Differential Forms on Riemannian (Lorentzian) and Riemann-Cartan Structures and Some Applications to Physics∗ Waldyr Alves Rodrigues Jr. Institute of Mathematics Statistics and Scientific Computation IMECC-UNICAMP CP 6065 13083760 Campinas SP Brazil e-mail:
[email protected] or
[email protected] May 28, 2018 Abstract In this paper after recalling some essential tools concerning the theory of differential forms in the Cartan, Hodge and Clifford bundles over a Riemannian or Riemann-Cartan space or a Lorentzian or Riemann-Cartan spacetime we solve with details several exercises involving different grades of difficult. One of the problems is to show that a recent formula given in [10] for the exterior covariant derivative of the Hodge dual of the torsion 2-forms is simply wrong. We believe that the paper will be useful for students (and eventually for some experts) on applications of differential geometry to some physical problems. A detailed account of the issues discussed in the paper appears in the table of contents. Contents 1 Introduction 3 arXiv:0712.3067v6 [math-ph] 4 Dec 2008 2 Classification of Metric Compatible Structures (M; g;D) 4 2.1 Levi-Civita and Riemann-Cartan Connections . 5 2.2 Spacetime Structures . 5 3 Absolute Differential and Covariant Derivatives 5 ∗published in: Ann. Fond. L. de Broglie 32 (special issue dedicate to torsion), 424-478 (2008). 1 ^ 4 Calculus on the Hodge Bundle ( T ∗M; ·; τg) 8 4.1 Exterior Product . 8 4.2 Scalar Product and Contractions . 9 4.3 Hodge Star Operator ? ........................ 9 4.4 Exterior derivative d and Hodge coderivative δ .