytëzimi i 1 33% Textiles /Fason When asked to identify specific sector/s 44that are 4%better posed Politika 1 33% Transportation 48 4% Total 3 100% Industry to benefit from the European market the54 majority5% of citizens, Don’t know 42 percent, chose an easy option by saying93 all of them.8% Those Tourism who make an effort to pick a privileged 180sector focus15% more on Agriculture/Food industry 226 19% All agriculture, with 19 percent of answers, and502 on tourism42% with 15 Total percent of the answers. 8 percent don’t 1,190know which100% sector is to benefit more while very small groups no more than 5 percent pick industry, transportation and textiles/fason. Total 1,199 100%

Sectors in Albanian economy and business to benefit more from the European market Total 1,199 100%

Sectors in Albanian economy and business to benefit more fromAll the European market42%

Agriculture/Food industry 19% EU competition a threat to Albanian companies? All 42% 32 Albanian Institute for International Studies Tourism 15%

21. In your Agriculture/Food industry 19% opinion Don’t know 8% EU competition a threat to Albanian companies? which sector in Albanian Tourism 15% Industry 5% economy and In your opinionstands to Don’t know 8% Transportation 4% Yes whichbenefit sector more 23% infrom Albanian the European Industry 5% 42% economy and Textiles /Fason 4% No businessmarket 34% standstë përfitojë to Yes më tepër nga Transportation 4% benefit more Service sector 3% 23% Don’t know fromtregu the Europeanevropian: 42% Textiles /Fason 4% No market Other 0.3% të përfitojë 34% më tepër nga Numër % Tjetër Numër % Service sector 3% Don’t know tregu Other 3 0.3% Asnjë On the interesting1 33% topic of assessing whether the competition evropian: Service sector 40 3% Shfrytëzimifrom i the EU1 will33% be a threat to Albanian business companies, Textiles /Fason Other 0.3% 44 4% Politika respondents1 seem33% split. A majority of 42 percent think that there Transportation 48 4% 22. 17.Total Is will be such3 a threat100% while 34 percent do not agree. A large group Industry Numër 54 %5% Tjetër Numër % competition OtherDon’t know 933 0.3%8% Asnjë of almost 1a quarter33% of the sample ( 23 percent) do not know the from EU ServiceTourism sector 18040 15%3% Shfrytëzimianswer. i 1 EURO33% currency -an advantage for Albanian Agriculture/Food industry 226 19% companies a Textiles /Fason 44 4% Politika 1 33% business? Should Albania adopt EURO as its official All 502 42% threat to Transportation 48 4% Total 3 100% currency? Total 1,190 100% Albanian ‘Euro’ currency Industry 54 5% companies?22. 17. Is Don’t know 93 8% shqiptare?competition Tourism 180 15% from EU Agriculture/Food industry 226 19% companies a EURO currency -an advantage for Albanian Should Albania adopt EURO as its official All 502 42% threat to business? Total 1,190 100% currency? Albanian Numër % companies? Yes 509 42% shqiptare? No 413 34% 25% 34% Yes Don’t know 278 23% Total Yes1,200 100% No 24% 37% Numër % Yes 509 42% No No413 34% 25% 42%34% Don’tYes know Don’t know 40% 278 23% Total Yes1,200 100% No 24% 37% Don’t know

No 42% Don’t know 40% 23. If Albania adopts EURO Don’t know as its currency will this be an advantage for Albanian business?23. If Albania avantazhadopts EURO për biznesinas its currency shqiptar?will this be an advantage for Albanian business? Numër % avantazh për Yes 439 37% biznesin No 479 40% shqiptar? Don’t know 282 24% Total 1,200 100%

Numër % Yes 439 37% No 479 40% Don’t know 282 24% Total 1,200 100% The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013 33 22. 17. Is competition from EU companies a EURO currency -an advantage for Albanian Should Albania adopt EURO as its official threat to business? Albanian currency? companies? shqiptare?

Numër % Yes 509 42% No 413 34% 25% 34% Yes Don’t know 278 23% Total Yes1,200 100% No 24% 37%

No 42% Don’t know 40% Don’t know

Survey results point to the fact that the potential benefits and adoption of the euro currency are controversial among Albanian 23. If Albania citizens. Hence respondents are split between 40 percent that adopts EURO think that the euro does not represent an advantage to Albanian as its currency will this be an business and 37 percent that assume there would be an advanatge advantage for in the usage of euro. A quarter of the sample does not know. Albanian Asked whether they think the government should adopt the euro business? as official currency, Albanians lean against with 42 percent not avantazh për biznesin supporting this decision and 34 percent who would be in favor. shqiptar? Again a quarter ofo the sample does not know or does not give an answer.

Numër % Yes 439 37% No 479 40% Knowledge and sources of information Don’t know 282 24% Total 1,200 100% When asked about whether they feel informed about the developments related to the European integration process of Albania 50 % of citizens report that they have an average 34 Albanian Institute for International Studies

information level while 28 percent believe that there is lack of information. 18 % say that they are well informed. The latter group might be divided contain those whose daily occupation allows 24.Should them to be more in contact with news and information sources. Albania adopt EURO as its official Well-informed or lack of information on EU and Sources of knowledge and information on EU and currency? Albania's process of integration ? integration

I feel averagely informed Numër50% % TV 30% Yes 402 34% Internet 17% No 501 42% Newspapers Don’t know 296 25% 16% There is lack of information 28% Total 1,199 100% Friends 11% Business contacts 7% I feel well-informed 18% Schol ( textbooks, class … 6% Radio 5% 4% Don’t know 5% EU Delegation or EU Info center … 4% Don’t know 0.2% Other 0.1% 25. Në përgjithësi, a ndiheniWhen të informuar identifying tamam the për main Bashkimin sources Europian of information dhe integrimin about bothe Shqipërisë the në BE apo ndjeni se ka mungesë informacioni? EU and the European integration process of Albania it is clear that the majority of citizens dependNumër on traditional media% to get Don’t knowtheir news with 30 percent saying that TV is their55 main source5% of I feel well-informed 214 18% information and 16 percent mentioning newspapers. Although 17 There is lack of information 331 28% percent say that they get most of information and news from the I feel averagely informed 597 50% Total Internet one should not that some of the most1,197 frequently100% visited websites by Albanians are again media websites that belong mainly to national televisions. Friends and business contacts account for less than a fifth of citizens as sources of information with respectively being mentioned by 11 and 7 percents. 6 percent of the respondents belonging naturally to young age groups say

26. Which sources do you use to gain knowledge and have information about the EU and Alnbania's integration process?

Numër % Other 4 0.1% Don’t know 6 0.2% EU Delegation or EU Info center activitites (newsl 132 4% Various academic or civil society publications 145 4% Radio 159 5% Schol ( textbooks, class discussions, etc) 180 6% Business contacts 211 7% Friends 348 11% Newspapers 518 16% Internet 559 17% TV 983 30% Total 3,245 100% The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013 35 that they get information in school books or activities while 5 percent mention the radio. Only 4 percent of citizens use civil society publications as primary or sole means of information and gain 4 percent have gotten information for EU Delegation or the EU info centers.

Sources of knowledge and information on EU and integration

TV 30% Internet 17% Newspapers 16% Friends 11% Business contacts 7% School ( textbooks, class discussions, etc) 6% Radio 5% Various academic or civil society publications 4% EU Delegation or EU Info center activitites (newsletter, Facebook) 4% Don’t know 0.2% Other 0.1% METHODOLOGY

Sample description

1200 citizens randomly selected were interviewed in 10 Albanian cities. The characteristics of the sample by gender, age, education and employment are given below: The sample was roughly divided equally between male PJESA I: Informacion i përgjithshëm respondents and female respondents. 1. SHËNO GJININË E TE INTERVISTUARIT Gender Numër % Male 581 49% Female 613 51% Total 1,194 100% 49% Male 51% Female

2. Statusi i punesimit The majority of the sample is made up by people having elementary, primary Employment(8-9 years) or status middle Employedlevel education Numër % respectively 6 percent, 16 percent and 37 percent followed by 30 Employed 501 42% Tjetërpercent whoNumër have university% level and 7 percent which have post- Unemployed 306 26% I vetëpunësuuniversity0.2% degrees. 43 percent67% have no formal educationUnemployed completed. Student 184 15% 1 17% 12% Pensioner 140 12% Nxënës 1 17% Student Other ( including self employed) 66 6% Total 6% 6 100% Don’t know 2 0.2% 42% Total 1,199 100% 15% Pensioner

Other ( 26% including self employed) Don’t know

3. Arsimi: Education level Numër % 6% Elementary Elementary 75 6% 7% 8-9 grade 8-9 grade 196 16% 3% High school 446 37% 30% 16% High school University 363 30% Post-graduate 79 7% University No formal education 39 3% Total 1,198 100% Post-graduate

No formal 37% education

4. Grup-mosha: Numër % PJESA I: Informacion i përgjithshëm

1. SHËNO GJININË E TE INTERVISTUARIT Gender Numër % Male 581 49% Female 613 51% Total 1,194 100% 49% Male 51% Female

2. Statusi i punesimit Employment status Employed Numër % Employed 501 42% Tjetër Numër % Unemployed 306 26% I vetëpunësu0.2% 4 67% Unemployed Student 184 15% Biznes 1 17% 12% Pensioner 140 12% Nxënës 1 17% Student Other ( including self employed) 66 6% Total 6% 6 100% Don’t know 2 0.2% 42% Total 1,199 100% 15% Pensioner

Other ( 26% including self employed) Don’t know

The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013 37

3. Arsimi: Education level Numër % 6% Elementary Elementary 75 6% 7% 8-9 grade 8-9PJESA grade I: Informacion i përgjithshëm 196 16% 3% High school 446 37% 30% 16% High school University 1. SHËNO GJININË E TE INTERVISTUARIT 363 30% Post-graduate 79 7% Gender University No formal education Numër39 3% % Total Male 1,198 100%581 49% Female 613 51% Post-graduate Total 1,194 100% No formal 49% Male 37% education 51% Female 42 percent of the sample is made of employed people while 26 percent is in the unemployed category. 6 percent are self employed and 15 percent are students while a smaller group of 12 percent are pensioners. 2. Statusi i punesimit 4. Grup-mosha: Employment status Numër % Employed Numër % Employed 501 42% Tjetër Numër % Unemployed 306 26% I vetëpunësu0.2% 4 67% Unemployed Student 184 15% Biznes 1 17% 12% Pensioner 140 12% Nxënës 1 17% Student Other ( including self employed) 66 6% Total 6% 6 100% Don’t know 2 0.2% 42% Total 1,199 100% 15% Pensioner

Other ( 26% including self employed) Don’t know

When different age groups are characterized, the young average 3. Arsimi: age of Albanians is reflected also in this sample where 22 percent of the respondents belong toEducation the 18-24 level years old age group, 28 Numër % percent of the sample belongs6% to the 25-35 ageElementary group of while 20 Elementary 75 6% 7% percent belong to the 36-45 years old age group.8-9 grade The group of 8-9 grade 196 16% 3% High school 446 37% people in the30% age group of 46-5516% years old is 15 percent, while the High school University 363 30% elder group comprises 16 percent of the sample. Post-graduate 79 7% University No formal education 39 3% Total 1,198 100% Post-graduate

No formal 37% education

4. Grup-mosha: Numër % 38 Albanian Institute for International Studies 18 – 24 years old 263 22% 25 – 35 years old 330 28% 36 – 45 years old Age groups235 20% 46 – 55 years old 16% 183 15% Over 55 years old 187 16% 18 – 24 years old Total 22% 1,198 100% 15% 25 – 35 years old

36 – 45 years old

20% 28% 46 – 55 years old Over 55 years old

PJESA II: Kuptimi i integrimit: progresi, kostot dhe përfitimet. Importance of Albania's EU integration 5. Sa i rëndësishëm është integrimi i Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Evropian për ju personalisht? Numër % Survey facts: Polling method: face to face, Data analysis Very important 61% Don’t know software: SPSS 49 4% Not important 77 6% Important, but not a priorityDistribution of respondents is done344 according29% to population in Very important 729 61% Important, but not a every administrative region of Albania. 29% Total 1,199 100% priority

Qark- Administrative region Registered population Respondents Not important 6% Kukës 85292 36 Dibër 137047 59 Shkodër 215347 92 Don’t know 4% Lezhë 134027 57 Durrës 262785 113 Tiranë 749365 322 6. If a referendum was to be held tomorrow onElbasan Albania's integration to the295827 EU, how would you vote? 127 Berat 141944 61 Numër % Referendum on acession In favor Fier 3103311020 85% 133 Against Vlorë 175640 74 6% 75 Don’t know 106 9% Total 1,200 100% 9% 6% In favor Against Don’t 85% know

7. What is the main reason why you would vote "in favor" integration to the EU Numër % Don’t know 9 1% There will be less corruption 59 6% The European Perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities 2013 39

Accurate data on the population per each administrative region in Albania is taken form the most recent census carried on by INSTAT in 2011. 5 The margin of error within a 95 percent confidence interval for the final results is 2.85 percent rounded to 3 percent, which is a respected margin within the statistical field.

5. Main results available at results__population_and_housing_census_2011.pdf