Chapter 23-24 1970's

Name: ______Date: ______

Choose the letter of the best answer. (3 points each)

____ 1. César Chávez used nonviolent means to organize Mexican-American A. voters. B. students. C. farm workers. D. factory workers.

____ 2. In the 1970s, the American Indian Movement organized all of the following except the A. occupation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. B. occupation of Wounded Knee, South Dakota. C. Trail of Broken Treatiesmarch on Washington. D. meeting that resulted in the Declaration of Indian Purpose.

____ 3. The modern feminist movement became more organized and focused after the A. passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. B. publication of The Feminine Mystique. C. publication of the first issue of Ms. magazine. D. founding of the National Women's Political Caucus.

____ 4. On which right did Native American groups focus in the 1961 Declaration of Indian Purpose? A. privacy B. self-determination C. property ownership D. religious freedom

____ 5. Whose book The Feminine Mystique inspired women to question their lives? A. Phyllis Schlafly B. Gloria Steinem C. Robin Morgan D. Betty Friedan

____ 6. President Nixon adopted a policy known as ___ in order to reduce the size and power of the federal government. A. détente B. Stagflation C. New Federalism D. realpolitik

____ 7. In 1973, the OPEC nations cut off their supply of ___ to the United States. A. grain B. oil C. money D. consumer goods

New Test.tgt, Version: 1 1 Chapter 23-24 1970's

____ 8. Nixon's visit to ___ in 1972 to begin normalizing relations was a reversal of previous American policy established in 1949. A. the Soviet Union B. China C. East Germany D. Vietnam

____ 9. Nixon's closest advisers included H. R. Halderman, John Mitchell, and ___. A. John Sirica B. C. D.

____ 10. In the event known as ___, Nixon ordered Attorney General Richardson to fire the special prosecutor investigating the Watergate break-in. A. the B. impeachment C. the Southern strategy D. Black Monday

____ 11. When Nixon resigned, ___ became president. A. Spiro Agnew B. C. Gerald Ford D.

____ 12. The Camp David Accords were an agreement between ___ and Israel. A. Egypt B. China C. Syria D. Iran

____ 13. After the publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, the effects of ___ became an increasing concern to many Americans. A. nuclear weapons B. pesticides C. stagflation D. Three Mile Island

____ 14. What was the stated purpose of Nixon's revenue sharing proposal? A. give federal government more control over how federal dollars were spent B. give state and local government more control over how federal dollars were spent C. give state and local governments fewer federal dollars D. give state and local governments more federal dollars

New Test.tgt, Version: 1 2 Chapter 23-24 1970's

____ 15. What was the purpose of Nixon's Southern strategy? A. make the Supreme Court more liberal B. speed up the process of desegregation C. extend voting rights to more African Americans D. encourage discontented Democrats to vote for Nixon

____ 16. Under the philosophy of realpolitik, what was the most important consideration in formulating a relationship with another country? A. its power B. its location C. its natural resources D. its human rights record

____ 17. What has been the most lasting effect of Watergate? A. Democratic control of the B. Democratic control of Congress C. an economic downturn D. public cynicism about government

____ 18. The first Earth Day, celebrated in 1970, was a response to what? A. the incident at Three Mile Island B. the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act C. the failure of the Clean Air Act of 1963 D. the growing concern over effects of pollution

____ 19. What action did Nixon take that provided temporary relief from stagflation in 1971? A. increased taxes B. raised interest rates C. implemented wage and price controls D. reduced the federal budget

____ 20. Which of the following contributed least to Jimmy Carter's defeat in 1980? A. his support of the National Energy Act B. his "malaise" speech C. the Iranian hostage situation D. his agreement to give up the Panama Canal

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Select the letter of the term, name, or phrase that best matches each description. Note: Some letters may not be used at all. Some may be used more than once. (2 points each)

A. Gerald Ford B. Jimmy Carter C. D. E. low inflation F. OPEC G. Elliot Richardson H. impeachment I. impoundment J. SALT I K. SALT II L. Camp David Accords M. Helsinki Accords N. high inflation O. Spiro Agnew

____ 21. This president advocated the Family Assistance Plan.

____ 22. This presidential practice of withholding funds for federal programs was declared unconstitutional.

____ 23. This condition in combination with high unemployment produces stagflation.

____ 24. This group had a major impact on oil prices in the United States in the 1970s.

____ 25. This man helped Nixon formulate the policy of détente.

____ 26. This man would have become the next president after Nixon's resignation had he not been forced to resign previously over a separate scandal.

____ 27. This man's pardon of Nixon might have contributed to his own political defeat.

____ 28. This president was proudest of his record on civil rights.

____ 29. Nixon signed this treaty with the Soviet Union.

____ 30. This agreement was a major foreign policy achievement of Ford's presidency.

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Answer the following question(s) on the back of this paper or on a separate sheet of paper. (10 points each)

31. Did Watergate demonstrate the overall strength or weakness of the American democratic system?

Think About: - the power of the executive branch prior to Watergate - the role of the press in the - the role of Congress in Watergate - the role of the courts in Watergate

32. Do you think that the environmental movement that began in the 1970s has been good or bad for America? Explain your answer.

Think About: - pollution vs. jobs - conservation vs. depletion of natural resources - benefits of nuclear power vs. risks

New Test.tgt, Version: 1 5 Chapter 23-24 1970's

Answer Sheet

1. C. farm workers.

2. D. meeting that resulted in the Declaration of Indian Purpose.

3. A. passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

4. B. self-determination

5. D. Betty Friedan

6. C. New Federalism

7. B. oil

8. B. China

9. D. John Ehrlichman

10. A. the Saturday Night Massacre

11. C. Gerald Ford

12. A. Egypt

13. B. pesticides

14. B. give state and local government more control over how federal dollars were spent

15. D. encourage discontented Democrats to vote for Nixon

16. A. its power

17. D. public cynicism about government

18. D. the growing concern over effects of pollution

19. C. implemented wage and price controls

20. A. his support of the National Energy Act

21. C. Richard Nixon

22. I. impoundment

23. N. high inflation

24. F. OPEC

25. D. Henry Kissinger

26. O. Spiro Agnew

27. A. Gerald Ford

28. B. Jimmy Carter

29. J. SALT I

New Test.tgt, Version: 1 6 Chapter 23-24 1970's

30. M. Helsinki Accords

31. Complete answers should include the following points: At the time Nixon took office, the executive branch was very powerful, and Nixon tried to extend its powers even further. During Watergate, the free press was able to investigate crimes committed by powerful political figures and publish their findings. Members of Congress were in the process of gathering articles of impeachment against President Nixon when he resigned. The courts demanded that Nixon turn over his tapes of White House conversations. Watergate ultimately proved the strength of the American system of government. It proved that no one, not even the president, is above the law. The Constitution protects the rights of Americans to investigate their leaders' actions and to remove leaders who break the law. When a president is removed from office, the Constitution outlines a clear procedure for transferring power to a new president.

32. Complete answers should include the following points: The environmental movement has been good for America because it has made us more aware of the dangers of pollution, the need for conservation, the risks involved in the use of nuclear energy, and the problems of toxic waste disposal. The government established the Environmental Protection Agency to impose regulations that ensure the health and safety of our citizens, now and in the future. On the other hand, the environmental movement has been bad for America because it has prevented full use of our nation's resources. Development in some areas has been limited or halted as a result of concern about, for example, possible environmental impact on an endangered species. This leads to a loss of jobs and higher prices. Despite the incident at Three Mile Island, nuclear power has proven to be a safe, renewable source of energy. Yet, in this age of environmental activism, fewer nuclear power plants have been built, resulting in an increased dependence on foreign sources of energy.

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Standards Summary: All Standards In Test

NCSS IVe examine the interactions of ethnic, national, or cultural influences in specific situations or events;

NCSS Ia analyze and explain the ways groups, societies, and cultures address human needs and concerns;

NCSS Ic apply an understanding of culture as an integrated whole that explains the functions and interactions of language, literature, the arts, traditions, beliefs and values, and behavior patterns

NCSS VI Power, Authority, and Governance. Understanding of the historic development of structures of power, authority, and governance and their evolving functions in contemporary society is essential for the emergence of civic competence.

NCSS VIIh apply economic concepts and reasoning when evaluating historical and contemporary social developments and issues;

NCSS VIb explain the purpose of government and analyze how its powers are acquired, used, and justified;

NCSS VIf analyze and evaluate conditions, actions, and motivations that contribute to conflict and cooperation within and among nations;

NCSS VIi evaluate the extent to which governments achieve their stated ideals and policies at home and abroad;

NCSS Vb analyze group and institutional influences on people, events, and elements of culture in both historical and contemporary settings;

NCSS Xc locate, access, analyze, organize, synthesize, evaluate, and apply information about selected public issues-identifying, describing, and evaluating multiple points of view;

WA US1.2.3c Identify and analyze major concepts, people, and events in the 20th century U.S. History including: WW II, the Cold War, and International Relations (1939-Present)

WA US1.2.3d Identify and analyze major concepts, people, and events in the 20th century U.S. History including: Post-World War II domestic, political, social, and economic issues (1945-present).

WA WH1.2.3d Identify and analyze major concepts, people, and events in world history from 1600 to the present including: Emergence and development of new nations (1945-present).

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