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Sokol Books Ltd SOKOL BOOKS LTD 58th New York Antiquarian Book Fair 8th – 11th March 2018 Stand C25 Park Avenue Armory 643 Park Avenue, New York Between 66/67 Streets Preview Thursday, 8th March: 5 pm to 9 pm Fair Opening Times Friday, 9th March: 12 pm to 8 pm Saturday, 10th March: 12 pm to 7 pm Sunday, 11th March: 12 pm to 5 pm Shop: Sokol Books Ltd 239a Fulham Road × London SW3 6HY × UK [email protected] @SokolBooks company/Sokol-books-ltd @SokolBooks @SokolBooks 1. ACADEMIA ALTORFINA. Emblemata Anniversaria Academiae Noribergensis, quae est Altorfi: stvdiorum juventutis $2,800 exercitandorum caussa inde ab ann. Christi 1577. L2647 Nuremberg, Abr. Wagenman, 1617. ESOTERICA, SEX & DEMONS 2. ALVERNUS, Guillelmus. De fde De legibus. $19,500 [Augsburg], [Günther Zainer], [1475-6]. L1342 3. ANDRÉ, Valère. Bibliotheca Belgica. $2,800 Louvain, Jacob Zegers, 1643. L2826 EMBROIDERY PATTERN BOOK 4. [ANONYMOUS]. Nova esposizione de recami et dessegni.. $10,500 Venice, Giacomo Antonio Somascho, n.d. [c. 1600]. L2506 5. ARENAS, Pedro de. Vocabulario manual de las lenguas castellana y mexicana.. $8,500 Mexico, widow of Bernardo Calderon, 1683. L2777 BOUND FOR CHARLES DE VALOIS 6. ARETINO, Pietro. La terza, et vltima parte de Ragionamenti del diuino Pietro Aretino. (with) Quattro comedie del diuino Pietro $15,000 Aretino. Cioè Il Marescalco La cortegiana La Talanta, L’hipocrito.. L2796 [London], Appresso Gio. Andrea del Melagrano [i.e. John Wolfe] (with) [ printed by John Wolfe], 1589 (with) [1588]. 7. AUGUSTINE St.. The Citie of God .. with the Learned Commentis of Jo. Lod. Vives. $17,000 London, Printed by George Eld, 1610. L2169 A FINE SCOTTISH COPY 8. BALE, John. Illustrum maioris Britanniae scriptorum. $25,000 Wesel; Ipswich, Theodorus Platenus; John Overton, 1549; 1548. L1893 9. BERNARD, Saint. Sermoni diuotissimi ad vna venerabel sua sorella monacha: $5,300 del modo del ben viuere. L1250 Venice, per Bernardino de Viano vercelese, 1529 adi vintisete nouenbrio. 10. BERTELLI, Petrum . Diversarum Nationum Habitus. $12,000 Padua, , 1594. L2142 ARABIC TYPE 11. BIBLE. Evangelium Sanctum, in Arabic. $36,000 Rome, Medici Oriental Press, 1590-1591. L2002 12. BIBLE. The Booke of Common Prayer [with] The Holy Bible [and] The Whole Book of Psalms. $3,900 London, Robert Barker, and G.M. for the Companie of Stationers, 1635, 1636 [and] 1636. L2197 13. BIBLE. Biblia Sacra. $5,500 Antwerp, heirs of Arnold Bircmann, 1569-70. L2648 A MONUMENTAL 12TH-CENTURY LATIN BIBLE 14. BIBLE, Cistercian. Books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Epistles, Acts, Apocalypse and Gospels. Illuminated manuscript $340,000 on vellum. K56 Lombardy, Italy, 1170-90. A CHARLES II BINDING. 15. [BIBLE.]. The Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament and the New: Newly translated out of the originall Tongues. $17,000 Cambridge, Printed by Tho. Buck & Roger Daniel, Printers to the University of Cambridge, [1638]. L2837 ANN RADCLIFFE’S COPY 16. [BIBLE]. MONTANUS, Arias. Novum Testamentum graece, cum vulgata interpretatione latina graeci contextus lineis inserta.. $17,000 [Geneva], Apud Petrum de La Roviere, 1619. L2585 17. BIRETTE, Sanson. Refutation de l’erreur du vulgaire touchant les reponses des diables exorcises. $4,000 Constances, Par Jean le Carrel, 1618. L2671 18. BOCCACCIO, Giovanni. La Fiammetta del Boccaccio per messer Tizzone Gaetano di Pof, novamente revista. $6,000 Toscolano Maderno,, P. Alex. pag. Benacenses. .F. Bena. .V. .V. (Alessandro Paganino), 1520?. L1521 BOUND BY BATEMAN FOR JAMES I 19. BOISSARD, Jean-Jacques. Romanae Urbis topographiae et antiquitatum. $36,000 Frankfurt, Theodor de Bry, 1597-[1602]. K87 EXCEPTIONAL MINIATURE BOOK OF HOURS IN THE STYLE OF THE MILDMAY MASTER 20. BOOK OF HOURS. Use of Rome, in Latin, illuminated manuscript on vellum. $135,000 Flanders, 3rd quarter of the 15th-century, c. 1465-1475. K34 21. BOOK OF HOURS. Use of Rome, in Latin, illuminated manuscript on vellum. $95,000 Low Countries, (probably Bruges), c. 1460. K57 22. BOOK OF HOURS. Horae beate marie virginis secundum usum Romanum. $32,000 [Paris], [Philippe Pigouchet pour Simon Vostre], (1506 ?) [Calendar 1502-1520]. L2407 VERY EARLY WOMAN PRINTER 23. BOOK OF HOURS. Ces presentes heures a lusaige de paris tout au long sans rien reqrir |avec plusieurs belles histoires : $25,000 nouvellemēt īprimees. L2408 Paris, par la veusve de feu Thielman Kerver [i.e. Yolande Bonhomme], 1522. [1523]. 24. BORDONE, Benedetto. Isolario. $30,000 Venice, [Paolo Manuzio for?] Federico Torresani, 1547. L2033 ILLUSTRATED MECHANICS 25. BRANCA, Giovanni. Le machine.. $12,000 Rome, Ad ista[n]za di Iacomo Martuci … per Iacomo Mascardi, 1629. L2728 A LOVELY RENAISSANCE BINDING 26. BREVIARIUM ROMANUM. ex sacra potissimum scriptura, et probatis sanctorum historiis nuper confectum. $25,000 Lyon, excudebat Balthazar Arnoullet & héritiers Jean Barbou; Hugues de La Porte, 1544. L2798 WITH AN ILLUSTRATION BY JOHN SCOTTOWE 27. BREVIARY FOR ROMAN USE. Decorated manuscript on vellum with three illuminated initials.. $57,000 Northern Italy, probably Lombardy or Ferrara,, , c. 1440-1450. L1638 THE FIRST ILLUSTRATED TRAVEL BOOK 28. BREYDENBACH, Bernard von. Le grant voyage de hierusalem. $53,000 Paris, for Francois Regnault, 1522. L195 BOUND FOR LOUIS XIII 29. BROSSIN, Jacques. Extrait des Descendans & Ascendans de Andre de Laval, Chevalier. $10,500 n.p., n.p., 1630. L2057 30. BRUELE, Gualtherus. Praxis medicinæ, or, the physicians practice: vvherein are contained inward diseases from the head to the $3,500 foote. L2646 London, Iohn Norton, for William Sheares, 1632. FINE CONTEMPORARY COLOURING AND BINDING 31. BRUNSCHWIG, Hieronymus. Liber der arte distulandi simplicia et composita : das nüv bůch d[er] rechte[n] Kunst zů distilliere $56,500 [n], ouch vo[n] Marsilio Ficino vn[nd] andere[n] hochberömpte[n] Ertzte natürliche vn[nd] gůte Kunst, zů behalte[n] den gesunden K55 Leib vn[nd] zů vertreibe[n] die Krankheiter[n] mit Erlengeru[n]g des Lebe[n]s. Strasbourg, [Johan Grüniger], 1509. 32. BURTON, William. The description of Leicester shire· containing matters of antiquitye, historye, armorye, and genealogy.. $3,450 London, Printed [by William Jaggard] for Iohn White at the holy lambe in litle Brittaine neare vnto Aldersgate Street, L2733 [1622]. 33. BUTLER, Charles. The principles of musik, in singing and setting: vvith the two-fold use therof, ecclesiasticall and civil. $7,000 London, printed by Iohn Haviland, for the author, 1636. L2516 34. CANTORINI ROMANI. Compendium musices confectum. $17,000 Venice, Lucantonio Giunta, 1513. L2630 35. CAPOBIANCO, Alessandro. Corona e Palma Militare di Arteglieria. $17,000 Venice, Giovanni Antonio Rampazetto, 1598. L680 36. CAUS, Salomon de. Les raisons des forces mouuantes, auec diuerses machines tant vtiles que plaisantes: auquelles sont adjoints $22,000 plusieurs desseins de grotes & fontaines. K108 Paris, chez Hierosme Droüart, ruë S. Iacques, à l'escu au soleil, 1624. 37. CERVANTES, Miguel de. Les Nouvelles de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra… Traduictes d’espagnol en françois, les six premières $9,200 par F. de Rosset, et les autres six par le Sr d’Audiguier. Avec l’histoire de Ruis Dias et de Quixaire, princesse des Moluques, composée L2761 par le Sr de Bellan. Paris, chez Nicholas et Jean de La Coste, 1633. 38. CICERO, Marcus Tullius. Epistole famigliari. $2,500 Venice, Paolo Manuzio, 1554-1555. L2270 12 VOLUME ALDINE CICERO 39. CICERO. [MANUTIUS, Paolo (ed.)]. [Opera.]. $8,000 Venice, Paulus Manutius; Aed. Aldi & Andreae Torresani, 1547-63; 1519. L2695 40. CORNEILLE, Pierre. Le Menteur. $5,500 Rouen, et se vend à Paris, A. de Sommaville et A. Courbé, 1644. L2401 41. CORTE, Claudio. The art of riding, conteining diuerse necessarie instructions $25,000 L2517 . London, By H. Denham, 1584. 42. CRANMER, Thomas (with) ASCHAM, Roger. Defensio veræ et catholicæ doctrinæ de sacramento corporis & sanguinis $35,000 Christi seruatoris nostri,(with) Apologia doctissimi viri Rogeri Aschami, Angli,. L2007 [Emden] (with) London, [Egidius van der Erve] (with) Pro Francisco Coldocko, 1557 (with) 1577. 43. DANEAU, Lambert. Deux traitez nouveaux. Le premier touchant les sorciers, Le second contient une breve Remonstrance sur les $7,000 jeux de cartes et de dez. L2660 [Geneva], Par Jaques Baumet, 1579. BOUND FOR THE DEDICATEE 44. DEL MIGLIORE, Ferdinando Leopoldo. Senatori Fiorentini. $6,700 Florence, Stamperia di S.A.S. alla Condotta, 1665. L2006 45. DELLA PORTA, Giovan Battista.SUPERBLYDella celeste ILLUSTRATEDfsionomia…libri sei .ASTROLOGY $2,800 Padua, per Pietro Paolo Tozzi, 1616. L2840 46. DIOSCORIDES. $13,350 , , 1523. L2872 MINERALOGY 47. DOLCE, Lodovico. Trattato delle gemme che produce la natura; nel quale di discorre della qualità, grandezza, bellezza et virtù $3,550 loro. L2713 Venice, Giovan Battista & Giovan Bernardo Sessa, 1617. 48. DONNE, John. Pseudo-martyr. Wherein ...this conclusion is euicted. That those which are of the Romane religion in this $17,000 kingdome, may and ought to take the Oath of allegeance. L1603 London , W. Stansby for Walter Burre, 1610. 49. DONNE, John. Poems, by J.D. VVith elegies on the authors death. $46,000 London, printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for Iohn Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop in St Dunstans Church-yard in K102 Fleet-street, 1633. 50. DURET, Jean. Aduertissemens sur l'edict d'Henry roy de France et de Pologne, faisant droict aux Remonstrances proposees par les $2,000 Estats du Royaume assemblez par son commandement en la ville de Bloys l'an 1576. L2285 Lyon, par Benoist Rigaud, (imprimè par Pierre Roussin), 1587. 51. ERASMUS, Desiderius. Opus de conscribendis epistolis. $13,400 Paris, Simon de Colines, 1539. L2168 LARGE PAPER COPY 52. ESTIENNE, Charles. De dissectione partium corporis humani libri tres… cum fguris, & incisionum declarationibus, à Stephano $50,000 Riuerio chirurgo compositi. K109 Paris, apud Simonem Colinæum, 1545. 53. EUTROPIUS. Epitome Belli Gallici. $5,300 Paris, Robert Estienne, 1544. L1853 54. FELINI, Pietro Martire. Trattato nuovo delle cose maravigliose dell’alma città di Roma. $3,200 Rome, Andrea Fei [Giovanni Antonio Franzini], 1625. L2567 55.
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