Curvature tensors in a 4D Riemann–Cartan space: Irreducible decompositions and superenergy Jens Boos and Friedrich W. Hehl
[email protected] [email protected]" University of Alberta University of Cologne & University of Missouri (uesday, %ugust 29, 17:0. Geometric Foundations of /ravity in (artu Institute of 0hysics, University of (artu) Estonia Geometric Foundations of /ravity Geometric Foundations of /auge Theory Geometric Foundations of /auge Theory ↔ Gravity The ingredients o$ gauge theory: the e2ample o$ electrodynamics ,3,. The ingredients o$ gauge theory: the e2ample o$ electrodynamics 0henomenological Ma24ell: redundancy conserved e2ternal current 5 ,3,. The ingredients o$ gauge theory: the e2ample o$ electrodynamics 0henomenological Ma24ell: Complex spinor 6eld: redundancy invariance conserved e2ternal current 5 conserved #7,8 current ,3,. The ingredients o$ gauge theory: the e2ample o$ electrodynamics 0henomenological Ma24ell: Complex spinor 6eld: redundancy invariance conserved e2ternal current 5 conserved #7,8 current Complete, gauge-theoretical description: 9 local #7,) invariance ,3,. The ingredients o$ gauge theory: the e2ample o$ electrodynamics 0henomenological Ma24ell: iers Complex spinor 6eld: rce carr ry of fo mic theo rrent rosco rnal cu m pic en exte att desc gredundancyiv er; N ript oet ion o conserved e2ternal current 5 invariance her f curr conserved #7,8 current e n t s Complete, gauge-theoretical description: gauge theory = complete description of matter and 9 local #7,) invariance how it interacts via gauge bosons ,3,. Curvature tensors electrodynamics :ang–Mills theory /eneral Relativity 0oincaré gauge theory *3,. Curvature tensors electrodynamics :ang–Mills theory /eneral Relativity 0oincaré gauge theory *3,. Curvature tensors electrodynamics :ang–Mills theory /eneral Relativity 0oincar; gauge theory *3,.